i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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september 20
Fashion Designer
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born into this dying world, its time is up
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2020 21:12:05 GMT
 "oh, fuck me.." the woman grimaces. her garchomp looks back at her, seemingly nervous, as he realizes his mistake. the visibility dropped, which was both a good and a bad thing. a bad thing, because it would make it difficult for fliers to see their exact locations. a bad thing, because it would lower their own visibility.

still, the oncoming rain from the other attacks from the water made it just a bit better. just a little bit. she could make out the figures in the distance, along with the oncoming tidal wave. she can help with it.. but she'd have to make sure that there was a big space that could actually.. make that possible.

she hears the familiar voice of her brother , - thank the gods he was alright, - stepping up and barking commands. "be careful up there, alex." she's worried, even when she knows that he can protect himself. she's worried, because he's the only family in hoenn that she has.

she takes a look around.plenty of space around her, plenty of water. it should be safe enough to let her wailord out. at the very least, he would be able to either direct the tidal wave with water spout, or use his massive body as a shield. either way--

"everyone, stand back!" she calls out to the people still on shore. a massive wailord pops out of the pokeball, casting a shadow over the sea. he rolls onto his side, where the spout was open and facing the tidal wave. she recalls her blissey and meganium back into their pokeballs, while her garchomp takes to the air, bringing daphne with him, as she raises her voice: "OUT OF THE WAY!"

it was a warning. one that her wailord assisted in, letting out a loud groan to echo across the sea. the giant whale pokemon takes in a deep breath, and shoots a hefty WATER SPOUT at the tidal wave, hoping to push it back to the attackers at sea and shake the rocks that may be in their way.

- daphne is being carried by GARCHOMP in the sky, just above wailord.
- GARCHOMP's SAND VEIL is active: increased evasion in SANDSTORM
- she's also telling everyone to GET THE HELL OUTTA THE WAY
- WAILORD rolled onto his side and used WATER SPOUT towards the wave


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2020 23:02:32 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



"I got it, understood!" Kaida nearly snarled at , reigning in the urge to snap at her own allies, "I won't fail you." Not like she failed Littleroot. Her job was to win this war, and hell and high water, quite literally in this case, wasn't going to stop her. "I'll protect you." She promised, two familiar voices in and weighed on her. If she lost the voices here, she'd never hear them again, might never recall them. It was enough to have hazy memories, for her life to fade and repeat in a day, it was not fine for her to let their lives fade into memory. [break][break]

"Muspel!" She cried out, the shore would be safe, and they couldn't stall forever. It was time to strike them. Her urgency only rose as the tidal wave approached, swinging onto the Charizard's back and returning Kjoll to his Pokball. He'd be helpful anywhere but the sky. Bragi's muscles crackled in Shift Gear, the Toxicitry hopping abroad. Finally,, she felt a weight on her shoulders and chest, Silk having expelled a bunch of sand in a Minimize as he joined the team. "Don't die!" She howled over the battle, leaving another instruction unsaid to those she didn't know. Be our distraction. [break][break]

Muspel screamed into the air, straight up, limbs pumping in a boosting Dragon Dance. They couldn't defend against that wave, and she needed all the time she had. Perhaps the enemy wouldn't notice if they were fast. She didn't wait for the others of her team, they'd be there, she knew. She simply directed Muspel north once they reached the clouds. To the north, and to the enemy. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! Salac used! [break][break]

tl;dr: Onix is recalled! Toxicity uses Shift Gear and boards Charizard! Sandaconda uses Minimize and wraps around Kaida as she boards Charizard! Charizard uses Dragon Dance and flies to the north up in the clouds! The team intends to use the other teams as distraction as she travels with and to the inner islands in the north!


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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
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17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 3:15:41 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


Ethel watched as the attacks that her team released struck their mark. Somehow, Flavor's Dragon Pulse managed to nail a boat on just the right spot to flip it over entirely, dropping Megalopolans into the water and pushing them towards the whirlpool. She smiled grimly. It didn't make her happy to hurt and kill people, but this was different. The Megalopolans were trying to take over their land, and if the rumors were right, would eat them if given the chance. Feeling bad for hurting them was like a Deerling feeling bad for Headbutting an hunting Pyroar.

She braced herself as the ship shook, some unknown attack being deflected by an Araquanid's Wide Guard. The jostling snapped her out of her thoughts, and she prepared to start another assault on the aliens, but was interrupted by... several things happening in the distance.

For one thing, wormholes opened up around the strange black contraptions the aliens had built in the distance, and Ethel saw something big come out of them. But that was a problem that she could handle later, because she had no idea what she could do about it now. Much more pressing was the Shadow Shed that obliterated Stratus's Light Screen, and the enormous tidal wave that these aliens had somehow made.

Ethel felt a sense of panic. Here she was, on a ship headed right for the wave, with no way of escape. Her hope was quickly rekindled, however, by the sight of people's Pokemon attempting to repel the wave with a mighty group effort of their own.

"Stratus, put that barrier back up, please," she said. The Emolga complied and put up Light Screen once more, protecting the team and hopefully the ship from severe damage. With that taken care of, Crescent and Flavor began their assaults once more, this time turning to the enemies who plagued the sky. Crescent unleashed a vortex of flame upwards, hoping to trap any airborne attackers in the Fire Spin, while Flavor Belched a stream of poisonous gas at them, the thin stream puffing out into a large, noxious cloud.

Finally, Ethel smiled at her last Pokemon. "Magic... do what you do best." She gestured at those who were trying to literally turn the tides of the fight, specifically Daphne Stone's Wailord, and Magic nodded. Raising his hands, the Mr. Mime quickly Mimicked the Water Spout, compounding the efforts of those who had already started combating the wave.

- Ethel freaks out temporarily cause aah tsunami
- Emolga uses Light Screen again because r00d Shadow Shed
- Lampent uses Fire Spin to hopefully damage some flying enemies
- Salandit uses Belch on the same area that Lampent used Fire Spin on
- Galarian Mr. Mime Mimics Daphne's Wailord's Water Spout, adding his own power to combat the wave

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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @stone
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 9:20:21 GMT
[attr="class","stone"]the shore is lost but alexander does not say anything. some will stay and defend it; their sacrifices will not be in vain. because of this realization — alexander does not help redirect the tidal wave.

"get off the beach," is the last thing he says to before departing on the back of his salamence.

pyukumuku remains suctioned on his back, prepared to cast a shield of PROTECT if she needs to. gallade does what he can to SWORDS DANCE on the back of salamence, who also remains ready to PROTECT. swampert is recalled for now.

up high into the air, through the clouds, alexander heads northeast with . he hopes they remain stealthy enough.


ooc //
- see visual guide.
- alexander appreciates the backup from .
- alexander says goodbye to .
- alexander flies straight up until the clouds are under him.
- alexander flies northeast with .
- pyukumuku and salamence ready their PROTECT actions if danger comes their way.
- gallade continues to SWORDS DANCE.
- alexander rolls his stealth check.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon gallade"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon salamence"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon swampert"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon pyukumuku"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon pyukumuku"]

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
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Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 10:40:09 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


selena’s fingers grasp the metal railings as the ship wobbles, thinking the megalopolans have an army underwater as well. her eyes dart back to tapu koko and venus who succeed thwarting the flying-types in spite of the aliens’ quick retaliation.[break][break]

ultra wormholes whirlpool in the sky above the giant trammels from the distant islands. with such a stroke of luck, the machineries’ activation triggers the earth and sends a colossal tidal wave into the city of lilycove.[break][break]

they have to move fast.[break][break]

“we’re wasting time on the coast. we need to advance now!” urgency coats her every word, her scream pleads for people to board the ships. she will wait before she gives the signal for the captain to sail forth.[break][break]

but if anyone is looking, they will notice selena is observing from the ledge of the bow. delphox has been called out and milotic already slips into the water. just like what she and tapu koko plan.[break][break]

the gym leader jumps, mounts on milotic and sails into the nearby isles where the enemies spawn. venus, who remains in the air, helps the other pokémons counter the tsunami with mirror move, adding size into their opposing ocean wave before she and tapu koko follows selena and medusa.[break][break]

as they reach the mouth of the holm, the surfing milotic drowns the megalopolans and their naganadels with muddy water as tapu koko electrocutes the drenched army with electroweb.[break][break]


+ tapu koko‘s electric surge remains on the field.[break]
+ selena feels the ship move; calls on others by the shores to hurry and orders the captain to start moving.[break]
+ selena recalls delphox; milotic jumps out of the ship and sails selena to the eastern island on the south.[break]
+ altaria uses mirror move on the tsunami to counter wave.[break]
+ milotic uses muddy water on megalopolans and naganadels on the island while tapu koko uses electroweb, powered by electric terrain and (hopefully) by being drenched in muddy water





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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 14:31:16 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

"Oh fuck, get off the beach!", the streamer called out to his Pokemon, making a break for higher ground. The trio, his Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and Archeops, would attempt to follow behind, with the ancient bird quickly coming out ahead of his master. Once they either made it to higher ground, or got pushed back by the tidal wave, Andrew and his team turned to face back towards the waters.

"King, Queen, lay down some Toxic Spikes! Screech, rain down some Ancient Power on these fuckers!", he commanded.

The Nidoqueen and Nidoking would work together to lay down a field of Toxic Spikes. Though they were flying in, anyone who decided to land would be in for a nasty surprise. For the moment, the Archeops would begin to blast the oncoming forces with ancient rocks.


tags: @tag
notes: Andrew and team scramble to get off the Beach
Nidoking and Nidoqueen both lay a trap for oncoming forces with Toxic Spikes (2 layers total)
Archeops uses Ancient Power to directly attack oncoming forces

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 20:05:30 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Why hadn’t—why hadn’t he gone to a warfront that didn’t have water?!

There was… utter pandemonium breaking out on the coast. While half the group had decided to gather in a phalanx-like formation to defend the beach head, he noticed that several others had gone on split courses—and Arceus he hoped nothing too dire would happen.

Thankfully Gabriel’s earlier maneuver was enough to get him to relative safety, but now—safety was departing! Wait, what?!

The lurching of the water made him sweat bullets even if he was on the shore. There was a threatening tidal wave incoming, and he had to get the hell out of the way!

“Vince, Tat, with me!” he said, loud enough for the two to hear as he quickly boarded the Salamence’s back. Normally he traveled alone in the skies, but time was of the essence—the Lucario followed behind, while the Gardevoir pointed to one of the boats.

“Th—there? Th—that one?” he croaked, before the Gardevoir nodded. “Are—are you…”

The Lucario sensed his distress, before releasing a calming wave of energy that somewhat helped, but his voice was still wound up. He couldn’t show weakness now! His paper-white complexion begged to differ, however.

“F-f-f-fine!” he squeaked out, before fumbling and fishing out the Lucario and the Gardevoir’s Pokéballs. “C-can’t risk you both getting hurt, get b-back in here, he added. Realizing that the stat boosts were going to be voided, he groaned minutely but it was for the best.

The two Pokémon allowed themselves to be recalled into their respective containment units, before he hung on tightly to the Salamence’s back.

“G-Gabe, g-get us…there! That boat!

With a roar, the Salamence took off, shooting towards the northern boat as fast as he could manage, flying at a reasonable altitude but still keeping an eye out for any pesky incoming attacks. He knew that the draconid had already used Protect, so using it again was going to be risky…

“Gabe, get a Flamethrower ready just in case anything gets too close.”

With that the Salamence took a deep breath as they continued to rocket towards the northern boat—hopefully to give whoever was on board some aerial support!


• Alexei is just appalled at everything going on
• After the initial surge, everyone gotta gtfo the beach so he does. With intense trepidation
• Recalls Gardevoir and Lucario
• Gets on Salamence
• Salamence prepares a Flamethrower attack in case anything gets in their way towards the northern boat

, aerial help INCOMING!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 3:11:40 GMT
Deleted Avatar
The first wave of attacks went well. The protection held, and Sanvi’s pair sniped down many a Megalopolan, a fact that had her smiling slightly at Darling and Bell. But, that was not to last long- the series of events that followed dissipating many of their defenses and sending a tidal wave straight for the beach. The visibility was also reduced by the sandstorm, making it that much harder to gauge how much time they had to move. 

She had to move.

With a flick of her wrist, Sanvi sent out her Corviknight, and within a few seconds returned Froslass and Chimecho to their balls. They weren’t fast enough to keep up with her two flying partners. Scanning the beach for anybody who didn’t have anything to carry them to safety, she made a decision. “With me! If you do not have a way to advance, my Salamence can carry you! I will be going on ahead with the others!” She yelled, covering her face partially with a sleeve to avoid getting grit in her mouth. Her Salamence roasted in agreement, waiting for a moment or two for anybody to approach before taking off, still hovering relatively near Sanvi.

That done, she vaulted onto the back of her Corviknight, ready to follow the others. As she did so, the steel raven’s body seemed to gleam with an Iron Defence, boosting her ability to withstand attacks. Inwardly, she prayed that they not get shot down as she followed , , and under the cover of the clouds. There was nothing she could do to stop the tidal wave, and so she didn’t bother giving her Salamence any orders.

•Sanvi’s Corviknight is sent out and uses Iron Defence.
•Froslass and Chimecho are returned to their balls.
•Sanvi’s Salamence lingers behind for a few moments while she gets ready to fly after , , and
•Taking off, Sanvi follows the other three into the clouds.
-Corviknight’s Pressure and Salamence’s Intimidate are active, exhausting nearby enemy Pokémon and lowering their attack power.
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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 21:02:29 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

It happened so suddenly, the cannon slapping against the Araquanids’s wideguard, slapping it into the waters below. The blue eyes scanned the direction it came from, but he couldn’t see anything. But what he did know was that it came from the beach! “Was...that friendly fire,” he asked the pokemon that appeared just as confused as Corviknight was successful at throwing riders down to their feathers as the war waged on.

The blonde quickly moved from his spot as he heard Selena telling them to get going. There was just one thing. That was easy to say when you had a pokemon that could avoid. Billi felt the rumble of the trummells in the distance. Around him, people scattered, ultrabeasts in the distance coming out of the ultra wormhole like termites in wood. Leaning down to the captain he smiled brightly, “Okay friend, keep it going straight. And we’ll deal with the wave. Either...like I’ll be a moses and split it or we hope for the best! Don’t worry!” Billi stated with his bright smile.

As he walked up to the front of the boat where Selena had jumped off onto the shore, Billi turned to his Galvantula, “Okay we need some rain buddy! It’s the only way we can beat this wave,” the electro spider nodded, as it spun its body around, it’s legs spinning, the clouds darkening as the rain began to pour, empowering the Surfs, the water sports, and any other water moves by at least fifty percent.

The rain poured down as Billi moved his Araquanid forward as they approached the wave, “Hold on it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!” he exclaimed as he tapped the spider, “use liquidation,” he told the pokemon helping hold it’s arm up as the water like blades appeared, glowing brightly, larger due to the rain, and sliced downward, trying to combat the wave, and whatever was behind it, either ultrabeast or boat. Ariados using it’s swords dance once to get ready for the attack that would soon ensue as they attempt to pierce the wave. Up above Corviknight flew, releasing a screeching loud Taunt, preventing any status changing moves from anything around them, after Ariados used it’s swordsdance.


Galvantula used Rain Dance

Araquanid used Liquadation trying to slice the wave and everything behind it. Empowered by the rain.

Ariados used Swords Dance.

Corviknight used Taunt to prevent any status moves from tacking effect.


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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 1:27:11 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar leaned forward, relaxing slightly as his merry band left the chaos of the beach behind them. He was feeling optimistic about their mission, and made the sentiment known to Priam. “Y’know, I was being sarcastic before but I’m actually feeling pretty good about our chances. I mean, we’re off to a great start and as long as we stay low this should be no—we forgot to turn off the fuckin’ lighthouse.

As the beam of the lighthouse cut through the dark, Oscar found himself staring down a platoon of angry megaloplans and their equally angry ultra beast companions. And wouldn’t ya know it, they were staring back. The purple wasp things began to spark with electricity, forcing action out of Oscar. Oscar placed a hand on Razor’s upper tusk, and he knew immediately what to do. Oscar looked to Lancer, “Alright, Lancer use--

Poof—Oscar had no chance to finish his order as Razor ripped forward, disappearing into the dark ether that awaited beyond life (Phantom Force). Razor’s goal would be to reappear on the other side of the island, bypassing the megaloplans entirely. From there, he would follow Priam to their next destination.

Meanwhile, Lancer had to think fast. A bolt of lightning zipped past him, spurring him out of his earlier surprise. He began to barrel roll extremely fast, the outline of his spinning from becoming an enormous drill. As Lancer surged forward with Drill Run, he would bob and weave as he sliced through flying megaloplans and their toxic steeds. Any lightning bolts that hit him would bounce off, unable to penetrate the ground type move’s swirling defense. Upon reaching the far end of the island, he would cease his spinning and use Priam’s Tailwind from earlier to follow him to safety.

Meanwhile, Njord the Kingdra had his hands full. Fins full? He was busy. There was so much happening that he wasn’t sure where he was needed most. As he spotted a hydreigon and its master create a wave with Surf though, he decided that was a good enough idea to support. As that wave approached him, Njord turned and surged forward once it arrived. He used Surf to expertly ride the wave, adding his own power to it to increase its size. With rain falling and a few Water Spouts providing assistance, the wave should have no trouble overcoming the tsunami. Just in case though, Njord was ready to use his Swift Swim to quickly dive down and avoid any unnecessary damages.

And then there was Boris, watching the events on the beach unfold from his perch at the foot of the lighthouse. As his master had requested, he was doing nothing but charge his power until the time to strike was right (Dragon Dance). Yet as the battle went on, it became clear that the boats would soon set off to continue the battle elsewhere. It was time to move. Boris stepped back from the cliff’s edge. He went all the way to the lighthouse before turning back, his eyes blazing with determination. He ran forward, his previous two Dragon Dances providing him exceptional speed. At the cliff’s edge he would jump off, aiming his body toward the south boat. His objective was to land on the boat’s deck, immediately taking a passive stance in order to not overly startle anyone on the boat.


--Oscar and Dragapult disappeared with Phantom Force in order to bypass the Megaloplan platoon.

--Beedrill used Drill Run to deflect the electric attacks and take some flying megaloplans down as he sped to the other side of the island to follow Priam.

--Kingdra used Surf to enhance the ‘counter wave’. The Rain Dance has activated his Swift Swim

--Haxorus used Dragon Dance and jumped from the cliff to land on the South Boat before/as it departs.

Stat Boosts:
Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 (doubled by tailwind)
Beedrill: Atk +2, Speed (doubled by tailwind)
Kingdra: Speed (doubled by swift swim)
Haxorus: Atk +2, Speed +2



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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 1:33:37 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Had to move quick; with that Steelix tunnel collapsing going underground meant staying underground. Who ever that lady was that went down there. Godspeed to her.

The man who had given the lot of them sanctuary was taking off, mounting his, whatever that was he took off against the coming mass tide, a wave forming from the motion of his pokémon; SURF. He'd asked for help before he rode away, not waiting to see if anyone would actually back him up. It took guts to be the spearhead of counter-attack. Something in Sénon couldn't leave him to do it alone.

Regardless he couldn't ignore the depleting numbers of their side on the shore. It was time to move on and take the fight to the enemy. In the long distance he saw a gaping hole in the sky, from it poured creatures he'd never seen before.

All of it made his heart hammer against his chest and rib cage, but the hammering told him he was still alive.

His ditto still in Kingdra-form, he came to it with strict orders. "Help stop the the wave, SURF something against it if you can." Nervous, he pressed his forehead against the forehead scales of the Kingdra cradling the back of the pkmn's head. It felt strange, but it was still Gan.

"After the wave, stay below sea level to travel." Pointing to the northern islands closest to their position with enemy activity. "Meet the rest of us on that island! ICE BEAM anything that gets in your way if you can't go under or around it." He thumped twice on the sea dragon's chest as if banging (not knocking), on a door.

Releasing the fourth pkmn from his ball he climbed the Salamence's back immediately, watching Gan take off against the wave. The feeling in his gut tore him apart to watch the second oldest and most experienced of his pkmn go off without him.

He had to hope that hope and experience was enough for at least the next few moments. "FLY!" Doing what it did best, the dragon lifted and didn't stop. Ninju still in his backpack he yelled to it. "Use MIND READER; anticipate any targeted attacks against us!"

● tags: @raid
● musical notes: What's Up Danger
● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.


Senon gave orders to Gan, the Ditto-Kingdra on how to navigate and defend next turn,
as well as where to go next turn.
(Couldn't say good-bye).
⚲ (LIMBER); Transform/♂︎ (SWIFT SWIM); Hydro Pump / Dragon Pulse / Rain Dance / Surf / Draco Meteor / Ice Beamsupports and 's Kingdra. RAIN DANCE; provided by , activates Swift Swim and powers up surf.
♂︎ (COMPOUNDEYES); Harden / Mud-Slap / Absorb / Metal-Claw / Mind Reader / Dig uses MIND READER to get a heads up
on anyone targeting them.

♀︎ (INTIMIDATE); Brine / Ice Fang / Hurricane / Hydro Pump in Pokéball
♂︎ (INTIMIDATE); Fly / Flamethrower / Crunch / Headbutt used FLY to ascend up into the air, vertically leaving the scope of the battlefield. Attempting to then fly north, then fly east to land on the intended (mega-occupied) island.

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august 12
castelia city
i can't smile wide, i'm stuck, there's nothing I can do
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evangeline DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evangeline
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 3:09:56 GMT
evangeline Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Evangeline can feel her heart claw its way out of her chest and up her throat as the SURF carries her into the space near the island of stone. She uses the last vestiges of the massive wave to coast around the rock formations and come out on the other side of it, only to be faced by the enemy troops -- now in much more intimate space than when she was just another body on the beach.

"Incoming! Protect! Evangeline screams the order over the sounds of the water and combat around them. Most of her pokemon are too tired to erect another barrier with any level of certainty, but Tentacruel is fresh. The gem on her forehead flashes for a second and then suddenly there's a ruby-tinted screen covering the air around herself and her trainer.

Evangeline doesn't wait to see if the THUNDERBOLTS will hit. As she watches the troops on the nearby shore mobilize she has only one plan in mind.

"Charge the beach!" she shouts and Tentacruel instantly sets off towards the island as quickly as she can manage, "Covering fire!" she shouts again and her Toxicroak and Weezing (hunkered down around her so that they might share at least some of their comrade's PROTECT) attempt to rain hell on the shoreline. Toxicroak lets out a bellowing croak and Weezing rapidly mixes her poisonous insides before they both send off a volley of SLUDGE BOMBS that will hopefully force the enemy troops back.

As they draw closer to the beach, under increasingly heavy fire, Evangeline reaches for her fourth pokeball once again. The moment they're in range she'll send out Scolipede again to clear their immediate surroundings with an EARTHQUAKE.

+ Evangeline hunkered down on top of Tentacruel as it used PROTECT to attempt and stop the incoming THUNDERBOLTS
+ Tentacruel charged forwards towards the shore at full speed
+ Toxicroak used SLUDGE BOMB to attempt to lay down mortar fire on the beach while taking partial cover behind Tentacruel's PROTECT
+ Weezing used SLUDGE BOMB to attempt to lay down mortar fire on the beach while taking partial cover behind Tentacruel's PROTECT
+ Evangeline prepared Scolipede's Pokeball with the intent of releasing it and using EARTHQUAKE should they manage to reach the island's beach and the troops there


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 12:11:12 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
There were other people aboard, but Skyler barely paid them any attention as she maneuvered the northern ship away from the beach. When she glanced at the other person in the helm with her there was a flash of recognition; Skyler gave a small nod, noticing with some relief the woman's ease around the ship's controls. 

The moment of relief was unfortunately short-lived.  Skyler looked up at the sound of a distant roar, a second before the ocean started to churn ominously under the ship. Face growling paler, the sailor watched with mounting horror the surging tidal wave headed straight for them. "Shit." The whisper was followed by a flurry of activity as Skyler steered the ship so that its front was facing the wave - less surface for the wave to drag.

She followed  's lead when he passed overhead in a Hydreigon - and commanded her Slowbro to use SURF in order to either take control of the wave and shove it away or to hopefully dissipate some of its strength. "Nautilus." The Wailord was at the side of the ship, following its path. The captain sent it ahead, watching through the first drops of rain as it used WATER SPOUT in order to try and carve a path through the incoming tidal wave, before falling back to its former position. Hopefully its size would serve to stabilize the boat.

At the same time, Lapras started to glow a luminescent blue. The closest rain drops ceased their downward path and instead floated in the air, becoming tiny beacons of light, the preemptive LIFE DEW settling over both humans and pokémon alike, including any new arrivals. Skyler would then recall the Lapras back into her pokéball.

"If it looks like we're not making it, I want you to get away from here with whoever you can grab." Skyler was the self-appointed captain, so she was all too aware that she was responsible for whoever had come aboard - or at least she felt that way. "But for now try and attack any enemies that come close. There!" The Salamence growled and released a DRAGON PULSE against a Naganadel and its rider. 


+ skyler maneuvers the boat so that it faces the incoming tidal wave 
+ slowbro uses surf in order to take control of the tidal wave/weaken it
+ wailord swims ahead of the ship and uses water spout to try and carve a path through the wave before coming back
+ lapras uses a life dew preemptively on everyone on the deck of the ship (including new arrivals)
+ salamence uses dragon pulse to attack a nearby naganadel and its rider and readies herself to save skyler/nearby people in case the plan to weaken the wave fails
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hunter
hunter warren
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 17:32:22 GMT
hunter warren Avatar


“If this isn’t our fight, then what is?!”

The way he shouted back at Dani betrayed his usually timid personality. It’s not like him to scream, and it’s even less like him to argue with a friend. The only reason he’s doing it— the only reason he’s willing to step out of what he’s familiar with is this war. These aliens. The risk of having his home destroyed by a bunch of man-eating creatures.

“It’s our home!”

There’s a subtle hint of whininess in his voice that’s almost pleading from his friend to stay and do whatever she can alongside him. He needs her, and Hoenn needs them.

And as confident as he may seem, as loud as he may sound, as hopeful as he might feel - nothing can prepare him for the sight of the incoming tidal wave. How are they supposed to survive that?

“N-Ninetales, Klefki! Use EXTRASENSORY and FLASH CANNON!”

Both the fairy types charged the beams within their mouths, gathering energy as fast as they could. “Skarmory, y-you can do it. BRAVE BIRD. The three of you together can split it— you have to!”

The bird is engulfed by an aura of azure flames, igniting its form and enhancing its speed to the highest level. It releases a final cry before launching itself at the wave, with the two beams shooting just at the same instant, intent on supporting its attack.

It wouldn’t survive this, Hunter figured. It’s a valiant sacrifice that the steel-type couldn’t possibly live after. With teary eyes, the boy prays that it’s enough to split the wave in order to save their lives.


- hunter orders his klefki & ninetales to use EXTRASENSORY and FLASH CANNON against the wave
- his skarmory uses BRAVE BIRD and launches itself along with the beams
- the sacrifice is meant to split the wave hopefully so they don't die??? but skarmory is gone :pensive:

[attr="class","huntertag"] @raid

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 21:54:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]at the first sign of movement, blue breaks out the water; a burst of MUD BOMBS rain down on the beach, still littered with stone. as the first THUNDERBOLT crackles through the LIGHT SCREEN, iris' absol turns to face its source. warily, it watches the creature—calculates—mimicking it in some sort of ROLE PLAY.
something trembles underfoot. iris first looks to the ground, then the ocean as its waters begin to stir. running to the rocks, a sharp whistle calls the rest of her team to her as the LIGHT SCREEN fades, forgotten.
though the slopes of the small island would take the brunt of the impact, her aegislash reinforces their cover with a KING's SHIELD around the group. soon, the waters would pass.
noticing an object by her feet, iris picks up a sandy stun baton before moving to cover more land, following the AIR SLASH her togekiss fires across the trail of rocks, and towards the megalopolans gathered ahead.


* swampert uses MUD BOMB on the cluster of megalopolans on the beach; absol uses ROLE PLAY on a naganadel[break]
* iris uses the rocks ahead as cover from the tidal wave as her aegislash protects them with KING'S SHIELD[break]
* once the wave passes, iris picks up a stun baton and attempts to advance to the next stretch of land while togekiss uses AIR SLASH on the megalopolans ahead[break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay