(Title Match) The Signer and the Emergent

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 16:25:41 GMT
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"that's good to hear."

entei acts once more before kyle can finish his monologue. his legs carry him from one side of the arena to the other, zooming with josh's favorite move once more: extreme speed.

"that's always been the thing i try to do with these challenges, so it's nice to see that i'm getting the reaction i want."

the entei doesn't move this time. it takes its ground, readying itself for when the absol comes for it. the skarmory may be staying all the way at the back, but it, too, proves to be a hindrance despite its minimal time in the field.

it endures the hits as night slash eventually manages to push the entei back after having worn it down the entire fight. it roars, and becomes true to its identity as the volcano pokemon.

"i told you i'm not going to take it easy, so you're facing kyle lopez from this point on."

similar to the paradox pokemon's signature move, entei erupts with sacred fire in retaliation. it may be panting, but the inferno still blazes forth from his position, filling the arena with the same flames that burnt josh from their first meeting.

he has grown this time, both as a person and a trainer. he knows that accident won't happen again.

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Master of Faster
December 12
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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(Title Match) The Signer and the Emergent
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 16:38:47 GMT
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Even with Twilight's sharpened claws, the Beast still stood. Josh gasped; such a move would have taken down any other Pokémon he had come across. It was truly what made Entei legendary, wasn't it? Such ferocity, such bottomless endurance... but he could also not discount the Emergent's bond with his Patron perhaps augmenting Entei's power.

He didn't have time to ponder that, though: that SACRED FIRE was racing toward Twilight, and he had not a moment to lose. Raising his MEGA GLOVE skyward, Josh let out a wail of determination, a shield of Infinity Energy blunting the white, holy flames. False wings sprouted from the dark-type, her blades and claws sharper than ever, the brilliant quadruped shining with the light of MEGA EVOLUTION.

The Absol shook her head, feigning anger as she raked the ground around her and hurled a ROCK SLIDE toward the ultrafast god. "And you face Josh Devlin from this point on. Not a Gym Leader. Just another trainer," he defiantly mirrored Kyle's sentiment, the entire battle court shaking from the volume of their words. With Entei's focus likely on the Absol for a while, Bladestorm steeled himself against punishing attacks from a possible Urshifu, strengthening his IRON DEFENSE.

{PC: 9}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Good  
Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
Twilight        M-Absol           Good  
Resheph         Dragonair         KO

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 16:53:02 GMT
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he smiles.

"using mega evolution defensively? that's new for you."

innovations from his style was observed. hyper offense was josh's game, but it seems like his journey through the elite four brought something new to his repertoire of tricks as he had promised.

still, one can't discount the boost of moves it carried.

rocks barraged entei, pushing him to a corner. it remains on its last legs, until it feels a burst of energy. it turns and sees kyle finally do something that he doesn't usually do.

the ash that burns from entei's flames fly with the wind before turning into embers once again.

"let's see if this josh devlin can face the object of his admiration without being weighed down by the noise of his innermost turmoils."

entei has taken the backseat, giving way for its lord.

ho-oh appears from the ashes, flapping its wings to create a wave of sacred fire that washes over the pokemon on josh's side of the field.

"show me your resolution. this is a test at the end of the day."

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Master of Faster
December 12
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 17:14:20 GMT
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Josh's heart started thumping when he saw Entei go down. He pumped both his fists and shouted to the heavens. "I... I beat him! I BEAT HIM!!" Now all he needed to do was get through one more of Kyle's Pokémon. He was prepared for the Urshifu. He could outspeed Roy. The Silvally was a concern, as was what he could presume was the leader of the Mightyena pack.

He trembled when he saw what transpired before him. The Great One materialized from SACRED ASH. The mother of the Beasts. The patron deity of Johto. White SACRED FIRE erupted toward both Bladestorm and Twilight, threatening to afflict them both with nasty burns. Instincts taking over, the white, Mega Evolved Pokémon zipped toward Ho-oh fearlessly in a QUICK ATTACK. Without Aslan's Noble Roar holding the phoenix back, even Mega Evolution was little match for such staggering power. She would have only time to stand up, attempting to lunge for a second Quick Attack when she succumbed to the flames, EXPELLING her from the battle.

