i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 2:53:31 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
For a brief moment, it would seem that Desiree's sudden advantage had been a fluke. Prime's ancient power managed to stagger the crystalized fae, and Oscar snickered as a glimmer of hope began to flicker within him. That hope was dashed as the creature retaliated with an Ancient Power of its own, encrusted with the very diamonds that lined its body.

Oscar's smile faded, his body shivering as the volley approached. Desiree's words meant nothing to him, they were as hollow as the lyrics of her last album (note that he has not listened to any of her music but will always claim he has during critical discussions). This show of force though, a tangible threat that seemed insurmountable, now that gave him pause. So much so that Prime needed to shove Oscar forward in order to get him to start running.

Rocks sailed past the two of them as they tried to evade the barrage. Every time a boulder threatened to hit Oscar, Prime would jump in the way and take the strike upon its body. Stone after stone shattered against it, causing its armor to dent and warp. Nevertheless, it would not hesitate to protect its master over and over again until they could reach safety. A massive stone along their path would provide the cover they sorely needed, and so Oscar and Prime hurriedly dove behind it.

As he tried to catch his breath, Oscar would assess their current situation. It was less than ideal, to say the least; they had gone from having the clear upper hand to being harshly outmatched. Looking over Prime drove this point home, its incredibly durable armor had gone from pristine to being covered in marks and dents. If the fight dragged on, it could spell the death for the both of them.

Prime looked to its master, determined to continue the battle no matter the odds. The creature's raw power was extraordinary, but mentally Prime had the upper hand. With a little strategy and careful calculation, perhaps it could survive long enough for this monster's mega evolution to fade. Then they would be on much more even ground. Oscar was not as confident as his trusted champion. He did not wish for Prime to die fighting a hopeless battle--more importantly he did not want to die. No, he could not die here. Not against this pawn! This League peon! He rejected this possibility! All he had to do was use...

Something weighed heavily within Oscar's suit. He clutched at it, hesitating to pull it out even now. It represented a point of absolute desperation, a position Oscar never imagined himself being in. To use this tool was to give in to his fear, to give up on hope and rely solely on his desire to survive. He reached into his suit, hesitating even as his fingers curled around the drive's form. Memories flashed through his head as he looked to Prime, countless moments that proved that this killing machine was more than a tool for war. Every wave hello, every spirited dance, every offbeat attempt to socialize, every moment of affection between them--all of it would be erased should he use this device. Yet if he did not, they would both likely die. When forced to reflect on what he would rather lose, Oscar's choice seemed clear.

He pulled out the device, a black disk drive that emitted a familiar miasma. With a heavy heart and resolute tone, Oscar gave the order. "Prime, open you drive port."

Prime stared at the drive, its sensors immediately recognizing the Shadow energy that lay dormant within. It was not hard for it to guess that should it accept the drive, it would cause innumerable alterations to its programming. Oscar had long worked out Prime's original directive: to destroy all semblances of shadow pokemon and nekrozma influence within the material realm. Yet even now its hatred for Shadows boiled within, and the very idea of letting such vile power within its circuits made it shiver. It looked back to its master, distraught from the very suggestion. Even still, it trusted Oscar. He had always been kind to Prime, and deep within its cold carapace the Genesect was certain that Oscar cared about it. So if it truly desired not to do something, surely he would accept Prime's choice. It shook its head, and for the first time ever it refused a direct order from its master. It would be the first of its kind to do so.

Oscar was shocked, shaking as Prime's disobedience. On one hand, it was an amazing advancement in its AI learning--but on the other hand they would die if Prime did not accept the drive. Oscar wanted to accept Prime's choice, he truly did. He wanted to throw the Shadow drive down and crush it, a pure display of his admiration for his Genesect. Yet his desire to live outweighed the love he felt for his pokemon. With a shaking hand, Oscar reached into his suit and pulled out a remote that would temporarily deactivate Prime. He would have to insert the drive manually.

The instant Prime watched Oscar pull its override remote out of his suit, time for the cyborg would freeze. Its mind went back to last night, sifting through laptops and desktops in search of the information it desired. All it needed to do to access a computer's files was insert its claw directly into its circuitry, thus allowing it to Download all of the data off of the hardware. It read through file after file, all of them incapable of answering the had burned within it for weeks: What was a Genesect? Perhaps if it had given up here, it would not have learned the terrible truth about its creation.

Unfortunately, Prime had been extremely thorough. Eventually it would locate a forgotten hard drive that had been tossed into a junk drawer. It had likely been wiped before hand, but retrieving the latent data within would be no challenge for Prime. What it pulled out was a report written by for something called Project Genesis. Here Prime would read how Rocket was able to create other Genesect, using Prime's creation as a template. Genesect were made from the discarded bodies of pokemon, compiled together into a cybernetic monstrosity of pure destruction. Prime found this discovery distressing. It was not an individual, it was an amalgamation of dead parts squeezed into a shell made from other dead parts. All of its memories from before its rampage on the sub were lies, left over from the actual pokemon that lived full lives before being cut down by Rocket. Prime forced itself to delete the file, clutching its head with its claws. It began to shake violently, an unfamiliar feeling rising from within. It felt similar to its previous bouts of rage, but it was different. It was harsher, and it came with a sudden swelling from behind its eyes. The swelling became too much, and Prime would be forced to open ports beneath its optic bulbs to relieve the pressure.

Something cool began to run down Prime's face, down its claws and then its arms. It brought its claws down to examine them, discovering that what it was leaking was in-fact water. It did not know why it was doing this, but the expulsion was strangely helping it feel better. And so it sat there, letting water fall from its eyes until it felt normal.

It could not imagine a more cruel act, to create a pokemon entirely from the dead. To allow a living creature to experience and learn but denying it individuality. To Prime it had become clear that humanity was a depraved species that had no respect for pokemon. It had thought Oscar to be a level above other humans, but today it had learned that he could be just as cruel. What he could not control, he would bend with force--but Prime would not bend. Not this time.

Prime slashed Oscar's hand, destroying the remote before he could even use it. Oscar stared as his hand began to gush blood, slowly raising his gaze back to Prime. He was more than taken aback, he was outright stunned. Prime felt the same, unsure what to do after this act of defiance. knew exactly what to do. It was not a drone, it was not a stitched together abomination meant to be controlled. It was an individual. It was a Genesect.

Yet there was more for it to learn, but it would not learn anything here. Not under the watch of a human. Prime abruptly launched into the sky, flying straight into the clouds as fast as it could. Oscar watched as Prime's form became smaller and smaller, before disappearing completely.

He could not comprehend what had just happened. Had Prime--left him? Oscar's entire body shook, and he found himself unable to support his own weight. He fell to his knees, staring upward into the sky. He hoped that Prime would return, that it would turn right around and come back to him. Yet as the clouds shifted, he could see no sign of it. The truth slowly set in, and Oscar would drop the drive as he fell forward. Catching himself on his palms, Oscar would hold back tears as reality coiled around him like a noose. "What have I done..." He whispered spitefully, his hands clenching into dirt-filled fists. "Prime forgive me...please come back...please."

Of course, he would receive no answer.

--See other posts for Oscar's fit.
--Prime and Oscar duck behind a boulder as Diance continues to overwhelm them. Desperate and fearful of death, Oscar attempts to force Prime to use his Shadow drive. Unwilling to take on such corruption, Prime rejects Oscar's orders and flees the scene. Oscar is left alone, filled with regret.

10 MP per IC post.
50 MP for getting your Pokemon knocked out in your prelude thread (departure counting as a KO approved by shiv).
50 MP have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.
50 MP showcase a meaningful moment between your character and their Pokemon.
50 MP include a motif or recurring symbol of some kind in your thread (drones)

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 0:04:15 GMT

[attr="class","angel desireeblooms"]



[attr="class","chartag"] (cc: & league comms)




Satisfaction existed as dull, dim-lit lilies within her mind, body, and soul- satisfaction that bloomed at the sight of each diamond digging deeper than the last, thrusting bits of steel in to collapse inward. Dents like those, dents with intent to last forever, would have been a cruel sight to witness had the victim not been the one that had taken her poor Florges away from her. But with each hit, the glimmer in her eyes grew alongside her smile of what she believed to be justice. They were all the more deserved.[break][break]

“What’s taken the hits of your diamonds is not like anything of your kind, Diancie,” she spoke to the diamond creature as it retained its composure, refining the diamonds with solidification of carbon from the surrounding air, “.. it is a relentless mechanical- a predator to those that have given you housing. A predator to us, Diancie..”[break][break]

Though Desiree tried and tried to convince the legendary pink diamond that death was his fate for what he had done, that revenge was something she sought alongside the preservation of all those she held dear to her heart.. A liquified pink tear fell down its cheek. It did not want to take the life of another- it did not want to bring the mechanical construct, which it could not tell if it was truly alive or simply a slew of programming, to rubble. It sought peace through the sharpening of its diamonds, but all of this.. It dreamed of bringing diamonds to all, to dazzle rather than to execute.[break][break]

It wanted to live with all the others vicariously- but it had responsibilities to protect the league. As the two watched the man remove his own secret weapon, both blinked at one another with vastly different eyes- Diancie, with eyes of concern, and Desiree, with eyes of confidence that could not easily be swayed by a disc. One that could not easily be swayed with the leakage of water that had shown from the other side of the encasement of wildfire. Eyes that had craved the slaughter that had effortlessly been brought to her beloved fairy without hesitation.[break][break]

But it sliced instead of acting upon whatever it was that was inserted inside of it- soon fleeing afterward, and only heaven knew what the cause was in the pinkette’s mind. As it shot into the skies, she watched it with mouth agape.. and let out a gasp that proceeded a giggle of relief, a giggle of justice all the same. To see the man in the mask reduced to his knees with his hands clenched- it was a sight that she had never seen before, for nothing she had ever done had such an outcome. At least, other than the final push she gave to her murderous father off the ledge of her penthouse balcony.[break][break]

“The masked man who has been pursuing me has been brought to the ground,” she said into her comms with brightness in her voice, picking up a large rock that had been strewn from Prime’s prior attack, “.. his black mechanical, one like the purple ones, has fled.. keep an eye out for that one, it is vicious like no other.”[break][break]

Sliding her communications device up from her cheek, she brought the sharpest point of the rock outward into her fist. “Say your last words, nameless. Your survival will mean more.. crimson will leak from those I love.. I can’t let that happen, no matter..”[break][break]

Turning to face Desiree, Diancie held one of its fingers up to her lips- and her eyes, which were brought to tears, leaked onto her forehead. It was a message that was easily conveyed with the shaking of a head- that killing him was not an option that needed to be taken. It did not want to. It had thought of a plan that was better suited not for it, not for her, but for the league itself. With all those who it had faced off against in its training, it imagined that some had histories that had brought them to wish for redemption. Diancie did not know that Desiree had killed once before- but it did not want her to kill now.[break][break]

Weaving another consolidated DIAMOND STORM around its sword, it used its magical, ethereal energies to create a construct out of its diamonds rather than a ruthless attack. Quickly, the diamonds solidified into a hard, resolute structure reminiscent of a BIRD CAGE. It rattled as the mineral princess advanced toward Oscar with bright, illuminant eyes- quickly, but not as quickly as it had when a threat existed before its eyes. Holding it outward as it levitated toward him, Diancie wished to contain him inside of it until the time called for them to make it back to the league reconnaissance.[break][break]

“But..” she whispered softly, out of earshot from the legendary that had been brought to her aid, “.. he killed Contora.. he and all those like him sit on a throne of bones.. and wish to add to it.. they wanted to add you and I to it, too..”[break][break]

She went into the war with a wish not to kill again- but the bloodlust of revenge had taken too strong of a hold. Feeling a pang in her chest from the inside, an ache in her heart.. She knew that Contora would have wished for the same as Diancie. A tear fell from her own pink eyes as she shook her head, ashamed for all which she sought to convince.[break][break]

The mineral princess was better than her. If she truly wished to bring upon the world of love, which she did, she needed to reevaluate. But so many things began to happen during the approach of Diancie and its cage, during the war that had reached its apex in her mind- for the ground began to rumble and shake.[break][break]

Lowering the microphone to her lips once more, she clicked a ball, releasing her Dragonair from inside. Scooping her onto its back, she whimpered as the two rose ever so slightly off the ground. “An Earthquake? , what is happening?” she cried into the comms, but received radio silence from the one she sought answers from, “.. ? Answer me..! Diancie, be careful!”[break][break]

The sharp rock in her hand fell into a pile of ruin.

🌸🌿 NOTES 🌿🌸
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 25 MP for knocking out another Pokemon in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).[break]
🌺 TOTAL MP: 815[break][break]

🌺 TLDR: tries to convince diancie a bit more, but the thoughts of sadness start to creep into the diamond's heart- for it does not want to kill. desiree remains confident that the battle is won, especially after all that had happened in oscar's post above.. then she asks oscar for his last words and affirms her justice, only for diancie to shut her up. through this desiree also updates league comms on her situation![break][break]

diancie, however, has an idea that will be better for both in the long run.. using a diamond storm to make a diamond bird cage, it attempts to rush oscar to jail him inside. this shutting her up and wishing for her not to kill makes her mind go berserk- and makes her question her ways of thinking that had came about after so much. then the earthquake starts, bringing her to release her dragonair and fly up a bit to be safe. all while trying to get derek to answer to no avail!


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 23:00:04 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar



Shut up!


Fucking stop it!

Oscar could not block out that word, repeating infinitely within his head. Usually any self-deprecation that took place within his mind was more varied, but there was only one way to describe Oscar in this instance.


I just wanted to live!


Oscar trembled, clutching his head as his thoughts spiraled into absolute despair. He kept trying to rationalize his choice, claiming that he had only wanted to survive or that it was not truly such a big deal. Yet he could not keep out that one word, cycling endlessly with greater and greater fury.




Come back...


I'm so sorry...

Oscar would have lay there trembling until his untimely death at the hands of Diance, but luckily for him the crystal queen had decided to grant him mercy. Whether it was born from pity or its own ideals, the diamond diva was more keen on capturing Oscar instead of ending his life. As she slowly approached with a cage, the sight of her shadow would finally break Oscar out of his internal struggle.

Oscar slowly raised his head, his eyes struggling to adjust to the incandescent shine of the cage. The flames would start to fade, followed by the forest, then Desiree, and then Diance--until only the cage remained. Oscar trembled further as the cage drew closer, paralyzed with abject terror. The birdcage might as well have been a coffin, a fitting enclosure for such a worthless whelp. He had victory within the palm of his hands, and he dashed it for idiotic gratification. Then when the going got rough, what did he do? He should have known that Prime would refuse the drive. Creating it was a stupid idea, listening to was a stupid idea, coming to this battle at all was a stupid idea!

Stupid stupid stupid coward! He deserved to rot in some League prison, forgotten and forelorn! A fate worse than death!

No--no there was no fate worse than death. Worse than ceasing to exist; losing everything he valued, having his ambitions unfulfilled. Death and captivity might as well be one and the same, and once again craven Oscar could not stand to accept it. As always, he would choose the coward's way. Oscar had no idea how he was going to make it happen, but he had to escape.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. The abrupt vibration seemed to distract his opponents, and thus Oscar spotted his opportunity. He grabbed the shadow drive, turned tail, and ran as fast as he could. Despite the rising heat and violent tremors, Oscar would try his damnedest to run from his rightful punishment--up until he remembered that he had a pokemon that could fly.

"Fuck..." Oscar paused to grab an beast ball from his belt, a dire mistake that would likely allow his pursuers to catch up.

--Oscar fit on page 1
--Oscar freaks out about Prime leaving and almost lets himself get captured, but in the end his fear drives him to run instead. He pauses to let out a pokemon, leaving himself wide open.

10 MP per IC post
50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 2:38:20 GMT

[attr="class","angel desireeblooms"]



[attr="class","chartag"] (cc: )




Tears cascaded down her eyes as the communications device failed to bring a response from her counterpart, . Looking at the horizon that sprawled in front of her, the flames kissing the trees that had previously surrounded her, they honed in on the mineral princess that shot toward the masked foe. She did not know how to think, nor how to feel anymore.[break][break]

Desiree and Oscar existed on different sides of the same coin; both fell victim to a chase and wished to kill at one point, too. As her deep, labored breaths were emulsified to hyperventilation, the words that echoed through Oscar’s mind flourished in her own with a similar wretched yet ultimately different message: KILLER. KILLER. KILLER.[break][break]

“ANSWER ME, DEREK! You.. you must answer me, so I can know.. you’re okay,” she screamed into the comms device, watching as the Diancie wavered its birdcage back and forth. Yet, a gasp of hope turned into a gasp of shock- for a flaming tree, a large, beautiful tree had bridged the gap between the one she pursued in his attempted flee and the legendary pokemon. Dropping the cage and staring at it, before turning around to stare at the floating Dragonair and its Desiree, light shed from its body until there was nothing more than its normal appearance.. its mega evolution had expired.[break][break]

It tried to peek over the large tree that had become a wall, but its small stature and limitations of ethereal levitation had not allowed it to catch a glimpse. Fortune for Oscar, he could not be pursued further.. and as it could not fly up, it was trapped just as they were before it had gained the upper hand.[break][break]

The flames began to trail inward. “Diancie! I’m coming, meet me..! Please..!” she shouted to the gemstone, flicking the reins of the pink serpent to fly inward, “.. keep.. holding.. on..” Delving into the flames, feeling the heat flourish once more against her tired skin, it was by the volition of the dragon that she was able to acquaint herself with the fairy again quickly. Holding a hand out to it, it wrapped both of its palms around her waist as the three shot back upward through the smoke into the skies. The earth trembled much more than before, but they were safe.. especially as, given the spells of the Diancie that had taken root upon the three, they were tethered together with chains of diamonds.[break][break]

“The masked man.. now flees, likely to recoup,” she whimpered into the mic, “.. I need.. To recoup.. too..”[break][break]

Her vision was brought to a haze, but through the blurriness, the masked man that ran through the thicket was like a beacon. A beacon that she needed to cast astray- for she felt for him, even with all the turmoil and hatred that seethed through her boiling blood. She was unfit to bring justice upon him with her current ideals, her current likeness; she was a killer just as he was, and by her own criteria, she would be just as unworthy of the world of love she sought.[break][break]

Burying her head into Diancie’s crown’s indentation, causing the char remnants to rub off onto her aching forehead, she bawled, both in physical and mental anguish. She believed that she had turned a new leaf with the help of her friends- ripping the grim veil that had consumed her upon the many months she had been naive to the world of war and the turmoil of the cosmos. But the urge within her, the dark urge to spill blood on those she saw as enemies.. it took Diancie’s guidance to realize she could not retain such vitriol.[break][break]

She was impure in comparison to the diamond- but it could change that, it could guide her. It could protect her. Not from the flames that had singed her body, but from getting carried away.. just like she had when she had cast her vote to kill the Megalopolans. They could instead exist in cages, fates bestowed by the league rather than a girl with otherworldly habits of letting her emotions getting out of control.[break][break]

Holding a palm to her cheek, Diancie planted a kiss upon it. It could not read minds, but the feelings it felt in watching its newfound companion bawl in clear regret.. it wanted to fix all of it. It wanted her to sparkle like she did when they had first met.[break][break]

Peering eyes outward once more, Desiree watched as Oscar faded far from her vision. The next time they would meet, god forbid, she wished for it to be different- she knew it would be different. The cage that had been formed would consume him rather than the bright light of the pearlescent gates. She would think outside of the box.[break][break]


No matter the circumstance– no matter if a soul took everything she held dear to her. For in the world, the world of love, she could not be a killer.. it was not her rite.[break][break]

But in the end, would it be that easy? Would it be possible.. if those malevolent souls took after her father, leaving her no choice?[break][break]

The Dragonair shot into the skies- looking alongside the teary-eyed pinkette for a place untouched by flames. A place where her skin could restore to normal, where Desiree could no longer ache.. where they could retain themselves and dive back in. And on that front, it would be different.[break][break]


🌸🌿 NOTES 🌿🌸
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 100 MP - completing your prelude.[break]
🌺 250 MP - for “tying” or having a “neutral” outcome for your character and their prelude.[break]
🌺🌺 TOTAL MP: 1,175[break][break]


🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - showcase a meaningful moment between your character and their Pokemon.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character become inspired or consoled by another writer's character (THOMAS BENOIT YUINA HIGASHI DAHLIA GOODE @etc).[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character recall a past thread or event that they have participated in or not (extraction: cd).[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character make a regrettable decision.[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character make a sacrifice of some kind.[break]
🌺 100 MP for getting your Pokemon killed (does not stack with KO) in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc.[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - have your character experience great pride, joy, relief, or have confidence grow.[break]
🌺 10 MP - using a gimmick (mega) in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP - include a motif or recurring symbol of some kind in your thread- the florges ally flower.[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 25 MP for knocking out another Pokemon in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).[break]
🌺 10 MP - per IC post in your prelude thread.[break]
🌺 100 MP - completing your prelude.[break]
🌺 250 MP - for “tying” or having a “neutral” outcome for your character and their prelude.[break]

🌺 TLDR: Desiree still can't reach Derek on the comms, tries and tries again, but still, nothing! Diancie's forbiddance of killing Oscar continues to make her freak out, questioning everything about herself.. meanwhile, Diancie's attempted jailing is shut down by the walling of a flaming tree and the expiration of its mega evolution.[break][break]

The mineral princess is now surrounded by flames, just as Desiree once was. Using her Dragonair, she swoops into the flames to pick up the fairy and burns herself quite badly in the process. As they shoot into the skies, Desiree gives a final league comms update. And then falls into extreme introspection of every aspect of her being.. and how she wishes to change. How if she continues to let her emotions spiral out of control, she'll end up unworthy of the world of love she wishes to attain above all else.


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 15:05:54 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
A loud noise rang out behind Oscar, followed by an intense uptick in heat. Oscar hopped forward, his first thought being that he was about to be set on fire by a crazy divine diamond monster. As he swung around, he would be relieved to only find a fallen, flaming tree. The great oak had created a barrier between himself and his pursuers, an unlikely mercy considering what he deserved.

Oscar suddenly realized how on fire everything was and quickly returned to releasing his ride. Out popped Robbie Rotten, the most diabolical of Naganadel, and before it could even react Oscar would be mounting his steed. The sinister rascal hissed as Oscar hastily jostled its thorax during his climb to his back. Oscar was retorted with equal animosity, "Well I'm in a hurry! Speaking of, go!" Seemingly realizing how dire things were, Robbie flapped its wings and took off in the opposite direction of Desiree.

Oscar did not look back, instead swinging his head in every other direction in search of Prime. He caught a glimpse of multiple Genesect flying toward Petalburg, but none of them bore Prime's black paint job. As hopelessness once again set in, Oscar would stare blankly forward. He felt numb, absolutely detached as Prime's departure replayed in his head over and over. He had half a mind to push himself off of Robbie and tumble to his well deserved demise...

Oscar shook his head, that sort of thinking was not productive. Time would not stop simply because he made a mistake--a huge mistake but still. There was yet more work to be done, as the battle for Petalburg was only beginning. Oscar hardened his resolve grabbing Robbie's horns and pointing toward the city. "We're going to Petalburg. Stay within a Genesect swarm." Robbie followed orders, joining a nearby platoon of Genesect drones as they flew into the Petalburg war zone.

--Oscar has escaped with Naganadel, and the duo is now flying with a platoon of Genesect into Petalburg to join the other Rockets.

10 MP per IC post.
100 MP for completing your prelude thread.
250 MP for "tying" or having a "neutral" outcome for your character and their prelude.

Thread Total: 1165
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 2:26:07 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]PRELUDE COMPLETE!



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