April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
Missing Path
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2024 13:58:24 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","gunstest2"] [attr="class","text"]
Thea watched the Audino wave and approach, she could feel her heart starting to race, witnessing such a cutie. "Oh my god, Pulse, huh? You are so cuuute!" She carefully and gently brushed her hand on his feelers, and when he offered her a hug, she didn't hesitate to embrace him a bit tightly. "Aww, you are such a dear!" Thea hummed, feeling how fluffy he was before eventually letting him go.[break][break]
Gominha glanced at Pulse approaching a bit skeptical. Still, while she was jealous, Gominha out of all Pokémon was never the type to reject affection. She went for the hug, a bit half-hearted at first... But when she felt his softness, her eyes blinked looking at his, and she squished him a bit, snuggling with a warm chirping before letting him go, holding her own cheeks with twitching ears, impressed at his softness.[break][break]
Belle was a bit more timid, so she looked at him with uncertaintty. But Gominha waved her tiny hands, chirping in an encouraging way. Belle looked back at the Audino, and sheepishly went for the hug. When she did, her tail perked up before swaying back and forth in a sign of enjoyment, while she nearly melted in his arms with a nuzzle.[break][break]
Zeus watched the scene unfold with wide open eyes, looking at Thea with a raising brow. "He is very, very soft. You have no idea, Zeus. He is like... He is like Gominha, but... It is different. I wouldn't say he is like a Chansey, but there is something different in it. It is just lovely!" Thea explained, then looked at the man. "Pulse is a darling, you must treat him really well— Ah!" She blinked, noticing her lack of manners. "By the way, my name is Thea. And these are Gominha, Belle, and Zeus—" She pointed at the Wigglytuff, the Minccino, and the Primeape, respectively.[break][break]
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