yeehaw but in a cool criminal way [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 18:39:01 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Many people strayed from Dewford for these kinds of operations because of the famous law enforcement. Few wanted to go toe to toe with . But she knew the Sheriff to be rather busy, and he couldn't protect the city all the time. In fact, she was confident Dewford in particular pushed a narrative of protection so their members could be elsewhere in Hoenn. [break][break]

The theory was put to the test tonight. She had Gardevoir peeling steel from the structure of the warehouse. They carefully pulled around support beams, not yet tearing at the poles holding up the building, but it would be an additional benefit to her and Rocket to shut down the steel-riddled warehouse before the League could take advantage of its resources in the coming war. [break][break]

"We probably have an hour before any movement or sound raises enough suspicion for concerned citizens to call it in," she advised Gardevoir. Ameena, for her part, was dressed properly for the motorcycle she had traveled on, aware such a high-value warehouse might have psychic energy sensors to prevent teleport break-ins. Her helmet's visor assisted in protecting her eyes from the sight of Delphox' brutal flames as she melted some of Gardevoir's stolen steel down into logistically-friendly cubes.

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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Montgomery James
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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 2:06:34 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]He didn't know if he had amazing luck or the exact opposite.

It was true that the police were sparse at that time. But, happened to be out on patrol, a cigarette between in fingers. A horrid habit he should probably get rid of, but something about the burn in his lungs soothed him. He tapped ash out of the window as he made a turn, driving down a road with several warehouses lining the street.

He just had to make sure that there weren't any illegal battles or kanoodling teenagers out here. They thought the places were abandoned and good to make use of, but it still wasn't allowed on public property...

A metallic flash caught his eye, as well as the movement of a shadowy figure. "Fuck. Don't tell me they got their pants off..." Montgomery muttered, parking the car and getting out.

He began to approach, pulling out his flashlight to better see, when he spotted her. Distinct pink hair, a tall figure, and her GARDEVOIR, shiny in appearance. Though it had been a KIRLIA when they'd first met.

"Well, well. Are we gonna rehash our dance again, Miss...?" What was her name?

[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 3:54:54 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ah, her favorite cowboy. [break][break]

His detective work is instant, bringing a smile to her hidden face. She doesn't need a disguise anymore. She pulls the helmet off, looking at him with open amusement. "Doctor," she identifies herself. [break][break]

Delphox stops her inferno on the steel and comes closer, though Ameena does not give her any instruction to attack. She would much prefer a conversation to a battle, though Delphox doesn't hide her use of future sight to determine when he will attack. [break][break]

Rehash their dance, hm? "Only if you are a glutton for punishment." She takes a step closer, sensing the opportunity for diplomacy. But all business and no play made for a dull scientist. It is her responsibility, really, to the entire monolith of science, to do her due diligence and experiment with Deputy James. So, with a suggestive tone, she presses him. "Are you?"

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 2:54:23 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]"Doctor," she said.

The immediate thought he held was, why the hell was a doctor — and a CEO nonetheless — out at night doing something rather shady? Not to mention, it was the second time he'd come across , and the first time was equally compromising.

Montgomery laughed, full bellied and loud as she revealed her face and stepped closer to him. So, she wasn't going to try to run. At least not yet. That was nice. Maybe progress was being made.

"I dunno. Are you?"

He placed his hands on his hips, his lips plastered into a smirk.

"So, tell me. Why are ya, a CEO and a doctor at that, interested in stealing steel?"

[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 15:41:56 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Was she a glutton for punishment? She kept finding herself with too many interesting subjects of study, inevitably spreading herself too thin between them: dreams, alternate realities, eternatus, genesect, and now him. Instead of answering the first question, she responds to the second. "I am merely recycling. I love the environment."[break][break]

She makes no effort to veil the facetiousness of the answer. Gardevoir puts another beam by the melted-down cubes, but Delphox is still paused from her task, watching the officer with interest. [break][break]

But Ameena is a scientist first, Rocket second. Her curiosity cannot be tampered by a sense of self-preservation for long. She has to know how far his indulgence in her antics will go. If his lack of immediate force is a desire for information, playing with his food, or something else entirely. She extends a hand to him, smile like a Sharpedo, and offers, "Ameena Abadi. A pleasure."

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 21:09:26 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]"A story I'd love to believe, but given our history... well, I don't believe shit." His cigarette was long gone, smoldering somewhere on the ground.

Like these two. Burning, with only smoke, but no fire to be seen. Yet. He wondered who would ignite it.

Her hand was extended to him, offering her name. Now, he had her name as well as her occupation. He pocketed that information to do more digging on her later. For now, though-

Duty called.

A hand at one side dropped his Poke ball, his CLAYDOL LEVITATING near the DELPHOX as he grabbed her wrist and pulled it behind her back. It was a forceful tug, pulling her body closer to his so that her back met his chest.

"Ameena Abadi. Pleasure to meet ya, though I wish it were under different circumstances. Montgomery James, Deputy of Dewford town. Call down yer companions, and we can make things more enjoyable for both of us. Whaddya say?" His lips were quirked in a smirk, his voice low and raspy near her ear.

[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 21:44:08 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena's no stranger to manhandling, though her transition from military life to researching and even to Rocket membership involved little violence. She doesn't lean away from his touch, making it even easier for him to tug her close. His Claydol is dangerous close to Delphox, who saw the maneuver coming with her earlier use of future sight, but as she readies an attack, Gardevoir reacts based on what Ameena communicates via telepathy, imprisoning the snarling Delphox and prohibiting the fire witch from attacking Montgomery's partner. [break][break]

Slightly, she turns her head closer to him and his tempting offer in her ear. "I cannot say I mind the circumstances." She was no socialite, so they would have had few opportunities to meet outside of her Rocket activities. It was interesting that the only times she had been noticed by law enforcement so far had been at his hands. [break][break]

"How enjoyable can things really be, if that precious law of yours is always third-wheeling?" If she could entice him to relax the grip the law held on him, they could have a fruitful partnership. She could get him any number of wins, but as a Deputy, he was clearly doing fine for himself career-wise. If he could let go of the law entirely, well, she could afford a kept man.

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 0:40:50 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]What he didn't expect from her Pokemon was to actually stand down. The DELPHOX made a meager attempt to move, trapped by the GARDEVOIR'S IMPRISONMENT. He whistled, signaling for his own Pokemon to wait.

There was no need for an EXPLOSION right now.

Now, Ameena was pressed almost provocatively close to him. Even her words were tantalizing. He snorted, grinding his foot against the concrete.

"Awe, ya think I'm no fun? I assure you, I'm damn fun enough." Montgomery's grip on her wrist loosened, not as tight as it was. But he ensured that her other hand was pulled close.

"Ya know why I'm fightin' for the law, Dr. Abadi?" he drawled, lowering his voice to a whisper.

"I did my time on the criminal side. I've seen my far share of horrors and done 'em myself. Hoenn is my salvation. And I ain't gonna let that slip away if I can hold onto it."

Montgomery chuckled again. "You're doin' a job. I'm also doin' mine."

[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 15:19:52 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

His motivation demonstrated conviction, but his concluding philosophy was flawed. "What a waste of talent," she lamented. The things they could accomplish if he'd only loosen his newfound moral bondage.[break][break]

Restrictive laws and ethical codes had only ever hindered scientific developments. The greater sin, though, was that she knew too well that the law could prohibit justice. The memory of being told no one would be charged in relation to her mum's death left her with the beginnings of a snarl. "You would serve Hoenn greater as a vigilante. Those laws keep you with one hand tied behind your back when it comes to helping those that need it."[break][break]

She needed more information on him to better persuade him to her side. One could never have enough allies, and someone who might have League knowledge was valuable and worth Rocket protection. She could help him play hero in exchange for his loyalty. But that wouldn't happen tonight. [break][break]

"You will see what I see, sooner or later. Enforcing the law will inevitably require you to choose between goodness and lawfulness. I needed to see that the hard way. You do not have to." She gave the mental command to Gardevoir as she hooked a foot behind Montgomery's and pushed herself backwards to throw them both to the ground. Gardevoir released her imprison on Delphox, using psychic instead to push the Claydol away.

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 23:41:53 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Montgomery laughed. Again and again, this woman made him laugh rather than spit in the dirt and curse. If he had to pick favorite criminals, she'd be his pick. What an interesting individual.

"You always have these words that are as sweet as honey. It's like ya want me to do somethin' more for ya than just switch sides. Ya got some googoo eyes for me, Dr. Abadi?" he teased.

However, their pleasantries ended soon after, with a foot hooking around his ankle to throw him off balance. And Montgomery was a towering tree collapsing on the ground. He still had her wrists in his hold, pulling her down on his chest was a grumbling curse.

He was quick to try and scramble, to flip their positions so that he'd straddle her and pin her to the ground. His CLAYDOL was pushed several yards away, impairing its ticking time bomb. "Claydol!"

Instead, it shot an EXTRASENSORY toward the DELPHOX and GARDEVOIR pair.

[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 16:25:24 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Cute. His commentary was still playful, offering just a slim chance that she could get him to switch sides, and perhaps a little more. [break][break]

He flipped them so she was pressed to the ground, though she wasn't overly concerned. With her chest against the ground, it pressed at the megastone accessory necklace. "Get on with it, Gardevoir," she grunted. The Gardevoir mega evolved, though the overwhelming psychic energy fully triggered the alarms on the ceiling and the doorways throughout the warehouse. Now, the rest of Dewford's law enforcement knew there was some sort of break-in. [break][break]

The warehouse's anti-psychic security tech would block out the use of moves like teleport, the idea being that thieves could teleport inside but could not leave the same way. Delphox ate the extrasensory and flew backwards, though she followed it up with a sunny day, generating a bright and hot atmosphere within the warehouse. Gardevoir launched a mystical fire at the Claydol. [break][break]

"You are looking a little outnumbered," Ameena taunted. "I have a reputation to protect, James. If your boys come in here without that anti-psychic security disabled..." She would take them out, permanently. She wasn't ready just yet to sacrifice her civilian identity and company, though they were both tools, and ones she would discard in a heartbeat if it served her. She hoped he would make a mistake in trying to restrain her, or distract himself pulling out a pokemon partner for Claydol, so she could end their intimate skirmish and flee.

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NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 1:11:03 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Montgomery, being one of Dewford's law enforcement, immediately received notice of the trip in the psychic alarm system. Though he didn't see any changes to his surrounds, he could feel the energy shift, a sort of hum in the air to announce that they couldn't escape but by foot.

"Come in, Deputy James! We identified your location is within the borders where the anti-psychic barrier was set off. Are you okay?" his radio pinged on his chest.

Ameena's words were a threat. Montgomery scowled down at her stupidly pretty face, wanted to spit on the ground beside her and kick up some dirt. But before he could respond to her retort, his radio pinged again.

"Officer James, come in!"

"I've got it covered. No needta send in anyone else. Disengage the system," Montgomery answered sharply on the radio, followed by a moment of silence and a confirmation of his order.

The MYSTICAL FIRE made the CLAYDOL beep, charging another EXPLOSION. This time, though, Ameena and Montgomery were in range. Except, he noticed a moment too late.

"Claydol, shut it- fuck!"

He grabbed Ameena by her collar, dragging her away — more like throwing her away — from range before diving next to her. There was an explosion.


[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 15:51:20 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She had held his breath as his radio pinged. What was he going to do? He called his colleagues off, giving them an opportunity for a longer conversation and for Ameena to better entice him, but then - [break][break]

Fire. Smoke. The loud, numbing silence that comes after a sound that can burst ear drums. [break][break]

Then, she saw him, not yet getting to his feet as she was - years of training telling her to never stop moving after the launch of an incendiary device, as the sapped adrenaline will make immobility too enticing. She rushed to his side with a stagger, reaching to roll him onto his back. "James!" She couldn't hear her own voice. [break][break]

Through their telepathic connection, she urged Gardevoir to act. Both of her psychic pokemon sensed her distress: Delphox grabbed the KO'd Claydol while Gardevoir and Ameena dragged the Deputy to the parking lot outside. "Set off the alarm again," she instructed Delphox, who generated light screens inside the building and triggered lockdown and a police alarm again. [break][break]

"Do it," she said to Gardevoir, who had hesitated even after Ameena's mental command. The psychic was unhappy to assist a Leaguer, but she had little choice against Ameena's steel will. Gardevoir used healing pulse on the Deputy to aid with any concussion or smoke inhalation. Gardevoir looked to Ameena pointedly, and finally, she conceded. "Okay, fine. We can take our leave." She looked back to the warehouse, which they should have plundered, but... oh, well. [break][break]

She could live without the steel, but a recurring pattern of losing against the Deputy on her Rocket missions would spell trouble later. "Burn it." Delphox and Gardevoir both launched mystical fire until the warehouse was a conflagration. Then, the trio teleported from the location, leaving James and his Claydol to be discovered by arriving forces.

TAGS [break]

NOTES – stealing steel[break][break]


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july 27
Driftveil City, Unova
when it's time to shoot, quit yappin'
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TAG WITH @montgomery
Montgomery James
yeehaw but in a cool criminal way [m]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 13:09:11 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]There was a drift in and out of consciousness. His vision was blurred. It felt like he was seeing things from below the surface of the ocean. What he could see from his lidded eyes was a mouth moving, someone commanding something to move.

He felt himself dragged across a hard ground. His body ached.

Another bought of flames, out of the corner of his vision, caught his attention, but his head couldn't turn. Instead, Montgomery saw her walking away. "Ameena."

He wanted to say.

That was the last he recounted until he passed out, only waking again in a hospital bed.

[attr="class","montytag"] | stealing steel
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
yeehaw but in a cool criminal way [m]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 2:10:58 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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