show me your teeth [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2020 23:28:16 GMT
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 Uh, what? Who said anything about you being defeated by this?” A smile curls the corner of his lips, summoned by the sound of Skyler chiding him. There’s a slight sparkle in her eyes as she calls him an idiot and Angelo’s jagged edges smooth over a little from the insult, relief settling over weary bones at the familiar fire. “You really think I’d be stupid enough to believe that you wouldn’t fight your way out of anything? I’ve got the keychain to prove it, you know.” There’s a flash in his own gaze now. Their previous atmosphere – tense from exploring unfamiliar territories – beginning to melt into something more recognisable and comforting.

It was funny, he thought. He’d just seen a glimpse of vulnerability in this sailor who he had assumed was near untouchable, with all of her thirst for life and wicked devil may care recklessness that always saw her bounce back, yet somehow Skyler had made herself seem even stronger to him in a new way. Angelo didn’t think he’d ever like the thought of her taking up fights to chase away her demons though, memories of her in the dirt still leaving a bitter taste on his tongue but at least she’d know she had options now, if she ever wanted one.

You better,” he hums back, words edging on a casual threat, like he was holding her to a promise of his own that he intended to uphold, one that he’d put her through hell himself if she dared break. Angelo gives her hand a small squeeze and smiles reassuringly.

Skyler brings their interlocked hands up to her cut lips, pressing his wrist to them in a soft kiss; silver eyes burning into him until Angelo is sure that she can somehow sense how his throat tightens. Her apology is more than accepted…

So, a distraction… Is when you take someone’s mind off something that they had been thinking about,” he says, purposefully misconstruing her question on teasingly casual tones, his gaze dragging from her lips to their joined hands. Distracting himself from the static she had left on his skin. “Like this, maybe.” Angelo doesn’t let their hold fall, instead lightly pulling Skyler’s fingers towards himself, guiding her into crossing the empty space that stretched cold between them until it existed no more. It’s only when he’s reclined back in the corner of the couch, holding Skyler against his chest with his arms wrapped around her, that he realises how much their previous distance had felt wrong – so unlike them. This felt a lot more natural.

Fingertips draw faint, soothing circles upon her back as the scent of her shampoo drifts over him. “Did you know…” He breathes out towards the celling, lightly smirking as a lie is shared, intentionally stupid for distraction sake. “Lapras can't swim backwards.

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2020 15:12:04 GMT
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A groan slips past her mouth at the mention of the infamous keychain, yet her lips are stuck on a soft, affectionate smile that won't leave her face and the faint glimmer of amusement shines through her eyes. The icy cold that had dragged behind her up until this moment finally seems to thaw, chased away by the curve of Angelo's smile. "I'm going to make that keychain disappear one day, you'll see." The grumpy promise is empty of meaning: she would never get rid of those keychains. Or of those other pictures she'd sneaked into her backpack without Angelo seeing.

His casual threat turns her eyes molten silver with emotion, the softly uttered words pulling the edges of her smile into something  intimate, secretive: the unspoken answer to a question Angelo hadn't yet breathed out.

When he squeezes her hand, she doesn't hesitate to squeeze back. 

Laughter breaks out of her at the definition Angelo casually throws out there, wild and carefree. Before she can do or say anything about it, however, there's a pull on her fingers that beckons her to close the distance between the two of them. Silver eyes look to his - catching the moment his gaze drifts away from her lips. 

Ah, a distraction indeed.

There is no resistance as Skyler lets herself be guided to lay on his torso, her cheek resting over the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Tension drains away from her body, the familiar warmth under her pulling a satisfied hum from her even as she shifts slightly due to her bruised ribs, doing her best to find a comfortable position. 

The hum turns into a shaky sigh when fingers starts to draw faint circles over her back, the motion making her eyes flutter shut. The sailor is so relaxed that she barely hears the words Angelo breathes out. "Yeah. And Combusken can fly." She hides her amused smile in the crook of his neck. The sailor suddenly finds that she doesn't mind this sort of distraction at all, especially when she gets to nuzzle into Angelo's neck. 

Maybe fighting was overrated.

"You know..."  The words are whispered softly over the skin of his neck, playfulness weaving itself into her voice. "You get this light in your eyes when you're angry, Angel." She hadn't paid too much attention to it at the time, too overwhelmed by the tides of her own emotions, her fury. "Like an ocean storm."

It's perhaps a good thing that her friend can't see the smirk on her face, although he can perhaps feel it, already familiar with her teasing. "Caught me off guard. I didn't know you had it in you." There's a pause before she continues, lifting her head to peer at Angelo from under her lashes. Her voice carries a challenge as she speaks. "I kinda want to see it again."

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2020 20:16:30 GMT
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 Remaining still, Angelo lets her arrange herself into a position where she’d feel comfortable with her injuries, gentle fingers lingering on her back as he savours the warmth of contact. It’s not long before they’re settled and Skyler’s breath, shaking from a relaxed sigh, tickles against the skin of his neck. Ocean eyes slide shut as the sensation melts through him. “I’m sure there’s a great conspiracy theory about that somewhere.” There’s a chuckle laced with his musing, enjoying the steady decline of their tension, distracting one another until it starts to become real and increasingly peaceful. This was the kind of position where it would be easy to slip into sleep, he realises.

Whispers brush against his neck and Angelo’s eyes peek open again, Skyler’s voice as soothing as it was captivating, calling for his attention with but a soft murmur. There’s a moment of hesitation as he listens, fingertips still dancing on her back as he weighs and contemplates. “I didn’t take you for the poetic type…” He says with gentle playfulness, although he remains unsure how he should feel about his anger being mentioned, on it being likened to something as wild and dangerous as an ocean storm.

There’s a brief echo in his head, recalling a familiar voice shouting at him as it’s punctuated by the furious screams of an infant, his adolescent voice trembling with rage as criticisms and reprimands cut deeper than the scrapes on a foolish child’s knuckles. Grow up. Your sister needs you to be a responsible big brother. I really need you to be mature. Angelo blinks the voice away until only Skyler remains.

Oh…” There’s a breath of amusement as she mentions that she didn’t know that he had it in him. Angelo doesn’t think to correct her that it had always been there, caged underneath the surface. He also doesn’t think to mention that maybe he didn’t mind that she had seen that side of him. That maybe it had been a little freeing in hindsight… Especially when she’s suddenly looking at him with a bright spark in her eyes, peering underneath surprisingly thick eyelashes with a wish to see it again. Angelo feels something in his chest twist with an ache, Skyler’s wicked honesty soothing something raw that he had long covered over. He resists the sudden urge to crush her closer to himself in a tight embrace.

Well, if I keep hanging out around you, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.” There’s a lazy kind of grin on his lips as he peers down at her, a hand inching up her back to play with a still damp curl of gold, their back and forth only seeming to encourage him into relaxing into their warm intimacy regardless of the earlier memory.

You’re a terrible influence, you know. You should be discouraging me from doing stupid things.” He smiled, as if to say that he really didn’t mind. That he welcomed it.

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2020 22:48:25 GMT
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There's something in those deep blues as Angelo looks down at her that causes a strangely pleasant twist in her stomach, the warmth in that gaze flowing over her like a comforting blanket. It was strange, she thinks, that she would find peace in two such distinct places: an illegal fighting pit and Angelo's arms.

Though, to be fair, she has to admit that the way his fingers are drawing circles on her back feels heavenly. It would feel even better, she can't help but think, on her bare skin. But despite the way they've grown comfortable around each other, having a topless woman draped over you while you brushed your fingers over her back - it might be a bit too much. Of course, that only makes Skyler want to do it more.

When the fingers deftly drag a path up her spine to play with one of her golden curls, she shivers.

Her silvery gaze flickers to the lazy grin on his face, lingering there for a few seconds before moving up to his eyes. "Is that a promise, Angel?" The words are breathed out in distraction, her mind still on the pleasant sensations from earlier. "Because I can already think of one or two things that would get you going." She doesn't even attempt to hide the self-satisfied curl of her lips following her statement, eyes glittering with devilish delight.

She nearly snorts at his next statement, supporting her head on her hand as she looks up at him. "Of course I'm a terrible influence. That's why you like me." There's something boldly unapologetic in her smile, as if daring him to disagree with her. "I like to corrupt you, Angel. And there's still lots of stupid shit to be done." Her smile widens as she locks gazes with him. "I promise." 

There's a beat of silence as she lays her head back down on his chest. Her mind goes back to the moment when she'd caught him looking at her lips - then her eyes move to the skin of his neck, wondering. 

A sudden thought crosses her mind, furrowing her brows. "What were you doing in there anyway? The alley?" She doesn't really want to drag the conversation to that part of the night again, but finds her curiosity much too strong to be contained. 

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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2020 0:20:28 GMT
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 Flirtatious words dance out of her mouth and Angelo’s eyes narrow, darkening around the edges as a grin curls the corner of his lips. Rising to her challenge like he always does. “Are you sure about that? I don’t remember ever saying I liked you.” He hums with mock indifference, meeting her gaze with a betraying grin as she props herself on her hand to look at him, leaving Angelo with a nice view of her face as she leaned close. “Sounds like you’ve got plans for me. Should I be scared?” There's a sarcastic, taunting edge as his fingers become buried in golden curls, slowly combing through to the ends until they fall back into place.

Then Skyler sinks back down to rest her head against his chest. Angelo’s glad that she does, it means that when she asks him the next question, she can’t see his expression; pinched with a frown and the light draining out of his eyes. He can feel his mouth turn dry while the patterns that he had been drawing on her back slow to an eventual stop. Something inside of him, small and guarded, tells him to brush her off but tonight, he finds that he can’t… Not completely.

I was in there working. I, uh… got asked to help with taking the bets and I could have done with the extra money, so I went along with it…” There’s a lump in his throat as he slowly speaks, like the words are new on his tongue, unnatural and a struggle to formulate. No, he thinks, that’s not quite right. Before he realises it, he’s correcting himself, backstepping on quiet tones that are barely a whisper. “I needed the money.” It punctuates, hushed but intentional, as if letting Skyler know with that one ‘needed’ that this went beyond just trying to get a few extra coins for a decent meal.

Blue eyes avert towards the ceiling with a faraway glaze, turning away in case she looks up and delves a little too deeply into his troubled soul. He doesn’t think he’s ready to share the whole story, yet.

And I was in the alleyway because I was an idiot and got myself fired. But hey, guess you've got to experience it at least once,” he adds with dry amusement, in an attempt to distract himself from the way that a rock had settled uncomfortably in his stomach. Angelo didn’t want to elaborate too much, didn’t want to dwell more on how his pockets were empty, just as he was sure that Skyler might not be all too keen to relive some of the memories from earlier tonight… So, he left it at that. Open enough for her to accurately assume and vague enough to keep the finer details to himself.

He was beginning to feel like a new distraction was in order. “Hey, I wouldn’t mind some fresh air,” he tilts his head forward a little until his lips were brushing against golden curls, her shampoo tickling his nose enough for Angelo to reconsider his words for the briefest of moments; tempted to fight against the weight that had settled over him so he could keep her in his arms a little longer. “Come with me, sunshine?

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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2020 11:54:07 GMT
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Skyler scoffs at Angelo's reply, the grin on his face drawing her gaze like a moth to a flame. "You didn't need to." The grin that blooms over her lips is cocky, sure of itself and wholly unapologetic.

Her fingers rise up to trace the curve of his lips distractedly, and when she looks up there's trouble in her moonlit silvers, their smooth surface darkened by some strong emotion. "Maybe. Who knows what I've got in mind for you, Angel?"

She's about to say something else when Angelo's fingers burrow into her hair, and instead of words, a breathy exhale leaves her lips. Her eyes flutter shut at the sensation of fingers going through her hair, humming in pleasure. She can’t help the disappointed turn of her lips when he lets his hand fall.

Her stomach twists at the sudden, heavy atmosphere that envelops them as Angelo starts to speak. The way the words are dragged out of his chest, ragged and whispering, has her fists clenching; Skyler's already looking for the source of his pain, itching to fight it away. But this is something that she can't fight, at least not with fists. 

He's looking away from her, eyes turned toward the ceiling, when she lays her hand over his cheek, demanding his attention. 

"If you need anything. Anything. I’m here." She isn’t even talking about the money, though that's easily one of the things she’ll gladly help him with. She holds his gaze for a few moments, as if to punctuate the depth of her commitment. Then a smirk overtakes her expression, seriousness chased away. "As long as it isn't ghost-related. Then you’re on your own, Angel."

Disappointment coils in her stomach at his suggestion, being somewhat drunk on the feel of his arms around her. "Yeah, just give me a minute." The sailor sighs, nuzzling into his neck (and perhaps sneaking in a small maybe kiss) before getting to her feet slowly, mindful of her injuries. When she exits the apartment, she brings a blanket with her.

The night is cold and bright with stars, but instead of huddling into her friend for warmth, Skyler moves away, wide steps taking her to the side of the ship.

"You did say you wanted fresh air, right?" The way her lips curl into a wide, lopsided smile is like an invitation. Her hand grabs onto a length of rope and she's suddenly climbing up a rope ladder, eyes bright with moonlight when she stops midway through to look at Angelo, daring. "Well, you comin'?" 

The docks are dark and it is difficult to see the ropes; yet Skyler climbs as if she's been doing this her entire life, barely looking at where she puts her feet before climbing up to the next step. She ignores the way her side screams at her.

When Angelo reaches the crow's nest, Skyler is already there, looking at the sea with a familiar wildness in her eyes. Her lips part briefly, breathing in the cold breeze as if she could never get enough of it. Then she turns her eyes to Angelo and the silver in her eyes softens, beckoning. Here, they seem to say, here is a place for you. If you’ll just take it.

"Welcome to the crow's nest, Angel."

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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2020 15:22:56 GMT
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 There’s a touch against his cheek, drawing him into her orbit whether he’s hesitant to be pulled in or not, the sailor demanding his attention with calloused fingers against his skin and resolve reflected in her eyes. Angelo can’t bring himself to say anything. There’s a promise in Skyler’s voice, as unwavering as a rock in an ocean storm, but he doesn’t know if he can take hold of it even if the act would keep him from drowning. How could he? He’s too used to keeping himself afloat.

Damn... And I could have really used your help in settling my debt with the ghost mob, too.” He falls into their usual dynamic readily, allowing his troubles to be buried deep once more.

Yeah, he decides as Skyler asks for a little longer to bury herself in his neck, shouldn’t have said anything. Angelo gives her a minute and then another, feeling greedy as he holds her to him for as long as he can stretch it. Even though it was his request in the first place, he lets out a disappointed sigh as she slips out of his arms with an (accidental?) brush of her lips against his throat. There was only himself to blame, he guessed; wiggling on his shoes and pulling his arms into jacket sleeves as they venture out into the night.

Automatically his hands slip into his pockets as the evening air, refreshingly chill from the clear skies, settles over him and washes the earlier remnants of tension away. Blue eyes drift moonward, taking in the glittering of stars thrown against a dark canvas as he follows his friend around the side of the ship.

Up there? I mean, I guess you’re not going to get fresher air than that.” Angelo raises an amused eyebrow as Skyler starts to ascend up the rope ladder, peering at the crow’s nest that sits high into the night, close enough maybe to touch the stars. He can’t resist the temptation of the climb nor the dare that drifts between them. “Right behind you.

He clambers up after her, not quite as effortless in his ascent as she was but Angelo tells himself that’s just because he’s busy keeping an eye on her, what with her injuries. In reality, his focus was a little more distracted on her ass than on her safety.

Angelo reaches the crow’s nest not long after, pulling himself into the cramped space alongside Skyler, momentarily taken in by the view of the dock as it stretches before them. His gaze reflects the night sky, starlight ensnared within the darkening blue as the edge of space blends in with the beginnings of the ocean, inky and vast. Angelo peers over to Skyler, just a little breathless, with a soft smile that tells her that there was nowhere else he’d rather be.

It’s amazing… You know, I take offence that you didn’t bring me up here sooner.

There’s limited space but he makes it work, sinking down so that he’s leaned back against the mast, bottom half of his legs dangling through the railings so his feet floated on air. It wasn’t too cold but he found himself feeling greedy for her warmth anyway. Angelo’s fingertips reach to curl around Skyler’s wrist, giving her a light, encouraging pull for her to join him; to return to some kind of embrace. “Sit with me. Before I get lonely and cold.” He demands softly, grinning in the faded light.

Fresh air turned out to be an excuse to enjoy a sailor’s company in the presence of the infinite universe with a blunt to share between them; Angelo exhaling the first plume of smoke into the night before holding it out for her to take.

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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 17:37:57 GMT
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The ocean stretches out before them, beyond the flimsy protection of the docks to meet with the darkening horizon. Behind them, Lilycove's lights peek out from behind the cliffs, far away, a haze of yellow that easily fades into the darkness around them. Skyler breathes in, meeting Angelo's soft smile with her own - as if sharing a secret.

This is her favourite part of the ship, yet one she seldom visits, usually too busy doing something or the other.

"I only recently got this part of the ship repaired." She balances on the balls of her feet, then jumps slightly in place, the wood groaning ominously beneath her bare feet at the motion.  Unlike Angelo, the sailor didn't think to grab a jacket or shoes to protect herself from the cold, and soon goosebumps raise over the skin of her arms.

There's a wildness to the curve of her smile, however, as she leans back against the railing, apparently unafraid of the possible fall. "This is only the second time I've been here, so you should actually feel honored, Angel." 

Silver eyes don't linger on Angelo for too long, drawn to the distant horizon as if under a spell. The smile that has lingered on her lips fades slightly, and there's something both hungry and longing in her eyes as she faces the draw of the waves. 

It's the sensation of fingers curling around her wrist that brings her back, blinking against the night and shifting to face the pull on her arm. Her heart stops and skips at the grin on Angelo's face, at the soft command that escapes his mouth. The words wash over her like a siren's call, and she's powerless against their lure. "Lonely and cold? Well, we gotta fix that." Like she isn't the one who decided to come out here without any sort of warm garb.

Instead of following the pull and sitting by his side, Skyler's bare foot presses itself between Angelo's knees and slowly nudges his legs apart to create some space for herself.

If the young man were to look up at Skyler, he'd see the wicked gleam in her moonlit eyes - then she's sitting with his legs on either side of her, leaning back against Angelo's chest with a sigh of contentment.

A blanket is swiftly thrown over their laps, even though the warmth at Skyler's back is much more... appealing.

"Where d'you get this?"
Eyebrows quirk up in surprise at the blunt that rolls between his fingers, but she doesn't refuse it when Angelo offers it to her. 

Her head leans back over his shoulder until she's looking at the breathtaking smattering of stars against a velvety black sky, the  column of her throat kissed by moonlight. She doesn't let the smoke out all at once, letting it float away from her lips and into the darkness slowly. His neck is tantalizingly close to her lips. Again.

Maybe she can get away with a few things yet.

"Still lonely, Angel?" The words come out breathier than she'd anticipated, barely a whisper. A playful, lopsided smile tugs at the edges of her mouth. "Or is it another kind of company you're lonely for?"

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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 20:11:02 GMT
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 He almost feels sorry pulling her attention away, as captivated and longing as her silver eyes had become, from the view of the waves illuminated by moonglow. Almost.

There’s no room for guilt when it becomes his turn to be spellbound, watching as Skyler nudges to make space between his legs and if that mischievous sparkle in her eyes is anything to go on, Angelo knows right away that her decision is intentional. Regardless of her wicked schemes, he shifts to make room for her, knees raised to box her in between his legs and keep her cosy in an embrace as she leans back against his chest.

She drapes the blanket over them then and his free hand slips underneath, gently winding around her waist to rest his palm flat against her stomach. It’s perhaps a little too cosy… But Angelo feels no desire to adjust.

Client discretion,” he responds simply when Skyler asks where he’d gotten the weed from, mouth curling slyly as he rests his chin on her shoulder, peering at her out of the corner of a blue eye as she brings it to her lips anyway. “If I told you, I’d have to silence you – though knowing you, you'll make it a challenge.” Playfulness curls off his tongue easily, telling half-truths and leaving a little mystery up in the air. He had been asked to be discreet after all; one drag wasn’t going to loosen his lips into spilling all his secrets into Skyler’s ear.

Tilting his head back against the mast, Angelo’s gaze is drawn into the canopy of stars stretching above their heads, sinking into the infinite of unexplored skies as his senses pleasantly drift with the combination of intoxicating things around him. As much as he finds he loves it up here, he wishes that he could go just a little bit higher, those sparse wisps of cloud and incandescent bodies taunting and beckoning to explore – to let them dance upon his fingertips rather than just be destined to reflect in wistful blue.

Skyler tethers him to the crow’s nest, not letting him drift away as her voice returns his attention. He can’t see the smile dancing across her features but he knows its there. It’s too easy to picture it, these days.

Maybe…” Angelo doesn’t elaborate on which he was referring to as his free hand lifts to envelop hers that still holds the blunt, gently coaxing it from her fingers and bringing it to his own lips for a turn. There’s a pause as he inhales, silently holding his breath for a few lingering seconds before the smoke and pungent earthy tones are released into the night – pointedly directed in the opposite direction. He drops his arm to rest against his knee.

There are no troublesome thoughts in Angelo’s head anymore. Emptied until only the moment remains, with all of its stars aglow on a backdrop of ink that only makes them that much more illuminating and Skyler’s warmth flush against him, burning in his hold without leaving a visible mark. And he’s pulled into her without restraint; something pleasant and addicting curling within as he subtly tilts his head towards her.

Why?” His voice is breathed softly against the shell of the sailor’s ear, blue eyes half-lidded as a whispered challenge drips off a slow smile.

You going to fix that, too?

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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 22:04:57 GMT
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Skyler can hear the pounding of her heart as the palm of Angelo’s hand settles over her stomach, burning a mark over the fabric of her shirt. His pinkie rests over skin - where Skyler’s shirt has risen up - and the pleasant burn snags all of the sailor’s attention for a brief moment, up until his voice cuts through her distracted relaxation.

"Oh? Is it not a challenge then?" She would make it one quite easily, they both knew it. But she’s also more than alright with Angelo keeping his secrets, especially when they curl his lips in that sly, mischievous way that sends a shiver running down her spine. "And how, exactly, would you go about silencing me?" She can think of a multitude of scenarios, though she doesn’t speak them out loud.

The following silence that settles over them is comfortable, and as Angelo gives his attention to the stars above, Skyler finds herself looking up at him, wondering.

It’s in these moments that the sailor thinks she’s allowed to peer into those secret places in his soul that he keeps from everyone; but that leak out when he isn’t paying attention. Much more than seeing her friend shirtless - or clad in only his wet boxers after she’s thrown him into a jungle pond - this feels… private. Intimate. Like a secret.

And she can’t help but think that she’d love to see him one day, untethered and unbound, chasing after the longing that burns in his eyes. That spark that ignites whenever she challenges him. Dares him. Pushes him.

She didn’t need to taste his anger to know that he is a passionate man.

The jagged edges of her temper, which had still been dangerously close to the surface despite her good humor, are worn down by the smoke which fills her lungs. The memories are still there, will always be there with sharpened teeth and claw, but they appear distant and inconsequential now. They can’t touch her where she is - being that high either from the blunt or from the warmth of Angelo’s embrace. Probably both.

A dangerous combination it seems, especially when Angelo’s answer causes a sharp inhale, the casualness of the statement at odds with the desire that curls in her belly, compounded tenfold when he turns to whisper to her in velvety tones, his breath warm against the shell of her ear.

The blunt that he takes from her hand is forgotten - there is something much more intoxicating being dangled in front of her with a slow smile. 

Skyler shifts so that her nose is brushing his, drawn by the challenge in that sinfully decadent voice that she's helpless to resist. When her eyes flicker towards ocean blues, they’re like mercury, brighter than the moonlight that washes over the waves.


Her free hand escapes the warmth of the blanket to burn a path up the back of his neck until her fingers are burrowing into soft brown strands, nails scraping lightly over his scalp in a lazy caress. When she whispers, it isn’t just her breath that brushes over his lips.

"Would you like me to?"

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2020 0:37:22 GMT
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 There’s a tickle of her skin against his when their noses brush, intimately close as they’re pulled into one another’s gravity – blocking his view of the moon. Angelo realises he doesn’t miss it nor the rest of the universe. It all may very well not exist when Skyler’s eyes, beckoning and welcoming him with its luminous allure, is gazing within him so deep he swears that maybe she’s caught sight of a piece of his soul. Perhaps he lets her steal a glimpse willingly.

With a slight tremble on an exhale, Angelo leans a little closer as Skyler’s fingers graze up the back of his neck to become entangled in his hair, whatever lazy or mischievous smirk he had been wearing fading into something relaxed – her touch exposing a glimmer of longing beyond the surface of blue. His own hand moves from resting on her stomach to her hip, pressing lightly into her skin as he holds her, wanting her closer.

When he answers, his response silently falls off his lips and onto hers. Everything he’d want to say exchanged without needing to utter a single word.

You already know that I do.

Eyes closed, softly inhaling through his nose, Angelo sinks into Skyler’s kiss; submerged as she overtakes his senses and pulls him into deep, warm waters. Seeking more, his fingertips slip underneath the fabric of her shirt to graze a trail, soft and burning as they end up pressing into the curve of the small of her back. Maybe it’s the high of her or from the smoke, maybe even both, but time selflessly delays and slows for the moment to settle blissfully over every nerve.

Even so, it still ends too soon.

When they break apart, unable to pull away from her contact completely, he rests his forehead against hers so that he can drink Skyler and her beautiful, moonlit expression in a little longer. His eyes open half-mast and like earlier in the evening they take on a darker shade around the corners, only this time with a different kind of storm brewing – a hungry kind of passion.

I don’t think I’m completely un-lonely yet,” he whispers as his lips pull into a small, teasingly drunk grin; voice a little rough at the edges from where she had stolen his breath. His other hand itches to touch her and so carefully, making sure to hold the blunt in his fingers away from her, Angelo brushes a thumb along her cheek. Closing the distance between them one more time.

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2020 16:33:54 GMT
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They become increasingly entangled in each other with each breath exchanged over the electrified surface of their lips; a moment stretching into infinity as Skyler waits for an answer to a question they'd both been circling for some time now. Silver eyes flutter at his approach, something coiling inside her in breathless anticipation, poised before the fall.

The fingers that dig into her hip awaken something fierce and hungry that briefly flashes behind her eyes. The fingers she's sunk into Angelo's hair move in response, pulling him closer to her. She wants, needs more. Even though she's leaning against him, every point of contact oversensitive and electrified, it doesn't feel like enough. Not nearly enough.

Her lips gently brush over Angelo's at first, intent on savouring every last drop of this experience - dragging it out until they're both feverish and dizzy with want. The world becomes a backdrop around the feel of his lips moving over hers. Hoenn, she thinks, can burn for all she cares - as long as Angelo keeps on kissing her, she can't really be bothered to give a fuck.

Then his fingers are under her shirt, teasing a path to her lower back. And suddenly this slow, teasing exploration just isn't enough. Something uncoils within Skyler, a low growl emanating from her throat as she brings her hand to the back of his neck and deepens the kiss, demanding and fierce, sinking into it with the same reckless abandon that follows her onto the sea.

It ends too soon.

His passion-roughened voice washes over her, and a wicked grin pulls at the edges of her mouth as she peers at darkened ocean eyes. Skyler decides that she likes Angelo best like this: unrestrained and messy, with passion in his voice and a storm in his eyes. She drinks in his moonlit face, bumping her nose into his playfully. "Funny. Neither am I." Her own voice is breathy, low with a mix of desire and mischievousness. "I think you owe me a few kisses yet, Angel." 

A lot of kisses, actually. All of them, her greedy mind supplies.

"Wait." Frustration grows within her as a small spike of pain sparks from her ribs at the position she's in, having to shift her torso to be able to meet his lips. Mindful of her injuries, Skyler changes position, sitting on his lap facing him, legs on either side of him. "Better." It's impossible to disguise the wicked gleam in her eyes or the victorious curl of her lips at the awareness that rises up due to the more intimate nature of their embrace. Moonlight catches on her blonde curls. "Comfortable, mio Angelo?"

Her hands frame Angelo's face gently, brushing over cheekbones, as she leans forward to capture his lips once again. She's drunk on the way his eyes chase her, on the fingers that whisper over her skin, on the brush of their lips. On... him. 

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2020 19:42:33 GMT
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 I think I can manage a few more,” he hums, their smiles curled as they leaned close, like some enticing secret was being shared between them. Angelo peeks behind the blur of his lashes as he closes the short distance to press a purposefully light kiss to the corner of Skyler’s mouth, lingering close as the playful energy swirls in the air, tip of his nose brushing against her cheek. He can’t resist the electric sensation as their skin grazes against each other. “Just for you, Sunshine.

A few was a drastic understatement. Now that he’d felt her lips on his, both attentive and yearning as the previous kiss had spiralled with their long-withheld longing, he didn’t think that he could stop at just the once.

Skyler could demand a few more kisses, then a few more after that if she so wanted and he knew that he’d happily – greedily – comply.

His breath brushes against her lips as he leans in, ready to capture them in his own again, to explore and make more of those tantalizing growls bubble from her throat. Only for Skyler’s voice to cut through the haze, his advance pausing, as she shifts to free herself of what looked to be an uncomfortable position. Angelo had, admittedly, briefly forgotten about the state of her injuries. He backs off enough to let her get comfortable, content to quietly admire the moonlight shining on the skin of her neck and watching as her lips twist with teasing, intentional wickedness. He instantly wants to kiss the mischief right off her mouth.




Darkened blue gazes up at her as Skyler sits on his lap, elevated just enough for Angelo to be left in her shadow, leaning back against the mast as he tilts his chin up towards her. He wouldn’t want to look anywhere else, anyway; his eyes drinking her in like she’s the moon suddenly within reach. It’s something Angelo didn’t think he’d ever grow tired of, seeing her like this, as wild and unrestrained as ocean winds as she beckons him to chase her. Like if he just reached out, they could go anywhere, do anything… That he’d be a little freer, too.

Fingers previously on her lower back lift to entangle in Skyler’s hair, giving her a guiding pull down towards his lips where a hushed chuckle rumbles from his throat against them, appreciating the curl of her tongue against an Alto Marian word. Her hands brushing his cheeks make him want to shiver. “Shut up, Guaio” He purrs out, impatient and matching her teasing, on a sly smile as their mouths come together a little more desperately this time.

Resting his occupied hand on a thigh, thumb pressing lightly into the muscle, Angelo deepens their kiss. Eyes flutter shut again as he submerges himself, letting the tide of want guide him, revealing in the warmth that spreads from his lips and down into the pit of his stomach. Every touch, each graze, leaves him both satisfied and hungry all at once; eager to take the time to learn more about what made Skyler tick as much as he was desperate to just drown in the euphoria that they created.

There’s a shivering exhale as he breaks away from her kiss, one that’s smothered as his lips connect against her throat instead, brushing against moonlight that dapples upon her skin. Angelo’s mouth curls and his eyes sparkle even though she wouldn’t be able to appreciate it, heat fierce in his belly encouraging him to bare teeth upon the crook of her neck. It’s a long overdue revenge.

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dross, captain
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2020 0:07:03 GMT
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The gentle tug on her hair brings forth a breathless parting of her lips, pupils quickly swallowing the silver in her eyes as Angelo guides her down to his mouth. She feels his hushed chuckle against her lips, and it sends a burning bolt of heat down to her stomach. The Alto Marian nickname barely registers in her mind, too lost to the sensations, before their lips meet again, a ravenous sort of desperation guiding Skyler's movements as she leans into Angelo.

She falters only slightly when Angelo's hand presses itself over her thigh, the feeling dragging out a raspy moan out of the sailor before she's deepening the kiss with bruising intensity, eagerly losing herself to the feel of his lips on her. The shifting tides of desire pull her under - and she's all too willing to meet Angelo's hunger with her own. Until they burn together.

There's a small sound of protest that leaves Skyler's throat, suddenly broken when the lips that had been kissing hers find their way to her throat. Her hands find purchase on brown hair, grabbing hold but not quite pulling. The curl of his lips is not seen, but felt - and Skyler's eyes open wide, knowing him enough to suspect some sort of mischief. "Angel-"

The threatening warning loses all strength when teeth sink into the crook of her neck, her next exhaled breath turned into the faint echo of a moan, shuddering his name into the starry sky above like a prayer. This time her fingers tug on his hair of their own volition, at first intending to pull him away, but quickly giving up on the notion. 

(This feels so good. Too good. 

She's never felt something quite this intensely.)

Instead her hands fall, feeling the muscles of Angelo's back in their descent until she's gotten to both his hands. His pulse is strong and frenetic beneath her calloused fingertips as she grabs hold of his wrists and slowly raises them, pinning them on the wooden mast over their head. Her body arches into Angelo's with the motion, eyes burning with darkened emotion as she bares her teeth at him in something too fierce to be a smile, too wicked to be nice.

"I like you this way, Angel."  

Skyler leans forward with a nudge of her hips that is not entirely intentional, and which brings them closer. Her breath fans over the skin of his neck for a moment, a soft kiss landing on the spot behind his ear before her teeth are sinking into the skin of his neck, lazily nibbling her way down his throat. 

The sailor decides to ignore the ominous jolt of pain that spreads from her shoulder.

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angel, rogue bastard
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show me your teeth [c]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2020 19:22:38 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Ignoring the beginnings of a warning, Angelo sinks his teeth into soft skin, cutting her off as he whispers a kiss over the faint mark left behind. He’d been prepared to let out a breath of amusement, maybe make some teasing comment as they so routinely fell into but it all drifts away like smoke on the wind as he hears – feels – her quietly moan under his devious affections. His grin disappears...

Angelo hadn’t expected to hear anything sweeter than the breathy sighs that he had stolen from her so far. Then she utters his name to the stars like a wish and he’s proven so very, very wrong. Fingertips squeeze a little tighter into her as a breathless curse is mumbled against her skin, damning her for making the familiar sound of his name twist into some strange, alluring poetry when on her lips and at himself, for how much he craved to have it repeated in his ear.

He kisses Skyler’s neck again where her pulse flutters, giving her more in his hazy desire to encourage another verse of the sailor’s song.

There’s a vague awareness of her fingertips brushing against his wrists, her hold sending an electrical current up the lengths of his arms but he’s too drunk to resist as Skyler does as she pleases, letting her guide their hands to be pressed against the mast overhead. By now Angelo has dropped the blunt somewhere but he can’t find it in himself to care about where it had disappeared to.

It’s probably in some mysterious plane along with wherever he’d lost grip on his sanity. Back in the jungle? Down the cushions of her couch? Wherever it had gone, it’s also decidedly missing as he’s pushed back to face the darkened molten silver in Skyler’s eyes – welcoming a dangerous smile pointed his way readily.

Can’t help it, Sky. You’re a terrible influence.

Angelo’s breath hitches in his throat as he’s given a taste of his own medicine. His pupils dilate until the blue becomes a narrow ring, then they’re hidden, his eyes squeezing shut with a pinch of his brow. There’s a hiss as something growls off his lips – another curse intermingled with a broken version of her name – his blood burning like steams of magma under charged skin. Skyler lazily kisses and nibbles down the length of his neck, taking her time as she leaves both pleasure and impatience in her wake, winding him tight until he can’t resist wanting her lips on his again.

A wrist slips free of her hold, dropping to coil around her side, pulling her close as his fingers dig in between her shoulder blades. I want more, the touch says as the material of her shirt scrunches under his grip, Angelo chasing after her lips again with delayed breath…

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