show me your teeth [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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show me your teeth [c]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2020 0:06:05 GMT
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 With lips lingering over the back of her neck, remaining leaned in, delightfully muffled noises could be heard emerging from against a pillow. Angelo grins against Skyler’s skin, a warm coil of satisfaction trailing down his spine. He swears he hears something faintly Alto Marian dripping off her tongue, tempting him towards the idea of planting more kisses across every inch of her neck – just so they could torture each other some more.

Turns out he doesn’t need to prompt anything for Skyler to send desire prickling across his skin like electricity; her voice, edged with a pleasing hum of lust as she toys playfully with his name, is more than enough.

I should’ve. Guess I miscalculated how big of a tease you’d be.” Angelo pushes himself up just the slightest so that Skyler could carefully move without bumping into him, remaining leaning over her body to drink in the sight as she rolls to face him. Her eyes twinkle like they held galaxies, even in the artificial light. His lips curl, sleepy around the edges but warm at her unapologetic response. “But I don’t mind getting it wrong – this time.

It’s true that he had broken his self-inflicted rule but really, who was he kidding? With Skyler it had always been impossible to resist the sound of her siren song; chasing after the promise of adventure or responding in kind to her often boundary pushing affections. Eventually he would have reached out to touch the moon, even if it was for but a brief, sweet moment.

Fingertips brush against his cheek and Angelo’s eyes slowly drift shut at the sensation, lulled into Skyler’s guiding touch as she brings him down against the alluring curve of her mouth. Lowering himself to his elbow to melt closer into her, Angelo submerges himself in the kiss, savouring the feeling of brushing lips. When they part he lingers close by for a second or two longer to drink in the moment, feeling blissfully drowsy but in no hurry to replace the view of her beneath him, with her wild golden hair framing her face.

I guess so,” he says quietly, feeling a little pang of disappointment, even if he himself was beginning to feel the claws of drowsiness tug at the corner of his consciousness. He didn’t think he was ready to let the night go, just yet. Then Skyler closes her eyes and, for a brief moment, he wonders if perhaps she had started to drift off. There’s a small, fond smile on his lips when she finally flutters them open again – Angelo relenting to her call for sleep.

You’re welcome, Trouble,” a soft chuckle fills the air between them as he slowly pushes himself off his elbow, moving away from her wicked gaze before she entraps him again. “I’ll look forward to it…

Angelo slips under the covers on the side of the bed that had, somehow, silently been assigned to him over their previous times sleeping side by side. It’s a familiar sensation, sinking into the softness of the mattress with drowsiness blurring the corner of his eyes, summoning a yawn that he stifles in the pillow. He doesn’t want to fall asleep just yet however, wanting to cling to the new, exciting atmosphere which drifted between them for a little longer. Angelo turns until he’s on his side, so he can face Skyler with a sleepy smile.

Nice to know I’ve got options if the courier work dries up,” there’s a hint of playfulness interlaced in his voice, uttered soft into the space between them like they had to be quiet in case they rouse the empty boat. “But I don’t think being a… professional massage… person,” his brain fails him a little there as he stumbles over the word, “is for me. Maybe just private bookings.” Not like he really knew what was for him. Did he even want to find out?

Thanks, Sunshine,” fingertips reach over, underneath the covers, to brush a line down the length of her arm. “Sounds like you're going to be keeping me busy… Cooking and giving massages. The pay better be good.” They both knew she didn’t need to hire him for Angelo to do any of those things.

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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 17:27:59 GMT
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There is a temptation there, to just close her eyes and relish in the feeling of Angelo's proximity, in the slow, feathery path of his fingers over the skin of her arm as they lay next to each other under the bed sheets. But sleep is starting to loom at the edge of her consciousness, a steady beckoning call that blurs the edges of her vision and dulls the wicked edge of her smile into something soft and tender.

"You could be a sailor too, y'know." It isn't clear if Skyler's being serious or if she's just teasing Angelo, though the spark in her eyes remains constant as she speaks. "Of course, I'd have to make you work hard. Learn the ropes and everything." This time there's no mistaking the amusement that weaves itself into her words, whispered into the air between them. "In a few years you might even make it to First Mate. I'll probably have a whole armada of ships by then."

When Angelo's fingers drift to the skin of her wrist, Skyler snatches his hand with her own and intertwines their fingers. Her calloused thumb brushes over the skin of his skin in a slow, repetitive motion.

Her smile widens just a fraction when he brings up pay. "I might have a few ideas when it comes to pay." There's something lazy and inviting in the curl of her mouth.

A yawn escapes her mouth without her meaning to. Being so close to Angelo and under the warm bed sheets, Skyler feels herself starting to drift off for a moment - only the depths of ocean blues keep her awake enough, the sailor stubbornly clinging to this moment. What awaits her in the clutches of sleep isn't nearly blissful enough to replace this.

"To be honest, I don't see myself living past thirty." There is a strange somberness to her usually cheerful voice, the sailor's eyes growing unfocused for a moment, thoughts turning inward. "Hoenn's quickly going to shit and my job isn't exactly risk free." She'd had a couple of close calls, but she also knew that luck was only going to get her so far. Strangely, the sailor doesn't sound too bothered by the idea that she would likely die young.

"I'll have more scars and than skin if I do make it past that age." Skyler has long learned to make peace with the lines that marr her skin, instead choosing to appreciate them. "I don't even know what I'd do then. Retire? Choose another career path?" Skyler furrows her brows, as if the very idea repulses her. It was an universal truth, just as water was wet, that Skyler's job was her passion. She wouldn't trade it for anything.

Then she shrugs, careful not to bother her injuries too much, as she sidles up to Angelo to nuzzle his throat. The feel of his skin against hers feels sinfully good. "Maybe I'll raise a small sailor, who knows?"

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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 21:41:13 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Could be a sailor? Don’t insult me. It’s in my blood.” Not directly perhaps but Alto Mare was a city built on the ocean, its veins canals that led to the heart of the sea, water the life source of the inhabitants that walked along every artisan bridge or drifted along in their rumbling, old motorboats. “I’m a hard worker. I bet I could make First Mate in one,” Angelo’s lips curl lazily at the challenge, voice void of any kind of seriousness. If he sought for a life venturing the oceans, he was sure that it would make for a fitting picture – the man from an island called ‘High Sea’ becoming a sailor. But…

His fingers sluggishly drift down her arm, subconsciously seeking the warmth of her skin with no final destination in mind until Skyler catches his hand in hers, naturally intertwining them. Then she’s brushing her calloused thumb against his hand, ticklish and soothing all at once in its gentle, repetitive motion. Angelo feels no desire to readjust. Content to drowsily take in softening silver gazes and the pleasant quality to her scratchy, tired voice that reaches out to him through their close, intimate space.

It’s the subject of that sleepy tone however, that stirs him.

Brow creasing, Angelo falls silent as Skyler begins to share in contemplations of a more deep and serious nature. He’s unsure whether that right now, being half-asleep and still a little intoxicated from desire, was the perfect or worst time to be discussing the unknown of the future. What he did know, was that it left a bitter taste on his tongue, something about her words unsettling him in new and familiar ways.

Waiting until Skyler finishes talking, absorbing the musings of her potential fate, Angelo releases a thoughtful hum. “Who knows,” his voice is quiet and just a little distant as he mirrors her final statement, like he’s in the middle of thought. He’s thankful when she decides to press herself into his neck, it means that she wouldn’t catch the troubled quality to his ocean eyes, restless from the thought of a dead sailor and her limitless possibilities that would be too much of a waste to leave behind so young. “But thirty is a long way away yet. You’ve got time to figure all of that out.

There’s a sensation of her nose nuzzling against his neck and Angelo tethers himself to it, relishing in the ticklishness of her breath as it grounds him to the present. Thinking of his own future was painful enough. He can’t help raising their joined hands to his lips, pressing them briefly against lightly bruised knuckles to share in that warmth.

Besides... there’s plenty of sea out there. Think it’ll take more than ten… No, fifteen years to sail them all. You can't leave them unexplored, can you?” Skyler had said that she wanted to travel once, hadn’t she? He thinks he remembers her telling him that, his mind just a little bit cloudy from exhaustion but he clings to the picture of the sailor exploring oceanic territory, anyway. Even if he couldn't be around to see it, that image suits her too damn well.  

Hoenn may be going to shit but that’s the beauty of being a sailor, I guess. You can go where you want...” There’s an edge of wistfulness leaking out of soft, drowsy lips. Gaps in his armour momentarily revealed as he presses his cheek into golden hair, eyes half-opened and about as blurry as his consciousness. Angelo is uncertain whether the edge of sadness is for his own bleak future or for the brief one she had assigned herself. He decides he doesn't like either...

You can do whatever you want...

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dross, captain
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 23:28:23 GMT
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Skyler is roused from drifting away into sleep by the motion of his hand dragging hers to his lips; the kiss he lays on her bruised knuckles sends a pang of warmth through her, and her lips twitch of their own volition into something affectionate that Skyler’s suddenly relieved isn’t visible to ocean blues.

The sailor is afraid of what it would reveal. Even to herself.

"Are you going to kiss the rest of my booboos too, Angel?" She has her face hidden in the crook of his neck, but a sleepy smile curls against the skin of his neck. "Hmmm, I should get injured more often." Her voice is thick with sleep, more of a breathy whisper fanning against his collarbone. It still isn’t enough to completely disguise the laughter behind the words, her earlier musings quickly swept away into the depths.

"I’ll figure it out when I get there, no sense thinking about it now." Skyler has always committed herself to living wholly and fully in the present, squeezing all that she can from life and taking no regrets with her. Of course, that doesn’t mean that if death did find her, Skyler wouldn’t fight tooth and nail to remain here; she would never go down without a fight.

"Plus, I’m a sailor. We’re all a little bit crazy. One would have to be to risk facing the ocean’s moods day in and day out - and keep coming back for more." She lays a small kiss to the skin of his neck, remembering wild ocean eyes, the magnificent storm behind their depths that had taken her breath away.

Skyler wants to venture into those depths; she already knows that she will keep coming back for just a taste of that particular maelstorm.

"I’ll sail every sea and conquer every ocean, you’ll see Angel baby." There’s a languorous edge of desire weaved into her words; a sleepy sort of beckoning. For a moment, it isn’t distant oceans that Skyler’s envisioning in her mind, but something else much more intimate. "I’ll explore everything. I’ll be..." There’s a pause as her brain attempts to find a good nickname, but drowsiness has devoured what little good ideas she could’ve come up with. "... I’ll be the sea queen. No, the pirate queen." Stealing all the booty and snatching all the hearts, someone had once said. “I’ll snatch you up too...”

Her limbs are slowly relaxing, melting into Angelo’s and basking in the familiar feel of closeness, the gentle whispering of his breath lulling her deeper into sleep. "Y’know, Angel baby..." The press of his head over her curls has her smiling, yet she leans away - just enough to meet his eyes.

Despite being dulled with sleep, there’s a strange intensity to her moonlit silvers. "Every sailor has at least one anchor. They’re where a sailor always returns to after they’ve faced the storms." Her finger very pointedly pokes him in the chest, although there’s barely any strength behind the gesture. Her silver eyes are focused on blue ones, piercing. "It’s home."

She’d once told him that her home was his, didn’t she?

The hand Angelo had taken to his lips is moved away briefly as the sailor leans over him and sleepily kisses his lips. "Sleep. We’ll be here in the morning." Skyler makes herself comfortable with her head tucked into the crook of his neck, fingers still entwined with his. "... G'night, Angel."

Finally, sleep takes her away.

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2020 0:24:56 GMT
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 His sadness didn’t linger. It never did when he was with her; unsettled thoughts pulled back into the depths of the subconscious like the tide claiming seashells. They’ll be washed up again another time, he knows but for now, as her voice drifts over him, Angelo’s lips sleepily curl against bruised knuckles held close.

Futures could wait; he thinks he remembers promising himself not to contemplate too much about it tonight. It was just Skyler’s words, as certain and sombre as they had been, that had knocked him off course. Estimation of thirty or not, he trusts she’d put up a hell of a fight first before she let anything be taken from her – he supposed that was where they differed a little…

I don’t know about that. I think you’ve got your own special brand of crazy going on. Might be a little unfair to throw the rest of the sailors in with you.” There’s a faint, blissful hum that rumbles from his throat at the sensation of a gentle kiss pressed against his neck; thoughts drifting as ocean blue eyes close to savour the sensation. She’s certainly unlike any sailor he’d ever met before. It’s not a criticism in the slightest.

Angelo briefly wonders what that says about him, willingly swept up in the wild pull of her current when he really should be looking to paddle back to shore. Instead he reaches after moonglow eyes, chasing to grasp hold of all of their mysterious and maddening flashes as they glitter temptingly on the surface of blue, before it can slip through his fingertips. Maybe he was a little crazy, too.

Leisurely, he presses his lips to her knuckles in barely-there kisses, whispered chuckles breathed over her bruised skin as Skyler sleepily waxes poetic about oceanic dreams. “You better, I want to see that…” And he really does. Every part of him yearns to explore everything and see what this world has to offer, so much that it grates at his chest raw. But if he can’t, then he hopes that she does. “Well, pirate queen, I hope you’ve started working on that armada of yours… You’ve got a lot of regional waters to claim under the Dross flag.

There’s a pause then, comfortably nestled in her hair and drowsily blinking, as Angelo wonders if he had heard her right. Taking a moment longer than usual to absorb a pirate queen’s declaration. “You’ll have to catch me first…” He says; already a little breathless…

Falling quiet, having found the perfect position to tempt him closer towards the warm blur of sleep, Angelo feels his eyes heavily start to slip shut. Limbs melting into the mattress, he subtly curled around Skyler as she nestled comfortably into the crook of his neck. He thinks this would be a nice way to drift into unconsciousness more than just the once. That it would be too much of a shame to disturb them, just so he can switch off the lamp. So he doesn’t move, until she does…

Hmm..?” Blinking blearily, he tilts his head down to fix his gaze onto Skyler’s grey eyes, fighting to focus as his drowsiness attempted to blur their beautiful glow. He has to concentrate on her words but her finger, lightly pressing pointedly into his chest, constricts something within his ribcage tight. It’s such a small gesture and yet… It feels like he’s had the breath knocked out of him. Stolen. Snatched.

He’s kind of grateful he’s too tired to chase the meaning behind it.

Home sounds nice…” His voice is quiet, almost longing. Like he hasn’t felt like he’s had one for a long time.

Skyler leans up towards him then and he instinctively returns her kiss, languidly pressing his lips to hers with a sleepy hum; her warmth sinking into his skin until he melts against golden curls again. “And the day after that and the day after that…” He mumbles into her hair, already half gone and missing her point; his words a reassuring comfort perhaps more to himself. Thirty was a long way away and, he supposed, so was a year and however many months… There would be tomorrow. Then another tomorrow after that, to spend with her and to make the most of this temporary version of home. For a little while yet.

Night, Sunshine…” Somehow, he still manages to turn off the lamp without disturbing them.

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2020 8:55:12 GMT
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