i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 0:21:33 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

“such bold words,” anti-matter energy wraps around her digits as she walks, resisting the urge to temper with gravity furthermore. as much as she’s tempted by the idea, she won’t risk harming lars for this.
“..and such arrogance. for what? a replica of the titan we already vanquished?”
katherine, by all means, is not impressed. not by adrian’s choice of words, not by his decision-making, and certainly not by the way he was trying to paint a false picture. there’s a distinctive lack of credibility that makes his short speech fall on deaf ears. it’s underwhelming.
just as his performance has been.
“no, please, go on. tell me more about this pokemon you haven’t seen up until ten minutes ago. tell me more about how it’s safe with you, how it’s an aspect - a myth coming to life - a god that chooses to serve under you - its rightful ruler.” kat was indeed mocking him. in the face of adversity, threats and all. if he’d heard of her, if he knew of who she served, then she hoped that he also knew this wasn’t nearly enough to strike fear in her heart.
“you are nothing.”
“no one.”
“a civilian who’s in way over his head.”

but his valiant act earns a heartful chuckle, along with a series of slow claps. “and that’s okay. i do not fault you for your mistakes, mister… whoever you are. truly. i understand. it’s so, so easy to lose yourself in situations like these. it’s precisely why mister anderson and i are here.”
to fix this mess.
to punish teach .
the remnant stirs awake, violently reacting the closer she grows. it’s held firmly in her grip as she locks eyes with adrian. ”but even a failure with a death wish deserves to live. so for the sake of being kind...”
one of her hands raises. she performs a salute. very honorable, isn't she?
”i hereby promise that by the time this is finished, you’ll know why you should never cross me or the league.” yes, in that order.
dragapult’s dragon pulse continues pulsing, intent on harming the titan further. it doesn’t stop for a break nor a breather. katherine, however? she awaits for the titan to attack: prepared for a shadow to whisk her out of harm’s way.
notes: [break]
- they all talk while dragapult continues to fire its dragon pulse, since it was never asked to stop, unlike regirock.[break]
- kat promises to teach adrian a lesson. will she..?[break]
- the fragment reacts as kat makes her way closer. she's prepared to teleport away should regirock attempt to strike her.[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/regirock [break]


[newclass=".katherine"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; [/newclass]
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May 24
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Rocket Grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 4:00:00 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Razz notes the way Crimson falters a bit when touched by the other. Though it was small so he tried not to think of it as much. Maybe a possible something from the rock? Well it wasn't like he had any obvious indicator otherwise and while and seem to have their own lectures to each other when he hears [break][break]

"The big picture of how a Gym Leader and Head Ranger attacked a civilian based on nothing, and now claim themselves in the right as the Rock Titan summoned itself to protect him?" razz comments on his view of things. "Of two who work with league abusing their power on someone who isn't a friend because I don't see you pulling this bullshit on Dross or Vestri"[break][break]

The younger ranger will just tilt his head in some curiosity, "And just what is he that warrants your attacking him?"





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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2021 2:00:25 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





WORDS ARE EXCHANGED between several parties but none of them mean anything to the regirock. it only moves to defend itself, arms raised to receive the brunt of katherine’s DRAGON PULSE.


a faint DARK AURA starts to surround the golem while stamina from razz’s buzzswole is redirected to it. small chips of broken stone start to smooth over, a mend against the constant erosion of battle.


regi, gi, gi,” it chirps, each sound rising every time an eye LOCKS-ON to a suitable target.




like missile silos being emptied out, CHARGE BEAMS erupt from each eye. they bend at obtuse angles, homing in on katherine and her dragapult.


ping! ping! ping!


lars’ silvally erects a PROTECT before she has the need to teleport. the bounce off the barrier, weakening it until it shatters. several lances of electricity strike the artificial pokemon in several places.


her dragapult is stricken as well. far from fatal but painful enough to put a stop to its endless attack. a black singe mark sizzles from where the attack lands, seared into ghastly flesh.


it starts to raise its hand for another attack but as katherine continues to come closer, her remnant binds to it as well. before all four of them, the TETHER between adrian’s remnant and regirock becomes visible. a pink stream of energy that binds his piece and the pokemon appear before their very eyes.


katherine’s piece links up as well, establishing another stream of energy that traces back to the regirock. caught between the two of them, the pokemon freezes.


the BARRIER around them finally succumbs. nothing holds them here any longer. however, the regirock and the two remnants are locked in place, caught in a struggle hold between two binding powers. while katherine’s piece acts on its own, adrian is able to sense the flow of energy within his due to his powers.


alarmingly, he can feel his power being siphoned off into the regirock, in the same manner it had when the pokemon formed. but beyond that, his eyes will be able to perceive the same is not the case for katherine’s. rather, his remnant is feeding into the regirock and the regirock is feeding back into hers.



her TETHER starts to grow bigger as his shrinks. if only there was a way to pull it back.


THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
  • 's TELEPORTATION will have a ONE POST cooldown that increases every time she uses it.
  • ' METAGROSS is no longer under the effect of MAGNET RISE.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Each REGIROCK REMNMANT has an optional prompt listed. You may decide amongst each other OOCLY how to divvy out the rewards. Should you be unable to come to an agreement, you may battle for it ICLY. The effects and results of your combat actions will be MODERATED.
  • You may fight someone who is not listed in your prompt. However, they will have a distinct advantage due to their IC proximity. Chances are they will have the item in their possession and you must effectively STEAL it from them. This will prove much more difficult than contesting those listed in your prompt.
  • If you decide who will keep the REGIROCK REMNANT OOCLY, you may skip out of posting on this round. If everyone decides OOCLY we will skip to the conclusion.


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july 26
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is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2021 21:36:35 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Oh, how naïve Razz was.

‘I guess it’s time I dropped all pretense.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I hate this. Being trapped in a corner. Especially when it’s with someone I can’t inherently trust.’

‘I don’t get it, what are you talking about?’

‘This doesn’t sit right with me at all.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Too messy, too complicated, I’ll tell you later once we get out of this shit. Getting out alive, I don’t know.’

‘Again, what did I tell you about the ‘no dying’ part?!’

‘Later! I’ll figure something out!’

Looking over at Katherine, before giving Adrian one last glare, he let out a hiss. It was a particularly annoyed-sounding hiss, but still a noise of displeasure all the same.

“If you have nothing to hide, why don’t you want to give up that piece of the rock you have with you, then?” he began at last. His body was a riddled mess with various aches and pains but he had to keep going.

He had no idea if this was a second wind of adrenaline, but whatever, it was pure spite keeping him going at this point.

“If you really don’t have anything to lose by holding onto that rock, because we can all tell that it’s causing weird shit with the kaiju over there, I suggest turning it over to us so that the higher-ups can take a look at it. That’s all there is to it. Or is there something else that’s preventing you from letting go of that piece of the rock? Look over there!

He raised an exhausted hand at the kaiju, caught somewhere between an endless cycle of reconstitution and deconstruction.

“The more you hold onto that piece of rock, the more you’re going to fucking kill everyone in here when that kaiju reforms! Would you want the weight of killing other people, possibly including yourself, hanging over your head? Just—turn over the rock already, and that shit’s going to stop from killing everyone here!”

He, of course, knew that Angelo and Skyler were somewhere—how many others were here within the ruins, asides from themselves? That was a big-ass risk, really.

He had no idea how many other people had come exploring the ruins, but he was certain that should the kaiju fully reform, then everything would go south, from zero to eleven.

As if the huge-ass kaiju/golem from earlier wasn’t enough proof of something strange in the air. Who knew what would happen if the kaiju fully reformed again and was allowed to go on another rampage, a ‘second wind’, if you may.

The Silvally roared as the electricity lanced it in several places; but thankfully the earlier Protect had staved off a majority of the damage. He could feel the hairs on his neck prickling as the electric energy dissipated before he turned to Katherine.

“Whatever it is you’re doing, keep at it! Don’t let go of your piece, or whatever it is!”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t use Protect again after he’d used it earlier—and using Rock Slide was going to be a bad idea because who knew if the rocks that his Silvally would summon would join the body of the golem/kaiju near them.

“Amir, get ready with your best attack; only release it when necessary.”

At those words, the Silvally prepared a Multi-Attack, but held the swirling energy within his maw; to be released at Lars’s word.

dun dun DA
• Lars is fucking pissed at the pettiness coming from Adrian’s obsession with the piece of rock
• a(n) (extremely exhausted) negotiation attempt was made
• would he want the blood of other people on his hands, is the question. Of course, Lars has no idea how many others came into the ruins to explore; but the fact remains that if the kaiju reforms and is allowed to rampage again, everyone’s going to fucking die
• Silvally is struck by the Charge Beam once the Protective shield shatters, it hurts, man
• turns to Katherine and encourages her to hold onto her piece, whatever it is she’s doing, keep at it
• Silvally prepares a Multi-Attack for if/when shit hits the fan so damned hard (as if it hadn’t already)
just because I wanted to

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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2021 22:18:22 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

’He’s an avatar.’
It all clicks.
Why a man, who by all accounts was a no one, went to such lengths. He was riddled with greed. He’d been consumed by it. He had to have been inflicted by a godly curse, for there was no other legitimate reason Kat could think of that excused ’s actions.
“...Of course he is.”

She didn’t know, but she should have.
The pink streams of energy draw her eyes, compelling her to take a step closer. And then another. She is relentless and unwilling to forgo either her piece or his. After all…Both of which belonged with her.
“Lars,” she calls out for the head-ranger, her gaze splitting away from the tether for only a moment. Her hand gestures for Dragapult to move, but where to? How? “Hold onto something.” She doesn’t ask— she demands.
It’s as though a switch had been flipped, only no gesture is necessary for the lights to turn on - or in their case - for gravity to betray itself and defy the natural laws of physics. All of them can feel the sudden attraction to the ceiling. Were the skies coming down, or where they going up? The distorted influence in the area gradually grows stronger by the moment, and the first to find themselves floating are them: the trainers. They’re carried along with their pokemon, however, one remains stationed on the ground.
After all, it's too heavy. Kat would need to use more of Giratina’s power to help the titan levitate and she has no intention of doing so. Instead, with Regirock taken out of the equation, even if only briefly, Kat’s Dragapult turns to seek vengeance.
It had been plotting their advance earlier, ever since it escaped into a shadowy portal. Its PHANTOM FORCE is carried out with the sole intention of throwing off balance, mid-air, for the remnant to be freed of the man’s grip. It does not discriminate with its strength. It aims to hit hard, perhaps hard enough to wound or even maim.
They say all is fair in love and war. But Katherine’s edition never meant to include other Avatars. They don’t deserve fairness.
You can’t just be deserving, you have to be worthy.
notes: [break]
- kat warns lars, and asks him to hold onto something as dragapult utilizes phantom force to flee into a portal.[break]
- she also walks closer to regirock/adrian, holding onto her fragment still. then, her influence on gravity twists. what belongs on the floor is suddenly attracted to the ceiling - including everyone nearby. however, not enough power is used to cause the titan to levitate. it's too heavy. [break]
- dragapult attempts to use that to their advantage by headbutting while he's floating, perhaps even with enough force to break a rib or two. whatever causes the man to lose his fragment.

[attr="class","ooc"] @/regirock [break]


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[newclass=".katherine .pkmnparty"]margin-top:-20px; text-align:center; } .katherine .pkmnparty img { filter:grayscale(100%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine .pkmnparty img:hover { filter:none; transition:0.6s all; [/newclass]

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2021 5:29:02 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 having been approximate to the buzzwole in hoping to make his escape, he would be baffled by the development of an additional tether from regirock. where moments ago he assumed an exclusive link, he now realized his postulations to be... flawed. he can only hope it has not signaled yet another change of heart in the titan. retreating further into buzzwole's embrace would've been his move, but even as he had already maneuvered towards it, it would come to pass that katherine once again dabbled in her influence. gravity shifts upwards after a warning to her colleague, prompting him to take another step in retreat from the perceived yet unknown threat.

whether violent or gradual, the shift is disorienting. yet given the buzzwole's vaunted strength, should it adhere to its trainers instructions closely, it could feasibly reach and protect adrian in its many arms. but in that singular moment adrian can but feel his stomach rising up inside him, as would all else around him suffer this sudden lurching sensation*, catching him by and large unawares. "uwuuah—"

in that moment he hesitates, a compulsory reflex as he swallows the rising bile. unbound from the earth he cannot physically react to any meaningful effect, however he is not completely without the ability to act. his mind races furiously.

his mind turns to the tether, and though he is woefully ignorant as to its implications, he can at least see that the siphon feeding regirock is in turn being stolen away. to cut off katherine, he would have to cut off his own tether, and even then she was like as not to drain regirock until it was itself depleted. but did that matter to him?

she meant to destroy it, and to that he was never opposed.

should he find himself in buzzwole's protect caress, it would be upon it that adrian displaced the siphon thinking it may better serve as a vessel to this potent and incompatible energy, cramming into its otherworldly physique this benighted source of energy whether for better or worse. all of this risk simply for the cessation of her stone's growing hold, and all without any promise it might actually work.

in his desperation and lack of motility, it was all that could be feasibly mustered, and so with an appetite so voracious he hopes to pull back the energy that he can and instill it into something more conducive to its purpose. if it failed, well, he had tried.
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon regirock"] [attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"]

Retreated towards Buzzwole's protective embrace starting last turn
This is meant to help avoid Adrian being targeted directly (this isn't a given)
Subjected to a shift in gravity like everything else*
I'm guessing this would be very disorienting physically for those affected
Like before he siphons the energy, directing it into Buzzwole
Adrian can't hold it but (some) pokemon clearly can; Buzzwole is in proximity

ooc note: mentions and implications of adrian's avatar status rendered null to serve my personal pursuits/agendas in light of such information and its disclosure. (thank you ven & dani)

Excited for the conclusion!
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May 24
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Rocket Grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2021 12:54:17 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Razz watches with caution as the other orders the titan to strike. Something he feels could have all been avoided had Anderson and Fairburn had just kept to themselves. A large part of him believing that the titan was only able to reform because of how long they were here, or just the fact that they were there to begin with. Not to mention his boss has to talk about how this is still only 's fault. [break][break]

"Then why the hell aren't you trying to take the rock by force from them?" Razz will call back angerly at the head Ranger as Razz points toward and . Noting how multiple fragments had dropped and that the civilian he was protecting wasn't the only one. "Seems pretty bias to be taking something from him because he isn't your drinking buddy Anderson." If he had ever learned anything from his father it would definitely be the abuse of power those in the league like to throw around and for him this was a prime sample of it. Something that, as long as he could help it, would try to prevent or at least aide with. [break][break]

The Gym Leader yells a warning and once more the gravity seems screwy. "Keep protecting him," Razz orders because he knows he is not their target. So Buzzwole keeps himself towered over , even with the gravity feeling lighter the bug had wings to fly and keep in place and on guard. Thanks to previous BULK UPs, and now a boost from 's avatar powers, he should hopefully have decent defense as the ghost pokemon attempts to attack their charge. [break][break]

Buzzwole looking to bring up an arm to take the attack before going on the offensive and striking the dragon with an ICE PUNCH to hopefully take out the offender. [break][break]




+ Razz calls bullshit on Lars' actions
[break]+ Buzzwole is ordered to protect
[break]+ Buzzwole is powered up by 's avatar powers (and possibly previous Bulk up?)
[break]+ Buzzwole uses wings to keep itself balanced despite the gravity lifting everyone up.
[break]+ Buzzwole would attempt to take the attack as he is protecting
[break]+ Buzzwole uses ICE PUNCH on dragapult

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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2021 5:59:53 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





IN A ROOM FULL OF AVATARS and prospective potentials, the outcome falls into the hands of the person most willing to showcase their boon out in the open. katherine’s obtuse demonstration of GRAVITY flips the chessboard in her favor. trainer and pokemon alike start to rise with the exception of the regi-phant in the room.



her dragapult retreats back into its PHANTOM FORCE, alienated as it looks to prey on the disoriented adrian. to his rescue, is the burly arms of razz’s ultra beast. the swollen membranes of the pokemon’s grotesque muscles provide ample protection from the ghost’s resurfacing.


it’s attack is as merciless as its trainer. this time, the pokemon looks to capitalize on the opportunity created. no matter the cost. and, if not for razz’s interference, it would’ve maimed adrian as intended. such a conclusion is evident in the way the dragon leaves a terrible gash against the BULKED UP buzzswole’s biceps. had adrian received it instead, he would’ve found himself easily disarmed—literally.


the impact of the attack causes the pokemon to be launched back. it can no longer shield adrian, forced to drop him back into GRAVITY’s embrace. it’s the only way it can defend and retaliate against the dragapult with its ICE PUNCH. a mighty wallop from the pokemon’s still good arm send the dragapult just as far back, permafrost slowly encroaching across the dragon’s forehead.



by some miracle, the REGIROCK REMNANT stays within his arms. the item seems glued to him, notably stuck to his hand from the moment he tries to siphon from it once more. in contrast, his power seems weaker this go around. with katherine standing in direct opposition as another conduit, he’s unable to reroute the flow of his remnant completely.


his tether is split right down the middle. a synchronous stream of DYNERGY continues to feed the regirock while the other portion loops back to him. the pain he felt before shoots up his arm but the drop in intensity makes it bearable.


as his tether wanes, katherine’s continues to grow. it’s beyond domineering, tilting the scales in her favor beyond absolution. her remnant grows bright, luminescent as it floats on its own accord. it seems to bend to her whim, energized by the surplus of energy.



in contrast, adrian’s darkens. the bright purple dilutes closer and closer into a stone brown. a tinge of his DARK AURA sparks where his skin makes contact, a phenomenon only visible to him, before he hears a warning of disaster.


brittle chipping. a spiderweb of cracks line the surface of his piece until it splinters apart. its reduced to dust before his very eyes, gone to the wind as powder slips between his fingers.



his prized treasure is stolen away in the worst of ways. for all his suffering, he now has nothing to show for it. the crux of their conflict, orchestrator of his victimization, leaves him with nothing but the battered experience of being pincered by his fellow explorers.


what happens next should come to no surprise. while lars’ conjecture is nothing more than that—a guess, the regirock’s behavior seems to lend some credibility to his hypothesis. it starts to rattle and shake controllably, spitting out a vast array of beeps, triggered by adrian’s tether evaporating from existence. with him out of the picture, katherine is the only one with a visible connection to it, causing it to turn around and presumably on him.


but it does not attack. instead, it starts to absorb more of its surroundings at an accelerated rate. conflagrations of DYNERGY discharge from its body, lashing out like wild lightning, up until it drives lars’ silvally uneasy. under the duress of conditional orders and the pokemon’s unstable outburst, the silvally attacks. charging at it.


the SILVALLY MEMORY’s influence causes the MULTI-ATTACK to change color. an aura of ice blue coat the artificial canine from head to toe, running on last minute fumes as it topples the unstable regirock.



which sets it off. like a ticking time bomb, that last attack is enough to stop its reformation and start its SELF DESTRUCTION. a wild trail of HYPER BEAM and DYNERGY is expelled in random directions as it tries to expunge the surplus of power. in one instance, the attack cuts through the ceiling, leaving a visible hole as the whole chamber starts to rumble. walls being to collapse, the foundations upon which they stand start to falter. once again, the temple starts to descend, threatening to be swallowed up by the sands of the dessert.



with the barrier gone, there is nothing left to hold them here except their own tenacity to see this through. but here is not the time nor place. as their roof comes down, boulders lodge themselves between them, creating rifts and pockets that separate one from another.


to no surprise, skyler and angelo are long gone.


as each trainer exits they will find an EXPLOSION erupt from whence they came. fragments of stone and debris coat their clothes. dust cakes their skin. but, in the chaos, pieces of their adventure line their pockets.


for katherine will find her remnant pulsating with DYNERGY long after the ruin collapses. its ability to levitate dies with the ruins but it seems to radiate life. should she choose to take up the help of those around her, she will find those around her are just as clueless. her prize, for all its efforts, is nothing more than lustrous jewel.


only in the distortion world will she find it somewhat responsive. in the nether void, it will occasionally spark at its own convenience, like a stillborn heart waiting to come back to life.


as for adrian, his prize is less than material. a conflict without resolution leaves him empty handed. only the bruises from his battle make it out of the ruins alive. between his injuries, fatigue, and destruction behind him, his eyes betray him with the illusion of a glamor across his arm. along the painful nerves that came with trying to tap into the DYNERGY are the sigils of an unknown origin.



when he blinks, they’re no longer there, gone and forgotten well past the end of the year. the more time passes the more doubt festers, their lack of presence reassuring him that they never existed at all.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 5:50:00 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED will have earned these rewards. they will be distributed shortly.

considerations were taken for the length of this raid as well as the amount of content. thank you for participating!



EACH CHARACTER earned a different reward based on their rolls during the TREASURE HUNT obstacle. was the only character to skip this obstacle in favor of reaching the chamber faster.

these rewards were distributed immediately after their reveal.



DUST AND DEBRIS line the uniforms of the rangers who’ve escaped. the fractured tension sits in more than just their alignments. somehow, remnants of the DYNAMAX chamber finds a way into their pockets.

alone, neither is able to decipher its usage. through their own means and resources, each ranger will travel down a line of scientist until one is able to provide context. throughout hoenn, no one is able to recognize the material. only the scientist from galar are able to comment on the piece’s nature—it seems to be able to contain the energy required to DYNAMAX.

the discovery ends there. those from galar note the fragment’s abilities but not its origins. for they too don’t recognize its structure or from where it may have come from. the lack of answers perks their curiosity, something they try to dig at before they’re reluctantly forced to return the vessel back to hoenn.

this KEY ITEM can contain ONE CHARGE of DYNERGY within it. it is not already charged. expose this item to a source of DYNERGY to store for later use.
as a note, not all pokemon will be able to DYNAMAX.



THE SUCCESSFUL RESCUE of the megalopolan, xantho, has allowed the two to foster, rehabilitate, and interview the displaced alien. over the year, these two fuggers have kept him hidden and safe deep within meteor falls.
if he had perished, the two would have been left with only his journal. while some abstract pictures may hint at ultra space, they prove a paltry source of information compared to the megalopolan himself.

for successfully rescuing the megalopolan npc, these characters have unlocked a research thread.
more details can be found here: MEGAMIND.



TEAM ROCKET successfully secured the unknown ARTIFACT. it’s purpose remains to be seen. shaped like some derivative of REGIROCK, one of its many eyes gleam mischievously in the dark. the other four eyes remain blank and void of life.

only one character may have primary ownership of this item. please decide between each other going forward.



ANGELO’S NEW FRIEND, the DYNAMAX ROGGENROLA, remains in his custody. it’s the pilot’s best kept secret, undiscovered well into the next year. for whatever reason, he’s kept it hidden from the higher powers that be.
surely whatever they may know doesn’t outweigh his privacy. after all, such abnormality has never been recorded before. the only thing that comes close is the GUZZLORD and CELESTEELA that attacked mossdeep two years ago.

this pokemon is always in its DYNAMAX form.
with your partner’s consent, you may use the DYNAMAX rules outlined in this thread. this may not be the case during STAFF MODERATED events.
this pokemon cannot evolve. it cannot use Z-MOVES normally.



WHAT WAS ONCE three remnants has now been divided in two. each come with their own set of consequences and use.

the MIND, which was destroyed, leaves faint sigils of DYNERGY along his arm before fading. adrian will see them once, for no more than a moment, before they evaporate. due to his fatigue and chaos, he may doubt their existence, chalking it up to a hallucination. over the next year, they do not reappear. whatever their purpose, it seems long gone.

the SOUL, remains with skyler dross. it exhibits no particular behavior but retains its sheen. the glamourous piece makes the perfect headpiece for a treasure hunter’s trophy cabinet. after she becomes kyogre’s avatar, nights where her sigils glow will cause the remnant to shine as well. but who’s to say it’s nothing more than refracted light?

the BODY, empowered by the very mind she shattered, belongs to katherine fairburne. like skyler’s piece, the remnant proves largely unresponsive aside from the occasional pulse. after depositing it in the DISTORTION WORLD, it starts to develop. each throb of DYNERGY comes quicker until it ascending into a resting heartbeat.

when katherine touches the GLASS WALL (aqua initiative) with her giratina powers, an unnerving resonance rumbles across both chambers. unbeknownst to her, the REGIROCK will have reformed. it lacks its previous splendor, reduced to a smaller size (pokedex entry). unfortunately, such a discovery would elude her until after her adventure in the SILVER SPIRE. and, even after that, it seems the regirock is unable to escape. should she take it out, it will revert into the REGIROCK REMNANT.

this KEY ITEM can contain DYNERGY. it is not already charged. expose this item to a source of DYNERGY to store for later use.

as a note, not all pokemon will be able to DYNAMAX.

also, depending on the amount of DYNERGY contained, or if brought into another PLANE OF EXISTENCE, something may happen.



the following characters have unlocked additional rewards in accordance to the SABOTAGE MECHANIC.
, who had the HIGHEST SABOTAGE AMOUNT in a single round, finds a DYNERGY SAMPLE.
, , and , who were AFFECTED BY SABOTAGES THE MOST, find a Z-CRYSTAL.


ANY GOOD ADVENTURE is fraught with danger. here, you can find a list of severe injuries characters have sustained. none of these are permanent but this serves as a look ahead of possible consequences in future raids. it should be noted, that more injuries happened but were not severe enough to be catalogued. [break][break][break]


FOR FUN, here are some of the metrics from the SABOTAGE system. it was very interested to see how they lined up and the results from everyone's choices. more thorough details can be found in the DANGEROUS-DISCOVERIES channel in the hoenn discord.[break][break][break]


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