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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Feb 24
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
[M][C/Tagnaroa] Null and Void
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 9:42:48 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
He loved these kinds of guys. The ones with a mouth, who tried to make a joke out of it all. It could have been a suggestion but, the banter between two trainers was just a smoke screen for what was to come. Scratching his chin, Hunu exhaled sharply with a whistle. "Mauville Gym, huh? You work there too, Mr.?" Hunu asked, as he licked the gums of his teeth. Grinning, their Torracat continued to hiss. <Reowwwwwwwwwww!> she hissed, as the Alolan continued to grace the tiger with pats.

"Don't mind her, she's nice once we're paid.. and buddy, have ya seen me? I'm basically a whole Machoke." Hunu playfully flexed, as he was subtly feeling out the trainer in front of him. His eyes looked onto the mount, and then onto the Type: Null, a raised eyebrow.. he could swear he saw something similar to that back at home. Was he, wrong? He shook the feeling for a moment, as he hummed.

"Know what, I'm going to have to offer that job opportunity. But, I don't believe you when you say your pockets are dry." Hunu responded, as the Alolan Exeggcutor began to shake and dance. It gave a goofy, yet threatening glance.. it was using its ability to see if there was anything to steal.
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Blood-Soaked Tomb
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 9:29:00 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
"I'll do what I want, and what do you mean lucky?" Hunu returned with their own grumbling quip, his eyes rolling as he waved their hand to get rid of the smog. It wasn't like he hated smoking, he just didn't want to second smoke somebody else's if it wasn't his brand. The Alolan huffed, both hands on his knees as he was sat down. Grimacing at the whole ordeal, "You should have stocked this place with leopard print nurses. You, ain't no leopard print nurse." Hunu responded, not enjoying that his wounds were being taken care of by the Admin.

Another look of grimace was given, HE fucked it up? Shaking their head, Tangaroa huffed and allowed themselves to be gauzed and bandaged. The sting gave him the feeling of being alive, as he shrugged. "Don't get your poffins in a twist, you knew what you were doing bringing me along. I don't wait, or take no for an answer. They came to US. Don't blame me for making things easier." The trainer hissed back, as he told it from his side. He hated the fact he was being scolded when he should be praised!
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Stealthy as a Sledgehammer
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 3:28:06 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
The Mercenary looked around his general area, almost as if he was admiring the work both he and Howard had got themselves into. The groans, and wet, viscous sounds every every step he took was.. great. He was quite proud of what he had achieved here, seeing it as a piece of art work as he shot another Sharpedo Grin towards the admin. "Hay now, I like that shtuff too.. but dis, ish more fhun" Hunu admitted, before listening more of what Howard had to say. The Alolan rolled his eyes at the man; "Yeah, yeah.. you knew what chu ashked for, when hirin'" Hunu huffed.

Before quickly following after Howard, the way he ran was similar to that of a tank. Every step rocking his top heavy physique side to side, as he began to laugh. "WE SHOULD GET FHOOD! ZEHAHAHAHA!"
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Driving Fog
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 9:11:49 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
This kid was racking up a kill count, Hunu couldn't help but continue to cackle in the Cyberpunk Wind. His luxurious, long Polynesian hair flowed and fluttered as he drove through the busy highway, looking over his shoulder and effortlessly weaving through the Porygon Trucks. Hunu grumbled at an oncoming pursuer, hissing, he dove forward with the Cyclizar. Squeezing through two, large moving trucks, Hunu used Gear Shift again to improve the speed violently. Just barely making it out between the turning traffic, which practically hugged- as the officer attempted to follow through. He and his genesect were thrown off course, and violently thrown underneath the vehicles. 

Hunu listened to the barking wolf, as the bear cackled back. Numbers, it was always quantity for these guys. Never the quality, waving his hand in the air dismissively. He grew tired of Hitoshi's single minded endeavors, on ridding the chasers. Use more than just your sword! "Ha! Mine is more finesse, than yours. You might have numbers, but mine are more memorable, Ilio!" He nicknamed the rocket member, as they continued their escape on the busy high way.

As the attacks were effortlessly thrown toward him, Hunu found himself on alert. Violently revving the Pokemon, and pushing himself forward, similar to a the hit game Revaroom Kart. His eyes locked onto a ramped truck, using it as a means to elevate! Hunu raced up the ramp, and flew over the highway! Narrowly evading the bombardment, as the Pokemon landed on top of a car. Caving in the top, as both the Alolan and Dragon Type rolled off of the vehicle. 
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
clever clever boogeyman
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 7:26:38 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu raised an eyebrow at the man complimenting about this Tempest Fellow, he hummed for a moment and scratched his own furry chin. It seemed like this guy had a man crush, wait.. No, maybe Tempest was this guy's spouse! Yeah! With a whistle, he gave a small and playful side eye to the man. "You got a crush, Mahu?" The Alolan teased, using a native nickname before he glanced around the area for the coast to be clear. A raised eyebrow, out of interest as they expressed the choice of a nice Barbeque Place. He couldn't help but tilt his head in approval.

"Sho you're shayin'; good fhood, a quick way to get a buzzh and into a fight? Shit. You had me at food. HAHAHAHA!" The Alolan cackled obnoxiously, slapping the back of the man. Before exiting the alley way, giving a half assed bow and motioning for the Team Rocket to lead the way. "Your shout, yeah?" he grinned, through their golden grills.
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Stealthy as a Sledgehammer
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 6:36:43 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Watching as both Golem and Pidgeot, succumbed to their wounds. Hunu pressed his wrist against a nostril, and blew violently. Like a high pressured hose, the man blew out streams of red with a groan. He swore he could see stars, he should probably consume more sugar and iron after this. Slapping his bare chest, the oversized man turned to look at Howard. Grinning through the blood, "I'm shartin to shink, you and I have diffrant formsh of fhun." The Alolan joked, as he laughed behind the gold grills. Even if Howard asked, Hunu couldn't give him a straight answer on how many jobs he took. Did you count how many times you were with a woman or took a shower?

Shaking their soaked hair, Hunu rolled his eyes as Howard began to explain the situation. Boring! He believed he could take on the league, mark his territory and make it sound like he was frying chicken. Still, he had to be a realest. Shaking his head side to side, the half naked trainer returned their Ace to their capsule. Clipping it to his belt, "Da fhuk, ish a Lilycove?" he asked, before waving dismissively to the Admin. "Doesh a Ursharing, shit in da woods?"
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
clever clever boogeyman
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 8:26:51 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu croaked out a wad and spat it behind him on the body of the ranger, finding his own back slapped as he burst out laughing. Both hands, placed on his hips as he shook his head side to side with a half assed shrug. "I'm feeling a BBQ, a good, fat fucken burger would go well. Some Milktank Patties, and some good Roasted Veg. Maybe some Flake!" Hunu went on about potential options that they could eat, however he paused with a raised eyebrow. Mr. Quinn? He had never heard of him, truth be told he barely knew who paid his bills and dumped fat money in on his cheque. He shook his head, and shrugged.

"Nope. 'Ever heard of 'im." He admitted, picking out some scraps from his sharpedo tooth. He began to dig into his bag, and pulled out a set of golden teeth. Slotting his grills in, Hunu pressed the nail of his pinky against the gold. The name "Hunu" embedded into the raised gold, as he ran his finger across the gold. "Nhow, lhets get shum food!" He spoke through his grills.
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Stealthy as a Sledgehammer
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 8:14:39 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu grunted a wad of red from his throat, using the blood that soaked between the crevices of his hand to slick his hand back. The Alolan hissed, as he licked a loose tooth in the back. Fixing in his pocket, the Mercenary fit in a guard of some sort over his teeth- plated gold. He believed this was the most ample time for him to wear his customary grills. Flashing a golden grin, the name "Hunu" flashed at the final group of rangers. Pulling himself in a straighter position, the trainer began to march forward with his Ace Pokemon waddling behind him. "Oi, Khane! Shcoot this pwick!" Hunu spat, the grills creating a speech impediment. 

The Alolan Exeggcutor continued to dance, swinging their hair and neck around. Seeds were fired from their body, more similar to eggs as they exploded upon contact with the rock type. Hunu burst into a sprint, similar to a rugby player as he kited around from the grass type assault bombarding the Golem. Using the smoke screen as a distraction, he prepared another tackle- picking up the unsuspecting man and piledriving him into the floor. The ranger's back bounced off the asphalt with a winded breath, Hunu holding the man's legs at his hips as he slammed blow after blow into the man. Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Hunu huffed, pushing the legs from his body and turning to Howard. A bloody grin, seeping through the grills. "Fhun, right?"
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 7:36:34 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu couldn't help but laugh, as the reflect had broken from the effects of the boulder. The Polynesian threw their head back, and raised his free arm to shield himself from the pummeling debris that was left off from the Two Titans. The Mercenary for Hire, glared toward the Regirock and Regice as the seemed to continue to come to a stalemate. He shook his head, where was the fun in one against one. The more the merrier, right? His eyebrows furrowed as he glared through the sandstorm, with assistance from his Alolan Exeggcutor's ability. Pinpointing Howard as he made for a suicide jump. "Hey! No fair! I though you didn't like that kind of shit!" the Merc for Hire spat out, spiteful as Howard seemed to try and take the main character role. 

With a click of his fingers, Hunu retreated from the neck of his Dragon Type as it reeled itself back and barreled it's heavy long neck into the lower rock physique of the Rock Titan! Attempting to deal heavy damage with the usage of Wood Hammer, hoping to crush into the small fragments of stone imbedded into the titan's body. Although Dynamaxed, Hunu hoped to abuse the power indifference into his favor with both size and type advantage. Using the points of movement delayed by the Aura Sphere created and targeted. Still, Hunu made himself knowledgeable of the environment. Ensuring both he and Kane were out of the way of the icy and rock shrapnel that rained from above.

He understood the recoil from his Exeggcutor would be heavy, depending on how much damage he would have dealt to the Titan. "Hey! If you fall down, I ain't catchin' ya. Not les you pay me, ya prick!"



Hunu yelled at Howard
Hunu moved with Exeggcutor
Exeggcutor used Wood Hammer
Hunu yelled some more
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Driving Fog
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 6:45:40 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
This brat was trying to show him up! With furrowed brows, Hunu continued to navigate through the busy streets as they entered toward the entrance of the busy high-way. Hunu grinned, as he used Shift Gears to amplify to speed and attack of the Cyclizar. Allowing the air current to pick up on his luxurious hair, the Alolan huffed. Soon, an oncoming pursuer found themselves nearing closer. With a raised hand, the Pokemon flexed their claws and sliced into the side of the officer's vehicle. Forming a wide gash across it, and sending the individual to stack their mount! Violently flying over the handle bars, and crashing into oncoming traffic. Thanks Dragon Claw.

The trainer continued to follow after Hitoshi, allowing the Cyclizar to balance the two as Hunu tied their hair up. This simulation was the real deal.. was it real? He couldn't shake the feeling, as they neared toward the busy High-Way. "Aye, you better keep up!" Hunu yelled, as he sped ahead of Hitoshi thanks to the usage of Shift Gears earlier.
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Driving Fog
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 6:24:19 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu weaved throughout the traffic, basking himself inside this new simulation. He heard the sounds of the pursuers, and grimaced with a hiss. His teeth bashed against each other, as he revved up the dragon type. The Pokémon purred, as the duo reckless evaded through traffic. His large size almost coming into some close calls, but he still made it through without a scratch. He wasn't sure as to why he was being chased, however he did know for a fact that he had most likely did it. Patting the head of the vehicle, Hunu navigated his way out of the path of attacks and praised the Pokémon. "Atta girl.." Hunu whispered.

He watched as one of the pursuers exploded into smoke and flame. Grimacing at the words of Hitoshi, before he reluctantly agreed. He hated being told what to do, despite it most likely just being a suggestion. "Alright! But I get to pick the next place, c'mon girl." Hunu continued to rev the Dragon Type, and raised the front wheel to gain further acceleration. He recklessly navigated toward the highway, not having a real way to deal with their pursuers. 
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
clever clever boogeyman
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 5:51:19 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
"You sure know how to treat a lady! Thanks, buddy." The large framed man pushed past the man, his large hands guided Quinn out of the way. He admired the work of the Rocket Member, however- he couldn't tell if he wanted the ranger to suffer or not. Hunu, liked to be brutally efficient. Leaning down, the Polynesian tightly relaced his steel caps as he whistled a Nursey Rhyme. "Galar's bridge is falling down, falling down.. Galar's bridge is falling down, my fair lady." He grinned, picking himself up as he held onto a bin for support. Raising his knee up to his chest, Hunu thrusted his leg down! Stomping out the color from the beaten man's face, and uniform with wet, and grotesque splat. He whistled at his work, and wiped the grime from his hand onto the victim's uniform.

"Whatcha buyin' me, you flirt." Hunu quipped, before he attempted to sling his arm around the Team Rocket member's shoulder and drag them closer. Scratching the peach fuzz from his chin, Hunu dragged a whistle. Looking left, to right. He looked at Tempest with a Sharpedo Grin, tugging on his Sharpedo Tooth necklace. "What kind of person, wants to make an honest man out of you?" He asked jokingly, as he waited for the coast to clear.
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
Stealthy as a Sledgehammer
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 5:28:35 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu cackled after having tackled the group of Rangers, taking this moment to himself the Polynesian tore off their already unbuttoned shirt. Both of his fists, slamming on his chest back and forth as he laughed happily. "What? This is fun! C'mon ladies! Hit me with your best shot!" Hunu grinned, before a sucker punch slammed into the Alolan's jaw from the side. Slightly staggered, the man felt his knees almost buckle before a follow up knee hit him in the temple. Falling to his fours, the man spat out a wad of red. The Mercenary watched as a boot came flying to his face, before catching it, picking himself up and using his free hand to grab the ankle of the Ranger. 

The Mercenary jumped forward, delivering a overhand to the ranger and wrestling them to the ground. The trainer grinned, as red painted his pearly whites. Mounting the attacker before he delivered his own retaliation to the middle aged man, until he stopped struggling. The man huffed, as he pulled himself to his feet. Dragging their oversized forearm across his nose, he wiped the dried blood from his nostrils and huffed. "Woo! Goon-gala and a half, don't ya reckon?" he screamed, before being met with a shoulder charge. Unlike Howard, he didn't have toys. But that's what made it fun!

Catching the smaller framed attacker, Hunu heaved slightly before swinging his body with the Ranger. Sending them into their dragon type, he began to fall over again in an attacking fashion! 
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 5:02:11 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
"Hey! Howwy, you know what we should do?!" Hunu cackled through the sand storm, arm raised as he glared through the blistering sands. With a bite, he felt the grains crush between his pearly whites. He felt the golden soil get into his gums, he needed himself some sight. Mounting the neck of his tree, Hunu followed after the Admin and his Dynamaxed Ice-God. Hunu whistled violently and grinned a twisted smile. "Let's break some skulls!" The man cackled, trying to bring attention toward him. There was no such thing as bad press, as the duo navigated throughout the storm. 

As rubble pelted from the skies, the mans face twisted to a frown. This was boring, he barked up toward their Dragon Type. "Aye bud! Block 'em for daddy, will ya?" Within that moment, the large tree danced their neck around. As Hunu held on, like a rodeo cowboy! "Yehawww!" Hunu cried, as Kane formed barriers of reflect. Layering them around their body and Hunu's physique, the bombardment was defended against. As both the Pokémon and Hunu were near the feet of the Regice, the Mercenary couldn't help but bellow a laugh.

"Ooooowe'regonnamakeanameforourselves'ere!" Hunu announced, almost chewing on his own tongue from not taking a breath. He was prepared for whatever was to come his way, still holding onto the neck and bark of his dragon type!



Hunu is at K3 with Regice, Howard, and co. However Moving at the Feet.
Hunu is being loud asf
Kane used Reflect to defend against the boulders and shield from the sand storm.
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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 4:41:08 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar



OOC NAME: MonkGarbage




Team of 4 - Torracat, Exeggcutor, Noibat, Whirlipede (Move Sets on PC)

NOTES/COMMENTS: Hunu wants to join in on the fun!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP