i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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professor o, professor oak
october 15th
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ian oak
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 0:26:14 GMT
ian oak Avatar
enhanced thunder was on its way to connect with the sea. there were multiple and ian couldn't dodge all of them; even if he could there was still a chance of being electrocuted due to being within the water. professor oak factored in every moment on how he could save himself, but that wouldn't get him and starmie anywhere. there was only one way to save himself and starmie from being hit or taking any form of secondary damage.


starmie's jewel shined a bright red. afterwards, a flash of light would be seen expelling from the sea and toward one of the airborne naganadel. should one of them be hit by starmie's light, all incoming electricity would come to be redirected toward that one naganadel and the megalopolan, should there be one, riding it. protecting both he, others who were in the sea, and wild pokemon nearby.

if they were successful, starmie could swiftly catch up with . thus allowing for ian and his party to aid them in battle against those on shore. should starmie's spotlight fail, starmie, without order, prepared to send to ian flying far with PYSCHIC in order to save its trainer. it wasn't as if it didn't have the capability to self-recover, right?


+ ian used spotlight on one of the naganadel to redirect multiple incoming thunderbolts.
+ if unsuccessful, starmie readied to fling ian as a fail-safe with psychic in order to protect its trainer and would catch up later in order to perform recover, should it somehow survive.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 1:24:31 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar

Light flashes in the skies overhead as more of the violet-hued ultra beasts appear, their bodies alighting as thunderbolts sweep down onto the small makeshift party. "Cover us!" The command is heard by her blastoise, that quickly springs to her aid as it pulls itself from the water. It assists in defense, a barrier of green forming as a protect prevents the harsh electric strikes from meeting their purchase. Her dragonite immediately swooped into action, the thunder it calls down from the clouds above dwarfing their own bolts.

"Hold tight, it might get a little windy!"
Her warning is directed towards her group as she releases a third pokemon, her gyarados, which plunges into the sea down below. It resurfaces, facing away from the group and towards the rising, choppy waves that approached. A hurricane bellowed out from its gaping mouth to aid in combating it. The roar of wild, strong winds pushes back against the rising water that harshly slap against the rocky outcrop.

"Let's keep going,"
Noelle prompted the group in a hurried tone. The northernmost island wasn't far off, especially with the speed they were moving at. 

- Blastoise uses protect on the thunderbolts
- Dragonite uses thunder on the megalopolans & their pokemon
- Gyarados uses hurricane on any remnants of the tidal wave that's near them


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Agent SiK
August 26th
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TAG WITH @sebastianc
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 1:27:22 GMT
Igor Avatar

Almost as soon as the tunnel had been formed and entered it would appear to collapse. As such Igor and his Blastoise would shuffle on out back to the beach where'd they'd pause to inspect the scene in the distance. Shortly after though Blastoise would be returned to their respective Poke Ball while Spiro Spero and Freya were called out in his place.

With both birds hovering mid-air before Spiro Spero the Fearow landed on the beach and was taken as a flying mount by Igor himself, they'd shortly there after take off, not notifying their Rocket comrade of their plan in the least. Heading on out and into the skies as a new target, but one not targeted yet nonetheless, the trio would soar through the dark skies while Igor and Spiro Spero used the speed of Quick Attack. Meanwhile Freya would partially fly off to the side, veering in another direction before summoning up a Twister atop the sea itself ahead of their position and near the Southern boat and the tidal wave coming toward it, as if the Pidgeotto had attempted to stop it. Yet, this Twister would stay in place as it acted as more of a deterrent for the boat itself rather than the incoming tidal wave.

However this Twister would become larger as it began to absorb water, becoming a true raging piece of nature as Freya continue to take a different flight route than Igor and his Fearow. The latter two whom would of course take the opposite path and remain more toward the Northern area while they inspected the unfolding battle from an aerial advantage higher than the others seemed to want to go. 

Meanwhile Wolf the Blastoise would have kept after the Southern boat while remaining on the sea floor itself. Nearing the boat once more as it witnessed the incoming wave in the distance as well as a newly formed twister or whirlpool. Whatever was going on above the water's surface Wolf was truly ignorant of, but at least he had the vision to see the frames/rough forms of things to make rough guesstimates. And with this knowledge the Pokemon would fire off a mighty Hydro Cannon toward the Southern boat's opposite side, hoping that if the wave and twister were stopped that the force/motion would at least rock the boat above a bit.

Wolf's end goal was to use the Hydro Cannon to hit the rocking boat, if it rocked that was. Regardless his goal was now not to sink the boat, but to knock it clean over.

Igor flees the collapsing tunnel
Zoroark [as Blastoise] is returned to his Poke Ball
Igor summons Spiro Spero the Fearow, using him as a flying mount
Igor summons Freya the Pidgeotto as a Flying-support unit
Spiro Spero and Igor fly high using Quick Attack
Freya uses Twister near the Southern boat, but between it and the boat in hopes of damaging or harming the boat in some way or another [perhaps rocking side to side], though while also appearing as if it had been used in hopes of stopping the incoming tidal wave
Wolf uses Hydro Cannon at an angle it hopes will tip the Southern boat over

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 1:27:49 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar

faces arrived en masse, more or less dissolving any plans olivia may have had at a discreet mission. what's more - there was a torrential tidal wave coming for them. aboard the top of her vespiqueen as a defense order went out, olivia hovered a dozen feet or so above the ship and barked, "on the tide." she recalled the cradily in a flash of red light.

primarina climbed atop jellicent and they work in tandem - jellicent summoning a water spout to interfere with the tidal wave and primarina blasting the tide with icy wind. high above, shrouded in a flurry of combee, olivia watched fly past. she looked below and said flatly, "no vessel of mine will face she of the deep today." to .

+ olivia emerges from the sewers!
+ vespiqueen used defend order! (+2 DEF +2 SPDEF)
+ vespiqueen exerts pressure!
+ olivia hovers near the northern (league) boat!
+ jellicent used water spout! (at tidal wave)
+ primrina used icy wind! (at tidal wave)
+ cradily recalled!
+ tries to reassure skyler she isn't gonna sink the ship??
+ 7vX1fmrx

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 1:32:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Our fight is self preservation!

The sudden movement of the ship cuts her argument short and for good reason. Beyond the crest of the ship’s nose is the exact reason Dani had wanted them both out of Lilycove and in the safe recluse of Mauville: their fucking doom. On reflex, she curses again, silently as he looks to rip one of her Pokeballs off her belt.

Smoochy smooch, Ellygem, you’re up!

Both Pokemon stand in front of her, dauntless but equally clueless.

Psychic! Help us push forward!

Together, the pair of Pokemon looks to use their PSYCHIC powers to help split the water ahead. They both know better than to tackle the tidal wave alone, so instead they look to reinforce the ship’s helm, creating a sharp barrier to help this ship cut through the turbulent waters ahead.

Hunter, I fucking hate you!

A well deserved punch to his shoulder will have to sate her temper for now. With her own life on the line, she can’t just sit around to rely on strangers and her useless boy toy. Bringing out her Wooper, Dani darts out of the room, looking for anything else on the ship that can be of use. Equally petrified by the off chance she’s swept off the bow, she clings to her Wooper as a makeshift life vest.

This is fucking stupid.

Fucking dumb ass.

- Brings out Smoochum to use PSYCHIC with Egelgym to part the water the ships pass through.

- Brings out Wooper and clings to it for dear life.

- Looking around the the ship for something they can use.



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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 2:16:16 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar


The Whirlpool worked as well as could be expected. The Megalopolan advance by sea had failed and it seemed they were resorting to drastic measures. Wormholes appeared in the far distance as some kind of strange beast fell from them, as a tidal wave suddenly began to form and their protective shielding vanished. Celeste listened to 's words to attempt to redirect the wave and immediately came up with a plan of her own.

Whistling loudly to grab her pokemon's attention, Celeste quickly ran out into the water, only to be caught on the tail end of her Wishiwashi's school that had come back for her. Climbing on top, she motioned for the northern boat and they immediately began to set off with her Dhelmise shortly behind, and the massive Wailord beginning to breach by her side.

Celeste was quick with her orders, intent to waste no time against the massive wave. "Kelporeal, wrap around Tiny and the boat. Tiny, pull us through." Of course, the Wailord was hesitant to be wrapped around by its natural predator but right now they were fighting for all their lives. The Dhelmise's kelp chain was quick to wrap around Tiny, only to suddenly wrap around the boat as well. "Hang on!" Celeste would yell up to the northern boat from its side atop her Wishiwashi, who began to use AQUA RING to protect itself from the worst of the damage if possible. Jasper's still on her shoulder instinctively used LIGHT SCREEN once again to help lessen the blow, should it come to that.

With the kelp chain in place, Dhelmise's anchor sat firmly on the boat itself near and . Tiny let out another loud roar, charging forwards with a PROTECT up and ready to push through the waves and anyone who dared to harm them. "Come on big guy..." Celeste said with a slight frown spreading across her lips, gripping tightly onto Leviathan's school as best as she could. "Get them through, you can do it."


Celeste is taken to the northern boat via her Wishiwashi's School.
Dhelmise forgoes using a move, to wrap some of its hundreds of yards kelp chain around the boat and the Wailord.
Wailord uses Protect, pulling the boat through.
Wishiwashi uses Aqua Ring to protect and heal.
Espurr uses Light Screen to protect atop Celeste's shoulder.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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errand boy
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 2:44:19 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
there were too many things happening. it only takes priam a quick glance at his surroundings to get confident with his decision.

under the cover of multiple distractions such as tidal waves and sky battles and weather changes, priam takes charge and speeds through the battle field from the corner of the map to the objective. if they're going to be finding something worth it for rocket, it has to be here.

the braviary dives in amid the conflict, aided by tailwind and goes to board the ship. priam feels the safety offered by his espeon's protect as they go through the waters, reflecting thunderbolts from priam and his braviary with it.

a flap of his steel wing as soon as he lands sweeps megalopolans away from the ship's deck. priam and his espeon quickly go in below the deck while his braviary wrecks havoc.


  • priam leads him and oscar to a megalopolan ship
  • espeon uses protect against thunderbolt and other attacks
  • braviary uses steel wing on megalopolans on the ship
  • priam and his espeon go in

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 3:53:13 GMT
noah faber Avatar
as the wave builds in the distance, noah struggles to keep the salty winds out of his eyes. 's voice comes comfortingly as @iris's togekiss erects a LIGHT SCREEN ahead.

however, the sudden flare of electricity flickers across his face. as his falinks rush forward, noah hoists one into his arms. the gym leader leaps, landing deftly on to the shore with his sand-caked shoes beside . as the THUNDERBOLTS arc toward them, noah hurls a falinks unit into the air. it lands atop of a tower of falinks as they PROTECT, hoping to protect from being struck down.

he nestles himself beside @iris' aegislash, taking cover underneath its KING'S SHIELD as his unfezant and medicham DETECT for further threats ahead.

taking a moment to catch his breath, noah gasps, dark hair drenched against his face. "thanks."

before taking cover, his machamp would lunge away from escorting 's mr. mime, attempting to DYNAMIC PUNCH a naganadel and its rider before rolling into cover on the rocks.

machamp attacks naganadel + rider.
unfezant + medicham DETECTS, looking for enemies + protection.
falinks PROTECTS against thunderbolts + protects .
noah lands beside and takes cover behind @iris's aegislash.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon unfezant"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon falinks"]

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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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June Fair
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 5:39:47 GMT
June Fair Avatar
The sudden appearance of more enemies lying in wait for unknowing league forces were to be expected, despite this, however, June would have to still have to react rather quickly to the attacks by their beasts even if she did have a suspicion of hidden attackers.

The bolts coming at her were stopped by the PROTECT used by ’s Falinks, the barrier created by this Pokémon protecting her.

She’d have to thank him later for this but for now once the barrier was dropped June would have to repay the favor. Her Dragapult raced towards the Megalopolans and their Naganadel, the Pokémon’s path arcing so they could regroup with the others after their assault.

As they made their pass June’s Dragapult used DRAGON DARTS, firing multiple missiles at the Megalopolans and their beasts.

The trembling of the ground and water below them hasted the dragon’s flight back to the ground, joining the others in taking cover against the ensuing wave.

June’s Mr. Mime, now separated from Noah’s Machamp had joined its trainer as she landed, popping a PROTECT to guard itself along with June and whoever else was close by.

June would be ready to move once the danger was gone, releasing her Inteleon and heading out to move to the next landmass, assisting Iris and in any Megalopolans that are in their way.

- Protected from the thunderbolts via 's Falinks' PROTECT
- Attacks back at the Megalopoleans and Naganadel with DRAGON DARTS and circles back to the group
- Takes cover with and @iris , Mr. Mime uses PROTECT to help guard against the incoming wave.
- Follows after Iris and Noelle after releasing Inteleon.
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 8:04:05 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LILYCOVE WARFRONT




CAPTAIN STEERS THE NORTHERN BOAT TO FACE THE WAVE. While commands the captain of the southern boat to move, attacks from all sides surge into the wave. PSYCHIC ENERGY, WATER SPOUTS, FLASH CANNONS, HURRICANES, and more crash into the incoming wave. The beach darkens as the waves cover the sky— however, briefly, the tidal wave begins to gain the edge over Hoenn’s defense.[break][break][break]

’s SPOTLIGHT siphons several attacks away from the assault, pulling streams of water toward the Naganadel attacking the southern group; furthermore, it also pulls ’s attempts to sabotage the southern boat to the aggressive draconid. The TWISTER and HYDRO CANNON tears across the southern boat, ripping planks off the side of the vessel before slamming into the Naganadel and its rider.[break][break][break]

As the waves waver briefly, ’s Skarmory is rushes for the wave. As its whole body is engulfed in the light of a BRAVE BIRD, it grants its owner one last look. Like a meteor, it slams into the wave— and expends its energy to tip the scales. A wave from the combined SURFS of Hoenn’s defense crashes with the tidal wave as the Skarmory disappears to the other side.[break][break][break]

Briefly, the waters cut to reveal what’s waiting on the either side. Something white. Translucent. Spectral.[break][break][break]

As the chaos occurs, the trammel activates once more, and something darts out from the portal.[break][break][break]

Rather than crashing into the beach, where and remain as one of the last defenses, the waves morph together, buying enough time for the southern boat and northern boat to move deeper in. would be able to reach the northern boat as this occurs; however, he may choose to remain in the air, should he believe it to be safer.[break][break][break]


The boats ride the wave, coursing to an impossible height. Those on each vessel would find themselves experiencing the fear one receives when ascending on a rollercoaster’s slope. The vertigo from the inevitable descent begins to build in stomachs, hair rising on necks and arms, before the vessels crest. Then the plunge happens. Sliding down, the vessels rush down the valley of water towards the center of the route, causing those onboard to hold onto something should they slip.[break][break][break]

However, something awaits them.[break][break][break]

Having successfully withdrawn from the earth alongside , the Rocket Grunt manages to soar into the air. Hail scatters onto the decks of the ships as a BLIZZARD tears apart an aerial battalion awaiting her. Her Alolan Golem DISCHARGES, narrowly avoiding ’s mount, a Fearow. From this height, they would see what’s approaching the ships.[break][break][break]

Three Nihilego hover before them, in the trough made by the undulating waves. One Nihilego holds ’s Skarmory in its tentacles, one pale limb wrapped around its neck and forced deep into its skull. It seems to be “alive,” for it flaps its wings sporadically in violent spasms.[break][break][break]

The boats are close together now. From this distance, everyone would see that the Nihilego are gargantuan. As dainty versions of some Eldritch horror, they move toward the vessels. One Nihilego for each boat, while the remaining one holding the Skarmory, moves to the gap in between boat.[break][break][break]

The central Nihilego mind controls the dead Skarmory, forcing it attack anything that comes near. Its tentacles grab at the decks of each boat and attempt to slam them together, while the other Nihilego sweep into their respective ships. They aim to grab at anyone or their Pokemon with their tentacles…[break][break][break]

@dani [break][break]

TO AVOID BEING GRAPPLED BY THE NIHILEGO, TRY TO ROLL ABOVE 50; however, be aware that actions (collective or individual) are weighed more than rolls. Some will have an easier time than others due to their position.[break][break]

If you would like to automatically pass this check, you can collectively sacrifice 3 POKEMON.

As this occurs, , , & (should they traverse over to the ships), would be able to see what is happening… They would also be able to see what is happening in the southern and northern islands, should they wish to help them as well.[break][break][break]



THE SOUTHERN STRETCH OF ISLAND AND ROCK is swiftly cleared. As ’s Beedrill DRILL RUNS to deflect THUNDERBOLTS alongside ’s Espeon’s PROTECT. ’s Braviary STEEL WINGS several troops to clear their island, securing passage to a smaller boat, one used presumably, to bring the troops to this archipelago.[break][break][break]

On a separate island, ’s able help clear the way for her and . Before ’s Starmie PSYCHICALLY FLINGS him to to safety, ’s Toxicroak and Weezing are able to SLUDGE BOMB the island’s beach. As poisonous mortar fire bombards the shore, her Scolipede EARTHQUAKES their island beach, rendering the troops unable to flee the sludge. When lands on a safe stretch of beach, he would encounter another ship, similar to one finds on his island. eventually joins them.[break][break][break]

ON THE NORTHERN STRETCH, , , @iris, and clear their section of island. Megalopolan bodies are sucked into the sea by the tidal wave they seek cover from, providing them with the grim reality of their circumstances.[break][break][break]

Nearby, in the air above another nearby island, , , , @sanvi, and scope over their beach. The Councilman’s Type: Null manages to cleave into Naganadel with ease, while his water Pokemon deal with several Megalopolan men. They remain in the air, presumably hidden away…[break][break][break]

However, ’s Nincada notices something approach with its MIND READER. A Buzzwole rushes toward with them frightening speeds. With fists raised, it rushes for the group, flexing as it throws a powerful punch— before delivering a flurry of blows with fists and its proboscis.[break][break][break]

Likewise, , , , and @iris would face a similar threat. In the south, , , and too, face a Buzzwole that rushes out from the brine. They strike with their fists and their ravenous needles.[break][break][break]

GRP 1: (roll with advantage b/c of nincada!) @sanvi[break][break]

GRP 2: @iris [break][break]

GRP 3: (roll again, specify this roll is for oscar and not haxorus)[break][break]

TO AVOID BUZZWOLE’S ATTACK, TRY TO ROLL ABOVE 50 & AVOID BEING THE LOWEST ROLLER OF YOUR GROUP; however, be aware that actions (collective or individual) are weighed more than rolls. Some will have an easier time than others due to their position.[break][break]

Each group can willingly sacrifice 1 POKEMON to avoid the consequence of being the lowest roll.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

☐ Stop the Megalopolans attacking Lilycove.[break]
☐ Disarm/disable the Trammels on the eastern islands.[break]
☐ Liberate the seaside town on the eastern islands.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Velmos, their general.[break]

☐ Attempt to advance deeper into the water route.[break]
☐ Attack and defend against the Nihilego.[break]
☐ Attack and defend against the Buzzwole.[break]
☐ Attempt to board ships to progress deeper.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 11:37:21 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

As Ninju bumbled and buzzed in his ear a cold chill ran down his spine. Sénon and his team like all good trainers and their pkmn, didn't share a language but shared an understanding. Ninju's warning was clear; something was coming and even with the island was so close, just right there they weren't going to make it without a fight.

Given he didn't see anything, whatever was coming was coming-in fast. "FLY!" He trusted his Nincada's intuition and moved to take advantage of it.

"SOMETHING'S COMING HIGH-SPEED; GIVE EACH OTHER ROOM TO ATTACK!" As he lifted above he warned the others (, , , @sanvi), his expression grim.

With Gan nor Ran able to help his ability to sky-battle was limited to the pkmn he was already using. If he timed it right he could make a difference with one move, timed wrong, one move would leave him permanently different.

Luckily, it wasn't a doduo he was on the back of.

As they kissed the sky above the clouds Sénon made peace with the world and said his goodbyes as this was it; the moment there was no coming back from.

He bowed his head in gratitude to his parents. He said "Thank you" to Gan and Kiri then Jūken and Dose. He said a laughing "Good Times" to , a smiling "Good Luck" to @utah and a teasing "Good Night" to .

With everyone who held weight in his life gone from his mind, his thoughts were unburdened by emotional gravity. All he had left was victory and with his bare hands he would seize it, even if it cut him to the bone.

Salamence were only known for two things above all others; flying and cutting down anything that got in their flight path. Down they came darting, piercing the sky; a draconic-arrow, they aimed for the biggest reddest thing they saw, mindful of allies. With Ninju's warning he wanted to believe they timed it so it wouldn't see them leave the group, nor coming back.

Having been tracking it thus far with MIND-READER, Ninju added in a MUD-SLAP that literally would not miss as they continued their path, hopefully leaving it quite vulnerable to follow up attacks.

After its punch attempt on someone, its punching arm still extended, they attempted to cut through it with FLY on proud, tempered dragon wings and a will born volcanic.

● tags: @raid
● musical notes: What make's a good man?
● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.

Sénon says his good-byes,
focuses on winning the war.

⚲ (LIMBER); Transform/♂︎ (SWIFT SWIM); Hydro Pump / Dragon Pulse / Rain Dance / Surf / Draco Meteor / Ice Beam follows Sénon's previous orders
♂︎ (COMPOUNDEYES); Harden / Mud-Slap / Absorb / Metal-Claw / Mind Reader / Dig uses an unmissable MUD-SLAP on Buzzwole via MIND READER.

♀︎ (INTIMIDATE); Brine / Ice Fang / Hurricane / Hydro Pump in Pokéball
♂︎ (INTIMIDATE); Fly / Flamethrower / Crunch / Headbutt uses FLY to leave the group and come back cutting through/by Buzzwole.


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 17:27:57 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Thankfully he had reached the northern boat without too much incident, however the receding water line alerted him to something—in all the years he had spent in this region, a receding water line (or at what it looked like to him from the air) was a warning sign that there was a—


A huge-ass fucking tidal wave that loomed over the coastal city threatened to drown Lilycove. Had it not been for the action of several Wailord taking to the waters (along with a sudden rush of what he picked out to be a Skarmory to blow the waves back) the city would’ve been drowned.

“Gabe, follow the northern boat!” he said, hanging on for dear life as the Salamence kept his eye on the boat that had crested the impossibly high wave… oh, shit, how could the water get that high?!

Thankfully they had managed to clear it—only for them to come face to face with a wall of…

“Wait a second,” he muttered as he saw the strange squid-like Pokémon that loomed ahead of them.

“Aren’t you supposed to be—smaller?!” he exclaimed to himself, blinking at the impossibility in front of them. Even his Salamence let out a cry of alarm, before he placed a hand on the back of Gabriel’s neck.

“I don’t know, Gabe… get a Protect ready just in case we have to fly through that…” he added, his other hand rummaging in his jacket. “Stay close to the boat we’re following,” he added, sighting one—two(?) familiar people on the northern boat he was keeping an eye on ( and ).

He didn’t know why, but bringing along those… purple and green feathers made him feel safe, however he wondered how they would work should they be used mid-air.

Would the wind be powerful enough to blow them away—or at least, backwards and away in order for the boats below to sail safely through the treacherous waters. Would he need one, or two feathers?

Hoping that his bravado wouldn’t desert him, he took his chance as he pulled out one feather, and pointed the purple end at the larger-than-life strange white jellyfish threatening the northern boat. He watched, and waited…


• Alexei sees the tidal wave, does the internal screaming raven emoji
• Watches the huge-ass wave crest, following the northern boat as it plummeted and fell—
• Right in front of the gigantic Nihilego
• Has a “WTF” moment because he remembers the last time he’d seen these, they were WAY SMALLER, not these behemoths (see: New Year 2020 raid)
• Asks his Salamence to get a Protective defensive screen ready; Intimidate ready as well just in case the tentacles do decide to get the fucking closer
• Keeps his sights on the northern boat and will provide aerial support as needed
• Remembers he has the purple-and-green feathers; pulls out one and aims it in the direction of the gigantic-ass Nihilego threatening the northern boat
• What’s going to happen?! Who knows?!

, following from the skies
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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 18:14:00 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Muspel was trembling. This high, this long, the young Charizard never experienced such height. Living most of their lives on the ground, the family sympathized, each and every clinging as hard as they could. [break][break]

Two others had joined them in the clouds ( and @sanvi ), Kaida acknowledged them with a nod. It didn't unnerve her that she felt far less concern for them than and ...she didn't know their voices, their clothing, why should she? They had chosen a dangerous group to accompany, and she only hoped they were competent. [break][break]

She pointingly pushed Muspel to fly ahead of the group, sharp eyes scanning for danger as she determined that she was a shield. With three Pokemon capable of attacking, she took it upon herself to act as the vanguard. Like it or not, she supposed, everyone flying was now her partner, so she had to take ownership. They were hers to have and protect. [break][break]

And when the red monstrosity burst through the clouds, a punching nightmare, her team reacted. "Ahh-kahhh!" Her brief scream evolved into the semblance of an order, no time for either words nor signing, Kaida hoped her tone made it obvious. Forward! Attack! Kill it! [break][break]

With the confidence of Pokemon that had hunted many times, her Pokemon made their strikes. On the back of the Charizard, Bragi put her hand on Silk, hoping the ground-type would keep any residual sparks away from Muspel. Bragi's Overdrive crackled and boomed, the musical electricity roaring to crash against the flailing fists as Silk spat a barrage of hardened sand from his perch on Kaida's shoulders. Rock Slide crashed towards the things head, and Muspel dove. Kaida's ears rung as the Charizard screamed downwards, claws bared as she attempted to hit the red thing in its legs, in hopes of crippling or flipping it. [break][break]

For she had been with Kaida for a long time and, even with the danger, she understood. Kaida trusted this duo of and . Not unlike how she trusted her Pokemon. She could not allow them to be hurt, it would hurt Kaida. [break][break]

Kaida narrowed her eyes against the wind, looking backwards at the beast, hoping to see it hurt and falling. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! [break][break]

tl;dr: In group with , , , and @sanvi . Kaida signals Charizard to rush at the Buzzswole, Toxicitry used Overdrive (powered by Charge and Punk Rock) and Sandaconda uses Rock Slide (powered and aimed with Coil) to try and make the Buzzswole slow or stop before Charizard uses Dragon Rush (powered and sped by Dragon Dance x2!) to both attack and speed through the Ultra Beast!


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 20:53:08 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








Before they stray too far from the beach, Orion attempts to recall the three Pokemon left behind. Regardless of success or failure, he then follows Alexander's lead into the skies.[break][break]

It feels safer up here, at first. Under cover of clouds and away from the threatening wave, it's almost comforting.[break][break]

Such illusions are shattered as a great red something bursts through the clouds, heralded briefly by the call-out of a man Orion doesn't know (). He gives him a sharp nod of acknowledgement and leans against his Hydreigon to direct it away from the others, just in time for the Buzzwole to begin its assault.[break][break]

Recognizing threat, Hydreigon snarls before swinging its thick tail toward the Buzzwole's proboscis with a BREAKING SWIPE. Orion narrowly avoids being flung off by the momentum, desperately clinging to the Pokemon's middle neck.[break][break]


Orion clings to Hydreigon for dear life.[break]
Attempts to recall his other Pokemon before getting out of range.[break]
Hydreigon targets Buzzwole with a BREAKING SWIPE, attempting to sever its proboscis.[break]



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Agent SiK
August 26th
Team Rocket
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52 height
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TAG WITH @sebastianc
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 22:05:22 GMT
Igor Avatar

Growling under his breath when 's Pokemon nearly hit himself and Spiro Spero he'd nonetheless return his eyes to the battlefield ahead of them. If things had been bad before they were now becoming chaotic, the aliens were proving to be just that, foreign and amazing. If Igor had been more emotional he'd have likely felt some sense of urgency, but instead he remained calm and focused.

He was a lump of coal in an ocean, unbothered even if he were to be torn apart.

This will be a defining moment....

Let's wait and see how it unfolds....

In the meantime, Spiro Spero use Mirror Move and cast Discharge towards that other tentacle-beast!

Cawing in agreement the Fearow would glow in a shimmering manner before throwing an electrical attack toward it's given target.

Meanwhile Freya would reroute, coming back toward the Southern boat and the other tentacle-beast this time she'd swing her powerful wings in attempt to use HURRICANE hoping to hit the boat and or the people/Pokemon aboard it. If the latter were successful perhaps then they'd be sent towards the alien's monster. Still beneath the water's surface Wolf the Blastoise would raise a brow at the sight of whatever tentacle-beast was up above and near the Southern boat, yet he still had a job to do. And so he would fire off another FLASH CANNON towards the vessel's underbelly, would his efforts finally prove fruitful?

Igor retains his high altitude vantage point, but doesn't get too close to the ships or the aliens
Spiro Spero the Fearow uses Mirror Move on 's Discharge and casts it toward the Nihilego between the ships [might hit, but hitting or missing is not important to Igor]
Freya the Pidgeotto uses Hurricane in attempt to push the Southern boat and/or it's occupants toward the Nihilego attacking it
Wolf the Blastoise uses Flash Cannon on the Southern boat's underbelly
Nhar'qual the Zoroark remains in Poke Ball on Igor's person

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay