Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
Foray to the Fiery Path [Catch]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2020 5:33:18 GMT
"Indeed, we have" Josh admitted with a soft smile. "A little too much if you ask me. Don't get me wrong, it's been great seeing all these different places, all these Pokemon. But I'm ready to settle at least for awhile" He added, chuckling slightly. "Though I'm sure eventually I'll want to at least travel. Not for keeps, but to visit. There are still regions I haven't seen after all. But if things go my way... I'd like to think that at the end of the day, I'll come back here."He hadn't had too much of a problem with it before, even if it got stressful sometimes. But now things had changed. He was married, he had kids, everything he wanted was right here. That really did change things. Lightning took notice of something as Josh would look toward his HoloWatch when Orion would ask about it. "This? This is my HoloWatch. RaiCorp's product, it can do half-body holographic calls, or just normal or video calls, access the internet, and a few other resources. I like to use it for keeping in touch with my family when I'm out."Orion seemed to be occupied with something, so Josh turned to Lightning, who was being chased around by... What in the world was that? Whatever it was, it had mistaken Lightning for a ball after the Raichu had tripped and curled into one. "What is that?" Josh inquired curiously as he stepped toward the strange, rabbit-like Pokemon that he had never actually seen before. "Scor!" The Scorbunny would cry out as it would go for the kick on the Raichu-ball, before Josh would move forward and grab its arm to yank it back. The Scorbunny would turn and out of self defense, aim a flying kick at the man's head. But in a surprising turn of events, Josh's reflexes allowed him to catch it quickly with his hand. "No" Josh spoke firmly, looking the Scorbunny in the eyes with a piercing stare.The Scorbunny would stop its attempted assault, staring in stunned silence at the Trainer. Once he felt its movements stop, Josh would release it. The Scorbunny would, after contemplation, point at one of the Pokeballs on his belt. "Scor!" It cried out, and Josh peered down at them before pulling a Pokeball out of his own pocket. Had he perhaps piqued the interest of this one?