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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
Thea's PC
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 17:11:13 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar



[attr="class","silpc-top-3"]STORAGE OVERVIEW
[attr="class","silpc-top-2"]STORAGE DETAILS

[attr="class","silpc-url-1"][attr="class","lnr lnr-redo"]






[attr="class","silpcc-ability"]NATURAL CURE

MARCH, 2024

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]PAWMO' POKEDEX ENTRY


When its group is attacked, Pawmo is the first to leap into battle, defeating enemies with a fighting technique that utilizes electric shocks. Pawmo uses a unique fighting technique in which it uses its forepaws to strike foes and zap them with electricity from its paw pads simultaneously.

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]PAWMO'S MOVEPOOL


Wild Charge

Arm Thrust



Low Sweep


[googlefont=Quattrocento Sans:400,700]

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ADDITIONAL INFO[break][break]

Height: 0,44m | Weight: 8kg[break][break]

Physique: A little heavier than the average Pawmo, but overall balanced. He is fairly agile and is quick to recover from physical exertion. His reflexes are on top notch too.[break][break]

Psyche: Docile, but attentive of his surroundings, a thoughtful but watchful type. He is quick to engage in action when necessary, and has a very good reaction time. It is hard to catch him off guard.[break][break]


Replaced Volt Absorb > Natural Cure (28/03/2024)[break][break]

Added Agility and Low Sweep (28/03/2024)[break][break]

Replaced Scratch > Wild Charge (28/03/2024)[break][break]

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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
[dw] power up!
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 16:44:43 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Zeus almost seemed to pout at Knight's words at first. Why he would want to train a pig?! But after a moment, he closed his eyes, tapping his foot and then eventually nodding looking at Knight, giving in. Thea smiled in approval to Zeus' change of heart, and then she looked at Knight.[break][break]

"Sounds like a good time to call it a day, yeah." She looked up at the sky. They were about to get into the late afternoon. "We need to introduce our new Pokémon to dad and to Cass too. I wonder what they will say!" She felt an excitement bubble in her chest.[break][break]

As she noticed Knight going to the wrong direction, Thea giggled fondly, gently taking her cousin's hand and tugging it softly. "It is the other way, Kay." She pointed at the right direction with her other hand before guiding her cousin out of the forest.[break][break]



Done too!





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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
[M] Eye of the Tiger
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 16:37:30 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

"Zeus is a cute at times." Thea said, only embarrassing the Pokémon further, but he didn't react on it too much, trying to keep a posture. At the handshake offer, Thea smiled to Lutgarde, going for a firm one. "We need to learn too. Zeus was really thrown off by some of Zylf moves!" Thea looked at the small Pokémon, smiling. "You are a very smart boy." She complimented—[break][break]

Thea was then surprised by the offers, a towel and a coat even. Just those words and the way the ranger was caring for Thea warmed the girl up more than any Pokémon move would ever be able to. "Thank you so much, you are very kind..." She took the towel with a grateful smile. In a way, they reminded her of how her mother treated others. "Ah, the coat... I don't want to make it get all wet. I will be okay!" She said, not wishing to get the kind ranger's coat all dirt just because of her antics.[break][break]

A small grin then crossed her lips. "I'm sure a hot cocoa will do just fine when we get to the City. It isn't too far anyway!" She pointed out with a grin.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
[dw] power up!
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 16:23:05 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea didn't know where to hide her face when she noticed the Machop was gone. Thankfully Knight wasn't the type to tease, and she couldn't be more grateful that her cousin wasn't going to poke her about it. "Y-Yeah, pretty neat—" She added a bit embarrassedly, going forward for the next duo of Pokémons they would find.[break][break]

The sight of a Pignite made Zeus huff and puff, oinking in a menacing way at it. But before he could even take any action, Knight followed with moves that allowed him for a capture, and Zeus crossed his arms.[break][break]

"Zeus, stop acting like a child. That wasn't your fight." Thea scolded, and Zeus huffed, oinking a couple more times before he was bonked by Gominha, that chirped at him annoyed. Thea shook her head, looking at Knight apologetically. "Sorry, he gets worked up near monkeys and pigs. I hope they will be friends though!" She said, looking at the Pokéball her cousin had with him.[break][break]

After glancing briefly at the Timburr, she waved her hand. "That was a beautiful boulder lift... You can go home though!" She called, not wishing to catch it.[break][break]








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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
study in slateport [m]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 14:55:36 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Gominha and Zeus looked at the painting, and while Zeus felt confused about it for a moment, Gominha chirped, waving her hands happily at it. Zeus crossed his arms looking at her, tilting his head and twitching his ears, but Gominha only chirped louder and pointed at it, nodding firmly. Zeus blinked, scratching the back of his head a bit and averting his eyes, twitching his nose a bit sheepishly before huffing and puffing himself up.[break][break]

When everyone was out, and finally getting to Cassandra, Thea looked at her and Umlaut, letting out a chuckle. "You guys really went crazy, huh? Are you okay?" Her cheeks were still rosy out of embarrassment, but she was going to live. Her eyes trailed down to the grass stains, and noticing Cass' embarrassment, Thea smiled a little. "You are cute." She said, taking a handkerchief from her pocket and handing it out for Cass. "Not sure if it will help, but there." She offered.[break][break]

"It seems like it. But I'm not done spending time with you today." Thea said, raising a finger. "So how about we go to the café?"[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]

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[newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
[M] The Night is Young
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 14:44:35 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea smiled as Cass confirmed what she expected: It was never too much![break][break]

"I think you guys did a great job!" Thea said, putting down the cushions and making sure they would make things extra-extra-cozy. Her eyes set on Jon's bed that Cass was getting ready, and Thea's heart almost melted seeing how much her friend was caring for her Pokémon. "I don't mind letting the window open at all! I think the weather is just fine, and we have plenty of blankets anyway. With everyone being together, I'm sure we will warm up enough." She explained.[break][break]

"Ooh, yeah, you can keep the orange! Keep the cyan to me." Thea asked.[break][break]

At Knight's words, Gominha opened one of her eyes, then rolled a bit to lay on her back and tilt her head to look at Knight upside down, before blowing kisses using her two hands. Thea chuckled and shook her head. "I hope you two aren't trying to turn me into a third wheel." She squinted playfully.[break][break]

"Alright!" Thea clasped her hands, finally slipping into the blankets and getting cozy. "Ah, this feels nice! Let's play!" Thea declared.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
Eerie Familiarity
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 14:32:56 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

"Hehe... Thank you. Navy is a very strong name too. Reminds me of the colossal ocean." Thea rubbed her nape sheepishly as the compliment was delivered, and as she positioned herself, she watched as the large pokémon started to prepare himself for the combat. It wasn't hard to notice that it was a good opportunity for Zeus to get a bit more of the hang of things, since Thea wasn't allowed to go for Gyms yet, and the Pokémons that visited the Dojo were generally ones coming to learn. But that guy? It was clearly different.[break][break]

When questioned about Zeus, she nodded. "Yeah, since he was very little. It is the same for my other two over there." She gestured with her chin to her Minccino and her Wigglytuff, that were watching from the sides. "Is it the same for Shuwen?"[break][break]

Meanwhile, Zeus tried to Focus Energy, not getting into the combat so quickly without getting some preparations done himself. The call for a fight made him oink as he huffed, nodding and tapping his feet on the ground a couple times before charging forward, trying to find an opening on the much larger Pokémon, which was one disadvantage Zeus had to take into account.[break][break]

"Remember to not let your guard down, Zeus!" She warned.[break][break]






[newclass=.gunstest2]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".gunstest2 h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
study in slateport [m]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 13:42:10 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea smiled when Cass relaxed a bit more, and Belle snuggled on the lap gently, staying all cozy. Even if it was something a bit more harmless, Thea didn't like to see her feeling troubled. With the two of them relaxed, Thea continued her work. And as boring as it could be, the fact Cass was there made it strangely enjoyable. She should invite her to catch up with homework more times.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Zeus stood still at first, but Jon's glances didn't come unnoticed... And as soon as Zeus realized what was up with Pic's plans, he tilted a bit, pondering before looking at Jon and kneeling with one leg before wrapping his arm around Jon, just to rest a hand where it would be his 'shoulder'. With his other free hand, he thumbed up looking at Pic, keeping that pose. He didn't know what was up with that, but Thea did it a lot when she was standing still until someone had a picture of her. Gominha, on another hand, watched the painting from afar, being a bit curious about it... And whenever Pic was done with it, Gominha would approach to peek at it.[break][break]

Things suddenly changed, however, when Cass broke the concentration and started chasing her Pokémon. Thea and Belle jumped a bit startled, with the Minccino landing on the ground while Thea stood up as she saw her friend darting off. "Hey, Cass!" She tried to call her, but she was immediately met with scolding gazes and 'shhhh'.[break][break]

Grimacing, Thea rested her hands together in an apologetic gesture, starting to pick her stuff up and Cass' too while she started guiding her and Cass' Pokémon. "Come on, dearies, we should get going." Thea said, a bit reddened by the gazes that were set on her due to all the chaos. As soon as she could, she left the library, trying to look for Cass.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 12:53:42 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Now, the sight of seeing her classmate almost turning into dinner made Thea's stomach twist a bit. Arboks were particularly nasty, and Thea remembered the times she had to deal with them when she was very little and wandering in the wild. She couldn't help but feel proud of how courageous her cousin was being, but still, there was a lot more happening around—[break][break]

"Hey! HEY! WATCH OUT!" She yelled to a panicking teenager, before an Arbok coiled around him a second before shoving nearly half of his body into its mouth as if it was nothing. The sight made Thea shudder, but she kept herself firm. "Zeus! Tackle that Arbok down before it is too late!" She roared, charging along with her Primeape that grappled the Arbok's body and squeezed, trying to crush its stomach and swing it around while Thea held the legs of the teenager tightly, trying to pull him out. "H-Hang in there! I will get you out of there!" She said, grunting before yanking them boy out of the snake pokémon, losing her balance and stumbling on the ground with him. The boy was breathless, but Thea didn't waste a second to pull him up as she stood. "Get out of here! It isn't time to cry, go go go!" She pushed him while Zeus Seismic Tossed the Arbok away.[break][break]

However, the Minccino squeaked in fear, trying to get away from more Arboks that were starting to surround them, even if Gominha was managing to push some of them away. "Belle!" Thea gasped in surprise, trying to reach for her and managing to tackle the snake before it caught her Pokémon. Belle rushed near Zeus, that continued to toss the Arboks away while Belle tried to cover his back with a Helping Hand.[break][break]

Unfortunately, while Thea's reckless tackle was rewarded with the safety of her Pokémon, it was also punished by a ferocious bite from another Arbok, that got her arm before she pulled it away, stumbling. She felt her vision blurr for a moment, and without her usual reaction, another Arbok coiled around her in a crushing embrace, making her helplessly struggle before it opened its wide mouth to chomp the upper half of her body.[break][break]

Her heart trembled when she noticed she was stuck in a tight, disgusting and enclosed space, and no matter how much she tried to move, she couldn't aside from her legs flailing outside of the Arbok's mouth. The venom started to set in and weaken her, and so did her claustrophobia, that made her panic while she cried and screamed in horror. Gominha noticed the trouble her Trainer was going through, and rushed to try to grab her ankles and trying to pull her out, to no avail and keeping them in a stalemate situation while other Arboks tried to catch the Wigglytuff. The balloon Pokémon knew better though, and inflated before they tried to engulf her, Disabling them. But now, between struggles and attacking Arboks, it was now a battle of a attrition that Thea REALLY disliked to be in.[break][break]







  • attack/defend against the arbok.

  • be swallowed AND save someone who has been swallowed by the arbok.

  • be inflicted by the POISONED STATUS CONDITION



Zeus (Primeape) used Seismic Toss to try to get rid of Arboks and try to keep Belle safe.[break][break]

Belle (Minccino) used Helping Hand to team up with Zeus to attack the Arboks.[break][break]

Gominha (Wigglytuff) used Disable to try to stop the Arboks from swallowing her while she is trying to pull Thea out of the Arbok.[break][break]





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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
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Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 19:50:24 GMT
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Things weren't looking good at all. Between giant Venusaurs and Toxic Wastes being thrown back and forth, Thea was starting to get worried about what was going to be the next tragedy that was going to happen.[break][break]

The worst part was that she knew Knight was around there, and she needed to find him fast... And she truly did. When she found him, he was trying to rescue some Pokémon, and she wouldn't expect any less from her cousin, but as soon as a Weezing exploded near him and his Pokémon, Thea's heart nearly jumped out of her throat as she yelled: "KAY! NOOO!" She panicked, rushing toward him along with Zeus, Gominha and Belle.[break][break]

She tried to get to him as quick as possible, but noticing that more Weezings and Koffings were around, she knew the worst could happen at any moment. "No! Zeus! Knock them out before they explode! Gominha, Belle, put them to sleep now! FAST!" She instructed with a tone of urgency rumbling in her voice, and the Pokémon followed: Zeus, with his Primeape wrath, released a flurry of Rage Fists toward the nearest Weezing, cracking its carapace and finishing with one last strike that sent it away and unconscious. Gominha and Belle got together, with each of them letting out a soothing and drowsing Sing, that sent many Koffings to the ground, snoring.[break][break]

"Kay? Kay! Are you okay?" Thea asked, worriedly. Upon noticing his hesitation, she insisted: "It is too dangerous to stay in here. I will help you, let's go—" She tried to help her cousin to lead the helpless Pokémon away, escorting him to safety while Gominha, Zeus, and Belle bought them some time.[break][break]







  • use a move that inflicts sleep (first 10 will receive 2 mochi instead of 1).

  • help evacuate wild pokemon and/or civilians.

  • attack/defend against the weezing and koffing.



Zeus (Primeape) used Rage Fist to K.O. the Weezings and Koffings before they try to self-destruct[break][break]

Belle (Minccino) used Sing to put Weezings & Koffings to sleep[break][break]

Gominha (Wigglytuff) used Sing to put Weezings & Koffings to sleep[break][break]





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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
[M] Eye of the Tiger
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 18:50:31 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

The feigning movement of the Impidimp seemed to strike Zeus mind like a sharp arrow. His eyes narrowed, and he clenched his fist shut and stomped his feet on the ground. But Thea tried to call him back to the battle. "ZEUS, FOCUS! Don't fall for his mind games!" She called, and Zeus flinched for a moment, realizing what was occurring before narrowing his gaze at his opponent and gathering his concentration with a Focus Energy[break][break]

He charged forward, trying to evade whatever move that maybe would try to halt him, before rotating his body for a Mawashi Geri— But instead of connecting the kick on Zylf's face, he halted it about ten centimeters away, freezing in that stance to not actually go for it.[break][break]

Thea blinked for a moment, letting out a chuckle and shaking her head. "Zeus, this isn't a karate match in the dojo. You can complete the move." She explained, and Zeus looked at her, putting his feet back to the ground. "You have this angry face on you, but you are so cute." Thea smiled warmly to the Primeape, that crossed his arms. Of course he wouldn't want to hurt a Pokémon much younger than him.[break][break]

"Hey, I think we can consider it done here. Zeus don't really want to keep fighting anymore." She said, now jumping off the spot she was to land on the rocks that poked out of the water, leaping to other rocks until she reached the land again. "And for your question—" She held her hair, squeezing it softly while brushing it with her hands to try to remove the excess of water. "I do have plenty of time!"[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
study in slateport [m]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 17:55:16 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Zeus stood still as Pic seemed to have a sparkle of artistic muse. He glanced at Jon that has been placed next to him, and simply nodded with a faint oink at the Trubbish, just as a small greeting. Belle waved her tail for a moment, not fully understanding what was up, but as soon as Cass called her, Belle chirped, approaching to the hand carefully and nuzzling it softly before chirping, raising her hands to ask for a lap.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Martin's adorable reaction brought a giggle out of Thea. "Clever and adorable." Thea added to Cass' words, then glanced back at Gominha and Umlaut, noticing her friend was starting to call out for her pokémon. "Ah! Gominha, just stay here, please..." She sighed, seeing Gominha squirming and trying to slap Umlaut while she was upside down.[break][break]

Whenever that chaotic situation calmed down and Gominha returned to Thea's side with a pout, she would return her gaze to Cass. "Of course, let's get started. So, according to this book..."[break][break]

Thea then opened the Ancient Scriptures, trying to see if they could get a theme for their essay without it looking like they were doing the exact same thing.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
327 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
[M] The Night is Young
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 17:23:07 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

It took a moment, but eventually Thea returned with a pile of cushions on her arms, with Zeus and Belle bringing a few with themselves as well. "Sorry for the wait~" Thea chirped, putting down the cushions while looking at what Cass, Knight and their Pokémon had already worked on.[break][break]

"Oh, you guys already did a pretty good job. Where should we put these cushions then?" She inquired, looking at the group. The bedroom was looking a bit cramped now that there was the blanket fortress being finished, and with the amount of Pokémons and trainers inside of it.[break][break]

Zeus and Belle tried to make it do when trying to find a spot to sit down and stay with everyone else, trying to get comfortable.[break][break]

"So, do you guys plan to play Poké Up, or will it be something else?" Thea asked while she organized the cushions.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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to rebuild (m)
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 16:13:30 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

"Aaah!" Thea was pumped up after the confirmation that they would train a lot, and while Damian mustered a faint smile to her daughter being excited, he didn't show much, not wanting to give too much credit for her while she was misbehaving.[break][break]

"I like the offer, and I think it would help the dojo plenty. But I imagine we can't just take all the benefits and call it a day. How can we contribute?" Damian inquired, and when asked about Thea, she responded it herself.[break][break]

"When we start training you will see." She grinned, and Damian took a deep breath.[break][break]

"She is a tough girl. But she still needs to learn how the real world works." Damian explained.[break][break]

"Hey... You are the one that don't let me out." She crossed her arms while retorting.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
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5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Top Speed
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 15:29:34 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea nodded to Josh's summary. "Yeah, more or less a spar." She chuckled. "But I mean. If there is anything else for me to look around here, and if it wouldn't be a bother, I would love to see and try to practice something new." Thea wasn't just taking a trip ot a Gym, she was actually wishing to broaden her horizons, after all. Her father's dojo was a great place, but she felt like she was starting to become a bit too close minded because of it.[break][break]

"Lucky me then~" She grinned, approaching to the counter for a check in, which she followed properly, introducing her Pokémon and everything.[break][break]

When she was done with it, she followed Josh to open the slide door, being met with a sight that left her even more in awe than before. It was... So many Pokémon! "Oh my... I—" Left speechless for a moment, Thea felt an excitement bubble up inside of her chest, while her Pokémon followed and seemed just as surprised, though not in as much awe as her. Gominha even pouted a bit, how could her trainer be gushing over other Pokémon?! Zeus only shook his head at Gominha's reaction, giving a pat on her back, being rewarded slap on his face that made him frown and hiss. Belle tried to separate the fight, but Thea was quick to interrupt: "Stop, the two of you!" She said, then looked around.[break][break]

"This is amazing, Mr. Josh... Wait, is that a Rapidash? Why does it look so... Huh?!" Her eyes opened widely, and she beamed: "Are those two Rapidash?! Is that... A Galarian one? And that one even has a silver flame! That's so pretty!"[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing