Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 2:52:30 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



This was it. Zachary was ready and excited to take part in his first-ever gym battle-- or rather gym challenge. Zachary had every intent, even with his dreams to be a gym leader himself, to rise the ranks and gather the badges he needed. But more than that, Zachary also learned gyms had the right to give unique challenges, not just battles. His friend Josh, a Gym Leader in his own right, was one to bring this to his attention. They had a practice battle, more to evaluate Zachary if he would be a good GYm Leader or not. That aside, the real challenge was now! [break][break] Zachary was now outside, seeing the wide terrain that Josh technically owned as a Gym Leader. He knew his friend was a racing fanatic and loved to ride on all kinds of Pokemon. Zachary had few Pokemon he could possibly ride on, but after his time on his Milotic, and some of Josh's Pokemon, he was starting to love the idea of riding a Pokemon. Shame not many psychic types were 'mountable'. [break][break] Zachary was there now waiting at the track. His other Pokemon were out-- but not the one he intended to use. Dizzy the Delphox, Tarot the Kadabra, Happy the Mime Jr, Prophet the Xatu, and last but not least-- Morgana the Sprigatito. They were to act as spectators up in the stands, along with anyone else there to witness the gym challenge. [break][break] Zachary held the Pokemon he intended to use in his hand, the Pokeball marked now with a mysterious "VII" on it. A sign of Zachary's association to the psychic mystery of the Tarot. The Chariot designation certainly fit THIS specific Pokemon. [break][break] As Josh joined him, Zachary smiled confidently at him. Despite how their battle went, Zachary felt secure in his intent to show his worth-- and claim the Quick Badge as his own. [break][break] "Alright, Josh! Time for us to finally do that race you wanted so badly!" Zachary said as he tossed the Pokeball up, only to snatch it back from the air. [break][break] Holding the ball, he soon tossed it high overhead. "Come on out-- HERMES!!" Zachary shouted, causing the Pokeball to snap open and light to appear. [break][break]
[break][break] Zachary watched as Raichu emerged, already on his floating tail as he greeted everyone with a roudy "RAI!" as if announcing he was here and expecting applause already. [break][break] Josh would recognize Raichu without a shadow of a doubt-- the same one that faced and struggled to catch back on the water routes on the way to Mawville City. It was quite the adventure as Raichu ran amok on the coast, causing problems for other Pokemon. Having mellowed out a bit, and now under Zachary's care, he was far better mannered-- or so they hoped. Even now, he was still a little bit... cocky. Boastful. [break][break] As the unusually large Raichu floated there with his chest puffed out, Zachary turned to Josh. "I choose Raichu to be my racing partner... if I know how I am gonna exactly ride him though," Zachary said as he looked over Raichu. [break][break] The very sound of 'race' , made Raichu very happy! With a flip-kick of his tail, he did a flip in the air, already sparking with excitement to have a race! This little guy just LOVED to go fast! [break][break] Still, Zachary was baffled. Despite the Raichu being rather larger than most, even almost as tall as a human person, he didn't see it feasible to ride on Raichu's back. "How am I going to ride with Hermes anyway?" Zachary asked. [break][break] Realizing the challenge, Hermes soon smirked and raised his paw as he floated on his large tail. Suddenly via his psychic power-- he took hold of Zachary! [break][break] "Whoh--!!" Zachary cried, lifted up by the Raichu's psychic power. The clever mouse moved Zachary closer and soon over Raichu's tail. Zachary's feet touched the tail's broad narrow surface, feeling a bit of a tight fit to stand on. However as he floated there, Raichu soon barked out more-- reaching its arm behind him to tell Zachary to touch his back! [break][break] Puzzled, but giving it a try, Zachary placed his left hand on Raichu's back while still lifted by the Psychic glow. [break][break] In that moment, the Psychic aura that kept Raichu afloat, also held Zachary too. it no longer felt odd as Zachary felt more 'secure' as he held on to Raichu's back, like momentum was no longer a concern! "Wow... this is so odd. It's like feeling a harness attached to my back keeping me close to Raichu on his tail. I don't feel like I'd fall here." Zachary explained as he rode with Raichu on his tail. [break][break] Giddy, Raichu tested it by circling small rounds around Josh and the other Pokemon. [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Zachary's choice for the race is Alola Raichu. Raichu uses Psychic to keep Zachary secure on his tail and not fall off. [break]
His other pokemon will spectate.

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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 5:16:21 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

MAUVILLE CITY | Twist Road | Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆☆
COURSE RECORD: 01'26"967


Mauville Racing Grounds' facility was enormous indeed; while the office space had little signage due to its size being on the smaller side, the property where the action took place, just outside the city proper, was enormous. Luckily, Josh had experienced staff who knew the facility well, and signage that could guide challengers to the correct location. The voice of KEVIN STROUSER, Josh's scheduler, echoed over the Gym's loudspeakers:

"Challenger , please report to Sector 1. Challenger Stellar, to Sector 1. Thank you!"

Provided the challenger found ample signage, he would see the brash and tall ACE SHEEKE, already seated on Komainu the Houndoom with hands firmly on his horns; the timid and short ERON IUNIS, on Blinky the Jolteon; and the reserved ARAVAN ESCHER, at the reins of Pura the Purugly. Lastly, he would see the Gym Leader , making adjustments to the saddle strapped to Toralf, a Raichu that was roughly the same size as Hermes, the giant Alolan one that Zachary had entered in the race. He smiled as the enthusiastic trainer re-introduced the tail-surfing electric-type to him.

All his Gym Trainers and their Pokémon were ready and raring to go, particularly the redhead with the Houndoom. "Great to see you again at Mauville Racing Grounds, Zachary," Josh greeted his challenger. "I've been looking forward to this since we got back from the beach! Seems like Toralf's already trash talking with Hermes!" he noted aloud as the Kantonian Raichu threw the gauntlet. The three Gym Trainers introduced themselves and Josh's Pokémon they were borrowing, one by one.

The gallery surrounding Sector 1's TWIST ROAD course was full, small as the stands were. Had Zachary given permission for spectators to take photos of him and his Raichu, several would have flashed as a pre-recorded pan of the course ran on the big screen. With only one turn greater than a right angle, it was the easiest course Josh used for official challenges. It was also short, the fastest Pokémon able to run laps in under thirty seconds. Zachary wouldn't have long to prove his sync with the Raichu!

Josh went over the rules of the challenge, required by Hoenn League statute. "See that arch near the starting line, with the long and skinny monitor on it? We line up behind that, and the countdown will be on that display. It will sound four horns and display '3, 2, 1, GO'. On 'GO', our Pokémon will start running. Pokémon are not allowed to use moves like Quick Attack or Extreme Speed on the first lap. After the first lap, though, use them as much as your Pokémon can handle! Using your Tera Orb is permitted once during the race. Use it wisely. Beat me to the finish line after three laps, or otherwise prove to me you can handle the pressure of split second decision making, and the Hoenn League Quick Badge is yours."

Once he had finished explaining the rules, Josh climbed atop the giant electric rodent, joining his three loyal Gym Trainers for the contest of speed. "It's been a while since I've been able to go all-out in a race. I know how fast Hermes can get, and I have to be on top of my game if I want to win!" Josh retorted as he slammed his helmet's visor down. If Zachary were to glance toward him, the challenger would see a laser focused expression, almost like he was in a zen state as he held Toralf's reins in anticipation of the green light.


You will have 8 ranks to distribute among three skills. No more than 5 ranks can be assigned to any one skill.
  • SPEED: This represents how fast your Pokémon can travel. Each rank of Speed adds 10 to all your rolls, and an additional 10 to rolls on Speed-based Obstacles.
  • ENDURANCE: This represents how well a Pokémon can navigate difficult terrain, and affects how often a Pokémon can use its Boost during a race. Your Pokémon can use its Boost a number of times equal to its number of ranks in Endurance (min. 1). Activating your TERA ORB will consume one use of Boost. Each rank of Endurance reduces the Target Number of Endurance-based Obstacles by 20.
  • REACTION: This represents a Pokémon’s cornering ability. Each rank of Reaction reduces the Target Number of Reaction-based Obstacles by 20.

In the OOC notes of your next post, please note your Pokémon's distribution of skills.

You do not need to roll after your next post, but you will need to [ roll ] twice at the end of every post mid-challenge. This roll will be modified according to your Pokémon's skill ranks.

Example: If a player rolls a 60 on a post involving running down a straightaway as fast as possible atop a Pokémon with four ranks in Speed, their effective roll will be 140.

The Leader's next post will include a "mod post" that depicts the course's first Obstacle: a prompt that presents a challenge for the racers to overcome. Each Obstacle will include the following information:

Target Number: This is the number the racers need to roll at or above to overcome the Obstacle without penalty. While it is uncommon, an Obstacle can have multiple Target Numbers.

Intended Skill: This is the Skill that will apply to the Obstacle. It can be Speed, Endurance, or Reaction.

Special: Any extra rules specific to this Obstacle are located here.

Example Obstacle: The track starts out with a bang--a sharp, 135-degree left turn mere tens of meters from the starting line. The width of the turn itself makes recovering from a misjudged angle easier, but the track quickly narrows up again afterward. A guardrail on the outside keeps Pokémon from sliding off the course, but there is no such guardrail on the inside, and there’s a shallow stream that looks time-consuming for non-Water Pokémon to climb out of!

Target Number: 105 (Reaction)

Special: Track Points lost as a result of non-Water Pokémon rolling beneath this Obstacle's Target Number are multiplied by 1.5, rounded up.
After the players make their rolls, the Target Number is deducted from the player's roll, and the difference becomes the player's Track Points (TP) for the round. 100 TP corresponds to roughly one second of time differential. The race will consist of three laps, with three Obstacles per lap. After the ninth Obstacle, total Track Points will determine finishing order. The QUICK BADGE is awarded if at least one of the following conditions are met:

1) The challenger finishes the race in 1st or 2nd place.
2) The challenger finishes the race ahead of the Gym Leader.
3) The challenger otherwise demonstrates their mastery of the tenets of Mauville Gym, at the Leader's discretion.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 14:19:47 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Prompted to go-- Zachary with Raichu approached the racing course. "Dizzy, you and the others make yourselves comfortable at the bleachers, okay? Try to have some fun. Maybe cheer us on?" Zachary asked his Delphox as his other Pokemon were out now. The roudy series of calls came from his Pokemon as they soon separated, led by Dizzy to the stands. [break][break] Raichu stayed by Zachary side as they soon left for the race course. As they arrived, Josh was there-- along with other members of his gym. Zachary greeded them modestly, seeing them on all kinds of Pokemon. "HI there. Nice to meet you all," he said with a smile. Each one was mounted upon a jolteon, a purugly, a houndour, and Josh's choice-- a Raichu of his own. His was the more generic version, making this even more interesting. As Josh and Zachary talked-- both Raichu 'glared daggers' at one another. Josh's Raichu, Toralf clearly was antagonizing the tail-surfing one. Hermes didn't like that as he got close on his tail up close. THe two's nose almost touched as sparkes fired off both their cheeks, both boasting they were the fastest![break][break] Zachary rolled his eyes and approached Hermes. "Hey, sparky. Maybe save the energy for the race, buddy? he suggested. Hearing his trainer's advise, Hermes backed away grudgingly, intending to leave Josh's Raichu in the dust! [break][break]
[break][break] As they prepared for the race... Dizzy and Zachary's other pokemon were in the front rows of the stands, reserved for the competitors friends and pokemon. Many people were there, which was a surprise, and an oddity for some as they people saw Zachary's pokemon acting so casually among people like they were human. Dizzy sat down ona chair-- followed by Zachary's Kadabra, Mime Jr, Xatu, and Sprigatito. The Sprigatito hung on the railing, eager to see the race. [break][break] As they made themselves comfortable to cheer their trainer and Hermes on-- Dizzy noticed something. Kadabra held a sealed bag-- looking like a microwave popcorn package. After the fox gave a bark of question, Tarot began to focus on the bag, his eyes aglow. Slowly, the bag began to inflate. Its alpha waves & psychic power was making it heat up and pop quickly. Like a microwave, the bag swelled up and got bigger and bigger. Happy and Sprigatito watched as the bag grew and-- [break][break] BANG!![break][break] THe bag exploded with a shower of white and yellow popcorn over them. Dizzy grew a look of still annoyance as the poor fox had popcorn and butter over his fur. Tarot showed little care as he looked to Dizzy, and offered him some of the popcorn from his bag, to which was answered by silence. Happy, however was gleeful as he took a kernal of popcorn in his little hands and popped it into his mouth! Morgana had jumped at the violent pop, its grassy fur on end at the Kadabra, all while Prophet the Xatu just stood there motionless-- even as some popcorn rested on its plumage. ALl the Pokemon were excited and eager to see how the race panned out! [break][break]
[break][break] As the rules of the race ended, Zachary looked to Raichu. Before the start of the official challenge, he had went over Raichu's abilities and moves he knew. He had learned most first hand after their run-in on the ocean route. But he learned a few more things and wanted to talk to Raichu before the race began. As Josh explained the rules, Raichu grew more and more excited-- like the badge was more for him than Zachary. It made Zachary smile, to see Hermes so happy, as oppose to causing tidal waves to ride on that caused problems for other pokemon. [break][break] Zachary nodded in understanding, getting a good idea what to expect from the challenge. "I understand. Um, before we begin, may I just talk to Hermes a second?" Zachary asked. [break][break] Gesturing Raichu to follow him, Zachary walked aside and knelt down as Hermes floated before the boy. "Raichu before we start, I have an idea I want to run by you. If I understand correctly, you know "electric terrain" right? " he asked. [break][break] "Rai...?" Hermes said with a nod, but his tone curious. [break][break] Zachary smiled, having an idea. "Normally, that wouldn't do us any good in a race-- but I have an idea," Zachary said as he leaned in close so the others couldn't hear. As Zachary raised a hand to whisper, the Alolan Raichu leaned in with his fluffy ear to hear Zachary's words. His trainer whispered a very clever strategy related to that move. After a few moments, Raichu's face lit up! He was loving the idea the creative blue-haired trainer had. Soon enough, Raichu entered a 'chuckle' and mischevious look that one would think he had used Nasty Plot. "Rai! Rai-rai-Raichuu!" Hermes cheered, rocking on his floating tail with glee. [break][break] Zachary rose up, pleased. "I'm glad you approve. When the time comes, let's give it a try okay?" Zachary said as he turned back to Josh and his awaiting team of racers. "Okay! I'm ready to go!" [break][break] Rejoining Hermes on his tail with a simple step up and a hand on the Raichu's back, the two soon floated up to the starting line! With Josh's enthusiasm to enter a real race. It was then he saw Josh's expression change-- a more serious and focused one. This was it! The true mindset of Josh as a Gym Leader. Zachary looked to Josh, seeing how serious he was and intended to win. While Zachary's expression was softer, he narrowed his gaze at Josh. "Well, Hermes I think wants this even more than me-- so you can be damn sure I'm aiming to win! So let's do this!" Zachary said with determination. [break][break] "RAII!!" Hermes replied too, sparking the energy as he lined up beside Josh's Raichu. The two Raichu exchanged challenging glares, already non-verbally talking smack at one another. The sheer sparks from their cheeks gave signs of that. [break][break] Zachary stared forward at the starting line, seeing the board and the racing lights-- ready to take off. Unlike Josh, Zachary had never done anything like this. A race was one thing, but with a Pokemon-- Zachary was both nervous and excited by this. He hoped that Hermes would listen to him, and follow his lead in direction and guidance. While it seemed Hermes liked the idea Zachary cooked up, Raichu was a wily and rowdy Pokemon, and was a menace before he was caught. [break][break] From the sidelines, they heard the sounds of cheers-- Dizzy and the others waving and giving their support. Zachary glanced at them seeing Dizzy waving a flaming stick to cheer them on. A smile showed on Zachary's face and his confidence rose. He looked to the starting line, ready to go. "Let's show them just how much of a wicked racer you are, Hermes!" Zachary encouraged, rubbing the Raichu's fuzzy back. [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Zachary's listened and understood the rules. Taking Raichu aside, the two work up a strategy, involving one of Raichu's more notable moves. Hermes gleams with Mischief. [break]
Dizzy and Zachary's other pokemon are on the sidelines cheering their trainer on-- while enjoying Popcorn! [break]
Zachary joins the racers at the starting line, ready to go atop of Hermes tail.[break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 18:54:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
🎼 THEME SONG - For the Glory! (ft. Mute City's Theme) - F-ZERO GX OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK

Seeing Zachary's team make themselves at home within the crowd of season-pass holders made Josh's heart warm inside; it was rare to see that kind of camaraderie among a challenger's entire team. His eyes shifted to the sky as popcorn rained down upon the front few rows of fans like cascading fireworks. Josh wouldn't even have to clean the mess up; his Pokémon would no doubt devour the tasty food when the crowd cleared out. The Gym Leader's hair stood on end as the two Raichu trash-talked one another, electricity arcing between their pairs of cheeks.

Josh gave the giant electric rodent a gentle pat as Zachary had a pep talk with Hermes. Seeing how the trainer mounted -- by surfing on the Pokémon's tail alongside it rather than sitting on its back -- made Josh reconsider whether he wanted to raise an Alolan Raichu himself. It would certainly be a speedy way to travel over both land or water, but it would be very different than what he was used to. Even so, Toralf was quick, and he had a secret weapon that would put him ahead of Hermes in a pinch. "I'm sure it will be exciting the whole way; Toralf's no slouch in speed, either," Josh retorted.

Once all the competitors indicated they were ready, three still images of the legendary Pokémon Raikou, sprinting at full speed, faded into view along with a "GET READY" prompt. Said stills disappeared rhythmically, one at a time. Alongside each, a loud, low-pitched squawk blared as an aural indicator of the countdown and allowing the racers to more easily time their accelerating leaps off the line. The fourth such sound was higher-pitched as the final image vanished, the text "GET READY" shifting to "GO". The moment the starting buzzer sounded, Josh and his Gym Trainers jabbed at their mounts' sides with their knees, battling for early position.


After each posting round, a prompt describing the upcoming section of the track will be posted. These prompts may highlight different sections of the course on each lap. You will react to the prompt, then [ roll ] twice. For the first lap, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 130 before modifiers.


Prompt: The course begins with a series of three right-angle, uphill turns on a wide track, coming at competitors with increasingly rapid succession. The turns are sharp, but racers have plenty of width to find positioning. While there is little danger of a wipeout, wide turns are not advised without a plan due to how much extra ground the Pokémon would need to cover. A long straight stretch follows the third turn.

Target Number: 105 (Reaction)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 15:42:08 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary and Raichu were ready to go. While he didn't have a helmet, he had to place his faith in Raichu to keep him safe too. He didn't have many doubts that Hermes would put him in danger, but he was a 'reckless rodent' from what they saw during the events on the ocean path to Mawville City. However, that recklessness was what made Raichu such a great speed-demon. He was now sparking with excitement, his cheeks discharging with both competition at his new rival Raichu, but also excited to race with other people. Something he never got on the ocean alone. [break][break] They all were lined up at the starting line, Hermes position between the Raichu and the Jolteon. Zachary's biggest guess was the Jolteon was the fastest, so it was odd to think Josh's Raichu was far 'faster'. [break][break] The signs on the starting line went off-- signaling the beginning of the race. [break][break] Get ready... Get Ready... Get Ready Get... Get Ready...[break][break]GOOO!!![break][break] The moment the horn went off-- a violent shock of force took off and caused a dust cloud behind them as everyone kicked off-- especially Hermes! At the sound of the buzzer, the Alola Raichu let out such a burst of psychic force it caused an eruption of it behind him, sending him flying forward! [break][break] Zachary felt the jolt of movement as he held on to Hermes' back, carried forward by the same psychic force that kept the Raichu afloat as they all sped forward! The rush of the wind, even the mild surge of electricity went through his body-- in the good way, making it exciting as he rode on Raichu's tail! [break][break] The uphill turns looked annoying as they were trying to gain speed! Seeing the turn, Hermes guided his Psychic to maneuver the turns. Trying to be mindful of also the other racers, they rode up the first turn, seeing the uphill incline and using the Psychic force to continue to push his momentum! [break][break] The next two-- however would result in a full 180-degree turn and it wouldn't be easy! Raichu veered to the left a touch-- only to dig in as he surfed over the ground, gaining speed to make the turn sharply. [break][break] "Hermes-- use Psychic to navigate the turn too! Then when we clear it, step on it!" Zachary called to him over the rush of wind in their ears. [break][break] Hermes gave a roudy cry as if to say "I know!" and then entered the turn. [break][break] Heremes entered the sharp turn, along with other racers. However, as if surfing on the wind itself-- Hermes suddenly rose up, his tail surfing an area in the thin air! As if he was on some kind of ramp on a skateboard course, he rode an 'invisible' incline to make the turn as close as possible. [break][break] THe moment he saw the straight line of movement-- the Alola Raichu gave a happy jump! The psychic burst once again acting like a gas-and-break pedal on a car. The Raichu sped forward, entering the long stretch! [break][break] A touch of fear shook Zachary! Fear and excitement as he rode on Raichu's tail. He felt in place on the tail and touching his back, but it didn't remove the danger of the race-- and more so, the excitement as he felt Hermes shoot down the track! [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
The Race starts-- and Raichu bursts forward with a shot of Psychic speed. [break]
Hermes uses Psychic to navigate the turns, surfing on 'air' for the turns! [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 u"]text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 h1"]font:800 18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 h2"]font:800 16px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .text b"]font:bold 12px Montserrat;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 21:01:01 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Toralf's acceleration off the line was far less explosive, not having the psychic elements that Hermes had mastery over. Even so, the larger Raichu was swift and a challenge for Josh to control. The electric rat was one wild ride, boasting the most rapid gait out of any Pokémon on his team. Underneath his helmet, Josh's skin rippled as his mount's back flexed up and down at a breathtaking rate that would have been headache-inducing to novice or even intermediate riders.

Raw speed was not where Toralf excelled; his expertise was in sudden turns. Their eyes on the inside line, the Gym Leader had his eyes on the challenger and his Alolan Raichu, staying in the electric wake of their rival before making a sudden move to crest Twist Road's opening curves!


The start of any race was pure chaos, contact inevitable as the well-trained Pokémon bolted off the starting line faster than any other kind of living creature had the right to run. Pokémon truly were special, extraordinary creatures: creatures capable of running just as fast as race cars, and more environmentally friendly than what one would see at a motorsports event! Cameras flashed as the dash for the early lead began, ERON IUNIS and his JOLTEON zipping off the line almost instantly. A bit too instantly; a time penalty was assessed to the silver-haired racer for an early start. Even so, he was fast enough to catch up to the stubby-legged PURUGLY in front of him, who lost a lot of time by running wide around the corners. The Normal-type may have been an unusual choice at first glance, but the cat's bulk did not stop it from putting on serious speed.

and , both timing their RAICHU's leaps perfectly, fought for the early lead. They wouldn't be the only ones, though: the howl of a dashing HOUNDOOM startled the electric-types just enough for the larger fire dog to slip between them on the U-turn. The three were still within a few lengths of one another coming to the first straight stretch: a chance for all the Pokémon to get up to speed before the course showed its true colors.


Prompt: After crossing a retractable bridge over the start, the course slowly narrows during a long left curve. While it isn't a particularly tight turn, the length of the turn necessitates quite a bit of stamina from the Pokémon as well as thigh strength from the racer to navigate at full speed. Once the course finishes narrowing, it turns at a right angle in the opposite direction and becomes only wide enough for four Pokémon to run alongside one another, making passing more difficult.

Target Number: 115 (Endurance)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 5:08:49 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The straight line was indeed an easy part of the track, but soon Zachary saw it coming-- the big U-Turn coming along the end of the track that would go to another part. The ramp there at the higher end kept people from flying without loosing too much momentum, but it was a tight turn! Hermes kept going fast, intending to keep the lead as he now was ahead of both the Raichu, the Houndoom and the others! [break][break] "Hermes -- careful of that tight turn up ahead!" Zachary said, pointing to the sharp, ramp-like turn. [break][break] Hermes saw the curved 'half pipe' up ahead, used to keep people on track! [break][break] However... it was then that Hermes grew a grin. That same grin of a Nasty Plot brewing in that road-rage rodent's head! Instead of entering to slow into the turn-- Hermes sped up! , leaning to the edge and then into the turn to grow in momentum. [break][break] Zachary's eyes widened, unaware of what this Raichu was up to! "Hermes...? " Zachary said, nervously, and soon saw the ramp. "Wait you're not thinking-- HERMES NOOOOOO!!" [break][break] Hermes picked up speed with a kick of Psychic and flew up into the ramp's far end, and went right into the air!![break][break] A cry of fright came from Zachary as his feet practically left the surface of Hermes tail! Despite it, holding the mouse's back-- the psychic aura still held him connected to Hermes. All the while, Hermes 'caught some major air and entered a daring spin! The psychic Raichu lifted his tail with his paw, did a full 360-degree spin and held his tail out in a wicked pose, while up in the air. As gravity soon took hold, he soon returned to his tail-- and using his Psychic control, Zachary back down with him. The two returned to the board the moment the tail-board hit the ramp-- and Woosh![break][break] Hermes little aerial stunt leveraged the physical ramp with his psychic power-- and using the flip just to show off. The force of gravity giving him a kick of speed just to get a lovely kick-start to that new part of the track! [break][break] The stunt-flips clearly a boost to Hermes' ego. [break][break]
[break][break] "And an amazing air-method, 360 power invert spin! That's a solid A-rank stunt right there!" an announcer in the bleachers shouted. [break][break] Seeing it, and hearing the announcement, Dizzy and the others looked at eachother-- clueless to what the announcer just said. The race had become some kind of trick performance? [break][break]
[break][break] Zachary looked fried from shock as he stood there, his heart racing from the near throw off of Raichu's tail. All the while, Raichu smiled gleefully as he sped forward. [break][break] Zachary soon grew an angry glare at Hermes. "HERMEEEESSS...WARN ME BEFORE YOU DO THAT!" Zachary shouted, almost having a heart attack to go flying off the ramp. [break][break] Raichu glanced at Zachary, a little surprised by his reaction, but soon just laughed-- seeing Zachary's surprised face. [break][break] While still obeying Zachary and listening-- Hermes did enjoy entertaining his own ego with tricks and stunts like that! It would make things either more challenging-- or more difficult for this race. [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Heremes approaches the ramp-- but instead of entering the turn, Hermes uses the ramp! He goes airborne, to do 'sick boarding tricks mid-air before coming back down, and uses the air for a small boost into the next part of the track. [break]
Zachary is scared shitless from the aerial stunt and tells Raichu not to do that again. Raichu laughs at his reaction. [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 18:35:23 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh heard the commotion behind him, Hermes getting quite worked up about the big dog and rival Raichu in front of Zachary. Toralf was one of the roughest rides the trainer had, his small limbs making his gait more rapid than any of his big cats. While it wasn't earthquake-level, it was enough for his skin to ripple up and down lightly. It also made holding the reins steady a real challenge, which was important to steering the sensitive electric rat.

As his mount's tail chaotically whooshed behind him, Josh lightly tugged to the left, focusing on rounding the corner as close as possible rather than cutting Hermes off. He, too, was having a good time, but he didn't show it. He had to focus and make Zachary work for his Badge. With how much trouble Snacker had chasing the Raichu down, as long as they worked together well, he had no doubts in his mind his blue-haired friend would walk away with a Badge.

He was going to do everything he could to make sure that Badge was earned from a one-two finish. With Josh being the one.


's yelp was not without merit; his ALOLAN RAICHU was determined to win, zooming forward in the rival electric-type's wake. Surfing atop the static 's RAICHU left behind, the added speed let him slip by the Gym Leader and steal the inside line from him. The psychic-type's reaction time was superb, catching a wave of sparks that had formed next to ACE SHEEKE's HOUNDOOM. The two battled for the lead throughout the shallow but long turn, the challenger barely completing the pass.

ARAVAN ESCHER's PURUGLY did not take the challenger's taunting lightly; the angry-looking cat put on quite the burst of speed. Even with its subpar turning, the cat had the raw velocity to pull ahead of the Gym Leader. It looked like they were going to pass the redhead and make a run for Zachary if he didn't cut them off! Behind them, ERON IUNIS' JOLTEON had a hard time braking after crossing the bridge. Though it had the highest top speed out of any of the Pokémon in the race, such high speed forced it along the outside line, making it cover more ground and fall behind his boss's RAICHU.


Prompt: At the end of a narrow straight stretch is a tall dirt mound that makes the 180-degree turn resemble the end of a half-pipe. It is intended to make the sharp curve easier at the expense of swinging wide and accepting a small time loss, but even with it, the curve is not an easy one. Furthermore, the blind turn makes it difficult to react in time to the hilly terrain preceding the home stretch!

Target Number: 120 (Reaction)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 23:07:07 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The straight line was indeed an easy part of the track, but soon Zachary saw it coming-- the big U-Turn coming along the end of the track that would go to another part. The ramp there at the higher end kept people from flying without loosing too much momentum, but it was a tight turn! Hermes kept going fast, intending to keep the lead as he now was ahead of both the Raichu, the Houndoom and the others! [break][break] "Hermes -- careful of that tight turn up ahead!" Zachary said, pointing to the sharp, ramp-like turn. [break][break] Hermes saw the curved 'half pipe' up ahead, used to keep people on track! [break][break] However... it was then that Hermes grew a grin. That same grin of a Nasty Plot brewing in that road-rage rodent's head! Instead of entering to slow into the turn-- Hermes sped up! , leaning to the edge and then into the turn to grow in momentum. [break][break] Zachary's eyes widened, unaware of what this Raichu was up to! "Hermes...? " Zachary said, nervously, and soon saw the ramp. "Wait you're not thinking-- HERMES NOOOOOO!!" [break][break] Hermes picked up speed with a kick of Psychic and flew up into the ramp's far end, and went right into the air!![break][break] A cry of fright came from Zachary as his feet practically left the surface of Hermes tail! Despite it, holding the mouse's back-- the psychic aura still held him connected to Hermes. All the while, Hermes 'caught some major air and entered a daring spin! The psychic Raichu lifted his tail with his paw, did a full 360-degree spin and held his tail out in a wicked pose, while up in the air. As gravity soon took hold, he soon returned to his tail-- and using his Psychic control, Zachary back down with him. The two returned to the board the moment the tail-board hit the ramp-- and Woosh![break][break] Hermes little aerial stunt leveraged the physical ramp with his psychic power-- and using the flip just to show off. The force of gravity giving him a kick of speed just to get a lovely kick-start to that new part of the track! [break][break] The stunt-flips clearly a boost to Hermes' ego. [break][break]
[break][break] "And an amazing air-method, 360 power invert spin! That's a solid A-rank stunt right there!" an announcer in the bleachers shouted. [break][break] Seeing it, and hearing the announcement, Dizzy and the others looked at eachother-- clueless to what the announcer just said. The race had become some kind of trick performance? [break][break]
[break][break] Zachary looked fried from shock as he stood there, his heart racing from the near throw off of Raichu's tail. All the while, Raichu smiled gleefully as he sped forward. [break][break] Zachary soon grew an angry glare at Hermes. "HERMEEEESSS...WARN ME BEFORE YOU DO THAT!" Zachary shouted, almost having a heart attack to go flying off the ramp. [break][break] Raichu glanced at Zachary, a little surprised by his reaction, but soon just laughed-- seeing Zachary's surprised face. [break][break] While still obeying Zachary and listening-- Hermes did enjoy entertaining his own ego with tricks and stunts like that! It would make things either more challenging-- or more difficult for this race. [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Heremes approaches the ramp-- but instead of entering the turn, Hermes uses the ramp! He goes airborne, to do 'sick boarding tricks mid-air before coming back down, and uses the air for a small boost into the next part of the track. [break]
Zachary is scared shitless from the aerial stunt and tells Raichu not to do that again. Raichu laughs at his reaction. [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 h1"]font:800 18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 h2"]font:800 16px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .text b"]font:bold 12px Montserrat;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 17:40:53 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh, in front of Zachary, could only hear and not see him. He didn't care what place his friend and rival was in, long as Zachary was eating his dust. And dust he would eat if he had his way. As fast as Toralf was, he was known among the Gym Leader's coworkers for sharp turns. He shifted his weight to the left to prepare for the U-turn leading to the home stretch, doing his best to hug as much of the inside line as he could.

Hearing the announcer's remarks about Hermes' tricks made Josh think his challenger wasn't taking the race seriously. Yes the trick would make him come out of the curve faster, but it seemed like it would waste more time than it saved him. That it wasn't planned either also did not look good on him. This wasn't the first time one of his Pokémon had gone rogue, either; did he have a control issue that needed to be addressed?


Leaning into his RAICHU's strengths, skillfully guided the giant electric rat around the sharp curve. Though they hugged the inside line tightly, he had neglected how much raw speed the sliding turn would cost him. That was speed the taller and more stout HOUNDOOM more than made up for, accelerating past the electric-type.

Stopping to perform spins and flips off the ramp on the outside of the U-turn, got a good look at ERON IUNIS' JOLTEON zipping past him. ARAVAN ESCHER's PURUGLY was speedy and could bully other racers with its presence, but it was inept at making sharp turns. In a seemingly fruitless effort to slam on the brakes to make the turn, the big cat nearly collided with 's ALOLAN RAICHU, the electric-type going airborne just in time. The crafty, NASTY PLOTTING Pokémon landed from its air moves at the perfect angle to catch a lot of speed off the ramp, shooting past the two racers in the back and inserting itself into the battle for first place.

As ACE SHEEKE's HOUNDOOM crossed the starting line, both the RAICHU in rapid pursuit, an announcer's voice clip blared through scoreboard and starting-arch speakers:




You Got Boost Power! Speed-increasing moves, such as QUICK ATTACK, AGILITY, and EXTREME SPEED are now allowed. Pokémon will be able to use such speed-increasing moves a number of times up to their Endurance ranks for the rest of the race. Speed-increasing moves will grant you ADVANTAGE on Speed-based Obstacles for the posting round, meaning you will [ roll ] four times instead of two for that post and ignore the lowest two rolls. For the second lap of the race, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 150, before modifiers are applied.

Beware! Taking tight turns and stamina-draining Obstacles at high speeds can result in dire consequences, and may impose DISADVANTAGE on Endurance-based and Reaction-based Obstacles, meaning the higher of the two rolls will be ignored. If the lowest two of the four rolls would still pass the Obstacle, Track Position for that Obstacle will be instead calculated based on the highest two rolls.


Prompt: The three right turns opening the course are much more rapid fire than before at high speeds, now that the Pokémon had the chance to accelerate. The big difference on the second lap is that the bridge at the end of the following straightaway has retracted. There is now a big gap to cross, and missing it would send them back to just before the course's first curve!

Target Number: 115 (Speed)

Special: Pokémon that roll beneath the Obstacle's Target Number lose double the normal amount of TP for Obstacle failure.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 15:39:50 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Raichu's stunt cost them a bit of a lead as Josh and the Houndoom shot across them, leaving them in their dust. That got Hermes mad as Hermes saw them passed him. Sparks discharged from his cheeks and soon picked back up speed, determine to catch up with them while Zachary kept close and a hand on his partner's back! [break][break] They soon passed the first lap! As they passed, Dizzy and the others watched intently, cheering and waving at Zachary and Hermes. They encouraged him to keep going and win! However with their passing of the first lap, meant that more things were going to get interesting. Even Hermes was determine to make this a win and get serious. They now were free to use their speed-enhancing moves, as per the announcer's instructions! [break][break] As they began to enter the two-big turns from the start of the course, they soon saw it. They soon saw the bridge retract, providing the need for a very large jump! Zachary's eyes widened at that. "Well, that makes things more challenging!" Zachary shouted. [break][break] "Raiiiii!" Hermies replied, voicing his agreement as they were near the last turn. [break][break] Now free to act, Zachary got ready. "Hermes it's time for that strategy we discussed? You ready?!" Zachary said, leaning into Hermes to reach ahead. [break][break] Hermies black eyes soon lit up with excitement, remembering the talk and eager to do it. It let out a roudy cheer that he gave a small hop on his board. [break][break] Reaching forward, Zachary aimed his arm forward as they were in the last turn, into the straight where the bridge used to be! "Now Hermes! Time for Electro-pad!" [break][break] "Raaaai!" Raichu cheered and soon raised its little arms upward. From there, a ball of electricity formed, looking similar to Electro Ball. As it charged up, they got to the straight, now a straight line to the now missing bridge. Raichu then gave the orb a strong throw-- firing it to the spot right where the track ended! [break][break] The orb flew forward and hit the ground, discharging with a flash! As it did, electricity permeated the ground in a large patch! Electricity crackled from the ground, looking like a wire underground had come loose. [break][break] "Go, Hermes!" Zachary urged, and the excited Alola Raichu rode forward with the others, attempting to jump through the electrified field! [break][break] Zachary had Hermes combine Electro Ball in order to launch a 'projectile' version of one more. Electric Terrain. Using it, Hermies could use his unique ability that only he possessed. [break][break] Surge Surfer![break][break] Hermes flew across the surface of the electric field. In that instant, lightning crackled beneath him, similar to a 'rail gun' effect as he passed over the electrified ground! The speed violently increased, testing their inertia as they were catapulted forward with great force-- up and over the now gone bridge! [break][break] The electric terrain for Hermes, acted like a giant boost pad, rocketing the Raichu up and over, at a breath-taking speed! Zachary felt the shot in inertia even with Hermes psychic hold on him as they two went flying skyward, now high over the track with that spring-board like effect and shot as if they were sent through a cannon! [break][break] Both Hermes and Zachary looked in amazement as they were now several meters above the track, having a clear view of the scene as they were overhead. "Wow, HERMES! This is incredible! It worked!" Zachary cheered. [break][break] "Rai-CHUU!!" Hermies cheered, practically dancing on his little tail in the thrill to go so fast and high up as if they were flying. They soon began to descend slowly-- until Zachary realized something. He looked to the cheering Alola Raichu as he waved down below to the crowd and other racers. "Um... wait, Hermies? You do know how to land right?" [break][break] Hermies froze mid-cheer, his face frozen too at the question. He didn't respond just yet, but soon turned around sheepishly. He had a weak smile on his face, and sweat dripping down the side of his face. [break][break] Their descent became a plummet as gravity took back hold of them! "YOU'RE KIDDING MEEEEEEEEE!!" Zachary screamed, Raichu's cry following suit. [break][break]
From the bleachers, Dizzy and Kadabra looked how they were high into the sky, with Happy using his little hand to look up as they began to fall, amazed how high they were. All the while Prophet and Spriggatito sunbathed, not that attentive to the immediate moment.
[break][break] Raichu quickly waved his little arms, as if trying to 'fly' but that wasn't going to do any good as they soon approached back to the ground of the track, risking a very messy tumble if they hit! [break][break] "THUNDERBOLT NOW!!" Zachary cried, almost pure instinct! [break][break] Raichu didn't even hesitate as he gathered his energy. "Raaaaii--CHUUUU!!!" Raichu produced a powerful Thunderbolt, aimed below of them where they flew. [break][break] The resulting Thunderbolt struck the ground, acting as a cushon as it softened their descent and landing. The moment they slowed down, Hermies stopped the bolt and kicked off with a burst of psychic force, flying back down the course. [break][break] Zachary let out a breath of relief as they sped forward, the 'electric launch pad' working a little better than they thought. "Well... that was close," Zachary sighed, relieved they didn't crash from the air. [break][break] "Rai..." Hermies replied in kind, agreeing but still moved forward, intending to leave the others in HIS DUST NOW. His energy returned to his face and entered the next part of the course! [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Entering the second part of course, Zachary and Hermes use a clever combination of Electro ball and Electric Terrain. The result makes a 'launch pad' using Hermies natural ability "Surge Surfer" to effectively double his speed! (Acting as speed boost method) [break]
Electropad speeds and rockets them over the bridge like a RAILGUN! However it puts them so high this time-- they risk crashing as they land. They use Thunderbolt to soften their landing and kick off back moving at high speed! [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .text b"]font:bold 12px Montserrat;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 18:18:04 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As much as Josh wanted to have Toralf floor it for the adrenaline rush of being on a Pokémon with such a rapid gait, he knew that going all-out so early would get them a big lead, only for it to slip away as his Raichu tired out. With how vigorous Hermes was, the psychic-type would simply outlast them. Timing was key. The ELECTRIC TERRAIN his rival discharged had the potential to rocket both the giant vermin forward, making it effectively a duel of speed while their rivals would struggle to catch up.

While Josh enjoyed the speed boost, it would be short lived, as Toralf would not attempt to match Hermes' breakneck pace. Instead, the Gym Leader tensed his hold on his Raichu's reins, ready to flick them just before running off the edge of where the bridge once was. Aiming to land on the inside of the landing zone, Josh pulled his left arm back briefly, causing the Raichu to make a quick turn before thrusting as high as stubby limbs could carry him.


ACE SHEEKE and his HOUNDOOM led the way down the straightaway, embers dripping from his mouth as the redhead held his steering horns tightly. They had to pick up the pace if they wanted to keep pace with the challenger's SURGE SURFING psychic-type, who also gave 's RAICHU a slight speed boost. The ELECTRO BALL startled them both, forcing them to sharply veer out of the way near the end of the road. Leaping across the gap at an oblique angle, the fiery duo came up short, landing near the starting line.

While race rules permitted them to leap up to the main part of the course again, provided they had taken all of the turns as intended, turning around to accelerate to the speeds needed to make such a leap set them back almost all the way to last place. They witnessed an angry-looking PURUGLY leap over the gap in a well-executed QUICK ATTACK, ERON IUNIS and his JOLTEON landing next to them from a jump of their own.

's RAICHU landed on the inside line, just as the Gym Leader had planned. Champion and challenger were close enough to one another to both be in range of the THUNDERBOLT cushion. Though Josh's was on the inside line and had the advantage, the speed 's RAICHU held kept them so close that it was impossible to tell who was ahead!


Prompt: The second time around the course, the long left curve felt sharper than it was before, perhaps due to the increased speed from the ELECTRIC TERRAIN. Speed-boosting moves did take time to gradually wear off, after all. The sharp, narrow curve toward the end of the backstretch was coming, too. Positioning coming out of both the long curve and the hairpin turn would be extremely important coming into the home stretch.

Target Number: 125 (Endurance)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 14:04:50 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Leveraging Hermes natural ability Surge Surfer was a great idea to gain speed. It was the only pokemon in the world with that ability! While Electric Terrain's use was indeed a hard thing to do on a large field like a race course, using it in a controlled space ahead gave them the perfect launch pad. It indeed helped them jump that gap. Of course, Josh's Raichu somehow used it, even though it didn't have Surge Surfer. Josh clearly was a superior racer now neck in neck with Hermes and Zachary! [break][break] The sight of Josh and Raichu close to them soon made Hermes give a growl and spark of electricity from his cheeks. [break][break] Playtime was over for showing off for the Alola Raichu as he soon kicked up a burst of speed and sharpness to make the turns! Zachary felt Hermes dig into the curves with his psychic-surfing, causing dust to be kicked up as he sped onward. He would dig in, flying across the track and making more precise turns. In that moment of facing a real rival... the Electric Mouse Pokemon found the drive to push himself to try and win. [break][break] Zachary smiled as he kept his hand on Hermes back and his feet firm to the mouse's big tail. "You can do it, Hermes! Keep up the good work!" Zachary cheered as they made the turns, anticipating the big one at the end. [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Recovers from Electric Terrain and attempt to keep up the pase. [break]
Now neck and neck with Josh and Raichu-- Hermes enters the turns like a pro, prioritize turning rather than speed, shaping up his act for the moment now that he has a real rival to work to beat! [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 19:52:01 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh was starting to feel the burn from the long turn at higher speeds. Toralf's extremely rapid gait didn't help matters, either: the Raichu, as much as the Gym Leader loved him, was one rough ride. He had to make constant adjustments to the tension on the electric vermin's reins, as the Pokémon was built for making quick turns. Even the minimum turning rate would be too much for the curve they were on, making him look unsteady to the racers behind him.

It was close, too; with Zachary and Hermes right next to him, the pressure was on. "Toralf, let's see where we're at when we come around this last corner. If we're behind, then I want you to floor it." With a nod, the electric-type tilted his head toward Hermes, a focused look on his face as the two battled intensely for the lead.


The extreme agility of a RAICHU proved to be a challenge for challenger and Leader . The curve was long but gentle; too gentle to be handled steadily. Both were determined to snag the lead from one another. Neither one gave ground until the very end, when the Leader's RAICHU veered too close to the inner barricades, causing the Kantonian electric-type to trip. ARAVAN ESCHER's PURUGLY and ERON IUNIS' JOLTEON, with great agility, swerved out of the way and made moves on the Pokémon in front of them. The normal-type's stubby legs moved rapidly, closing the gap between they and the challenger, whose lead was now clear but shrinking.

ACE SHEEKE was not so fortunate; 's erratic steering led the HOUNDOOM to try to avoid him in the same way his coworker veered. How the chaos of a Pokémon race can change its entire landscape in an instant. The dark-type and rider flinched from the RAICHU's idle current as he rear-ended the recovering Pokémon, giving the Gym Leader a substantial boost. He and the JOLTEON were neck-and-neck going into the second lap's home stretch.


Prompt: The pounding of paws against dirt had made the final straightaway much more treacherous than it was the first time around the track. Not only were there alternating hills cutting across parts of the course, but the displacement of loose dirt made the terrain almost mogul-like, testing the rider's balance and the Pokémon's stamina. Once they were past that, though, it was a straight shot to the arch, where the presiding official was waving the white flag!

Target Number: 130 (Endurance)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:22:59 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The last turn of the second lap was up upon them as Zachary and Hermes now led! With a surprise that the big, large cat was not far behind them! The track was worn, the pummeled terrain hard to get traction. But Hermes was different! [break][break] The energetic, somewhat cocky Alola Raichu with the human riding the tail with him-- was easily gliding via psychic power! It was incredible how out of all the opponents, Hermes never touched the ground, and the only psychic contender who could hold his own in a race-- outside of Galarian Rapidash perhaps. [break][break] The little mounds did nothing to really dampen the Raichu's spirits as he easily used the hills like ramps, hopping up and over them like the waves on the ocean! Happy cries of glee and excitement came from Hermes as he was now in the lead for now! [break][break] Zachary smiled as he leaned into each one of Hermes turns and jumps, not letting go of the mouse's back! When it came to Hermes, he knew the Alola Raichu had energy to burn. He was tempted to let Hermes really cut loose-- but not yet. He needed the right moment. The right time to use his trump card to help his buddy. [break][break] One lap was left! They just had to keep it up ! Hermes weaved and hopped along the mounds, entering the straight way to the second lap marker-- and the final lap! [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Hermes' Psychic levitation has minimal on the track, kicking up dust but still navigating the turns smoothly, along with the mounds on the surface. [break]
Hermes seems to be in the lead as he weaves-- and hops over the mounds like tiny ramps to excite the Alola Raichu further as he speeds on. [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

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The Shula Region
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RPG Unlimited
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