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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 21:30:19 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"What's that clam worth to me?" In the back of her mind a small voice was pleading for her to keep things proper, yet the Unovan couldn't help but chuckle at the ambiguous meaning it held to her. Prim and proper, but also sometimes the gutter. "Quite a lot, actually," she pondered for a bit, actually stopping her ongoing staring at the sand to tilt her head, fingers softly tapping her chin. She'd move to get near the young woman, a playful smile perched upon her face as she mulled it over once more. "How about you tell me what you'd like for them in return? I need at least a dozen… or some help finding at least that many. For a share in those spoils, I'm more than willing to pay any price, whatever said price may be."

Although she'd come rather close, after speaking those words she leant back a little, then presented her bucket to the brunette, a multitude of prawns and shellfish floating about in the small bottom of water. "I got more over there if you'd like! Bell's keeping watch over the rest of our catch." she gestured off in the distance, where the Galarian Ponyta could be seen hiding from the rain, two saddlebags on each side of its body.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 20:54:16 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Oh, if only you knew what fires I could light…" she'd smirk, teasing ever so suggestively as she bent over to pick up and chuck a few more stranded clams into her bucket. Suddenly her bucket seemed awfully small compared to the basket on her bag. Yet again, she came unprepared… at least she'd be cooking the meal herself to compensate.

"Apricorn? Only if I wish to break my teeth on those things- and I don't." Of course she knew what apricorns were used for. And although they were commonly used for the making of specific pokéballs, they could also be processed into drinks for pokémon. "Apricots, however… now that would be more fitting for a sandwich." she nodded softly, entertaining the idea once she'd get back to town. For now however, more sea-based critters had to be gathered. And a few specific ones too for this particular dish she had in mind. "Say, you by any chance don't have any razor clams among your haul, do you? Need a few for this dish I have in mind…" she muttered the latter as she peered at unruly bits in the sand now the rain was coming down less hard.

~ Apricorn

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
the wolf & the lamb [m]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 20:20:29 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Hmm… it might not be such a bad idea to check on the herd first. See how they're doing, and whether there's anything off regarding their behavior before we focus our attention on the fence patrol?" A casual suggestion, but one that had actual reasoning behind it. If they were lucky they could read the herd's behavior to see if there were already any predators nearby; or if there were parts of the fields the flock was trying to avoid. If they did it would most-likely be a chance to pinpoint where the predators came from, and which parts of the fence they had to keep an extra eye on.

The flock was grazing in the distance, not close enough to read their reactions, but close enough to keep them in their line of sight. The Galarian Ponyta had opted to follow the two Houndoom sauntering in front of them, almost comically prancing behind the canines, like it was performing a little dance to try and get their attention, though whether Bell would get it was another thing entirely.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 0:24:29 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Why yes, I always love my sandwiches soaked and full of sand--- maybe even stolen before the first bite by one of these damned Wingull-!" Brynnhildr would counter, sacrificing one of her prawns to the needy Wingull, who's friends had come to realise pestering the woman meant free food. The Unovan herself only realised too late that she'd been had by the fickle sea-birds moments after its friends arrived.


So far for her story of redemption, especially now she had company-- familiar company at that. She'd end up flicking a shell at Megan as well, her payment for the cheekiness she displayed. "I can make a fire just fine, mind you!" She actually sounded shocked… whether she effectively was, or was just pretending to be was yet to be seen. "Just a time and place for everything… and unlike those little shits I don't feel much for a feast in the rain just yet." She didn't need to defend her actions like this, but it had almost become a habit by now, and equally habitually, she was fairly sure Megan too would find a cheeky, well-found counter to it. "What brings you here, though? Catching shellfish for the gathering in Rustboro as well?"

~ Feast

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Meeting of the Minds [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 0:00:50 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Boldly pretend nothing was ongoing, just a mere stroll down the road, away from the fancy place that served her breakfast. Past the quaint bakery near the square. Trash the pumpkin spice latte in the right bin, and keep strolling. Today would be the beginning of a slight journey; a path she had never expected to walk, but would be treading willingly for the first time in forever. What would the Unovan be spending her day doing, you ask?

Catching Pokémon.

She'd heard this route held a variety of types, some more prone to appear than others, yet there were only a select few she had her mind on to catch. All the others she'd just document, and see which ones would allow her to expand on her research. Anything she could use for the new techniques they were developing back at Volta… even though she wasn't supposed to be spending her time on work-related business. Well, not like they'd travel all the way from Castelia City to Hoenn in order to keep an eye on her, so whatever she wanted to do she would, without any scorn! Notebook in hand, Brynn had made Route 115 her new stake-out spot, vividly penning down scientific terms around quickly-doodled drawings of the pokémon she'd encountered, entirely engrossed in her notes.

~ Pumpkin Spice

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Rocks & Pebbles, Extra Sparkly [M]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 22:08:04 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Pffft," she chuckled at the remark. "You'd be surprised how much those kids actually eat though!" Brynn would reply, but not in a way that would warrant a reply in return. Her deductions all made sense, enough for her to nod and shrug as well. She wasn't wrong about her not doing this often, true, her hobbies laid elsewhere, but that did not mean she was actually as feeble as most newbies… probably. "Gotta start a hobby somewhere, I suppose? But do I really look so unreliable that I'd need protection?" she ushered, then shook her head. "Actually, don't answer that." She wasn't sure how many more blows her self-confidence could take on this imposed "vacation". Work actually was nicer to her, for a change.

Shaking her hand firmly, Brynnhildr then let go. "They just fancied mythological names, alas, but I'm proud of it! Though most people just call me Brynn. Rolls off the tongue a lot more smoothly than the full name." she smiled. "Then I doubt you know the meaning of your name, Megan, because you'd be surprised how unordinary it truly is." she'd wink teasingly, only for her expression to dim as the vibrations in the ground grew stronger. The Unovan flicked her head towards the dark end of the tunnel, something flashing in the shadows before the sound of crashing rocks signified the tunnel's ongoing collapse coming at them in full force. "Quickly, your Abomasnow-" Not even getting the chance to finish her sentence, a terrifying roar rang from within, causing large clumps of rock and a lone stalactite to come undone. "Shit! Get back, now!" Brynnhildr shouted, putting all her weight in her attempt to pull Megan away from the entrance and the falling debris, unaware that the plateau they were on ended only a few feet behind her.

~ Thread: Descent/Fall

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
This is Not the Mandatory Beach Thread You Are Looking For
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 21:19:01 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

When one imagines the stereotypical beach scenes in movies or series, they see the warm summer sun, beautifully reflected upon the waves as the giant body of water calmly rippled across the sand. Leaving watery stains that disappeared almost immediately upon its soft earthen host. Pale skins craving for a tan of their own, or tanned, athletic bodies demanding all attention as they moved across the beach in slow motion for whatever reason.

One never imagined the reality of things; a spec of light among the sea of grey clouds looming above the water, waves all but inviting you to stroll along its surf, the wind kicking up sand-- sand that fit perfectly everywhere you didn't want it to be. The cold turning rosy skin into several shades of blue. And rain. Lots and lots of rain. Yet here she was, simpleton and do-gooder of the hour, because they wanted seafood. Sorry, Mr. Krabs, you'll be going in the bucket together with the half dozen other Shellie Shells and Prudence Prawns she'd found earlier. She found bitter solace on the fact that at least her haul was good… "You know, I regret having passed on the chance to participate in that luncheon now." she'd mutter, flicking one of her shells to a nearby Wingull that was eyeing her hungrily.

~ Thread: Growth (for Megan)
~ Rosy skin

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 19:49:19 GMT
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Probably getting out-sassed by
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Rocks & Pebbles, Extra Sparkly [M]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 23:21:11 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Softly shaking her head at the joking comeback, Brynnhildr held the smile gracing her lips. Smug, somewhat of a jokester, yet confident. Maybe secretly also someone she’d deem a sight for sore eyes, but that wasn’t something she would be disclosing in the slightest. An endearing smartass, if anything. One smartass to another. The Unovan nodded when the Abomasnow was presented to her, showing it which parts needed reinforcing, and which sizes were preferred. “My everything, eh?” she asked, albeit more rhetorically in nature, she was still curious as to what that ‘everything’ entailed to the brunette.

“I’m not quite an architect, but had to focus on how to maintain structural integrity and strength of buildings and machinery for work. A bit strange, considering my line of work, but it helps in supporting the teams if you actually know what they’re talking about rather than to pretend you do, don’t you think?” she’d jot down the changes made to her notes, readying a separate document where the tunnel in question was located, and which alterations they were making. “The name’s Brynnhildr Erling, by the by.” The woman tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and pocketed her pen again before extending her hand in greeting. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss…?”

In the distance vibrations could be felt; still minimally present at this point, but they’d soon feel the vibrations in the ground growing stronger, and whatever was making them drawing closer.

~ Thread: Descent/Fall

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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1m62 / 5'3 height
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Brynnhildr Erling
Rocks & Pebbles, Extra Sparkly [M]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 21:22:10 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

What was it with kids these days being so awfully
blunt with her these days? Was it something she'd done in her past life that warranted others to get up in verbal arms against her? Or did she really just look that much of a pushover? Honestly, the brunette's words sounded more like a lecture than an actual explanation, yet, she gave the girl a smile after she finished. And a piece of her own teasing medicine. "Oh, so you know cute brunettes with glasses are my type? Good for you, sweetie~" Brynn winked back in similar fashion like the young woman had done earlier, only the playful smile lingered as she turned back to look at the supporting structure.

Although obscured by the shadows, her keen eye had taken note of the cracks hidden near the hinges and metallic parts keeping the structure at bay. Its danger didn't seem immediate, but if left alone long enough or forced by anything, they'd surely see trouble coming their way. She pointed her pen at the brittle parts and gestured for the young woman to take a closer look. "This here is my problem, though. Not quite something I can ask for help with unless you've got a wooden beam handy somewhere in your back pocket or potential means to stabilize this area here." She'd move her arm up, pointing at a mechanism connecting the structure with another horizontal beam. The wood itself was chipped, not incredibly but enough to show a handful of beginning cracks diagonally across the woodwork's length. The metallic mechanism looked awfully rusted, with odd colorations in some spots, most-likely weak links from faulty melding. "It might look fine now, but if something crashes into it or gets too rough around these parts, the tunnel will come collapse almost instantly."

~ Thread: Descent/Fall
~ Obscure

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Rocks & Pebbles, Extra Sparkly [M]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 21:59:59 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

A variety of tasks were delegated to the volunteers present, yet only a few had been assigned to the delving team in charge of clearing the tunnels, and checking how stable the remaining ones were. A more tedious task away from the main game that was the actual excavation, but it was an important one nonetheless. One that allowed her to go to higher-up places and observe, which was exactly what she came here for. Therefore signing up for said team seemed the best. Following the smaller group up one of the higher platforms to check on the tunnels dug there on earlier occasions, Brynnhildr became aware of a younger girl that had joined her rank. If she wasn't dreaming things the girl seemed to be glancing her way every now and then, especially when the Unovan moved to a more solitary spot away from the group.

Only when it became more apparent did she purposely stop near an old mine-shaft running deep into the bedrock, inspecting the hinges and overall structure of the beams, a frown creasing her brows. "Anything I can help you with?" she'd speak up, addressing the young woman while jotting down a series of symbols and abbreviations. Krokorok had been waddling along absent-mindedly, blowing up its cheeks as if it was a Greedent trying to stuff its cheek pouches. It was a curious sight, seeing how its version of Cheek Pouch looked like he'd just hid two small berries between its jaws.

~ Thread: Descent/Fall
~ Cheek Pouch

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Rocks & Pebbles, Extra Sparkly [M]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 21:07:55 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Gems. Jewels. Ore. Rocks with hidden treasures within, a core of sparkling goodness, raw and untouched. Everything a miner could but desire. Only, this was not a miner or a mineral fanatic, but a fine young lady curious to see what her own luck would bring her if she traversed the path of the spelunker. Her recent 'adventures' had brought her to Fallarbor Town, and a single note requesting aid from mining enthusiasts or trainers alike, to help with all kinds of things among the excavation site, had brought her to stay.

Taking any moment was as good as any for a starting point, Brynn had decided to take part in these endeavours, and had opted to take her Krokorok out. Aside from its affinity to the underground, she also wanted to deepen her bond with the unnamed pokémon, hoping to find a fitting nickname for it throughout the day. With a pair of ankle-high hiking boots and more appropriate gear, Meteor Falls had been one of the few excavations taking place within its endless caves. The group had gathered nearby to go over the tasks on today's schedule, the Unovan patiently awaiting the group she'd be assigned to. Next to her another foreigner from Unova had gathered, the two having made small talk up until now. Yet the only thing she wondered was why the man had brought an Unfezant to the excavation.

~ Thread: Descent/Fall
~ Unfezant

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
detour [dw]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 17:24:51 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

The voice startled her, a small yelp quickly cut short as the Unovan tried to regain her composure. The man in question, a dark-haired stranger, asked her if he could be of help, yet the way he asked her made her subject to the chance that he had been there longer than she'd realised. The very moment she wished to reply however, a strange feeling overwhelmed them. The pressure ability of a pokémon, she would soon learn, the man turning around to face his pokémon; a rather excentric-looking Raichu variant, by the looks of it. A single nod, and the pokémon went off to fight whatever it was that was exerting its pressure, echoes of its fight resonating in the distance.

"Well, you could say I need help, yes- ack!" A small ball of feathers dropped down and bounced against her face before falling further, Brynnhildr giving it a sway like it had been an oversized fly bugging her. Her "oversized fly" turned out to be a Natu, having used a pile of leaves to break its fall, and was now rolling further down the thicket. Instinctively Brynn just threw a pokéball at it, not even quite sure why it had become a habit, just that it worked wonders. "A-anyways!" she'd tear her eyes away from the wobbling object for a moment to address the man. "I kinda got sidetracked, quite literally, actually, and I honestly have no idea where I am right now." she admitted sheepishly, looking far more innocent than the wariness behind her friendly expression let on.

~ Catching Natu~
~ Leaf Pile

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
You Make Me A Believer [M]
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 21:47:24 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Wha- that's not what I meant! And even though there's increased legendary sightings, it's not like this would be one per say! There's more than enough Psychic-types capable of-" Wanting to ramble on about what she truly meant when she just shut down. "Ugh! You know what, fine! Fine! It's not like I was planning on fighting the entire forest and its pantheon or something." Brynnhildr grumbled, picking up her pace and moving past Violet, actually taking the lead in the direction her white-haired companion had been moving towards. It was most clear on her face that she was moping, and the way her suggestion was shut down so forthrightly only added a certain spice to her personality-- which was immediately evened out by the way she reacted to it afterwards, too.

As they furthered away from the strange spot and towards civilization so did the effects of whatever had been affecting the skies and their surroundings lessen, to eventually fade. Yet despite the realisation Brynn remained stubborn in her mopey silence, her passive-aggressive "leading" --if to call her dragging Violet along to assert some kind of dominance just because she was one-upped by the woman-- had died down as well, now just sauntering next to the younger female. Oh, she knew she was wrong. And childish. And her pride had received another dent, albeit a little one; one that she kinda called upon herself in all honesty. Fallarbor Town soon surfaced at the horizon, leaving behind whatever had been causing the strange anomalous events in the forest. However stubborn the Unovan ended up being, she still knew when to be grateful, how to repay a debt. "Thank you." She'd eventually break the silence she'd been keeping. "For earlier, and for putting up with me through whatever that was." Reluctant as she was, Brynn would not forget today. However much she liked to. "And regarding that favor…" A small business card was extended to Violet, in the hopes of acceptance, in case the woman did not see any need in seeing the debt settled anytime soon. "Just give this number a call, and I'll make sure to get it done."

~ Thread: Growth

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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