Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2020 0:41:30 GMT
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zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Devin set up the cameras as Zac and Billi sat down in a booth at Pelipper's Roost, one of Lilycove's remaining cafes. They were seated at a window, looking out over the city and the glittering sea of Route 124.

Besides the bustling, clinking sounds of a cafe in motion, there was the background grind and clang of construction, the industrial music of a city rebuilding.

After a few minutes of light talk between host and guest, Devin gave a thumbs up and Zac turned to the camera. The little red light flicked on, and Zac grinned, coming to life. “Howzit going Rippers, welcome, hello, and have a seat, because this is a new segment that you’re watching today, and this one's a tad more mellow than you're use to.
So maybe grab a cuppa, a bickie or two, and take a load off, because this is
Tip Top Trainer Talks, or as I like to call it: T42.”

Zac turned to his guest, and the camera zoomed out to reveal Billi Marsh, who was sitting opposite him. “Now I know that’s a lot for you folks to take in all at once, especially when you’re used to just trompin around in the wild with Dev and me, so let me give you a little teaser fof the excitement to come, alright?"

Zac turned to his guest, and the camera zoomed out to reveal Billi Marsh, who was sitting opposite him.

"And who better to start off with than a verifiable local legend?" He said, voice filled with excitement. "That's right, today, for our very first T42 we’re sitting down with a resident of Lilycove city."
"A man who defended the city from the recent Megalopolan attack, and someone who was recognized for his efforts by the League.”
Zac said, his voice growing in volume as he grew more and more excited, until his deep tones were booming in the small cafe.

“A hero, a lover of the wilder kind of pokemon, and an all around top bloke, please give a warm welcome to my mate, Billi Marsh.”

Zac paused, letting his introduction sink in with the viewers. “Now that's a pretty big bio Billi, and from what I gather that's just the tip of the Bergmite!" He said with a chuckle.  

"So let’s start off with something light before we dig into the heavy stuff, alright Billi?"

"How about you tell the people at home where this all began? To put it a tad more eloquently: What was the start of your pokemon journey?

Devin zoomed in on Billi, hundreds of vieweres waiting for his answer. 

NOTES: The man, the myth, the local legend.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2020 5:52:02 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Honestly Billi was just shocked to be involved in this kind of setting! Normally Billi was the one conducting some trendy casual interview but he was never the one on the camera, rather he was the one working the camera. Just...it was a new sensation, and he felt somewhat….flattered? Yeah! Flattered! Though he couldn’t come to find the reason behind why anyone would want to get to know his pretty mundane life. It wasn’t like he was out there punching villains in the teeth, or being an activist for anything, rather, he was just genuinely himself at all times.

Billi was dressed in his finest, homemade custom couture, pants and oranberry shirt, that was cleverly tucked in and matched his eyes, and the main color a dull yellow to match the vibrant blonde hair that was styled to unparalleled perfection. He figured this was a moment to dress fancy and just take it with a grain of salt, considering it was a cafe. Set up with some cameras and the like. The red light beamed to show they were on air, live or whatever. The blonde smiled brightly with his Poipole being held in his lap so he didn’t cause a ruckus.

Waving with a shake of the wrist, “Hi!” the charming blue smile turned up once again. There wasn’t much in regards to a thank you, because he wasn’t going to humble the experience because there was no honor in an interview with him, it was just a part of work, and another fun day for him. Even if his arm remained bandaged, and healing.

The question was asked by the red headed man who he had just met maybe less than an hour ago briefly to get the rundown of how the day would go. “Oh hahahah don’t make me seem like something i'm not now! Besides i’m hardly a legend hahahaha I’m not even a gym leader! Not even really good at battling, just creative ya know,” he noted, but thought to himself. “I’m actually super simple! I think anyways. I’m usually the one interviewing so this is different for me hahaha!” the league was genuine as Billi held Majora who desperately wanted the biscuits on the table.

“I’m honestly just a boy from Spikemuth, Galar!” he chuckled, “My mum passed away, my sister did too, so I got tired of being a streamer and moved to Hoenn, with a company that allowed me to write trendy articles for them, and then I got an interview with Selena, the Lilycove gym leader and she gave me a job! Now I’m living here!” he seemed to have pride vibrating in his voice. “Honestly my pokemon are my family now! So they are the only thing I feel is consistent in my life.”

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The Robust
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2020 12:08:13 GMT
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zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

"From Galar? Wow, you sure are a long way from home living in Lilycove, but it sounds like you've made some great friends and connections, and I bet the weather here is nicer." Zac said with a laugh. I'm sorry to hear about your mother and sister though Billi, that must have been tough. What happened to your father? Was he ever around?"

As Billi talked, Zac took in the young man before him. He's barely out of his teens, and yet this bloke has already been through so much. Losing his family, moving halfway across the bloody world, and now his city gets damn near destroyed? 

Bill finished his answer, and Zac took the conversation in a more positive direction. "You mentioned that your pokemon are your family now, a very relatable sentiment for many, myself included. So what was your first pokemon? How did you get them, and are they still with you?"

NOTES: The man, the myth, the local legend.

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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2020 23:45:53 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Billi thought to himself for a moment, as his hands held the Poipole, squeezing gently to hide his own discomfort with bringing up family matters. Not that he hated it rather, he never digested any of it. His mother was a raw wound and his sister was the tumour that pulsed inside of him. Billi understood the man was doing his job, but Billi always avoided putting his feelings on display because he didn’t want anyone to cry for him, because he had to be strong himself. Lately however...he needed people to lift him up, but...alas the war had been hard on everyone.

“Yeah, don’t know him. Pretty sure mum didn’t like him at all for some reason,” it was an honest opinion but he couldn’t place a finger on why she disliked him so much, but he didn’t question it because his mom was great, so he never complained. After all, being a man has nothing to do with gender, just a level of maturity. At the same time he saw the man as humbling him to the viewers, granted he was very friendly! Billi would be doing the same thing!

“Oh my first pokemon?” he smiled brightly, “I kinda got two weird sections,” he poked his phone and Rotom zapped out, “PZZTT” it stared at the camera waving, “Razzberry was the first pokemon I got. My mom left me it in her will. He was my uncles and then my moms, and now mine!” he exclaimed, “As for the first pokemon i caught,” he pointed out the cafe window, where his Corviknight sat staring into after Billi. “I caught him as a Rookidee before I moved here! Of course there’s also Yamper and Mawile. “ he paused thinking about all his pokemon.

“I have a lot of spider pokemon, snakeys, bats….ooh like a ton of bugs! Their just so friendly. Oh and Poipole,” he held him closely as Majora tried to wiggle free.

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The Robust
October 30th
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 0:27:13 GMT
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zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Devin's eyes lit up as Billi brought out the Rotom, but he stayed quiet and professional, letting Zac ask the questions. Zac, for the most part, was quite perceptive, and he tactfully let the vague answer about family slide. He moved on, not wanting to open up any unnecessary wounds, but inside he was kicking himself. Come on Zac, we can't be making careless mistakes like that. You can see that the guy's hurting. Should have steered clear of his family. He said before that pokemon are his family, so lets focus on that. 

"I was wondering who was double parked!" Zac joked, looking outside at the massive Corviknight. "That is one magnificent bird." he said, admiring the broad, soot black feathers, and steel face plate, which covered a pair of inquisitive avian eyes. "I've always had a soft spot for the flyers, but I can never bring myself to use one for travel. I have a killer fear of heights." He laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"So tell me more about Poipole here." 
Zac said, leaning closer to the wriggling pokemon. It was quite well behaved, from what he had heard. What a strange pokemon. Well, not quite a pokemon is it. It's closer to an alien... "I hear that the little guys are pretty divisive, what with being Ultra Beasts and all. What made you decide to add one to your family?"

NOTES: The man, the myth, the local legend.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 5:09:58 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Billi listened to the camera man and felt even more awkward because he didn’t really intend to make it clear. Maybe he wasn’t specific enough that it gave him away, but regardless, he glossed over it by fiddling with the little purple pokemon, and fed him another biscuit. Ravati looked through the window, and flapped his wings, giving a screech that was loud enough to be heard inside, and gently pecked the glass, to get attention back on him. The beady eyes glaring down the interviewer and his cameraman, as if it was a warning, but at the same time curious about what was happening inside.

The blondes smiled turned upwards hearing that the man enjoyed the bird pokemon, “He’s kinda the Galar staple! Back home they are used for taxi’s so most of us are pretty accustomed to heights.” he paused and leaned forward on the table, “I can take you on a ride after this! I promise you won't fall! I mean I’ve fallen off before but Ravati always catches me. Never fails to save me from danger ya know!” he waved to the bird whom cheerfully flapped his wings.

“Oh Majora? Well I kinda...got him from a friend…..He’s a cop too I guess and was given one to give away or something like that! To be honest I was having a bad day because it was only like a week after the war ended, so I had other things on my mind! And he was missing his mama, I think… I can’t tell if he’s a boy or whatever but he just gives me boi energy! And most of my pokemon happen to be bois somehow.” he mused to himself, thinking outloud, “What about you! I haven’t seen your pokemon around!” Billi shouldn’t be asking question, but he was curious! “What do you have?”

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The Robust
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 17:14:33 GMT
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zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Zac laughed, warm and easy. "I would love to show you Billi, but unfortunately I dont have anything on me quite as pocket sized as your little Majora there." With obvious joy, Zac grabbed his backback from where it had been sitting (out of frame) on a nearby chair. He started pulling out pokeballs.

"Lets see here. Onix, Rhydon, Turtonator, Camerupt, Serperior." Zac said, as he placed each of the balls on the table. Most of them were scuffed or streaked with mud or sand. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for those big, stomping monsters. Anything that has an element of danger to is just damn near irresistable."

Zac pulled the sixth pokeball out. This one looked the oldest by far. The red was worn down and faded, almost pink. And the button on the front was a little crooked.
"and...Zappa." he said, placing the ball down on the table with a little hint of annoyance in his voice. "A Heliolisk." Zac said, by way of explanation. "He's headstrong, but nothing I can't deal with."

"And there you have it!"
"I guess Zappa's the smallest of the usual crew. He's small enough to let out, but even then he's still a bit of a handful to have running around...ah what the hell, lets give 'im a go."

Zappa appeared in a flash of red light and luminous sparks, landing on all fours at the side of the table. Immediately he snagged a piece of the (mostly decorative) cake and scuttled under the table, consuming it noisily.
"Well, now we've definitely achieved that 'overcasual atmosphere' that Devin was warning me about." Zac laughed. Behind the camera Devin frowned. 

"So we've covered the ones closest to our hearts, and while all pokemon are lovable little critters in their own way, some of them have that special little sheen." Zac said with a wink.

"I'm speaking literally of course. While we're just whippin' out 'mon how bout it? You got any shinies?"

NOTES: Sparkle Sparkle!

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Spikemouth, Galar
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 18:36:10 GMT
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Just...wow! The little lizard seemed to be almost feral which released a laugh from Billi’s stomach. The scrunching, munching and gobblinging, honestly just kinda cute. Majora wiggled and Billi finally let it go to float down under the table, upside down, checking out the new lizard, a pokemon it had never encountered before. “pol?” it reached out to try and steal some of its cake. Granted Billi would have spoken to the pokemon but he felt that the fact that it was eating wasn’t a good idea.

The blonde laughed at the red head, the ease of a professional interview gone right out the window, so now he knew he could just relax and have fun, rather than give some deep insightful answer to inspire people. “Oh shiny pokemon? Wellllll” he paused and grinned, pulling out four pokeballs and releasing the pokemon inside the cafe. Luckily they were only tiny pokemon. A bat, a bug, a mouse, and rose, all standing there in their unique colorado.

All of them looked slightly confused, but remained beside Billi, “It’s okay they just wanted to see how pretty you guys are!” he laughed and moved them gently towards the camera. “Roselia, Woobat, Plusle and aaa” he blanked out for a moment as the species escaped him, “Scatterbug?” he asked because it was that or spewpa, “My goal is to get all the forms of vivillon because they are soooo pretty and they make people happy when they're seen! Just like butterfree!” the tiny bug sneezed out string, “Oh. you’re messy,” Billi teased the bug with a cold and wiped it up.

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The Robust
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2020 3:20:24 GMT
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zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Zac couldn't help but smile at the situation.
With a cafe full of messy pokemon the interview was rapidly spinning out of control, morphing before his eyes into more of a picnic than a chat between professions, and he couldn't be happier.
Under the couch, Zappa finished off the piece of cake and came up for another, bumping the table and knocking over an half-finished cup of coffee.

"Hey! Stop causing such a mess down there!" Zac laughed, wiping up the spilled liquid. He called for a waiter, who eyed the situation was politely disguised annoyance. "Can we get this cake to go actually?" Zac asked.

"This may not have been the best place for a casual sitdown." He admitted to Billi. "A bit high end. Not sure they're really used to having pokemon scampering about."

"How about we take this 'interview' somewhere a bit more casual. Do you know any good spots nearby?" Zac stood up, brushing the crumbs off himself. He paused, eyeing the Corviknight standing galantly outside the window. He did seem super proud of that bird. I should probably be a good interviewer. 

He swallowed his fear. "We can even fly, if he's up for carrying the three of us."

NOTES: I can show you the world~

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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 19:35:27 GMT
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Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Filler things here

Leave it to Billi to make this professional setting into a bloody zoo. Where pokemon ran around like it was a daycare. And it wasn’t like they were misbehaving rather they just were little, and a lot of them. At this point he had almost a full adventurers party to deal with this! Just! How? People around him were probably wondering how the hell he keeps track of all these pokemon! Simple they all get names! “Hahaha sorry I made this into a zoo,”[break][break]

The blonde grinned and returned the shinies to their pokeballs. “True, formal places I cause chaos a lot,” he laughed to himself as the poipole tried to steal the cake from the lizard as Billi stood up, “Sure we can hop on Ravali and head out,” he clapped his hands together and waving Majora to come with him, ” Just make sure you hold on, but even if you fall I have other flyers that can snatch you up if you do fall.” he wasn’t really good at reassuring that he wasn’t gonna fall, because well you know things happen in the air.[break][break]

Walking up to his Corviknight the bird flapped its wings creating a wind gust that set off alarms nearby, “I know i know, “ Billi laughed and rubbed the birds chest plumage which calmed the beast, “We’re gonna go real high and find the heights place to sit!” he told the beast as Majora crawled into Billi’s shirt. “Just jump on his back. So I guess you guys in front? So I can see if your gonna fall off?” he wasn’t sure how to approach jumping onto the beast but oh well.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 16:10:34 GMT
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zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Zac followed the blonde out to where his bird was sitting outside. After a brief introduction, letting the bird get comfortable around him, he climbed onto it's back. Ravali's body was light, yet powerful, like some aluminium creation and as Zac shuffled forward through the massive, coal-black feather, he felt the bird shift underneath him.

"I'm not sure i'm a big fan of this." He said, trying to get a good handhold of the bird that didn't involve just grabbing handfuls of Ravali's feathers.

"I'm not sure there is room for three up there." Devin said, unpacking the travel set for the camera and handing it to Zac. "So you just take this. And please, please make sure it's focussed this time."

"Yeah no worries Dev, i'll have it all lined up and spot on."

Devin handed him the camera case, just as Ravali shifted, and Zac almost dropped the equiptment. "Don't worry," Zac said with a sickly smile. "I'm sure being a mile or two above the ground will only make me hold onto it harder." 

"What about the headcam?" Devin asked, taking obvious enjoyment in seeing Zac so out of his element.
With unsteady hands, Zac managed to pull out the headcam and cinched it down through his thick red hair.
"Perfect." Devin said. "I cant wait to watch the footage."

All packed, Zac shuffled forward to make sure Billi had enough room. "Okay!" He said, a little too loudly. "Ready when you are!"

NOTES: I can show you the world~

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 0:20:01 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Filler things here

Billi paused as he watched and listened, as the group decided on achieving a better result if it was just the two of them, and leaving the camera guy behind, “you sure? I have another pokemon you might fit on but it’s kinda meh and I won’t be there to help you hold on,” regardless Billi climbed up on his Corviknight. The bird feathers firm, and soft, and Billi’s hands wrapped under the man's arms, to hold the bird, ”Just gotta hold on okay?”[break][break]

With a loud piercing screech they took off in a gust. The wind catching them, and
Billi made sure to hold the giant red head in place. “Don’t forget to take in the ground to, I’m behind you so you shouldn’t fall out,” the blonde spoke loudly, “Ravali is actually going really slow for you. So just relax. You can let go and just sit down,” Billi grinned letting go of the bird as it cruised above the builds.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 3:50:13 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Zac's stomach dropped out as the bird took to the air. "Ah hell!" He groaned, watching the ground fall away underneath them. The rise was uneven, and the bird moved sickeningly with each powerful wingbeat, dipping slightly before surging upwards. He couldn't help but be impressed at the sheer strength of the creature. Hollow bones, yet able to lift its own body weight. in cargo Incredible.

Billi moved up behind him on Ravali, grabbing the feathers of the bird and holding Zac in place. He said some arguably reassuring things about "going slow" and how he could always catch Zac should he fall of. That wasn't of much solace to Zac, but was thankful for the man's presence. 

Any additional connection to the bird helped to steel his nerves, and with Billi holding him in place he almost felt stable!

The ground disappeared, and with it the waving form of Devin, as they headed out over the ocean. "So where are we headed?" Zac tried to say, but his stomach protested, any groans he made were whipped away by the wind.

What is even out here? We could cover some serious ground at this speed. Mt. Pyre is to the North. Is that where we're going?

NOTES: I can't believe you've done this

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 20:29:55 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Filler things here

“Oh I haven’t been to mt pyre,” Billi questioned himself as to why he’s never been there before! It would be fun to head up that way considering he assumed a name like pyre would mean a ton of lava or something, and he’s never seen lava before in his life! That and fire pokemon kinda scared him overall. “Sure we can head up that way if you want to buddy,” Billi stated as the bird screeched again as Billi nudged the bird in that direction. Naturally….it didn’t like fire for obvious reasons.[break][break]

“Hollow bones work well but like...I don’t know how the science works because he’s a steel type pokemon. And hes pretty chonk,” Billi shrugged as they flew towards the mountain, and looked for a spot to land. “oh lets land over there,” Billi pointed so the bird could see. Then suddenly DIVE BOMB. The bird turned directly down, closing its wings and going dangerously fast. Billi laughed along the ride as the bird quickly came to a sudden stop, and landed peacefully.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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played by


The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Tip Top Trainer Talks - Billi Marsh (s)
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 3:19:18 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

zac ramsay

t42 - billi marsh
lilycove | social 

Zac hadn't enjoyed liftoff, but landing was even worse. 
Is he trying to torture me? Zac thought, shouting out in fear as the massive bird dove straight for the summit of Mt. Pyre.

The mountain was a far cry from his home in Lavaridge, and as the flameless peak appeared from under its layer of clouds, Zac was hit by the sheer size of the summit plateau.

They landed heavily in an open patch of grass, and Zac half-climbed half-fell from the bird, his head camera bobbling as he took the first few steps back on solid ground. He could smell smoke in the air. Not the sharp, acrid smoke of magma. Instead is was fragrant, light woods and florals of incense. 

This volcano was long since dormant, and the top had been flattened to make space for a sprawling graveyard. The way Zac had heard it, the original builder had lost a partner, a pokemon close to him, and wanted them buried as close to Arceus as possile. 

"I forget how quiet this place is." Zac said softly, his voice fading quickly, as if the sound itself was being carried up into the darkening sky above them.

"I haven't come here in years...thankfully."

He lead Billi a little ways down the mountain, to a spot where the manicured grass of the graveyard had pushed past the iron gate and ran wild and free.

Here he let out his pokemon. Onix, Rhydon, Turtonator, Mudsdale, Serperior, and the naughty Heliolisk from the cafe. The little lizard was by far the smallest, and the others immediately tromped off to cause trouble nearby. Heliolisk stayed close, glowing gently as afternoon shifted to evening. 

Zac took the head camera up and set it up on a tiny collapsible tripod that had been tucked in a side pocket. He pointed the camera at a nice spot of grass and sat down next to Billi. 

"Pokemon, amirite? They can be a bit of a handful sometimes. You ever have trouble keeping them under control?" 

NOTES: *Seinfield voice* Why do they call it
Mt. Pyre...when they don't even have any pie!?!

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