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POSTED ON May 29, 2024 23:10:08 GMT
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The idea of fighting a kyogre was, well, frightening. What had Nabi gotten herself into?[break][break]

Supposedly, the creature had been loose in the oceans for awhile now, with both factions testing their luck at claiming its power. One would think that after all the failed attempts, catching Kyogre was impossible. And yet, here she was, partnered with , a mighty name she felt lucky to be paired with. Perhaps there was some hope in their quest to tame the sea beast?[break][break]

Nabi shifted her weight on Bruno for better seating. Her lower half was nearly submerged in the water, but thankfully, she had not come unprepared for the occassion. She wore a one-piece wetsuit, knowing full well this mission would leave her drenched from head to toe.[break][break]

"I guess we're ready?" she spoke out, eyes now on and his pokemon. She remembered him from the VCT, and she recalled he was a talented gym leader.[break][break]

The ocean's waves were calm, for now, but she knew that would not last for long. They had received word Kyogre was further out on Route 124, causing a torrential downpour.


mission | 1/5

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POSTED ON May 31, 2024 4:59:45 GMT
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Was the League out of their mind? Josh had gotten out of the hospital, was only days into rehab, and they wanted him to fight Kyogre? On top of that, he had to protect ?

This could only end in disaster.

The Gym Leader walked onto Lilycove's beaches, the rain weighing his clothes down. Beneath his short-sleeved shirt were thick bandages that kept his left arm mostly straight, almost like a less restrictive kind of splint. "About as ready as I'm gonna be, Nabi," Josh answered. "I wish you didn't have to see me like this. It's unbelievable how much we take our health for granted."

Clicking open two Poké Balls, Josh released an Espeon and a Togekiss, both of them quite large for their kind. With powerful PSYCHIC power from his honed mind, Janus lifted his trainer into the Togekiss' saddle, the Gym Leader needing it to sit on a Pokémon's back at all. With one hand on the reins, he was ready to take to the sky.

As a wall of water crashed toward Lilycove Lighthouse, breaching its floodgates and sending sea water surging into the building's entrance, Josh plucked the RAINBOW FEATHER from his shirt. "Nabi, we can't hold anything back. You might have a hard time believing what you're about to see, but... I have a very special friend that will be the ticket to repelling Kyogre today." Raising the feather above his head, Josh drew the summoning Sign, leaving behind a trail of electrified ash in the rough shape of a lightning bolt.

"This is Swift," Josh gestured toward the monochrome Raikou.

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Janus         Espeon         Good

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POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 4:44:49 GMT
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Nabi nodded back to Josh, trying not to stare at the obvious injury holding him back. Injured or not, she had a feeling he could still carry himself in battle.[break][break]

And her intuition was correct. Without further ado, the very image of lightning itself appeared before them. Nabi had already thought herself lucky to be encountering Kyogre today, but with a raikou being her second legendary encounter, well... now she was starting to think this was some sort of bad omen.[break][break]

Nevertheless, with a raikou on their side, surely, that would mean they had the advantage?[break][break]

Nabi slapped herself to rid of the gawk on her face. "You look like a fool," she told herself. "Ok, let's go, Bruno!"[break][break]

While Josh flew from above, Nabi claimed the water route. Hurdles of waves tossed them around, but her swampert charged forward with determination. Occassionally, when a bigger wave approached, Nabi held her breath, and Bruno ducked into the water itself, kicking against the pull of the tidal.[break][break]

"We can't be too far!" she yelled to Josh above. How did she know? Because rain began to hit them—hard—and the waters only continued to churn with relentless, unforgiving aggression. "Josh! Can you see Kyogre?" she asked, hoping he could hear her over the rising storm.


mission | 2/5

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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 2:33:25 GMT
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Seeing Swift's thundercloud billowing in the whirling winds made Josh want to sit astride the Beast. Alas, he could not - doctor's orders. Instead, he remained out of harm's way astride his Togekiss, watching the ashen thundercloud glow white and yellow with electricity.

Swift's ferocity was met with equal aggression from the water-type behemoth, torrential rainfall pounding at them all. "I can't see it!" the Champion shouted, though he wasn't sure whether he could be heard. He could barely hear himself with low loud the rain rang his helmet.

Josh wished his helmet's visor came with windshield wipers. Might be worth the investment if he did more aquatic racing; the rain was so heavy that it reduced visibility to within feet -- barely enough to see the WATER SPOUT erupt from the underwater legendary's blowhole.

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Janus         Espeon         Good

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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 21:51:39 GMT
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Nabi found herself groaning when she heard Josh's reply. How hard could it be to find a sea beheamoth? Even wearing her water-repellent suit, her skin was prickly from the cold wetness, and her hair kept sticking to her face. What a pain.[break][break]

Water billowed out from the surface in a beautiful display of power. Nabi's eyes shined. "Dive for a moment, Bruno," she whispered to her swampert and adjusted the goggles on her nose. She sucked in her breath and disappeared beneath the dark waters.[break][break]

The creature known as Kyogre was truly a sight with its mighty tail slapping currents into existence and its defined, sharp teeth threatening to crush anything in an instant. The yellow of its eyes glowed brightly, serene and frightening all at the same time.[break][break]

Bruno pulled them back up to the surface for air. "It's there!" she shouted to Josh. So, now what?[break][break]

She felt herself tense. Seriously, what was she going to do against Kyogre? She reached for a pokeball on the belt secured around her waist to call forth her next pokemon.[break][break]

The altaria let out a melodic chirp upon her release, immediately followed by a worrisome squawk when she realized the immense weight of rain on her wings. Nabi seemed to wait for something to happen.[break][break]

"I was hoping Nico's CLOUD NINE would dispel the rain... guess Kyogre is just too strong," she sighed.


mission | 3/5

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 21:19:10 GMT
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CLOUD NINE may have negated ordinary weather, but this was extraordinary, primal weather. Weather the earth was not capable of producing on its own. Josh grunted, wincing as a powerful turn felt like it was going to tear his left arm out of its socket. Seeing the Altaria, it didn't take him long to realize what Nabi was trying to do.

"Cloud Nine and other ways of stopping weather won't work on primal weather," Josh called out as the WATER SPOUT dropped a torrential deluge upon the ashen feline. Shaking himself clean as though he was a real cat, the Beast roared before surrounding himself in an electrical sphere, landing on the Kyogre's back with another SPARK attack.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Janus         Espeon         Good

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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 1:36:11 GMT
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Nabi nodded back to Josh in understanding, though it cemented further how small she felt in her supportive role. What else could she do to help him? The pink-haired girl bit her lip in thought as the legendary raikou made his assault.[break][break]

For now, she could attack and see if that produced any results.[break][break]

"Nico, try a SKY ATTACK!" Nabi ordered the altaria.[break][break]

As best she could, Nico flew upwards, raindrops splattering against her coat and fighting to weigh her down. Her body glowed bright, even in the darkness of the storm clouds. On her descent, she piloted through the air, appearing like a glimmer of hope, and dove into the surface of Kyogre's back.[break][break]

Kyogre roared and splashed itself about in the waters. And then, it began to glow. Several orbs appeared before Kyogre as it readied an ORIGIN PULSE.


mission | 4/5

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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 23:44:02 GMT
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The point-blank ORIGIN PULSE wreaked total devastation upon Josh's prized Beast: a CRITICAL HIT to his soft, white underside. "Retreat, Swift! QUICK ATTACK!" the Champion ordered, but it was too late. The ashen Raikou's body disintegrated upon contact with the primal wave of water that raced toward Josh, passing beneath him and his flying Togekiss. Beach huts were torn to pieces amidst the crashing waves, floodwaters shooting toward Lilycove City and threatening to wash away vehicles parked in the streets. Were Nico to remain too close to the Kyogre during their SKY ATTACK, they may have suffered the same fate.

"It's too powerful! We need to retreat!" the Champion cried, urging Nabi to get to safety before another ORIGIN PULSE was aimed at either one of them directly. Such water pressure would tear Josh from the saddle, and the resulting injury would likely be one he would never recover from. As a Champion, he could not allow himself to be bedridden like that any longer.

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         KO
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Janus         Espeon         Good

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 21:37:34 GMT
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Kyogre was unforgiving. It took just one attack for both of their pokemon to go down, like children carelessly throwing toys to the ground. Nabi screamed for Nico as the bird descended towards the water, her body seemingly lifeless. Josh's plea, while heard, would have no affect on Nabi.[break][break]

"Go, Bruno, go!" she shrieked over the thundering waters. Their bodies disappeared in the rolling waves, swimming closer to Kyogre's mighty form. Nabi just needed to get close enough to save Nico.[break][break]

The altaria plummeted through the water, beak first, and slowly sank. The duo followed, with Nabi holding her breath and securing Nico's pokeball in one hand.[break][break]

Only seconds had passed, but time felt so much longer in the midst of Kyogre's rampage. When Nabi and Bruno resurfaced, she tried to relocate herself and find Josh. He was right—they had to retreat.[break][break]

Bruno kicked his strong arms and feet to carry them back to Josh's side. Over the rain's unending torrent, the sound of Kyogre's ORIGIN PULSE echoed.[break][break]

"Dive!" Nabi shouted when the attack launched into the air. The water, while doing everything in its power to destroy them, was also their temporary safe haven. She hoped Josh would not come out of this with more injuries.[break][break]

"Ok, ok, let's go! Are you ok?" she screamed at him when she broke through the water again.


mission | 5/5

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2024 19:16:43 GMT
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There was just something special about Kyogre; it was as though the aquatic god was on a completely different barometer of power than even Josh's legendary partner. It withstood a barrage of electric attacks from the fastest Pokémon on land, only to fire back with ORIGIN PULSES and WATER SPOUTS strong enough to overwhelm even the sacred Johtonian Beast.

The Gym Leader grunted loudly, the arc of Mastema's swoop to avoid the aquatic violence putting great pressure on his healing arm. It throbbed, Josh able to feel his heartbeat through deep parts of his skin being pinched. "Nabi! We can't afford to be here any longer!" As lamentable as it was to abandon Lilycove City against the threat of Kyogre, he was a Champion. One of a few. He had to live to fight another day. Hoenn had already lost one Champion. They could not afford to lose another.

The most concerning part of Josh's battle was learning just how lacking Swift's power was in his current state. Discovering how to make the Beast into the one he remembered was going to be a task of utmost importance. If the Raikou wasn't at full strength by the time the war came around... he didn't want to think about it.

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         KO
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Janus         Espeon         Good

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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 2:46:57 GMT
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