"Twilight?!" Josh shook as Saber leaped off the sidelines to fight alongside his Skarmory. The Gym Leader's DYNAMAX BAND glowed as the flames cascaded toward the more distant Bladestorm. Despite his lack of confidence in Dynergy after what happened to Rime deep within New Mauville's Regi Ruins, his talks with and gave him the courage to release the band's red energy. When he tapped into the POWER SPOT, the Skarmory grew to a colossal size, his trainer roughly the size of one of his talons now. Taking advantage of his extra weight, the metal bird fell onto Ho-oh with a BODY PRESS.

Josh stopped shaking at the mention of it being a test. Perhaps the Great One was testing Josh's resolution directly. With that of a Keldeo, he boldly accepted. "O Great One, I accept thy trial. May thy judgment be fair and just. O Great One, grant me the strength to perform in this ordeal to the best of my ability. Amen."


{PC: 10}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Good  
Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
Twilight        Absol             KO 
Resheph         Dragonair         KO

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 17:41:40 GMT
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the roofing of his chamber opens as an automatic response to the dynamax band activating. despite the large interior of the room, the transformation requires open skies.

the skarmory dives for the ho-oh, but the ho-oh doesn't budge from its spot. it takes its position on the field as its roost, and as with the legend, the calamity befalls what was once was called the brass tower.

the first of the sequence of events involve the darkening of the skies. thunder growls from above before lightning threatens the pokemon already high above the clouds. the formation of static doesn't even leave the clouds as electricity reach the giant skarmory without needing to strike.

"there is no need for support," he tells the challenger. "you have waited for this opportunity. you are ready."

kyle smiles at the scene, hands on the hip as the fight gets more interesting.

"you pass or you don't."

"i'm sure you can do it."

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Master of Faster
December 12
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 17:54:03 GMT
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Even in the face of a colossal body, the phoenix was immobile. It truly was an unstoppable force meeting an immovanle object, the two grounded birds throwing everything they had at one another. In his enormous state, the Skarmory could not fly, rendering his Air Cutter unusable. He had tricks up his sleeve, though: he cut into the ground with the blades of his enormous, razor-sharp wings, loosing a ROCK SLIDE upon the very god his trainer worshipped above all else.

Saber, also giving it his all, fired a THUNDERBOLT toward Ho-oh. To his dismay, all it did was empower Ho-oh's THUNDER. It struck the Skarmory as though he were Johto's Brass Tower. The impact of the enormous lightning bolt, beyond anything Josh had previously seen, knocked him to the rear railing in his Trainer's Box, nearly causing him to lose hold of the Raikou stuffie in his arms.

Kyle's voice seemed different. Was that his Patron speaking directly to the challenger?

"O Great One, thank you for giving me such an opportunity. My faith in thee is unwavering. I shall not disappoint."


{PC: 11}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Good  
Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
Twilight        Absol             KO 
Resheph         Dragonair         KO

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(Title Match) The Signer and the Emergent
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 18:05:23 GMT
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next comes the fire that burned the structure down to the ground.

rocks batter the ho-oh from the ground, causing it to finally try to fly away from its trajectory.

from the singed ashes that came form the entei's flames and the thunder that crashed onto the skarmory comes another bout of flames. cinders reignite before sacred fire comes ablaze.

the inferno becomes uncontrollable, growing exponentially with each moment. the extent of its destruction doesn't compare to the ones that entei had ignited.

the ho-oh watches his flame spread, but everything must come to an end.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 18:18:47 GMT
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Saber took cover as close to Bladestorm's DYNERGY BARRIER as possible, but even the mighty shield could not fully protect the Manectric from the apocalyptic SACRED FIRE that blanketed the entire court. Even Josh felt like he was on fire from how close the white flames were. The explosion was deafening; he tried to call out to the Skarmory, but could not hear his own voice.

That Bladestorm, even with his Dynamax state waning, could remain standing after the hottest, strongest SACRED FIRE in the world. Its wake ejected more debris from the bottom of Kyle's chamber, which the heavily-breathing Skarmory would harness in a display of MAX ROCKFALL that could rival even the legendary phoenix's might. The more Josh silently observed, the happier he was about his hearing being blown. He couldn't imagine how loud that was.

The tale of devastation Bladestorm and Ho-oh weaved was unlike anything Josh had ever seen. Saber having to remain on the defensive just to stay on his feet and avoid being expelled from the chamber as Twilight was. Even with Josh at his full power, the might of Avatar and Patron was overwhelming. Bladestorm remained strong, but how long would DYNERGY continue supporting him?


{PC: 12}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Saber           Manectric         Critical
Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
Bladestorm      Skarmory   
Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
Twilight        Absol             KO 
Resheph         Dragonair         KO

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 18:28:52 GMT
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to end the events in a peaceful way was anti-climatic.

rocks may have knocked the ho-oh back, but it's quick to get back with recovery.

rain starts to pour down from the sky in the aftermath. it extinguishes the flames of ho-oh's own doing, providing relief in the form of a salve for every fighter in the field.

life dew wasn't discriminatory for this instance. it's an olive branch that nature extended to mark the end of the calamity.

"are you ready for your judgement?"

the assessment isn't over yet, both for lopez, the top champion that serves as the last examiner of the test, and ho-oh, patron of the emergent.

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Master of Faster
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 18:57:51 GMT
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The rainbow bird's flames raged on and on, cooking the Skarmory from within the DYNERGY BARRIER. As soon as the pressure of the purifying heat burst open the barrier, Bladestorm, too, was EXPELLED from the battle court. No sign of him, just like with Twilight. "You too, Bladestorm?!" Josh cried, his heart racing. First, Ho-oh had taken Twilight away from him. Now, the Skarmory he had worked so hard to teach how to survive the incredible pressures Dynergy put on his body?

He clutched the stuffie in his hands tightly, fearing what would happen to Saber.

"I... I-I am," Josh stuttered, doing his best to show courage, though his body language belied his fear. Anyone would shake in the presence of a god testing them, right?

The LIFE DEW was poetic, giving Josh a new meaning to the legend he once studied. The THUNDER that had struck the tower, the SACRED FIRE that consumed it, and the LIFE DEW that put the fire out, transforming the Brass Tower into the ruins he had visited many times, including recently in Johto alongside and .

The legend was real. And it was right before him.

With Saber revitalized, and Ho-oh no doubt as well, it was time to put all his chips in the middle, just like he did many times playing poker with . "Great One, pass judgment upon thy loyal servant," he said to the god, this time with much more confidence as he raised his Z-GLOVE. Its Z-ENERGY and the riding-style pose from the Gym Leader prompted the glow of the Manectric's QUICKINIUM-Z. There was no calling out his moves like Josh normally did. Just a wreath of lightning enveloping the great, blue and yellow wolf as he broke the sound barrier in a crash with the bird. Lightning, thunder, and sheer physical force would come racing toward the Beasts' creator at a speed higher than any of them could achieve on their own. It was fitting for Josh's last stand to be the move he once planned on being his trump card to chase Raikou down so long ago.


{PC: 13}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Saber           Manectric         Critical
Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
Bladestorm      Skarmory          KO  
Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
Twilight        Absol             KO 
Resheph         Dragonair         KO

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 19:20:11 GMT
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the atmosphere changes dramatically with the resolve of the challenger forming strong against the final hurdle.

the manectric's speed cuts through everything. wind whistles at its wake as it pushes its trainer's will into a tangible show of action, giving it everything they got to show off to the deity that devlin worships.

kyle wasn't able to give his personal verdict in words with how fast things have transpired, but there was no need to.

the image of the ho-oh before them breaks up and falls into ashes, revealing its form as nothing but a dispensable shard that ho-oh, himself, can create on his whim. the ending, however, wasn't as beautiful as josh expects it to be.

flames burst out from the point of contact between the manectric's z-move and its target, not unlike the entei's gambit earlier. sacred flame spreads like a supernova, pushing the manectric aside with its intense heat while enveloping those with ho-oh's feather with comforting warmth.

devotion to ho-oh is one thing, but it is the judgement of the emergent that steers the rainbow pokemon to the decision.

is it really alright? he is pretty irresponsible in a way, but oh well. at the end of the day, he will do something, for better or for worse. let's see what he can make happen with it.

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 23:27:48 GMT
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ON THIS FATEFUL STAGE, both and his iridescent patron comprehend completely, the complicated station he carries within this world. He is burdened by powers. By duties and fates thrust upon him against his will. And though he has grown to accept and nurture his lonely position, the Top Champion must contend with the reality of transition. Of transience.

Though the Top Champion may shoulder the curse of immortality—though one must wonder, how long this blessing may endure—he looks to prepare a future where remains no more.

FROM HO-OH'S SACRED ASH, blessed flames surge toward like vivifying regalia. They embrace him like mothering wings, imbuing the man with newfound power. By the RAINBOW FEATHER as conduit, he can channel his inherited warmth to summon ash.

And so he does. Ashes travel up the quill and vane before spiraling into the remembered form of a familiar beast of legend: a Raikou.


The power bestowed upon by and HO-OH will allow him to summon a SACRED ASH RAIKOU through the use of a RAINBOW FEATHER. However, this ashen memory of RAIKOU has strict IC limitations, for it is, indeed, made out of ash.

Consequently, will not be able to summon a SACRED ASH RAIKOU anymore.

  • Sacred Ash Raikou can only appear for a temporary period of time. After all, the ashes must return to ashes. However, the Sacred Ash Raikou can be summoned again.

  • Currently, Sacred Ash Raikou can only learn up to 6 MOVES from its LEARNSET/LEVEL UP MOVES.

  • Currently, Sacred Ash Raikou can not use TM/TRs, Move Tutors, Z-Moves, Dynamax, Terastallization, or 16-week berry effects.

  • Sacred Ash Raikou is not sentient and will lack a personality.

  • Sacred Ash Raikou and the Rainbow Feather that is used to summon it can be sacrificed permanently to bring someone or a Pokemon back to life.

  • Sacred Ash Raikou can be added to 's PC.

    Possible developments in the future may augment this ability/this Sacred Ash Raikou.

    The SACRED ASH RAIKOU manifests as a stoic yet regal creature. Ash waltzes about its maw and mane. When the beast's colorless eyes match 's, its bark leaves its long fangs like a boneshaking crash of thunder.


    IMPORTANT NOTICE: this development has occurred organically by way of collaboration between writers, the individual narratives of and , the conjunction of their narrative themes and story beats, and the culmination of Devlin's arc of redemption within the League.

    However, it must be reiterated that legendaries and other comparable boons are not rewarded to characters or players that create narrow narratives or identities focused on their acquisition. Players should practice healthy boundaries OOCly with their own relationships with these Pokemon or rewards, especially when considering the site setting, site community, site philosophies, and site's systems.

    Please note that this is not an avatarship and more akin to that of a "shard of a legendary" being bestowed (e.g. the rainbow feather is the shard or pokeball that contains it).

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    Master of Faster
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    "With great speed comes great responsibility."
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    POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 3:28:49 GMT
    Josh Devlin Avatar
    Even the Z-Move was not enough to fell the patron deity of Johto. The foe that Saber cleaved through was an ashen copy of Ho-oh, the real one still at full strength. In the shard's last moments, an immolating burst of SACRED FIRE ignited. Saber screeched in severe pain in excess of what he suffered against Entei in their last meeting.

    It was over. He had lost. Failed to become a Champion at the very end of his road.

    Josh fell to his knees and cried. Cried, cried, and cried as he awaited the end. The white, all-consuming flames raged toward him, his hands folded in prayer for the Great One to take him to heaven in his final moments. They were so bright that his eyes were burning, his body's instinct forcing them shut. As the blaze washed over him, he felt a comforting, purifying warmth spread through his veins. It takes the SACRED ASH RAIKOU's thunderous roar, vibrating every bone in the Gym Leader's body, to rouse him to meaningful consciousness.

    He was in the presence of Raikou again. The same Raikou he rode on for his twenty-fourth birthday. When he at last opened his eyes, the stuffie that the Rainbow Feather rest in was gone, the sacred object at rest in his hands. Was this the Great One's way of communicating he had... in fact, passed?

    Slowly rising to his feet, Josh cuddled the regal Beast. "I feel... like a terrible burden has just been lifted off my shoulders, Kyle," were the first words out of his mouth. "What's going on, and why is your Raikou here all of a sudden?" His entire pride looked equally confused and stunned.

    {PC: 14}

    NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
    Saber           Manectric         KO
    Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
    Bladestorm      Skarmory          KO
    Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
    Twilight        Absol             KO 
    Resheph         Dragonair         KO

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    POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 6:47:52 GMT
    kyle lopez Avatar
    he walks across the battlefield to tap josh's forehead with an index finger.

    "you passed the test after deliberations."

    an intense fight anyone would kill for was experienced by the current challenger for the topmost achievement for the league's gym system. cinders remain in the aftermath, smoldering red as embers die off one by one.

    he holds a hand up and closes it to a fist, extinguishing what is left of the sacred fire from josh's individual.

    "this is nothing but a mark of trust." distrust sullies the congratulatory words before it softens up to a smirk. "don't fail me now, knight of thunder."

    josh is far from pure. he has left himself open to influences that murk his actions, and despite atoning for them, contamination hung heavy on his conscience.

    the avatar gives him a boon, however, providing hope for a possible restart that shifts the paradigm of the gym leader closer to the dreams he once thought was unattainable.

    "but if you want to know more, i'll explain things to you later in detail." he holds his hand out, ending their test with a handshake. "welcome to the hall of fame, devlin,"

    let josh emerge to the person he wants to be with his rebirth as a person; this is the vision that the avatar sees.

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    Master of Faster
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    POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 15:58:01 GMT
    Josh Devlin Avatar
    The Great One's words boomed through the Top Champion's voice, the white, purifying flames vanishing. Yet their absence did not leave him feeling cold. While it may not have been the full might of the Emergent's Patron, it was close enough that Josh and his Pokémon felt it. Its divine, cleansing heat. Cleansed of the burden that saddled him, 's weight fully off his back now. An unprecedented sense of freedom and triumph flooded him like the deluge that put out the holy blaze that burned the Brass Tower to cinders many moons ago.

    "Did you say... Knight of Thunder?!" Josh gasped. "So you're saying... that the Raikou..."

    Was his.


    After thirteen years of relentless, unfruitful pursuit, Josh had realized Raikou needed to come to him. And after one more year of self-betterment, with support of important connections, Raikou had come to him. He had a limitless list of people to thank. , the Liberator. . . . , the Peacemaker, . . Perhaps most importantly of all, for setting him on the path to make this all possible in the first place. There were countless others. His past self would be jumping up and down for joy, trying to leap into the Raikou's thundercloud saddle right in front of the Top Champion's back.

    That was dead. Immolated in the funeral pyre, reborn as the new , Master of Faster and Knight of Thunder. The Emergent's Patron was right; Josh was far from perfect. No human could be. All humans could do was strive ever closer to perfection. The tears his new self shed were a drizzle that put out the fires of his past self's remains. When the Raikou felt the tears on his face, he let out a powerful purr that rattled him out of his trance.

    As Josh was reborn, so were the EXPELLED Pokémon. All of them reappeared, reborn like he was. For the better. Twilight had completely changed, showing more happiness for him than she had any emotion at all in the long time they had been together before. It was as though when she was EXPELLED, her past self had died. Now, she was an entirely new Absol.

    When his Patron's voice was no longer overlaid upon his own, speaking completely on his own, Josh turned his head away from the Raikou he buried in affection. He accepted the handshake, not just as a means of formalizing his induction into the Hall of Fame, but getting help standing. He was, to say the least, overwhelmed. Out of all the ways to befriend the Pokémon of his dreams, going through the Champion Assessment was almost dead last on his list.

    "I thought I couldn't be a Champion because of the whole Eris thing!" Josh exclaimed, instinctively checking his email. Sure enough, there was an urgent email at the very top of his inbox, forwarded to him on the League's official account. He opened it and read it slowly. It was a commutation of the remainder of his sentence, including restrictions on taking the title of Champion. Not only had Ho-oh burned away the challenger's mental and emotional burdens, but presumably Kyle had lifted the physical, as well. He broke down in tears again.

    "Kyle, I... I feel like I could explode at any moment," Josh broke down in tears again, perhaps a bit hard for the Emergent to understand. To the untrained eye, his limbs looked like they were convulsing, his skin sickeningly red. "I've never been so happy in my life. Is this whole thing recorded? I want the recording of this whole match. Something to cheer me up when I'm down in the dumps. Please." He turned toward the Raikou and pat the electric tiger's crown. The Beast responded by crouching, letting Josh sit upon the thundercloud. Another purr shook him, massaging away his flood of emotions like a good back rub.

    "Thank you. But not today. I don't think I'm in a mental state to comprehend it now. Let's go to the Hall of Fame together. As Champions and as friends."

    {PC: 15}

    NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
    Saber           Manectric         KO
    Aslan           Pyroar**          KO  
    Bladestorm      Skarmory          KO
    Nitro           Gogoat**          KO
    Twilight        Absol             KO 
    Resheph         Dragonair         KO
    Swift           Raikou            Good

    The Shula Region
    Hogwarts AU
    RPG Unlimited
    The Enroi Region
    Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
    Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
    Swords Clashing