Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2024 2:08:41 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","yuina"] [attr="class","yuinamain"]
There is, perhaps, something in knowing that Eva is related to Ollie or the fact that she shares so many of his dispositions that began to set Yuina at a bit of ease as they began to talk. Eva was interested in facts, tangible studies, the science and ecology of things going on in the region... And that was all things that Yuina could grasp onto and focus on.[break][break] "The recent anomalies? Well, there's no easy place to start," Yuina wondered, what a broad question to ask...[break] "I'm sure you're aware that tera crystals and their caves have only continued to spread, and dynergy and power spots are very active right now," she started, really only scratching the surface.[break][break] "Since the chasm opened in the icelands, there's been a rise in interdream mist levels and terastal energy, and a wide surge of 'paradox pokemon' appearing everywhere, even ones far more powerful than others that have been studied," of which she had studied those in particular very closely with her own charges.[break][break] "Space-time distortions have continued, I even tracked one into an ultra rift, which in and of itself is concerning. There's been a rise in infinity energy in general as Illumina Pokémon have started to appear more often, crystablooms are even showing up. I believe shadow Pokémon might either be starting to breed and are becoming a natural part of the Hoenn ecology, or they are being transformed in some way at a more rapid rate," she went on, and still she could keep going.[break] "There's the toxic chain that continues to spread, I have found many Pokémon inflicted by the phenomena, and even some that have become so consumed by it that it has changed their biology. I am actively studying the 'golden glowing' pokemon that have been reported throughout the region in recent weeks since the first stages of the war subsided," she took a pause, and glanced to the page that Eva held out, depicting a series of the tablets that too had begun to emerge.[break][break] "And then there's the plates, of course, that are causing a lot of discourse. So... we could have no shortage of things to discuss...," she finished, she was sure it was more than Eva might care to hear, worse than she could have thought, but it was all things that were happening... And all things that were concerning.[break][break] "Uhm, we can talk in my office if you'd like, about the plates. I have some texts that I've been working on, translating," Yuina offered. The experimenting of sygna suits seemed... Ill advised, she wouldn't disagree with Eva on that regard. There were so many things that they didn't understand about so many of the things that the league and otherwise tried to use for their agenda. It had always been a rather sore spot of contention.
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