i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 12
castelia city
i can't smile wide, i'm stuck, there's nothing I can do
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evangeline DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evangeline
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 23:39:38 GMT
evangeline Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Evangeline makes footfall on the beach in the aftermath of her assault. The blood and bodies and bubbling sludge around her feet are forgotten as soon as they're registered. She can feel her hands buzzing and her heart racing as everything around her begins to blur together. All she can see is her immediate surroundings, all she can think about is the next step.

Around her downed troops struggle to their feet and she's sure the pokemon that had contested her approach are inbound. She grasps at this first, most obvious of objectives and taps her Weezing to act after shouting for her pokemon to hit the dirt.

She's halfway through readying a HEAT WAVE when the monstrous, muscled menace bursts onto the scene. The pulse of flame and super-heated steam that leaves the Weezing now has one more potential target.

"That!" she screams this one word and points towards their new threat as she rises to her feet. Its presence, the way it weighs her chest down with dread, is familiar. It reminds her of the abomination she saw on the ocean only a few days ago -- the reason she's here now. She wants to see it in action up close, whatever the cost.

Scolipede shoots off towards the new target. SPEED BOOST allows his dozen legs to carry him even faster than usual and enables him to attempt something brazen. He draws in close to the monster and spits a corrosive TOXIC at one of its fluid-filled "abs" before attempting to flee as quickly as he'd come.

"Venoshock! Hex!" Evangeline screams again, her voice tinny in her own ears. Her last two pokemon jump into action. Toxicroak, even more confidently and stubbornly than Scolipede, aims to meet this opponent that outclasses her toe-to-toe. She begins to run up, firing a VENOSHOCK at the same spot her comrade targeted in his hit and run -- where the poison has hopefully taken hold.

In the back Tentacruel's gem once again shines a brilliant red before she fills the air around the monster with ghostly energy -- a HEX that aims to boil any potential poison in its blood.

+ Evangeline hit the beach with her pokemon around her
+ Told her pokemon to get down as . . .
+ Weezing used HEAT WAVE on surrounding troops/'mons/the approaching Buzzwole
+ Scolipede's SPEED BOOST activated (+1 SPEED)
+ Scolipede attempted to hit-n-run TOXIC the Buzzwole
+ Toxicroak used (a potentially poison boosted) VENOSHOCK
+ Tentacruel used (a potentially poison boosted) HEX

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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
17 height
17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2020 2:34:34 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


Ethel watched as the plethora of attacks slowly pushed back at the huge tidal wave. Finally, a Skarmory bravely crashed into the tide, and the wave finally seemed to... stop? Ethel was a little relieved as the ship crested the rising waves, but terror filled her once more when she saw the steep fall they were soon in for.

Ethel grabbed a part of the ship that stuck up from the deck. She was no sailor, and wouldn't pretend to know what it was called, but it looked sturdy enough to support her. She looked down at the slope and noted... the terrifying huge aliens that floated there, waiting for them.

With a sick turn in her stomach, she saw one of the aliens controlling the... corpse? Was it dead? of the Skarmory that had sacrificed itself earlier.

Toxic Endeavor time

She could not allow those things to get a hand on them at all. "Team, whatever you do, blast any of the jellies with all you've got."

Flavor hissed, the familiar purple energy of Dragon Pulse that had devastated an alien ship building up once more between her jaws, ready to launch at any approaching Nihilego. Stratus did not wait as patiently, the little Emolga zipping around and crippling aliens with his Thunder Wave. Crescent the Lampent followed the little electric rodent, floating alongside him and compounding the efforts of Stratus by attacking any who suffered Stratus's paralysis with a glowing purple Hex.

However formidable they may have been, it'd likely be Magic who would deal the most damage to the approaching aliens. With all the glee of a child given a new toy, he wielded the Mimicked Water Spout that he'd so recently acquired, blasting any who got in range with the full force of an attack bolstered by his vitality.

- EDIT: Light Screen from before is still active
- Ethel hangs on to something sturdy to help her handle the descent.
- Salandit Dragon Pulses any offending Nihilego.
- Emolga Thunder Waves any offending Nihilego.
- Lampent Hexes any Nihilego that gets caught by Thunder Wave from Emolga.
- Galarian Mr. Mime nails the Nihilego with full-health Water Spout (Mimicked).

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2020 9:53:56 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]iris halts at the sight of something approaching: a creature, though there's no time to linger on what. "avalanche! dazzling gleam!"[break][break]
a burst of snow rains down on the buzzwole and the rocks around it, still wet from the tidal wave. as the AVALANCHE settles on the ground, it begins to melt in with the water, surrounding the buzzwole in a slush-like ice.
[break][break]her togekiss swoops in at that moment, getting as close as it could to the buzzwole's face whilst keeping out the reach of its punches. the flying-type doesn't pause as it passes the buzzwole—a DAZZLING GLEAM illuminates its body in a sudden, blinding flash before it continues back towards its trainer.
[break][break]switching on the baton, iris tosses it to her aegislash. "aegislash, strike!" a ribbon-hand winds tightly around the handle before the steel-type swings, following the momentum of the throw—the SACRED SWORD crackles with electricity.
iris' absol waits patiently as the others attack, its horn glows a menacing purple as it prepares a PSYCHO CUT; it's not until after the rest of the group attacks that it finally launches its own.[break][break]


* swampert uses AVALANCHE on buzzwole, hoping the wet snow will make it harder to keep its footing[break]
* togekiss attempts to disorient the buzzwole with DAZZLING GLEAM[break]
* iris gives her aegislash the stun baton who uses SACRED SWORD with it; MAGNET RISE (3/5) is in effect[break]
* absol waits for the others to attack before attempting to finish buzzwole off with PSYCHO CUT

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2020 19:39:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar
She is only in the clouds for a brief moment before a warning is shouted out, a big red thing bursting out from the clouds. Sanvi is missing half her team, her two hard hitters in this fight returned to their balls. There is little choice but to attack, and with a single growl escaping her lips, she begins her own attack. “Tatsu, use Flamethrower! Kin, use Drill Peck on it’s head!” Came her orders, the woman clinging to her Corviknight’s back as the Pokémon attacked. With any luck, this wouldn’t backfire, and if it did Tatsu should be able to catch her.

The dragon obeyed instantly, a great jet of flames shooting from her open maw towards the grossly muscled bug-thing. Kin hesitates though, not wanting to get close with her trainer on her back, but a warning look from Sanvi has the large raven arrowing through the air towards the thing. Perhaps, if their attack hit, they’d be able to do some critical qdamage? At the very least she wanted to injure this grotesque beast.

•Sanvi clings to Corviknight’s back.
•Corviknight uses Drill Peck, aiming for the thing’s tiny head.
•Salamence aims a Flamethrower at the beast, hoping to do some damage.
•Rolled a 1, posted with Haruka first by accident and had to delete.
•Forgot to add that Pressure and Intimidate are still active, rip.
•Used Iron Defense last turn, bolstering Corviknight’s defenses by +2
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september 20
Fashion Designer
rising star
born into this dying world, its time is up
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 8:29:20 GMT
 his words are taken to heart: and she knows that she won't survive for long with just a wailord as their defence. still, she worries about the houses and the people. but thankfully they had long since evacuated the scene. she doesn't have to worry. what was she worrying about?

from below she pats at her garchomp, taking a look at the two other pokemon sitting in their pokeballs. from above, she knows alex's group is in the skies-- until a spec of red dashes through the clouds, making for a hasty entrance. she's worried, and bites her lip in anxiety. she wants to go up and help, but she knows that it's more than dangerous, only having her garchomp that could carry her in the air. she was best fighting her battles in the water.

so she opts to do something that she can actually help with, which was follow the group that made it on land.

so her garchomp drops her on top of the wailord, who rolled himself back onto his stomach and floats in the water. "aquamarine." she gently pats the top of his head, "move out. we need to catch up and help the others." and with that, the wailord lets out a loud howl into the air before descending into the waters with its massive body. "if any of you would like to join us, please do." she motions to the last two on shore, "though i can't take you too far. i'm sorry."

the garchomp lets out a grunt, eyeing when he chooses whether to board or not. regardless, daphne makes way towards the northern stretch to help with backup.

when she arrives, she pulls out both her blissey and meganium, who quickly stand their ground on top of the wailord. the large pokemon raises up, causing waves to form as water splashes at its base. "reflect, and heal pulse." and commands the two pokemon, who both make haste. the blissey has its pinkish, HEAL PULSE shower aid across the group, while the meganium sets up a pre-emptive REFLECT should any of them take physical damage.

"hey, are you alright over there?!" she calls out to the group, voice raised as her wailord tries to help with alerting them.

at least, even just to help them a little bit.

- on her way to the NORTHERN STRETCH to join with , , @iris and
- MEGANIUM uses REFLECT over the group
- WAILORD is on standby
- GARCHOMP is on standby


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 13:52:13 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
Skyler's hands were curled around the wheel of the ship, knuckles white as the vessel slowly crested the wave. There was a moment in which time stopped, steel groaning beneath her feet as they stood, almost suspended in the air, perfectly poised before the fall. Then the ship lurched forward and down. Skyler braced herself, crying out a warning to the other people in the ship.

She'd seen the Skarmory break through the wave, bravely sacrificing itself to let them pass. She hadn't expected to see it again, especially not in the grip of - whatever those creatures were. Their ethereal shapes bloated out part of the sky, and the captain felt the blood leave her face when the ship approached and their true size was revealed. 

"Nautilus, the middle one. The rest, with me! Get the tentacles!" The Wailord disappeared beneath the surface of the sea, lying in wait as the jellyfish-like creatures advanced on them. Translucent, giant tentacles crept onto the ship, like something out of a horror story. 

By her side, Atalanta the Salamence roared when the creatures approached, doing her best to INTIMIDATE them in some manner. Like the Salandit on the other ship, a DRAGON PULSE left her open maw, intending to hit the closest creature's tentacles. On Skyler's other side, Slowbro started to glow with a pink-ish energy - the PSYCHIC heading for the closest Nihilego and aiming to shove it away from any of the ships or any people/pokémon. 

Skyler's attention was ripped away from the deck of the ship when said ship suddenly lurched, its forward momentum interrupted. She held onto the wheel of the ship, confused, until she noticed what the central Nihilego was attempting to do.

"Nautilus!" Beneath the middle Nihilego, bubbles formed on the surface of the ocean, followed by the formidable geyser of a WATER SPOUT. With any luck it would be enough to stop the creature from slamming the boats against each other.

She'd do her best to keep the boat going forward, even with the beasts upon them. With her free hand Skyler held onto the harpoon gun previously strapped to her back. If any tentacles approached her, she'd shoot them until they were nothing but alien mulch. 


+ salamence tries to intimidate the incoming nihilego / uses dragon pulse on the closest nihilego's tentacles
+ slowbro uses psychic on the closest nihilego, attempting to shove it away from the boats/people/pokémon
+ wailord dives beneath the waves before the nihilego reach them / is underneath central nihilego and uses water spout to try and stop the nihilego from slamming the ships together
+ skyler keeps trying to move forward with the ship / has a harpoon gun ready in case any tentacles come close
+ lapras is still inside the pokéball

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 14:25:52 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

Normal ain't normal,
𝐎 𝐑 𝐃 𝐈 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐘 is a luxury
If you wanna understand,
you stand 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 𝐄 𝐑

mcflurry barely registered the fact she was actually tearing through the aerial forces, mainly because she was trying her goddamn best not to die. hard to feel confident when your first instinct is to defend yourself.

still, the cold hits her skin, and she clenches her teeth as her grip on steelix strengthens. hail was... comforting, by now, mostly because most of her pokemon were made stronger by it.

well, a little speed never hurt nobody, and if she can get through the skies faster, then that's just fine and dandy.

"st-st-steelix! rock polish!"

the only problem is that mcflurry's not ready for exactly how fast her pokemon was in the skies, so she nearly loses her hat as she screams for bloody mercy.

she's getting deeper and deeper into the enemy lines, and she's... beginning to see more enemy forces. shit! she needs to play defense!

"e-evasive mcneuvers! glalie, protect! golem, smack down! haw, geez..."

mcflurry hung on tight as the steelix begun to dodge and weave through enemy fire. in the meantime, a shining protective shield covers mcflurry from her glalie, and the abomasnow continues to provide covering fire with its blizzard.

the most notable change, however, is the alolan golem swiveling like a goddamn gatling gun using its magnetic body, before tucking in its limbs and sounding like a goddamn gatling gun.

any pokemon hit by smack down would be weighed down by its projectile, wedged or impaled into its body, likely off to go sink like a brick into the ocean below.


- steelix used rock polish! its speed doubles! mcflurry shoots deeper into enemy territory!
- steelix uses its newfound speed to try and dodge incoming attacks!
- steelix has +2 speed!
- abomasnow's snow warning! the skies continue to become more cloudy and colder! hail continues to accumulate around mcflurry's position!
- abomasnow used blizzard! it targets any megalopan forces nearby! the attack is more potent and nigh-unavoidable due to hail!
- glalie used protect! mcflurry and glalie are protected for this round!
- golem used smack down! it targets any megalopan forces nearby! any pokemon hit will sink like a brick!
- golem has +1 sp. def!

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 15:54:46 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he stares at the controls of the boat, blanking out immediately when he realizes that it doesn't have the same controls as cars do. he tries to man it, but then throws his hands away from it before backing off.

"you know what, oscar? i'll let ya be cool and drive this boat!" priam doesn't want to mention not knowing how to drive the boat. he turns his head to with a swish. "i'll... i'll do priam things, yeah!"

only then does he realize the predicament they were in. ultra beasts that weren't documented anywhere on 's lab notes appeared before them. there's a nervous smile on priam's face as he forces his lips to stop quivering at the sight of them.

"espy, psychic! keep it away from us!" he releases another pokemon from his pokeball, pointing at his espeon as soon as it materializes in front of him. the ditto becomes the espeon's impostor, transforming into him. "ditto, dazzling gleam!"

priam's neck cranes up, seeing the braviary aggressively glare against the buzzwole. "do you thing!" he cheers.

two espeons stand side by side on the ship's deck, blasting their respective attacks at the incoming buzzwole. the braviary aims its oblivion wing with its keen eye, firing the beam to obliterate the majority of the buzzwole.

meanwhile, priam starts to look at anything that he could use at the ship. rocket was able to capture their blacephalon with a specialized pokeball, and he wonders if the megalopolans have anything similar to control these ultra beasts.


  • priam leads him and oscar to a megalopolan ship
  • braviary uses oblivion wing on buzzwole
  • espeon uses psychic on buzzwole
  • ditto!espeon uses dazzling gleam on buzzwole
  • searches the ship for anything similar to a beast ball

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 17:42:00 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar plopped himself in the driver's seat of the boat, all too happy to navigate the vessel. Just as he thought he could get it started though, an enormous figure emerged onto the beach. The creature attacked wildly, and as it came toward the boat--

Its trajectory would be interrupted by a Dragon Pulse from Razor to the side. This was followed up by a Poison Jab from Lancer to further push it away. Razor began to fly around the buff bug, trying to distract it and lead its mad rampage into the line of fire for Priam's braviary. With Priam's other pokemon attacking the ultra beast, Oscar turned his attention back to starting the boat.

"I gotta get myself one of those!", he mused as the engine roared awake. "Let's go boys!" Lancer sat himself in the back of the boat, while Razor disengaged the bug to follow his master. Once the party was aboard, Oscar hit the throttle. The boat lurched a bit as the boat sped away from the beach, hopefully not banging up Priam as he searched. With some folks he didn't see remaining behind, they should have no trouble escaping to the town.

Going around the nonsense with the league boats of course.

As the boats rose to meet the giant jellyfish, Boris sighed. Of course, this kind of shit only happened to him. He took a defensive stance, ready to Counter any tentacles that came his way. As he defended, he would hear what sounded like a whistle from over the ship's railing. He peered over, and spotted his comrade Njord scaling the wave.

Njord turned around upon reaching the peak, waving for Boris to hop onto his back. Boris shrugged, hopping over to catch a ride on the eager kingdra. Boris had but a moment to find a grip on his steed before Njord took off like a rocket. With a mix of Surf to help safely swim down the wave and Swift Swim for a boost in speed, it should be no trouble reaching the other side. Upon doing so, they would have a clear path to the town.


--Oscar started the boat and is transporting himself and Priam to the town.
--Dragapult used Dragon Pulse on the Buzzwole
--Lancer used Poison Jab on the Buzzwole
--Haxorus used Counter on any tentacles that tried to reach him.
--Haxorus jumped onto Kingdra, who used Surf to swim down the wave safely.
--Swift Swim remains active due to the rain.
--First roll is Oscar, Second roll is for Haxorus.

Stat Boosts:
Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 (doubled by tailwind)
Beedrill: Speed +2 (doubled by tailwind)
Kingdra: Speed (doubled by swift swim)
Haxorus: Atk +2, Speed +2



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hunter
hunter warren
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 21:49:41 GMT
hunter warren Avatar


It feels as if he’s living his worst nightmare.

It’s the first time Hunter lost one of his partners, the first time he’d witnessed death first hand. It’s gut-wrenching and crippling, and despite the valiant sacrifice of his bird, the boy can’t help but feel a growing seed of guilt embedding itself at the center of his core. It’s almost tangible. He can barely feel it reaching the surface.

And if it wasn’t for the numbness spreading within his body, he might’ve complained about the strength that Dani’s punch packed.

“He’s gone—”

This is his worst nightmare.

When the wave splits apart and the Nihilego reveal themselves along with his former pokemon - who’s not alive, yet still moving. Hunter can only assume the worst.

“They… Dani, I—” He chokes on his own words, unable to complete the sentence. Teary eyes begin to cloud his vision.

He’s scared, he feels numb - and he’s guilty of committing a wannabe-hero’s worst crime: accepting a job that he’s incapable of completing. He makes no attempt at avoiding the tentacles of the Nihilego, hell, he doesn’t even order his pokemon to escape.

He wants to, but he can’t.
He is petrified.


- hunter is a big baby
- he's too scared and way too sad to deal with anything, including saving his own life. this is way over his head.
- he does nothing & watches the tentacle monsters approach. his pokemon aren't ordered to do anything, but they'd likely either try to escape or protect him should they have to.

[attr="class","huntertag"] @raid

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 22:43:32 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

As brings out her Garchop, offering a ride up to the action, Andrew quickly recalls his trio of Pokemon. With the three being contained, Andrew quickly boards the Garchomp, allowing its master to guide them to the action. And indeed, they arrive with the second group.

While Daphne sets up defenses, Andrew brings out his King and Queen duo. "King, give that overgrown bug a taste of your Poison Jab. Queen, give someone a Helping Hand!", ordered Andrew.

The Nidoking would attempt to jab into the flank of the Buzzwole, if only to distract it for the others. Meanwhile, the Nidoqueen would begin to lend a helping hand to the nearest Pokemon in need. This happened to be 's Pokemon, should they be used to attack.


notes: Andrew recalls all three of his Pokemon
Andrew takes her offer, and boards with her
Andrew sends out Nidoking and Nidoqueen
Nidoking used Poison Jab, attempting to strike into the Buzzwole's flank
Nidoqueen used Helping Hand, assisting 's Pokemon, should they attack

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 0:48:14 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Just how far could they go with all this war? How much more could be thrown at them. Clouds were grey with rain, and the zooming of flying pokemon battling it out in the air like jet fighters. As the wave slammed into them, the boat rocked and everything jolted forwards and backwards, like the swinging boat at amusement parks, except with a lot more death and danger filling Billi’s brain and lungs.

One would think that trying to split the seas would be a feat of it’s own. No...Billi was found in more horror as the sea of floating jellyfish giving off an eerie energy. Mixed with the Pressure for his Corviknight and the rain, with the war, something just seemed very, “from the depth and beyond” about it, but not in an old school movie way, but more of a when martians attack but with intent to kill everything. “Just….what the fuck” he spoke turning to the captain, “just keep going. We’ll deal with these guys,” Billi gave a fake smile, but his arms shook beside him as Corviknight hovered above the boat, lazily waiting his next command, “CORVIKNIGHT” it screeched.

Billi’s eyes caught the blonde sending her wild status effects at the jellies. Each blast was desperate, much like his own thoughts, then he was like “OH WAIT” moment in his head. “Okay, Ariados….build a large web and you too Galvantula. It needs to look like a baseball cage.” he grinned as the spiders moved quickly. The Ariados quickly spun together a cover of sticky webs shielding them from the jellies getting to close, while Galvantula’s Electro web lined them up.

“Corviknight…..swing batta batta,” the Corviknight smiled as the boat sailed forward. The large wings flapping as the pressure was excluded from its body. Flying up past the jellies he took his enhanced steelwing from the hone claws, and back slapped the Nihilego with all it’s force towards the nets. “okay! Araquanid, start slicing” he grinned as the spider used Liquidation at the jellies who were flung towards them, slicing the ones that got too close or where stuck on the webs that protect them.

“Hey lady! If you have to take cover come over here! The webs will get them stuck” the rain drenched billi and blessed the liquidation with extra power yelled out to the stranger.


Rain Dance is still in Effect

Corviknight exudes pressure

Ariados uses Sticky web to construct a net from the side of the boat to the pole on the top to prevent jellies from getting in.

Galvantula uses Electro web to do the same on the opposite side to prevent Jellies from getting in.

Corviknight uses Steelwing to bat Jellies to the nets and immobilize them.

Araquanid uses Liquidation to take out the Jellies that are too close, stuck in the web, or batted toward him. It is empowered by 50% due to the rain.


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professor o, professor oak
october 15th
scientific pioneer
i'll show you love like the sun, i'll spark again
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ian oak DOLLARS
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ian oak
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 2:14:32 GMT
ian oak Avatar
 landing on the sandy shore holding his briefcase. starmie would merrily catch up soon after. as ian had ready himself to go poke , his attention had been captured by another beauty: the megalopolan ship. he was ecstatic to find one.

upon maneuvering toward the boat, he would come to see a buzzswole appear. as many gathered to face it, ian would order starmie to use POWER GEM to keep at bay and assist those combating against the ultra beast. while that was being done he would toss his briefcase onto the ship and began to search for anything technological. "the mega-whazzit should have something considered advanced technology, or at least i hope."

ian wanted to loot something worth a lot from them. he'd continue to search hard on the boat while waiting for the buzzswole to be dealt with.

- starmie has caught up. starmie used power gem on buzzswole.
- ian is searching the boat long and hard for goodies.

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 2:40:10 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


wet sand grazes through medusa's scaly undersides once the ocean waves finally deliver her and selena into the nearby enemy station. the gym leader gets off from her mount and decides to travel by foot through the island's sandy terrain. milotic slithers with her trainer's every pace while tapu koko and altaria hover closely above them, the electric energy pulsates strongly amidst the darkening sky as selena feels her strides getting faster. cerulean eyes scan through the beach and through the sea and through the sky: that is when she witnessed the gargantuan nihilego approaching the ship she left to protect, translucent tentacles closing into its deck.[break][break]

a grave miscalculation.[break][break]

frail hands reach to her pocket and calls for more reinforcement for the ship. she attempts to return but by that time, she's already seconds too late. an unfamiliar threat looms the isle, a creature with the face of a mosquito and the body of a machamp that selena can't imagine to be a pokémon anymore. it screeches before it lunges itself with cascading punches and needle attacks.[break][break]

“tapu koko!” a worried look nudges the guardian deity to use its arcane powers to protect the group. like geyser steam breaking through the damp earth, pink lights erupt from the bottom of the sandy shores, wisps of blue dance through the air, pushing back the buzzwole into the ground, hitting it with multi-colored bolts. hopefully, they will hit its most vital parts like its antenna, wings, and proboscis.[break][break]

altaria stares down the muscular mon and psychs up, trying to absorb its powers for her own, when selena calls for her pokémons to proceed eastward.[break][break]

“there may be more threats like that ahead the route. we must follow the plan and trust them,” she echoes what tapu koko has been telling her to her other members. the pinkette mounts medusa once more, riding into the wave of muddy water, washing away more approaching enemies as they surf further into the trammels.[break][break]


+ selena and party arrives on the island.[break]
+ selena orders more reinforcement for southern ship (through comms); attempts to return but it's already too late when she sees buzzwole.[break]
+ tapu koko uses nature's madness against buzzwole, attempting to break its antenna, wings, and proboscis.[break]
+ altaria uses psych up buzzwole, hoping to copy its strength.[break]
+ as she nears the beach again, selena mounts milotic which uses muddy water and surfs through the buzzwole and other enemies, hoping to reach the island with the trammels next.





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Sailor's Mouth
April 3rd
League Officer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @june
June Fair
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 3:03:43 GMT
June Fair Avatar
”What the hell is that?!” June stopped in her tracks shortly after Iris, trying to wrap her head around what kind of horror nightmare monster was coming straight for them.

The purple dragons, floating squid things, and giant mouth monsters were apparently not enough for these cannibal psychos but they needed a muscle-bound mosquito man too? She was more than happy to send these things back to whatever hell hole they came from.

”Psychic! Hold that thing in place!”
At the behest of his trainer, June’s Mr. Mime would use it's PSYCHIC telekinetic abilities to place a sudden and large amount of pressure on the Ultra Beast in an attempt to hold it in place and make it hard to move.

”Keep your distance from that thing! Dragon Darts! Snipe Shot!” Her dragon flew overhead, passing by the Buzzwole and firing off its Dragon Pulse attack while her Inteleon used SNIPE SHOT.

Her focus was too much on the crazy bug alien to give bother to the new arrivals that appeared outside of being glad they were assisting in dealing with the alien.

- Mr. Mime uses PSYCHIC on Buzzwole to try and keep it in one place
- Dragapult uses DRAGON PULSE on Buzzwole
- Inteleon uses SNIPE SHOT on Buzzwole
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay