i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2021 12:54:09 GMT
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Leave it to Rocket to use their own as a weapon. So it was no surprised when the 'leader' uses the younger man to throw one of them off guard. Unlucky for them they were a cop more than experienced with fighting for something as simple as an inexperienced kid being thrown at them to hit. Razz was about to interfere more when the Smokescreen became more apparent after Royal's attack. Thankfully the water drenched what who he wanted and now there was water overflowing the cave floor, but the other greninja was going to be a problem. "Finish it quick Royal!" Razz calls to his partner as the Keystone on his belt flashed. [break][break]

In an instant his Greninja was engulfed in a glowing energy. Once released the energy around seemed to blow back the smokescreen enough for Royal to react accordingly. Creating shurikens of his own to block a few before dodging the others as it races toward its counter part. With swift movements already face to face with the other Greninja as if for a head on strike. At least until it disappears and strikes from behind with a fancy FEINT ATTACK to strike the other deeper into the cave and away from their trainer. [break][break]

With them now Mega-evolved Razz would hope the battle would end quick so he could move to help that much sooner. However with their 'leader' there he didn't want to leave them alone. Immobility was the intention, if there was worse well things happened sometimes. With that Razz does bring out another of his infected pokemon. With a laugh his Obstagoon was out of her pokeball, and while she lacked the black crystals most infected by the light eater had her two colored eyes and small bits of colored crystals in her arms would be sign of her infection. [break][break]

"Freeze-dry!" with the order the Obstagoon is more then happy to oblige as she uses it aiming toward the one most drenched in water. Though with the water around all of their ankles flowing they'll all soon find that none of them were safe with her around.



[break]+ Razz Mega Evolves Royal
[break]+ Royal creates shurikens to block/avoid the ones coming at him
[break]+ Royal uses FEINT ATTACK to strike the other Greninja from behind and deeper into the cave.
[break]+ Razz calls up Umber the S!Obstagoon.
[break]+ Umber uses FREEZE DRY on Bisharp and cares not for who is in her way.

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2021 2:09:42 GMT
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Well this was a change of pace.

As his tennis partner skillfully dodged Oscar's human projectile, his red eyes would widen behind the tint of his goggles. This fucker wasn't--OH BUT HE WAS! Oscar hopped backward as the man took a swing with his elbow, air from the attempted strike brushing against his mask. Oscar chuckled, not wasting any time as he went in to retaliate. It had been a long time since he participated in hand to hand combat, not since the Team Rocket fight club was shut down. Poor Opal, you can still see the spot on the floor where a machamp crushed her face in. Remember kids, never fight a pokemon with twice your muscle mass one on one, no matter how drunk you are.

Oscar had his fists raised, a hopeful indication not to take him lightly. "Alright then slugger, show me what ya got!" He feigned a right hook punch to his opponent's face, but pulled back his punch at the last moment. His true move was to duck to the side and use his left fist to strike toward the League scum's stomach. 


Meanwhile King faced down his own opponent, a gallade that was just begging to get the shit beat out of it. He tilted his head, listening as something surged overheard. And then that gallade, it was moving its shadow across the wall. Wasn't dark enough to fool this Bisharp. He didn't want to deal with either obstacle, so he disappeared.

As water poured over where he had stood, it would appear as if King had vanished into thin air. Did he teleport? Perhaps turn invisible? Not quite, but both might as well be true with how fast he was moving. Using Extreme Speed, King ran past the gallade. Perhaps the psychic warrior would feel an immense rush of air move past it. 

King came to a stop behind the gallade, attempting to strike its back with a jab of its knife like hand. 

Just in time for that Flash Freeze. Regardless of whether or not his strike was successful, King backed away as the water spread. His aim was to avoid the water completely, thus avoid being frozen. His master wasn't so lucky. Whether or not Oscar's attack was successful, he still had both feet planted on the ground. The water pushed over his feet, which were soon frozen over. Oscar let out a yelp, tugging on his legs ineffectively. He decided to pull out a Beast Ball.

From it came a yellow creature not from this world, a draconic beast with a syringe like stinger. "Melt!" Is all Oscar had to say before likely facing whatever the fuck his opponent decided to do to him while he was distracted. Robbie Rotten, the most devilish out of all of Oscar's pokemon, used a concentrated stream of Fire Blast to start melting the ice.

Oscar tried to punch in the stomach. Bisharp used Extreme Speed to get behind Gareth and attempted to shank him before backing away toward the spreading water. Oscar got stuck in the ice and sent out Naganadel to melt the ice with Fire Blast.


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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2021 14:02:32 GMT
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Lex stalked through the shadows, blissfully unaware of the blip on his screen clueing him in on her presence. She hadn’t quite figured out this new-school technology thing – that was ’s department. Lex was an old-school kind of gal that stubbornly refused to adapt to the times. She was learning the hard way she would have to adapt. First it was Genesect, now it was here in the cave. Shadows didn’t quite hide her anymore like they used to.

A fragment?

The scientist had her attention now. A fragment was something she could steal, not some massless force of power. Amber eye narrowed beneath the hood that covered her red hair. A silent command meant for the Shadow Gardevoir was made with her right hand. The movements were precise, well-practiced, a clear command.

Lex expected to see the apparition appear alongside and his Porygon, executing the flawless takedown like they had practiced so many times. A few beats too long had the thief frowning. The hand signal came again. Still nothing. Her stomach curled. A rush of discomfort manifested in a cold sweat starting to bead across her brow. The possibilities here endless. Where was she?

Gardevoir was face to face with her male counterpart. In a grand climax of irony, they both seemed to have the same idea. Dueling HYPNOSIS radiated from each of the psychic-types. Hers was more overpowering than his. The combination of Primal Energy and the inherent increase in power of the shadowfication made for a powerfully suggestive force.

However, she was not entirely immune to his HYPNOSIS either. The Gallade’s own psychic onslaught pressed down hard upon her. The Gardevoir’s own eyelids began to grow heavy, the HYPNOSIS fizzling out as she diverted her energy to fighting off the sleep.

Her form falter, as if the ghostly apparition was waving delicately in the wind. A set of empty eyes locked on to the sleepy Gallade. A hand reached out towards him at an attempt to ground herself in reality. Long fingers grasped for whatever mass they may meet, a cold, lifeless touch.

Naturally, she recognized his energy, his aura. A proud, strong, stubborn, untapped source. Her own psychic-typing hungrily reached out for it, attempting to anchor herself into it with a metaphorical set of mighty fangs. She was hungry, famished. The Shadow Gardevoir greedily pulled at it, attempting to suck it into her like how a vampire drained life from a victim (DREAM EATER).

tl;dr: Lex attempts to send the S!Gardevoir to incapacitate so she can steal the fragment (he’s a good actor) but, as we can see, the Gardevoir is otherwise occupied. S!Gardevoir starts to fall asleep along with the Gallade. She attempts to keep herself awake by using DREAM EATER ().

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Wyndon, Galar
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2021 2:20:41 GMT
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    Rowan collapsed onto the floor of the cave as swerved around his form with martial precision, accumulating even more scrapes and bruises as he collided with the rocky surface. “Asshole…” He muttered underneath his breath, though he was unsurprised that with zero combat experience he wasn’t able to keep up with one of the specially trained League operatives. “Argos.” Rowan gestured towards Gwyar with an aggressive nod, the especially glazed over eyes of his Slowpoke suddenly awakening with recognition at the directive given to them. It wasn’t particularly honorable, but the mounting frustration was enough to make him disregard any of the typical rules of engagement. Argos’ eyes began to glow blue with psychokinetic energy as it focused on the form of Gwyar, extending PSYCHIC energies towards them in an attempt to envelope their body in a light blue aura. Should Argos succeed, they’d use the control they now have over their enemy’s body to hold them in place for ’s inevitable assault.

    Kotaro watched with narrowed eyes as the cloud of smoke was dissipated entirely from a sudden nova of unknown energy, leaving the transformed appearance of his opponent standing in the wake. There wasn’t fear to be found in the expression of the Greninja, instead being filled with a morbid excitement of being presented with an empowered foe. Despite the confidence that remained intact, Kotaro lost sight of Royal with his newfound speed, only able to locate them once more as the attack struck him from behind. Their intention to knock Kotaro deeper into the cavern succeeded, the Greninja skidding to a halt on the rocks farther down the tunnel. There was a different energy that flowed through the air down here, something ancient and powerful that he could practically feel beginning to energize his body. Royal wanted him to go further away from their trainer? That was perfectly fine, Kotaro had a new plan. With eyes now glowing golden, Kotaro opened his mouth and released a colored beam from deep within his throat, a massive burst of EXTRASENSORY energy exploding forth with the express intent of getting Royal’s attention before leaping deeper into the tunnel.

Notes: Rowan ate shit on the ground, Argos attempted to use Psychic to hold Gwyar in place for Oscar's attack. Kotaro was hit by Feint Attack forcing him deeper into the cavern, used Extrasensory on Royal before continuing further down.

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
INTERPOL Agent / Police Deputy Chief
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119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2021 17:22:08 GMT
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Gwyar listened to the other man intently, getting a grasp for the type he was dealing with... as well as committing his voice to memory.

He was called slugger, but the man seemed far more fitting for the title, looking eager to exchange naked blows with one of Gwyar's size.

Terribly confident in his fighting prowess, this one. Probably a young one. Well, Gwyar couldn't point fingers on that front; he had been as well at that age.

"I'll try and not disappoint then, young man." The blonde said, smiling back several notches more gently as he raised his own fists, before making a 'come'ere' gesture with his hand.

And come he did, fist flying towards Gwyar's face. But he wasn't looking at the fist; he was looking at the rest of the (rather nice) body. From the shift in his footwork to the twist of his hips, to the coiling of his chest and shoulders- A bodysuit could be rather telling.

Unfortunately, a problem arose as he tried to punish the feint.

He could not move.

In a fist fight, that was a rather unfortunate state of affairs.

Perhaps he had left too much up to the scar guy. His own mistake, he would accept later on in retrospective.

The man's fist slammed into his stomach, Gwyar's teeth gritting hard as he felt himself almost be winded- if nothing else, the psychic paralysis didn't let him fold over.

Would have preferred not to get punched at all, though.

Just then, water began to freeze around them, and a bizarre pokemon Gwyar had never seen was sent out, blasting around them with a fiery blaze.

This was... very not good.

And he was not the only one who thought so.

His shadow seemed to gain a mind of its own as it suddenly, a body steel figure suddenly shooting out of it. The Aegislash's steel body released a sharp glare of light before a sudden barrier was extended all around Gwyar and itself, stopping ice, fire and psychic short with its King's Shield.

Gwyar folded a moment later, his foot stomping the floor to stop him from falling as his body suddenly regained its faculties, a gasp leaving his lungs.

After a moment, he shook it off, popping his neck before looking over his shoulder at the child behind. Would he have to deal with both of them? No- the scarred man was there for a reason.

"Cover my back." Gwyar said to on the comms.

He felt her digits grasp at him, but only barely, his consciousness fast slipping.

If he survived this, that bloody sword would never let him hear the end of it. Damn it.

Lust. The most problematic of human emotions. One of the most difficult to tune out even when shared by two relatively cold individuals.

The two crazies inside that bedroom were anything but, and the waves coming off from that bedroom had the blue Gallade curled in a ball on the floor, trying his damndest to tune them out, to no avail. He should not have offered to stand guard 'just in case'. He should have just let Blade do everything. He wanted back in his pokeball, Oh God, Why.

An excited, delighted scream filled the apartment, and Gawain began banging his head on the floor in response, the lust rippling through him like an explosion's shockwave, and out-

-Gwyar is... paralyzed, gets nailed in the stomach, then the song of ice and fire starts playing.
-Enough is enough.jpg, Aegislash comes out from Gwyar's shadow, King's Shield.
-Gwyar asks to deal with Rowan.
-Gallade has fallen asleep. Gallade's nightmaresdreams are being eaten. Gardevoir has eaten Gallade's nightmares.
-Psyche Damage.jpg?

Tags: @rowan

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 3:26:58 GMT
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Now that the leader was hit with Umber's ice, and their legs were in the water. may find that there is a bit of a burn feeling there due to the corrupted Obstagoon's abilities of inflicting FROSTBITE. There is a blast heard and the ranger is forced to look back with some worry at first but it turns out the extrasensory wasn't something he needed to worry over. What he did need to worry over was the fact that said ninja was now going deeper into the cave where the Head Scientist was. [break][break]


"Shit," Razz can't help but curse as now that's another that's gone down to assist the Rocket that's already passed them. One pokemon wasn't going to be able to handle everything. He'd be running now if it weren't for the ask of assistance as he looks back. Royal makes a noised question on what to do. As the dark type knows what he wants but understands the situation at hand. "Damn it, sorry," Razz turns on his radio, thankfully they weren't deep enough for the energy to effect it as he calls for , "Anderson we need you down here, come help Wledig," he informs knowing the Head Ranger would be much more helpful. [break][break]

"Umber!" he grabs the attention of the Obstagoon for a second as he points toward Rowan and his Slowbro, "Those two are your best friends, take care of them, don't forget to listen to your enemies!" it's an odd way to phrase an order but since her corruption that was just what she responded to. With that the half blind ranger takes off deeper into the cave as he gives a hand signal to Royal to just take care of the other. Though for now Umber is gonna take care of her new best friends as the dark badger pokemon goes in to tackle the Slowbro and get up and personal with them to try and pin them to the water covered cave. So up close she could attempt FREEZE DRY. In the back of her mind she made note of where her other friend was. He was human so she wouldn't hurt him to bad at least. [break][break]


With that taken care of Razz nods to royal and allows him to do what he wants to take care of the other Greninja as long as he makes sure to keep them off the scientist's back should that be what the other frog goes for. Royal jumps a head to catch up with the other ninja, once in his line of sight the Mega Level pokemon creates a dark water like blade before going in for a NIGHT SLASH. [break][break]

Good the Greninja didn't get that far, but Razz is unsure about the Rocket who made it passed so he goes deeper. When he does he notices the two psychic pokemon in their Hypnosis battle. Remaining silent he would try to keep to the walls as he hopes the two distract each other. Interrupting the other rocket was his main priority, though he would have a pokeball on standby should he catch their attention. [break][break]

It he was is able to make it through he would keep going down, thankfully most of the caves down here were narrow so hiding shouldn't be to easy for the Rocket. Once he located his target he would take out his stun baton once more as he would attempt to sneak up on her before placing the rod on her shoulder, "Would you rather do this the easy way or the hard way?" he questions loud enough so that even Zenji could hear so that the scientist knew there was an intruder near by. As far as Razz is aware the professor was there to just science and wanted to give him theh option to keep away from the fight if needed. "I'd preferto keep this easy"



[break]+ If Oscar did have water on him and was effected by Obstagoon's ice he would have Frostbite effect for a burn + making him slower. More details here if needed

[break]+ Royal is hit by extrasensory with no effect.

[break]+ Seeing that the other Greninja is going deeper into the cave Razz worries they're also after Zenji and chooses to call over walkie talkie before leaving Umber to assist

[break]+ Umber attempts to tackle Slowbro as she gets between and before using Freeze Dry.

[break]+ Royal jumps ahead to catch up with the other Greninja to use NIGHT SLASH

[break]+ Razz attempts to go around the dueling Ralts line.

[break]+ If Razz gets past them he will try to sneak up behind as he places stun baton on her ready to activate it should she not surrender.

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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 22:04:57 GMT
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Dark tendrils twisted into the Gallade’s subconscious. They hungrily wrapped around the closest nightmare and pulled it free of the Gallade’s grip. Energy crept through the roots that ensnared the dream and into the Gardevoir’s mind. The nightmare was ripe with human Lust. A bitter taste, one the Gardevoir didn’t particularly enjoy. Lust may have been an emotion she was familiar with before her transition into the corrupted being she was now. Emotion was a distant memory, for better or for worse. She could sense it, but not feel it. Was the return of her emotions what she was constantly searching for?

Regardless, the energy the DREAM EATER provided was enough to perk her up and release the grip of sleep. did not go unnoticed. Her psychic attention shifted from the Gallade, withdrawing from his subconscious, and moved towards the boy creeping past. The Gardevoir remained still, allowing the Ranger to pass. She may be emotionless, but she wasn’t stupid. The ghost melted into the floor of the cave, dissolving into a shadow that was lost within the cave’s others.

’s approach was not lost on Lex. When you spent your life sneaking around, you knew when someone was sneaking up on you. She was stuck in a narrow passage, in front of her and behind her. As she ventured further into the cave, she found the weight of the Dark Bubble’s viscous residue growing harder to ignore. The Primal Energy fueled its effects, making her more sluggish. The combination of the factors gave Razz the upper hand.

Jaw clench and teeth grit against one another as the butt of a baton pressed against her shoulder, “The hard way?” her voice purred in a teasing fashion, emphasis on the hard, “Is that what I feel in my back?” she couldn’t help herself, Razz set himself up for that one.

The Shadow Gardevoir’s SHADOW SNEAK raced across the cavern floor behind Razz. Her objective was obey and protect her master. The pokemon burst forth from the shadows that Razz used to camouflage his presence. A terrifyingly eerie scream pierced the air as the dark powers pushed at him, a rush of shadows attempting to send him flying backwards and away from his contact with Lex.

tl;dr: Gardevoir senses Razz. She cuts her DREAM EATER short. Lex knows Razz is sneaking up behind her, but there is only so much she can do about it as the weight of the previous Dark Bubble grows heavier and heavier as she moves deeper into the cave, really putting a damper on her normally impressive speed and agility. She makes a snarky comment before S!Gardevoir uses SHADOW SNEAK to try and slam Razz into the wall of the cave and break his contact with Lex.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 0:55:55 GMT
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    “Argos, move!” Rowan attempted to warn his Slowbro of the Obstagoon’s impending attack, though it was too late. Between concentrating on the Psychic and his own inherent sluggishness, Argos was struck by the opposing Pokémon and rapidly frozen by the effects of Freeze-Dry. “Alright...” Frustration transformed into pure anger as his Slowbro was unceremoniously fainted by the Obstagoon, returning Argos to the safety of his Pokeball before quickly grabbing another. “...that’s how we’re going to do this.” Rowan originally didn’t have any intention of causing serious harm to the Pokémon that the League operatives presented, that wasn’t the kind of person he was. Reality gave him a slap in the face through , reminding Rowan that he was a Rocket and things were different now. This was about survival, nothing else.

    “Your turn.” Rowan tossed the Pokeball out onto the cavern floor, intending on dealing with this Obstagoon for good. “Mako, take it down!” Sharpedo burst forth from the Pokeball, immediately locking eyes with Umber and letting out a deep hissing growl. Mako was resolute, not wanting to give them much time to react, powerful energy gathering around their form as it launched itself across the room, aiming to crash into the Obstagoon with the full force of a Giga Impact.

Kotaro could feel the strange energies grow stronger as he pushed further into the cavern, almost intoxicating in their inherent allure and promise of power. The Greninja was fully aware that Royal was following, beginning to catch up to him thanks to the speed afforded through Mega Evolution. Kotaro could sense the Night Slash coming, feeling the rush of air approaching him rapidly from behind, allowing the perfect opportunity for retaliation. A hand reached out and grabbed one of the nearby stalactites, gripping the rocky surface as though he was going to leap forward, but instead pushing off backwards to end up charging right at Royal, positioned perfectly for a Feint Attack.

    Their attacks clashed, though both came out relatively unscathed thanks to their inherent abilities. A familiar energy engulfed the Greninja, one that Royal was particularly familiar with. The strength Kotaro had been leaching from the Cave of Origin had grown large enough to trigger a transformation he’d never undergone before, untapped power surging through him like electricity. Before Royal stood the similar form to his own, shapeshifted by the primal energies into his own Mega Evolution. “Tsk.” Kotato sounded off before opening his maw once more for attack, though this one was markedly different from the Extrasensory prior. A blue orb of energy gathered within his mouth, charging rapidly with energy before bursting forth in a torrent of water, attempting to strike Royal directly with the Hydro Cannon.

Notes: Argos fainted due to Umber's attack, Rowan recalled them and brought out Mako. Mako used Giga Impact on Umber. Kotaro moved further down the cave and countered Royal's Night Slash with Feint Attack. Kotaro then Mega Evolved due to the Primal Energy. Kotaro used Hydro Cannon on Royal.

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 1:49:12 GMT
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As Oscar's fist landed into his opponent's stomach, he chirped with glee. As he backed up he thought his own skill was to thank, but then he realized that he had some help from Rowan's Slowbro. Oscar shrugged, no skin off his nose if the fight got easier. With his opponent in place, perhaps he can get a sucker punch in and knock him out! Oscar went for his opponent's face, but what he hit would be very different.

Before Oscar could stop his throw, an Aegislash appeared out of nowhere and used King's Shield. Oscar's fist slammed into the shield, sending reverberations up Oscar's arm. He reeled back, yelling out while he held his hand. 

"Mother fucking fuck fuck shit fuck son of a bitch!" In the middle of his cursing, Oscar realized that he was no longer stuck in the ice. As relieved as he was, Oscar felt a strange sensation covering his feet beneath his boots. It wasn't quite a burning, more like a very intense itch. Oscar wiggled his boots, trying to scratch the itch as he used his good hand to snap his fingers.

Robbie Rotten, the world's greatest criminal mind, sprang into action. Waiting for the King's Shield to fade, he would redirect his Fire Blast toward the Aegislash and its master. If one listened closely, they might hear the cruel alien chuckling widely. Apparently it found this all very amusing.

Oscar punched the King Shield, causing immense pain to his fist.
The Frostbite didn't fully take hold, but enough water soaked through his boots to cause an uncontrollable itch.
Naganadel used Fire Blast on Aegislash/Gwyar
Bisharp is doing something I'm sure.


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Slateport Ranger Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 5:38:31 GMT
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Umber just laughs as the Slowbro underneath her was taken out. The kind of laugh Ed from Lion King gave when the hyenas were ready to eat Scar alive. The shadow Obstagoon would stare at Rowan with her red and blue eyes, a wide smile on as she chuckled waiting for her ‘friend’ to bring out someone else to play with. This would be boring otherwise. When the Sharpedo was called out she laughed with excitement already crossing her arms ready for it as the shark came at her with all it’s might, seems like even using OBSTRUCT blocked so much of the damage as the Giga Impact hit it’s mark, pushing her back and smashing her into the cave wall. Hopefully the Obstruct would still lower the other’s defense. [break][break]

Despite the damage the corrupted pokemon still laughed as she would call out to her ‘enemies’ in warning. Whether or not they understood her wouldn’t be her problem as she slammed her hands into the water of the ground to use SURF to water everyone down and should she be lucky also knock them back toward the entrance of the cave. [break][break]


Unlucky for her Razz doesn’t understand innuendos so her joke completely goes over his head. “It’s a baton and I’d rather not use it,” he answers simply to clarify as she didn’t seem to understand what it was. He would have gone on to warn her once more though the scream was enough to make him turn as he heard it from his blind side. Not that it would do anything as the Shadow Sneak came at him head on and stuck him knocking the ranger back quite some ways in a pained grunt as he was knocked away. [break][break]

As he’s knocked back Razz lets go of the pokeball he had on stand by releasing his Rotom out. It cackles as with them being as close to the primal fragment as they were Currant was feeling a power boost. They didn't seem to care too much that their trainer had just been hurt but there were some new opponent in front of them, and Currant was ready to battle as it spun before using ELECTRO WEB on the Gardevoir. And thanks to its corruption it’s black lightning would be super effective against the psychic pokemon. Though the Gardevoir might find itself suffering more as her ghost typing would find itself weak to the Rotom’s electric attack. [break][break]


Despite them being enemies there is a spark of joy that Royal is feeling when colliding blades with his fellow ninja. Though as they were now deeper in the cave the Greninja recognized the familiar energy around them. Despite the familiarity of it still came as a shock to him to see the other evolve further just like him. Royal doesn’t have much time to fully understand how the other did it without their trainer as the attack came. Royal was quick to make their WATER SHURIKEN as large as it could be before putting it in front of them. [break][break]


The Hydro Cannon connects and while the Water Shuriken helps take off some of it’s force Royal is still blasted back colliding with the wall. The ninja’s breath is heavy after being hit though he can’t give up now, his trainer is counting on him. To try and keep up his speed Royal uses AERIAL ACE to go in and strike with another NIGHT SLASH.



[break]+ Umber uses OBSTRUCT to try and block Giga Impact, but still takes some damage.
[break]+ Umber uses SURF to try and water everyone down and knock them back toward the cave entrance.
[break]+ Lex’s joke goes straight over Razz’s head, good luck next time.
[break]+ Razz is struck harshly by Shadow Sneak and sent flying back.
[break]+ Razz releases Currant from their pokeball after he is struck.
[break]+ Currant the Rotom uses ELECTRO WEB on the Shadow Gardevoir
    Rotom’s black lightning is super effective against Ghost & Psychic types and would hit for x4 the dmg should S!Gardevoir get hit

[break]+ Royal is surprised by the other ninja’s Mega Evolution
[break]+ Royal uses Water Shuriken to reduce the blow of the Hydro Cannon but still takes damage.
[break]+ Royal will use the after effects of Hydro Cannon to attack with NIGHT SLASH.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,177 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 22:13:45 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Oh for fuck’s sake. She couldn’t have fun with this one. A heavy sighed shifted the shoulders beneath the baton as she shook her head. Were all League members this dense? “I’m talking about your-“ the explanation was lost in the scream of the Gardevoir as she sent Razz flying in the opposite direction, “Good girl!” she praised, spinning around to face the Ranger, Gardevoir defensively floating between the two.

It seemed the boy had another trick up his sleeve. Another corrupted pokemon took the field. The Gardevoir immediately recognized her kin, Currant’ dark energy pulsing with the same power boosts she felt from the Primal Energy. Electricity crackled, casting the dark cave in its eerie light. The web shot forward, Gardevoir faded, the PHANTOM FORCE pulling her corporal form away from this plane.

Unfortunately, that meant there was nothing to stop the ELECTRO WEB.

“GAH!” Lex raised her hands as a useless defense. The dark electricity tangled her in the electrifying web. Her body slammed into the cavern floor with a loud thud.

Electricity coursed through her body, every muscle bending to its whim in a series of excruciating convulsions. It felt like every cell in her body burning. Her mind fought against the pressure, but her body wouldn’t listen. Each snap of electricity reset the nerves in an unpredictable manner. The pain and the way her heart raced uncontrollably wasn’t compatible with consciousness for long.





Ian ().”

Lex managed to choke the words out, a hope the Gardevoir was close enough to hear. Lex was a lost cause now. Even if she managed to get free of the electric prison, she couldn’t run.

She’d die before she let the League get their filthy hands on her Shadow Gardevoir, , or .

A new objective.

Shadow Gardevoir abandoned her PHANTOM FORCE. She materialized behind Razz, letting Lex catch a glimpse before she TELEPORTED back to the front of the cave to rejoin and .

tl;dr: Gardevoir disappeared in a PHANTOM FORCE which is bad news for Lex cause she was standing right behind her. Lex is hit with the ELECTRO WEB and is now trapped against the cavern floor underneath it. RIP Lex

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 19:23:34 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Okay, so even if he seemingly had the advantage—there was something terribly, terribly wrong here.

The Gallade caught sight of the Bisharp suddenly ‘vanishing’ into thin air before the sound of rushing air forced a split-second decision—

Instead of hitting something, the Bisharp ended up hitting naught but thin air; as the Gallade had used Teleport at the very last second to get out of the way. Most of his move set wasn’t built to handle something like this; and for that he knew he was going to have to talk with Lars after this mess—who was still outside!

Back outside, the Gardevoir was looking up at the evening sky, while Lars was puffing away contentedly with the device in his hand. As he blew out another curlicue of vanilla-favored ‘cloud’ vapor, he heard the cracking on his earpiece—

Ah, shit!

“Razz, what did I tell you about—” he began, before hearing the discordant sounds of something going on in the background. Ah, shit—

“Be right there,” he replied; and with that he regretfully turned off the vape and stowed it away in his pocket. Just as he was about to turn to walk down into the entrance, a sudden popping noise announced the arrival of—

“Gareth?!” he exclaimed, as the Gallade sank down to one knee, perplexed—and angry.

A singular blade-arm was raised, pointing inside the dark cave, before he quickly took hold of said blade arm, and looped his other arm around the Gardevoir—

“Get us in there,” and with a faint popping noise, another Teleport maneuver then brought the Gallade along with the Gardevoir and Lars inside, only to see—

That mass fucking mayhem was breaking out. And in such a cramped space too!

What the hell was going on?

Right then and there a sudden surge of water threatened to knock them off their feet—

“Bend it!” he shouted in the Gardevoir’s direction, who quickly unleashed a rainbow-colored blast of Psychic energy in an attempt to divert the incoming wave of water away from where he had appeared. “Keep it away from him, too!” he added, tilting his head in Gwyar’s direction.

A second manipulation of rainbow-colored Psychic energy then surged towards where Gwyar stood, an attempt to divert the water elsewhere—away from them and towards the intruder’s presence in the cave.

Over where Gareth stood, the Gallade looked over at the Aegislash, before gesturing at the Bisharp. The look on Gareth’s face clearly said, ‘I can’t take him, can we switch?’ before he held out his blade and instead pointed at the strange-looking ‘beast’ (Naganadel) instead.

• Okay so there is mass chaos going on right now
• Gallade used Teleport to get the hell out of the Bisharp’s way
• At the same time this is happening Lars receives the call of help through the comms
• Right then and there the Gallade appeared outside, before bringing him and the Gardevoir inside
…unfortunately they chose the exact wrong time to appear as there is a wave of water (from Surf) threatening to throw whoever gets swept in its path off-balance
• Gardevoir used Psychic in an attempt to divert the water away from Lars’s current position
• A second Psychic then attempts to divert the water away from Gwyar just in case, y’know, he might get knocked off his feet
• Gareth (Lars’s Gallade) looks over at Gwyar’s Aegislash, asking for help against the Bisharp and if they can switch (Gareth taking on Nagadaniels Naganadel instead)

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professor zen
june 20th
hoenn region
85 height
85 height
seek out the truth.
193 posts
zenji jabami DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @zenji
zenji jabami
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 21:40:15 GMT
zenji jabami Avatar
[attr="class","light"]there was no response.

zenji was ready to continue his search and ignore his suspicion. though that would have to be put on pause once had been heard. the sound of a loud crash made him worry for the ranger's safety. "kingsman!" he called. zenji would drop his laptop to run and check up on the battle that had just commenced. with porygon behind both it and zenji together stumbled upon a trapped and a possibly injured .

"are you alright?"

he would examine the woman captured by the pitch-black web of electricity, albeit briefly, while simultaneously running to 's side and checking in on him. "is there anything broken?" he would check for a severe injury.

note: ,

- zenji dropped his computer to check in with and .
- ran to 's side to see if he possessed a serious injury, such as a broken arm or anything.

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
INTERPOL Agent / Police Deputy Chief
Lieutenant Officer
With daughters!
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,254 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 13:15:08 GMT
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"Language." Gwyar chastised his opponent as the man clutched his arm and screamed up a storm, the Aegislash' nodding as it gave the potty mouth of a man a judgmental look.

Her eye then shifted from the cursing man to the much more pressing matter at hand- the bloody abomination hovering over his shoulder, blasting fire.

She had seen a couple of those during the 3 day war; it wouldn't surprise if the Rockets had been working along the Megalopolans the entire time.

Whatever; just another dragon to slay.

As the warrior began to dissipate, the fire surged towards them, threatening to consume them in a fiery blaze.

But Shadow Sneak was nothing if not fast.

The Aegislash' shadow stretched back underneath it, swallowing her trainer's whole before they were both yanked underneath the earth, blazing fire consuming the space they had held moments later.

About ten seconds before this...

His eyes snapped open when the power that seemed to permeate the very atmosphere within the caverns achieved an apex. With a booming shockwave, the Gallade burst out of a glowing sphere of energy, primal energy overflowing out of every inch of his body in such quantitious amounts his cape was flowing without a lick of breeze.

Awesome. Now where was his opponent?

Reaching out over the caverns with his psychic senses, he quickly detected the one presence that chilled him to the bone with its uncanniness...

Ah, there she w- No, there she went.


Many things had happened, in the meanwhile. Aegislash and Gwyar had emerged somewhere around Gareth's side- The pokemon left by his companion had seen fit to try and wash away the Rockets- unfortunately, that left them all in the crossfire.

Gareth had disappeared.

Reappeared with Gardevoir and trainer in tow.

Waterbending had happened.

Gareth then asked Galatine to switch opponents, to which the only answer the Aegislash had given was to give a taunting look at King the Bisharp before making a come hither motion with her scarf hand.

A ghostly Gardevoir had then popped up right out of nowhere-


And Gawain followed right in tow, arms encased with a violet glow as the psychic energy visibly poured through them like open veins, the knight pokemon moving with blinding speed as he went to smash the ghostly Gardevoir as far away as possible.

-Dodge with Shadow Sneak.
-Gallade Mega Evolves.
-Psycho-Cut energy to cover arms + Close Combat punch Gardevoir far away. More focused on getting her out of the fight than really harming her.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2021 2:58:32 GMT
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    Kotaro collapsed to one knee once the Hydro Cannon concluded, his breathing noticeably heavy after having expended so much energy on one attack. There was the hope that this would be enough to finish off Royal, ending this bout before they could take advantage of the weakened state in which Hydro Cannon would leave him. “Hnng…” An unfortunate sight lingered on the other end of the debris kicked up by the blast, the enemy Greninja still standing, albeit damaged by the assault.

    Royal moved towards him to retaliate, much faster than Kotaro was able to dodge until he recovered from the previous expulsion of energy. Night Slash landed its mark upon him, forcing him backwards against the cave wall and exhaling as the air was knocked out of his lungs. This fight wasn’t over, and before long he’d be ready to strike back. Kotaro raised his arms in a defensive position, prepared to take a few more blows before the strength returned to him.

A smirk spread across Rowan’s lips as Mako’s attack made contact with the Obstagoon, successfully slamming her into the wall of the cave and causing debris to rain down on the battlefield around them. “Alright, Mako-...” There wasn’t time to issue a command before Umber sprung into action once more, seemingly not too disturbed by the attack. At the behest of the Obstagoon, water began to rise from the cavern floor, a tsunami that threatened to wash away those who may be in the way.

    Mako was too slow to react, due to the strain of performing such a powerful attack, getting swept up in the wave but mostly unaffected due to his aquatic nature. Rowan wasn’t nearly as lucky, getting collapsed upon by the water before he was able to escape from the radius. His body was tossed over and over by the impact, flailing helplessly against the current until he slammed into the wall that he’d been standing near, gurgling and gasping for air in spite of the tide. By the time the Surf settled, Rowan was nearly unconscious from the attack, so much that he didn’t notice the sharp rock formation that protruded through his thigh until he’d attempted to move.

    “MMMM!” Rowan bit down on his lip until he drew blood, the pain excruciating as he settled back into a position where the rock wasn’t tearing into his flesh. “Mako…” He called out weakly towards his Pokemon, the Sharpedo slowly making his way over as the energy returned to him.

Notes: Greninja is recovering from using Hydro Cannon, was hit by Night Slash. Sharpedo is recovering from using Giga Impact, was hit by Surf. Rowan got caught up in the Surf, was tossed about yet again, but ended up getting impaled through the leg by a stalactite. Serious injury, baby!