one flew over the pelipper's nest

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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darker days are raining over me
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bryn hollis DOLLARS
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bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 17:09:07 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




He should be sleeping, what with the sun arcing high in the sky and yet here he was, glaring through the tall glass lantern panes of the light room, engaged in some kind of staring contest with a plump, obnoxious bird. Bloody ridiculous. [break][break]

It had been a week since a Pelipper pair had decided to make the lighthouse balcony the location for their nest, their numbers since multiplying with the arrival of five squawking baby Wingull, all of which screeched during all hours of the day and night. It was enough to drive anyone mad. Bryn wasn’t the only one fed up with it and he had been forced to insist the Ampharos, who had become agitated with her unruly new neighbours, leave the light room during the day so that she could at least sleep in peace. Otherwise he was sure he would wake up one afternoon to find an electrified family of seven turned nil. [break][break]

Needless to say he had needed them gone yesterday, so that he and Lucy could do their job without having a flock of shadows creating shapes in the beam of light, like some kind of unwanted superhero signal spreading throughout the port. Still, it was kind of pathetic that he had to call for backup, just to get rid of some oversized Rookidee.. [break][break]

Arms folded, ignoring the feeling of Nine snuggling against the back of his neck as she sat contently in his jacket hood, Bryn tapped his fingers against his arm and kept his gaze trained on the Pelipper mother; her stink eye reminding him of the wing slap he had received to the face he had received the last time he had attempted to go outside and get them to move on peacefully. He grimaced and glanced away, not quite foolish enough to attempt to go out there and try again. No... This time he'd be smarter, this time he’d send Stormy instead.


notes – battle notes[break][break]


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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 17:48:38 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

"There are Pelipper in the lighthouse? Aren't there supposed to be Pelipper in the lighthouse? They're birds who live by the water. You'd think that that wouldn'tbe a problem." [break][break]

The woman scratches the back of her head as she tucks her phone away. Bryn's message is responded to with a thumbs up emoji and her outward response falls on disinterested ears. Or rather, ears that just aren't listening. The sun is shining and the breeze is splendid and her Pokémon are taking full advantage of the beautiful day. Her own Castform, in particular, is positively brimming with energy. It has form-changed into its sunny side and hovers merrily in front of Stormy as they approach the lighthouse.[break][break]

Stormy glances up at the nest by the front door, and down to the man hiding inside and staring up at the mother Pelipper. The woman feels an amused smirk spread across her lips as she approaches him. When she does, she takes note of the bags beneath his eyes and the scowl he's probably bearing. [break][break]

"Damn. You look like you haven't slept in a week." [break][break]


notes: ...



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n / a
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january third
lilycove, hoenn
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lighthouse keeper
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darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 19:04:36 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




Funny, that… I'm interested to know how you came to that conclusion.” He’s made his way down the long flight of winding stairs by the time Stormy arrives, wearing the exact expression that she expects of him, although the sharpness of his eyes are dulled by weariness. He can hear the water birds’ screeches from their perch all the way at the top of the lighthouse even though they were now at the base; Bryn shoots Stormy a dry, unamused look to go with his sarcastic tones as the Pelipper let out a cackling chorus. “Fucking birds. Don’t you love them?” Still, Bryn released a sigh, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he stepped aside so that Stormy could come in, waving her into the bottom floor of the lighthouse where the kitchen was placed. Despite his growls he was relieved to see her.[break][break]

As soon as she and her own castform entered the building, Nine floated out of her perch at the appearance of the guests, her form remaining neutral as she let out a little coo towards the fellow forecaster; a shy yet gentle greeting while remaining close to Bryn’s side. Carding his fingers through mousey hair, shoulders relaxing just a little, the weary lighthouse keeper relents on the bitterness for a fraction to welcome his guest, who certainly was far too qualified to help deal with a flock of Pelipper during her time off. He was grateful that she hadn't shrugged him off, he'd have to offer her some tea and some of the nice cookies he kept stashed in the back of the cupboards after this mess was sorted. “Anyway, you’re Lucy’s hero for turning up, I don’t think I can hold her responsible for her actions if this goes on any longer.” He’d set up a nest in his office for the Ampharos to rest, her light room at the top of the building no longer useable; although that might be for the Pelipper’s mercy more than anything. [break][break]

So… want to visit the demon spawn?


notes – here[break][break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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avatar of moltres
1350 height
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 19:34:49 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Stormy snorts, shaking her head as she watches him step off the bottom step to meet her at the door. His steps are slow and he gives off the impression that he's exhausted, irritated, and probably at the end of his rope. But she herself remains in good humor, and she winks as he inquires about her excellent conclusion.[break][break]

"I guess you can call me a mind reader."[break][break]

But she meets his sarcastic tone and unamused look with one full of life and amusement. It was clear that she was thriving off of his misfortune, and it was exactly what she needed. With all of the pressure on her shoulders, taking the day off to help an old friend beat back a family of screaming, holy terrors was exactly what she needed.[break][break]

She tugs an elastic from her wrist to pull her hair back and up into a ponytail as he leads her inside. As dark strands hang off her shoulder, one hand tweaks at her ears in response to the racket. She winces, one eye squinting as she hopes to soothe the pain from all the screeching.[break][break]

"You really weren't kidding. They're noisier than hell."[break][break]

Sol seems to retain his sunny-form as he follows Stormy. He peeks over her shoulder as Bryn's little cloud pops out to offer a greeting. The Castform glows, trilling happily in response. Stormy chuckles, using her pointer finger to tickle beneath her Pokemon's chin gently.[break][break]

"How could I possibly turn my back on sweet Lucy? I'm never too busy to help an old friend out."[break][break]

The humor in her eyes fades in exchange for one of concern and severity for just a moment. But it seems to only last just that moment before she resumes her good-natured attitude. Stormy smiles, straightening her back and nodding.[break][break]

"You bet, let's see what kind of hellspawn we're dealing with. Stay close to me, okay, Sol? You can't trust birds."[break][break]


notes: ...



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n / a
he / him
january third
lilycove, hoenn
go away
lighthouse keeper
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darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 21:11:32 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




Bryn gives but a single nod as Stormy is suddenly hit with the tone-deaf trills that echo down the long spiral staircase, no longer needing to explain the plight of the lighthouse residents now that their pain had been witnessed. “I think they were banished from hell long ago, more like.” The little wisp on top of Nine’s head wiggles as sunny Sol greeted her in turn, the artificial cloud making a pleased chime before plucking up the courage to float over and begin twirling around him in a display of happiness to see him again. It didn’t seem they were bothered by the tension that their feathered friends on the top floor were creating. Clouds had far more pressing matters to attend to, it seemed; leave all the work to their humans. [break][break]

Come on then, I’ll introduce you.” It seemed Stormy was up to the challenge, offering a smile and a straightened posture that Bryn could only interpret as confidence and so he wasted no time in heading back towards the stairs, leading her up the winding incline the he has long since gotten accustomed to climbing multiple times a day. Bryn remained quiet as he ascended, making sure to avoid the creaks in the floorboards so as not to disturb Lucy, his foot placement now second nature as they approached the top of the lighthouse, sunlight streaming in through the wall of windows. It would make for a pretty sight, what with the panoramic view of the ocean and port city surrounding them, had the scenery not been marred by the bird pokemon family and their nests on the balcony just beyond. [break][break]

As soon as Bryn reached the top of the staircase and walked into the middle of the room, the Wingull hatchlings caught sight of him through the glass and began to chirp frantically, scuttling behind one of their parents. Their father spread his wingspan wide and instantly began to flap and hop around the place, the mother’s squawking taking on a more hissing quality, if that were at all possible. “There they are, the happy family.” He waved towards the flock as one of them, in their display of trying to frighten the two humans off, accidently bashed its beak into the glass with too much gusto, headbutting the window pane. Bryn looked unimpressed by the display of bravado, like he had seen it all before. [break][break]

I was thinking that the best way to go about this is if we approach them from both sides,” he gestured towards the door, guiding with a finger how they could circle around the balcony, one from each side, “like in a pincer attack. So they can't give us the slip.” Hazel eyes dragged away from Stormy as he walked over towards the door the led outside, picking up a broom that he had left leaning close to the exit, his castform purposefully hanging back near the middle of the room. It was probably now clear to their guest that he wasn’t going to use her for the mission… although he didn't look too happy to be clutching a stick, either. “Just so you know it’s not exactly the widest space out there, so you should probably stick to using a small pokemon.


notes – no pokemon we die like men[break][break]


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October 13
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one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 21:52:36 GMT
shiv Avatar


have appeared!





male/female - keen eye[break]
water pulse / roost / hurricane / air slash / agility / protect

THE FAMILY OF HELLSPAWN HISS, speaking in tongues as their territory is encroached upon. their twiggy circle of hell is a sturdy podium in which they holler from. wingull waddle clumsily against their parents' breasts, while the two formulate tactics.[break][break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 5:04:39 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Stormy grimaces and rolls her shoulders to try and relieve the tension now spreading to her fingertips. It was impressive how immediate her tension could set in due to one minor inconvenience. She couldn't imagine having had to listen to this racket day in and day out. While Bryn leads her up the stairs, she takes a moment to grab the man's broom leaning up against the fridge. [break][break]

But she underestimates the amount of stairs it takes to get to the top, and by the time they reach their destination she's bent over her knees and panting. Running like four or five marathons at the recent pokeathlon? Easy. Climbing the entire lighthouse in under five minutes? Impossible.[break][break]

"Just... gimme... one second.. holy shit..."[break][break]

She slaps her palm against the flat of the railing, fingers curling around the wood as she pulls herself to her full height and uses the broom to help keep herself upright. Stray hairs stick to her face and she brushes them aside as soon as she's able, before placing both hands around the shaft of the broom handle and glancing at Bryn.[break][break]

"Alright. Let's get these glorified Rattata's with wings."[break][break]

Stormy follows his instruction to the balcony, hand tightening around the wooden handle as she hums and haws over his suggestion.[break][break]

"Seems sound. Let's give it a shot."[break][break]

Sol hangs back with Nine, preferring to not get involved in whatever conflict his companion was deciding to involve herself in. Chances are, she would be in way over her head and would hurt her own feelings. Where was the closest bucket of ice cream? Or just a bag of ice in general for when she inevitably hurt herself?[break][break]

"Nah, nah, nah. We're handling this just you and me. Pokemon schmokemon, we've got this. Teamwork, my friend, teamwork."[break][break]

There's a few towels hanging outside, perhaps, and she tosses them over to the man.[break][break]

"Flap them back and forth to scare them. I'll knock down their nests with this broom, maybe give them a couple good swats. Assert dominance."[break][break]

She doesn't waste any more time, jogging outside onto the small balcony. She begins her strategy by awkwardly waving the broom back and forth. It's extremely top-heavy and she seems to struggle with her balance. In fact, she rectifies this by deciding to straddle the banister separating her from falling off entirely. It gives her that extra bit of reach she needs, however, and she starts to struggle to bat at the nest.[break][break]


notes: ...



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lilycove, hoenn
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lighthouse keeper
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darker days are raining over me
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bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 18:14:43 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




His lips curled lightly at the corner as Stormy, broom in hand and a previous figure of determination against her task, now looked like she very well needed to use the pole as a walking stick. She was a picture of what he used to look like back when he first took over the lighthouse some months ago, Bryn could almost taste the coppery sensation in the back of his dry throat and the tightness in his lungs at the mere memory of climbing those stairs; how he used to stand at the top with hands on his knees, too. Strange how quickly time had seemed to fly by. “Sure you don’t need a minute there, kiddo?” That didn’t stop him from cracking a somewhat dry, condescending tone with a quirk of a brow, only partly poking fun of the elite trainer as she was bested by a flight of stairs. [break][break]

That mirth to his mouth fell away almost as quickly as it came though as Stormy announced that she was going to be tackling the Pelipper family pokemon-less, leaving Bryn a little baffled and suddenly feeling wearily frustrated; with just a pinch of concern that was left unexpressed. He didn’t have any pokemon that he could rely on to get the job done - no offence to Nine - but if he had, he may well have done, their foes for this afternoon were not exactly placed in the safest of locations and had a tendency to strike. While he was doing the best with what he had on hand, Stormy had just opted out of the most practical, safest route. He didn’t fancy watching her get blown off over the railings by a stray air strike from a merciless parent pair. [break][break]

Don’t be an idiot. I’m not telling the press that a Silph got herself offed on my-“ but she was gone, slipping out of the door before he could snatch the broom from her hands, leaving Bryn to swear softly under his breath and grip his own tool with a white-knuckle grip. There was no choice but to trail after her. Good thing he did, as when he circled around in the opposite direction to Stormy, shrugging off his jacket while trailing around the long way, he was greeted to the sight of his helper with one of his towels in hand and perilously straddling the bannister between the Pelipper and a freefall. Bryn froze with his jacket half down his arm, feeling his mouth dropping into a gape for the first time in a while… [break][break]

What the hell is wrong with you?” Arceus sake, was she trying to give him a heart attack? Suddenly Bryn was starting to regret asking her to help him. Clearly he must have lost a few braincells from a lack of sleep. “If you fall off, I’m killing you myself.” What he really meant to say was ‘please get off’ and ‘don’t be reckless’ but who knows whether Stormy would be able to interpret his bark. Between them the Pelipper began to puff themselves up, wings stretching, to appear as big and intimidating as possible; their babies looking scared as they huddled close in their nest of twigs. “Just... hold on tight at least...” He frowned, as with his jacket he began to wave it at the Pelipper to try and distract them from approaching Stormy, ignoring the wave of foolishness as the birds began to screech louder in his ears and suddenly feeling quite aware of how tense his muscles were. [break][break]

Was this a headache coming on?


notes – no pokemon we die like men[break][break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 19:55:51 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

"Kiddo? Who're you calling kiddo? How old do I look to you, old man?"[break][break]

The fire behind her words is only encouraged by the pep in her step as she wields her weapon of choice and takes off toward the balcony. He doesn't get a chance to stop her and she has no intention of hanging around to hear him call her back. She had full confidence in her abilities and her center of balance. [break][break]

Apparently, he didn't.[break][break]

"Are you worried about me? Lame."[break][break]

She leans back against the bannister, legs still straddling her mostly securely. The broom lowers in her hand as she gives him a blank stare, clearly unaware of what sort of danger she was putting herself in or why on earth he was so damn concerned. He was actually yelling at her now, and she wasn't having any of it.[break][break]

"Hey, you asked me for help. I don't see you with any other bright ideas. What, do you want me to accidentally burn the whole lighthouse down with one of my Charizard's? Didn't think so."[break][break]

Unfortunately, even Stormy's bright idea doesn't seem enough to tackle these hellions. She ends up drenched in water-gun after water-gun, hair sticking to her cheeks and her clothes soaked through. But she's still holding onto the railing and she has managed to club one of the more confident Pelipper's with the frayed end of a broom. It had squawked and squealed, bewildered by the sudden buffet.[break][break]

"Alright, alright, maybe this isn't gonna work."[break][break]

Exhausted, she sets the broom down and rolls her shoulders from the effort of swinging it back and forth above her head. She has managed to break parts of the nest, but the family is adamant that they're staying put. [break][break]


An idea manifests and she reaches for her pockets, patting herself down in search of the Pokeball she's looking for. [break][break]

"Hold your breath, champ, it's about to get stinky."[break][break]

With a pale beam of light, a Gloom appears in her arms. She pulls herself back to the safe side of the balcony and grunts as she lifts the grass-type Pokemon in her arms. It startles and Stormy chuckles nervously before taking a deep breath.[break][break]

And then Gloom lets out the most foul-smelling burp from the top of its bulb-head. It totally covers Stormy in stinky spores, but it seems to throw the Pelipper off as the cough and wheeze. Some of then even plummet entirely, overwhelmed by the horrible smell.[break][break]


notes: ...



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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,929 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 22:21:26 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-magic-wand"]




A PUMPKABOO FLOATS BY with a treat clasped underneath its tiny fangs. both of you receive the following:[break][break]
(note: pumpkaboo can be ic or entirely ooc)[break]

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n / a
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january third
lilycove, hoenn
go away
lighthouse keeper
10 height
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darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 22:39:11 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




Remind me again why I called you,” he deadpans as Stormy retaliates to his criticisms about her lack of sense with a bite of her own, both sides shooting off words but neither seeming very perturbed by the back and forth. One of the reasons that Bryn got on well with Stormy was that, beyond being an interesting person that kept him on his toes, she seemed resilient to his less than smooth qualities. Unless she was some kind of glutton for punishment. [break][break]

Maybe she was, Bryn thought, as he watched the fire master get pummelled with a barrage of water that threatened to topple her each turn. Leaving the man to fend off the Pelipper each time with a sweep of the broom and a wave of his jacket, urging their aim to detour and falter enough so they didn’t hit the woman at full power. [break][break]

Still, she was right that he had been a little concerned when she had decided that half dangling off the railings was a good idea, he wasn’t very inclined to see anyone become ditto paste at the foot of his lighthouse, let alone someone who he dared say he was on friendly terms with. In kind the same could be said about the bird family in front of him. Though he loathed their presence here, was frustrated and at his tether of being able to put up with them, that didn’t mean he wanted to see the water creatures be harmed in their mission to remove them. Bryn hoped that they would be able to move them on without problem…

Huh,” with his broom resting on the ground, Bryn leaned forward against the handle with both hands, amused satisfaction flicking across his face as Stormy admitted defeat. “What brought you to that conclusion, Ms. Bright-Ideas?” Perhaps a couple of water blasts to the face had knocked a little bit of sense into that head of hers. Still, it seemed she wasn’t completely full of hot air and seemed to come to the conclusion – his earlier conclusion – that perhaps using a pokemon of her own was the way to go. Bryn nodded in satisfied agreement as she released a Gloom from a capsule previously tucked away and took a step back; thankful that they were at least outside before the stink bomb went off. At least this way they might be able to get them to leave without a fight… [break][break]

Alright, ready.” Lifting the collar of his shirt up over his nose, Bryn watched through sharp narrowed eyes as a plume of particles burst into the air, surrounding their side of the lighthouse summit in a plume of nauseating spores. Their screeches cut off into gagging caws, the Wingull hatchlings wheezed and staggered, one of the parents hopping over to try and shield them with a wing. Pelipper number two however plummeted off the edge and landed on the balcony with a flailing, awkward sounding thud in its frantic display of feathers and screeches. Bryn grimaced, both as the scent sneaked through the fabric of his shirt and from the way the creature squirmed at their feet, stiffly holding a wing out. That wasn’t good… Something in his stomach dropped with a tired exhale. [break][break]

In its desperation, the Pelipper began to flap its wings awkwardly in Stormy and Gloom’s direction in the attempts of an Air Slash, probably to knock them and the foul smell away as quickly as possible. It didn’t get a chance though, Bryn stepped in to throw his jacket over the squirming body of the large bird, firmly putting his weight down on the pokemon and attempting to hold its wings close to its body to stop it from moving too much. His jaw clenched, attempting to get it under control all the while trying not to breathe in too many spores, lest he vomit on the balcony. [break][break]

Got it...” Sort of, anyway. Turns out Pelipper are quite strong and he felt his arm muscles working to restrain the pokemon so it wouldn't charge off and potentially hurt itself further or collide into Stormy. “How you doing with the others?” Any minute now he bet the other half would have recovered and would be trying to dive bomb him... Keeping his hands steady, he began to try and tie the sleeves of the jacket around its plump bird body, like a little straight jacket of sorts.


notes – no pokemon we die like men[break][break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 1:03:05 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

"You mean it wasn't because you like me? I'm sure there were a ton of better options out there, chief."[break][break]

But as she opens her mouth to object and fire back, she is met with another spray of water. She chokes, spitting and coughing as it dribbles down her chin. With the back of her arm she wipes away her near-drowning, tucking wet hair behind her ear as she ultimately reaches for Gloom to let off a stink-bomb.[break][break]

And, for the most part, it seems to work like a charm. One Pelipper falls, and she leans over the balcony to watch it fall. With a wince at the impact, Stormy glances at Bryn with a sheepish, guilty expression as her brows knit together and her face pales. She hadn't meant to hurt them that badly. Turns out Gloom could not only clear a room, but it could literally kill someone.[break][break]

The downed Pelipper fires up some angry, desperate air slashes, however, and Stormy narrowly avoids getting a haphazard haircut as they make it up to her position. She clutches her chest at the close call, taking a step or two back and tucking her Pokemon closer to her chest.[break][break]

When she peers back down over the balcony, she's watching her friend throw his jacket over the bird and tuck it close to his chest. She gasps, readjusting the Pokemon in her arm and totally ignoring the squawking beasts above her.[break][break]

"Is it alright? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt it. Oh fuck--"[break][break]

But now the effect of Gloom's spores were getting to her and a wave of nausea takes over. She gags, covering her mouth with the back of her hand and retreating.[break][break]

"I- I'm gonna be sick, one second."[break][break]

She drops the Gloom on the ground quite unceremoniously before darting back inside to take a breather. Gloom, on the other hand, has taken it upon itself to jump up and continue dusting the Pelipper and Wingull's with smelly spores. It manages to keep them at bay while Stormy works to not vomit.[break][break]


notes: ...



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he / him
january third
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lighthouse keeper
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darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 17:13:04 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




Despite the Pelipper’s struggles, he had managed to securely tie it up with his jacket into a secure bundle, its wings pinned to its sides to prevent it from hurting itself further. Bryn’s furrowed brow, previously pinched firm in concentration to power through the hair-melting stench and snapping of a large beak in his face, softened as Stormy’s worried tones punctured through the chaos. “It’s okay,” he assured about many different variables, his arms coming to wrap around the stocky creature and lifting it in a secure hold against his chest, his voice level as he raises to his full height. “Don’t go thinking it’s your fault. It’s probably just a sprain from landing awkwardly.” After all, the winged heathen had instantly attempted to power through its favoured appendage and attack them, so Bryn assumed that it wasn’t broken, at the very least. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry. [break][break]

With a grunt as he lifted the Pelipper, he stifled a cough that threatened to rip up his throat, clenching his teeth together as the smog of bad smells was picked up by the wind, pushing it further over towards him until he was hit by the full-force of the putrid collision. “F-Fuck,” unable to adjust anything to cover his nose, his arms occupied by a squirming hulk of feathers, Bryn just managed to pick up the sound of Stormy announcing she was going to hurl followed by the clatter of the door. She better not throw up in there! Not like he was one to talk, what with his stomach churning from the unholy smell that such a small pokemon such as Gloom should never be able to create… “Please don’t puke, don’t you bloody dare puke in there, Stormy…!”[break][break]

So, ducking his head down, for the first time in a while Bryn threw himself and Pelipper towards the door at a run; desperation to get to untainted air pushing all sense of shame out of the window as he hauled ass back into the lighthouse. [break][break]

Unceremoniously, Bryn kicked the door shut behind him as he burst back inside, watching through the wall-length glass as thick green spores circled around the top of the lighthouse, tinting the pretty view with a film of puke coloured fumes. He greedily breathed in some clean air. Outside the Gloom seemed to be too busy handling the rest of the bird family to, thankfully, follow them. [break][break]

Carefully Bryn lowered the Pelipper down to the floor, one hand remaining placed upon its back as he crouched beside it, noting that it now looked rather dazed after he had hauled them through the smog cloud. At least it had calmed down a little; even so he kept a light hold on it, just in case it recovered quickly. With a heavy exhale, Bryn’s head flopped low, mousy brown hair falling over his face. Suddenly he felt more exhausted than ever. “You feeling alright?” He asked Stormy, ignoring how Nine had floated over towards them with a concerned look on her face before seemingly getting a whiff of them, his Castform seeming to second guess her worry as she let out a little splutter and put some distance between them. Hazel eyes peeked through strands of hair as he remained crouched, concentrating on breathing through the sickly feeling in his stomach and resisting the urge to fall back on his ass in defeat. “Shit...” A soft, tired chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head, the weariness and craziness of the situation pulling a tune from his dry throat like a man meeting the wall of his limit. “I liked this shirt. Now I'm going to have to burn it, aren't I?


notes – no pokemon we die like men[break][break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 18:18:51 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

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if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Stormy would be found tucked into an awkward squat just inside the door. She's pressed the balcony's glass door closed and it manages to keep the stench outside. But she is folded in on herself, focusing on her breathing with her hands buried in her hair on either side of her face. Her eyes are squeezed shut as Bryn arrives, but she tilts her cheek to face him slightly and one hand peels off of her sweaty face to offer him a wobbly thumbs up.[break][break]

"Didn't... vom..."[break][break]

But she does dry-heave, covering her mouth for fear she truly might. Thankfully, nothing comes up. Perhaps a perk from not having eaten breakfast this morning. She hesitates, catching her breath and waiting for the wave of nausea to pass before she rests her cheek on her knee to watch Bryn handle his captured hostage.[break][break]

Sol takes Nines advice, hovering far away from them to avoid the smell of their clothes rubbing off on them. Stormy tugs at the collar of her shirt, disgust leaving dramatic grooves in her forehead and forced wrinkles in her nose. She gags, pinching her nose closed and forcing a laugh at Bryn's comment about burning his clothes.[break][break]

"That can be arranged, just say the word."[break][break]

But she squints as a new idea comes to mind. She slides to the floor with her shoulders pressed to the hardwood. Stormy leans her head back against the floor and purses her lips, closing her eyes when the ceiling begins to spin -- or maybe there is something up there spinning.[break][break]

"You know who would have had a good idea? . She's a wizz with Pokemon, I swear."[break][break]

And she always smells so damn nice...[break][break]

Stormy's thoughts pitter away before coming to a halt. Her hand slaps against her hip in search of another Pokeball, retrieving what appears to be a black and purple lizard. The Salazzle's tongue flicks out, tasting the air. It almost seems to chuckle and Stormy scowls before pointing outside.[break][break]

"Take a page out of Miss Collins' book, Salazzle. Use your sweet scent to lure them away. They'll take the bait so they don't have to stick around here."[break][break]

Salazzle complies, slipping out of the building somehow and appearing on the outside. The Pelipper seems to take the bait immediately and have even gathered up their nest. Several Wingull attempt to help carry it alongside their parent, and they speed off and out of the stinky spore cloud that hangs over the lighthouse. [break][break]

"Hey, you know what I did do? I made sure no more Pokemon are even gonna think twice about visiting the lighthouse. You're gonna be in a forcefield of stinky for the foreseeable future. Big brain play, right there."[break][break]

She chuckles, settling back down and laying her forearm across her forehead, closing her eyes and focusing on stilling the somersaulting nausea in her stomach.[break][break]


notes: ...



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n / a
he / him
january third
lilycove, hoenn
go away
lighthouse keeper
10 height
10 height
darker days are raining over me
19 posts
bryn hollis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @bryn
bryn hollis
one flew over the pelipper's nest
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 22:26:43 GMT
bryn hollis Avatar




Bryn visibly cringes as Stormy dry heaves in the corner, a dull throb of regret rippling through his head as he felt powerless to stop the trainer from potentially spewing all over his floor, having to trust that the woman was able to keep it in. If all else fails then he’d have to swap her broom with a mop. “Hey, stupid, you want to puke?” He huffs out as she picks at her foul-smelling shirt and starts inhaling like a sniffer-Growlithe, Bryn’s expression twisting into unmasked disbelief, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose and his eyes closing as he tried not to pay attention to the mess in the corner. Ah, yes, there was the headache. It went so well when combined with the nauseous churning in his stomach and the fatigue stinging behind his eyelids. Fan-fucking-tastic. [break][break]

Head bowed, remaining crouched on the ground next to the Pelipper who had also taken to making noises that resembled groans of sickness - it better not hurl either - Bryn felt his lips tweak ever so slightly at the corner as his companion commented on his burning suggesting, wearily amused. He wouldn’t put it past her to try and scorch the clothes off his back after today’s stunts. “So you agree, I should have called someone else, then? It's always nice to be proven right.” Chuckling as Stormy mentioned that Avery would have been a better fit for this particular quest, he gave up on remaining on his toes, his thighs beginning to ache slightly until he slipped down onto his ass and released a heavy exhale. If he kept still then the wooziness would pass in no time, hopefully. [break][break]

Keeping a grip on his hostage, Bryn watched silently as Stormy got to work, seemingly gathering a flash of inspiration as she summoned another pokemon to help them. “Should have come up with that sooner,” he sighed to himself, mostly. There was nothing they could do about their failed first attempts now; at least the Salazzle was achieving results and he lifted his gaze to watch as the sweet scent seemed to overpower the strength of the foul scents that the Gloom had left, their winged enemies packing up shop all on their own when lured by a more alluring trail. Only one, sitting at his feet, was left behind.[break][break]

Brown-green eyes flickered over to Stormy as their mission seemed to turn towards success, raising his brow as the woman proclaimed her victory and the benefits in which she had brought to the lighthouse. He looked at her with an incredibly blank expression. “Yeah, right…” Admittedly he felt like the term meant more than what he could interpret, like some kind of catchphrase passed through a grapevine he hadn’t noticed and so Bryn awkwardly tacked on air quotes with his fingers as he hesitantly replied, “very… ‘big brain’ of you?” Was that meant to be a proclamation that she had done something smart? If so, then he’d have to knock off points from that comment alone. [break][break]

Anyway forget the pokémon. After today we're not going to need Lucy anymore, we can ward the ships away from the rocks with the damn stink bubble,” he paused, looking down at the Pelipper beside him, its breathing having evened out after having its senses assaulted from the Gloom stink and was beginning to stir. He'd have to get it to the Pokémon Center soon... “But hey,” he started before wetting his lips, pausing for a brief moment as he weighed the words sitting awkwardly on his tongue, brow pinched in a little frown as he pushed through the headache formulating from fatigue, frustration and now awkwardness. “Even though this was pretty much a shit-storm disaster. Thanks. For helping out. I owe you.” He looked away, figuring his broken sentence would do as an expression of gratitude, even though it still tasted a bit strange on the tongue. He doubted Stormy would be all too keen to eat biscuits and drink tea as a reward now, considering the state they were in. [break][break]

Now there was only the one remaining problem left, one that was beginning to struggle in the restraits of his jacket and Bryn, weary and fed up now that he smelled like ass, didn't think he could transport it to the pokécenter as is... “Got a spare pokéball on you I can borrow...?


notes – we shall name it stinky[break][break]


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