show me your teeth [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2020 17:35:21 GMT
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The pit had been dug into the ground, below the bloodthirsty crowds and the greedy exchanges of money. She’d become somewhat known around this place, and her moniker surrounded her as she stepped out into the middle of the pit, her entrance soon followed by the usual jeering and more than a few catcalls.

The middle finger she sends at the crowd only makes things worse, but the wild grin on her face betrays a sort of savage enjoyment.

The man who awaits her is a lot bigger than any of her previous opponents, but Skyler doesn’t let herself hesitate, head held high and lips curled into an indolent smirk. Beady eyes follow her movements, an ugly sneer distorting the man’s features even further. “Ready to eat dirt, ugly ass?”

This wasn’t the sort of establishment that lent itself to many - or any - rules, especially when it came to the fighting pit.

The man comes at her without warning, a snarl ripping its way out of his throat as he swings at her. The impact sends Skyler to the ground and knocks the breath out of her. She’s up again in an instant, eyes flashing with temper as she dodges another incoming blow and slams an elbow against his nose, an audible crack making her smirk. His scream of rage is music to her ears.

"Hellcat! Hellcat!"

"Hey, Hellcat, have my kids!"

They trade a few more blows, Skyler’s jaw visibly cracking when he manages to land a punch to her face. The taste of iron immediately floods the woman’s mouth and she spits to the side, blood mingling with sand and dirt.

When he attempts to overwhelm her with his bulk, stepping into her space, Skyler jams her fist into his solar plexus, satisfaction building when his eyes widen and all breath leaves his lungs. Before she can step away, however, the man manages to grab her shoulder. Silver eyes widen in alarm, and then he’s savagely slamming her down onto the ground.

Something cracks. A starburst of agony overwhelms Skyler, her pained cry mingling with the excited cheers of the crowd above.

Her opponent doesn’t wait for her to get her bearings before he’s slamming his fist into her ribs, making stars explode in her vision, but also returning her clarity.

"Get off, y’ fucker!"

The sailor ignores the pain coursing through her body as she slams her knee into his nether parts with deadly precision. The man’s eyes grow comically wide before he slumps to her side, holding onto his family jewels and wheezing. He probably isn’t getting up again.

Skyler stumbles out of the pit, barely acknowledging the sum of money handed to her as she heads to the resident ‘doctor’. He pops her shoulder back into place with barely a warning, expertly ignoring the foul curses that follow, and shoos her away with a bottle of... something. Probably cheap vodka - to numb the pain. She takes a large gulp anyway. And then another one for good measure.


Her vision is swimming and night has fallen when she staggers out onto the alley, taking a couple of steps and leaning unsteadily against the nearby brick wall. The bottle finds its way to her lips again. When Skyler wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, the gauze she’s wrapped around her fists for protection comes back red with blood.

She’s a mess.

But at least her demons are quiet.

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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2020 22:18:22 GMT
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 Thumbing through more notes than he’d ever have the hope to make in a year or maybe three, Angelo’s lips move in hushed mumbles as he confidently counts the wads of crumpled, dirty cash that had been collected from the spectators and thrust at the betting table. Not like the motion helped him with mathematics, thankfully; an uproar of jeers bellowing from the pit drowned out near everything.

Moonlighting as a bookmaker was not what Angelo would consider his usual go to for a quick cash in hand job. It was something that he had stumbled upon purely by chance, his spontaneous encounter with an organiser ended up with him being offered an opportunity that his empty wallet couldn’t refuse. One night assisting in counting up the bets and paying out the winnings – it seemed like an easy stint for a man who frequently brushed the bottom of his pockets, regardless of whether it was morally grey or not.

Twenty, twenty-five… One hundred and thirty. Here,” he says loudly over the racket, pushing the last of the winnings for the previous bout towards a fidgeting man, who took it with greedily scrambling fists before darting off to watch the next fight. Supressing a sigh, Angelo ignores the other bookmaker at the table and avoids eye contact with the two, hulking bodyguards who stood close by to keep an eye out for any funny business – from both patrons and bookies alike.

It sounded like the next round was kicking off, judging by how the spectators huddled around the pit were beginning to get riled up, catcalls mingling with enthusiastic yells that gave away that the fighter was most likely not another toothless, meathead.

Standing up to stretch, Angelo zones in on the competitor responsible for the sudden rise in volume. Only, he quickly realises with bone chilling certainty, that while he doesn’t know the woman being punched to the ground as Hellcat he does know her by another name.

Shit… No. Why you?!

Someone obstructs his view as Skyler scrambles to her feet, lunging back into her fight but Angelo has already pushed his way out from behind the betting table, oblivious to the shouts that erupted behind him as he plunges into the thick of the crowd.

He doesn’t know what he was planning to do when he got down there. All Angelo knew was that he had to do something, his mind wiped until only raw emotions remained, his head shouting a million different things but all threatening to incinerate him from the inside out if he dared just do nothing and watch her get smacked to the ground again.

Not like it mattered what he intended to do, a pair of massive arms suddenly grab him from behind and although he manages to slip through one set of beefy fingers, aggressively shoving his way through an embittered, drunken crowd, more just take its place. “Fuck off, let me go!

So he was let go. Right into the street.

Security physically drags him away from the pit as he struggles in their grip until Angelo finds himself ejected into the alleyway, shoulder colliding roughly against the brick wall and the door pointedly slammed in his face. His composure is lost, left behind in the fighting ring along with his knowledge of Skyler’s wellbeing and he begins to pace the length of the dark, grimy alleyway like an animal caged. Every part of him crackling with adrenaline, sharp and painful along every nerve.

He doesn’t know how long he waits, watching with piercing eyes as people start to leave but as the time drags slowly his anger starts to become overtaken with concern, each passing face that isn’t hers making him want to push his way past the bouncer on the door and back in there – regardless of if he’d get a beating or not. It couldn’t be any more agony than he felt standing here, feeling useless and trying to hold onto the mess of emotions waging war within.

That’s when he sees her, stumbling out of the alleyway door, leaning against the wall with a drink in hand and bloodied knuckles. She’s looking at the back of her wrapped hand when Angelo appears before her, voice not holding its usual teasing nor affection – blue eyes darkened from the dim light in the alleyway and the complex, ocean storm of emotions held within their depths.

Hey, Hellcat… Having a good night?

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 0:11:13 GMT
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She's still looking at the blood smeared over the back of her hand when a shadow falls over her.

Skyler's muscles immediately tense despite the pain that shoots up her back from her ribcage. This wouldn't be first time an angry spectator (who decided to bet on the wrong person) or a particularly ambitious opponent would try to ambush her outside the club. Sometimes they just wanted to warn her, but sometimes their intentions were... of a darker nature.

Then the person's voice reaches her ears and she feels everything in her turn to ice, muscles tensing for another kind of fight. For a moment there she closes her eyes and wishes she was back in the fighting pit instead of having to deal with... this. With him.

Out of everyone who could've found her here, why Angelo?!

If it were anyone else, Skyler would've told them to mind their business and let her be. She's still halfway tempted to do that, yet her mind quickly reminds her of the look in his eyes when she'd been swept away by the wave a couple of days ago. 

Breathing deeply, she subtly plants her feet firmly on the ground instead of turning away and moving past him. 

Her hand remains between herself and the face of her adventuring buddy; a flimsy defense that would do her no good. A weight settles into her guts when she slowly lowers her hand. Something in her shudders at the storm of emotions in familiar blue eyes - and she can't decide if she likes or hates the feeling.

"Fuck me." Her free hand buries itself in her curls as a mix of exasperation, exhaustion and desperation simmer under her skin. That bottle she's holding is looking a little too tempting now. 

"What 're you doing here?" Her voice is rough, and the question comes out as more of an accusation. A sharp pain follows the movements of her lips as she speaks - probably a split lip. The sailor ignores all of that as she does her best to right herself up to a straight position so he doesn't actually tower over her, hissing when her ribs protest at the motion.

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 17:58:44 GMT
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 That doesn’t matter right now,” he says without a pause for consideration, tone blunt as he dismisses the accusation thrown his way; pushing Skyler’s attempt of deflection away with one of his own. It’s easier to justify it when her reckless choices seemed more dangerous than his own. Besides, Angelo was beginning to recognise the familiar pattern of avoidance and his patience for it, stretched and strained from the sight of her bloodied stubborn form, was beginning to thin.

He catches the hiss spiling unbidden from her lips and automatically a hand rises, inching forward with a flicker of concern reflecting in his conflicted expression and in gentle, reaching fingertips. Only for it to fall back by his side in a balled fist. Something unpleasantly twists, mercilessly tight, in his chest but he’s unsure whether to place the blame of the source at Skyler or on himself.

You’re hurt…” He points out, stating the obvious on a quiet breath before a weak, somewhat exasperated singular laugh tumbles out. “I mean, yeah, no shit. You were just in an underground fighting pit against some Emboar sized fucker.” His voice sharpens at the end as if hinting at a buried deep desire to punch said person in the throat.

Angelo tears his gaze away from her then. Looking at Skyler only proving to grate on his faltering attempts to keep himself contained, every splatter of red and blossoming of purple on her skin like kindling to the fire. Yet despite all that she puts on her armour, straightening herself, like she’s going back into battle again… There’s a poorly controlled sigh directed to the air as he peers briefly towards a starless, city skyline; trying to contain burning emotions through desperate, clenched hands.

I know you do crazy stuff on the regular but,” he hesitates for a moment. Skyler being this wild, untamed person was something he liked about her. He loved how they would throw themselves into adventure like nothing could stop them, how it made him feel like there wasn’t a care in the world – like certain parts of himself didn’t exist. It wasn’t like he had any intention to contain her but there was a difference between spur of the moment recklessness and the premeditated decision to get into a fighting ring.

Why do this?” His gaze falls back to her, searching desperately for something to help him understand.

Why do this to yourself?

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 20:15:53 GMT
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Angelo's swift dismissal of her question has her grinding her teeth together, her jaw tight as he effectively boxes her in - in more ways than one. The brick wall behind her supports her upright position, but it doesn't take away the soreness or the pain that keeps pulsing from her side, which only serve to feed the simmering tension just under the surface.

She loathes feeling trapped.

Her eyes follow the motion of his hand, and if she were not already leaning back against a wall, she would've scrambled back to get away from his touch. Her skin still feels electrified, her nerve endings too sensitive - her whole body is like a live wire, still skirting the edge of adrenaline from the last combat. And Skyler certainly doesn't want the soft look that flashes for a moment in ocean blues - she's almost relieved when his hand forms a fist instead.

That, Skyler decides, she can deal with.

Silver eyes find his. "Yeah. Yeah, I was." There seems to be no hint of remorse in those moonlit pools despite the state she's in - as if that isn't worthy of consideration. "And I won too." Barely, in fact. She'd gotten a lucky shot at the man's privates. Otherwise she might've been in a far worse state - but she isn't, so that thought is shoved to the side. "So please back the fuck off, Angel."

What I do isn't your concern.

It isn't until his next question that her whole body freezes, a shadow of some intense emotion contorting her face before it is wiped away, replaced by a foreboding hardening of her silver eyes. She nearly draws into herself before she catches herself and halts the action, jaw locking into place. There is something dangerously brittle in the way her eyes lock with his, their sharp focus less of a familiar challenge and more of a warning. 

Skyler can almost hear the sound of her demons coming to knock at her door. Her fragile peace of mind, for which she'd fought and bled, abruptly broken - as easily as ripping a sheet of paper.

It isn't until she's taken a step forward, invading Angelo's personal space as much as she can without actually touching him, that she realizes her hand has been balled into a tight fist. "That's none of your damn business, Vestri." The words, although whispered, are nearly a growl. A declaration of war.

She would then attempt to move past him, knocking her shoulder lightly into his as she went.

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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 23:16:16 GMT
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 Skyler had always avoided opening up about certain parts of herself. Angelo had not missed how the usually unruly woman, so easily warming him with her flirtatious light and wild spirit, sometimes clutched fragments close to the chest. Given away only when moonlit eyes dimmed with a guarded, thick fog. He hadn’t pressed her for answers during all of those times that she nudged him away…

Only now, standing in this grimy alleyway, Angelo was beginning to feel well and truly boxed out. Like cloud high plates of steel were beginning to rise between them, blocking him out and threatening to swallow up the warmth of sunshine – leaving him in its dark, lonely shadow.

he was desperate, frustrated, at the idea of her stranding him on some dock while she sailed out of reach… It threatened to crush his lungs with every painful rise and fall they take. Only he can't stand by and silently watch her sink herself, either.

She steps right up close to him but there is no warmth shared between their gazes, electricity of attraction replaced by the crackling tension of two people with their patience stretched thin, both backed up against the wall. Angelo’s expression twists into a sharp glare as they stand off in front of one another, his body remaining firmly tall as if a metal rod had been stabbed right through, replacing his spine with something cold and stubborn to keep his resolve. Skyler’s words, although whispered, may very well have been screamed in his face for the way it scorched his skin – yet he doesn't allow himself to step back.

Just like how it wasn’t any of your business playing the damn hero for me.

He feels himself cracking, the usually carefully composed surface of his blue eyes crumbling away like a layer of ice, leaving the dangerous dark ocean depths exposed; choppy and unrelenting from the storm. Skyler’s shoulder bumping against his is the final break, emotions pouring through the gap that she exposes, overflowing and uncontained like water through fingers.

So what if you won? Want me to give you a medal?” His hand automatically snaps out as something deep within screams at him to not let her leave, fingertips winding around her upper arm with a tight grip, his insides burning as a mess of complicated emotions wage war. He can barely think through the smoke. “Congrats on getting the shit kicked out of you, Sky. Real impressive,” Angelo says on sharp, sarcastic tones that does little to mask the pained strain in his throat.

Frustration claws within him like something is tearing at him from the inside, made all the worse when it seems Skyler can’t seem to see or understand just how concerned he was for her… How afraid he had felt when he had seen her crumple to the ground.

Is that it, then? Just going to tell me to fuck off and run away?

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POSTED ON Dec 9, 2020 14:31:44 GMT
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"Wasn't it, Angelo? Would you rather have been swept out to the sea?" She growls quietly. "Because that can be arranged. The docks are nearby." She'd gladly push him into the surf herself, is the implied feeling in her words. The truth is one that she keeps to herself: that she would have saved him countless times, as many as needed to ensure he'd be safe and well. She’d gladly have faced death if it meant that he’d be spared.

His unexpected grip on her arm has Skyler seeing red, a jolt of white-hot anger rushing through her veins and making her grit her teeth. The hand that holds the vodka bottle suddenly tightens its grip until her knuckles turn white.

Only when small stabs of pain inch their way up her spine does she realize that she's panting. Sparks of fury darken her eyes until they're like two daggers that cut into anything that dares approach, though they're now focused on Angelo. She wants to slap his hand away, wants to free herself from his grasp. His calloused fingers burn a mark into her flesh, and she finds that the sensation is strangely intoxicating as much as it scrapes her nerves raw.

"Let go of me."

She meets the formidable storm brewing in his eyes with her own, teeth bared with something fierce and wild, two forces of nature colliding with each other.

For a brief second something foreign pierces through the haze of hostility within her mind, something that craves and hungers. She hears the pounding of her heart in her ears, like a war drum, like a beckoning call - and she knows that if not for the demons nipping at her heels, she would’ve grabbed the collar of Angelo’s shirt and dragged him down to her lips.

Consequences be damned.

Just going to tell me to fuck off and run away?

Her teeth grit as the truth is laid out before her; the trap of his words as sure a hold as the physical press of his fingers over the skin of her arm. If she turns her back to him now, she won't be going home, she'll be running away. And if there is something she doesn't do - is running away. He's got her wrapped around the twist of his words as much as he does in the glorious storm of his eyes.

"What do you want of me, Angelo?" The words are clipped, a short staccato of aggressive sounds that hints at a demand more than at a question. To Skyler, every word Angelo sends her way is a call to battle and she can’t help but step up to the challenge despite the weariness that weights on her bones. She’s scraped raw, but she doesn't know to put down her sword.

It's what she's familiar with.

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POSTED ON Dec 9, 2020 19:11:08 GMT
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 Her demand for him to let go barely scratches the surface of his awareness, creating but the tiniest ripple within the waters of his consciousness, swallowed up by the sound of thunderstrikes and chaos. Although the voice was quiet, muffled in a sea of storms, Angelo couldn’t shake off the dreaded feeling that if he let go of Skyler’s arm then she’d vanish entirely – that whatever they had would slip through his fingers like a mirage in the mist. His grip subconsciously tightens, her fury be damned.

Facing her, Angelo watches as the woman before him becomes all bared teeth and sharp edges, like a cornered creature threatening to lash out with the intention of driving him away. Only his focus is lasered entirely on the way his heart pounds loudly in his ears, drowning out any semblance of coherent thought with its heavy drumming, each beat cracking more of his carefully placed shell and leaving his emotions bear with painful truth.

And he wasn’t used to it. Having long ago been conditioned to be the responsible one, to be the calm one who picked up after his siblings and set them back on their feet after lifting them off the ground with their bloodied knees. But Skyler was different. Being with her, talking to her, holding her in their usual affectionate embraces and this… Seeing her like this. It made him feel different, too. Made Angelo feel until it started to overwhelm in all of his inexperience to it.

What do you think?” He breathes out, his last word punctuated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, strained with a frustrated growl as if it was something he thought she should have long picked up on. “I want to understand what’s going on with you. I’m trying to wrap my head around why my friend would want to do this to herself.” Blue eyes sparked fiercely, burning right into steel, unrelenting as he refused to crumble even as a gaze that once shimmered with an enticing warmth now silently promised him a fearsome battle.

Because fuck me for caring about you, right?

It pours out, unabashed and raw in its approach, Angelo finding his other hand rising until he’s gripping both of her shoulders; fingertips digging tightly into her flesh. “So what if it's none of my business... If giving a shit about you means I’m stepping over a line, then fine.” He wasn’t going to apologise for it, for how his stomach twisted with worry at her bloodied face and how fear had raked ice across his spine. All of that he had experienced in the fighting pit made Skyler’s fury in this moment, as sharp and dagger like as it was, feel easy in comparison.

So talk to me already. It’s a really easy question, Sky.” If he squeezes her shoulders a little too tightly, he doesn’t notice; his vision and focus narrowed on her until everything else fades away.

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 1:08:06 GMT
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Even though Skyler was the one who asked the question, she can't help the feeling of dread that starts to rise up in her at Angelo's answer. His words spill forth unrelenting, wrapping around her like the grip of some terrible monster. Because if he'd accused her of something, if he'd matched her fighting words with his own, she'd be stepping into a familiar battlefield; she'd greedily wage war against him and return home the victor.

But he doesn't. What he does is far, far worse.

The sailor's mouth dries up at the quiet tempest in his voice; instead of the thunderstorm she'd been expecting, the heat of a fiery explosion of temper like her own, she finds a relentless and inevitable tide that threatens to pull her under. She opens her mouth, hesitates, finds herself floundering for cutting words to battle him with.

His next statement hits like a punch to the gut, widening her eyes. Caring... Nothing about the very real fight she'd just fought had hurt her as much as that single sentence.

"Fuck you, Angel..."
The words have a ragged edge to them, a hint of the desperation that is starting to claw at her throat.

Angelo grips her shoulders, and a sharp pain surges with a vengeance due to her recently dislocated shoulder, making her taste iron in the back of her throat. A sound of some kind leaves her throat, bruises coming back to life as adrenaline withers away.

When she tries to reach for her fury, she finds that it has grown cold and dull, a carcass from a fire that has burned itself out. The next breath she takes is shaky and despite the sudden hesitation that seizes her, she refuses to step back. "It isn't an easy question, Angel. Not at all." Silver eyes don't move away from his despite the sudden haunted look that overtakes them.

There's still a fight in her; she still poises herself as a sailor before an ocean storm, but her opponent isn't Angelo anymore. "We should go back to the ship; I'll answer your questions there." Her free hand reaches out, gentle, and grips Angelo's wrist. "And if you could stop digging your fingers into my dislocated shoulder, that would be pretty great."

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 19:03:41 GMT
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 Whatever it was that had poured out of his mouth, voice filled with more emotion than consideration to the point that Angelo really wasn’t sure on the exact wording that he’d used, it had shifted something. He almost didn’t notice, how Skyler hesitates under his grip and how her mouth parts with nothing sharp to follow, numb to the subtler details when his personal storm threatened to drown out everything in its wake.

Then her voice reaches him, puncturing through the torrential rain like a lighthouse beam; that ragged hint of desperation catching hold of his attention, hooking deep into his flesh no matter how small of a waver on her lips it had been. Suddenly he’s looking at the woman on the boat with the glazed over, foggy eyes again. She’s wearing Skyler’s skin, standing tall and as stalwart as ever like she’s ready to throw herself into infested waters at but the signal to advance, only the dulling of silver eyes hints at something weathered, faded and distressed underneath all the hard edges. That something wasn't right.

It’s a sight that drains him and the shaking breath that spills from her only proves to make his eyes widen from a cold chill, regaining clarity and colour even as his untamed emotions swirl down the drain; leaving him suddenly frozen like he had just been plunged into a winter bay.

Desperation still clung to his chest, his skin prickling from the charge of frustrated energy but Angelo could feel his muscles slack by an inch, fingertips that had dug into her shoulders loosening as her words began to satisfy in a bitterly painful kind of way. Dislocated...? His throat suddenly feels tight. An apology lingers on the tip of his tongue that is not uttered out loud; instead reflected in concerned blue eyes that still ripple with restless energy.

Right…” He finds his voice again as her fingertips connect with his wrist, voice quiet and strained. Her touch crackles against his skin, making him want to flinch from the sensation, like she was the match to his roughened side that threatened to create a flame with one reckless strike. Instead his hands slowly draw back, falling by his sides, hesitating as his mind begins to process everything. “Let's get you home, then...

Angelo is thankful for the slight chill in the night air as they walk back to her ship, his hands stuck in his jacket pockets as he walks quietly by her side, it gives him time to compose himself and fight off the weariness that threatens to settle over his bones…. Their battle wasn't over yet; even if he could feel that the nature of it was not like before. Angelo knew he needed to show her that he was not the one she was facing on the opposite side of the trench - that he was always in Skyler's corner.

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 20:05:10 GMT
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There's a distance between the two of them as they make their way to the Sotally Tober. Skyler is too aware of the cold air nipping at her skin, the chilly breeze somehow feeling all the more biting when it emphasizes the length of air between their bodies. In any normal situation her arm would already be around his waist, her lips pulling with a lopsided smile. Or maybe she'd be dragging him to some impractical whirlwind of a plan, the trouble glittering in her eyes mirrored in his own blue ones.

Instead her head is a mess of jumbled feelings and things that she'd tried to bury for too long - all waking up and coming for her. 

Skyler quickly closes the door behind her to ward off the chill, although inside it isn't much better. She immediately turns the lights on and adjusts the thermostat - it shouldn't be long before the apartment is toasty. 

Her next actions are automatic, so much so that she nearly forgets Angelo is there. Like she's done this a million times before. Her shoes and jacket are thrown to the side haphazardly as she makes her way to the bathroom, removing her shirt to study the purple bruises over to her ribs. It's like she's doing an inventory: bruised ribs, dislocated shoulder, bloody knuckles, split lip. Nothing broken, thankfully. 

It's only as she's unzipping her trousers that she remembers she isn't alone. Her head snaps to him, but there's no embarrassment in her features, just weariness. "I'm going to take a shower, Angel. I'll be right back." 

It isn't long before the shower's running, a slit in the door letting out steam. The temperature in the apartment grows to a comfortable level by the time the shower stops; and then Skyler walks past clad in a towel. A couple of minutes later she's in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, plopping down on the couch and smearing a familiar-looking cream over her bruised skin. "Bras are going to be a pain with this..." 

Her eyes shift to Angelo and she does her best not to tense, finding her tongue suddenly glued to the roof of her mouth. Better to rip the bandaid off, right? "That... You weren't supposed to see that." No one was supposed to see that, no one was supposed to know. It was her own problem, not theirs. Not Angelo's. 

She tries to ignore the sudden dread that pools in her stomach as the next words leave her mouth. "What do you know of the war? Of the Lilycove warfront?" 

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 21:54:31 GMT
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 He’s walked through the door countless times by this point in their friendship but tonight, as he crosses the threshold, there’s a new kind of tension in the air. Stuffy, despite the chill in the stagnant air that told Angelo that the cabin had not been occupied for a good couple of hours. It’s probably the first time that he’d walked into the Sotally Tober and not instantly made himself comfortable, instead feeling a little out of place as Skyler began to wordlessly move around, leaving him to his thoughts.

It’s the sounds of fabric hitting the ground that pulls his attention, Angelo peering out of the corner of his eye to catch a glimpse of bruised skin. Angelo’s gaze lingers for a beat and then turns away. There’s a little flutter in his chest but its small, a tiny winged thing in his ribcage, far too frail in comparison to the other messy feelings to pay much attention to. “No rush,” he says on somewhat weary tones, digging in his jacket pocket before turning on his heel himself. “Not going anywhere. Just got to make a quick call.

In the kitchen he makes a quick call to the centre where he had left most of his belongings and pokemon. He had had every intention on going back there to fit in a few hours sleep after the stint in the pit – there was no way he would have taken his bike and gear there – but Angelo decided that this was probably unlikely now. After talking to the nurse on night duty to explain he’d pick everything up in the morning, he’s back on the couch; properly this time, jacket and trainers removed as he sunk back into the familiar shape of the cushions.

Skyler emerges from the bathroom not too long after that, walking past him in her towel and Angelo’s gaze casually drifts towards her before falling down to where he’s fidgeting with the braided bracelet of varying blue threads on his wrist; turning thoughts and memories in his head. She returns a few minutes later with a comment that sounds a lot more like her. “Yeah, can’t say I envy you there…

There’s a moment of silence where Angelo wonders if the tension would stretch on. It’s a little unpleasant to wait but he knows that now was the time for him to be quiet, that this was now on Skyler’s terms. Thankfully he doesn’t have to stew in the thickness of the stuffy air for long – although the start of the conversation brings about its own brand of tension.

He doesn’t answer when Skyler says that he hadn’t meant to have seen her. It was obvious, if not from the act itself but from the way that she had reacted when she saw him. What was done was done… No going back now.

I wasn’t near any of the hit cities when it happened… So other than what I’ve heard or pieced together from seeing the aftermath, I don't know much,” he says slowly, complicated frustration scratching in his throat. There’s something cold and uncomfortable sinking in his stomach. “And that you were there…

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dross, captain
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 22:54:33 GMT
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Skyler lets herself lean back against the couch, t-shirt falling over purple bruises as she does her best to keep Angelo from seeing her shaky hands. A few beats of tense silence stretch on between the two of them before Skyler sighs and starts speaking.

You can do this, Sky. You can.

"I was the one who found one of the first wormholes close to Lilycove. Over the sea." She tells Angelo the story of how she'd reported the phenomenon to the League, how she'd been invited to attend a closed-door meeting with the 'head-honchos'. "Wasn't too impressed. Kept bickering with each other - except for Lars, he's great. Of course, some of them are dead now." 

There's a pause after that, memories playing out behind darkened silver eyes. A strange kind of hesitance lingers in the way she breathes deeply and closes her eyes, as if steeling herself before some unknown enemy. "The megalopolans started arriving before the war. Patrols." There's a definite strain in her voice now. "One of those was found close to Lilycove. They- they killed Anders." 

Where was that damn bottle of vodka?

"I'd known Anders since he was a little boy. An annoying asshole who kept saying girls shouldn't be sailors - but he always left small gifts next to my boat in the morning." Fingers twitched, restless. "I found his dead body in the beach. Half chewed."

She tells Angelo how she'd written a report to the League. How she kept wondering why no one was doing anything to stop the spread of these invaders. How, in the end, she'd volunteered to help eliminate the alien thread by attacking megalopolan camps.

"This was the ship I fought the war in." There's a fond look on Skyler's face as she looks around. "Commandeered it, led the charge as captain. And all I got was a shitty League endorsement. Well, that and the ship." Her lips twist into a wry smile that soon fades away. 

The War. 

"We had to run for cover as soon as reached the beach. Meteors kept falling from the sky, squashing troops." The story that spills from her lips isn't pretty. After she'd commandeered the ship, the ocean had turned against them in a colossal tidal wave. "Taller than the Lilycove cliffs and its buildings."

After that they'd had to deal with the Nihilego. Building-sized versions of Ultra beasts. Tentacles the width of cars. "They tried to sink the ship. Ended up bathing the deck with blood. Literally." The image of broken bodies and desperate screams still woke her up in the night. "Sirena killed one of them. Sent it to the bottom of the ocean." Where it belonged.

"We got to the small town, protected the citizens and then a damn legendary rose from the depths of the sea, flooded the town and half of Lilycove - and tried to kill us all." The words were said casually, as if she were just speaking of the weather and not of world-altering events. 

It probably would've been easier if she'd cried her heart out. If she'd thrown her arms around Angelo and just - let go. But this was Skyler and her muscles are still tense, ready for... something. She shifts slightly to face her adventuring buddy, her friend, her...

She searches his eyes with her moonlit ones. "The fights drown it out. All the adrenaline, the violence, the... pain. They dull the memories. Help me sleep at night." 

It was one hell of an unhealthy coping mechanism. 

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angel, rogue bastard
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2020 1:34:05 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Angelo remains silent as he’s plunged into her story and if it’s a haunting enough tale on its own, it becomes all the more chilling when he pieces together words with the scars he’d seen – on the region and on the people. Skyler’s side of the events filling in the picture of Lilycove which had previously been colourless; painting in the numbers with red, red and more red.

It’s only a second-hand view of her world but it still makes his blood run cold, everything within him twisting into a fierce knot, where breathing and thinking seemed out of reach when he was left to envision the war through her eyes. It didn’t matter if she avoided talking about her feelings, anybody who had experienced what she had would suffer for it; would carry it with them for days to come. Perhaps forever.

From witnessing someone she knew be ripped half apart, to commanding a ship to war, watching as the deck turn crimson amidst a pool of bodies as her hometown gets ravaged - other's eyes would turn from moonlight silver to haunted mist, too.

By the time that Skyler comes to a stop, ending on her explanation for her participation in the fighting pit, Angelo feels worn down thin. Not for himself but for her. He hadn’t been there to witness the horrors that she had but he knew instantly, if he could, he’d have traded places with her a million times over.

Thanks… For telling me,” he breathes out softly, turning himself until his shoulder was pressed into the back of the couch, facing his friend and searching silver eyes. She didn’t have to tell him that story, not really. Skyler could have easily just shut him out if she had really wanted and for that, even though it had been a difficult thing to listen to, Angelo was grateful. This really wasn’t an easy question, he now knew.

I mean, fighting, bottling it up... Even if I don't like the thought of you down there, everyone deals with their pain differently...” His expression reflects a hint of sadness – a slight regret for the ‘what ifs’ should she look close enough – as he slowly reaches a hand out to her closest, fingertips touching her skin in a light graze, as if testing the waters to see if she would pull away or not.

And I’m not even going to even pretend to be a therapist or tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, if it helps you deal with things. But you know, if you ever feel like that…” There’s a brief pause, his tongue feeling a little heavy, unsure of how to word it without it coming across maybe a little awkward. Screw it, he thinks, there’s nothing wrong with telling a friend you care for them. And he does care about Skyler, a lot… “I can’t promise you a fight but if you ever need a distraction, I’ll do what I can.” There’s a small smile pulling onto the corner of his lips, words laced with a trickle of light-heartedness, warmth for her intermingling with the sadness.

This wasn’t the kind of pain that could be banished away with sweet words and an embrace but that didn’t stop Angelo from wanting to help ease her burdens, even if it was just for moments at a time.

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dross, captain
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skyler dross
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2020 19:18:01 GMT
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Skyler feels as if she's wading in unknown waters, except that instead of the excitement of discovery she's overcome with an unfamiliar trepidation. The story that has just spilled past her lips permeates the air around them - she's thankful when Angelo decides to pierce the silence.

She shifts her position to match his, silver eyes following the contours of his face, the shifts in his expression, the downward turn of his lips. His eyes darken with what she thinks might be sadness, and something in her violently rebels at the sight. 

Then his fingers brush over the skin of her hand. Her eyes flicker down, the hesitant nature of the gesture causing a momentary frown to cross her features. This was so unlike him. So unlike them. She doesn't even think as her hand reaches out to his own, heedless of her injured knuckles, and intertwines their fingers in a hold that is as familiar to her as it is comforting. She gives his hand a small squeeze just as she looks up, and there's no disguising the warmth that blooms in her eyes.

His words wash over her and she does her best not to interrupt - if there are some things that she needs do say, then it is the same for Angelo. Though she nearly scoffs at the idea of a therapist; psychological help had been offered after the war, but Skyler hadn't even given it a thought. 

As if.

It's the mention of a distraction - and the small smile slowly blooming on Angelo's face - that brings about her own, lopsided and warm and very Skyler. It is slightly marred by her small wince when her split lip reminds her of its existence.

Fuck that, she'll deal with it later. 

Her eyes flash bright silver when she faces Angelo. "You idiot, did you really think I'd let myself be defeated by a few memories?" She'd fought monsters and won; she would win this battle as well. In her mind there was simply no other option. Of course, punching thugs in underground fighting pits might not be the healthiest coping mechanism, but it worked. Bruises and dislocated shoulders aside. 

"I'll be okay, Angel." The words might've been an attempt to distract him - or an empty promise - but there is a casual sort of conviction interwoven in them, a stubborn pull of the lips. "And... err, sorry for almost punching you." Not that she would've gone through with it. She's almost certain she wouldn't.

Skyler lifts his hand with her own, twisting it slightly so she can lay a small kiss over the skin of his wrist, the shadows in her moonlit eyes chased away by a playful, mischievous spark as she looks up at him. Her lips linger for perhaps a few seconds longer before she lets their hands fall. "So, what's this about a distraction?"

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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay