Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 17:22:28 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Rounding the final corner while leaving a trail of dust and leaving skid marks on the course, Josh saw how far behind he had fallen. Eron's Jolteon had passed him, and the challenger was way in front of him, threatened only by his coworker's Purugly. This was not acceptable in his eyes. He was throwing down the gauntlet now.

Leaning as low as he could, almost laying on top of Toralf now, he temporarily let go of the reins with his right hand, turning the Z-GLOVE it was on around and exposing the Raichu's QUICKINIUM-Z to its linked catalyst. "HYPERSONIC..."

Once the duo started gleaming a brilliant white-yellow, wreathed in lightning bolts, Josh put his hand back on the reins and squeezed Toralf as tightly as he could. Not to urge the Raichu to go as fast as he could, but to avoid falling off.


The Raichu's gait turned from rapid to incomprehensible, his strides so fast that his entire body began to hum like an insect's wing. The motion was completely paralyzing for Josh, his face locked in an expression of pure focus as he felt like his entire gut would fly out of his rear. The sonic explosion and display of vicious velocity left the gallery dazzled.

This was the entertainment their their season passes bought them.



The ALOLAN RAICHU surfed with could easily avoid wiping out by using the moguls as ramps, though it was not without its flaws. At the very last set of them, the psychic-type landed on the back corner, sending them careening toward the left side of the home stretch and forcing them to expend enough speed in a corrective measure for ARAVAN ESCHER's PURUGLY to slip past. Perhaps underestimating the feline's speed would be his downfall; they would need to focus harder for the last lap if they wanted to retake the lead.

The Gym Leader, , had a statement to make. Rather than react to the bumpy terrain and make split-second corrections. he raised his Z-GLOVE to prepare what may have been the fastest Pokémon move in existence. In a sensational display of Z-Energy, his RAICHU leaving ERON IUNIS' JOLTEON and ACE SHEEKE's distant HOUNDOOM behind in a bone-rattling Z-MOVE: HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE. Though the Z-Move got them duo back in the race, completely turning the rough terrain into a flat straightaway with how fast they were going, would feel a notable elevation in the RAICHU's heartbeat. Their portrait on the leaderboard would begin blinking red...


The fans cheered loudly as the white flag waved to the side of the starting arch; it was the last time around the track! For the final lap of the race, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 170, before modifiers are applied.


Prompt: The opening three right turns were made quite a bit more difficult now that the racers had to avoid their Pokémon's skid marks! Some of the marks the clawed Pokémon in particular had made were quite deep, and tripping over them would be a brutal way to wipe out! Furthermore, the bridge connecting the upper and lower sections of the course was still out, meaning they would have to make the long jump one more time!

Target Number: 115 (Speed)

Special: Pokémon that roll beneath the Obstacle's Target Number lose double the normal amount of TP for Obstacle failure.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 18:50:30 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



They entered the final lap! As they passed, Dizzy, Tarot and the others continued to cheer them on! Zachary caught the glimpse of Dizzy's waving torch and Happy's cheering as they passed, leaving them as quickly as a shot in the corner of their eyes. [break][break] They entered the turns that would lead to the ramp once again-- but shortly after crossing the finish line-- they heard the pop and roar of an electric eruption! [break][break] Both Hermes and Zachary looked behind-- to see that Josh was violently speeding up via the use of a Z-move! IT was the first time Zachary saw one in action, and this one was just amazing as he was quickly catching up, blazing past the other two. Now it was Purugly, Hermes and Josh's Raichu now all the top racing contenders! [break][break] This was it. Zachary was patient till now but now was the time to break out his trump card! Electro pad was well and good but lacked control and only good for a short distance. Holdong on to Hermes back as best as he could, he dug into his pocket and took out the Tera Orb he had. "Hermes, this is it! Let's show them what we can really do!" Zachary shouted, causing the Alola Raichu to look behind to him and see the Tera Orb in hand. [break][break]
[break][break] Hermes face lit up with a gleeful smile, excited to see what would happen to him after done! [break][break]As they left the first turn -- Zachary extended the Tera Orb, and it began to glow! Specks of light gathered into his palm and the orb as they raced forward! [break][break] Once fully charged, the Tera Orb flashed ready! "Hermes-- TERASTELIZATION!!" he cried, shoving the ball in the direction ahead of the track! [break][break] As they swung into the turn-- a giant crystal protrusion of what looked like violet quartz appeared in front of them. Despite the sudden appearance of an obstruction-- Hermes just grinned and charged forward towards it! [break][break] A cry of shock came to Zachary as Hermes rammed right into it-- the crystal shattering like glass on impact, with a crash and flash of light! [break][break] Hermes body as he crashed through the crystal instantly changed, as if the shards now covered him like powder! Hermes now sparkled with a violet sheen of crystal along his body. Further, he now sported a very odd 'crown' marked by the glowing emblem of a purple eye! Hermes Psychic Tera form! [break][break] It happened so fast, Zachary didn't know how to take it, but Hermes was now overflowing with a sudden surge of power! A grin showed on Hermes face as he felt his own energy skyrocket under the influence of the Tera Crystals. [break][break] Now fully charged by this mystical power, Zachary directed him forward. "Alright, Hermes! This is the final lap! Time to cut loose! " he cried with excitement. [break][break]
"RRAAAAIII!!" The Alola Raichu cheered in response. With it, he gave another powerful 'kick' of his Psychic power! [break][break] The resulting jolt that normally propelled the Alola Raichu-- was like a psychic explosion that kicked up dust and debris in their wake! Zachary almost felt the psychic hold on him weaken as he felt the shock in speed, inertial threatening to send him flying backward and leave him in the dust! Hermes was like a rocketship now, his natural speed jacked up to eleven! [break][break] With barely any effort, Hermes easily jumped over the wramp that went overhead the start of the track! They landed smoothly, as the now large, violet and tanned electric mouse sped down the track!



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Entering the 3rd and final lap! Pokemon cheer them on as everyone now breaks out their super boosters! Entering the second turn-- Zachary takes out his Tera Orb! [break]
Hermes transforms into a Tera-Psychic type as his psychic powers are now boosted! Hermes uses his Psychic to rocket forward, easily scaling across the ramp and to the other side!  +1 to all stats![break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 15:45:08 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Z-Move's breath-stealing speed shook the Champion to his core, not from the terrain's bumpiness, but from Toralf's impossibly fast gait. For the few seconds that the burst lasted, it felt like being in an intense earthquake, every hair on his body standing on end from both the static and from being tossed about like a salt shaker.

Josh was closing in on the competition ahead of him, but was racing on razor-thin margins. Even a brush with an obstacle or another competitor would be race-ending, Toralf's heartbeat an indicator of the Raichu running on fumes. "Stay to the right, Toralf," Josh huffed, shakily reining the electric Pokémon away from the inside as he came down from the adrenaline high of the fastest charge his Pokémon as a whole were capable of. He could not only hear his own heavy breaths, but those of his mount, too.


As 's RAICHU came down from the adrenaline rush of their Z-Move, others in the field saw the opportunity to regain their lost time. With great confidence in their partners' speed, ERON IUNIS and ARAVAN ESCHER leaned in, coaxing QUICK ATTACKS from their JOLTEON and PURUGLY. The red-headed Gym trainer, ACE SHEEKE, dug his heels into his HOUNDOOM's sides, TRAILBLAZING a path along the inside line in a heroic effort to keep pace with the faster electric Pokémon in front of him.

, sensing the threat of the Gym Leader passing him, raised his TERA ORB above him, its TERASTAL ENERGY morphing the surfing rodent into a PSYCHIC-TYPE. Their greatly elevated speed squeezed his body with every turn after the jump, at times making him feel like he was being wrung out. Much like , he would be able to feel the ALOLAN RAICHU's heartbeat accelerate after the PSYCHIC explosion propelled them forward into a solid second place. Were Zachary to glance toward the scoreboard, he would find that two more portraits were flashing red: those of ERON IUNIS, and himself.


Prompt: By now, the racers were probably used to the course getting narrow on the backstretch. What they weren't used to, though, was handling the half-pipe-like mound on the outside of the hairpin curve leading to the home stretch while at the heightened speeds of boost laps. Their experience would give them a good idea of how to handle the Obstacle: play it safe and brake around the turn, or take a risk and try to use the dirt mound to their advantage in navigating the 180 without losing momentum? This would be the last real opportunity for a major position shift to occur. Better make it count!

Target Number: 130 (Reaction)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 16:57:32 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



With Hermes Terastellized, Zachary could see his partner in a whole new light. He was still the same cocky, show-off, lovable imp of a Raichu as before. But under the effect of the Psychic Tera type, his bite actually matched his bark. His psychic power that had him float, fly and race-- were now accelerated by the power of the Tera Orb. Hermes was loving it, and so was Zachary as they rode together! [break][break] In that final turn, Hermes and Zachary rode together, both of their moves in sync as they curfed and turned around the course-- reaching the 180 degree turn. They soon leaned in, ready for the challenge. [break][break] "Dig in, Hermes! We're gonna go for broke!" Zachary said, encouraging Hermes fun tricks. [break][break] Risky rodent as he was, the Alola Raichu decided to use the risky dirt mount to navigate the turn! [break][break] It was bumpy, making a small jump into the air-- to which Hermes performed a tiny 'Olie' with Zachary there too. [break][break] They landed into the turn, to which as soon as the final stretch appeared-- Hermes punched his Psychic power. A swift kick-off and they went flying forward, the finish line at the end of the track! [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Hermes and Zachary ride together, now enjoying the ride fully as they both lean and bend into the turns. [break]
Both of them accept the risk of the dirt mound and use that to jump and land-- entering the final hurdle of the track! [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.[break]
+1 to all stats due to Terastellization!

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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 18:28:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Gleaming brilliantly in his Terastal body, Hermes looked excited to show his true colors. That Raichu was a speed demon! He'd have to ask for a turn clinging to the psychic surfer's back. While it wasn't what he was used to, it looked very fun still! That would be for another day, and preferably a cooler one. Josh had to keep his focus on the course, and on the Jolteon behind him.

Feeling the thumping of the electric vermin's heartbeat, Josh loosed his hold on his partner a smidge. "If we cut this tight, we'll be able to hold them off," he coached the Raichu, showers of sparks from his cheeks representing the Pokémon's trust in the Champion. Not even using the half-pipe, the duo cut the corner tightly, using their quick turning prowess to slide along its inside more tightly than he knew his Jolteon could.


The field of five racers took two different approaches to the turn. Some, such as ERON IUNIS' JOLTEON, ACE SHEEKE's HOUNDOOM, and 's RAICHU, pumped the brakes to round the hairpin turn as tightly as they could. They were trainers that trusted in their Pokémon's acceleration and ability to recover from mistakes. While this wasn't a traditional mistake, the speed lost from braking was similar in concept.

The two in front of them took a more daring approach: running or surfing up the outside of the corner, using the downslope to maintain or even exceed their normal top speeds. With a perfectly timed PSYCHIC explosion beneath its surfboard, 's ALOLAN RAICHU propelled them forward fast enough for his clothes to whip about in the harsh winds that came with racing Pokémon.

ARAVAN ESCHER's PURUGLY was determined to hold him off. With great precision, he slowed the normal-type for a split second to offset the relative positions of the moguls, galloping over them as though they were flat ground. Both of them desperately wanted to win, and the challenger was closing the gap quickly. It was unclear if the big cat's lead would hold, for there was not a small amount of real estate left before the finish line!


Prompt: The racers tearing away at the track's loose dirt had created a flat and straight path in the center of the formerly rough terrain leading to the starting arch. There was little risk of an accident on this straight sprint to the finish! Now was the best opportunity for the Pokémon and trainers to give it everything they had!

Target Number: 0 (Speed)

Special: None

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 3:47:39 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



This was it-- the final hurdle of the race. From there it was nothing but the finish line, and Hermes was determine to win! The biggest thing in front of him, was that giant cat! No way Hermes the electric mouse was gonna loose to that feline! He kicked it as hard as he could, rushing forward with his new tera powers to get a boost in speed. [break][break] Josh and his Raichu Tofal were close behind-- and anything could happen. But this was the moment Zachary was saving Hermes trump card for ! [break][break]
[break][break] "Okay, buddy! Hermes-- time to cut loose! " Zachary said as they entered the last stretch, the finish line at the end of the track! "Give it your all! AGILITY!!" [break][break] Hermes never felt so happy to hear Zachary say those words as his body glowed, kick-starting Agility! In that instance-- another psychic force erupted behind Hermes-- so much so that Zachary felt he would fall out. Tunnel vision occurred for Zachary as all else was a blur outside of 12-o-clock. Hermes was going so fast now, it was like he had broken the sound barrier! He now went from holding on to Hermes back to grasping it, feeling the wind buzz past every part of his body and electricity cackle around his body. Hermes now zig-and zagged through anyone who was in front of him-- now in a final shot to reach the finish line! [break][break] "RAAAAAIIII!!!" the Alola Raichu cheered, using all his speed he could muster to reach that final end of the track with the intent to win! [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Hermes now in the final stretch to reach the finish line [break]
Zachary and Hermes now use Agility boosting Hermes speed tremendously to make the final shot for the finish line! He is now at the speed of sound (maybe) ! [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.[break]
+1 to all stats due to Terastellization!

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,928 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 17:00:29 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As close as Toralf was getting to Hermes, all Josh could do was smile, feeling his Raichu's exhausted heart thump. The big, electric rodent needed a long rest after the exertion of his Z-Move. His friend, too, had pushed Hermes a lot farther than he thought the psychic-type specialist would. He had studied the precepts of Mauville Gym and taken them to heart. The two were truly an inseparable team, with a competitive spirit that had seen them to a stellar performance.

"Keep it steady, Toralf! We're almost there," Josh cheered for his Raichu, whose gallop was unsteady at best coming into the home stretch. Rather than try to outrun the Jolteon behind him, he would try to cut Blinky off with every move she and her white-haired rider made.


The five teams put forth their greatest effort yet in the race's waning moments, ACE SHEEKE far behind. The hotheaded, brash boy squeezed his HOUNDOOM's sides sharply, even the hardened dark-type dog squealing as he began to TRAILBLAZE a burning path toward the finish line. He was gaining on ERON IUNIS and fast, the nature of the HOUNDOOM's speed burst and the way the rider's hair blew in the wind making it look like it was on fire. Time was on the electric-types' side, able to just barely hold off the sprinting canine long enough to cross the line before he did.

The PURUGLY's legs became stubby blurs, the plump feline dashing faster than its species had a right to upon ARAVAN ESCHER's order to QUICK ATTACK. A red web crawled across the big cat's eyes in an applause-inducing role reversal from the blue-haired gym trainer and 's amped-up, AGILITY-fueled ALOLAN RAICHU. In quite the spectacle, the mouse was the one chasing after the cat, the TERASTAL Pokémon sparkling in hot purple-pink trails. Both were evenly matched, the PURUGLY holding onto its lead to the very end. Were to glance back after finishing, he would see he finished ahead of the other three by quite a large margin.


Cameras flashed from the stands as the top three finishers stood upon the podium. Stage right, and his RAICHU. Across from him, holding onto the back of his ALOLAN RAICHU. And stage center, atop the first place step, was ARAVAN ESCHER and his PURUGLY. All three were presented medals for their achievements, the psychic specialist's photo taken to be attached to the report of his successful Gym Challenge.

"You two were fantastic out there," Josh said to Zachary, walking off his third-place step. "I remember fighting Hermes on the beach and how hard he was to catch, even with my fastest water Pokémon. Amazingly, you two have gotten even faster since then. You could seriously make a career out of racing, what with a Pokémon like that." Competing against one another on the circuit's most challenge tracks... what a dream. "That kind of drive and enthusiasm will see you far in the Pokémon League."

Reaching into one of his pockets, Josh presented Zachary with a closed fist. Opening it up, the Hoenn League QUICK BADGE was in the palm of the now-visible hand. "This is yours now. For your second-place finish today, you have earned Mauville Gym's badge. You and your Raichu shall be enshrined in the Gym's list of Qualified Riders as champions." Though he had given the speech many, many times, it hit differently giving it to such a close friend.

Once the crowd had dispersed, Josh guided Zachary back to the Gym's entrance. "Not now, but some day soon, I'd love a run on Hermes myself. What say you?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 15:09:20 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The race was so close-- Hermes at his highest speed, Terastellized and boosted by Agility. They were neck in neck, but soon the results came with the photo finished, and They crossed the line. The eruption of applause, cheers and photo flashes and confetti was a cause of great joy for Hermes. [break][break]"RAAAII!!" Hermes cheered, as he soon waved to the other people and pokemon watching the race. To him, the results didn't seem to matter -- but he did his first race, and was in his mind a winner. He waved to them all, looking left and right on his racing tail and waving his paws. [break][break] "Hermes," Zachary called out. [break][break] Hermes continued to cheer and wave to his adoring fans. [break][break]"Hermes!" Zachary called out again. [break][break] "Rai-rai-rai!" the ALola Raichu said, soaking in the glory of having completed his first race and in his mind won. [break][break] "HERMES THE WALL!!" Zachary shouted. [break][break] Hermes finally turned straight ahead-- to see the incoming slope and end of the track-- the wall about to collide! [break][break] "BWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!" Both screamed as Hermes distracted state made him not look where he was going or break-- as soon they reached the wall. [break][break] CRAAASH!! [break][break] From the bleachers, Zachary's other Pokemon looked on in shock. Dizzy the Delphox had flinched at the clear impact, that now left a dust cloud over them. Happy the Mime Jr gasped, having covered his poor little eyes from the scene. Prophet the Xatu continued to watch unblinking, not even phased. Morganna , aka Sprigatito's leafy fur stood on end like a cat frightened. [break][break] Tarot the Kadabra held his sides as he rolled on the floor. "Ka-da-da-da-da-dab-dab!" he bellowed, amused as he seemed to be having a laughing fit. [break][break] His other pokemon quickly left the bleachers and rushed to Zachary and Hermes. [break][break] As they soon reached him, they found both Zachary and Hermes on the ground, dusty and brused. Hermes had swirls in his eyes and stars floating around his head. Zachary coughed, as he laid there-- okay but stunned by the crash. [break][break] "Hermes... you really gotta work on your breaks..." Zachary coughed. [break][break] "Mimi..." Happy cooed as the little clown patted Zachary on the head, urging him to recover. Slowly Zachary rose up, glad the crash had not been as bad as it looked. [break][break] As they all gathered, even Tarot as he teleported to them, they all helped Zachary and Hermes back up, offering congratulations for an impressive race. [break][break]
[break][break] They soon were in the winner's circle, Zachary standing on the second place platform, as Josh was on third-- and the rider of the Purugly was on the top, the clear winner. Hermes stood beside him, arms crossed and pouting a little bit. Embarassment showed on Hermes face-- having lost by a literal whisker to a cat seemed to hurt his pride more than the crash they did. [break][break]As they accepted the medal and pictures with a smile, Zachary looked to Hermes. "Come on, buddy. Cheer up, you did great! Don't be a sore loser, okay? This was your first race, and you were amazing." Zachary said. Taking off the medal himself, he soon slipped it onto Hermes' head and around his neck, surprising the electric mouse. His eyes soon softened up, having received the medal to wear. His cheeks became flushed a little, soon trying to brush off his bad feelings for having lost the race. [break][break] As Hermes admired the medal, Josh approached him and praised them for their hard work and speed-- saying how Hermes was amazing and so was Zachary for his abilities to train him. Zachary smiled at this, feeling modest about it. "Heh you know, going into racing for fun wouldn't be a bad idea. Hermes is the best ride I ever imagined," Zachary commented-- making Hermes blush even more as he rocked on his tail. [break][break]It was then it hit Zachary as Josh soon presented him with he Quick Badge -- a sign of his achievement for having completed the trial of the Mawville Gym and proved worthy as a first show of achievement in the league. Zachary was overjoyed as he took the badge, looking at it's design and shine. The mention of "Champions" made Hermes soon jump to be called that. Whatever bitterness he had at coming in second place to a CAT vanished with that. [break][break] As the celebration slowly died down, Zachary smiled at Josh. "Yeah, be happy to let you have a ride on him-- and love to do another race sometime soon." he said proudly. With the badge in hand, Zachary placed it into a hard case, intending to keep the badges safe in his jacket. [break][break]



Gym Challenge -- Quick Badge Attempt.[break]
Hermes had finished the race-- achieved second place.[break]
Hermes comically crashes overcome with the praise of the audience :P [break]
Hermes Racing-Rank Stats: 8 Total[break]
Endurance:B (Max speed move/Tera boost: 3) [break]
Reaction: C.[break]
+1 to all stats due to Terastellization!

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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Poke - Grand Prix (Gym Topic)
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 3:45:10 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!



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