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Raj, Jay, Ra
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Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 2:14:39 GMT
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Something fishy was going on there. They both hit, from his angle, but the judges determined him the winner. It was very wierd to him. But whatever. She chirped over to him as he returned his Pokemon. Buck her off? "Good luck. called dibs anyways. But it'll have to wait till tomorrow." And give BB time to recover. Either way, he'd offer her a handshake for the good match. It was an intense battle...Raju almost felt drained afterward. Like he had just beaten down three to four people. Which he had done before. Either way, it was time to go to the Pokemon Center first. Then off to the next round!

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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Josh vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2024 2:02:54 GMT
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The Scary Face had no effect, likely due to the speed of the creature. That figures. But the Flame Charge was soo close to hitting, but missed. Trying to stop, the beast ended up doing a face plant and flip. Getting up, he shook his head, and Big Bert was ready for round two. Charging ahead, with psychic energy swirling around his head with a Zen Headbutt. Maybe charging through and maybe even bouncing a few Electro Balls back would catch them by surprise. Big Bert was a tough ol boy, but the sheer speed of the Pokemon was definitely going to be a problem...more so with that combination with Electro Ball. Timing and patience may be the key to winning this fight.

HP: 2/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2024 1:23:58 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
Big Bert managed to smack the bug right out of the sky! Knocking it down closer to the ground, they stared off, and charged one last time. Horns glowing red for flames, the Raging Bull attack was ready for the knock out blow! The Beedrill wasn't done either, though. With an act of defiance, the bee got up and flew straight at them, barb at the ready with a Fell Stinger. Both pokemon past each other in a flash, but only one attack struck. Granted, it was still possible that the poison would take BB down. Either way, the beasts stood still, the silence deafening, and both refusing to go down. Everyone waited with baited breath to see which one won the battle. Even Raju didn't see which one struck true.

HP: 1/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
Single...for now.
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 2:05:06 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
Searing hot horns met with oozing stingers, with neither one initially taking an advantage. Until BB stumbled back from the impact. A combination of the poison and the hit it seems. Still, it was enough to force the Beedrill back to its normal and far weaker form. Then the bee used Tailwind, increasing her own speed. Shaking his head, Big Bert went in with a Zen Headbutt, psychic energy swirling around his head. It was a good attack that often caught people off guard against the fighting and fire type. The problem would be hitting the bug with it. Normally, it wouldn't do much against such a creature, but with it being part poison, it was weak to the attack. They were going to go out fighting, like always! He just hoped they wouldn't go down very quickly...

HP: 1/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Josh vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 1:51:03 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
Oh? Well, this ought to be fun. Almost immediately, the Pokemon started to zip around with Agility, a staple of the gym. Well, two can sort of play that game. BB's Intimidate ability may help in weathering assault, but a one two for speed may help with actually hitting the guy. "Scary Face, then follow it up with Flame charge!" With a very scary face to hopefully make the other Pokemon hesitate, the bull charged forward, engulfing himself in flames. BB was great in the power and full straight on running speed, but not so much the sheer mobility that Raikiri just showed. That would make this a difficult fight. But then again...he just seemed to just be facing those with high mobility. Well, worst case, he may just end up face planting into the dirt from missing. Embarrassing, and maybe damaging physically, but more ego damaging than anything....

HP: 3/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 1:33:13 GMT
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Success! The flames seemed to have protected the Tauros enough to smack and send the Pikachu into the air. Landing, the Pikachu got up, albiet a bit unsteady. That wasn't too surprising. Shaking it off, the electric mouse fired a ball of electricity. Well, hopefully the use of Flame Charge would lower the speed advantage some, and thus lower that specific attack's power. Either way, the bull's horns glowed red and flames consumed them as Big Bert lowered his head and charged again with Raging Bull. If nothing else, it's best to keep up the pressure and try to keep the cute little guy from recovering too much. Otherwise they may get the jump on them again.

HP: 2/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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5'6" height
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Raju Mystic
VCT: Raju vs Blue
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 1:15:30 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
Seemed his opponent was also a woman of few words, introducing herself and her Mightyena. Almost immediately terastializing her into a Poison type. Smart move, since Big Bert was a fighting type. Aw, oh well...type advantages weren't always a garuntee win anyways. The big bull charged the dog, engulfing himself in flames for a Flame Charge, increasing his speed in the process. Only problem Raju had with Big Bert was his turning radias when on the move like that. And they were right in the center of the field. Raju hoped the guy hit, and slow down. Otherwise, he'd have to go to a screeching halt to turn around and continue the fight. It's...been a little bit of a problem...clearly something they needed to work out so it wouldn't be so severe. But that was for after the tournament.

HP: 3/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 3:14:56 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar

While Big Bert did do some damage, the big black beast was still knocked back some, purple ooze sliding off the side of his face. Along with some black hair. Which actually kind of pissed off both Big Bert and Raju. Like, really? If your venom is that potent, keep the damn bug at home, she's way too strong to be doing normal battles! But fire was still his best weapon. It wasn't like BB wasn't giving as good as he got. Not by a long shot, seeing those cracks in the bee's shell. Horns glowing red again, the beast blazed forward with renewed vigor with Raging Bull! He was going to match each stinger with searing hot horns!

HP: 2/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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5'6" height
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 3:03:27 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
The guy that it was cool. Honestly, Raju thought it interesting. Though the most common was definitely the combat breed. The Pikachu feinted the attack, dodged Big Bert's, then moved on to actually using it. Making a wide turn, Big Bert charged again, this time much more engulfed in flames for a Flame Charge, also increasing his own speed. Sure, he got zapped in the process, but hopefully taking the attack and plowing to him would put them back in front. The Tauros was more of a momentum fighter, so a disturbance could be catastrophic to him. Question was, was the sudden change and counter attack a big enough one? Of course, considering the number of battles he had in just this one day, maybe the fatigue was starting to get to Big Bert at this point.

HP: 2/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Josh vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 2:06:59 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
Josh greeted him warmly. The blonde simply waved at the guy, and back at his Pokemon. Payday? "I didn't think there was any realy prize money to be had here. I just thought this would be good practice. Besides, Big Bert is enjoying himself. Don't spoil it for him." Raju released his monstrous Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros. Josh had fought him before. But last time was a double battle. This time was a singles match, and wasn't a test. Not that that part really mattered, They were going to put everything they had in this match...well, all of them really. The Tauros dug at the ground, ready to charge full speed and engulfed flames. But like all the other matches, waited for the countdown to run dry.

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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
Single...for now.
5'6" height
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 1:55:50 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
The impact cracked the bug's carapace. Big Bert pushed forward to try to send the thing flying. However...things were far from over. A wrist band on Shalin glowed, and the Beedrill evolved?! Was this that Mega Evolution thing he's heard about a few times? it looked even more threatening with more stingers and...well, everything. It zipped around, trying to smack the big beast with a Fell Stinger attack. With the major boost in speed, he had to do something, even if he may take some hits. "Scary Face! Then Follow it up with Flame Charge!" The Paldean Tauros gave an intimidatingly scary face to make it flinch or slow down due to fear. Then he charged forward, consumed in flames to meet a Fell Stinger head first! Hopefully the two attacks will lower the speed advantage of the bug...and maybe Big Bert can get another solid hit in...

HP: 3/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
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5'6" height
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Training Montage!
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 3:26:15 GMT
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Mage and the Lanturn traded blows, knocking each other out, and Samurai managed to knock out the Sharpedo, earning another narrow win. Raju had a reply ready for it. "To be fair, I told you I lacked the Pokemon for a proper fight, back to back, for air and water. Typhon would have been a better partner for Samurai, but he was used for the flying round. Mage can swim. And swim adorably. But we've established that I need to do some hunting and training." There was a reason he decided on the match ups that he did. Then Josh asked about a breather as Raju returned both of his own Pokemon.

Honestly, Raju could keep going, but a little extra time for Big Bert to recover wouldn't hurt. "Let's take a small one. That way Big Bert could really give it his all. Got some water?" Some water wouldn't be a bad idea, anyways. And they needed to convert the field anyways. He'd follow josh to where they could have a brief water break.

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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
Single...for now.
5'6" height
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2024 2:32:41 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
The Beedrill didn't waste time, zooming forward with a venom drenched stinger for a Poison Jab. BB ran forward to meet it, engulfing himself in flames, though mostly concentrated at his glowing red horns for Raging Bull. The big guy was full intending to use his horns to defend and strike back against the stinger. Still, Raju had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. Beedrill, even when trained well, were not that strong. This one could be an exception, but Raju's gut hadn't steered him wrong yet. The bee was larger than typical, and considering what this lady was doing when they first met...well, he hoped the trick wouldn't be too overwhelming for them. The stinger and horns collided, sparks, embers, and droplets of venom going in all directions. The blonde waited patiently for the results.

HP: 3/3


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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
Single...for now.
5'6" height
5'6" height
Actions speak louder than words.
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Raju Mystic DOLLARS
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Raju Mystic
Side Events: Shalin vs. Raju [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2024 1:55:53 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
So, his next opponent was Shalin? Interesting. Speaking of...she just called his name. Looking up, the blonde waved at her. "Fun. Big Bert has been enjoying himself. You ready?" The match on the field was just ending. The strange woman had met his Kilowattrel and Gyarados, but not his Tauros. After some minor clean up, the next match was called, their's. Getting up, he went to his side of the field, and released the Blaze Breed Paldean Tauros, his main ground fighter. Complete with a red bull ring, the beast reared up and slammed his hooves into the ground. After a loss, he was fresh and wanted to net a victory. "Meet Big Bert. Ready whenever you are." The Tauros was eager to get it started. But he also knew that he needed to hold back until the go order was sent.

HP: 3/3

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Raj, Jay, Ra
May 4
Castelia City
Orthrus Gang Member
Single...for now.
5'6" height
5'6" height
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Raju Mystic
VCT: Raju vs Noel
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2024 2:29:55 GMT
Raju Mystic Avatar
The little guy jumped and landed on Tauros's head. Uh oh. Raju knew only Brownie was allowed on his big boy's head. The fact this stranger was there infuriated him, and really started to go wild trying to get the grassy guy up. To no avail. No matter what BB did, he couldn't shake it off! Then Shaymin did a Zen Headbutt. Once. Then a second time. Only then did his big boy finally go down, knocked out. That was a shame. Returning his Blaze Breed Tauros, Raju walked over to Noel with a hand stretched out for a handshake. An awknowledgement to the victor. If possible, the blond would also give the cute little Shaymin some chin scritches. With that, he was off to the Pokemon Center, with no words. Not down or anything, just felt like there was nothing to be said. He did half hope that he would meet Noel again in the future. If nothing else but for a rematch.

HP: 0/3 Raju lost.