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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 16:28:59 GMT
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Dragons had incredible strength. For their kind, size was often the most limiting factor. Resheph, Josh's Dragonair, was more than capable of carrying two or even three passengers at a time. Mystic and Rime, Josh's two Ninetales, had the size to carry two, but the strength to bear only one person upon them. "Floatzel are almost as fast, and their bodies are easier to hold onto," the Master of Faster related. "I don't go out to sea enough to see that many purely aquatic Pokémon, either. Most of the time, if I need to let my water-types out in the open seas, it's off the coast of Mauville Bay."

Climbing? That was a type of ride Pokémon Josh had not even considered. Land, sea, and sky could get a trainer almost anywhere. Elevation in tight spaces, such as the aforementioned caves, was one of the few obstacles a specialized climber would be needed for. "I don't go spelunking enough to justify having a Pokémon dedicated for it. Let me wrack my brain to see if I have anything close," Josh offered, closing his eyes and going deep into thought as the thundercat and lion walked alongside one another.

After giving it some thought, Josh had an idea. "How about we head to the foothills and crags of Sector 3? I've got one of two Pokémon you can give climbing a go with. Oberon, my Sceptile, is a good climber, as is Fire Eyes, my Salazzle." While they wouldn't be ideal for climbing, they would at least let Robin get used to the posture needed to ride a Pokémon while scaling walls.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 276}
{PC: 8}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 20:50:48 GMT
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Robin felt pleased with herself while Josh had to think about his answer to his question. It wasn't often that she saw him stumped. But then he had a solution. "Oh! I've never seen a Sceptile up close," she commented with amusement. She had seen several Treecko in her time, as they were adventurous rascals, but she hadn't seen their evolutions. "Okay, I'm down. It'll be fun." She wasn't sure what kind of pokemon she'd expected him to offer up, but a Sceptile and Salazzle were interesting ones.

"Spelunking is a little scary," she offered as they headed out. "But it's not so bad when you have a good partner. I just wish I felt better-equipped to be in there. Dragapult handles well, but my other pokemon aren't so helpful. Ghosts don't tend to have a lot of command of the environment." Sinistea made a displeased noise as she followed close behind Robin. " helped me through the Shoal cave for some ice stones." She was glad to have the experience, but she had anxiety around the cave to work through. "I saw a Glastrier. Those things are so strange." Her tone wasn't negative, however. It was definitely a good strange.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2023 6:14:17 GMT
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It seemed Josh was impressing Robin with his Pokémon. Excellent. "It should be. Sceptile are incredibly fast Pokémon. While they're at their quickest in the woods, swinging from tree to tree, they're still fast in the open." It was a bit of a ride to the foothills of Sector 3, where the Gym Leader's Operations Center was at one of the craggy peaks, but his Pokémon would be able to ferry them there easily.

As the two rode toward the hills, Robin shared her journey to get some Ice Stones. "Glastrier are pretty rare. If you were in Shoal Cave, you probably saw 's Glastrier. I have one, too. Perhaps you'll get to see her later today!" he half-bragged that he was able to obtain one from deep within a Terastal Cave near Dewford. It was no Spectrier (his ride on Rocinante alongside was unforgettable), but the equine still put on quite a bit of speed in his hands. "If you ever want to go hunting for more Pokémon, there are still quite a few I'm looking to get my hands on for the Gym," Josh offered. "Might be fun flying through the ethereal together on our Dragapult!"

Once they had arrived at the craggy part of Sector 3, near the MULTI JUMP course popular among bipedal Pokémon like Dodrio, Josh whistled for the two aforementioned Pokémon. A saddled Sceptile and Salazzle zoomed toward Robin and the Leader, not afraid to show how fast they were. "Your posture and strength are both really important when riding a climbing Pokémon," he warned, despite the L-shaped curves on their seats to accommodate bipedal or quadrupedal running strokes.

"These two are Oberon and Fire Eyes," Josh introduced the two climbers. The taller Sceptile looked sturdier, while the Salazzle looked more nimble. The unusual seat on the narrow lizard's corrosive body was slightly wider than the creature's midsection, but even then it was narrower than what most ride Pokémon wore. Balancing on the poison-type and finding posture that would let Robin's whole body fit on her could be a bit of a challenge.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 358}
{PC: 9}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 18:21:42 GMT
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She was excited to see more of his pokemon in action, imagining the movement of a Sceptile in the forest as he described, but she found her eyes nearly bugging out of her head when Josh said he was interested in hunting for more pokemon. "More pokemon for the gym?" Her jaw dropped a little at the thought, given the absolute army he already possessed. She doubted anyone in Hoenn had a faster partner of any of the species Josh owned -- surely, he had the fastest specimen for each already. And he was looking for more pokemon at that?

Sceptile and Salazzle appeared with the usual speed she associated with Josh, but she was more captivated by the odd seat on the Salazzle. It did look rather narrow. She wondered how she would seat herself on the pokemon, but the poison type seemed pretty approachable despite the odd seat. "Hm. Okay, I think I get it..." She situated herself on, adjusting as she felt the Salazzle move to compensate for the placement of her weight until she found a posture that didn't make the Salazzle overcompensate. Suddenly, though, she felt a little less confident about learning to ride a pokemon on unusual terrains. "Maybe we should table this-" She barely got those words out before the Salazzle was moving, not needing input from a rookie rider.

"O-okay!" She responded with a nervous laugh, feeling a surge of adrenaline at the pokemon's rabid turns as it jolted up and down a rock formation, returning to the ground like an afterthought. "Got it - you're more comfortable with this than I am." She was happy to let the pokemon take the reigns, as she didn't feel knowledgeable enough to be an authority on ordering Fire Eyes to go as she wanted.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2023 5:33:10 GMT
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"Yep," Josh quickly answered with a nod, turning to see smoke coming out of the office building's chimney. Was maintenance testing the heating system? They must have been; it wasn't cool enough outside to warrant running the heat. "Ultimately, the goal is to gather one of every common Pokémon that can wear a saddle well." It would be a goal he relied on League subsidies to keep alive; without public funding, there was no way he would be able to afford to take care of so many Pokémon, no matter how successful the Mauville Racing Grounds became.

Robin's bravery plastered a smile on the Gym Leader's face as she took a seat on the venomous lizard. He was equally impressed with her balance on the Pokémon. Due to the poison-type's narrow body, finding a place where the rider's weight would minimally shift was important. The nearly vertical climb the Salazzle made showed the Ranger why Fire Eyes' saddle had such an unusual shape.

"You're pretty good!" Josh complimented Robin, taking a seat on Oberon's back. The Sceptile darted after Fire Eyes, the Gym Leader ready to give pointers if need be. As much as she was content letting the Salazzle maintain control, she would only ferry her across the steep slopes so long before stopping and leaving her in full control. "It takes a lot of lower body strength to stay balanced on one. Have you done this before?" he nonchalantly asked.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 245}
{PC: 10}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2023 18:45:46 GMT
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"That's a whole lot of pokemon..." His plans to have just about everything that can be saddled was ambitious, but she hadn't expected any less. He was very much a 'go-getter' and hard to deter. She'd never seen him brought down by anything he'd encountered. His optimism and unwillingness to give up were definitely admirable, though she was concerned he often took on more than any one person should.

Fire Eyes let her control their movement, which was harder to do while balancing than just letting Salazzle take the lead, so it took a few moments for adjustment. "Never before," she admitted, "and maybe not again. This climbing thing is scarier than flying." She hoped she wasn't put on any missions that required mountainous travel on climbers as opposed to fliers. She would certainly never trust the aid of a psychic type to move her, so she would have to succumb to climbing in such a situation.

She directed the Salazzle to the top of the slope, letting herself dismount and stretch, feeling a light ache in her abdomen from balancing. She did a lot of traveling, but she wasn't necessarily doing crunches or a full gym routine as an on-the-move Ranger, so this was definitely a workout. "Geez, I've been getting more ride experience than I expected. I'm going to be a professional if I keep this up." She laughed as Fire Eyes stretched out to get comfortable. "I suppose it won't be long before I challenge you at this rate." She was still nervous at the prospect of gym challenges, but she had been warming up to them lately.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2023 22:13:20 GMT
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Josh nodded at Robin's remarks about her experience riding a climbing Pokémon. They didn't surprise him one bit; being on a Pokémon who could go completely vertical was disorienting. Even with a saddle designed for it, having to constantly fight gravity with one's upper body was quite the challenge. It utilized muscles no other type of ride Pokémon did.

He stopped his speedy Sceptile, dismounted, and let the Pokémon go on their way. "You okay?" Josh asked. "It can be a bit disorienting, but you handled it well. You're a lot better than you give yourself credit for. Flying is actually easier than riding a climbing Pokémon because you mostly stay upright on one." Mostly. It depended on how adept the particular Pokémon was at loops and barrel rolls. There were some that were incredibly talented at it, though many were legendary Pokémon.

The view atop the crags of Sector 3 was amazing, giving Robin a look at most of the Gym's courses. "That's Mauville Gym for you," Josh chuckled as he watched some of his bird and dragon Pokémon fly overhead. His eyes lit up at the prospect of a Gym challenge from her. "That's the spirit! There's nothing like the freedom of traveling on a Pokémon. You'll be able to expand your horizons so far when you have a Pokémon that you're close enough to that the two of you can move as one."

Several of his flying Pokémon started to swoop low to the hills, Josh waving at his Pidgeot, Pazuzu. "Want to try flying back now?" he asked.

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{PC: 11}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 18:38:47 GMT
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"Feeling okay." She stretched a little more, feeling a bit cramped from the positioning she'd taken. Yes, she'd definitely prefer flying to climbing, but it was fun to try it alongside someone so experienced in riding. She followed his gaze to the sky and watched his flying and dragon types above. She really did want a sanctuary like this for ghosts someday, but she wasn't sure how to begin setting roots down. Her entire time as a Ranger had been characterized by moving, by running from home and the baggage there and continuing to move to avoid thinking about it all.

Where in Hoenn could even be home?

She shook her head to clear the grim thoughts, bringing her attention back to Josh. "Yeah, I'm good for a flight." She wanted to race him, but she didn't want to issue the challenge. She liked a lot of things, but losing wasn't one of them. As if overhearing, a Skarmory dove down between them, moving so quickly that Robin had flinched back. "Whoa," she uttered as she looked the metal bird up and down. Even Sinistea came over and chimed with intrigue as the Skarmory preened.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 6:17:55 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh had planned on flying with Pazuzu on the way back, but Bladestorm's screeching dive forced his hand. There was no way he was going to allow Robin to sit in the Metal Menace's saddle. The steel-type was far too aggressive, and his dives could reach nosebleed-inducing speeds comparable to that of a race car. At the Gym Leader's command, Pazuzu swooped in and landed near Robin, the Pidgeot's screech perhaps a bit intimidating. The bird meant no harm, though.

"These two are Bladestorm and Pazuzu," Josh introduced the two birds. "Pazuzu was the very first Pokémon I ever captured in Johto, when he was still a Pidgey. Bladestorm I captured when the big guy terrorized a small town abroad. Little did I know it, but it was one of the things that would eventually drive me to be a Ranger. Pazuzu's reliable. Fast, but reliable. Don't be afraid to hop on!" If Robin were to ask to get on the Skarmory instead, Josh would warn her of Bladestorm's extreme speed and aggression. He wouldn't stop her, but he would give her fair warning.

Regardless of Robin's choice, Josh would give her a crash course and let her lead the way for pacing. "Controlling a flying Pokémon is a lot like a ground one, but with the third dimension added. You can control a Pokémon's altitude with the reins, too. If you pull back on them, your Pokémon will climb. If you ease your hold on them and let them hang more slack, your Pokémon will descend. Other than that, everything's the same."

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{WC: 268}
{PC: 12}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2024 16:31:39 GMT
robin coello Avatar

Robin boarded Pazuzu after petting him. She liked that he was vocal and seemed to know what he was doing. Though, that seemed to be universal among Josh's pokemon. They were all confident and fast, though she couldn't be totally sure which trait had come first. He brought both out in his pokemon, undoubtedly. She wondered, as she settled in on Pazuzu, what she brought out in her own pokemon. What kind of impact could she have on her domesticated partners? What would make them better?

"Okay, I think I've got it." His instructions on flying were straightforward. She'd just been fortunate so far that her Hydreigon was more content to take the reigns himself, but it was important that she learned how to steer if she ever wanted to be a competent Ranger. "Pazuzu, I'll do my best to make this a good flight." She was overly-cautious in getting into the air, barely flapping above the ground, but she over-corrected, and Pazuzu sharply brought them higher into the sky, eliciting a yelp from Robin. But it turned into a laugh, and she found the stomach-flipping sensation really fun.

"Let's try that again," she insisted when they leveled out. She instructed him to dive low before correcting into sharply gaining altitude. She didn't risk it too low to the ground, but the rapid rises and dives pulled giggles from her. "Flying's the best!" She shouted as they leveled out high above the sky. "I could do this forever."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Feb 9, 2024 22:29:39 GMT
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Josh and Bladestorm took off skyward after Robin and Pazuzu, the air passing between his steel wing blades creating a tinny whistling sound feared by his potential prey. There would be none nearby, though; all of Josh's Pokémon were used to the noise. Robin's hooting and hollering brought a smile to Josh's face, seeing her handle the stomach-churning altitude changes well. Even Josh couldn't help but sound a "YEEHAW!" when he had Bladestorm imitate the Pidgeot's dive.

"Isn't it?!" he shouted toward Robin, Josh reining Bladestorm as close as he could comfortably get to the Ranger. "Just be careful with the speed. Pazuzu can actually break the sound barrier if you push him as fast as he can go." That would, of course, require the Pidgeot to maintain an impressively steep dive angle, almost like what a Swellow was capable of mid-stoop. "If you want to learn the finer arts of flying, I can recommend . He's Fortree's Gym Leader and taught me everything I know about how to fly."

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{PC: 13}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 9, 2024 22:49:59 GMT
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She pulled a face as he mentioned the Fortree gym leader -- not because she didn't like him, (she didn't know him!) but because it was always weird to think about Josh learning something from someone else. "It really is so hard to imagine you as a student." Not that he knew everything, but he had such an easy confidence about the things he talked about. She had a feeling Josh tended to make people around him feel safe and comfortable. Despite her anxieties about a lot of riding, he made it all seem like it'd work out one way or another.

"Like, you're old but not that old." He was enough of an adult to teach her things, but not so old he was like, gross old-person old. Old enough to protect the region, but young enough to enjoy sound-barrier-breaking rides. It wasn't a bad spot to be in by any means, but Robin's youth made it hard to wrap her head around someone like Josh who was just old enough to be considered an Adult to her but not so old as to be someone she should avoid getting lectured by.

"Though, I would pay some money to see someone beat you at riding, even if it's in the air."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Feb 10, 2024 21:41:35 GMT
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What was so surprising about Josh learning? Everyone had their specialties to teach people. One of the most valuable skills of all was demonstrating the capacity to learn. Keeping an open mind and open ears was important to fill in gaps in one's knowledge. "Until I came to Hoenn, I was really only an expert with Pokémon riding on land. For me, it's not even about fast travel. I love to feel the running stroke of my Pokémon. When you're newer it can be jarring, but I love it now. It truly feels like you and your Pokémon are one."

His skill had grown to the point where he pondered riding one of his Pyroar bareback. Without one, he would be subject to the full power of their flexing backs, no ingenious saddle design protecting him. It would be hard on his spine, meaning he couldn't go for very long. Even so, it might be fun! It would be worth a try when the weather started to get warmer.

"Old?" Josh asked Robin with a quizzical look. "I'm 24 years young. Don't call me old." While there were joking signs out, it may have come off as serious due to his tone.

The mention of seeing Josh get beaten at riding made him smile. "You might get your wish soon," he answered as the two birds flew alongside one another, letting Robin and Pazuzu take the initiative. Whatever maneuvers they made, Josh and Bladestorm would do their best to imitate. "This March, there's gonna be a big race somewhere in Hoenn. Attracts competition from around the world. Might want to come watch it. If you've got a water Pokémon you're confident in, might even think about entering it yourself."

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{PC: 14}
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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2024 21:39:50 GMT
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It didn't seem to have taken so long for Josh to get the hang of these other methods of riding. She could only hope to develop her own set of skills so diligently as a Ranger. Still, she couldn't help but laugh as he insisted on his age. Only five years her senior wasn't a monstrous gap, but the experience gap between them was basically the ocean. Five years from now, where would she be? She hadn't set her sights on much besides repairing human-ghost relationships and fixing the reputation of her favorite type. She didn't even know what that would look like.

Pazuzu and her collaborated to get to a smooth cruising speed. She stretched her arms overhead, trusting Pazuzu to keep the course while her hands were off the reign. Activating her core and even tensing out of apprehension for all of this riding was causing some soreness, though she liked that it felt like tangible proof of her skills developing. "Okay, so you're not old," she insisted with a smile. "I've been planning some expeditions with Gwen, so hopefully I can learn something I can teach you."

She thought about the competition coming up, and if she had the time to hone some skills for it. "I'm not sure Carracosta is the right kind of pokemon for that. But, uh, I think it'd be fun. All the cool stuff seems to happen in this city. I'm never bored."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2024 15:47:10 GMT
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"Oh, you know , too?" Josh asked, being the only Gwen he knew that was also a Ranger. "Good egg. You two will get along great." Though the large bird's moves were nothing thrilling, Josh beamed at seeing Robin be such a quick learner. It was a learning experience that would reward the lad with freedom. Unprecedented freedom to travel anywhere in Hoenn.

"I wouldn't sell yourself or your Carracosta short," Josh cautioned. "Almost any Pokémon had their skills on the course. You wouldn't think a Sylveon could put on a lot of speed, but Pinky might surprise you. If you look carefully, you might be able to see her running." If Robin were to take a peek toward the ground, she might be able to see all eight of Josh's oversized Eeveelutions running. about the grounds.

"Carracosta might not have a lot of raw speed, but I'm sure they won't be running out of energy any time soon." One of the most tragic ways to lose a race was running out of energy right at the end from pushing too hard and not encouraging proper pacing. It was a lesson every racer learned at some point, and something every experienced racer lost a race over.

As Bladestorm continued to follow Pazuzu, the Skarmory let out a metallic screech. "You'll get your dive soon!" Josh promised. "We don't want to scare poor Robin off."

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present.

{PC: 15}
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing