i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 5:28:05 GMT
shiv Avatar


swarm has appeared!




BLAZIKEN ARE KNOWN TO BE EXTREMELY RARE. able to jump across skyscrapers with stunning speeds, it is difficult to capture a glimpse of a still blaziken in the wild. however, in the grassy path of route 101, a large flock of torchic its evolutionary line reside, pecking at the earth and racing around in the broad expanse.[break][break]


what will you do?


  • only one character of yours may participate.
  • in order to qualify for the capture, you must ROLL using the ROLL COMMAND & REFERENCE A FIGHTING GAME SERIES OR FIGHTING GAME CHARACTER somewhere in your post. an example would be "the blaziken kick like chun-li".
  • the highest roll will earn a shiny blaziken (gender of your choice); the second highest roll will earn a normal blaziken, and the lowest roll will net a torchic.
  • the attempted capture will not consume a pokéball.
  • the blaziken/torchic have movesets that will be revealed at the end of the event.
  • this is a time-limited event and will end june 15th (12AM PST).

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 5:35:15 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

It was quite the sight.

An entire flock of Torchic, complete with their evolutionary line. All primed to kick like they were Goro Majima someday. Atop a cliff overlooking the grassy path, Josh and Lightning had sat down at the edge and stared down at them. The blonde reached over to place a hand on the Raichu's head.

"Reminds me of when we first started out" Josh admitted with a soft smile, as the veteran trainer reached with his free hand to wipe a nostalgic tear from his eye. "Crazy to think it was about seven years ago that we started our journey. I remember when the recruiter took one look at me, took one look at you, as a Pichu... And handed me that a Torchic. Had a lot of journeys together."

Maybe as things eased, he could bring his own Blaziken to Hoenn. The first Pokemon he had caught, technically at his journey's beginning all those years ago.



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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 13:07:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

it was a good day to train and what better way than duking it out with some blazikens? he wasn't going to actually train with his pokemon however, no he ws going to train his whole body. for a while he's thought about going back into the fighting business and mop the floor with people in order to get some fame and recognition, heck maybe even a fancy title like king of fighters when he's doing. really however he just misses the scene, he used to get so invested and have a lot of fun with it but ever since the pokkenger was created his life had been pretty hectic and busy. maybe it was time to return to his roots?
so as he slipped on the mask of an incineroar he stared down the blaziken that was charging right at him and aimed a jump kick at the masked trainer before he let out a roar and rolled out of the way. "gonna have to actually try and land that ta take me down ya chicken!" with that he chased down the fire and fighting type with a haymaker of his own. he was going to be so bruised after this.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: poggy pog :kiss:


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 16:52:30 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 fire flashes in bursts, visible through dense foliage and high above the tree-tops.

dominic takes a detour to watch the blaziken train. although their kicks and punches emit heat fierce enough that and observer can practically feel it, dominic can see they are careful and calculated enough that it is mere training for the species. no matter how potent their attacks, none will result in a FATALITY.

he paces for a little while longer until he opts to let loose an empty capsule for a capture attempt.

i'm a gamer

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 17:58:06 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If Cap were honest with himself, these little middle-of-nowhere towns were a complete waste on him. They were quiet and quaint and while that was great for a certain type of person, he found himself going absolutely bonkers after a short while. That being said, no rumor mill ground quite as hard as one in a small town. When everyone knows everyone, all the dirty laundry comes out to play. And dirty laundry was his bread and butter.

...Okay poor metaphor.

Either way, if he spent a couple of days in Littleroot Town chatting with the locals, he might walk away with some valuable information. As he made his way up the route, however, he was suddenly aware of the flock of extremely kick-happy fire chickens surrounding him. He'd wandered right into the middle of a veritable Tekken match without realizing. Maybe he could just keep going through and they would be none the wiser. Or maybe... he pulled a spare Pokeball out of his belt and gave it a quick toss, prepared to bolt should the flock turn hostile.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 18:44:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Samuel was close to dismissing this gathering when he had first heard about it. To him it was described as being nothing but a mere flock of Torchic and nothing else.

That was much too boring to bother with but when hearing about the Blaziken that accompanied that piqued his interest enough to head over to route 101 and observe for himself.

And what sight it was, definitely something to make note of and even take pictures. As he watched the Blaziken train amongst themselves it was easy to tell which were older and more experienced and those who were of a NEW GENERATION just from the way they fought.

The older ones were more precise and elegant in their movements while the younger ones were much more wild and sloppy. There was no better example of this than two Blaziken that were sparring nearby. One was launching a series of attacks that would be best described as a crazy rush.

Like a HUNGRY WOLF chasing after its prey, the younger Blaziken tried its best to land a blow with MAXIMUM IMPACT but was failing to land anything. The older one either dodge or parried the younger’s moves.

Infuriated at this the younger Blaziken launched one last barrage of attacks and given how the older one prepared itself this would be the last round.

The older Blaziken again was dodging the younger ones moves but on the third strike it then blocked instead, grabbing a hold of the younger’s burning knuckle and delivered a crushing blow and taking down the younger one. The younger one would be back to face the older someday, its fighting soul would still burn driving it to train even harder.

It would strive to beat the older Blaziken. At least it was doing better off than the Torchics. Some Blazikens were trying to teach the little chicks the art of fighting but most either gave them blanks stares or completely failed at their attempts to do some sort of technique, they were spunky at least. It was to be expected from a bunch of young Pokémon with absolutely no Killer Instinct at all.

Before he packed up and left he figured why not try and catch one of the bastards, he might lucky.

I don't even really want this stupid chicken
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 3:21:00 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
A conjugation of man-birds? It was a bit too creepy for Oscar. Still, these bad boys were big sellers in the black market. He'd make a good profit if he could manage to even catch one. As he hid himself within some nearby bushes, silently observing his fiery prey. His chosen companion for this hunt, Wrath the Empoleon, was less than interested. He still didn't trust Oscar, and was stubbornly refusing these shenanigans. Much to Oscar's annoyance.

"You gotta duck down or they'll see ya nimrod!" Wrath didn't budge, keeping his back to the swarm in defiance. Oscar was about to give up and just put Wrath back in his ball, when he witnessed a small rock bouncing off the back of the proud pokemon's head. Wrath's eyes widened as he slowly turned toward his assailant. He locked eyes with a Blaziken that had left the herd, and for whatever reason it was pissed. Oscar looked between the two pokemon as tensions began to rise. Did they have a history? Oscar didn't have time to consider it because before he could tell Wrath to stand down the Blaziken was upon him. 

Oscar watched helplessly as the two viciously brawled. He kept shouting orders to Wrath but they were ignored, either because he couldn't hear them or he just didn't give a shit. Luckily for Wrath the Blaziken kept trying to use fire moves, which he was able to deflect easily. What he struggled more with was getting a hit in, his opponent was just too fast. The fight took only a few minutes but it felt like hours, once again Oscar considered withdrawing Wrath but then what if the Blaziken went after him next? Oscar decided to simply observe and hope it didn't decide to use Close Combat or something. 

It never got the chance. It slipped up once and that's all it took. As the Blaziken whiffed a kick it took the opportunity to slam his foe with a Hydro Pump. The Blaziken went flying, landing right into a tree. Before it could be given the chance to recover, Oscar took his shot. 

"Hey bitch! GET OVER HERE!"

The ball was thrown, and now it was up to fate.

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she / her / hers
october 31
Shalour, Kalos
wandering martial artist
Hit fast, strike hard, but show mercy when they surrender.
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TAG WITH @andrea
Andrea Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 6:13:19 GMT
Andrea Benoit Avatar
If there was something she couldn’t deny, it was the fact that first and foremost, she was a fighter. A kick-ass fighter who loved doing shit and moving around.

So, of course, the moment she heard about this swarm of fighting chicken near the place where the contest was held—she wasted no time getting there. While she knew that her fighting style was currently something that resembled a mish-mash from several genres, she could at least perform a reasonable facsimile of Capoeira (was that how it was spelled?) from one of those fighting games… was it… Tekken?

Well, martial artists always had to learn and adapt, so there they go then.

Wondering if she could change styles and do helicopter spins like one of the female fighters from said fighting game (she was pretty sure the one she could easily mimic was called Christie, or something) she knew she wanted another Fighting-type to help whip her team into shape.

While she didn’t notice one of them was shining a different color, at least she knew where to aim. Plucking a vacant Pokéball from her pocket, she then flung it into the crowd of chickens…


+ @tag
+ eh, I tried

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 10:03:45 GMT
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Looking to test her Gallade's mettle against one of the most revered fighting type pokemon, Jasmine finds herself roaming around casually until any are in sight. Unfortunately there weren't as many as she would've liked to think, instead laying eyes on a Torchic or two. In due time, however, she and her pokemon would find an adversary. The feral pokemon looked every bit the challenge she expected, even down to the very coloration of their fur esque feathers. It reminded her of a character in one of those fighting games, jin, who she viewed as some kind of demon.
p.s. placeholder until I can think of a better way to reference Jin from Tekken orz
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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
hello darkness
my old friend
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--- height
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 15:48:55 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
Like most children back in the day before they could legally go out on a journey of their own, Maverick played pokemon game. He remembered his first ever pokemon game, pokemon red. Played on a little gaming Nintendo, his first pokemon he ever choice was a charmander. It was funny really. You would think he would want one and deep down, he did. But ever sense he played diamond and learned more about dark types in games, he had a fascination about the creatures. Like most others, dragons were another one. Another game he played a lot when he was younger was mortal kombat but for some reason, he was never good at it. But the videos games age was over for him, it was time to be an adult. Poop.

not very good one :/
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Agent SiK
August 26th
Team Rocket
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TAG WITH @sebastianc
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2020 18:43:53 GMT
Igor Avatar
A swarm of rare, or in the least rare-ish, Pokemon...

Sebastian had been tipped off when he heard some other Grunts mentioning it before they had headed out to investigate on their own. Now while many saw worth in a Torchic and it's evolutionary line, Sebastian only envisioned in what he could obtain by trading away such a Pokemon. The bounty he might acquire in giving up the Fire-based chicken almost made him salivate, similar to the thought of eating something spicy like hot wings or red pepper flakes on pizza or in ramen.

Still though the idea of a owning a Blaziken, even if only momentarily before trading it off to someone else, filled Sebastian with other thoughts. One of which was what it would be like to own his own personal "Fei Long" or at least the Pokemon equivalent of the fighting-game star.

And as such he too wandered out into the mini-adventure, seeking out the fiery swarm of Torchic and it's evolutionary line. Opting to stick to his lonesome, he'd go as far as to avoid his fellow Team Rocket members, those in disguise as well as those who blatantly wore their uniforms. Yet, this lonesome nature was only in regards to fellow Humans as Sebastian was always accompanied by his team of feline companions, whether it be Litten, Litleo, Glameow, or one of his three variant Meowths, or a group of them.

Sebastian was never alone.

For, again, he always had Dooku [Male / Litten], Maladi [Female / Litleo], Deth [Female / Glameow], Pestilence [Male / Meowth], Gram [Male / Alolan Meowth], and Famine [Male / Galarian Meowth].

Currently though Sebastian found company in being surrounded by his team of Meowth, with Pestilence to his left, Famine to his right, and Gram slowly following behind. This left Sebastian guarded from at least three points, namely his blindside despite the latter being covered by Gram who was arguably his laziest Pokemon currently. Eventually the four of them would wander right into the thicket of things, his eyes discovering several people dotted about the area, each triggering their own encounters one way or another.

However, upon hearing a loud hiss from his left Sebastian would turn on his heel before his neck had even turned to take in the sight that unfolded before him.

Pestilence was engaging a....?

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2020 20:02:57 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]oh, that's a sight to see! dozens of torchic gather in the grass plains of route 101. some peck at the ground, others rushing to see who is faster among the masses. cute, she muses with a faint smile. almost reminds her of some birb version of mario kart...

the real show, however, is their final forms battling among themselves. a brawl to see who is the strongest, the leader of the pack in a sense.

her eyes are drawn to them. the way they move with grace, with skill, with power. it's incredible to watch, really. something about it pricks at the memories in her mind, however. has she seen something like this before? hm... yes, actually. she has. briefly she reminisces nights of a pro gaming tournament playing in the background of her lab. the gamers on the screen were furiously smashing buttons, brows furrowed in concentration. what were they playing again? oh, right. super smash bros. ultimate.

funny, the way these blaziken move... it really does look like a fight taken straight from the game itself. one even attempts to use a finishing move, a final smash if you will. it's effective in defeating its opponent, swiftly putting an end to the fight. as she begins to clap, another shuffles forward to take the place of the losing blaziken. and then, it begins again and she loses track of how much time she's spent watching them move. at some point, a few torchic gather around her spot in the grass. some perch on her lap while others happen to be more adventurous and climb their way up to her head, snuggling into the tangled mess of her bun.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2020 23:27:07 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Something in Asher's golden eyes shimmered. It was namely due to the brilliant yet just slightly brighter coat of one of the blazikens. Now, he was no fool. He wasn't under some sort of imaginary trance where he would be the only one to go after the thing. Matter of fact, as he watched the torchics and the evolutionary line play and frolic, he could see trainers gathering.

"Seems as if somebody posted on social media. Well, that's annoying."

Either way, he'd have to get in his chance while he could. He waited, just a bit, to see if somebody else would 'weaken' the creature.

Honestly, it looked like something out of Capcom vs. SNK...

And yes, he might have been considered cheating by just waiting, but he didn't want to miss his chance. Perhaps his pokeball would hit... something, and not just, become a dud in the grass.

That'd be real lame.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 4:14:58 GMT
Deleted Avatar
for moments the only thing that passes is time. he sits comfortably, nestled in the thick of the grass, and admires the sight before him. it almost feels surreal to be this close to them: a literal arm's reach away. blessed. lucky. he takes a moment to truly appreciate the moment.

a combusken and blaziken stray off from the group, perhaps ready to engage in some form of training. the combusken takes a big step back before lunging forward, bringing its arms over its head like a SPIRAL ARROW before propelling right at its much larger partner. and even though the attack missed, the sight itself is enough to amuse.

gray watches for a while longer before deciding.

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 5:08:46 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

A blizzard oozed out of the edges of glalie's mouth. Small specks of ice dot begin to the hammer that the face pokemon held. As the blizzard ensued more ice gathered till it began to wedge itself into the wood.

Despite the summer heat the blizzard raged. Ice snaked across the grass till a large swath of ground is coated in ice. It became a slip and slide adventure for the pokemon that would be in Lane's KFC (Kombusken Fried Chicken) bucket that night. When the pokemon slid across the ice uncontrollably glalie floated towards them. Then like a ice climber it hit each in the head with its hammer.


