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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Brynnhildr Erling
After the Fall [social]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2022 0:20:08 GMT
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"Let's hope it does not come before we're strong enough to do so."

We, she says, but she knows very well she isn't part of that 'we'. She's not sure if she'll ever be strong enough.

While Fernando ceases to let the embers fall, she brings the cigarette to her lips once more, inhaling ever so slowly so she can watch the fire at its tip flare. The nicotine does a great job at numbing the pain, both of the body and the mind. Brynn's sigh mixes with the smoke she exhales, and her wrist drops over the railing, allowing the silence to overtake them for a moment, safe for the bristling of city life below them.

"Would you have done things differently?" she asks.

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Let Me Drown [Social]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 23:55:03 GMT
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The arm extended towards her felt like a foreign object for the briefest of moments, but she found herself reaching out for it nonetheless. Even though the jacket hid it from anyone's sight, the very moment she leant into the support given she could feel the tense muscle in his arm; she'd classify it as a law-enforcement trait, yet all but minded that she could rely on his strength to help her move. For a moment she even worried he was carrying more of her burden than she herself was.

But she couldn't help it. Having sat there huddled into a ball for that long had allowed her muscles to cramp. Not an issue if she remained seated, but now she was moving again she could feel how it was dragging her down, and that little bit of energy still present in her limbs was stagnating heavily. Relying on the man was literally the only thing she could do right now.

Brynn pulled herself a little bit closer to his arm, clutching it so she could divide her weight some more. A worthwile attempt to keep up a somewhat normal pace rather than one that begged to label her as close to cripple. Though she'd fallen silent again after having given Gwyar an acknowledging nod about the Chief's whereabouts, she'd eventually mutter a soft "Thank you" as they started closing in on others dressed in similar police garbs.

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September 17th
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 23:24:13 GMT
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The Unovan was pulled from whatever depths her mindly thoughts had descended towards when a voice resonated behind her, mentioning not being the only one having gravitated towards the statues. She'd not been paying attention to anyone approaching, but managed to hide the hint of a startle upon hearing speak, and turned around, shifting her attention from the sculptures to the red-haired woman beside her.

"Ah, yes... well, they're truly a work of art. It'd be a waste not to pay attention to them merely because they're functioning as decoration, don't you think?" she smiled, glancing back at the sculpture of a Swanna she'd been staring at. Well, now she couldn't space out anymore... then again, having someone to talk to wasn't a bad thing either. For a moment she wondered whether the woman in the red and black dress too had taken to this side of the room just to dodge the masses on the other side, but figured just blatantly asking about it wasn't the best way to continue the conversation.

"What do you think?"

- Outfit, her mask, and the family heirloom
- Asking Elaine about her opinion on the ice sculptures
- for future swooping

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
One Step At A Time [DW]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 23:53:11 GMT
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The cold winds sting against her cheeks as they venture further, but the very moment the fields of silent ice open up before them, the Unovan just stops and stares. From behind the muffler she's wearing small puffs of breath condense into mist, only to be blown away just as fast. This freezing cold feels all too familiar.

In her mind short fragments filter through of when she was young, of a time she did not often remember, or liked to be reminded of, for various reasons. Yet today, she allowed them to flood her mind. Because she wanted to know what else was conjuring this sense of familiarity. Flashes of her and a young blonde boy playing in the frozen marshes of Iccirus, full of mischief, knowing fully well they weren't supposed to be there. She recalls how fun it had been.


Fun was not what these fields of ice held. The cold was similar to the marshes, but that was not what made it so familiar... she had to dig deeper still. Remember.

What does this iced dread remind you of, Brynnhildr?

Her mind doesn't allow her further digging as a voice snaps her out of her thoughts, and back into reality. She blinks, shakes her head shortly and turns towards , an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry, I spaced out for a bit there... you were saying?"

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 0:37:05 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
No, you should really do this. A change of pace entirely out of your comfort zone will do you wonders.

For a moment she was honestly contemplating why she was still listening to her therapist at this point. Sure, things had somewhat improved compared to a few months ago, and yes, the Masquerade had seemed like a great idea at first, but now she was wandering the crowded venue alone, she was having second thoughts. Only pluspoint at the moment was the fact she got to put this dress to good use. Big minus was the fact her glass was screaming for a refill, and she had neither the guts nor the will to brave the crowd at the bar right now.

And having left Spica at home for the first time ever, she was now doomed to find her own entertainment. So she'd just been checking out all the ice sculptures instead, absent-mindedly toying with the intricate chain accessory around her arm, sporting a rather curious symbol around the small diamond in the middle. She wasn't supposed to be wearing it, but she knew deep down her mother would've wanted her to if she knew where she was tonight.

- Outfit, her mask, and the family heirloom
- Hiding behind I mean, appreciating the ice sculptures cuz the bar's too crowded
- Open for interactions
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 20:11:24 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Unlike many, and most-importantly, against the good advice of her surroundings, Brynn had just come to watch these titans looking for a fight instead. Last time she'd done such a thing she'd been chased by them, so this time around she'd keep a proper distance... or, rather, a higher position that they couldn't just waltz onto. Spica's eyes were shooting daggers as she regarded her trainer, hoping that this time around she wouldn't have to fight her way through a potential mess again. Then again, those Tyranitar did look interesting to look at.

Maybe they'd get lucky and find a lone one to catch?


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Let Me Drown [Social]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 6:46:37 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar


She's holding on to his sleeve before she realises it, with a tenacity only her subconsciousness is aware of. But when she does she looks just as puzzled, even moreso when the tear that had been lingering breaks free and rolls down her cheek. The silent plea in her eyes becomes shocked revelation and her grips loosens abruptly as she inches back.

Please don't leave me here alone.

"I-I'll come with you."

Brynn's already getting up before Gwyar can protest or tell her otherwise, even if the process of doing so is one of struggle. Even her stance promises everything but the reassurance that she can walk far, but the prospect of staying there alone, now her bubble of solitude has been popped... it scares her more. It scared her to remain near the broken remnants of those that she had loved more dearly than anything. Of all things she had to face, that would be the last thing.

She'd rather face the physical pain first.

"J-just so you don't have to come back for me-"


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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Look, A Volcano-oh... oh no! [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 0:24:58 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"At the very least far more professional than I am," Brynn replied, watching intently as Mireille ordered her Sirfetch'd to attack the Pignite. Aside from the way she urged her pokémon to use all of its strength, she found it curious how lithe and smooth the golden bird-knight attacked the fire-type. She'd honestly never used her pokémon like that, despite the popular belief of trainers developing stronger bonds like that, the Unovan had never taken that path. She barely even knew what moves her pokémon held or had mastered. All she did was ask them to do X or Y, or help her with Z, and they'd almost always figure things out on their own.

So seeing an actual trainer in proper combat was new, and somewhat exciting too. To the other she might've looked like a child seeing a pokémon battle for the first time though, with how invested she was in the Sirfetch'd fighting moves.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
The Girl Who Cried Ursaring [PP]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2022 3:55:29 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

Darkness was falling fast in the Petalburg Woods; something the Unovan had been dreading. She was tired, scared, and above all else, hopelessly lost.

Only hours earlier she'd been on a nice and quaint stroll through the forest, lunch packed to enjoy in the grass under a shady tree at a small stream. Mayhaps not her best move, considering the warnings about the bolder activity of the forest dwellers, but she wouldn't go far-- and she had her pokémon to help if anything came up. The trio of wild Teddiursa that had decided to join her when she'd sat down to eat had touched a soft spot, and she'd given each of them a berry to snack on.

It had seemed enough. Until they started begging for more. She hadn't brought a whole lot of berries, but had figured no harm was done in giving them some more, if they were truly that hungry. But at some point, her food supply had ran out, and they'd started complaining loudly, attracting an Ursaring. And another. She'd immediately left her bag for the large ursine pokémon to rummage through, hoping it would give her time to get away.

The taller, crankier Ursaring behind her however, thought differently. Spica, her Riolu, had tried valiantly in fighting it off, only adding to its bad mood, and by extent, to that of the group gathered around her. There were too many to fight at once, and in the process Spica had gotten badly hurt. Brynn had made a run for it, blindly, unknowingly straying away from the paths and into the wilderness. In her rush she'd tried calling a number -she didn't even have the time to check who it was- and had tried to explain her predicament.

"Ursarings in Petal- Woods- Help- Oh god they're catching u-- [CRACK]

The phone had slipped from her hand as she tripped, crashing to the floor. The time she needed to get back on her feet was time she couldn't waste on going back for her phone, so it was left. She'd keep on running, until she thought safety was within reach. But the Ursaring had been tenacious, and by the time it had ceased its pursuit, every single sound was making her paranoid.

Having recalled Spica so she could heal in the safety of her pokéball, Brynn had been wandering around alone. The rest of her pokéballs were still in her bag, left at the campsite, and she couldn't burden the Riolu any further just because she was feeling anxious and afraid. There was a small cave up ahead however, which at first glance seemed unoccupied. Not wanting to venture far into the darkness, Brynn just slumped down against the wall and leant her head against the rocks, tears clinging to her eyes.

If only she hadn't fed those Teddiursa those berries in the first place, none of this would've happened.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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Brynnhildr Erling
Let Me Drown [Social]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 3:21:29 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
"Likewise," she nodded, admitting defeat to gravity that was keeping her bound to the floor. As one would expect, notes and pen in hand, questions came her way that actually made her frown. Not because of their nature, but moreso the memories regarding it-- and how to explain.

Sighing softly, her eyes lower to the notebook as she mulls over her words, because in no other way would she be able to sound anything more than mockingly sarcastic if she just flat-out said what was on her tongue whenever it came to that; family. "Unless you plan on contacting my employer, not quite." she lets out eventually. "Those few of the Erling family that remain don't care, and have made that abundantly clear." The Unovan smiles scoffingly, but the pounding headache refrains her from shaking her head. The bitter feelings settle in her stomache, but she's quick to push those away.

"Sorry, that's not your fault." Brynn falters, slowly hunching forward to hug her knees. Somehow being small feels safer. "Not home, but Lilycove perhaps." She admits softly. "I don't think I could return to Unova just yet."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 1:48:38 GMT
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Let Me Drown [Social]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 1:22:38 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
Although she didn't realise at first what his intention was in handing her his coat, nor the order to bite onto it, she did not defy the authority in his voice and sunk her teeth into the thicker part of his coat. Only when he made her sit upright and moved his arm to support her head did it dawn on her, just in time for her to bite down harder as he popped her shoulder back into place.

Her pained cry was muffled by the coat, a stray tear in her eye as her remaining hand clenched into a fist, a most fruitful attempt to not grab unto something softer to dig her nails into.

Yet, despite the throbbing stings in her shoulder still, it felt far more pleasant to move with now it had settled back where it belong.

With the pain came a temporary focus, away from the grief, and towards the breathing she tried to control as she returned Gwyar his coat. Her eyes looked slightly clearer now, refreshed by the adrenaline that forced her body into a state of readiness, for however long that would last. "Brynn-" she replies, scuffling in a poor attempt to try and get up, all to no avail. The floor is as good a place as any to remain seated, then. There's a soft hiss escaping her when she touches ground again. "Brynnhildr Erling, sir."

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
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Brynnhildr Erling
Over there! (open)
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 0:41:53 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
This would be the first outing in which she was determined to find a new partner to join her team. Ever since the disaster at Sootopolis, Brynn had shunned the roads when she was alone, stuck to towns and never bothered going any further than the outskirts. She didn't dare to, afraid to lose the few pokémon she had left to a disaster that would only happen in her head.

But Spica, her Riolu and emotional support pokémon, knew. In these few weeks since they'd been paired, the Riolu had grown accustomed to the doubts that played in her new owner's head, and could feel exactly when they were getting out of hand. Likewise, she had also slowly learnt how to drag the Unovan out of her shell, which was another reason why they were walking down route 4 today.

There was a plan to be had, and mayhaps, some fated encounters.
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