show me your teeth [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2020 21:28:15 GMT
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"If I get to kiss you, Angel, I don't mind." Her voice is roughened by desire, words whispered into the night. "I'll be all the terrible influence you need." If anything, her lips curl into a promise, the moonlight casting some of her features in shadow even as her eyes gleam in a predatory manner. The sight of Angelo before her, arms pinned against the mast and meeting her challenge with an invitation ready in his ocean eyes - it almost undoes her. Almost.

Her teeth drag unhurriedly over goosebumps, laying soft kisses to make up for the sharp tugs of her teeth. The growled curse that slips past Angelo's lips makes Skyler pause, a self-satisfied smirk growing against the skin of his neck. But it's the broken version of her name that has her fingers digging into the skin of Angelo's wrists.


As Skyler closes her eyes, something in her responds to the plea in Angelo's voice. In her mind’s eye he’s already on the rumpled sheets of her bed, brown hair messy and that damnable grin on his face as he responds to her challenge, as he beckons her closer with the darkened edges of his eyes. As her lust mingles with his own in a tangle of limbs and whispered confessions.

Shit, she wants him so much.

One of her hands drops down to his chest, the material of his shirt scrunched in her fist, while the other keeps his arms firmly above his head. Still, Angelo manages to free one of of them to wind it around her torso, pulling her closer, fingers splayed against her back and digging into-

Agony burns a path from Skyler's side to the rest of her body, and her silver eyes widen abruptly, a horribly cold shudder going through her.

The sailor's forehead falls to Angelo's shoulder, desire abruptly drowned by sharp stabs of pain that leave her breathless.  Her other hand descends to join the one over Angelo's chest, holding on for dear life as her injuries remind her of their existence. Her whole body shivers.

Why now? Why now of all times?

"Fuck me..." Her frustration comes out in the snarl that escapes her throat, the way she still holds Angelo close, the gritting of her teeth at the burning that leaves her cold and wanting.

"I think we might have to- to- stop." Her voice is still wheezy, strained with the echoes of the pain that wracks her frame. Skyler hates herself for having to say those words, though it's obvious she isn't in any condition to strain herself further.

Next time, she thinks, she'll skip the fighting and go straight to bed with Angelo.

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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2020 23:54:39 GMT
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 They come together in desperate, needy fistfuls of clothes and unravelling words, cursed to the moon in murmured pleas. Angelo feels himself slowly come undone, pulled apart by her attentive lips and fierce touches; wanting her more and more until his chest fucking aches. He doesn’t care that they’re in a creaky crow’s nest in the middle of the harbour, not when he’s drowning in the addictive taste of their combined lust and burning touches. Not when the glow of silver ensnares and lures him into their darkened depths.

It’s too easy to forget about things when he’s with her…

He clutches her too tight and Skyler crumbles. “S-Shit…” She falls into his shoulder with a shudder that leaves him suddenly cold to the bone, his hands instinctually hovering just over her back like he was about to squeeze her to him, only to become frozen in realisation. Angelo’s eyes widen, remembering and picking up the scattered pieces of sanity. He instantly hates himself for it, stomach curling unpleasantly as he stews in the doused embers of lust, dampened by the consequences of his hunger and from seeing her pained because of it. From agitating her injuries with his greed.

Fuck… He fucked up.

Yeah… Yeah, we should.” His voice escapes him on delayed breathing, still a little ragged at the edges as he slowly comes down from his high, finding his sense again as the fog of desire fades. An afterimage remains of his fingers trailing across exposed skin, lips parted in thirsty gulps for air as they fight and surrender to each other’s lust but Angelo hesitantly lets it slip between his fingers, he’d never even consider pursuing it as Skyler wheezes in pain into his shoulder.

Carefully, he wraps an arm around her lower back and cards fingers through her hair, attempting to comfort her as Skyler fights through the ache of the injuries that he had foolishly dug into. His lips press into golden curls, the scent of her shampoo, smoke and sea breeze washing over him; Angelo closes his eyes and attempts to calm his storm.

Let me see,” whispering softly after a minute or so had passed, his fingers turn gentle as he pinches the material of her shirt collar, pulling it carefully down over her shoulder enough for a hint of bruised skin to be seen, glossy in the moonlight. How she'd got to this point he has no idea... What a stubborn, amazing idiot.

He leans forward and presses a featherlight kiss to the edge of the purple bloom, his lips leaving a ghost of a brush against her skin as he spoke. “Sorry… I shouldn’t have forgot.

There’s a sigh exhaled into the night sky as he moves away just enough to mumble in her ear, adjusting the collar of her shirt into place as the thumb on the small of her back brushes back and forth. “You just drive me fucking crazy sometimes, you know, Sunshine?” Not like spilling out a long-unspoken admission into the open would make up for losing himself in the passion but there was something just a little freeing about being able to admit it – finally sharing in the secret of his long-contained fire for her.

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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2020 17:28:31 GMT
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For the first time since they'd left the relative comfort of her apartment, Skyler feels the sharp bite of the winter breeze against her exposed skin. The blanket lays at their side, forgotten in the haze of lust that still lingers; when Angelo's arm goes around the small of her back, the motion sends small sparks up her spine, only worsened by the feeling of his lips lingering on golden curls.

She ignores the way her heart startles and threatens to push its way out of her ribcage, instead languishing in the comforting embrace.

Despite Skyler's stubborness to grit her teeth and hold herself as still as possible, to hold onto the moment with all of her strength and pull it back to where it'd been, with Angelo's moonlit drunk eyes dancing over her skin - she still loses the fight, frustration building up as it slips through her fingers. "You're allowed to say 'I told you so'. Just this once." Her voice is breathy, pained, but growing stronger.

His gentle voice coaxes Skyler into leaning away from him so that he can take a look at her injuries, inhaling sharply when his lips whisper over the edge of her bruises. Her eyes flutter shut at the contact, a pained expression (that has absolutely nothing to do with her injuries) flashing over her face.  'Shit, Angel, did you really have to do that?'

She almost wishes that he had forgotten. That he'd forget now, again, just so she could respond to the unfair warmth brought forth by the touch of his lips on her skin. Injuries be damned.

When a whispered confession is breathed against the shell of her ear, Skyler can't help the laughter that bursts forth, quickly followed by a string of curses. "Ow, ow, ow, ow. Shit, that hurts." There's a familiar mischievous undertone to her voice when Skyler brings her head closer to Angelo's, cheek brushing his softly, deliberately, as her own admission is whispered into his ear - her amusement bubbling forth as she speaks.

"Yeah, I kinda already knew, Angel." 

The curl of her smile is lazy and lopsided as she leans back to look at his face, as if to remind Angelo that their fire wasn't gone, just dampened, embers coming to life as Skyler's gaze finds his ocean blues. "To be fair, you drive me crazy too. I thought I'd have to give you a lapdance for you to get the hint." She lets herself relax as the pain slowly subsides, a flirty warmth replacing the earlier grimace of pain. "Plus, it was fun to watch you squirm." 

Skyler brings her attention to her bruises, frowning when she finds that moving sends jolts of pain throughout her torso. She pokes at her ribs, hissing in either pain or annoyance at the soreness there. Probably both.

"Getting back to the deck is going to be a pain in the ass..."

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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2020 21:08:46 GMT
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 Thank fuck he wasn’t the easily embarrassed type. Angelo’s lips pull at the corners as Skyler shakes with laughter under his fingertips, apparently finding his admission of attraction to be too amusing to contain. It was a much more pleasant sound than hearing her stubbornly grit her teeth to conceal her pain. “Then stop laughing, idiot.” There’s a chuckle bubbling from his throat too as he relaxes back against the mast, lazy smile remaining as Skyler chases him, closing their distance again to whisper in his ear – a warmth blooms within at the familiar, mischievous curl of her tongue.

Bullshit. I was very, very subtle.” They both know that wasn’t true.

She leans back and Angelo searches her expression, instantly drawn to the lopsided edge to her lips and the warmth in her gaze, allowing it to steadily melt away the chill of guilt that had settled over him. It’s an easy thing for them to fall into, even after sharing a heated exchange, Skyler’s flirtatious comments giving him an opportunity to sink into something familiar; something he knew how to handle.

You’re an asshole,” he tells her without any real anger, amusement leaking into his voice. Of course, she’d gotten satisfaction out of watching him struggle against her temptations. Perhaps he’d be more frustrated if Skyler hadn’t mirrored his admission, her shared sentiment creating embers of heat to crackle within him like a teased campfire, narrowed ocean blue eyes seeking out the glow of silver to reveal the flicker of a flame she had fanned.

But what you’re saying,” his voice hums out on teasing tones, the hand that had previously pulled at Skyler’s shirt collar falling to rest on her thigh, fingertips settling over the curve in a relaxed yet newly intimate gesture. “Is that if I pretend tonight never happened, I might be in for a shot at getting a lapdance?” Angelo’s grin twists at the corners until it isn’t quite as innocent as his name implies, just a little devious as he directs it at her. “Tempting.” Not like he would really go back and trade the sensation of her breath fanning against his lips, beckoning him into closing the fragile distance that had been begging to be crossed for some time.

Angelo’s fingers squeeze her leg as a warning when she prods at her wounds and hisses from the consequences. “Yeah, it probably will be if you keep jabbing at it.” He raises a brow at her, silently calling Skyler an idiot with but a look. It’s not a very pleasant thing, seeing her face scrunch up in pain, he decides. He'd much rather see it twist with pleasure, silver eyes hazy at the corners and directed at him. “But let's stay for a bit longer. I've got a nice view up here.” 

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2020 16:53:58 GMT
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There's the hint of a cheshire smile wanting to play itself out on her lips at the affectionate insult Angelo throws her way. Her expression is wholly unrepentant, the widening of her grin betraying her true feelings. "Can't blame me, Angel. You're too easy to tease." The tail end of her statement is punctuated by a chuckle, her eyes taking a long, leisurely travel down the length of his body, lingering at the way her legs neatly frame his hips.

Too many clothes. The thought comes unbidden, the lingering haze of lust whispering into her ears. 

When silvery pools return to Angelo's face, the smirk has vanished - replaced by a playful tilt of her chin. "Feel free to take your revenge on me whenever, baby." And if that sounded more like an invitation than a challenge? Maybe it was.

The feeling of his fingers resting on the curve of her thigh sends a spark of pleasure to pool in her stomach. The gesture itself feels intimate and - oddly natural, like they'd been doing this for a long time. It prompts a softness to briefly replace the mischievousness in her expression, silver eyes growing warm - though it quickly returns at Angelo's teasing. 

"There are far better things that I can do to you, Angel, than a measly lapdance." Her head is tilted to the side, moonlight pooling in the curve of her neck. The hands that had been clutching at Angelo's shirt drift down slowly, tauntingly, nails lightly scraping against the material. "And have you seen me dancing? I'd probably elbow you in the face on accident or something." 

Angelo's admonishing words fight against the stubborn turn of her lips for a second before she relents and stops poking at her bruises, a frustrated sigh tumbling past her lips - knowing he is right. "It's just - frustrating." The sailor doesn't have to explain; her lips still tingle from the memory of their bruising kiss. She isn't one to give up easily though. "Maybe you could kiss it better?" 

Despite her words, Skyler doesn't wait for Angelo to react. She leans down to brush her lips over his in a lazy, gentle kiss. One of her hands comes up to brush against his cheekbone as she takes her sweet time to commit to memory the feel of his lips on hers. She can't resist a small nibble at the end, taking his lower lip between her teeth and giving it a playful tug.

"I happen to enjoy my view very much," the words are whispered over Angelo's lips, her mouth barely parting from his. Greedy. "We can stay for some time. I'm very comfortable." Fingers drag down Angelo's torso to curl around his hips, motioning to the way she's straddling him. "If we stay too long, Angel, you get to be my bed for the night."

She's nuzzling into Angelo's neck when a random thought comes to her. Her eyes open wide before she looks around. "Wait, where's the blunt?"

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2020 21:29:58 GMT
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 You’re telling me,” he agrees, voice a little breathier than he intended, as Skyler’s fingers scrape tauntingly over his chest to snag at his frayed edges. What's really frustrating, he thought, is how she acknowledges that and then keeps on winding me up anyway. There’s no room for respite with her shifting in his lap, purring sultry words into the thickened air between them and yet, Angelo just can’t tear himself away from the sailor bathed in alluring moonglow. His smile is wry – he supposes he’s a real glutton for punishment.

Any retaliation is lost in his throat as Skyler closes the distance between them, words drifting away into the haze when her lips press to his. It’s slower than their previous; languid as he takes the time to submerge himself in the sensation of her and retain the taste of their brushing lips into his memory. Angelo’s fingertips graze leisurely higher up her thigh as they kiss, hungrily seeking to map out more. It ends with teeth playfully tugging at his bottom lip, pulling a growl of frustrated desire free as his blue eyes slide open to shoot Skyler a narrowed, burning look.

Good,” responding on quiet, gravely tones Angelo remains in place, allowing their breaths to fan against one another’s lips in a teasing gesture, suspended in the rush of a potential kiss. “We only just got up here. I’m not ready to let you leave, yet.” Slowly, he drags the tips of his fingers in the faintest of brushes back down the length of Skyler’s thigh that he had traversed, responding to the curl of her hands around his hips with a lingering squeeze close to her knee. “I can think of worse fates… but really? Sleep? Live a little, Sunshine.

He’s just settling into a nice position, Skyler tucked into his neck and his cheek pressed against golden curls, when she seems to pick up a strand of a memory that had long been forgotten. “I dropped it. Somewhere. Don’t worry, it was a freebie anyway.” If he had paid for the thing then he’d probably be a little more eager to look but as it stands, Angelo is tempted to just let the remains of the weed float away again to the back of his mind.

Skyler, however, is looking around and so he lazily joins in on the search, reaching out to the blanket that had fallen and giving it a shake. Their blunt drops out from within the folds of the material, long extinguished and only having burnt down to close to half way – more than what they had dragged out but a generous amount left, all things considering.

Here,” he brings it to her lips to latch onto, before digging in his pocket to retrieve his lighter, tiny sparks drifting into the night sky as the glow of a flame emerges between them. Free hand shielding it from the breeze, he lights the blunt for her, lips curling softly as he catches sight of the fire reflecting molten flecks in silver pools. “So, now that we’ve kissed… I think that it’s only fair,” his gaze slips away as he speaks on hushed flirtatious tones, distracting himself with pocketing the lighter, lest he become entranced by the glow in her eyes and have to address the sudden change in tempo in his chest. “That you reconsider your horribly unjust six and a half. What do you think?

He’s setting her up for a punchline, he knows. But he really can’t bring himself to care.

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2020 23:06:27 GMT
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They’re skirting a dangerous edge, balancing on the tip of a razor-sharp knife, humor and lust intermingling in the tip of their tongues, in the sliding of fingers against oversensitive skin. Skyler knows that she should step back, breathe deeply, remind herself of the pain that bloomed like a bruise-purple flower over her side. But there are sinfully blue eyes looking at her, and she swears she can see the stars reflected in them when Angelo turns them her way. Beckoning to her.

His frustrated growl when they break away is like music to her ears, his burning eyes bringing about a wave of satisfaction. Her teeth flash in the dark, a gleaming of something feral.

"Live a little?" The laughter that drags its way out of her throat is lower than usual, rough around the edges. "Then what should we do, Angel?" Her mouth brushes over his, gluttonous, less of a kiss and more of a gentle meeting of lips. "Chat?" The idea doesn’t seem so bad, but she feels other urges when she is like this, languishing in his lap like she belongs here. "Kiss?" Her lips drift lower, catching the line of his jaw and peppering small kisses until her mouth is grazing the shell of his ear. "... Fuck?" Her voice curls around the word, drawing it out as if she’s tasting every sound in it.

She blames the fingertips that are burning a path down her thigh, so soft she could’ve been imagining them. Somehow that makes it worse, like he’s playing a game, wondering when either of them will crumble and admit defeat.

Coveting that moment.

The blunt is a welcomed distraction, letting Skyler breath out and turn her head away for a brief length of time. She faces the darkened skies above, following constellations religiously with her silver eyes like they’re steady anchors to the storm that burns within.

The sailor looks down when Angelo’s voice reaches her, resting her lips around the blunt as he offers it to her, the flicker of fire catching her attention. Smoke follows a path down her throat to her lungs, and Skyler exhales it slowly, letting its tendrils escape her lips out into the starry night.

A corner of her mouth lifts into an amused, lopsided smile as she remembers the moment he’s referring to. "Horribly unfair? And kissing would change that how, Angel?" Her fingers move to curl around one of his belt loops and give it a light tug. "I need concrete evidence, you know? And I’m afraid there just isn’t enough of it to - clear all doubts." She certainly isn’t talking about his biceps.

An eyebrow quirks up, teasing, as Skyler inhales one more time - but instead of offering the blunt to Angelo, she offers her lips. The smoke in her lungs spills to him.

She probably isn’t the only one whose edges need to be smoothed down.

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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2020 18:33:19 GMT
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 Smoke is exchanged between them like the passing of their teasing comments, drifting over the brushing of lips and lingering through the air to tickle against sensitive skin. Angelo’s gaze doesn’t break away from her, narrowed as he lazily returned the mischievous kiss, distracted from committing himself fully. There’s a storm brewing, electricity crackling in his cloudy head, tempting him to fold to the sky and let the wicked winds of her voice guide him – take him far away.

Fuck… He thinks, pulling up the memory of her tongue curling around the word in his ear, on how he had almost let his spine shiver at the perfect sound. That was exactly what they should be doing.

As Skyler’s lips bring the smoke to him, Angelo’s fingers travel to grip at her hips. Sitting up straighter against the mast, he pulls her closer into him and if there’s a torturous spark from the motion of their hips bumping together, he ignores it.

Just isn’t enough of it,” his lips are against her collarbone now that she's been dragged higher up his lap, grazing over the thin layer of skin there as he repeats a part of her previous comment; slow and punctuated. Suggestive. “Now that’s an unfair assessment to make for someone who’s had plenty of chances to find out.

Lips curling slowly against her skin, Angelo ignores the ache of temptation in the pit of his belly in favour of leaning upwards into her, breath tickling up the length of her moon kissed throat. “I’ll look forward to seeing you eat your words,” he mumbles behind a hidden sly smile, tip of his nose brushing against the line of her jaw, before he falls away.

Angelo tells himself that, for the time being, there would be no more balancing acts. Not if he can help it…

Reclined back, reclaiming their less suffocating distance from earlier, Angelo reaches out to take the blunt from Skyler’s hands – falling momentarily silent as he medicates to help get him through the paper-thin willpower he had been struggling to hold onto.

Blue travels down her body as he lets the potent scents smooth over him, drawing smoke into his lungs as his gaze lingers over her lips, then expelling it again as they drag lower. He decides that if Skyler wants to claim his lap as her perch more often, then who was he to deny her, when the view was so good. Especially when she lounged and looked down at him with those smug, wild grins that he thinks suit her so damn well.

Did you decide?” He asks, hand on her thigh again as he relaxes, slowly allowing himself to sink into a less frayed atmosphere. “Chat? Kiss?” His thumb catches the slight indentation of a scar and he grazes against it, back and forth, absentmindedly wondering to himself how many more on her skin he’d get to commit to memory, like he was mapping stars on a constellation chart. “Or that last one. Remind me what it was again...” Angelo’s lips smile around the end of the blunt as he takes another drag.

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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2020 17:00:09 GMT
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“Is that a promise, Angel?” Her voice is a purr, words gently whispered over soft brown hair as his breath fans over the skin of her throat in a tortuous caress. Silver eyes close shut against the onslaught, her own breath leaving her lungs shakily at the desire that pools low in her stomach. Her fingers curl over the material of Angelo’s shirt as she steels herself, as she pretends not to feel the press of his desire against her.

A shiver runs down her spine at the curl of his lips on her skin - and she wants to pull herself closer to him, wants to brush her lips over his pulse just to feel her effect on him, wants to measure time in his soft growls and whispered sighs.

Damn you, Angelo... This wasn’t a balancing act, this was a fucking tidal wave and Skyler wanted to desperately drown in it.

Then he’s moving away and suddenly the sailor can breathe again, thought it doesn’t abate the hunger that swims in her eyes when she looks down at him, molten silver darkened slightly as smoke swirls between the two of them, obscuring her vision slightly.

Her attention snags on the tantalizing feeling of Angelo’s fingers whispering over her thigh, the frayed edges of her self-control pulling taunt like a rubber band about to snap. Skyler finds her hand abruptly settling over his own, tightly gripping so as to stop the teasing motion.

If not for the warning twinge on her bruised side, she would’ve let him continue, would’ve relished in it.

Instead, she decides to take a page out of Angelo’s book, leaning slightly back with a playful smirk tugging at her lips. “You know Angel, when two people like- Well, no, not necessarily.” The smirk widens, humor flashing behind her eyes. “When two people are attracted to each they sometimes do this thing called fucking. Not sure you’ve heard of it.” Given the way he’s touched her so far Skyler is quite sure that Angelo has some experience with the subject. That does not stop the teasing curve of her smirk, though.

As the crackling tension between the two of them slows down, the sailor finds herself leaning into him, melting into the curve of his torso as they resume their previous position. Unfortunately, that position also brings to her notice the ache in her side and shoulder, the way it tingles unpleasantly in warning when she shifts her position. Worse than before.

“If we don’t go back down soon, I don’t think my bruises will handle the journey.” She is more worried about her shoulder, the way it feels too hot against the cooler ocean breeze. “As much as I’d like to… chat with you under the stars, Angel, I think tonight we’ll have to go to bed.” The way her tones deepens  implies something else entirely.

Everything in her protests as she rises to her feet and away from Angelo’s warmth. She motions to the ladder. “You go first. I might take a bit longer.”

She does take a good bit longer than him, cursing everyone and everything in the vicinity as her injuries scream out at her each time she climbs down a step. By the time Skyler reaches the deck, she’s gone through most of her sailor vocabulary. “-son of a cockwombling shitlicker.”

There’s a second in which it looks as if Skyler’s legs will not support her, but then she stands her ground and grits her teeth, a familiar stubbornness rising to the surface. “C’mon,” she motions to Angelo as she leads them back to her apartment, bypassing the living room and going straight to the bedroom.

“Here.” The sailor holds out a few articles of clothing at Angelo: boxers and pyjama bottoms. “Feel free to take a shower. Towel's in the usual place. I’m just going to... take a breather.”

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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2020 21:30:37 GMT
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 Skyler catches his wandering hand in her warm and pleasantly rough fingers, stilling his touch as they danced faint patterns along her skin. Rather than feel disappointed though, Angelo’s lips crack into a slow, satisfied grin. Smoke curls through the air, blurring the corners of his vision into something potentially untrustworthy but he likes to think he caught a hint of a frayed edge in her expression. His fingers twitch, tempted to test his theory but it turns out that Skyler has a stronger grip than he anticipated… Later, then.

Hm… I think I get it. What you’re saying is - because you want to fuck me senseless - you find me attractive?” Angelo playfully muses, tongue curling slowly around the words, as if he were savouring the taste of a mystery that had long been unsolvable. There was no thought spared for shame. Lips mirrored Skyler’s in a languid version of a smirk as his legs, dangling through the railings lightly begin to sway back and forth; walking on air. He breathes out another plume into the night, gaze seeking her through the haze, his feet not the only part of him floating above the ground. “Wow. Careful or you’ll make me blush, Sunshine.

They stay reclined for a little while longer, night air and the wisps of weed mellowing out the formally jagged edges of their desires to a tolerable simmer. Skyler melts into him and he accommodates, letting her laze against his torso while ignoring the tingling of numbness in his thighs. It’s not a new sensation to the cyclist and Angelo powers through it so he can appreciate her warmth.

Another time, then.Chatting under the stars. That’s a proposition – a tempting idea – that Angelo won’t let them forget in a hurry. Skyler slips away from him then and he lets her go, his fingers sliding off her back like water from where he had been tracing patterns. This probably wasn’t the most comfortable place for her injuries and he didn’t fancy agitating them again. “Let’s get you to bed. It’s been a long day…” Now that he thought about it, it definitely had been an eventful one… What even was the time?

Angelo takes the advice and climbs down the ladder first, steadily descending as he maintains his footing through the lingering haze in his head. Standing at the bottom, he finishes off the remains of the blunt and disposes of it, focus then dragging upwards to keep an eye on Skyler. He learns plenty of pretty new words from her struggle. “Cockwombling… I’m stealing that one,” he chuckles when she hits the deck, gaze drifting over her carefully.

His fingertips faintly touch against her lower back just as she steels herself atop legs that threatened to buckle – like a ghostly whisper. It’s gone as quickly as it arrived, his hand falling away and together, side by side, they head back into the warmth.

In the apartment, Angelo tugs off his jacket and chucks it on the arm of the couch before stumbling out of his trainers, head still a little foggy and making him fumble. He’s caught back up when Skyler is rummaging through the drawers and presents him with a few articles of men’s clothing. “Thanks.” An amused, contemplative eyebrow is raised but he doesn’t ask for details on their existence, accepting them from her outstretched hands.

Ugh, yeah… Probably a good idea, bet I don't smell like a bed of roses right now,” he grimaces, realising that he probably has the scents of his day, the fighting pit and weed clinging to him. Yeah, he should go get washed up; he didn’t want to get kicked out of bed on a normal day, let alone tonight. Besides, it would give them both the chance to, as Skyler had put it, take a breather. “Okay, go get some water or something... Won’t be long.” Then he slips off towards the bathroom with but a passing, lingering gaze.

Standing underneath the hot water, Angelo’s cloudy head from the blunt slowly melts away to be replaced by something almost as foggy; relaxed exhaustion beginning to settle in. He was sure that in the morning the reality of everything would really start to sink in, with all the good and bad it contained… But tonight, he just really couldn’t give a fuck to think. He’s too blissfully intoxicated and too exhausted to let his baggage get in the way now. Just one night and then I'll deal...

It’s not long later that he emerges from the bathroom, wearing the loaned clothes and his hair towel dried enough to still be damp but not sending droplets down his back. Angelo traces the familiar path to Skyler’s bed…

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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2020 20:03:34 GMT
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"They’re clean," is Skyler’s reply to Angelo's raised eyebrow when he accepts the clothes. Her head is tilted to the side, a corner of her mouth lifted in amusement as she guesses the direction of his thoughts - there’s a small, mischievous part of her that wants to lead him in that direction, but she ends up continuing. "And new." She isn’t one to keep souvenirs anyway.

These had been bought specifically for Angelo.

Silver eyes chase him down the corridor, taking the opportunity to slyly appreciate his jean clad ass before the bathroom door is shut behind him and she hears the shower start running. As soon as Angelo is gone, Skyler leans back against the wall with a grimace, jaw tensed against the spiderweb of pain that spreads from her side and bolts up her spine. 

'Gotta do something about this...'

The living room is still in the dark, what little light spills from the open bedroom door not nearly enough to illuminate the room. Yet Skyler doesn’t move to turn on the lights, feeling her way to the couch where a familiar jar of cream lies, lid to the side. The sailor quickly snatches it up before returning to the bedroom, letting herself fall onto the inviting mattress.

A minute later, a annoyed growl escapes her throat as she hurls the jar of cream away from her in frustration. There are, she knows, blooming bruises spreading from her side to her spine, but whenever she attempts to reach back - a warning jolt of pain stops her. Skyler doesn’t want to aggravate her injuries further; but those bruises can’t be left without proper treatment or else she’ll regret it come morning.

Her gaze drifts to the closed bathroom door, pondering.

Fingers twitch against a plastic lid as her mind takes her back to an earlier moment in the crow’s nest. 'Fuck me senseless...' The words had sounded downright sinful coming out of Angelo's mouth. The memory summons images she’d do better without, especially now. 'If only,' the sailor thinks, calloused fingers absentmindedly playing with an ocean blue stone in her necklace.

When Angelo comes back to the bedroom, Skyler is lying on her stomach, shirt halfway up her back to reveal purple bruises. Her cheek is slightly squished against her pillow as she takes the time to lazily follow the lines of his chest, down to the edge where pyjama pants lie tantalizingly low on his hips. There’s something dangerously soft in her silver eyes when they finally meet his.

"I need help." The words don’t sound like a plea; the way Skyler pushes the jar of cream in his direction is more akin to a provocation, the familiar feeling of push and shove tainted by a breathiness underlining her words. Pain - or desire.

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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2020 22:45:46 GMT
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 His first sight when he enters the bedroom is Skyler, lounging on her sheets with a stretch of her back on display, curves and lines bathed in the glow of the artificial light. Shadows creeping like ghostly claws from her ribs towards her spine. Angelo’s gaze slowly trails along it all, drinking in the length of exposed sun kissed skin – conflicted.

It’s not until he lifts his gaze to warm, silver eyes that he realises his brow had been pinched in a mix of emotions. Attraction, frustration, hesitance… It remains behind like his own personal bruise within his chest, only becoming a little easier to live with when Skyler’s voice broaches through the space between them. His expression softens.

There’s no childish whine to her request or no hint of crocodile tears intermingled with a plea; just Skyler’s familiar vocals, teasing and warm at the corners even through her breathlessness. Angelo feels a soft exhale slip past his lightly curled lips. “Good thing I’m here then,” he’s already stretched his hand out, palm up and waiting for Skyler to press the familiar jar into his care.

Opting to sit on the bed beside her, Angelo is barely aware of how the soft mattress sinks under his added weight, busy twisting the lid off and letting his blue eyes linger on the arch of her spine. It’s a dangerous request, asking him to rub cream into her back but what else was he supposed to do? Turn her down just to relieve some of the tension curling hot in his abdomen? No. Angelo was not one to run away from a challenge, just as he wouldn't decline her ask for help, so he scoops out some of the medicine onto his fingers and leans over her to put the pot on the bedside table.

Hope you’re good with the cold,” there’s a lazy, somewhat amused edge to his smile as he drops a warning barely a second before he presses his fingers, chilly from the cream, around the curve of her side. Focusing on his task and not the sparks that tingle up the length of his arm, Angelo works on her ribs first, gently circling the medicinal scented salve into her skin. When his fingers brush upwards to the edge of her shirt, calloused digits perhaps slipping just slightly under the hem, Angelo’s gaze settles on the back of Skyler’s neck where a string peeks out amongst golden curls.

Don’t take this as encouragement,” he finds his voice is more hushed than he intended, when he moves to fill the silence with a museful comment. Blinking slowly, half-lidded blues trailing along her bruised back, he takes in the extent of its reach with a complex twist in his chest. “But you better have fucked up the other guy worse than this... Oh, is the pressure okay, by the way?” Angelo asks offhandedly at the end as his fingers graze, light and in circles, towards the soft muscle of her back.

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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2020 0:38:23 GMT
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Skyler doesn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed when Angelo sits by her side instead of doing the more comfortable thing and sitting, well, on her. “I’ll survive, Angel.” That’s all that she manages to say before chilled fingers are grazing her bruised skin, making the sailor inhale sharply - more in surprise than anything else.

Goosebumps erupt all over her skin from the coldness being gently massaged onto her skin. There are faint pangs of pain from where Angelo’s fingers touch her bruises, but the sensation quickly fades, replaced by the soothing cold of the cream and the feel of calloused fingertips rubbing tortuous circles on her skin.

After some time Skyler relaxes into the impromptu massage, breathing out a sigh of relief when the aches slowly fade into the background.

With the pain subsiding, she’s all the more aware of Angelo’s fingertips when they dip slightly under the hem of her shirt. Arms tense at the subtle motion, fingers sinking into the feathery soft pillow under her head - at the same time that Skyler bites the breathy moan that wants to escape her lips.

‘He’s just rubbing some cream onto your back, get a hold of yourself, Sky.’

Wild, heartfelt laughter is startled out of her at Angelo's statement, her torso shaking slightly under his attentive fingers. It subsides quickly, though amusement lingers in the curl of her smile. “You should’ve seen him, Angel.” There’s a definite undertone of smugness to her voice, and she turns her head enough for a silver eye to glitter up at him. “I got him good. I’m pretty sure I broke his nose.” The suddenly ferocious smile on her face widens, memories of that night coming back to her. “Left him clutching his groin. He probably isn’t having fun anytime soon.”

Maybe she shouldn’t have said that with such malicious glee, but she can’t help it. She’d earned her victory, albeit with consequences - though in truth it had led to Angelo massaging her (and kissing her and holding her and- she better not think about it too much), so Skyler couldn’t really be bothered to complain.

“The pressure is fine.” More than fine, actually. When Angelo’s fingers move to the edge of her bruise, a small hum of pleasure leaves her throat. Especially when his they brush over the ghastly scar that almost crosses the whole of her back, starting at her lower back and disappearing under her shirt. It’s - especially sensitive. She has to stop herself from moving under his attentions.

“And that wasn’t even the best part of my evening.” Her voice is lazy, dragging over the words in a way that leaves little to interpretation. “I’m curious, Angel...” Her tone could’ve been flirty if not for the curiosity that tempers it. “Do you kiss all of your friends like that?”

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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2020 17:24:33 GMT
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 When Skyler lets out a short laugh, enthusiastic and infectious, he finds the raw edge within his chest soothed just a little. He knew he wouldn’t ever particularly like the thought of her scrapping in some pit, where the rules were even dirtier than the majority of the inhabitants that skulked there but Angelo couldn’t deny the taste of satisfaction on his tongue when she proudly assures him of her victory. This time allowing it to pull at the corner of his lips into a faint smirk.

Angelo listens as she details her conquest, leaning over to scoop more of the medicine out of the pot. When he returns to his place, he catches a spark of silver glinting up at him, wild and untamed. “Good. He’ll have fun dealing with that,” his fingertips return to her back, casting Skyler a brief flash of delight that sneaks out behind a surface of blue, before his gaze drags lower again. His tone holds an inkling that he’d perhaps experienced a broken nose before. “Poor bastard…” He says, not sounding very sorry at all. Still, Angelo suppresses an involuntary cringe – he’d take a punch in the face any day over that.

Falling silent, he guides his fingers over the purpling skin of her back, slowing as his digits press soft hums and blissful sighs from Skyler’s throat. Nearly all of her bruises had been covered now, smoothed over with the calming cream until it shined in the glow of a lamp but despite the torturous twist in his gut, Angelo feels somewhat hesitant to finish. Greedy to hear more of her relaxed, appreciative noises.

He softly brushes a thumb up a section of a familiar, severe looking scar, remembering when he had first seen it during their time in the jungle. Fingertips curiously track as far as the line of her shirt, until her words pull him back, snagging his attention from a wandering thought.

That so?” There’s an amused, lazy edge to his voice as if some coy inside joke had been shared between them. He had to agree, his evening had gotten significantly better as the time had stretched on, enough so to make him shrug off his loss of a decent paycheque. Money could always be made elsewhere, if he put the effort in. Kissing and having Skyler press her teeth into his neck was not quite as replaceable.

Her question stills the fingertips that had absentmindedly been rubbing against her back, even after he had technically finished. “No,” he answers slowly, after a short pause of consideration. Angelo wasn’t against answering this question but he was aware that it bordered a dangerous territory, one that he was less enthusiastic about crossing. “In general, I try to not make a habit out of kissing my friends at all.” It’s less complicated that way, keeping encounters to those that are gone the next morning or are just a face you sometimes pass in the university halls.

Beneath them the mattress creaks, Angelo leaning over her, hand pressing into the sheets on the other side of Skyler's body to keep himself from falling on top of her. His other brushes the golden strands of hair away from her neck. “Thanks, by the way…” He hums softly, light sarcasm on his tongue that doesn’t sound very bitter at all, breath fanning against her exposed skin. “Now you’ve made me go and break the rules.” A faint kiss is left on the back of Skyler’s neck.

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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2020 16:48:15 GMT
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Blessed numbness spreads over her side, and while it is a relief to be able to breathe without pain, Skyler can't help a small frisson of disappointment.

At least until Angelo's fingers drift away from her bruises to lazily follow the curve of her spine. Silver eyes open in surprise as a languorous sort of desire simmers low under the surface, and the sailor shamelessly basks in it.

When Angelo traces the ragged edges of her scar, Skyler's body shifts slightly under his hand, her awareness narrowed down to the sensation of calloused fingertips rasping over the skin of her back. A shudder goes through her.

She almost protests when the fingertips stop, though her attention is quickly snagged by the words that come out of his mouth, her lips pulling into a smug smirk at his response. "I'm one of the lucky ones then." In all fairness Skyler wants to do more than just kissing - she's all but told him so.

Then the mattress creaks under the two of them. Angelo shifts, a hand coming to rest on the other side of Skyler's body as he leans down. The brush of his fingertips over the back of her neck has her burying her head in the pillow, hiding her expression from searching blue eyes. That soft hum of his voice, she thinks, should be banned. 

The kiss is barely there, just a small brushing of his lips over her skin. It still drags a hum of appreciation from her throat - or was that a moan? The pillow muffles the unitelligible sound, followed by what sounds suspiciously like a growled Alto Marian curse. 

Maybe she's learning some things from him as well.

"You're welcome, Angel baby." The sailor would've sounded more smug if not for the slight strain in her voice, lust entangled in her words like honey. She wants to look at him, so she very carefully rolls in order to face him, her eyes molten silver in the low light of the lamp. "Really, you should've known better than to think that any rules would be safe with me around."

There's nothing apologetic in her voice.

As if to illustrate her point, Skyler's hand rises to brush against Angelo's cheek, a small secretive smile curling her lips as she pulls him down to her for what should've been a brief brushing of lips. Skyler might linger for a second or two too long, greedily drinking in the feeling of Angelo's kiss, before she's relaxing over the bedsheets, golden hair fanned out over the pillow in a chaotic mess of soft curls. 

"We should go to sleep soon." Time has woven itself in a confusing knot in Angelo's presence - for all Skyler knows it could've been late evening or early morning. Unfortunately, weariness is starting to settle into her bones, and when she blinks it takes longer for her to open her eyes again. "...Thank you. For the massage." Her eyes flash with trouble. "I owe you one now." 

The sailor adjusts her shirt and makes herself comfortable under the bed sheets, patting the bed by her side in a clear invitation. This ritual is somewhat familiar to her - this is far from the first time they've slept next to each other. This new electric awareness between the two of them, however, keeps Skyler from falling asleep right away. 

"I think..." she mumbles, eyes shifting over to Angelo with a curious light in them, "that if you weren't a courier you could do this professionally. Y'know, massages." There's a pause as Skyler shifts into a more comfortable position, her side brushing Angelo's. "I'd hire you." 

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