Jellicle (CATS)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 3:46:30 GMT
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Oscar didn't remember why he was helping a very assertive meowth run its pop-up cafe stand, but at this point he just didn't think about it too much. Sometimes he just did things, there didn't need to be a reason why. Not everything needs to be a fucking character building experience! Though considering , , and were involved, any one of them could have dragged him into this wacky misadventure.

Enough of the why, it was the dinner rush and people really wanted a piece of this random cafe. They're first order came in, and Oscar immediately got to work. "Alright um, how do any of these fit into a sandwich? Ummmm hold on, I got the finishes covered." Oscar pulled out two pokeballs and let out drifblim and accelgor. 

Oscar pointed to the respective stations for the required dishes. "Unburden for the foam on the latte, Sticky Hold to make the sandwich look perfect. Hop to it." Oscar's pokemon would be the last to deal with the dishes, using their abilities to give the latte and sandwich the perfect ascetic appearances. These were gonna look so damn good on the internet.
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The Robust
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 4:13:01 GMT
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"Got a 3-bean soup, extra bubbles, and a sweet-and-spicy sub with extra moo-moo-mayonaise!" Zac called to the kitchen. He had his hands full growing fresh berries for the sandwich, and the little stall was abuzz with calls and chatter. 

Zac was again surrounded by Rocket members. Were they just better in the kitchen? More playful by nature? Was it a clear demonstration of that old adage about opposites attracting? Probably, and the dream team of Good Guy Zac and Bad Boys Ki, Priam, and Oscar were cooking up a storm

Pyroar and Tirtouga got to work on the latte, roasting the beans and boiling the water, before adding the squirt of vanilla and the soy milk. Tirtouga slid the drink over to Drifblim for the finishing touches. 

Pyroar used Ember
Tirtouga used Water Gun
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 4:27:02 GMT
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priam kicks open the backdoor of the kitchen and shows off his work of art. "tada i'm done!" he proclaims.

on his hand was his espeon in a fitting cafe attire. he gives the pokemon a scarf and an apron of matching colors and designs, both of which had the logo of the cafe from a patch priam had sewn to it. it also has a cap, with cat ears also sewn on top of it so it looks like his espeon has four ears.

he drops his espeon to the floor, who scurries all the way to the other side of the kitchen, away from priam. the trainer doesn't seem to mind as he just turns his attention to the rest of the staff.

"i'm now ready to start! where do i begin?"

he looks around, but thee order seems to be done without him since he spent all his time trying to make his espeon look pretty and fitting for the cafe theme.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 4:30:08 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e was having a blast.

All decked out in his spiffy Barista outfit the Meowth had forced on him, Chu-e was in his element. He loved cooking. Loved being in the kitchen. In fact, he loved it so much, he was lowkey bullying out of joining in this round. More cooking for him.

While 's weird pokemon was holding down the sandwich, his Comfey used her Vine Whip to fit everything together. When it was done, his Mawile licked it and got nasty drool all over it to cover it in her Sweet Scent. Well, he wasn't eating it.

"Hey Zac! Order's up!" He yelled to , which is written strange cause I need to tag him.
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The Robust
October 30th
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 10:22:06 GMT
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"We've got a Leaning Tower of Cheese-a, and a Cold Cotton Candy coming up!" Zac called, reading off the little slip of paper that Branes had just handed to him. 

As he started on the EISCUE CAPRESE SALAD, Tapu Bulu pushed into the kitchen, and Zac's salad prep station exploded with life. Tomatoes bulged like rindless watermelons, the heads of lettuce swelled to the size of Zac's own head, and the bushel of basil exploded to consume half of the kitchen. "Get out!" Zac yelled, a reprimand to Bulu and a warning to everyone else. He shoved and wrestled the legendary away from the stand, leaving them free to finish the order.

Tapu Bulu used LEAFAGE

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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 18:18:22 GMT
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a porygon-z twitches in front of priam. most just stopped with the porygon2 update, but pirating files often lead to things, such as his porygon getting corrupted. didn't bother priam though.

he starts to sharpen the knives with the help of the said porygon-z. its limbs got strangely sharper on command, which was amusing on its own had priam not been looking at zac intently for a while.

it takes him a while to recognize where he had met him before.

"hey ki!" he calls chu-e. "did you know zac ditched me on a speed date before?"

he turns to oscar to look for help. "oscar, have you ever worked with someone that tried to ghost you?" he finishes brandishing the knife by then, dramatically sticking it on the cutting board for the other chefs to use it.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 19:34:38 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar's previous pokemon had been returned, and the next order had been called. Things became chaotic immediately as Tapu Bulu tried to help with its horrific green thumb powers. Pressed into a counter between a giant eggplant and a massive turnip, Oscar struggled to find what was needed for their new dishes.

His concentration was further broken by an inquiry from Priam, to which Oscar struggled to respond. "Well ummm--does trying to kill me count? Y'know, that's kinda like ghosting. I-I'm sorry Priam I'm not in the right headspace to think on that. These ingredients make no fuckin' sense. How do you put love into a shake? Actually don't answer that. I have an idea."

With a great deal of wiggling and writhing, Oscar would manage to pull a pokeball from his belt and open it. A pikachu would be revealed, and the poor dear would be immediately terrified by his surroundings. Oscar snapped his fingers to get his attention, comically arching his arm over the eggplant toward the shake being prepared nearby. "Yo Polka, give that shake a smooch for me. Go go go hurry." Polka recovered from his shock, leaping up onto the counter and toward the shake. After a moment of confused hesitation, Polka would lean in to deliver a Sweet Kiss upon the glass. That should do the trick.

, ,
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 20:05:07 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e is intently working the knives. He's so focused on chopping up a carrot, he doesn't notice how Bulu makes it grow WHILE chopping it. To him, that bitch is just super long.

"Huh?" He glances up and looks around, confused at the mess, but determinedly shoves as much of the produce out of way- maybe crushing a little more with that turnip. Sorry, dude.

"Aren't you and Bryan trying to get ass-pregnant or something?" Is what he finally answers . He's been so focused on calling out a small army of Ice-Using pokemon to blast this weird shaved ice. "Zac is too into Biomes for you anyway, Priam. You got lucky."

He still winked to , teasing.

"Order up!" He calls out to Strings, right as his Alolan Ninetails, Snom, and Vaporeon use a blasting of ice moves. An Aurora Beam, Powder Snow, and Ice Beam respectively.
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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2021 14:50:13 GMT
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"Whoa whoa whoa!" Zac said, ignoring the incoming order so he could clear up Priam's bullshit. "Mate we went on a date. I paid for the Comfey Toss, got you mulled wine, and then we even won that fortune telling session together!" He shook his head, the fear of that old woman's prophecy rising in his throat like bile. "The only ghosting was that haunting vision of you cutting me in half!" 

Meanwhile, Zac's Dodrio and Sandshrew were preparing the Sneasel Burger. Sandshrew sliced the fries with Fury Swipes, and Dodrio plucked the pickles out of a large jar, its three heads working in tandem to get the wormy green garnish. 

Sandshrew used Fury Swipes
Dodrio used Early Bird ability
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2021 16:19:13 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The urge to want to run a clean kitchen told Chu-e to try and nip this whole 'ghosted on a date' thing in the bud.

The gay bitch who thrived on drama was louder so he stayed quiet just to watch whatever the hell was going on between and .

Staying carefully silent, Chu-e called back his gaggle of ice users and instead called out his shiny Alcremie. She was basically just a living pile of whipped cream so she probably knew how to Decorate cupcakes.

When she had arranged all the little bits and bobbles on a plate, Chu-e pushed it towards .
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2021 1:28:34 GMT
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"it's a matter of pride, mister ki!" he tells chu-e before getting distracted by zac's confession.

"oh shit, i did that?" priam reacts more positively to zac's revelation. "did i look cool in your vision, like all bloody and messed up? girls are into that, i heard!"

he goes back to the storage room and takes out a stool. he places a foot on it while releasing both his jumpluff and his naganadel for it. taking one of the knives he sharpened earlier, he takes a pose.

the fairy wind from his jumpluff, powered up by an entire ultra beast's helping hand, helps his hair and apron billow in the wind. the image looks way cooler in his head.

"they called me a murderer..." he pauses before jerking his head to zac. "because my looks can kill."

he's pretty proud of that one since he made it up on the spot. he hangs on to the pose before turning to the other person in the room for advise.

"oscar, do you think i need more blood to make this work?"

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March 18
Heahea City
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2021 2:45:12 GMT
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Oscar, still trapped in his vegetable prison, craned his head to get a better look at Priam. "A lot more blood." He said with a nod. "It's a balance though, you don't wanna look like a horror movie slasher. That ain't hot. Yet."

Oscar had already switched out his pokemon, exchanging pikachu with Zoroark and Salazzle. Zoroark helped Hone the Claws of Zac's Sandshrew, allowing for a nice clean cut for its Fury Swipes. Meanwhile Salazzle lazily used Flamethrower to cook the patty and toast the bun, wondering why the fuck she was being asked to cook. Weren't pokemon supposed to fight? What a joke.

Oscar was finally fed up with being pinned by veggies, and began to struggle to squeeze himself free. Even with his thin frame, it proved to be an ordeal. Finally his pride caved in and he let out a defeated sigh. "Hey guys, I'm stuck. Can I get some help?" His tone seemed very soft and helpless, an amusing shift for the hardened beast.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 7:25:34 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"It's not hot if you're a coward." Chu-e, being a weak and sickly twink in his own right, chose to ignore 's pleading and focus on the next order that was slipped through to them. He squinted at the instructions, he didn't really understand, but started to make a nice dough for the pizza anyway.

He called out his Mudsdale, which crowed the already overstuffed kitchen, her powerful hooves being able to Bulldoze the dough as it rose to help Chu-e beat the shit out of it. It made sense. Don't worry about it.

When she was done, she began to eat one of the larger veggies crushing Oscar yet didn't actually dislodge it.

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Zac Ramsay
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 8:45:06 GMT
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"Tons of blood!" Zac clarified, as his Marowak used Flame Wheel, setting up a perfect surface for the pizza to cook on once Oscar was done with the dough and toppings. Tapu Bulu popped its head into the stall, prompting another surge of Leafage that consumed Oscar's part of the stall entirely. The white-haired man disappeared in a forest of basil. "Lots of scars too. Across your face and chest, mainly. You looked a bit like an action hero!" Zac said, laughing.

In the dessert corner, Zac's Alolan Sandslash hustled up beside Priam, helping with the icy dish. It's long spines brought forth details of Zac's vision. "You don't have a Samurott, do you?" he asked Priam. "That's how you killed me in my vision. Impaled against the wall of a volcano."

Alolan Sandslash used Ice Ball
Tapu Bulu used Leafage (again)
Alolan Marowak used Flame Wheel 
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 1:29:51 GMT
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"fuck. you're all right!"

he takes out a pokeball that has 's klingklang and has it start gear grinding. for some reason, priam thought that this will be more effective than a blender.

taking a tomato, he drops it on the klingklang, which gets demolished in no time. tomato juice splatters all over him, simulating blood. he winces when the cold pulp hits his skin, but was nonetheless undisturbed.

quickly, he moves to the next.

"anyone got a mirror around?" he asks while playing with the knife he found. scars are the next thing in the agenda.

he quickly turns to zac when he mentions his samurott. he liked sammy the samurott.

"oh, i do!" he answers in a peppy tone. "he's kinda boring though and only follows my instructions. he doesn't do interesting things on his own, which is kinda a bummer. i just got a lapras though! she'll get to replace him soon if he doesn't get his act together!"

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