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i wanna dance with somebody [mask]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 1:00:21 GMT
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Oscar smiled, bowing at the stranger's curtsy. It felt ass-backwards but whatever, it was cute. A vaporeon appears to lead the strange man away, and Oscar would linger to watch the two walk away. The ending of this experience was bittersweet, on one hand he was glad to no longer be a hostage. On the other, technically that was the first good date he's had in a long time.

Those times in the sub don't count, you know who you are.

Oscar wistfully rubbed the back of his neck, maybe he should be more open to experiencing moments like that. He wish he was here to share the moment with, but that's not the kind of man he was. Oscar shook his head to get him off his mind. Nothing good would come from having those kind of thoughts.

He immediately set off to find something to drink. Maybe many things to drink.

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Boy's Night (Bar Crawl)
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 0:53:20 GMT
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Amor was joking, but Oscar's grin read as genuine agreement. He is not a nice drunk. "Fuck yeah let'sss go!" Oscar began walking in a random direction, before realizing that had no idea where he was going and backtracking. After actually scanning the casino floor, Oscar noticed the Blackjack table in the distance and grabbed Amor.

"This way! It's not too far!"

Oscar lead his hostage to the Blackjack tables, and he would place them at the first empty table he saw. Oscar quickly smacked the table with his hands, "Hit me!" The dealer gave Oscar a strained look, "Um, good day gentlemen! Do we know the rules of the game?" Oscar arched his eyebrows as he took another drink. "Yeah yeah sure!"

There was a long pause before Oscar turned to Amor, "I can't remember how to play."

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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2023 4:17:14 GMT
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Oscar winced as the krookodile broke out the sand tomb and burst into a thrash. "Musta, back away and keep your distance!" Mustakrakish immediately followed Oscar's directions, but his steps backward were too short. A heavy claw would smash against Mustakrakish's chest, pushing him back and sending shockwaves of pain down his body. From there Musta was able to keep backing out of the Krookodile's reach, but if he did not do something fast he would be in a lot of trouble.

Musta decided the only way to avoid further damage was to fall back into his Sand Veil, but he would have to be crafty to get away from his assailant. Musta kept up a swift back-step as he inhaled deeply, allowing the blistering sand of the sandstorm into his lungs. Then when he got enough, Musta would aim for Krookodile's face and unleash his gathered sand in a Scorching Sand blast! That is unless his confusion forced him to swallow all the sand instead...

As for Baron, his previous efforts would bear bittersweet fruit. The Gabite emerged for another attack, and Baron would have to think quickly to avoid another strike. With Musta and the Krookodile a fair distance away, Baron decided that it would be safe to use Boomburst. Baron's ringing bugbuzz turned into a high pitched roar as he used incredible force to flap his wings toward the Gabite. The immense shockwave this created should hopefully throw the gabite off course and finally deliver some damage to the elusive dragon.


--A Sandstorm rages!
--Garchomp is pushed back by a strike from Thrash. Garchomp used Scorching Sands on Krookodile's face so that he could hopefully blend back into the sandstorm.
--Baron used Boomburst on Gabite to throw it off course.

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2023 16:01:47 GMT
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Oscar frowned, tapping his fingers on the table as his peers exchanged information. He pointed a finger toward when she spoke up, "I'll be seeing you soon about that. I need everything I can get on all forms of energy." He already knew of Tera energy, he was on the meteor as it was first unleashed into their world, but he had made little progress in finding uses for it outside of battle. That had to change quickly, before the League at least.

Just like , Oscar was more keen to learn about the power source found under Littleroot. What described was intriguing, but it was not the win Oscar was hoping for. His frown deepened, and his fingers began tapping quicker. Then there was all this business about turncoats and leaks, avatars and new legendary pokemon, it boiled Oscar's blood. His tapping abruptly stopped, his fingers curling in to form a fist. The mention of 's kidnapping is what finally caused Oscar to speak once again.

"I may just be in a foul mood, but from my perspective this operation has been a net loss. Let's not forget that it wasn't just Cian and Johanna that defected, during the meteor's disposal we lost nearly as many grunts as the day Silas died. Not, I should note, by dying in the line of duty. Every defector is a threat to our stability, it will likely take us all year to track them all down."

Oscar took a shaky breath, as the next point pained him the most. "Then there is Mister Chu-e. I want to believe, in my heart of hearts, that Chu-e will tell the League nothing. However we have to be prepared for the possibility of the League convincing Chu-e to talk. In that case we may have no choice but to proceed--aggressively."

In war knowledge was power, and with all the members that fled Rocket was at a severe disadvantage when it came to information. Oscar feared that this could spiral into their defeat, but he kept his more paranoid annicdotes to himself.

--Oscar is concerned about the amount of losses compared to gains.
--Oscar poses the scenario of Chu-e giving information to the League and asks what should be done about it if it happens.
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2023 4:41:35 GMT
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Oscar was still ripping metal from the 'generator's' exterior when the small stakataka was unearthed. Oscar took one look at the charging tike and immediately increased his ripping pace. His hope was to help lead the team to safety by traveling into the 'generator', but fortunately he would not even have to worry about that.

The stakataka was brought to a standstill, and after exchanging a look with Gaultier the beast would return to his task. He wish he could be more interested in the Ultra Beast, but Oscar was more keen to find some ultra space tech. He could still hear the trio discuss the matter of bringing it back into their world though, and at the very least Oscar would provide his two cents.

"Don't forget you have to find a way to transport it. Fucker is probably heavy despite its size, maybe a psychic type could help or some shit."

On that note, Oscar managed to rip off a good chunk of metal and clear a path into the 'generator's' innards. Well kinda, Oscar could at least stick his upper body through to get a closer look. What he found was certainly unexpected. It was a jungle of glowing wires, an endless sea of cords with starry lights blinking across the length of their bodies.

Fascinated, Oscar reached out and gently grabbed one. Pulling it closer, he realized that he could see through the oily black skin of the cord. Within the cord was some sort of circuit board, blinking brightly as an unknown energy surged through it. If Oscar could get a closer look, he could probably figure out what these were for. He gently pressed into the cord's skin and began to tear it open.


Oscar was thrown backward by an explosion of electricity. His suit probably saved him from being fried, but he still felt jolted as he slid across the ground. Oscar blinked as he regained his bears, staring up into the rolling thunderstorms of the Ultra Plant. "Soup's on..." he grumbled, slowly getting back to his feet as a ruckus began around the bowl. Another stakataka was revealed, and it was fully grown. As it rose to its full height, the stakataka that were perched around the rim of the bowl began to roar and charge toward the group. 

Unaware of what set these angry legos off, Oscar clapped his hands together. "Alright, time to figure the mini stak out because we're going home now!" Oscar pulled out a pokeball and opened to reveal a dusk lycanroc named Babadook. "Run! We'll hold them off. Stone Edge!." Babadook began to fire jagged stones into the charging Stakataka, providing the team with precious minutes to make their escape.

--Oscar got into the generator but was blown back out trying to get into a freaky circuit board.
--The stakataka are pissed and their coming for their asses. 
--Oscar sent out a dusk lycanroc and it used Stone Edge on the stakataka.

Prompts Fulfilled:
-- Become electrocuted by lightning, the cords, etc.
--OSCAR CLAYTON's expertise with power plants and electrical work must be pivotal in this thread.

, , @gaultier
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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2023 17:08:39 GMT
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Up until now, Oscar had been allowing his pokemon to act purely based on their training. However, like any good tactician he knew when it was time to step in make moves of his own. As the krookodile went in for a crunch, Oscar would shout an order to Mustakrakish. "Hook it with your biceps!" 

Musta's first instinct would have been to get away, but he followed his master's orders precisely. Raising his bicep, he let the krookodile chomp down onto Musta's arm spikes. The pain was unreal, but Mustakrakish grit his teeth and forced a cheeky smile. He then proceeded to attempt to thrash his opponent while it was close, swinging his glowing blue tail into the krookodile (Aqua Tail). Hopefully his Confusion would not get in the way.

Meanwhile, the gabite had emerged to strike Mustakrakish with its claws. Baron had luckily stayed close to Musta, close enough to spot the incoming gabite and dive in to take the blow. Baron screeched as the gabite's claws dug into his scales, but it was a worthy sacrifice. As the gabite dove back into the sand though, Baron knew that this would be a persistent problem should it not be addressed. 

So he began to use a sweeping, high-pitched Bug Buzz to blow some of the sand away and hopefully uncover the meddlesome gabite just enough to uncover it.

--Garchomp let Krookodile crunch onto its bicep spikes.
--Garchomp attempts to use Aqua Tail while Krookodile is close.
--Flygon dove in to take the Slash for Garchomp.
--Flygon used Bug Buzz to try and force the gabite out of hiding.


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i wanna dance with somebody [mask]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2023 16:52:50 GMT
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Oscar shook his head, "Nah you're good. I mean, I started out uncomfortable but you managed to calm me down. It helps that I'll never see you again, no offense." Oscar chuckled, this experience had become a lot easier than he expected. He could barely register the music now, he was lost in the conversation with this faceless stranger. It was pleasant. 

Oscar tightened his grips ever so slightly so that their dance could become more engaging. Their spin was more solid now, a dance with weight and finesse. "I'm no germaphobe, I think I'm just scared to let people in. Physical affection is part of that--but I'm getting better, slowly. I want to get better at it. So I can have more experiences like this."

Suddenly the people around them stopped dancing, the song had ended and many of the dancers took this as their chance to leave the dance floor. Oscar stopped as well, this was as good a time as any to take his leave. "I believe this is where I get off." He said with another chuckle. "I um--thanks for kidnapping me. I think I'll be able to actually enjoy tonight now. Could I get another dance later? You know, if you're not busy."

The stranger would not be able to tell, but Oscar's face had turned tomato red behind his mask. He was not very good at this.

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Boy's Night (Bar Crawl)
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2023 16:42:18 GMT
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By this point Oscar had visited two other bars with and . It was nice to catch up with his friends, but Oscar had made a mistake by resolving to continue the bar crawl. Oscar could normally hold his liquor rather well, but after nearly a year without drinking his tolerance had greatly waivered. Oscar was unaware of this change, and had been drinking as he normally would. 

Oscar had invited @amor to join him at Casino Starlight, but he had already gotten started drinking. Holding a Galaxy cocktail in one hand, Oscar had sat himself at one of the slot machines and had been mindlessly shoveling in tokens. He had yet to win even once, which of course drove him up a wall. His gambling trance was broken by Amor, who greeted Oscar in a friendlier manner than expected. He must be feeling better!

Oscar motioned toward the slot machine, "This fuckin' thing is rigged, i-i-it won't give me anything!" Oscar got up and clutched Amor lightly by the back of the neck. "C'mon let's get you a drink and find something winnable to play!" Before Amor could answer, Oscar would be leading him toward the nearest bar.

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51% Of This Company [BAR]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2023 16:33:44 GMT
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Sleep? Self care? Oscar had never prioritized either, though he felt that Mars had a point. He would probably get better results out of his pursuits if he took the time to properly recharge. Oscar's considerations were interrupted by Mars slapping his shoulder, which heavily jolted the light-weighted Oscar. Another reminder that he really needed to start working out again.

Oscar recovered quickly and took a sip of his beverage before responding, "If I'm lucky, but it's hard to say. Who knows what will happen within the next few months, for all we know we could be invaded by clones of ourselves in February. Ideally I'd be done before the next big disaster occurs though."

Oscar briefly looked around, his overstimulation morphing into curiosity. "Have you noticed everyone here has a beard but us? What the fuck is up with that?"

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howling [pub/c]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2023 16:26:26 GMT
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Oscar furrowed his brows as he took another drink. He shook his head as he put his glass down, "I don't wanna die, I'm just saying I don't mind if I do. I got a failed god very slowly eating my insides and every month a new horror attempts to wipe us out for some reason or another. If I go out, I won't complain."

Oscar sighs as he reclines in his chair, his beverage sending waves of warmth throughout his body. "I'd just rather die working to make the world better, so that those left behind can fuckin' make something of themselves or whatever." Oscar lifted his glass and realized that it was nearly empty. His neutral expression turned into a deep frown.

"What the fuck, I swear I was pacing myself..."

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Don't Look Now [C]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 18:14:06 GMT
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Oscar was too busy tinkering to notice Ceri's snooping, only pausing as she raised an inquiry. Oscar once again turned away from his machine, offering Ceri a confused leer as she approached. He took the schematics she handed him and looked them over once before finally providing an answer.

"Yeah I run the Mauville plant. Those readings are from--a project." Oscar had yet to share Zapdos's visits with anyone, not even GMH's board of directors knew the purpose of the Perch on the very top of the Mauville Power Plant. It was getting increasingly difficult to play off these energy surges, if word got out that Oscar was using company resources to feed a greedy legendary pokemon he could end up in hot water.

Ceri was not on the board of directors though, plus she was apparently a very skilled scholar. Maybe she could give some insight? Oscar put the schematics down and began tinkering with more purpose. As he did so he would finally give context to the readings, a sign of the trust he placed in his fellow Rockets. 

"Been getting visits from a legendary pokemon. I bulldozed its home when I built the plant so I figure I could make things square by feeding it energy whenever it's in town. Thing is, its appearances are completely random. It shows up when it wants to and sucks up way too much electricity. Causes those big spikes you saw on the sheet."

Oscar briefly held his hand out, "Hey can you pass me the medium sized adjustable wrench?" Ceri would be able to find a pile of tools not too far from Oscar's machines, unorganized and scattered. Don't worry, he has a system.

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Hogs Before Hoes [M]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 18:00:53 GMT
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Oscar nodded, "Smart thinking, if we play this right we might not need to go down there at all." Oscar enlarged his pokeball and opened it, releasing Vlad the Gliscor. Oscar pointed to the playing piglets. "Vlad, we are going to use a centiskorch to chorale those spoink.  Cut them off from the opposite side and swipe their pearls."

Vlad used a claw to salute his master before flying further down the path. Vlad was an intelligent soldier, he would be able to observe and fill in the gaps as he went. Oscar looked back to Levy, "Alright let's get this show on the road before their parents come to get them." Oscar leaned against the cliffside, folding his arms as he watched the spoink bounce.

How ignorant they were of their impending hardships.

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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2023 21:35:27 GMT
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Upon being greeted, Oscar would enter causally. He stepped forward, his arms flourishing to gesture toward himself. "I'm doing pretty well actually. Um--better than normal anyway." As Oscar approached Lulu's machine, he would stand a respectful distance and whistle.

"I can see you're hard at work. What is this, a computer?"

If it was Oscar needed to get himself once of these, this thing looked tricked out as hell. Oscar leaned against a nearby desk, folding his arms as he waited for an answer. 
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Bygones [GYM]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2023 21:28:49 GMT
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And thus the battle began.

Cian's gabite disappeared into the sandstorm, which while annoying did not surprise Oscar. Mustakrakish had the very same ability, and Oscar had prepared the same strategy. Unfortunately, Mustakrakish did not let the sandstorm hide him soon enough. His plan to bring the krookadile closer paid off, but the devious bastard caught the mighty dragon with a swagger. Of course the proud Mustakrakish fell for it, twitching furiously as the sandstorm enveloped and obscured his body (Sand Veil). 

Baron dove in to join his partner, searching briefly for the gabite. When the gabite could not be located, Baron decided to focus on the krookodile. He slammed the ground with his body, causing a shockwave of molten rock to rip toward the krookodile's position (Earth Power).

Meanwhile, the veiled Musta had slipped to the opposite side of Baron's attack. Bursting forward, Musta would attempt to envelope the krookodile within a Sand Tomb to prevent it from getting away--that is if Musta's confused anger did not get in the way.

--A Sandstorm is still raging!
--Garchomp fell for the Swagger and became confused.
--Flygon used Earth Power on Krookodile.
--Garchomp used his Sand Veil and tried to trap Krookodile with Sand Tomb--if his confusion does not get in the way.
--For confusion I suggest I roll, 1-49 means Garchomp hits itself and 50-80 means its attack proceeds as normal. 81-100 can mean that he breaks out of confusion, and he can break out if he succeeds to attack three times maybe? Let me know what you think on discord.


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patience || c
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2023 21:09:58 GMT
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Oscar cracked a little, his eye twitching at what Eris has shared with him. Chu-e was what now? When did this happen? Oh wait--it was coming back to him. There was at least an email, but with how depressed Oscar was after surviving the meteor it was not a surprise that he failed to absorb it. Fuck, what a dumbass move--now the damn kid was probably sad! Good going Oscar.

Oscar's face hardened, deep down he was glad this happened. He reached into his coat and pulled out a device that Eris probably would not recognize. It was a small black box with a tiny screen and just enough room for three buttons. Holding it in the palm of his hand, Oscar offered it to Eris. 

"Ahem, um--this thing here is called a beeper. It's a really old form of communication, back from when I was a kid. I want you to have it. I can't do much to help, and I'm sure Gavin or someone else is taking really good care of you, but if you ever find yourself in danger I want you to use it. I'll send help, no questions asked."

Oscar would not take no for an answer, holding it out with an unwavering hand until she took it. 

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