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September 17th
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Brynnhildr Erling
After the Fall [social]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2022 0:59:13 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"Doesn't make it any less easier," she sighs, slumping over the railing and staring at the people below. It's only when she sees him turn towards her from the corner of her eye that she shifts her head and gaze towards the man. Any other moment she would have swallowed her words and panicked at hearing such a powerful name, but today she couldn't care less about the fact that he was a mighty Silph.

Fernando Silph was one of the many victims Necrozma's rampage had made. Seeing the man's eye covered up with a black headband made her stomach sink, as it looked like physically he'd been off worse than her. Mentally she did not know, but for a split second she felt like her complaining was just mere moaning. There were others like her, who'd lost just as much -if not more-, but she could barely comprehend what loss had felt like until now. Protected and naive.

Only now did she learn to know the darkness of the world.

"Brynnhildr Erling," she returns the introduction after a few moments of silent staring. "I'd say it's a pleasure, but seeing the circumstances..." she doesn't bother continuing, quite certain Fernando Silph knows what she means. More silence. Her gaze rests on the man, scans him, the tears away to look at something else as she takes another pull from the cigarette as if she's trying to muster courage. Yet when she speaks again her voice reflects her brittleness, moments away from a whisper. "How bad is it?"

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
After the Fall [social]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 23:29:27 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
“breath the smoke into your lung,”

It's like she's prompted to listen. Even if her lungs still burn when she inhales again, craving more oxygen than she cares to give them, eventually the acheing fades.

“let it sit and breath in some air.”

It almost feels like she's clenching her chest, but she finds the next inhale going a lot easier. When she exhales she stares at the smoke leaving her lips, and the faintest of coughs teeters in the back of her throat, yet she swallows it bravely. When she shifts her gaze to the man beside her, her eyes end up lingering at the smoke he's exhaling, and sighs softly as she wills away the thoughts riding on that smoke. Painful, with very little bad habits to distract her from it.

Their silence seems to continue until she blurts out words in a silent voice, not even sure where they came from. Somewhere deep inside, she figured.

"Sometimes I wish memories could fade as quickly as cigarette smoke..."

The thought wasn't any less true.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
detour [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 23:13:35 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"I'd be much obliged if I could, because I highly doubt I'll find the way by myself... if at all." she smiled sheepishly. Next time she'd be downloading a map of the area she traveled to, because this getting lost was becoming an awfully persistent habit.

"As in, POG Bank's Martín del Mar? Well I'll be.... It's a pleasure to meet you, Mars. Brynnhildr Erling, but likewise, Brynn is just fine." she took his hand, rendering him a firm shake before letting go. She could freak out about meeting POG Bank's CEO another time, for now, all she had to do was ignore the Drifblim floating past the treeline there and keep a straight face. Maybe having some small talk would help settle those nerves. "Apologies if it's none of my business, but what brought you here, Mars?"


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Look, A Volcano-oh... oh no! [DW]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 18:00:08 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"I'll be sure to do if I ever meet him then." A joke, mostly, audible in her tone, but a half-truth as well, because the Galarian knight seemed like interesting company to keep. And as she spoke her wisdoms, Brynnhildr took mental notes, because out of the two of them, Mireille seemed to have the most experience with pokémon and traveling. In that regard, there was nothing she couldn't learn about it from the knightess.

"I'll gladly take advantage of those," she smiled kindly, positioning herself a slight bit behind the blonde so she could watch the showdown between her brightly-colored Sirfetch'd, a pokémon she'd never seen before, and the wild Pignite in front of them. "I'll observe while the professionals handle things, if you don't mind..."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
After the Fall [social]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 14:52:37 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Her feet brought her to the observatory before she'd even taken note of it, but she remains silent through it all. When the carton is extended to her, she takes a single cigarette from it, nodding a brief thank you. Brynn had never taken to smoking, not even when she was still in college, but now? She couldn't care less.

She'd wait for a fire to light it and took a deep pull, letting the nicotine assault her battered mind in peace. When she exhaled it almost seemed as if she'd been smoking for ages, allowing the smoke to become a dull screen in front of her.

The second pull didn't go as smoothly, and left the Unovan hacking and coughing as she botched it, making her regret having accepted the cigarette in the first place. Alas, she was too stubborn to put it down, even in this state.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Signs of Chaos (Mission)
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 13:33:53 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
On her list of places to visit and reset her troubled thoughts, the farm of an old childhood friend had come to mind. It had been since their days together in Unova that they'd spoken, safe for a few correspondence letters, but even that had died down when obligations picked up. Thus, Brynn thought, there was no time like the present to pick up that thread again! And although she hadn't quite send a message as heads up to make sure, she did hope she wouldn't be intruding too much.

After been given the right directions, Brynn had now nearly reached her destination--- safe for the fact that a group of Audino and a tall dark-haired man stood somewhat further, surrounding a pokémon she'd not yet come across before. It seemed agitated by its stance, but did not seem to move-- at least, that's what she could make of it. Carefully she got closer to the man and his pokémon, hearing a familiar voice call the pokémon by its presumed name. Although her first intent had been to call out her Thomas' name to make sure it was truly him, the situation didn't quite call for it. First and foremost came the Absol, and figuring it why it was acting strangely. "Is... is everything alright with her?" Brynn asked carefully, still keeping somewhat of a polite distance, as not to startle anyone.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Why So Glum? [M}
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 13:19:56 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Dewford had always given her some peace of mind, mountains, forest and beach, capable of accommodating to anything visitors and vacation-goers could possibly think of despite being but a small town. Yet it were those distractions Dewford offered that had lead her here, under the watchful eye of her Riolu, Spica. Spica had been trained as an emotional support pokémon, and subsequently given to Brynnhildr for those purposes. Because even though the Unovan looked fine, she was all but so.

So a change of scenery had been suggested, and Dewford came to mind. Mostly for their environment, which had not included the surprising sight of Ampharos walking hand in hand with their trainers. She watched it from the sidelines, a faint smile on her face. It did look rather cute, how the Ampharos was holding the young man's hand and following along; yet it's expression was one she knew all too well.

Spica bumped her leg with the back of its paw and nodded at the duo that had now passed them by. She looked back at Spica slightly puzzled, who then bumped her again, a bit more persistently this time. As if it were trying to tell her to go up and ask what was depressing the pokémon. There was a sigh as she looked back up. She really didn't want to get social, but she knew that if she let this slide, she would regret it later on. With a small trot Brynn tried catching up with the two. "Uhm, excuse me- I don't want to intrude, but... why is your Ampharos looking so gloomy?"

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 1:31:47 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
The energy surges through the sky, and then it surges through Stufful's body like a never-ending whirlwind of power. It morphs and grows to a size it's never even dreamt of being, and brimming with power the cuddly beast stands tall among its Dynamaxed allies. Brynnhildr would not have known how close it had come to the Necrozma if it hadn't dynamaxed, but what surprised her even more than it's gigantic size, was that despite the dire situation… Stufful looked happy. Excited even, by the bouncing it was doing.

And with every bounce the ground would vibrate further, its cries echoing through the darkened sky. It would not make an ulterior move; not until all of the other dynamaxed Pokémon had sent their attacks towards Necrozma– its bouncing would cease as it reared and focused fully on tonight's bane and sent itself flying towards it, fully intending to bearhug its face with an incoming Max Strike. It knew well it would not come out unscathed. Or rather, its trainer knew. Stufful just cared about hurting the thing that hurt its master.



- Dynamaxed Stufful is bouncing
- Uses Max Strike to tackle-hug Necrozma's face, face-hugger style
- "There's something on your face— it is pain"
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 23:43:52 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Another piercing headache cripples the Unovan within seconds, pain straining every emotion on her face, but she manages to throw Bell the G!ponyta a glance holding all her intentions. Don't worry about me, keep focusing on them. The Ponyta snorts in disapproval but stays where it is, keeping an eye out for its charges and moving along with them if necessary. And although new words boom through her head like cries in a hollow cavern, she fails to react to them in timingly manner; she does not move herself, feeling the burden of her injuries worsen by the minute, but she doesn't forget them.




Take your Pokémon...

Make the correct choice.

She knows by now all the choices she's made so far have ended in devastating results. Brynn has little fate in the 'correct choice' the voices tell her to make, and her hesitation is noticable to the Pallosand still functioning as a protective dome. She pats it gently and peers outside, to the battle of giants taking place in front of her, and is once again confronted with the insignificance of her being. She was never meant to be here, but she could not get away now either... There's a sigh, and another decisive order finds its way across her lips. The Krokorok is first to hear it; "Go help them... but... be careful.". The sand croc nods and takes the Stufful along, both heading off to aid Yveltal. As soon as they get within reach of Yveltal, Krokorok growls something at the Stufful and runs off on its own, bee-lining it for the giant Necrozma and uses Earthquake once within reasonable proximity of the giant monstrosity, regardless of how suicidal the action could be.

- Brynn doesn't move from her current position (within the former magic circle)
- Krokorok & Stufful go and aid Yveltal
- Krokorok tries to get close to Necrozma and uses Earthquake
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
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Brynnhildr Erling
the wolf & the lamb [m]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 23:28:05 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"Not quite, but when some of our projects were still in their beta phases, local farmers were kind enough to have their pokémon checked by us. A Mareep farmer in particular had some very interesting stories to tell about his herd. And seeing Mareep and Wooloo are of a similar animal family... I'm quite sure they have similar tell-tale signs too." she replies, eyes now too set upon the oddly-colored Wooloo. It seems nervous, not daring to move an inch as the Houndoom circle around it, even prodding it with their nose to get it to move. Yet it didn't budge, frozen in place. Brynnhildr frowned, getting closer to the Wooloo to examine it.

"It's not supposed to. Most of the times they stray because they're either curious, or something frightened them. A flight reflex when pr she said, checking the black sheep-pokémon for injuries. It allowed her to get close, still frozen stiff, and flinched only briefly when her hands wandered its wooly coat. It started relaxing a little bit, yet the nervosity in its eyes remained as they flicked left and right, as if they were searching for something. There were a few scratches on its paws, but nothing that could rule out a previous predator attack. It could've just as much cut itself on stray branches or rocks dotting the fields.

When the Wooloo tensed again, she started slowly shushing it, and without standing up nor breaking eye-contact addressed Maverick. "I think whatever's scaring it is still nearby. Close enough for the Wooloo to pick up its scent again, at least."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
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Brynnhildr Erling
After the Fall [social]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 15:32:16 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Dull eyes stared in front of them. Had they ever held any spark to them it had long since vanished, extinguished by a guilt and regret the young woman would never begin to forgive herself for. The nurse treating her had taken peace with the silent staring, how meek her patient was as she treated the wound on her forehead. She knew she wouldn't resist, no matter how much it stung.

And Brynn?

Brynn just sat and let it happen. The nurse explained something about keeping the wound clean as she redressed the bandage and checked her arm, but the Unovan barely registered the rest of her words. There was a void, something essential that went missing in her life the very moment she had fully come to realise Bell wouldn't be coming back. It had only been a day or two, but not even the flow of time came through to the haze in her head. Being kept for observation, and to see how her arm and concussion were healing, Brynnhildr was allowed to roam the hospital, and like a mindless thrall she did.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 0:20:19 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
The winds are far less relenting as she climbs the sky, further, higher, until she can see all below her. The people; those scattered and those huddled together in groups, pokémon far more exotic than she’d ever thought to encounter, the strange flowers, the tree of life…. She doesn’t know where to look first, yet her eyes always seem to focus back on the tree and the flowers. A shrill shriek of her Togekiss snaps her out of her daze, but before she has the chance to even think of her next move, her mounted pokémon starts trashing heavily.

Within moments Togekiss is descending, crashing. Brynnhildr tries to hold on for dear life to both Togekiss and Bell, her Galarian Ponyta, and nearly lets go when her left hand grazes the needles stuck within the Togekiss’ belly. They sting, and the sudden movement of the spikes make it bash its wings in a weak attempt to catch air once more. Both trainer and pokémon realize one of its wings refuses service when it’s far too late, and the ground is fast-approaching.

Something snaps when they crash into the ground below. Togekiss, in a last attempt to save its trainer from being crushed beneath it, flung her away, effectively sending her flying. The first hit is the hardest, and she feels her shoulder crack in a sickening way trying to shield Bell the Ponyta from any hurt. Panic fills the Unovan as the strength in her arm disappears, and with it Bell too escapes her grasp as she keeps on tumbling onward. Unaware as she keeps on falling, the pokéballs on her belt have come loose and open, calling Pallosand, Stufful and Krokorok to the field. As she comes to a stand-still, the world around her is spinning, and pain has taken control of her body. No matter how much the Unovan tries to, her arm refuses to move, and when she tries to roll over on it the pain has her back on her back in seconds. Her face is burning, and as she’s trying to make the world stop from spinning a wet nose nudges her head. Brynn’s trying her best to focus, and does so immediately as the shock of his red snout has her on alert. Yet she soon realizes the blood is not his… but hers. With her good arm she’s trying to touch it, and notices the severity of the gash snaking across her entire forehead when her hand comes back soaked in carmine liquid.

Then, two things happen. Bell starts glowing, and taps its small horn against her forehead, using Heal Pulse to try and lessen the damage. Brynnhildr however only now notices her wrist is glowing; and not just a little bit, but like someone had hidden a small light underneath her skin. The rest of her pokémon have now gathered as well, and help her sit up. She sees Togekiss in the distance, but the disturbing amount of red on its feathers make it abundantly clear no more help can be given to the poor thing. Joltik too has disappeared from the safety of her neck, and Brynnhildr’s naively thinks it’s just lost in the tumult, unknowing that it too has founds its demise by the spore it had snuggled earlier.

She would find out soon enough.

With the help of Krokorok and Ponyta, Brynn gets back on her feet, and feels herself drawn towards a certain direction as by instinct. Instinct, and the glowing wrist that seems to guide her towards a small group. Two are further down fighting the tree, but Brynn only has eyes for the figure holding the young girl. The pain they were going through was apparent, and she spoke softly as she got closer. ”Bell, do that thing you did for me, but on them. They need it more than I do,” There’s something in her voice that makes the Ponyta obey, reluctantly trotting over to and using Heal Pulse on him instead.

Intruding as she might be, she cares little as she sinks to her knees near them, her wrist still glowing as she merely introduces herself and her pokémon with a short. ”Allow us help,”. Krokorok and Stufful set themselves up as second defense between the three and , while her Pallosand has a mind of its own, and suddenly starts moving all the nearby sand towards itself. It’s trying to grow until it’s big enough to cover the trio, like an open-mouthed cave, and uses Sand Tomb around itself to add extra layers to its self-imposed defense.


- Togekiss crashes near , , , and
- Togekiss dies.
- Joltik succumbs to its dark spores and dies
- Krokorok, Pallosand and Stufful have been called to the field.
- Brynn has dislocated her left shoulder, and is bleeding from a large gash across her forehead.
- Ponyta uses Heal Pulse to lessen the bleeding
- Brynn joins up with and co
- Ponyta uses Heal Pulse on
- Pallosand uses Sand Tomb to make itself bigger and become a fortified sandcastle around , and Brynn (and whoever else was/is near)
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2022 0:47:52 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

”Wuh- Hey! That’s not very professiona- oh, who am I kidding. she tries to call after as he too, after , , and , leaves her presence with the mere advice to stay safe. Why yes, sure, let the foreigner find their way to safety in a city she’s never visited before, why don’t you? Well, not that they knew this, of course. That and at least she could sympathize with for ditching his job to go and find his fiancé out there. She probably would’ve done the same, had she a significant other to worry about.

For now however, she’d just focus on herself, and the pokémon left in her care. Or rather, to care for her. The hulking Aggron was looking at her in a rather funny way while it kept its Protect up. And she on her turn just looked back at it for a short while, locked in a staring contest amidst the chaos.


do not lose sight of the future.
a choice will come that only you can make.
think, feel, act.
make the correct choice.

The voice resonates inside her head like a choir’s song echoing through an empty church, and for a moment the Unovan clasps her head, palms pressing against her temples in a futile attempt to offset the headache that’s hit her like a brick.

It fades just as quickly, but the pressure she’s been experiencing— the physical one, is doubling, leaving her nigh-close to dropping to her knees. Brynnhildr’s becoming more and more aware of the cheer chaos reigning Sootopolis. Aside from the fact that everyone bolted towards wherever their legs could take them, each seemingly with an intent to actually do something about the situation, she’s left questioning what her role in all this is. Within the safety of Deva the Aggron’s Protect, and its physical prowess, she manages to keep herself on her feet by leaning against it, and mulls over the words of the prophecy that flooded her mind.

”A choice only I can make…”

Well, as vaguely as that sounds, her life seemed to have had plenty of those as of yet. Her brow creases as she regards the Aggron beside her, her Galarian Ponyta, Bell, and the small Joltik on her shoulder, who’s seemingly growing worse for wear underneath the safety of her hair. She still has no idea how badly the little thing is doing because of the dark seed, as her Joltik has had the habit of randomly vibrating while hiding in her hair. Yet her focus returns to the decision left to be made.

Yes, she’s rather poor at handling pokémon the way trainers do. So if it were to come down to fights she’d be basically useless, and would have to rely on her pokémon’s instincts to get her through. On the other hand, there must be something she can do to help, even if it’s just… she sighs, not even bothering to finish that thought, and clips one of the pokéballs off her side, tossing it up in the air. A Togekiss takes flight the very moment it’s released, and lets out a shrill cry when it swoops down to get its orders. ”Go! Find a burly guy with spiky blond hair, that kinda smells like this guy here,” she points her thumb at the Aggron, who almost seems offended for a moment. ”Help hi—!”

think. feel. act.

”WAIT!” she calls out for the Togekiss as it is about to leave, and watches as it goes full circle and straight back at her. There’s a gesture its previous handler had taught it before the Togekiss was gifted to the Unovan, and as she repeats it the flying type goes low. Brynnhildr grabs her ponyta ever so tightly and holds her arm out to grab hold of the Togekiss as it soars past mere inches away from her, taking her up in the air. ”I’m sorry, we’ll be back!” she shouts at the Aggron before burying her face into her Togekiss. It’s only when it starts leveling and floating in the sky above the tree’s battlefield that she dares take a peek, only to be left baffled at what’s going down beneath her. She should have stayed with the Aggron.

Maybe this wasn’t quite the correct choice after all.


- All alone with Kaz’s Aggron, Deva
- Not sure whether rolling is/was necessary for Brynn’s Joltik, but would like to opt out so its fate becomes death
- Togekiss is called out and currently flying towards the heart of the chaos with Brynn
- Leaving Deva, the Aggron in the dust
- Brynn gets a better look at what’s going on near the tree
- Is this me basically begging for her to be shot down by a stray projectile/move? Yes. Yes it is.
- Map Location
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2022 0:52:51 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

And suddenly she's not so alone anymore.

The shrill whistle startles her, and as she turns she sees someone ( ) gesture at her as they call out that they probably shouldn't be there. Which, in hindsight, wasn't all too farfetched– Brynnhildr's curiosity however demanded a satisfaction her common sense did not grant it just yet. There were others gathering around the man with the whistle, so she too decided to abandon her current path for the safer option of regrouping with them. Maybe he was merely an officer of the law in daily clothes, called out of bed to help navigate the chaos around town? Not that the Unovan was planning on tempting fate to find out, however.

Brynn's so absorbed in her current goal of swaying through the masses that she fails to see how the spores are twirling down upon them, a sudden feeling of dread captivating her. The heaviness settles in her chest, and she finds herself having a hard time breathing properly as things beyond her comprehension start unfolding; her breathing becomes slighty ragged, as if she's trying to catch her breath after having run a marathon, while Ari is having the time of her life trying to capture the strange pollen floating through the air.

While she does want to reply, or even react to , and , the eerie feeling is still dominating her body, leaving nothing more than a shakey nod to escape her as reply. And as she tries to look up she realises her muscles too have started denying her service, cramping up soo tensely that she finds herself stuck looking at the ground, like she's a mere captive in her own body. There's a slight panic forming inside of her because of it, easily visible on her face even though it's downcast. In the meantime Bell, who has been trying to nudge his trainer forth towards the group and inside the protective bubble that had been thrown up for the group, is trying its best to keep the spores away with Fairy Wind.



- has joined the party!
- Pressure goes drip drip drip, and Brynn went *POP*
- Is within talking distance with the rest of the group, but is stuck staring at the ground, close to paralyzed
- She is halfway inside the 's protective bubble
- Ari the Joltik is trying to catch a spore, and succeeds! (Oops)
- Bell the Galarian Ponyta is still glued to her leg
- Bell spontaneously uses Fairy Wind to keep the spores away from the people & Pokémon (but mostly away from itself) near Brynn
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 2:09:18 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

There was something about the Unovan and poorly timed strolls that kept repeating itself. Meteor Falls was one; a hike that ended up in her getting jumped by a gang of small pokémon, while another was at Mt. Chimney, where she ever so hopelessly got lost. In both occassions she was aided by a kind stranger frequenting the neighbourhood, but she wasn't expecting any of the sort this time around.

No, this time things were different. Both the vibe and general area; this was not some godforsaken wildland she wandered. This was Sootopolis, nigh a metropolis in its own right. A holiday destination to many, just like her. She'd come to perceive the wonders of this beautiful city, and like quite a few others had just been enjoying the starry skies until the darkness started clouding them. It wasn't like a sudden thunderstorm or anything, that much she could determine of the situation, and the way the people around her were reacting to the phenomenon made it even more certain that something was off. Horribly off.

She should've turned around, headed somewhere safe, or at the very least away from the center of this disturbance, yet Brynnhildr found herself moving towards it instead. Against the frantic scuttles of her Joltik Ari, who was all but calmly squeezed against her neck. Even Bell, otherwise the first to turn things upside down, kept himself glued to her side, wary of every stranger that passed her by. She wasn't the only one moving towards the Tree of Life, even though she's still quite the distance away. She hears shreds of conversations in passing, about the Blackout of Slateport, but knows too little about it to really worry. Maybe if she had known, she would've been more careful.

- Brynn's Joltik and Galarian Ponyta are glued to her side
- She honestly has no idea where she's going *thumbs up*

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing