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Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 19:32:20 GMT
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Oscar had a long laundry list of tasks ahead of him. While the secrets of Infinity Energy have been more or less violently dragged into the light, Oscar's research has lead to even more mysteries to solve. Could the other energies of the world be harnessed? If so, what could they be used for? This hypothetical task was a daunting one, after all the development of the Infinity Generator took years. To do the same with every other type of energy seemed downright impossible.

Yet Oscar said fuck it, the effort would be worth it in the end. He refused to stand by while threats both domestic and otherworldly were knocking at his door. His mission may be vast, but the best way to make it more manageable was just to get started--one bit at a time.

He thought he would first start with the energy he knew the least about: Dyna Energy. However, after a harrowing journey with he decided that the easiest energy to research would be his best bet at getting the ball rolling. His new target would ironically be the newest energy to their world: Tera Energy.

Oscar had utilized this strange new power as it entered their atmosphere on the 99943 Meteno meteoroid, but he was a bit slow to the research race. Everyone had immediately jumped into finding out as much as they could about the Tera Shards and their interactions with pokemon, while Oscar had kept his focus squarely on his Pokepods project. Well luckily all that meant was that he had plenty of options for collaboration as he began his own Tera journey, and after asking around he would find the most promising possible partner right here within Rocket.

A knock at the door of 's private laboratory would be the only warning of Oscar's arrival. He figured it would be best to approach Rocket's new head scientist while she was 'in office', it seemed like the most accessible option at the time. Oscar would peak his head in, a smile draped across his pale face.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I was told I could find Miss Naomi in here, recommended I speak to her." Lulu had literally nothing to do with this, but he figured it would be easier to welcome him as a visitor if he name dropped a mutual friend.
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processed shop
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 15:34:57 GMT
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Buying H Zorua o/


125 PD
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 22:59:04 GMT
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4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:


    When Oscar was pulled into another dimension a long time ago, he had discovered Megalopolan technology that extracted Infinity Energy directly from Pokemon. When Oscar returned to his dimension, the idea of replicating these devices to provide easy and accessible infinity energy for utility and research was too tempting to ignore. Using 's Infinity Energy Extractors as a base component, Oscar began work on designing his own version of the "pokepods". Oscar faced many setbacks; everything from having a meteor nearly wiping out the planet to accidentally opening a space time wormhole. Thanks to the help of though, the pokepods are finally nearing completion. Oscar will soon have a fully operational model to present to Walsh, and with his knowledge of Infinity Energy he will have plenty of ways to utilize this new technology for the glory of Rocket.[break]

    Other Infinity Energy Insights: 1. Infinity Energy has a direct interaction with vitality and lifeforce. Observed while aiding with reviving the tree of life as well as during the many disastrous tests of the pokepods. Oscar hypothesizes that his pokepods can be used to revitalize old or dying pokemon, testing of hypothesis is currently underway. 2. Infinity Energy excess warps a pokemon's physical body. During a pokepod test, Oscar accidentally turned a Chansey into an eldritch abomination by forcing Infinity Energy upon it. Oscar hypothesizes that this transformation was similar to Mega Evolution, and he wonders if he can force new Mega Evolutions using this method. Fringe idea, testing has yet to begin.

    While helping to rebuild 's Church of Arceus, Oscar was infected with an eldritch parasite known as The Endless. This mysterious creature sapped Oscar's vitality, bringing him to the brink of death. Desperate for relief, Oscar sought aid from and his patron Xerneas. Bryan's powers stabilized Oscar's condition, but it is not permanent. Oscar must now regularly visit Bryan in order to receive treatment. While Oscar can now function normally, time between treatments is becoming shorter and shorter. It is only a matter of time before the parasite regains its full power and kills Oscar.[break]

    Oscar mentioned his sickness to , who provided a possible breakthrough to a permanent solution. Fernando spoke of a pokemon that could possibly absorb the parasite, consuming it and freeing Oscar from its grasp. While Fernando was referring to Mewtwo, Oscar had assumed he meant Deoxys. By chance, Oscar encountered a Deoxys on the 99943 Meteno meteoroid, and sought to take it for himself. However, he would back down as the Deoxys avatar lay claim over this new counterpart--forcing Oscar to look elsewhere for a cure. Anticipating that he will soon lose limbs to the parasite, Oscar has begun making prosthetics from the bodies of steel type pokemon with the help of . Aurelie's insight into metal working has revealed a great deal about the nature of these morbid ores, and Oscar plans to develop further uses for the parts he has commissioned.
  • 3. A BEAST OF ROCKET[break]

    As Oscar regained his strength, he began to make a greater effort in solidifying his position in Rocket. He found the best results came from assisting his fellow Rockets with their own schemes, and took every chance he could to collaborate on field work. Oscar's standout endeavors include: Using Genesect to train his fellow Rockets as part of his role in SPECTRA. Helping hunt Rocket deserters. Helping retrieve dirt on . Working with to convince Velmos to side with Rocket during the Menteno incident. Helping research a way to repress Genesect's instincts to attack shadow pokemon. Recruited into Rocket. Worked with and to "revive" the tree of life. Worked with to hunt even more deserters.[break]

    As of right now, Oscar is meeting with to discuss his place in SPECTRA after the desertion of . Speaking of Remiel, Oscar will soon be called upon to fulfill his duty as a Beast and assassinate the former Admin--although Oscar has machinations of his own.
  • any notes/comments: Just wanna say for the upteenth time that I love it here and and do an amazing job. I am really looking forward to where my plots are heading and I can't wait to see where the site plot goes next!

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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 22:32:42 GMT
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Oscar's expression tightened as the battle went on. Just as he thought, this fight was anything but a walk in the park. Cian's pokemon were a formidable duo, and the finesse required to keep up with them was certainly putting the training of Oscar's pokemon to the test. Yet Oscar was patient and refused to buckle under pressure. He was not sure which way the tide would turn in the coming minutes, but he remained confident in his team's abilities. Though a little help would not go amiss. Oscar removed the glove on his right hand, revealing a ring with a brightly colored crystal. It was not yet time to use it, but Oscar was prepared to utilize the tool should their situation become dire.

Concealed by the Sandstorm, Mustakrakish put several feet of distance between himself and the krookodile to catch his breath. As he took advantage of the brief respite, he surveyed the battlefield just in time to catch Gabite dive back into the sandstorm with its own Sand Veil. Musta growled, resolving to jump back into the fray quickly. It began to move slowly, keeping a careful eye out for the gabite. They both had the same advantage, two nearly invisible pokemon hunting for each other. The victor would be whichever discovered the other first.

Yet discovery was easier said then done, as the sandstorm concealed both of them very well. Musta was careful to take slow deliberate steps, hoping that a steady march would keep him well hidden within the storm. His head was on a swivel, sweeping in every direction as he searched for shades of purple and red. The task was nearly impossible, the sandstorm was too strong and their camouflage was too effective. Yet a stroke of lucky would soon grace Mustakrakish, a tiny opportunity to gain the upper hand.

The sandstorm was starting to fade.

As the sand slowed, Musta would spot a gabite-shaped shadow not so far away. He took a deep breath, focusing his gaze as he took careful aim. The shadow dived in and out of view, and at a moment it was visible he would finally strike--the ground! It was a deliberate move however, as the strike would send ripples soaring toward the shadow. Moments later those ripples would explode, jagged rocks bursting hopefully into the gabite itself (Stone Edge).

Baron was at first keen to keep fighting the gabite, however his natural goggles would give him a terribly clear view of the krookodile taunting him. What the krookodile could not possibly know, was that between the two of them Mustakrakish was the more levelheaded. Baron immediately became furious, blinded by his opponent's preposterous swagger. He dove in at full speed, aiming to Dragon Rush the krookodile into submission.


--The sandstorm has begun to fade.
--Garchomp carefully searches for gabite, and after believing that he has located it through the fading sandstorm he strikes with Stone Edge.
--Flygon has fallen for the swagger, and attacks krookodile with Dragon Rush. Confusion part 2.

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Pressing Forward [M]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 6:50:46 GMT
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"It's nice." Oscar said, tapping his ankle as it rested upon his knee. "I really love what you've done with the space, very official. I'm here for it!" Oscar was currently attempting unprompted small talk with . He had met Felix before, joining him on a fun misadventure not too long ago. A lot has changed since then, Felix had been promoted and now has been entrusted with the SPECTRA initiative by himself...oh Remiel.

Rocket has faced many losses since the Meteno incident, but Remiel's departure hit Oscar hard. Remiel had been a mentor to Oscar, the first admin he really got attached to. His betrayal was a significant tragedy, but at least SPECTRA lived on. Oscar half expected Walsh to disband the initiative purely out of spite, so it was a nice surprise to see Remiel's work continued.

SPECTRA was in good hands with Felix, he was more than deserving to receive Remiel's torch. Yet with the passing of said torch came loose ends and uncertainties, which Felix had called Oscar into his office to straighten out. Oscar had been a member of the SPECTRA initiative, and he was hoping that this meeting would be a discussion on how to continue his membership. 

And you know, not sacking him. It was that possibility that kept Oscar rather frayed, and inclined to awkwardly make comments about Felix's office. "I really enjoy the texture of your desk. Looks very---earthy."
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Pokepod Preliminary Trial 2(sw)
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 16:03:32 GMT
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Oscar looked upon his second iteration of the Poke Pod Prototype with repressed pride. What was once a mangled mass of metal and electronics was now a streamlined tower with a central chamber and a large lighting structure on top. It did not look perfect, but it would do for now.

Of course he could not have gotten this far alone, provided the insight required to see through the fog of uncertainty and break through the wall that prevented Oscar from progressing. He wished she could have been here, but a woman of her talents had a tight schedule. Oh well, he would be sure to send her the experiment report. Before he got started though, Oscar felt he deserved a moment to just drink in his success.


Alright the moment's passed, which lucky Pokemon got to be the first subject?
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Operation: Harmony [C]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 14:28:36 GMT
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Oscar tilted his head, scratching his chin as he considered logistics. He might have gotten a little ahead of himself, as the labor involved began to mount higher and higher in his head. He could certainly start now--but he really did not imagine spending his night working on Genesect. What a drag.

Though--Gavin did not need to know he could start now.

Oscar winced, "Fuck, I'll need a little set up. I can get the tools together within an hour, but Genesect needs time before I can shut it down. I mean, I could shut it down whenever but like I said it fucking hates being shut down. Gotta make it comfortable first, might take a bit. I can start at the crack of dawn though."

Nailed it.

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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2023 4:36:02 GMT
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Oscar flinched as Gaultier came to his side, hurriedly treating a burn on his now exposed hand. "Huh, ain't that some shit." Oscar did not even notice the burn, whoch probably did not bode well for the nerves on his hand. Hopefully it was not too late for treatment. The makeshift bandages shall do for now.

All the more reason to get the fuck out quickly! Unfortunately, with all these stakataka it might prove hard to find an opening to escape. Gailtier and Gerald joined Oscar in battle, but even their combined attacks could not slow down the stakataka hoard. Well then Oscar had no choice, Ceri was 100% right it was time for something big!

Oscar flexed and yelled out, "Get ready to fucking bolt! Babadook, Splintered Stormshards!" Babadook howled, causing the cold ground around him to explode into chunks. Oscar hovered his hands together, waiting as the chunks of rock floated idle in the air. Babadook leapt forward, causing the chunks to turn and aim their pointiest sides toward the stakataka. When the timing was perfect, Oscar clapped his hands down and Babadook would lead the chunks in crashing upon the hoard.

The impact of the zmove was massive, causing an explosion that rocked the area violently. The ground beneath the group began to crack, and even the massive generator began moaning loudly. Oscar withdrew Babadook, exchanging him for his Dragapult: Razor. Oscar mounted his ride as the ground shattered further. "Either hop on or get your escape ready. We're leaving!"

With or without any extra passengers, Oscar began following Ceri to the rift.


--Oscar used a zmove to bury the stakataka hoard in rocks.
--The zmove worked too well and the 'bowl' is collapsing.

Prompts Fulfilled:
-- Become electrocuted by lightning, the cords, etc.
--OSCAR CLAYTON's expertise with power plants and electrical work must be pivotal in this thread.
--Utilize a Zmove in an advantageous way.

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Target Practice [M]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 18:35:32 GMT
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Oscar paid no attention to Bryan's demeanor, mostly because he knew Bryan was having a minimum amount of fun and Oscar did not want his feelings hurt. Not when he was having a grand time himself! Oscar breathed a content sigh as he soaked in the view. It was absolutely worth the awkward silence.

Keeping his eyes on the window, Oscar would eventually try talking to Bryan again. "You know I bet you would enjoy a spa day! There's a wonderful spa I know just outside of Lavaridge, I'll take you some time!"


"Oh before I forget, I am working on something you might be interested in. I've nearly perfected a way to extract infinity energy from pokemon. Perhaps that could be of use to you?"

Tink, tink

Something small was bouncing off the exterior of the cabin, barely audible and hardly worth noticing...

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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 1:22:12 GMT
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Oscar blinked rapidly, Lulu's answer was unexpected. However he soon smiled and nodded, "Neat! Does it work?" Oscar ran over to the machine and began circling it. "I've been having nightmares with a lot of blinking eyes since October. I bet this thing would find them very tasty." Oscar chuckled, amused by the idea of finally ending his torment.

He looked to Lulu and clapped his hands together, "A demonstration is in order! I simply must understand how you've made this device! Or at least where you are now in the development process." Oscar had never thought of dreams as an option to traverse dimensions; that's why Lulu was the head scientist he supposed.

Oscar rested his hands on his hips, waiting patiently for Lulu to show and tell.

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patience || c
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 1:16:27 GMT
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Oscar blinked, temporarily dumbfounded that Eris knew Morse code. He did not even know Morse, he needed to up his game. He shook away his confusion and gently answered Eris's questions. "It's not traceable no, it goes to only one device and I own it. No one will know you're sending a message to me. You can send messages in Morse if you want but it'll take me some time to translate."

Oscar gently put the device in her hand and nodded assuredly. "Eris I'm not good at mincing words so I won't. Danger is everywhere, and you may find yourself stuck where no one you trust can help you. This'll be your secret weapon, your last resort if shit hits the fan. We gotta make sure you stay safe until Chu-e's back with us. Consider it a gift!"

Oscar's smile stayed solid, but he had no idea how long Chu-e would be captured. In his heart he hoped it would not be for long, but even still he would feel a lot better if Rocket's favorite child soldier was extra secure. About that time, the nurse emerged from the back. "I have your pokemon ready miss!"

Oscar looked up and clapped his hands together. "Excellent! There ya go Eris, bet they're as good as new. You better get going before it gets dark."

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