Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2023 16:03:18 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
It was very much a good thing Josh had been to many of the rifts before, giving him an idea of what to expect. Ultra Deep Sea was new, though; even his Pokémon that could not normally fly could here. His sense of speed was also strangely affected by the alien environment. Though the speed itself was the same, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Even the normally blurred Manectric's strides were individually visible. "Saber, let's go!" He didn't wait for : the Fallarbor Gym Leader was more than capable of holding his own, as he demonstrated by attaining a flawless victory against the Master of Faster on his own turf.

Taking advantage of both the ability to fly and his SYGNA SUIT protecting him from his own electric mount's static, Josh had his Manectric leap and soar into the space above, surveying for . Once either he or Alec spotted the Rocket, he was going to ride him down on a bolt of lightning, just like the day he rode Raikou on a lightning strike from above Mount Pyre to Route 123.

Only this time he had a sword from 's school to skewer any Rocket foolish enough to cross his path. One he had painstakingly learned how to use from the saddle only after much intense physical, mental, and spiritual training. If that blade didn't come out of this warfront tasting blood, then the young Leader wasn't doing it right.

On Alec's signal, he would charge.

Post MP: 10 (IC post)
Thread MP: 10

{WC: 250}
{PC: 1}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Meteos          Aerodactyl        Good  
Braver          Arcanine          Good  
Twilight        Absol             Good  
Resheph         Dragonair         Good  

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alec foster DOLLARS
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alec foster
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 1:07:53 GMT
alec foster Avatar
Alec was sitting on Veta's back, spotting any signs of the enemy while up in the air. Alec was glad to know that Josh had come well-prepared, having a Sygna Suit that could attune to his Manetric. The dragon tamer didn't have anything fancy, with the exception of his TERA ORB and MEGA GLOVE. But then again, that didn't matter. He was an exceptional battler, and so was the team of pokemon he had with him. Alec's facial expression was stern as he surveyed the area. His face tightened once he spotted an enemy on the ground below. Alec looked over in 's direction, giving him a nod to proceed, following right behind him. Veta swiftly glided downward with Josh coming down from the opposite side of Alec's own position, cutting the man off from the front as well as behind.

Alec had no intention of letting an enemy escape. More of them running around meant more trouble for the rest of the League scattered throughout the area. Taking out any and all threats meant a greater chance of success. However ... Alec wasn't necessarily here as a Gym Leader. He was here to get his revenge against Team Rocket for what they had done, and not just to him, but toward everyone they hurt. He wanted to rip the life out of each and every single one of them. As soon as Veta landed, Alec hopped off her back and started to speak. "I wouldn't bother trying to run," Alec says in a frighteningly calm tone, taking a step forward; standing right beside his Dragonite.

- IC Post (10 MP)
MP Total: 10 MP

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elijah gardner
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 5:40:04 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

elijah is suddenly stopped, the pink mist rushing past his ankles as barnacles and seaweeds tickle from cavern walls. he raises his hands.[break][break]

"hey, hey, hey." the apothecary says. "you got the wrong guy. i'm on your side!"[break][break]

there are no pokeballs in his hands. no weapons visible on his person. the man bides his time, waiting for an opportunity to act—or to be forced to.[break][break]

in his head, he utters a string of coarse cussing. he recognizes as a former and now reinstated gym leader, and should he see , he would recognize him too. just his luck, he supposes. he wonders if or are here too, lost in this fucked up mess of factional warfare.


+10 MP (IC POST)

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 6:06:43 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As much as Josh wanted to strike like a lightning bolt and rain electric death on top of , he had to stay hidden. Despite expressing his innocence, Josh couldn't be trustful of just anyone in a warzone such as this. He had never seen the apothecary before. After meeting with and nearly murdering her, he had to show restraint. At the same time, after tussling with , who turned out to be one of the most powerful Avatars in the world, perhaps even rivaling an unknown Arceus Avatar, he had to exercise caution. He had barely escaped his meeting with Lugia's Avatar with his life intact. Until he himself was an Avatar, he needed to steer clear of known Avatars.

With a crackle from his Manectric's static, Josh whispered to Alec in his comms. "I'm in position and will charge on your command." He gently pat the back of Saber's yellow pelt. "Get ready to strike." The Gym Leader's electric steed nodded, tilting his head toward the ground.

Post MP: 10 (IC post)
Thread MP: 20

{WC: 170}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Meteos          Aerodactyl        Good  
Braver          Arcanine          Good  
Twilight        Absol             Good  
Resheph         Dragonair         Good  

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
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alec foster DOLLARS
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alec foster
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 9:41:10 GMT
alec foster Avatar
"Very likely story," Alec says, his expression not changing. He has never seen this guy before, and it was likely that didn't know the man either. The entirety of Ultra Deep Sea was a warzone, and for someone to be completely on their own in the middle of a warzone only made the man's statement made him all the more suspicious. Alec grabbed the TERA ORB that was strapped to his belt with the rest of his Pokeballs. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that to convince me," Alec said, wasting no time in tossing the orb into the air, thus activating it. The Terastal energy spewed forth, surrounding Alec's Dragonite, encasing it crystal, only for it to shatter with the Dragonite gain plaid colored sheen, shining like a diamond.

The tossing of the Tera Orb was the signal for Josh to act. Alec didn't want to waste the chance by speaking to Josh over the comm link that was nestled in his left ear. With the activation of the Tera Orb, plus with Josh hopefully making his move, 's true colors would eventually show.

- IC Post (10 MP)
- use terastallization in your thread. 10 MP
MP Total: 30 MP

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may 15
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5'10" height
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elijah gardner
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 5:46:59 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

the gall of the league to strike someone unarmed. no pokemon in sight apart from theirs. typical, elijah thinks. typical that the league would aggress when they believe they have the upperhand.[break][break]

when alec terastallizes his dragonite, the apothecary sighs; he's resigned to the inevitability of a fight, but he'll play the game a little while longer.[break][break]

from his robe, a frogadier spews a SMOKESCREEN. elijah's cloaked by the murky plume, the grey smoke mingling with the pink.[break][break]

from inside it, he yells, "listen, man. i don't want no drama. i'm just trying to get back to dewford, alright?!"[break][break]

quickly, he plucks STICKY GLOBS from his pockets and prepares them for use.


+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2023 1:41:31 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
A SMOKESCREEN. That threw a Mankey wrench in Josh's plans. As powerful and undodgeable as the hypersonic electric attack was, it wouldn't do him any good if he couldn't see. For now, he would have to create a diversion. As the Manectric continued to tread air high above Ultra Deep Sea's surface, Josh lobbed a Poké Ball toward the smoke. From within popped out an Illumina Absol, the Gym Leader hoping her bright light could pierce the Frogadier's smoke enough for Alec to see shadows to strike at.

Even if the light of a Crystalbloom couldn't pierce the obscuring mist, the dark-type served a second purpose: a series of goading cries aimed to TAUNT the water-type and Rocket into taking their aggression out on the glowing, saddle-wearing fighter. This, of course, was all a diversion for the Manectric to strike from above, fast as a lightning bolt, in a hypersonic dive Josh hoped would end the battle just as quickly as it started.

"Wait for it, Saber..."

Post MP: 10 (IC post) + 10 (Assist another character)
Thread MP: 40

{WC: 167}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Meteos          Aerodactyl        Good  
Braver          Arcanine          Good  
Twilight        Absol             Good  
Resheph         Dragonair         Good  

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
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alec foster DOLLARS
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alec foster
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2023 2:11:52 GMT
alec foster Avatar
"Then maybe you should've thought more carefully before coming here!" Alec's serious expression didn't falter, even when lifted his cloak revealing a frogadier. Just as it released a SMOKESCREEN, Alec pulled out a SCATTERBANG from his pocket, only to throw it down on the ground in front of him. The loud popping sound would hopefully disorient Elijah and the Frogadier both, allowing for his Terastallized Dragonite to go in. Its Terastal energy giving its EXTREMESPEED a boost, moving so fast that their eyes wouldn't be able to see, gunning for the Enemy pokemon at ultrasonic speed.

Alec wasn't going to make this easy for his enemies. Against Team Rocket, there wouldn't be anything that Alec wouldn't employ. He would make sure that they didn't escape, and with the use of Scatterbang on top of his Dragonite's speed would only solidify that more.

- IC Post (10 MP)
- using a scatterbang in conflict against your opponent. (10 MP 1/3)
MP Total: 50 MP

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may 15
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elijah gardner
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 9:42:25 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

discreetly, elijah splatters the smoke-smothered floor with a STICKY GLOB. it is made out of a horrid adhesive derived from the realm's ultra beasts. should any pokemon—or human for that matter—grace gummy strip, they would find themselves stuck.[break][break]

that is why elijah hopes the SMOKESCREEN had bought him time and stealth—even with the light of TERASTALLIZATION & ILLUMINA.[break][break]

after all, these stubborn league trainers were more focused on him than the floor.[break][break]

and while 's DRAGONITE attempts to EXTREMESPEED through the gunk, elijah retaliates.[break][break]

"just defending myself from your aggression!" elijah says dryly.[break][break]

his FROGADIER, who remains nestled comfortably against his chest, fires a HYDRO PUMP toward the TAUNTING ABSOL.


+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (STICKY GLOB [1/3])[break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 5:39:35 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Veta's Terastal glow was all Josh needed to see through the SMOKESCREEN and deliver a fast, precise, and overwhelming strike. Hidden high above the battlefield, the Master of Faster gripped his mount with every bit of strength he had. "Saber, let's go, now!" the Leader commanded, his muscles tense with anticipation. He put his BRAVEST face on, the SYNC STONE embedded in front of the Manectric's thundercloud saddle activating and fueling a reckless, hyperspeed electric charge with enhanced power well beyond the suit's design limits. Twilight getting drenched by Frogadier's HYDRO PUMP put her in danger. It was too late to stop this attack, though.

With the speed of a lightning strike, the electric-type surrounded himself in a net of bolts that the rider's suit kept him protected from. Even Josh was forced to hold on for dear life, feeling like he was riding Raikou again with the face-melting speed his mount pounced with. The momentum behind the living lightning strike, plus the DISCHARGE fueling the lightning strike, had caused an unexpected problem. Not only did the STICKY GLOB immobilize Saber, but the sheer amount of INFINITY ENERGY emitted from Josh's suit was causing a distinct trail of smoke to waft from his back. Furthermore, the sheer radius of the crashing DISCHARGE had cooked his Absol. He withdrew the fallen dark-type, taking matters into his own hands by drawing the blade had helped train him how to use. He and his electric steed were taking matters into their own hands.

The INFINITY CELL powering his suit was overheating. If he didn't end the battle soon, the Crystalbloom inside his Sygna Suit would shatter from the stress of its overuse, which would render the entire suit useless.

He had to end this battle fast.

INFINITY CELL TEMPERATURE [                    ]

Post MP: 10 (IC post) + 50 (Ally mon KO'd)
Thread MP: 100

{WC: 293}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Meteos          Aerodactyl        Good  
Braver          Arcanine          Good  
Twilight        Absol             KO  
Resheph         Dragonair         Good  

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
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This soul of mine breaks over and over ...
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alec foster DOLLARS
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alec foster
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 21:45:02 GMT
alec foster Avatar
"Our aggression!?" Alec thought to himself, his facial expression fuming with anger. Was this guy serious!? Did he know what Team Rocket has done!? It made Alec wonder if was just a small-time grunt. If this were the case then this battle wouldn't even be a challenge for him. Regardless, Alec was still, if not even more determined now, to absolutely clobber this guy into the dirt. With Josh's Absol's TAUNT, it forced the opposing Frogadier to attack the Absol with a powerful HYDRO PUMP. What's more was that due to the STICKY GLOB that Elijah used, immobilizing Josh's Manetric.

Despite this, the Manetric was still able to attack, unleashing a DISCHARGE, empowered by the SYGNA SUIT that Josh wore; smoke billowing out from it. That's not good. Josh is battling too recklessly, Alec thought to himself. Meanwhile, Alec's Dragonite tanked the Mantetric's Electric Attack, no longer having a weakness to Electric-Type attacks due to its Terastallization turning it into a pure NORMAL TYPE, and with its MULTISCALES, it gave the Dragonite more durability, allowing her to try and sweep the Frogadier with a DRAGON TAIL. If the attack connected, it'd force the frog back into its Pokeball.

- IC Post (10 MP)
MP Total: 60 MP

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may 15
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 23:10:17 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

elijah is blinded. though the smoke affects him too, it is the kaleidoscopic light of terastallization and the residual retinopathy of 's scatterbang that he has not accounted for.[break][break]

he cusses. though the SMOKESCREEN stealths the adhesive on the ground, he too, is subject to the plume.[break][break]

elijah is pounced on by SABER, THE MANECTRIC and the DISCHARGE rattles through his body. his FROGADIER leaps out in time. its lithe body is able to weave through electric bolt and whip—but outnumbered like this, it can not evade the DRAGON TAIL of a DRAGONITE.[break][break]

the apothecary grumbles as the frog is returned to its ball.[break][break]

"oh you fuckers." elijah rips two pokeballs out from his waistbelt.

a TANGROWTH emerges alongside a GOGOAT and immediately, the former sets a GRASSY TERRAIN as it moves toward the MANECTRIC.[break][break]

the GOGOAT lunges for 's DRAGONITE to prevent it from assisting, its horns glowing bright green for an empowered LEAF BLADE.


+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+50 MP (FROGADIER "KO")[break]
+10 MP (STICKY GLOB [1/3])[break][break]

TL;DR: elijah pounced by manectric; frogadier "fainted" (returned to ball). while on the ground, elijah summons tangrowth and gogoat. tangrowth sets grassy terrain and moves toward manectric, while gogoat tries to leaf blade dragonite.

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2023 18:50:14 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Great teamwork, Alec!" Josh called out. Though Saber was immobilized by the STICKY GLOB, his role in bringing down the swift water-type was invaluable. The dragon master and speed demon had a clear advantage. Josh's star Pokémon was immobilized, but far from helpless. He tilted his head to face .

"This can stop whenever you want it to," the intimidating-looking Gym Leader reiterated, "in exchange for your sworn fealty to Commissioner ." From the Rocket's clear aggression with the two Grass-types, that wasn't happening any time soon. A Tangrowth, towering over even the rather large Manectric, bounded toward the two. "Wait for it..." he whispered into the electric wolf's ear, mist effervescing from behind the defender's jaws.

The terror-inducing look on Josh's face remained. While it was BRAVERY that fueled the added vigor of the ICE FANG to come, it could have come off as reckless abandon to both and Elijah. It was anger that had taught Josh to harness. While he was still working on controlling that anger, it was a brutal weapon when wielded properly. It had its limits, though: limits Josh would soon discover as the CRYSTABLOOM within his Sygna Suit continued to rise in temperature.

Even if the ICE FANG missed the Tangrowth, it would still strike the terrain, freezing the fibers of the STICKY GLOB to the point where any strong Pokémon attack could shatter then. Even his own DISCHARGE if necessary.

INFINITY CELL TEMPERATURE [                    ]

Post MP: 10 (IC post)
Thread MP: 110

- Josh says he will stand down in exchange for Elijah surrendering himself to the League.
- Saber is still immobilized by the STICKY GLOB, and has to wait for Tangrowth to come to him.
- If the ICE FANG misses Tangrowth, it will freeze the terrain and STICKY GLOB beneath him, letting him free himself with his next attack.

{WC: 241}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  
Saber           Manectric         Good  
Meteos          Aerodactyl        Good  
Braver          Arcanine          Good  
Twilight        Absol             KO  
Resheph         Dragonair         Good  

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
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53 height
53 height
This soul of mine breaks over and over ...
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alec foster DOLLARS
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alec foster
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 8:36:06 GMT
alec foster Avatar
Alec smirked lightly at Josh's thanks, showing his appreciation. However, this battle they were in was far from over. In fact, it looks like the fun was just about beginning, seeing how brought out not only a Tangrowth but also a Gogoat. It seemed as though the man didn't take Veta delivering the finishing blow to his Frogadier all too well. Well, if he didn't like that, then he sure as hell wouldn't enjoy this," Alec thought to himself as he watched the Gogoat try to attack his Dragonite with a LEAF BLADE, only for Veta to dodge it, using EXTREMESPEED, while countering, sending her tail right into the Gogoat's face with same burst of speed, sending it flying just as fast into the Tangrowth, while simultaneously helping Josh's Manetric in a way.

Despite Alec's hatred towards Team Rocket, he was still think smart. The same went for his Dragonite as well. Alec wasn't able to gauge just how tough this guy and his pokemon were as of this moment. For the time being, he just seemed like some smallfry, but Alec's slight caution enabled him and his pokemon to do better in this battle, which would pay off in the long run ... or at least he hoped.

- IC Post (10 MP)
- KO an enemy's Pokemon (10 MP)
- Assisting an ally/their Pokemon (10 MP)
MP Total: 90 MP

- Alec's Dragonite delivered the finishing blow to Elijah's Frogadier

- Alec's Dragonite not only dodges the Gogoat's incoming Leaf Blade, but also counters w/ Extremespeed, while simultaneously sending the Gogoat flying into the Tangrowth - assisting Josh's Manetric in a unique way (i.e. Get Wrecked, Shiv ^.^ love you coughs)

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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
Raging Plasma Fists [POSTDORMITUM]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 3:55:16 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

the MANECTRIC ICE FANGS the TANGROWTH, the super-effective attack freezing the adhesive as well. the mass of vines groans in pain, but a pulse of healing brushes over everyone in the GRASSY TERRAIN...[break][break]

at the same time, the DRAGONITE STRIKES THE GOGOAT with its tail.[break][break]

however, the GOGOAT seems relatively unphased. it shakes off its brief stupor; the terastallization augmenting the EXTREME SPEED'S startling strength. however, the GRASSY TERRAIN had activated the GOGOAT'S GRASS PELT ABILITY; its DEFENSES are a hardy thicket.[break][break]

"POWER WHIP." elijah says. [break][break]

the TANGROWTH complies first.[break][break]

its vines attempt to wrap around the MANECTRIC with a violent snap, while the GOGOAT, aiming to take advantage of its new position, attempts to press its horns against the canine.[break][break]

"you're all crazy. attacking a random guy who didn't even strike first." elijah barks, voice aggressive and raw. "think about it... let me go, and i'll let the manectric go too."


+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+10 MP (IC POST)[break]
+50 MP (FROGADIER "KO")[break]
+10 MP (STICKY GLOB [1/3])

TL;DR: elijah's gogoat and tangrowth are hit; gogoat's defenses are heightened by grass pelt, able to brush off the attack some. tangrowth attempts to wrap the manectric tight with POWER WHIP. gogoat presses horn toward manectric in threatening manner.

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