lilycove memorial [pkjob]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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Laurence Anderson
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 21:19:42 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The war was over, however talk was going about to erect a memorial for the fallen.

Said memorial would be established in Lilycove, and there was a need for Pokémon who were good with handling construction were needed.

This was where Lars had dropped off his Garchomp, giving the purple skin a pat before urging it on. “Do good, okay?” he encouraged before leaving the Garchomp to its devices. He would be returning at the end of the day once the foundations had been laid down and whatever plans for the memorial had been set up.

Seeing that there were humans shouting around and trying to dig up the ground, the Garchomp scoffed because they were going so slow—and decided to take the lead.

Diving into the ground, the Garchomp began to use Dig in order to help the humans dig up the ground faster and get their job done in a shorter time.

pkjob #8

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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maverick noah ryder
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2020 15:48:49 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar


female - synchronize
mean look, dark pulse, shadow ball, dig, moonlight, iron tail

The war was brutal to all and ripped the hoenn region into pieces. The human couldn’t help but feel somewhat responsible for everything that has happen. Although they managed to defeat their side of the war, many humans and pokemon dead because they were just not quick enough. So when the league called for trainer to send pokemon to help burry some of the dead, the trainer felt obligated to assist. After all, he lost his aerodactyl to an ultra beast. And if things were revered, he would hope people would do the same for him.

The shiny umbreon gaze lifted to the group of humans she was to help today. In just a few hours, they only managed to dig just a few feet down. She meowed, ready to show them how to dig a hole. Her paws took on a low glow as she moved into position. And with all her might, she used DIG into the earth. Her paws scratched further and further into the earth. And within no time, the shiny umbreon created a dig enough hole to satisfy the group she was with. Once she as down deep enough, the umbreon leaped out of the crater and let out a meow. The humans smiled, one of the tapping her head in praise. She hissed and the human baked away mumbling “sorry”. How dare this human touch her?

It was only when that grave was done she and her little team moved to start another. She let them dig for a little bit before she dug for them. In not time, they were getting the job done rather swiftly. It was sad to see these humans and pokemons lifeless body being buried. But in the end, she was just glad it wasn’t her or her trainer being put in these holes. But it still made her wonder, why do humans like to do this to their dead? It was weird.

tags ❱ @pokejob
notes ❱ pokejob
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
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Selena Desmarais
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2020 20:38:59 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


lilycove memorial


while is busy giving orders to people who volunteered in the creation of the memorial, medusa busies herself with overseeing the works of other pokémons. when one questions its lack of participation, the milotic boils with annoyance that it decides to set an example. the shimmering serpentine bulldozes through the rocky terrain and slithers underground. the softened soil will eventually cave in but the milotic will break through the ground, muddied yet beautiful.[break][break]







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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2020 6:45:32 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin hadn't been at Lilycove, but he'd seen the pictures. He'd watched the news; first, it had been for reports on Mauville, where he had been present, but it had morphed into a morbid obsession.

Steelix, veteran of several jobs, had been an obvious choice to assist in the construction of a memorial. Though he'd barely known the man, a Rocket had fallen in the battle. His name might not appear on the memorial but Gavin would know.

At the site, the golden serpent digs deep into the earth, casting aside piles of dirt and rock to bore holes for foundation supports. Though her ability to mega-evolve would have been useful in such a situation, she makes do. Gavin had impressed upon her the importance of this task and though she had no idea why her trainer cared, she would accept nothing less than perfection in her own work.

Once her job is done, Steelix curls up in a patch of sun that warms her metal hide, and dozes off.

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon steelix shiny"]

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 15:54:45 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar


Using DIG the Ninjask would assist would tunneling out the foundation for the memorial. Although Sénon himself didn't want to come the once-Nincada insisted and insisted loudly that they return to Lilycove and help for the others that didn't survive the battle.

Or so Sénon could piece together given Ninju's behavior upon hearing of the memorial efforts and subsequently learning his trainer didn't want to help. He'd never a Ninjask buzz so loud, it felt like his head would explode if it didn't stop.

Using HARDEN a few times over the Ninja Pokémon could still use the move DIG post-evolution and used it burrow as it once did.

Most likely it was some mix of honor and guilt and drove the bug-type to be here given not only did he not die in the battle for Lilycove as a bug fighting in a largely water-based conflict Ninju had survived and thrived going as far as evolving and helping to stop those massive red bugs. If the conflict had worked out differently he might have died and in that death Ninju seemingly would have wanted other survivors to return to erect a memorial in remembrance of him.

When his section of the work was done he returned to Sénon who was all too happy to receive him, understanding a bit better what all the buzzing and fussing was about. The redheaded ranger placed a hand on top of the floating Ninjask. "I'm proud of you Ninju... now lets go home." Tucking the buzzer under his armpit the ranger wouldn't take 'No' for an answer but wouldn't forget this particular expression of passion and empathy a bug showed for fallen comrades he'd only barely gotten to know.

● tags: @pokejob
, @iris
● notes:

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the flurry
september 19
it’s all winter here, even in august
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mclaren mcflurry
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 22:31:16 GMT
mclaren mcflurry Avatar

will i get to you
a little 𝐅 𝐀 𝐒 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑
if i was the
𝐒 𝐍 𝐎 𝐖 in the air ?

steelix felt... somber.

the grounds were familiar. too familiar. the taste, the smell, the texture. mostly because, well. this was the same soil it had attempted to dig into, during...

during the war.

its trainer had done her best. in fact, their entire team had done wonderfully. steelix still remembered digging into that horrible monster of stone and wrongness, killing, eating, proving its worth, proving its strength.

and yet the death of fellow pokemon and of other trainers stained this city. their blood stained the soil. especially in that steelix is digging... a large gravestone.

a memorial.

steelix went on with its job silently, promising to itself that this was to console the departed souls of its comrades, those souls who died horrifically.
● steelix with dig

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 3:23:44 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Lancer did not understand these humans and their sadness. Back at his hive they had wars all the time, his fellow beedrill soldiers would be slaughtered by the handful protecting their land. Beedrill do not mourn the fallen, it is nature to die and instinct to help the hive survive. Thus he could not fathom why humans mourned the fallen from Lilycove, with a monument to their failure of all things. It was beyond his comprehension.

Not that it mattered, in the end he was here to work. Using Drill Run he aided several other pokemon in lowering and flattening the land. Occasionally he would be asked to help create holes for the foundation beams, and he would readily oblige. Lancer remained vigilant throughout, knowing that the quicker he finished the quicker he could leave this nonsensical place behind.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 17:36:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","iris"]iris does not understand grief in the way these people do—she herself has never lost. perhaps it is why she sees the memorial as a waste of resources. what use is a monument? as if they could ever forget.
still, iris understands orders; she sends her excadrill as she is told to.
the dual-type joins its hands together over its head as leaps forward, spinning to complete the execution of its DRILL RUN. it carves a trench in its path, widening the carved-out base for the memorial's foundations.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
lilycove memorial [pkjob]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 3:57:18 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GREAT JOB!



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