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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 8:33:46 GMT
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In the end the votes are tallied, no punishment comes to Xenon and she breathes a sigh of relief as she looks over at the idiot who nearly got her beat up for doing a good job. Even so she can't help but wince watching Navy get the stuffing beaten out of him along with his cellmate, even if it was his own fault she could at least sympathize as someone who had definitely gotten beaten in prisons for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
So off they go, flying from the Ugly Ward to this so called Chamber of Desires, dangling precariously from the beak of this toxic bird as she guides them to whatever fresh hell awaits next. Xenon would have to be a fool to truly believe that whatever is coming next is some kind of reward, and even if it was there was nothing stopping their ward from being next on the chopping block the next time the wardens decided to play another cruel game with them. No, Xenon takes this opportunity to observe just where they're going and the geography of this strange prison, trying to derive any sort of clue as to where they might be in Hoenn, if they were even still in Hoenn to begin with.
Rows of Tera crystals, foreign architecture she didn't recognize, a mysterious mask hooked up to a machine that was Megalopalan in origin based on the whispers of those around her. It wouldn't be a stretch to guess that they were in some kind of different dimension similar to the Ultra Wilds that she had been plunging into the past year, but there still wasn't enough information to make any kind of accurate guess. All she can do for now is play along, watching people put on the mask and see.... something.
Her mask pops free from her face, the first thing she does is bring her hand up to her nose to check if it was indeed broken or not. No such luck, just very bruised, no chance they'd take her to any kind of infirmary. Some new freak crawls out of the woodwork and starts rambling on about bright futures and potential, all Xenon can do is sneer at this idiot as he blabbers on about things he could never hope to understand. She had seen the future for herself already, whatever this guy saw was nothing, brainwashing toxins judging from the sickly purple chain choking him and feeding him more of that poison slop.
Finally it's her time to step up, getting pushed from behind by a nameless guard and face to face with The Mask. "Nothing you have to show me has any worth. The only future worth a damn is the one I choose." She shouldn't be talking, she should just be shutting up and nodding along to whatever they have to say. But god damn, something about the way that idiot spoke about the future, the utter confidence he had in the bullshit someone else fed to him... It was truly disgusting for someone who believed in the purity of one's own personal future.
The neon future she once saw is subsumed by toxic purple. The lights of the city flicker as poisonous chains wrap around the buildings, connecting them like power lines, connecting the people. The scientist known as ███████ █████ is elbow deep in a robotic replication of the legendary dragon of ideals, a bright smile on her face as she makes the final connections in its Quark Drive. She had achieved her dream, she had created a world where everyone could chase the future to their hearts content.
The battle against the League was hard fought, not everyone had been willing to let go of the past. And even once the League had been dismantled and scattered to the winds, her fight still hadn't ended. She had seen what Team Rocket had done to Johto, replacing one rotting tree with another was simply inexcusable for such a moral woman like herself. Every single root needed to be pruned and burned for the future to shine brightly, the revolution never really ended.
But she had done it eventually. Almost a decade of constant struggle, and finally she had achieved the freedom she wanted for all. And it was all thanks to the glorious wardens, the beautiful Fezandipiti who melted the frozen hearts of Rocket, the courageous Ogerpon who shattered the bonds that held them down, and the brilliant Monkidori who helped her plan it all. And in exchange all she had to do was accept the █████ ██████, the rope that bound all, the-
Come on now girl. You know it would never be that easy.
The girl pauses as she watches the pulsing Quark Drive. The Iron Ideals shudders to life, electric blue sparking in its gaze as it stares into her soul and speaks with her voice.
There's no superhero who's going to come save you and make everything just the way you want it to be. We know better than that. The only future worth anything is the one that we pull from the fire.
"I know but... isn't it nice to dream every now and then? To hope that maybe we can just lie down for just one night and everything will be better in the morning?"
The Iron Ideals's face has no plasticity, no room for emotion, yet even so she can feel an air of mirth rolling from it as it reaches out and grabs her left arm.
"Dreams are nice kid. But it's time to wake up."
And then it pulls. And pulls. And pulls. AND PULLS HER-

She screams as she rips away from the mask, tumbling backwards and scrambling from the Wellspring Mask as it glimmers and shines under the light of the Tera Crystals. Immediately there's three guards on her as she tries to run, where she's running she doesn't know, as long as it's not here, as long as it's not that future, not that future where that pathetic thing masquerading as her would so easily kowtow to another rotting tree. "So that's all it takes huh!? We wrap the noose around our neck and you'll give us everything we ever wanted?! Our happy little future in exchange for a collar and our freedom!? Come on now, I might be ugly but I'm sure as hell not stupid! Try a little harder next time, maybe show me a nice red mask that'll tell me how cool I am and how the toxic chain will make me super buff and as strong as a Machamp, that'll definitely go down well!"
She looks left and right expecting a round of chuckles from her fellow prisoners, because honestly who could ever buy such a sweet load of shit? But the more she looks, the more her heart sinks as she observes the glazed over visages of so many. "You've gotta be kidding me. Navy!? What the fuck happened to the fire huh, you really gonna buy into someone else's future that easy!? Where's the fucking wall that I couldn't pass in the Ultra Deep huh!?" Xenon looks to Tsubaki next, expecting that rebellious spark that knocked her out not even a few hours ago. Nothing.
Yuina Hingashi. Theo Beckett. Zev Harcourt. People she knew at one point or another. Each and every one buying into the lie, the promise of an easy future, all in exchange for a set of manacles and a toxic chain wrapped around their neck. Feeding them poison. Anyone looking at Xenon would see something quite unusual for those who knew of her reputation. The firestarter rebel who never once backed down in the face of danger, the ultramodernist who chased the future with a smile even as she committed all manner of atrocities, the dreamer who never stopped running down the path to tomorrow... Was well and truly crestfallen as she's lead to the showers and stripped, hosed down like a broken dog with scalding hot water. And so she continues to plan, knowing that she truly has nobody but herself to rely on in this Prismatic Penitentiary.



Ugly Ward[break]
No Salac Berry needed baby, we balling in the club tonight[break]
Xenon sees a future where nobody rules over anyone, where everyone can pursue their dreams without being held back by the past, a future where Iron Ideals empowers the world... and a world where her Iron Ideals wake her up from this toxic nightmare. She screams and berates her captors as she scrambles back from the mask, expecting the support of everyone else, only to see half of the ward brainwashed by this illusion.

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March 6th
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
Pleased to Meet You
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 4:23:02 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



He was right on many levels, but where he was wrong was in his basic assumption about where she was coming from. He believed her to be some naive little girl who truly believed Rocket was supporting her future, that she didn't expect to be betrayed and trampled, that she was being led on a treadmill to nowhere.
Xenon Civitas Antheil was no fool. Rocket was a tool just like any other, resources to be used right until she thought they'd turn on her. When her future diverged from theirs, she'd have no problem tearing those fools down like any other wannabe dictators she'd worked for in the past. She looks like she's going to say as much to Navy too as she smiles and shakes her head... before a noise from further down the cavern catches her attention. "Well as much fun as it's been debating philosophy with you cowboy, it looks like the party is over. But trust me when I say I look forward to seeing you next time. Hopefully then we'll both be able to spread our wings wide and fly." Xenon's hand swipes at a Pokeball on her belt as she sends out one last trick up her sleeve, her strongest Pokemon roaring to life as Rhodium blasts the ceiling with a ruinous Hyper Beam.
The cave in is fast, there's no room to pursue on either side as stalactites crash down into the ground and begin piling up, a wall of rubble separating the two as Xenon retreats from whence she came.



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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
Adversus Futurum Audacter
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 3:57:58 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar




Xenon shakes her head. They've at once hit the nail on the head and entirely missed the point in their ponderings. "Yes, it's named Area Zero because it's similar to theirs. That's not the point I was trying to make." She taps on the projector screen once more. "What we should be thinking about is why our Area Zero looks so much like theirs. There's no such thing as coincidence in this world, everything happens for a reason. Even if our Area Zero is different from theirs in a few aspects, the eye like rifts as an example, the fact remains that there are overwhelming similarities from what we do know. There's some sort of link here between our regions, it would do us well to try and get the jump on the League and figure out just what that link is."
At this, Xenon smiles once more. A truly cunning smile, the look of a woman who knows she's about to turn the room upside down with this last point of order. She clicks her remote one last time, moving to a slide of a cavern filled with Terastal Crystals on every surface... and a strange unknown pokemon that likely only a few in the room had seen before now. Herself and Howard, as he had been the first to witness the beast of the future with her, maybe Lulu based on prior conversation.
"For those who might not read the reports on the RKS System, this Pokemon might be unfamiliar. To put it simply, this is the Iron Serpent pokemon known as Miraidon. After several delves into the simulated universe I chanced upon this creature alongside Admin Slayte, wherein we were forced into battle alongside it against another of its kind. Suffice it to say, the clash was intense enough that I have reason to believe..." She lets the tension build as her gaze lingers on the mechanical beast. "...that we may be the first to discover a new Legend. And if my suspicions prove correct, I think we just might find this Legend buried in Area Zero. Our Area Zero."


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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 6:02:23 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



No move made to share plans and plot escapes, but that doesn't phase Xenon as she simply smiles and continues shining her ugly little rocks. She was used to being on the outs with everyone around, she never needed to rely on someone else when it came to survival. This had simply been an extended hand to her cellmate, an invitation to party when the ultramodernist did make her breakout. If one wishes to shun an offered hand, far be it from her to force them to take it.
And so the work goes, the sounds of violence echoing above as the wardens of this prison brutally beat the dissidents while Xenon diligently continues her routine. She picks up a rock, shines it against her thigh until its sufficiently cleaned, tosses it in a box, then repeats. It's monotonous work certainly, but there's a certain serenity to being a cog in a machine, even if she's only biding her time to wind up until she was ready to wreck the gears around her.
"So that's what's happening huh... Chamber of desires..." Again, she had been temporarily unconscious during the explanation of what was going on, so the fact that she was even being rewarded was a pleasant surprise. The girl glances over at Tsubaki with a lilted grin, as if to say "Is it time to find out yet?" But of course she wouldn't be able to escape drama so easily, not when the wardens were still having their fun.
Pokeballs are publicly smashed to humiliate and torment those who thought their hands slick enough to steal, whether or not this is real is of little concern to Xenon. They aren't hers, why should it matter? What's of far more interest is the little conga line that they're instructed to form on their way to the Chamber of Desires, on her right and on her left placing a hand on her shoulder.
And so the games truly begin, a Prisoner's Dillema and a Prisoner's Privilege. And oh hey look, it's as the first to talk. Funny seeing him here, though maybe not considering just how intertwined their fates seemed to be.
"Ohhhhh great, here we fucking go. I swear, some of you people should have been put in the Dummy Ward- Hey! Warden bird lady! I just wanna make it clear, I don't affiliate with the idiots who wanna do some kind of self sacrificing thing to uphold some grand ideals they all have! I vote for the Dummy Ward too!" Xenon almost takes her hand away from Tsubaki as she joins in on this little pity party they've got going on, but she didn't want to get beaten to a pulp for breaking the rules.
But she does direct her attention over to and , giving a slight nod to the Underboss specifically in deferment. She wasn't a fan of hierarchies and leaders, but for right now she'd recognize the authority of her direct superior in Rocket, if only because nobody else was liable to have her back in a ward full of weak willed pansies. And Priam had the sense to play by the rules for now too, so he was okay in her book. Would have to link up with him later, maybe she could ask for a change in cellmates? Hah, yeah right.



Ugly Ward[break]
The gang manages to clean all the rocks good and get the reward! Yay! Tsubaki on her right and Aurelie on her left for the weird circle line, Aurelie needing to place a hand on her shoulder due to the lack of arm. When everyone else wants to vote for the pansy option of sacrificing themselves, Xenon nods to Elisabeth and Priam, easily choosing to sacrifice the Dummy Ward without hesitation.[break]

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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
What The #!@& Is A KPI
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 4:22:51 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



"Yeah. Just another silly thing that people who are too focused on fossils care about. But they care which means I have to care." She sounds rather exasperated as she says that, not even trying to insult Howard directly, simply bemoaning the obsession with past grudges so many held.
But finding a new name was hardly a challenge for her. 54 she had been, another 54 she would become, names and identities were simply history to be discarded when they no longer had any use. "Then I'll just have to make sure that whatever the people see will shine as brilliantly as the stars of the League." Another neuron fires as she says this, the pen dancing across paper paints a road to the future for her assets, a portrait of numbers and imaginary value.
Her train of thought diverts course as Howard asks the critical question, the whys and whens. It's a good question, she doesn't look like a people person by any means, so why did she decide to hang on to a business that revolved around people? "At first it was just a whim, a fun new plaything to toy with before I got bored and refocused on my other projects."
"But at the end of the day I realized something. The future I want, it needs the hearts of people to thrive. I can't just be strong enough to force it on everyone, all that does is make me the next dictator in charge of a power system I hate. So this nightclub has become something of a first step in that matter. Capturing the hearts of people in my own way... Well, I suppose for your purposes it would be easiest to just think of it as a burgeoning propaganda and recruitment center. In the future of course."



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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 3:30:16 GMT
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Contrary to popular belief, getting knocked out is not just instant sleep for however long, not for humans anyhow. The state of being "knocked out" is sudden, brief, and violent, but brief is the most important keyword here as Xenon's eyes flutter open after getting decked by her cellmate. It seems like she missed something bloody as she pushes herself back onto her feet, the taste of poison lingering on her tongue as she watches everyone polish dirty gemstones, humming curiously as she gets down on her knees next to Tsubaki and begins slowly polishing away at one of the rocks. "I'm guessing they didn't show any inclination to bringing the injured woman to any sort of medical bay?"
The question didn't need to be answered, she was still here after all. But it brought into perspective what kind of people had captured them, presumably cold blooded murderers judging by the mess on the ground. Her eyes dart up towards the Fezandipiti briefly, its meets her eyes and she forces her head back down before it acted on whatever violent impulses it might have been feeling. "Fill me in on the details, what's the route out of here that you can see so far? Jail rats can spot jail rats, I know you're already planning a way out of here."



Xenon wakes up from being knocked out, gets to work polishing some rocks with one arm. Questions Tsubaki on what happened when she went down and what the plan is to bust out.[break]

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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
Contract Renogiatiation
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 3:17:07 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar




Xenon hums curiously as she stares at the Shadow Lugia circling about in the sky, the thick purple miasma emanating from it reminiscent of storm clouds blotting the sky. "And you just... found her like that? Corrupted by the shadows, aligned to the dark?" She considers that information carefully, turning it over in her mind to look it over from every angle she could see. "I just find it curious that we only ever discovered Lugia like that. I'm no archaeologist like yourself, but I don't think I'm familiar with any legends of Pokemon so... corrupted like that. It makes one wonder why Lugia of all Pokemon." She lets a beat pass for Cillian to interject this own thoughts and answers the question he's no doubt ruminated on himself, before shrugging and moving on.
"I doubt it matters though. Not like we can find natural Shadow Pokemon in the wild after all, we've pretty much done everything worth talking about on that subject. No point in looking back on things that are fully explored."



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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 2:30:54 GMT
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Xenon had never been to Galar herself. At least not for long enough for her to remember, maybe a quick stopover when she first left her home region, no longer than that. But she knew what a Galarian Weezing was, glorious byproducts of civilization that had first appeared during the advent of the industrial revolution. Breathe in poison, breathe out fresh clean air, a wonderful little coincidence in an era where smog threatened to fill the skies and darken the clouds, one can only wonder just what kind of ecological consequences the era would have suffered were it not for the glorious Weezing and its lesser Koffing brothers.
She of course cared for none of that boring historical garbage, she simply appreciated the creature's funny little tophat and their caricature of an old Galarian man, smoking a pipe and coughing their lungs out. And of course they were genuinely just very convenient for the future she had in mind, might just be the only kind of Pokemon she'd prefer to remain organic if she had to choose any one Pokemon to stay for the future. A thick gas mask is wrapped around her features as she infiltrates the League's cleanup force on the Slateport docks, it wouldn't do anyone any good for her to be recognized but she still needed to be here regardless. "Alright Polonium, time to get lowkey." Xenon mutters as the bassist plays her tune, a Shock Wave rippling through a crowd of Weezings and paralyzing the toxic orbs as they clatter to the ground helplessly.[break][break]



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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
Adversus Futurum Audacter
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 9:38:00 GMT
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Xenon's attention slides back to Theo. A thorough reprimanding, though one she didn't take all too seriously judging by her facial expression. "Jeez, you act like I just called the guy a worthless Slugma. It's just a friendly joke between colleagues who have nearly died together, that's all. But fine fine, serious work mode." She waves off any further complaints and turns the meeting back to its intended purpose, discussing the discoveries of Area Zero.
And Howard proves just why she had called attention to him in the first place, actually bringing focus to a little piece of the RKS System even she hadn't paid that much attention to. Those strange little Curios and knickknacks she had found herself picking up from time to time. A replica of the Violet Book, some scarlet orb connected to Groudon, so on and so forth. She knew they were important in some way, but she just didn't have enough of the puzzle to really put it together, so she had set it aside for the time. But now it seemed as though Howard of all people had managed to shine a light on things that she never considered.
"Admin Slayte brings up a very good point. Trusting the word of a literal trickster djinni might be a bit short sighted on our part, it could be feeding us red herrings to waste our time. Or worse, actively screw us over." She lets the meeting linger on that point for a minute before clearing her throat and moving to the next slide.
"In any case, there's a lot more ground to cover here. Area Zero and the Giant Chasm exist, we still don't really know how they exist, a mystery to be investigated certainly. But I think it's my job to point out the obvious now where nobody else has, the metaphorical Copperajah in the room. The name, Area Zero." The slide clicks over, half of the screen is various photos of Area Zero taken by grunts and herself. But the other half is... also various photos of Area Zero.
"To give a brief breakdown of what I'm talking about, we need to talk about Paldea's geography. Paldea is divided into four provinces, each with three Areas, except for the South Province which has six. But at the very center of Paldea is of course the Great Crater of Paldea, and at its deepest depths are what is colloquially known as Area Zero. Now I'm not going to bore you with the details of how I got these pictures of Paldea's Area Zero, it was a lot of money, but what's important is that based on what limited observations I could make of Paldea's versus our own Area Zero... the two are almost identical in nature." Xenon lets that sink in for the room for a moment, her eyes gliding over everyone's reactions as she drops this information for everyone.
"And again, I can't confirm whether or not they're completely identical. To the best of my knowledge, Paldea's Area Zero has been completely sealed off for years, and we don't have any kind of official presence in Paldea. At least not enough to try and infiltrate one of their most closely guarded national secrets. But to the best of my understanding, the only difference between ours and theirs is that ours seems to run under all of Hoenn through the Terastal cavern network spread throughout the region. Oh and the Paradox Pokemon that have utterly infested ours of course, but that's again a later slide."


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March 6th
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 7:03:56 GMT
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There are two things that Tsubaki might first notice when she awakens in this prison cell, outside of the obvious being imprisoned and masked and whatnot. The first is that she has a cellmate, possibly even someone she remembers depending on how good her memory was after that brief stint in the Ultra Deep Sea. The second is that selfsame someone is both missing an arm and ramming her other shoulder into the cell door, viciously and repeatedly in between brutal kicks and streams of expletives that we probably shouldn't be including here.
Xenon had passed out in the middle of a strained defense of Area Zero against a frenzied swarm of Iron Moths bound by the Toxic Chains, the same Toxic Chains that were now encircling her face and binding this mask to her head. When she came to she was sans all her Pokemon, even her loyal Argon that so ardently waited in her shadow, and missing her fucking prosthetic arm!!! These bastards didn't even have the courtesy to replace it with like a dummy arm or a hook or anything!!! They just took her arm and threw her in a cell with a total stranger!!! "HEY! I KNOW YOU ALIEN FREAKS CAN HEAR ME!!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS, OR ARE YOU TOO CHICKEN FOR A REAL FIGHT!? WHAT, SCARED OF THE GIRL MISSING AN ARM!?" A series of mocking chicken sounds follows another three slams of her boot against the door, all her attention very much on venting her anger and frusturations rather than her waking cell mate. Welcome to the Prismatic Penitentiary.


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March 6th
Nimbasa City
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
processed shop
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 20:17:38 GMT
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Characters: [break]

Request: Redeeming Walking Wake from Excursions Event [break]

Thread: link to related thread (if wild, specify types!)[break]

Moderator: please do this in site shop next time!
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March 6th
Nimbasa City
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
Walking Waking Freaks [Gift]
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 20:07:09 GMT
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Gifting a Walking Wake to return a favor.

Walking Wake: Aqua Jet, Hydro Steam, Flamethrower, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush
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March 6th
Nimbasa City
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
GC Excursion: Dark (Xenon + Kazuya)
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 19:54:42 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar




Anarchy with extra steps was a good way to put it. Throwing off the laws and chains that held people down, letting them run wild and free to their heart's content to pursue their ideal future. A world without law, nothing from the past holding anyone down. "Glad to see you understand the view big guy~"
His silence spoke volumes though. The words one chose not to say were just as important as the ones that were, the empty quiet screaming far louder than any of these DRK Triad members ever could in their dying throes. Sulfur's horns glow as it raises its forelegs and upper body into the air, a burning ochre energy radiating from its hooves as it slams down with a devastating Giga Impact radiating through the ground. Yet even as it crashes through the camp and rips apart every living thing in its wake, her eyes lock onto his as a splatter of blood slaps onto her cheek, she does not even flinch as she gives him a cheery smile.
"A colleague of mine once compared the International Pokemon League to a rotting tree. It sucks the land dry of nutrients so it can stand tall, diseased branches cutting and carving away at all who are born under its shadow. People like us, the terrorists, the gangsters, the murderers, the backbone of Team Rocket, we're all byproducts of that rotting tree. If tearing down that rotting tree means starting over from scratch, then I think that's the only morally correct thing we can do." If he could not speak her language, then she would simply translate into a dialect he could find a bit more palatable. Make it a moral crusade, an effort to fix the world by tearing out the roots to start over.
At the end of the day, the reasons never really mattered to her. All that mattered was reaching the future, then seeing what came next. That's the only thing a girl like her lived for.

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March 6th
Nimbasa City
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
GC Excursion: Dark (Xenon + Kazuya)
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 7:04:43 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar




The destination? Why the answer couldn't be simpler, it was the only thing she lived for. "I'm after the only thing that matters Yoshida. I'm running towards my future. A future where everyone can take a shot for their own future equally, as long as they're strong enough to take it from someone else."
And with that they spring into motion, Kazuya peeling off on his own to draw fire. Xenon lets out a sharp whistle to recall her Paradox Pokemon back in her direction, the mechanical beasts of burden immediately understanding the situation as they minimize their profile and break off towards her and away from Kazuya.
With all the heat taken off of her, it's a simple enough task to circle around the back of the encampment where their defenses are the weakest. Weakest, but not nonexistent. A lone DRK Triad grunt screams as Sulfur crashes through the rickety walls of their base, the robotic Terrakion trampling the man and his Quilava without technique just to open the way for Xenon and the rest of the trio to get in. "A future where everyone can have a shot at their dreams folks! A future devoid of the chains of the past, where everyone starts from zero! So the last thing I need is some nosy neighbors from a few universes over trying to snuff the world out before I can even hit the finish line!" And with that the Iron Swords begin to systematically take apart the DRK Triad base, ripping through people from behind with Sacred Swords as they're sandwiched between an immovable rock and an unstoppable force.

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March 6th
Nimbasa City
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
The Romance of New Beginnings
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2024 8:05:18 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar




Do you? Do you truly see anything? Or are you just another blind woman stumbling along someone else's path to the future? Xenon shakes her head, those thoughts weren't productive. If words alone could not convince, action must speak loudest. "You don't believe me, I get it. It's an impossible dream, digging through those robots myself I can understand that their technology is centuries ahead of ours. But that Paradox on that highway listened to my orders, it recognized me as its creator."
She strokes along Chlorine's spine and relishes the smooth metal gliding against her biological hand. It is a perfect creature, a creature she would one day create. "I can feel our destination quickly approaching though Ms. Flint. Regardless of whether or not you think these creatures are truly our future, it remains fact that I alone am the most knowledgeable woman in the world when it comes to the Ultramodern Paradox. I will reproduce these creatures, and then I will... well, what comes next is a surprise." The beast cries out from the depths once more, Lulu cannot see it from behind Xenon but a wry grin sprouts across her features as she looks forwards. "All of this is to say, I hope I can count on your support in the coming days. I have a bright future ahead of me, I don't mind sharing if someone wants to walk in my footsteps." And with that she mounts her Iron Leaves and springs off into the Giant Chasm, racing to Area Zero to plumb its depths for her future.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay