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Brynnhildr Erling
The Girl Who Cried Ursaring [PP]
POSTED ON May 4, 2023 2:44:16 GMT
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The bark startled her out of her mindless daze, her head perking up just in time to see a Stoutland running up to her, a barrage of licks soon to follow. There was a sputtering retort, followed by a choked-up chuckle at the pup's happy display. Her eyes were still blurry from the lingering tears of frustration that had gathered, but the relief she felt in knowing she was no longer alone trumped all.

Yet what truly grounded her was the voice calling out her name, and the subsequent face belonging to it.

Despite the situation and her slightly disheveled look, Brynnhildr flashed Gwyar a trembling smile as he approached. She couldn't quite remember when she'd last been this happy to see someone. It showed in the way her hands stilled against the Stoutland's fur, how her face lit up before her eyes blurred over once more.

"H-hi," she managed before the lump in her throat threatened to silence her. "you came?"

It had meant to be a statement -a grateful one- but the words came out questioning, bordering disbelief. She wanted to ask why Gwyar was here, how he'd found her, but unlike her emotions, her mind wasn't that far over the place to forget. She'd called.

In her hour of need she'd called him. Instinctively.

And he had answered.




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Brynnhildr Erling
Dreaming With Your Eyes Wide Open [Mission]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 17:47:45 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
How long had she been waiting to do this exactly?

She had no idea.

It was something that'd been lingering in her subconsciousness for ages, but the fear of actually doing so, or rather, of the consequences her actions could have? It had been a very efficient tool to keep her at bay. She couldn't reach out to anyone if she cared to keep her life, as such had been their intention. But after the message she'd received during the winter masquerade, Brynnhildr had realised that no matter what she did, they'd eventually find fault enough to make her life a living hell.

As if her exile hadn't been enough.

Her cousin's velvet words had been laced with poison when he'd called her. No-one had bothered acknowledging her existence until that particular night, but his threat hadn't missed his mark; she'd screwed up, and had done so royally.

Now she was sitting in front of her computer, in the dead of night, mindlessly staring at the screen and the blank, virtual paper, hesitation lingering in her fingers. Of the handful of people she could've asked for help, had never been on her list. A mere name in the papers. But he had been the most-likely to know of her situation; of the who that had caused it.

And it was time she made sure of that inkling thought. As her fingers slid across her keyboard, a single sentence formed; anonymous and unsigned.

"What do you know about the Voluntas Society?"



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Brynnhildr Erling
One Step At A Time [DW]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2023 3:06:03 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Brynn was about to retort, but that meant having to explain herself as well. And that was something she couldn't; not when she was still juggling with the how and why that made her thoughts wander. Instead she swallowed her words and nodded slowly. ""Yes, sorry. It's just a bit intimidating, that's all. But I'll focus now." Or attempt to, at least. Violet had taken time out of her schedule to humor her, so she better make it count in case the pale-haired woman was planning on bailing.


Letting out a resolute sigh, Brynnhildr marched off into the white wasteland, away from the frozen victims, in search for more. And 'more' came in the hard, steel package of a small Shieldon burried in the snow. It's head protruding from the snow and being the biggest tripping hazard she'd ever experienced. Her resoluteness faltered as she stumbled on, the Shieldon grumbling as it shook its snowy coat off its back to regard the stupid human that'd stepped on it.


Its glare was apparent, prompting Brynn to apologise almost immediately. Something she was certain Violet would comment on, most-likely not in a good way. Calling her Drilbur, Delta, to the frontlines to combat the Shieldon, rather than learning its moveset instead ordered it to attack. It was a sloppy kerfuffle even 1O year olds did better, but it granted the opening she needed to chuck a pokéball at the Shieldon, entirely unaware of the Vanillish creeping up behind her.


Catching Shieldon~


+ ooc notes



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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2023 3:24:17 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
She could've sworn she'd seen gowns similar to these Gardevoirs back in Castelia's high-end boutiques; serene and beautiful, graceful with every stride no matter who wore them. Watching the swarm go about their day made her wonder whether the designer too had been watching them like she had, inspired to recreate their elegance.

But to Brynn, the Gardevoir reminded her of something else. A peculiar pair that it seemed to form... and she'd heard the rumors too. So the Unovan too would attempt to catch one. And maybe she'd be lucky enough to call one her own.


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Brynnhildr Erling
Trauma Center: Under the Knife [S][C/Brynn]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 20:31:34 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"Here's to hoping he remains that friendly after the surgery, and away from the tracks as well." Brynnhildr allowed a small smile, then continued writing down the rest of the information the Mauville gymleader gave her about both his Pyroars. "We won't have to worry about riding him just yet, let us first focus on getting him back on his feet proper before we do anything else, alright?" By now it'd already gotten across how madly passionate both trainer and his pokémon were about racing--- which wouldn't come as such a surprise had she been more knowledgeable about the gym challenges, and Josh's gym in particular, but those were things she'd learn of later on.

"For now, how about we head back downstairs and get this paperwork filled in? We can go over the upcoming surgeries and the potential routes of rehabilitation once that's taken care of, and check back on Aslan while we're at it." she proposed, taking all the documents and heading for the door, gesturing for Josh to follow her.

By the looks of it, she'd have her work cut out for her.

~~ Two week later ~~

It had been a busy few weeks leading up to Aslan's surgery. Aside from frequent meetings with Josh Devlin to go over the details, and after pulling some strings, Brynn had managed to convince her superiors to express ship some of the newer equipment over to Lilycove hospital. Something the board of directors at the hospital had been doubtful about at first, afraid of the pricetag attached to it; yet they seemed eager enough once they realised they'd be given a discount as long as they agreed to a testing clause instead.

And now, the time had come. Aslan had been taken into surgery the day before, and Brynnhildr had, true to her word, remained with josh through it all. A good 18 hours had passed now, the surgery still in full session. She'd taken a break from the stark-white walls and the bright tl-lights to sit on the hospital's rooftop terrace, a cup of coffee keeping her warm in the morning chill. Beyond Lilycove's skyline the sun had started rising, ringing in the dawn of a new day, and hopefully, a successful end to the Pyroar's suffering.

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September 17th
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Brynnhildr Erling
Trauma Center: Under the Knife [S][C/Brynn]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 16:49:53 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"Oh, no worries, I just wanted to be sure. But it's good to know that you have another Pyroar handy, less so as a replacement but moreso for Aslan's potential recovery scheme." she nodded, making notes. It all depended on how competitive Aslan would be, but having some of his kin nearby would help, especially so if the Pyroar would end up slumping in its conviction. Man or mon, in the end neither liked doing things alone. Not unless there was a deeper reason to it.

She smiled when Josh mentioned Aslan being much like him; act first, think later. "And how is Aslan with strangers? Or veterinarians? One can never know how pokémon might act after such severe damage... it wouldn't be the first time they put blame on the one treating them for being the reason they're hurting. He might not be among those, but I'd rather make sure." she continued, looking at Josh. "After all, this isn't his comfort zone at all."

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September 17th
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 22:42:30 GMT
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Brynnhildr Erling
Trauma Center: Under the Knife [S][C/Brynn]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 0:15:10 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"Then it will be up to you to keep his eagerness tempered while he recovers." Brynnhildr replied softly, crossing her arms and leaning against the table. "It's for the better if his willpower is as you say, but it will pose both an advantage and a disadvantage for exactly those things; his survivability may gain, but his recovery rate will suffer if we cannot keep him composed. And that is a task that'll befall you, Mr. Devlin. You'll be his lighthouse, but also his chains."

Aslan's competitive background only made her recall previous incidents, more specifically with different breeds of Tauros she'd once worked with. The need for the pokémon, and in some cases even their trainer's need, to get back in the game had more often than not spelled ill results. Though she knew -or so she hoped- that the gymleader was different in that regard; the way he reacted to all the news, the emotions entertwined with how he started to think ahead... at least he cared less about the performance rate of his pokémon, as long as his Pyroar could be healthy again.

The Unovan looked at Josh rather curiously when he mentioned another name; Simba. "Aslan won't be happy about it? Or Simba?" she asked, eyes still slightly focused on him while she arranged the signed documents in a binder. On second thought, she didn't quite wish to wait for the approval necessary to looking into the rest of the documents and planned surgeries. She wouldn't be part of those, but knowing the details would help her in preparing a proper regimen for the Pyroar to follow, and what equipment to book-- or maybe even fly in from nearby facilities. Perhaps she'd even be able to pull a few strings and have new equipment flown in from Castelia City instead. Once he'd finished explaining, Brynn followed up with another question. "Would you mind telling me a bit more about Aslan? His personality, some background information mayhaps, what he does around the gym and how he fits into your team? Apologies if it's rather personal, but I assure you this is merely so I can get an image of how who I'm dealing with, and how I must handle his recovery."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Trauma Center: Under the Knife [S][C/Brynn]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2022 23:14:37 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
The paperwork she'd given the elite ranger was returned to her rather quickly, which only drove home the fact that this Pyroar was far closer to the man than most other of his pokémon; a hunch she had, seeing how she herself had reacted when she'd lost her partners months prior. She smiled empathically and put the paperwork to the side, so she could take it to administration later on and finalize the details regarding her temporary employment. She'd be assigned to Aslan's case, and Aslan's case only, lest someone wished to hire her services as well.

"I know very well your pain, Josh. Yet you've been fortunate enough to have Aslan survive his wounds up until now-- he's a fighter, I can tell." she replied, listening to the man and his stories. She'd never owned a Pyroar; encountered a few in the past, yes, but not like this. They'd been wild ones, and needed a wholely different approach than those owned by trainers.

"Although his surgeries are tricky, I'm quite certain he'll pull through if he remains as tenacious as he has been up until now." Brynnhildr said, checking the files she'd been handed regarding the Pyroar's injuries; saying the surgeries were tricky were probably a major understatement. "I'll have to level with you here, though. Officially I'm here as a representative of Volta Inc; we specialize in machinery and equipment that aid in the rehabilitation of both human and 'mon, and the machine they had intended for your Pyroar was meant to be altered-- expect they messed up. Back in Unova I'm the head of production and helped design these machines; which means I have both the technical knowledge, but also the medical background for these kinds of situations."

She just wanted to get across that aside from knowing how to handle the machinery and so on, she also had the medical know-how and education to be allowed to handle the patients working with these machines. That she was more than just a technician with a business degree. Not a full-fledged doctor, but more than knowledgable, at the very least.

"Once Aslan's recovered sufficiantly, I would like to start treatment to strengthen his muscles again. Only once he's done that can we hope to start his actual rehabilitation on walking, and eventually running. But whether he'll ever be able to be ridden again solely depends on his own willpower to get that far." Her tone was serious, nearly spelling out that she would not allow any pushing to increase its limits. "We'll take things slowly, and if things pan out right, he will be running again in the long run. But you'll have to be careful that he doesn't overdo it; aside from the prosthetics, his muscles too will never be what they once were, and those liabilities will have to be taken into account even if he makes a full recovery."

The next, she spoke silently.

"If he ever relapses, chances are he'll never walk again." A sad, but harsh truth.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Trauma Center: Under the Knife [S][C/Brynn]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2022 22:20:51 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

It was short notice, but she was literally the only one in the region qualified to fix this mess. After all, it had been her company that had provided the machinery to the Lilycove Regional Medical Center, but as the local IT staff had wanted to alter the interior ever so slightly to accommodate a patient in-then critical condition, had messed up the wiring, causing the internal hardware to crash. They'd tried contacting Volta HQ but much to their dismay, the issue was deemed too big to fix remotely. Someone had to come fix it by hand, and the soonest they could send someone of their own tech department over from Unova to do so would take a week at the very least.

So instead, like a reoccuring thing, they'd asked Brynn to go and see if she could check on things and potentially come up with a solution. Even though she could've used the vacation she'd actually was supposed to be on more than ever. Yet it had never been in her nature to turn down a request, and as such, she'd signed in on the hospital's guest list early morning. Since then, she's been working non-stop on rerouting the entire hardware and checking for any other malfunctions.

One of the nurses currently on break had joined her, chatting away about how busy the hospital had gotten recently. Yet, when the Unovan asked why they'd tried to alter the machine, the true reasoning came to light. A Pyroar had gotten critically injured, having drifted between life and death for far longer than they'd bargained for, and the alterations had been made hoping it would aid the large feline pokémon in speeding up its recovery. The Unovan perked. Although her career had taken a more technical turn, she'd still gotten her medical degree, which were crucial in resetting the machine. If it were to be used for a specific case, it would help her in knowing what exactly she was helping to treat.

"Would it be possible to see the patient in question?"

Although her involvement needed consent from the treating doctors and the Pyroar's trainer first and foremost, they'd allowed her to watch the Pyroar from behind the protective glass windows of his ICU room. She'd been shocked by the extensive damage, but in the end had not left for what should've been an hour now, mulling over all the potential ways she could help the poor thing if it survived its surgeries. Her guest badge was visible upon her chest, but she did not wear any attire that one would suspect from attending hospital personnel; not until she got the consent one of Aslan's attending doctors had set out on to get from .

They'd brought the gymleader to her, in a small conference room closest to Aslan's ICU, only explaining the situation only briefly, and leaving Brynn to relay the rest.

"Mr. Devlin? Thank you for coming here, I doubt you'd like to stay parted from your Pyroar any longer than necessary." she started, extending her hand. "Brynnhildr Erling, nice to meet you. Though I'd wished it'd been in better circumstances, I'll not beat around the bush and get straight to the point," she said, eyes serious. For one she was glad that her work-minded focus completely overwrote her troubled mindset when she was on the job, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to stay this serious. "The hospital called for my help in regards to equipment that will be used on your Pyroar if his surgeries are successful. The issue however is that this will require my presence and expertise on the matter, for which we need your written consent; as I am not affiliated with any hospital at this point. However, your attending doctors have deemed it will increase the odds of your pokémon regaining a better condition of life if I were to be involved."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 0:14:33 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"No no, please, don't be. You're quite right actually, in my humble opinion at least... If anything, we share the same views regarding it." she smiled kindly, turning towards Elaine. Now she'd moved to stand beside her, she could speak more softly, even with the ruckus having picked up around them. At least they were distant enough to the main masses to have their own moment of privacy. "They're gorgeous." And that was how she truly felt about it.

With Elaine introducing herself and her profession, Brynn nodded her head without realising and shook the extended hand ever so gently. The woman seemed injured enough as is; she didn't want to trigger anything worse, or unseen. "Brynnhildr Erling, VP and head of production at Volta Inc." Her company was still young, but it had risen rather quickly and cemented itself among the medical tech giants for their innovative ideas regarding rehabilitation tech and machinery. Yet she did not expect everyone to know of the Unova-based company; they had no branches in Hoenn just yet. That was what she had come here for... kind of.

For a moment her attention was drawn away from her conversational partner towards a strangely familiar tuft of blonde hair zooming past, but as she tried to look for whom it belonged to, she failed to find the face she'd hoped to uncover. Strange, how it left a pang of disappointment in her stomach. She would've loved to see the chivalrous police officer in a -to her- less dangerous environment, for a change. Alas, it did not seem to be.

"I'll admit, I'm normally indifferent to crowds like these... well, used to be, that is. After recent events they've made me feel at odds with myself. So this event in itself, being here. It's a challenge in its own right." It was a half-hearted smile, and she caught herself edging towards a mindset unbecoming of the situation. She shook her head softly, as if to clear her mind of said thoughts, and apologized."Sorry, uhm...," Music brought salvation to what would've been a moment of awkward, apologetic silence, and the Unovan gestured towards the hall where the music originated from. "Maybe we should have a look over there? I think I glimpsed seating arrangements when I passed by earlier. Might be a bit more comfortable?"

- Outfit, her mask, and the family heirloom
- Brynn introduces/reveals herself verbally
- Apologises for the potential tmi
- Sees mini- goes nyoom
- Suggests heading for the seating area at the dance hall
- Spin-off thread go!

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
After the Fall [social]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2022 19:42:21 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
She'd not meant it that way; at least not the "what if" of having been in Rocket's shoes. But now the matter had been brought to attention she was curious nonetheless; how would he have done things if he had been one of their leading commanders. Perhaps it'd allow her a rare glimpse into the illustrious mind of Silph's CEO… and given the situation, thinking as if one was a Rocket might give some insights on how to handle things going forth.


Curiosity piqued, she wished to know.

Mayhaps she'd be able to learn a thing or two from his reply.

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