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Brynnhildr Erling
Corn-ered in the Field [M][AA]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 21:44:58 GMT
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Well, she'd only accidentally stumbled upon a group of people setting out to go into the fields, not quite aware there'd been rather pressing issues with odd sightings and even stranger phenomenons happening within the many farming communities Hoenn was rich. Verdanturf had its fair share of corn and wheat fields, and although she'd seen some of the strange patterns within said fields she'd thought of them as nothing more than art-- purposely put there for said reason. Alas for her she'd not realised the error of her ways until moments earlier, where a zigzagoon with a rather nasty wound had scurried away from her as she tried to reach out for it, leaving her in the dust as it limped out of sight.

It was surprising to see how fast they were regardless of its injuries, which probably meant it was only superficial… or so she hoped. Maybe next time she'd try to treat it properly instead of allowing it to run off like that. More importantly however was to find out what exactly had done such a thing to the poor Zigzagoon… and whether it would pose a threat to her as well. Carefully Brynn reached for one of her pokéballs, letting her Joltik out of its container. The small yellow spider immediately scuffled up her side to hide underneath her hair and settle on her shoulder, making soft noises as it cuddled into her neck. Although the spider pokémon was all but a match if it came to battles, its precision and accuracy with webs made it a valuable ally in many other cases.

"Alright, Ari, I want you to be on the look-out for---" Rustling sounds on her right side made the Unovan shut up almost instantly, tensing up completely as she slowly turned towards it. Disturbing sounds in the middle of a corn field… what could possibly go wrong, except everything?

Signs [M][AA] ||

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
detour [dw]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 0:09:25 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Hoenn still held many surprises for the Unovan, who's highest peaks had been the skyscrapers of the city she spent most her life in. And although Castelia's skyline had its own charm, the constant variety Hoenn had been exposing her to downright baffled her, actually having made her enjoy her time off-- however much she hated doing nothing. Likewise just sitting still even when she had nothing to do made the woman fidgety, prompting her to take up yet another stroll on the nearby routes rather than hanging around the cities itself. And with Mt. Pyre looming in the distance, she felt all the more drawn to explore the area around it.

Having her notebook handy Brynn had been recording everything of informational value, somehow capable of writing down whatever she wished without bumping into anything, somehow forgoing the need to even look up. Curious skill, but it left her with all the time needed to document the peculiars of this road. Though with no pokémon currently out and about, the violet-haired one soon enough would find herself straying from the main road, blindly dodging trees, branches, roots, and shrubbery until she ended up somewhere a lot less known by the time she actually looked up from the small booklet. Eyes shifted left and right, Brynn turning around again to try and backtrack any possible path she could've taken to end up… well, wherever "here" was. The only thing she did recognise was the giant mountain looming in the distance. A soft hiss followed as ran a hand through her hair, slamming the small booklet shut.

"Well this is inconvenient…. shit."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Look, A Volcano-oh... oh no! [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2021 17:46:44 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

"It… looks like it? Although I wasn't quite intending on it to happen; well, not during a morning stroll, and certainly not in this way. Like, at all." Brynnhildr admitted, instinctively reaching for a small notepad she normally carried with her, only to grab into the emptiness that now adorned her belt. Probably left it in her hotel room… well, that was too bad, just meant she'd be having to memorize all its silly behavior instead for now. Although… well, she had to admit it was surprisingly cute to see the little fluff-bear be so cheerful about being able to play with the pokéball so wildly as well. It was the first time she'd seen such behavior for herself, although she had heard others tell about phenomenons just like this happening. Brynn had just thought it a hoax. Until now, that is.

After a few more playful prances the Stufful smacked its head against the small dot, initiating the mechanism and the small red light engulfing it before its entire form disappeared within the now rocking ball. It left the Unovan in anticipation of the outcome, even though either would be more than fine. If it joined the team however, Brynn would have to start researching about the little tyke.


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
the wolf & the lamb [m]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2021 15:20:27 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Oh how bold could she have been if she'd just strutted into the field, towards the man and his downright enormous Houndoom. Bold and stupid, mayhaps, because even from this distance they looked rather intimidating, the a point that even the Unovan needed a moment to reassess the situation after being completelt bewildered by the sudden sight. Brynnhildr was bold enough to do it, but not stupid enough to actually go and try. She valued her life a tad bit more than that.

The only thing she was certain of was the fact that this trainer had apparently been amicable enough to help the farmer out; and she fully well understood why he was the right person for the job. It actually made her wonder whether she was even needed for this job… Brynn could feel the small Galarian Ponyta at her feet tremble as it stared at the giant Houndoom, though she had to admit she wasn't certain whether this was due to fear or excitement. Bell had quite a few strange quirks like that; his curiosity would always reign victorious over his common sense. Yet today she was glad Bell didn't just bolt off like he'd otherwise do to go see what was up.

Well, either way. Guess this would be her partner for the job? Time to woman up, swallow that lump and get to it! "Uhm, excuse me? Are you the one the farmer mentioned would be helping with the Wooloo flock today?" Brynn asked carefully, regarding the scarred man from a still polite distance. It never hurt being too cautious when this many predatory canines were involved.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Look, A Volcano-oh... oh no! [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 21:13:37 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Although the blonde had hopped down from her ledge -with rather remarkable finesse- to come to her aid, not much aid was actually given. Moreso because she was just making things more dramatic than they should've been; the woman was right, as a matter of fact. While the Magmar now regarded the knightly lady with wary interest, the Stufful had actually crept close enough to cuddle up to her leg and stared her down like she once watched children stare at their favorite candy. "I don't know… it looks like it's," She gave the Stufful another glance, the fluffy bear thing now actively making a growly purring noise while rubbing its head against her leg. "So… it's not yours, I take? Guess I'll just… well-"

Brynn rummaged in the small belt above her back pocket until she felt one of the small spherical orbs settle between her fingers, then popped it out to enlarge it. "If this goes wrong you better help me out here!" The violet-haired woman muttered, kneeling to put the pokéball down in front of it. Yes. Smooth. Flawless. She should've honestly watched more of those catching shows back in the day. With a happy cry the Stufful abandoned her leg for the spherical capturing device and started playing with it, managing to toss it around like a toy ball without setting off the device at all. Brynn just frowned at the playful tyke, then turned her attention back to the blonde. "I guess it's rather obvious by now, buuut I'm not quite the trainer type of woman." A defeated sigh left her lips, shoulders slightly sagging as Bell joined her again, stared at her owner's defeated self, and then happily trotted over to the stranger to ask for headpats.
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Look, A Volcano-oh... oh no! [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 14:13:22 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
The sudden appearance of a most curious pair caught Brynn entirely by surprise, switching her position so she wouldn't have her back facing the wild pokémon. She might no longer be used to the countryside life, but she at least remembered that bit her parents had told her; no matter what, never face your back to a wild pokémon… or one you can't trust. It was the same with people, really. And there were a damn lot of people you didn't want to expose your back to in the business world; a lesson she had to learn the hard way.

With noticing the two she also realised another person had been near, leaving the VP to wonder for a short second whether these pokémon were hers… She didn't quite know their names by heart, and especially the little bear thingy looked awfully cute-- until its piercing stare settled on her. The Magmar seemed to care little about the people present, and even less about Bell's sudden curiosity for the fire-type as it trotted over, carefully sniffing the air. The Stufful on the other hand had waddled closer, completely ignoring any of Brynn's failed attempts to keep it from advancing, it's black, beady eyes almost staring into her soul at this point. The VP had gotten back up, knowing her squatting would only make her trip again, and carefully backed away, not wanting to trigger the Stufful in any way. There was something about its look that was making her mighty uncomfortable.

"Uh… why's it looking at me like that?" she'd suddenly speak up, hoping the blonde nearby would pick up that she was trying to ask said question to her, in the belief that she was the owner of the two pokémon before her. Brynn would've looked at the woman in question if she wasn't so afraid of what the Stufful would do the moment she'd break eye-contact.
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Brynn's PC
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 23:34:17 GMT
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"You and I can make a difference. There's a mission just for you and me."

Current team:

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Look, A Volcano-oh... oh no! [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 21:42:12 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Mornings never went as smoothly as they'd gone this particular day; that's something Brynn could whole-heartedly agree on. Compared to Castelia City's busy streets and bustling mornings, the quaint silence of Lavaridge Town really brought peace back to her otherwise hectic routine. Having no traffic jams to worry about, no briefings to get through and no expectations for the next three weeks, she finally felt like she could truly relax a little. Maybe she'd even hit the hotsprings later, who was to say? Even Bell was surprisingly chipper this morning, the small Galarian Ponyta prancing about in front of her feet as they made their way downtown after breakfast, hoping to get a nice morning walk in before they'd head back to their hotel.

It wasn't so much that she minded just making it a walk around town, but there was just something about seeing all this nature around her after so many years in a metropolitan city that made the purple-haired woman itch. An itch that deserved a scratch after all this time; and that was exactly the reason why she was making her way towards Route 112. "What do you say, Bell? Fancy a little sprint?" She'd grin at her pastel-colored partner, taking off the moment they reached the edge of town. She'd quickly find the scarce amount of trees making way for a more rocky terrain, with Mt. Chimney looming over them in the distance. Honestly, she'd only read about it in brochures and online, but actually seeing the volcano from up close was an all-new experience altogether. Brynn was so in awe of the view that she hadn't even realised she'd stopped running until Bell tackled and immediately toppled her over, making the poor city girl slam into the ground in the most unceremonious of ways.

"Ouch… great tackle, Bell, as always," She'd groan, pushing herself upright again, trying to dust the ashes off her clothes. "Maybe next time try not to aim for me, okay?" The woman rose her eyebrow at the Ponyta, who only snorted in reply while trying to rub the ashes it'd procured in its manes off on her pants. Kneeling she'd start ruffling through its manes to help out, unaware of the rustling happening behind her.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
I'm just a little happier
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Brynnhildr Erling
Erling, Brynnhildr
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 0:29:16 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x

Life's not all business and bore


nameBrynnhildr Erling
played byAura

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION League

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK Civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Medusa from Fate

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



Brynnhildr Erling is Unovan born and bred, once a young smart-ass trying to make it in Castelia City, yet not in the way one would've expected from a country girl. Rather than fame, Brynnhildr wanted scholarly prestige and studied accordingly, even leaving home to make her dreams a reality. Having made her career take off like a shooting star when she was but a college graduate, Brynn landed herself a job at an up-and-coming Castelan corporation and worked her way to the top in a matter of years. Now a VP, one known for hounding the coworkers under her lead, the board has sent her on a mandatory leave to the quaint region of Hoenn, under the guise of wanting to establish a new branch there.
Newly landed in Hoenn, and desperately hanging on to the guise she was given of establishing said new branch despite knowing better, Brynn has taken it upon herself to explore the region like most others half her age apparently do; by traveling. She has a hard time adjusting to the more carefree lifestyle of the wannabe trainer, but mayhaps, in time she'll find herself embracing her long-lost tomboy style.


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