April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2022 3:38:51 GMT
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[attr="class","complanet-post"] This isn't supposed to be how it ends. [break][break] Beau surveys his pokémon, a slight furrow of his brow the only outward sign of concern for Torben and Nemo. Inside, however, his thoughts are a chaotic maelstrom - you didn't train them well enough, you didn't support them when they needed it, you're their friend and you're letting them get destroyed. And you call yourself a Gym Leader? [break][break] Torben is the first to go down. Beau shouts, but the Pangoro can't react in time, the MOONBLAST impacting squarely against his chest before bursting in a brilliant display of silvery light that sends the larger pokémon crashing, motionless, to the ground. [break][break] He does not get up. [break][break] Nemo the Swampert turns his head to witness his partner's untimely defeat, though his periphery keeps watch on Howitzer. He opens his mouth, ripples of water coalescing for another attack, but before he can launch it off, the Arcanine is there, ghosting impossibly across the arena to slam bodily into the amphibian and sending him flying backward to impact against one of the rocky outcroppings surrounding the arena. He slumps, his head lolling sideways as he loses consciousness. [break][break] It takes a moment for Beau's comprehension to catch up to what he's witnessing, features blank for one heartbeat, perhaps two, before he snaps into action, raising a hand and loosing a sharp whistle. "That's game!" he hollers over the rippling crash of the surf, digging at his belt to withdraw a pokéball in each hand, recalling his downed duo in twin beams of scarlet light. [break][break] With a rueful grin, he regards the pokéballs for a moment, murmuring a soft "Sorry, guys," that not even Howie's sharp hearing is likely to pick up before he clips the balls back to his belt. Looking up at his adversaries, soaked through and hair plastered against his scalp, he can only offer a broad, fierce grin that pulls the corners of his mouth taut. [break][break] "THAT," he pronounces, "Was a HELL of a match, my dude!"[break][break] TORBEN FAINTS![break][break]NEMO FAINTS! [attr="class","complanet-bot"] Tagged: Adrian Malcolm Notes: GRIT BADGE [break][break] [attr="class","silpc-pkmn-img"] [attr="class","silpc-pkmn-img"] PHARAOH LEAP CREATES [googlefont=Rajdhani:400,700,800] [googlefont=Hind:400,700] [newclass=.complanet]width:500px;border:solid 10px #444444;text-align:justify;border-radius:5px;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px rgba(22,22,22,.2);margin:20px 0px 5px 0px;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-color]background-color:#999999;border-radius:3px;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-grad]border-radius:3px;background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(5,5,5,.2),rgba(5,5,5,.5));padding:25px;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-img]margin:5px 0px -15px 0px;text-align:center;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-img-1]margin:0px auto;height:100px;width:100px;padding:5px;border:solid 20px #999999;background-color:#444444;border-radius:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-img-1 img]height:100px;width:100px;border-radius:100%;filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(85%);[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-top]color:#eeeeee;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1.25px;background-color:#999999;border-radius:3px 3px 0px 0px;padding:15px;font:8px Rajdhani;font-weight:800!important;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-post]color:#eeeeee;background-color:#444444;padding:30px;font:12px Hind;letter-spacing:.25px;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-post i]color:#777777;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-post b]color:#5088b3;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-bot]color:#eeeeee;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1.25px;background-color:#999999;border-radius:0px 0px 3px 3px;padding:10px;font:10px Rajdhani;font-weight:800!important;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-bot a]display:inline-block;background-color:rgba(33,33,33,.1);padding:5px;border-radius:2px;color:#eeeeee!important;font-style:none!important;text-decoration:none;font:10px Rajdhani;font-weight:800!important;[/newclass] [newclass=.complanet-shadow]border-radius:3px;box-shadow:0px 0px 5px rgba(22,22,22,.05);[/newclass]