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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 18:04:17 GMT
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The forecast pointed to Musta falling to his foe, its desperate clash being too much to weather. However, the thong about forecasts is that they often fail to consider local conditions and unexpected anomalies. Anomalies such as pearl shaped explosions.

Oscar had raised his ring as the gabite showed itself, its jewel glowing with a technicolor light. Musta in turn began to violently transform, its body being encased within an Infinity Energy cocoon and emerging with a burst of raw power.

From there, Mustakrakish's True Form revealed itself.

With vitality restored the now mega-Musta lurched forward with its massive scythes to deliver a Brutal Swing. Its additional ability, Sand Force, would lend his attack even more power thanks to the Sandstorm.

Baron was determined keep up the boombursts to aid his ally, but Oscar would withdraw him from the battle. He raised Baron's pokeball so that Cian could see. "Yo Cian! Mustakrakish can win this fight on his own. This is a one on one battle now!"

It was only fair.

--Oscar Mega-evolved Garchomp, hoping the explosion caused by mega evolution will repel gabite.
--A revitalized Mega-garchomp tries to catch Gabite with Brutal Swing.
--Oscar withdraws Flygon to make the battle more even.

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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 15:57:17 GMT
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Baron's rage fueled impact against the krookodile was brutal, and probably would have gotten worse had Oscar not called out to his furious flygon. "Baron back off, it's finished!" Baron hesitated before relenting and gett off of the knocked out krookodile. He knew better than to disobey direct orders from Oscar.

As the krookodile was withdrawn, Oscar allowed himself a short sigh of relief. That was one hurdle, but the fight was not over yet. With two pokemon remaining, he had the advantage--but the tides could easily turn against him. Oscar had to stay focused if he wanted to come out on top, especially since the damn enemy gabite reset the sandstorm.

With the sandstorm back in play, both gabite and Musta were back to playing hide and seek. Baron could not place the gabite either, even with his goggles. With both of his pokemon acting indecisive, Oscar would once again step in with guidance.

"Baron, limit where the gabite can go with Boomburst! Remember not to get too close to Mustakrakish! Musta stay on a swivel and prepare to Dragon Rush at the first sign of trouble!"

Both nodded and sprang into action. Baron began creating explosive soundwaves around Musta from a safe distance, hoping to either lure in the gabite or push it it toward its teammate. Musta flexed and bent his legs, preparing to launch into a charge should the gabite show itself.

Meanwhile Oscar kept his eyes on the battlefield, ready to raise his ring should trouble arise.

--Flygon is using Boomburst in a wide perimeter around Garchomp to push Gabite toward its ally.
--Garchomp prepares a Dragon Rush attack, waiting for the gabite to reveal itself.

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POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 14:15:55 GMT
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Our of all of the icky jobs Oscar had to do, this one by far felt the ickiest. The beast had hoped that someone else would be given the task of assassinating , but of course Oscar'e luck did not come through this time. It was not just that Remiel was a horribly powerful avatar, he was also Oscar's friend. Oscar valued loyalty deeply, and even if he resented Remiel's departure the idea of killing the guy made him down right sick. Yet in this line of work you do not get to say 'no thank you'. When you are given a job to do, you are expected to complete it without complaint--and that was what Oscar did.

Luckily he was not sent to complete this task alone, Oscar was accompanied by a professional assassin named . He had not had the pleasure of meeting him up until now, but he seemed cool maybe? Not that it mattered, this was an in-and-out job so there was hardly room for socializing. As soon as the two met up they had gotten to straight to work, using Oscar's dragapult to Phantom Force into Remiel's apartment from the outside.

As they made it through the portal, Oscar would quickly withdraw his Dragapult and take in his surroundings. He was surprised by how simple the apartment was, one might even call it quaint. All the better for laying a trap. Oscar knew they had little time, so he was direct when speaking to his partner. Oscar had donned one of his skull shaped helmets for this endeavor, so his voice would be deeply filtered as he spoke.

"Secure the apartment, I'll start placing charges." Oscar took out a pokeball and started looking for a good spot for the first 'charge'
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2023 2:40:34 GMT
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Oscar was naturally completely jazzed by Ceri's theories, the very thought of harnessing alien lightning made him giggle like a school boy. "That's spicy Ceri, fuckin' same wavelength you and I! Why else would they make an outpost all the way out here? Perhaps multiple if we're lucky." Oscar got into his own rant headspace, prattling as Gaultier and Gerald returned from their diversion. 

"If we can get some of this tech working, maybe we can recreate it back home? We have plenty of ways to harness electricity, but finding a way to take it from natural thunder storms sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. Hell if we could bring some of this world's lightning, maybe we could study it and see how it compares to ours!"

Oscar turned as Gaultier spoke up, carefully examining the journal after Gaultier flipped it around. Oscar scratched the chin of his helmet, making a deep 'hmmm' sound in the back of his throat. "Well it checks out, we are in Ultra Space after all. At least we don't have to worry about hostile survivors." Oscar clapped his hands together as Gaultier and Gerald talked Faraday Cages. "Fuck yeah now we're talking. You get the scrap and we'll find a way to build it!"

Gerald began providing plenty of old tech parts from nearby, though not a lot of it looked useable for what Oscar had in mind. He decided to not think so literally, after all there would be no way they would find enough wire to create a traditional Faraday Cage. Oscar pulled out a pokeball and let out the mighty conkeldurr brute known as Rosco. The cinderblock wielding muscle clown peered over at Oscar, huffing through his nose as he awaited orders.

Oscar pointed to the already recovered machinery. "I need you to take these scrap pieces and make them as thin as possible--and I mean thin!" Rosco nodded, and without hesitation picked up a shattered monitor to begin smashing it flat with his fists. When flat enough, he would start rolling it between his hands to make it as thin as possible. When he was done, he would set the thin metal aside and pick up another piece of broken tech to work. Oscar turned toward his comrades. "I need someone to help weld these into a cage-ish structure."

--Oscar thinks alien lightning is neato.
--Determined to help make the Faraday Cage, Oscar sends out a Conkledurr to work the old tech into wire-thin metal pieces.


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infinity and beyond
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2023 2:08:07 GMT
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Years ago, Oscar would have never guessed that he would have the chance to travel to the FUCKIN' MOON! Yet here he was, landing upon its surface for the first time. When Lulu had invited him it took all of his effort not to squeal with boyish glee. Sure the possibility of discovering even more power beyond Tera Energy was Oscar's number one reason to accept the offer, but come on who would turn down going to space!? 

The trip itself was alright, though the majesty of space did lose its luster about fourteen hours in. Oscar spent most of his time sleeping and staring out the window, watching the sea of stars. The adrenaline of their arrival had greatly perked Oscar up, his suit-up speed was near instantaneous. Yet even with how excited he was, he would do his best to keep his cool. He would not want Lulu to think he was lame after all.

He kept up his mellow all the way until he first stepped onto the moon's surface. All around them lay a seemingly endless gray desert, nothing but rocks and sand. Oscar soaked in the view before finally shouting, "This is so fucking metal dude!" Remembering the company he was in, Oscar cleared his throat and pulled out a mineral analyzer from a holster in his suit. 

"I've tuned this analyzer to recognize energy signals. It can sense about eighty feet downward." Oscar turned the gadget on and pointed it to the moon surface. The hud picked up nothing but moon rock and sedimentary nothingness. Of course they could not be that lucky, it was time to trek. Oscar pointed in a random direction, "Let's go this way and not wander too far. We'll probably have more luck if we can find an impact crater." Oscar bounced forward, trying really hard to hide his excited giggling. 

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Don't Look Now [C]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 17:12:50 GMT
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Oscar accepted the wrench and smirked, nodding in thanks. This woman was a machine gun, her mind was traveling faster than a hotrod on the freeway. Oscar should have gotten that second cup of coffee he had decided against hours ago.

He was glad to see her enthusiasm though, he would gladly take excitement over disinterest. He ducked back into his machine and began to adjust some of the stability bolts. "Its name is Zapdos." He said with a tinge of effort in his voice as he multitasked. "According to theology scholars, it is the third member of the Kanto bird trio. You may have heard of Articuno and Moltres, both are a lot friendlier than Zapdos."

Oscar pushed himself out of the machine, wiping some sweat off his brow. "It's an electric type with a hefty appetite for Infinity Energy and electricity. There's no lattern other than it only stops by when its starving. That's the lone constant, if I could find a way to predict that it was coming I could be more prepared to feed it. Or better yet, meet it in person."

Oscar was surprised that his information came so readily, after all he had kept this a close secret for some time. It felt nice to share though, and Ceri at least seemed very intrigued.

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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 14:59:59 GMT
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  • player/ooc name: HOLLOW
  • character tags: (canon)
  • dropped characters' tags (if applicable): (inactive for now)
  • ic posts for characters: Here! (see canon AC for Oscar)
  • are characters in directories?: Y
  • any notes/comments: This site makes me so warm inside ty!
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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 14:03:23 GMT
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Oscar stepped through next, suited up in what was becoming favorite mission disguise. Had to look sharp for this occasion, especially when confroning a former elite four member, a current elite four member, a former gym leader, and--was that ? Did Remiel know she was here? Were they still together? It's hard too kep track of all these relationships, Oscar usually does not bother.

It hardly mattered, they were not taking prisoners today so whoever stood before them was about to reserve a permanent plot on Mt. Pyre. came out swinging with Lugia, and whose black rain was dripping harmless over Oscar's helmet. It made for a good backdrop, too bad it was replaced by @callan's snow and blizzard.

Oscar thought quickly, releasing Writhe the Frosmoth from her pokeball. Oscar's digitized voice would soon shout out a command, "Fuck that blizzard up and press forward!" Writhe let out a sing-song howl as she fluttered her wings, creating a Wide Guard barrier to protect her comrades from the blizzard. She very slowly pressed forward with the barrier, hoping to get close enough for her fellow pokemon to begin lobing their own attacks.

Oscar cackled, florishing a hand toward the enemy, "Come on ya bastards show me some teeth!"

--Oscar sent out Frosmoth. Frosmoth used Wide Guard to protect the Rockets from Blizzard. Frosmoth is inching forward behind her barrier to get the team closer to the League. I will add frosmoth moveset when I get home, it's hard to do on my phone!

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Pokepod Preliminary Trial 2(sw)
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2023 17:42:12 GMT
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Oscar carefully pulled the Milcery from its cage and put it inside the pokepod chamber. With the subject locked in, Oscar strode to his control panel (now fortified with tempered glass). In one motion he would pick up his recorder, raise it to his mouth, and tuen it on to begin his notes.

"Pokepod preliminary trial two, testing of the Pokepod three point oh. Experiment conducted by agent skull. Date? Don't matter. Time? Don't matter. Place? Up yours. After a turbulent development period I think I finally have a working rendition of the pokepod. The extractors have been heavily altered to allow a more control suction. Metal blades have been installed to act as a sort of filtration system. If everything is installed correctly, which it fucking should be, they should arrange themselves based on how I turn the control dial. Speaking of..."

Oscar took a moment to catch his breath, sitting down in the swivel chair he stole from 's office (I mean, he never uses it). He began the start up process for the pokepod, continuing his notes as the machine warmed up. "Subject is a Milcery of good health and average size. My aim for today's first trial is to make sure the minimum and maximum settings work. From there I can find the happy medium I desire. Anyway, cross your fingers."

Oscar ended the recording and flipped a toggle next to the dial. The machine suddenly became quite loud, making a racket that resembled a giant vacuum. The Milcery, knocked out up until now, awoke with a panic. Oscar paid its distress no mind, instead turning his control dial to the number 1--the lowest setting.

Nothing seemed to be happening, but the energy reader on his console did show very slight activity. The extractors were pulling a minimum amount of Infinity Energy, though not enough to be noticable by the Milcery or light up the large bulb at the top of the machine. In other words, it was working as intended. Oscar smirked before taking a deep breath and turning the dial to the number 10--the highest setting.

The machine roared, creating a hellish cacophony worthy of its dramatic power. The Milcery in the pop let out a brief shriek before drying up entirely, falling to the floor and bursting into milky dust. The readings on Oscar's console were massive, and the bulb was glowing unnaturally bright. After a few seconds had passed the bulb would dim, the Infinity Energy all used up. At this point Oscar would turn down the machine and record his thoughts.

"Experiment was successful. Both the minimum and maximum settings do what they're supposed to. I find it important to note that the Infinity Energy taken from the maximum setting's pull was incredibly powerful, but only lasted briefly. While my goal is to find a way to use pokemon as a prolonged source of energy, this reaction may be useful in the future. Anyway, on to the second test. Subject is a..."
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Pressing Forward [M]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 22:03:40 GMT
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Oscar was thankful that Felix wanted to get straight to business, he had run out of things to compliment. His last resort was the motivational poster behind Felix, which while admittedly adorable was not really compliment worthy. 'Gee what a nice poster!', Oscar would have sounded like a tool!

He was more than happy to move on, and nodded as Felix opened their SPECTRA discussion. "Right, I was tasked with providing training to simulate a battle with an Avatar. While not an Avatar myself, Remiel believed that Genesect's sheer strength could simulate the same pressure one would feel while battling a legendary pokemon. I've had a few--successful training sessions in the past. I have yet to perfect it though."

Oscar's training had created promising results, but at the expense of the mental stability of the tested grunts. For some reason, many felt that being hunted by a killer robot was a less than soothing experience. Oscar could not quite find a balance between pushing their boundaries and providing teachable moments, but he was working on it! At least he was when that as still his job in SPECTRA.

On that note, Oscar would continue. "Genesect has been shown to be at the very least capable of confronting a patron legendary one on one, though it has yet to actually defeat one. Regardless, I still believe using Genesect for combat training scenarios to be a valuable experience and resource. It is up to you if it continues, otherwise I am willing to fill any role should you choose to keep me within the SPECTRA initiative." 

Only now did Oscar get slightly nervous, his heartrate quickening as he awaited Felix's response. He did not wish to be kicked out of SPECTRA, but he wondered if Felix would find Oscar as useful as Remiel did. Despite his rising nerves, Oscar remained calm and collected--all thanks to that poster behind Felix.

Yes, he was going to hang in there.

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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 21:41:04 GMT
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The unknown--Oscar never made the connection before but it made sense. After all, the last place he had seen these eyes in person was a realm dedicated to Arceus. Oscar shivered, "I was hoping the machine would eat the dreams, I don't wanna go there." Oscar chuckled, pretending that the idea of visiting his nightmares in person was not terrifying.

Oscar's demeanor then became much more serious, his examination of the machine becoming more careful with a vague sense of reverence. "Do you have any ideas on how to get into these data worlds once the database is built?" He straightened his posture, sliding his hands behind his back as he circled the machine. "I admit that I have had something of a wanderlust lately. Ever since the Cyber World incident, I have been very curious about the dimensions outside of our own."

Oscar raised a finger to his chin, seemingly staring into space as he pondered aloud his inner thoughts. "To gain control of this world is one thing, but to dominate all others? Surely that is a goal worthy of Rocket's time."

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Hogs Before Hoes [M]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 21:25:57 GMT
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As the terrified spoink were herded into submission, Oscar would keep a careful eye out for signs of any Grumpig caretakers. Yet as Vlad began swooping in to steal their pearls, no one would come to help the piglets. It occurred to Oscar that their caretakers might not know where they were, and this little pigs were learning a valuable lesson in staying close to mom and dad.

The idea was amusing, and Oscar would chuckle as the shivering pigs lost the last of their pearls. Vlad flew up to his master, pearls collected within his arms. Oscar picked up one of the pearls and examined it closely. "Don't pity the defenseless." He said as he turned the pearl in his hand. "We deserve easy jobs every once in a while, after all do we not struggle for everything?. If they did not want to lose what they had, they should have been more careful." 

Oscar put the pearl back into Vlad's arms and pointed upward, prompting Vlad to fly away. He would meet them at the top. Oscar turned to Levy, his expression neutral. "Ready to climb back up?"

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Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 20:40:52 GMT
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Oscar could not stop staring at his hand, his face placid as he looked on. His fingertips were starting to blacken, that was new. Usually the black veins from his illness would just cover his hands and that would be that, but now his actual fingers seemed to be slowly rotting away. It was just as he predicted, before long even his treatment from Xerneas would not be able to save his limbs. He used to panic about the thought before, but now he only felt numb.

His helicopter pilot announced their approach to Sootopolis, and Oscar quickly donned his glove once more. He was glad he thought ahead, if all went well he would have a fine selection of prosthetics to choose from--should the need arise. Otherwise, Aurelie's research had sent Oscar's imagination racing. Human augmentation should be easier than ever now, though he still had many tests to run. Hopefully MAGMA would be able to speed up the process, they were accelerating their pseudo-Avatar program after all. Having their subjects outfitted with powerful metal limbs might be useful to their experiments.

Oscar was dropped off directly at Aurelie's workshop, and as he entered he would immediately beam with joy. She had created and displayed a wide variety of limbs indeed, just as beautiful as he had imagined. Oscar clapped his hands together as he approached his favorite blacksmith, "I can already tell I made the right choice. Let me take a look, I've been dying to see these bad boys in person!"

Oscar stepped up to the displayed casings, picking one up to take a closer look. The craftmanship was flawless, he could not have asked for a better product. To think that one of these beauties would serve as his new appendages--that is if he could not find a cure for his ailment in time. Oscar's expression became melancholy, and as he turned back to Aurelie his smile would be noticeably strained. 

"Wonderful, simply perfect. You've exceeded my expectations honestly. Just let me examine the rest and we'll talk payment." Oscar inspected the other pieces with mostly visual scans, only picking up pieces he found particularly fascinating. It took a bit, but once he felt satisfied he would turn his attention to Aurelie and pull a checkbook out of his coat pocket.

"Well then miss, you've earned every penny." He opened the book and wrote down a number he felt matched the value of her work. He would then rip the check out and hand it to her, "I hope this number is sufficient. We can haggle if you're not satisfied." Aurelie would find a lot of zeros on this check. Possibly too many, but the quality was worth the price.

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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 19:56:01 GMT
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Round two into Ultra Space felt a lot more secure to Oscar. Perhaps it was because he had been here once before with the very same team, retracing their steps back to the bizarre power station with relative confidence. More likely it was because he had come better prepared, with the ample supplies needed for a longer voyage. Additionally, he made sure that everyone was equipped with gloves to reduce the risk of electric shocks. Oscar's hand was still burning from being zapped last time, and he did not care to repeat that experience.

While they may be better prepared, their quest would be no less dangerous. This was evident as they arrived at where their last journey ended, the stakataka having vanished entirely. It would seem that Oscar's zmove from before did its job rather well. However they were not exactly safe, as a population of Xurkitree now quietly hovered around the central power station. 

Oscar had a lot of experience with Xurkitree, he had one of his own named Navitas. His time with Navitas taught him a lot about Xurkitree biology, namely what they look like when they were 'facing toward you'. Without any notable facial features, it was difficult to tell when a Xurkitree was actually looking your way.

What unnerved Oscar about this particular pack is that they were all facing toward them. It immediately reminded Oscar of the stakataka from last time, silently observing their progress before deciding to attack. The sight gave Oscar conniptions, he did not want a repeat of last time. His focus on the Xurkitree was short lived though, as @gaultier decided to forge ahead and make his way down a hole in the power station's base.

Oscar shook away his jitters and followed suit, climbing into the hole behind . "I like your style Gaultier!" Oscar called out while trying to catch up. "Onward and upward!" What Oscar did not notice was that the Xurkitrees' gaze would follow him until he disappeared from view--though even then they would not turn away.

As Oscar caught up, he would look upon the subterranean 'circuit board' with a mix of awe and caution. "Well that's a fuckin' sight." He said with a chuckle, drinking in the oddly beautiful landscape. "I've never seen anything like this. Do you think we could find a way to restore the station's power from here?" That was Oscar's primary objective, to get some of this ruined alien tech working again. If they could find a way to make this station operational, perhaps they could bring some back to their world to research.

--The Xurkitree are staring at Oscar and it makes him uncomfortable. 
--Oscar joins Gaultier and Gerald underground, determined to get the power station working again.

Finished Prompts:
--OSCAR CLAYTON's experience/history with ultra beasts will cause ultra beasts in the realm to be attracted/notice to him somewhat (not as a strong as a faller's influence).

, @gaultier,
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing