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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2019 3:12:03 GMT
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type 3 evo: gabite > garchomp - 50pd
x1 level tutor (anni pack ): garchomp [ fire fang ]
x1 level tutor (anni pack ): empoleon [ swords dance ]
x1 level tutor (anni pack): hitmonchan [ ice punch ]
x1 usum tutor (anni pack): charizard: [ roost ]
x1 move tutor ( anni pack ): charizard [ thunder punch ]
x1 egg move ( anni pack ): charizard [ dragon rush ]
x1 ability capsule (anni pack ): empoleon [ defiant ]
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
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Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2019 3:52:13 GMT
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emma is redeeming some of her anniversary pack:

usum tm: teaching ariados toxic (replacing toxic thread)
level tutor 1/3: teaching ariados bug bite (replacing fell stinger)
level tutor 2/3: teaching ariados swords dance (replacing shadow sneak)
level tutor 3/3: teaching galvantula discharge


buying usum tm: teaching galvantula thunder (replacing sucker punch)
buying usum tm: teaching galvantula rain dance (replacing electro web)

buying level tutor: teaching araquanid leech life
buying level tutor: teaching araquanid wide guard
buying usum tm: teaching araquanid safeguard (replacing liquidation)
buying usum tm: teaching araquanid reflect (replacing spider web)
buying usum tm: teaching araquanid scald (replacing infestation)


anniversary!move tutor, egg move, ability capsule left unused for now!

total: 380pd
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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
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Marionette Accardo
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dorian westcliff
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2019 7:24:49 GMT
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Selling Heracross (Male/Guts/Brick Break/Pin Missile/Megahorn/Close Combat/Focus Punch)
Shuckle (Male/Sturdy/Shell Smash/Safeguard/Rock Slide/Stone Edge/Rock Blast)
Shelmet (Female/Overcoat/Curse/Body Slam/Recover/Protect/Pursuit)
Durant (Male/Truant/Metal Sound/X-Scissor/Entrainment/Metal Claw/Thunder Fang)
Karrablast (Male/No Guard/X-Scissor/Swords Dance/Bug Buzz/Take Down/Pursuit)
Accelgor (Female/Swarm/Water Shuriken/U-Turn/Recover/Double Team/Pursuit)

All caught here

+48 PD
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2019 8:53:08 GMT
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Selling the following bug type pokemon captured in my bug contest thread here, please & thank you!~ <3

(SHINY) parasect - effect spore: aromatherapy / fury cutter / spore / pursuit / growth

masquerain - intimidate: bug buzz / silver wind / quiver dance / aqua jet / gust
sewaddle - overcoat: bug buzz / sticky web / air slash / grass whistle / protect
yanmega - tinted lens: air slash / bug buzz / ancient power / pursuit / leech life
larvesta- flame body: absorb / thrash / flare blitz / bug bite / magnet rise
venonat - tinted lens: stun spore / leech life / psychic / poison fang / morning sun
vespiquen - pressure: slash / defend order / heal order / attack order / toxic / destiny bond
combee - hustle: bug buzz / sweet scent / gust / bug bite / tailwind
surskit - rain dish: aqua jet / bubble beam / agility / baton pass / lunge
spinarak - swarm: spider web / sucker punch / toxic thread / night shade / sonic boom
karrablast - no guard: false swipe / swords dance / x-scissor / scary face / pursuit
accelgor - sticky hold: water shuriken / u-turn / bug buzz / giga drain / pursuit
illumise - prankster: wish / bug buzz / encore / play rough / aromatherapy
dewpider - water bubble: aqua ring / lunge / crunch / aurora beam / mirror coat
kricketot - shed skin: bug bite / fury cutter / night slash / x-scissor / taunt
swadloon - chlorophyll: protect / grass whistle / razor leaf / leaf blade / mind reader
venomoth - shield dust: leech life / sleep powder / quiver dance / psychic / morning sun
beedrill - sniper: twineedle / venoshock / fell stinger / agility / toxic spikes
scizor - technician: metal claw / iron head / night slash / pursuit / defog
araquanid - water bubble: aqua ring / liquidation / leech life / lunge / aurora beam
butterfree - compound eyes: rage powder / tailwind / safeguard / air slash / psybeam
ninjask - speed boost: fury cutter / mind reader / x-scissor / double team / final gambit
swadloon - leaf guard: protect / razor leaf / grass whistle / grassy terrain / string shot
butterfree - tinted lens: captivate / tailwind / air slash / bug buzz / gust
dewpider - water bubble: aqua ring / crunch / liquidation / mirror coat / power split
paras - damp: giga drain / aromatherapy / x-scissor / spore / wide guard
shelmet - shell armor: curse / protect / bug buzz / recover / guard swap
escavalier - swarm: double-edge / iron head / x-scissor / swords dance / knock off
kricketune - technician: night slash / taunt / screech / sing / bug buzz
metapod- shed skin: harden / string shot / tackle / quiver dance
yanma - speed boost: detect / air slash / u-turn / hypnosis / signal beal
caterpie - shield dust: string shot / bug bite / tackle / electroweb / harden
ariados- sniper: swords dance / agility / poison jab / sticky web / psychic
scizor - light metal: bullet punch / x-scissor / iron head / razor wind / steel wing
shuckle - sturdy: rock throw / safeguard / stone edge / sticky web / knock off
ledian - swarm: supersonic / mach punch / air slash / bug buzz / drain punch
ledyba - rattled: bug buzz / air slash / double-edge / safeguard / knock off
heracross - moxie: bullet seed / close combat / reversal / brick break / pursuit
wimpod - wimp out: struggle bug / sand attack / aqua jet / razor shell / iron defense

+306 PD
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2019 11:06:26 GMT
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selling from bug contest:

vikavolt (10)
male - levitate
thunderbolt / bug buzz / acrobatics / agility / electro web

karrablast (10)
female - swarm
x-scissor / take down / false swipe / scary face / drill run

venipede (4)
male - speed boost
protect / rollout / rock climb / venoshock / toxic spikes

escavalier (10)
male - overcoat
iron head / slash / quick guard / fell stinger / knock off

galvantula (10)
male - swarm
sticky web / electro ball / agility / sucker punch / pursuit

kricketune (10)
female - technician
fury cutter / perish song / night slash / taunt / sticky web

total: 54
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2019 12:09:41 GMT
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redeeming some battle pack rewards!

usum tm trick room for mr mime
egg move teeter dance for mr mime
move tutor magnet rise for bastiodon
level tutor thunderwave for helioptile

still have level tutor x2 and ability capsule x1
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2019 1:09:11 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar
using anniversary ability capsule to change lycanroc's ability from vital spirit to no guard

buying usum tm to teach lycanroc protect (replacing counter)

total: 60pd
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2019 1:58:06 GMT
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female - iron fist
mach punch / safeguard / comet punch / baton pass / drain punch / dizzy punch

female - run away
metal claw / dig / mind reader / night slash / bug buzz

shiny skorupi
female - battle armor
crunch / night slash / toxic spikes / iron tail / cross poison

male - compound eyes
whirlwind / toxic / bug buzz / quiver dance / poison powder

male - effect spore
giga drain / rage powder / x-scissor / spore / cross poison

female - overcoat
quiver dance / hidden power / psybeam / leaf storm / skill swap

male - no guard
bug buzz / swords dance / slash / double-edge / feint attack

male - shield dust
poison sting / bug bite / electro web / string shot / harden

female - contrary
wrap / gastro acid / stone edge / sticky web / rock blast

cull the weak

+106 PD
The Shula Region
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