iii.i mossdeep space center raid

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
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TAG WITH @spiral
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 4:26:22 GMT





last night, an unknown wormhole materialized above mossdeep city. videos of the event have circulated online and all of hoenn is abuzz about the strange phenomenon. trainers from all over have come to marvel at the enigmatic spectacle. [break][break]

recent reports have detailed that numerous wormholes have appeared over the island. strange, never before seen pokemon have emerged from these wormholes. you've been tasked with two jobs, to help evacuate the space station and investigate the cause of these events.

LEAGUE: evacuate the space center; investigate the space center[break]
ROCKET: investigate the space center; steal anything of value, even information[break][break][break]


  • there will be a moderation post every 72 hours.
  • there is no particular post order.
  • if everyone posts prior to the deadline, a mod post may occur.
  • you can only bring six pokemon; three pokemon out at one time.
  • your pokemon can only do two actions per pokemon per mod round.
  • actions supersede any rolls but make sure to roll every post!
  • your character may exit the event thread at anytime; dm to re-enter.
  • remember to include a tl;dr of your actions in your posts


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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 15:44:36 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
she had only just landed roughly an hour ago; the young woman having traversed the sea by flygon. it hadn't been the most pleasant of journeys but she had arrived without incident and despite being terribly tired went straight to work. cait handled the thoroughly unpleasant business of heading the evacuation, ensuring that both pokemon and humans took leave of the space center. she'd much rather they do it in an orderly fashion but there was nothing to be done about it. 

"they've done something to cause this. there's no way this is completely random."

slightly aged memories of the experiment that she had been involved in some months ago shoved itself to the very forefront of her mind. it was likely the scientists here had conducted another and it had become so insanely destabilized that it had resulted in the manifestation of those strange beasts - 

i remember where it was, too," she murmured, eyeing the recently emptied reception area.

cait decided she'd take the elevator, intending to reach the floor where the experiment had occurred. her espeon accompanied her on this journey, the pokemon vaguely familiar with the building he had visited when he was naught more than an eevee. 

'thank the gods the elevator is still functional.'

they arrived without incident, cait stepping onto the floor and peering around curiously. 

if memory serves this is where the 'magic' happened. remember, espeon?

she pressed onward, deciding to investigate the machinery present. 


- cait breaks off to enter mossdeep space center
- she remembers having visited once where she participated in an experiment.
- she reaches the floor where the experiment took place.
- she starts examining the machinery to see if she can make sense of it. 


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 16:15:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The dazzling lights above the island were a pretty sight to behold. It surely would turn this city into a major tourist attraction if it wasn't for the fact they were spewing out monsters left and right. Were they monsters? They sort of looked like Pokemon. I mean Pokemon are basically monsters its like right there in the name! Either way these things were reportedly doing crazy amounts of damage around the island so obviously they needed to be stopped right? Lucky for the people inside the space station a hero was on his way to save the day! Clad in that stylish gas mask and fresh sleeveless hoodie with the league insignia on its left pectoral region he busted through the doors to the space station with a Riolu in tow and Aegislash wrapped around his waist.

No point in saving the day if you can't look the part.

"EVERYBODY BETTER GET OUT TO SAFETY! AND DON'T FALL INTO ANY RAINBOW PORTALS!" It was probably redundant to scream into a crowd of panicking people but it was better than probably trying to drag everyone outside like he initially planned to do. He felt a tug on his leg and looked down to Skywalker who's eyes were glowing as it pointed to the ceiling above them. More people above? Was this place just packed full of them? As eyes glanced between maybe one or two people making their way to the door and the screens showing videos of different portals around the island it became clear to Kazimir.

He was going to need a bit of back-up.

As the trio made their way to whatever way up there was he whipped out his phone and sent out a text to any league members who would read it;

space station needs evac.
could use help.
pls help.
will give hugs.
sincerely, friendly neighborhood pokenger


    -came dressed to impress
    -told folks to gtfo
    -skywalker used the force aura to sense more people(?)
    -send mass text to league members.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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TAG WITH @isra
Isra Nightingale
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2019 9:45:08 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

The woman stands still as a statue, face turned to the fracturing sky.

Her dragon floats beside her, watching just as she does, and she thinks that the world is falling apart piece by piece with each passing day.

"Well doesn't this look delightful?" she asks of her companion one , though most wouldn't know it by the look of things at that moment. If not for his-her persistence in messaging her she might very well still be sleeping instead. It's probably a good thing even if it leaves sleep in her eyes since this isn't something she should be missing in the slightest.

She turns to her companion with a rather apathetic face, perfectly situated to be an impervious porcelain doll beneath the shadow of her parasol. It's a look not uncommon for her but the other is likely less used to it than most. She's just not alert enough to muster up the effort of emotions yet. Even her tone when she speaks is surprisingly flat. "I suppose we should make sure no one stays in the building shouldn't we?" She ignores her league phone and pulls out her secondary device, sending out a quick message before she pockets it again.

The clack of her heels against the surface of the roof will lead her hydreigon across its surface and towards the rooftop entrance that she's sure to find. Hopefully with her other companion in tow.

>>arrives on the rooftop with Irena
>>Hydreigon out
>>Isra is sleepy still

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #9ed480;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 5:08:01 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The mixed reaction of those across the region seemed to mirror how the twirling winds felt in the sky above, some thrashing about violently in the clouds and others softly gusting with the delicate waves that crashed up against the banks. This was especially true for the duo of fame and draconian power; holding on to the Salamence's back with her overall stature, Cordelia would witness her high ponytail flutter through the clouds as they would sprint across the horizon, occasionally being kicked up out of its gentle flow from the harsh breeze. Still slightly groggy from waking up a few hours beforehand, it was apparent that the supermodel and her companion were on their way to assist in the league's request to help in the evacuation and investigation of the strange phenomena surrounding the Mossdeep Space Center- strange portals dubbed as wormholes were beginning to coat the sky, spouting out strange beasts that were unable to be recognized as any familiar species of Pokemon. It baffled her greatly, and while she was a bit concerned and anxious to attend in witnessing the occurrence all the way across the region from where she called home, she felt as though it would be necessary to lend the league as much assistance as they could get. Petting the surface of Celestite's back as he would quickly ascend and descend to avoid the clouds holding dormant winds of hostility, she would look down and watch the blue surface of the ocean twinkle in the daylight, looking for any signs to notify her of how soon she would be arriving in the city of space research. However, the signs would soon begin to show right in-front of her rather than anywhere else in explicit detail.

Dressed fully in designer, when the supermodel would eventually arrive within Mossdeep it would be hard for her not to be recognized due to the amount of advertisements that featured her face across not only the region, but the world. Her outfit consisted of her signature colors, red and white, to their full extent; a soft, white dress-shirt would fall a few inches down her thighs and would complement the shape of her body well, though the primary area of focus was her thick, ruby-red cardigan that reached all the way down to a few inches above the bottoms of her dark red boots. The red and white signature bow that tied her hair into the high-ponytail gracefully matched both her purse and the juul that lay resident within her interior outer-wear pocket, which would hopefully assist her in getting through what would appear to be a long day of discovery. The crimson optics of Cordelia would widen, however, as the duo would near the edge of the city- a wormhole was right in their path, glowing tremendously and flashing bright colors as if it was a rift between worlds. Her dragon companion would hurl himself to the side to dodge this portal-like phenomena, narrowly missing flying right into the center of the open rift. They were everywhere, so much so that the sky began to look as if it was flashing the bright colors of space itself. Quickly lunging forward to move her body in order to be able to hold onto the neck of Celestite for more support, the Space Center began to make itself known on the horizon, almost acting like a ping of sorts as to where she was to arrive. Tapping his neck twice and pointing forward, the dragon trainer would let him know that that was his ideal place to land; he would set his eyes on the large building and head straight towards it, flying out of the way of the harsh winds and wormholes with all of his might.

After a brief few minutes of quick flight, the Salamence would let out a large roar before quickly beginning to descend near the entrance of the Mossdeep Space Center, a small stream of dark smoke exiting his mouth only to be blasted away by his body flying through. Nearing the ground and slowing down, Cordelia would quickly stand on his back and slip down his right arm, holding onto his hand with one hand and his poke-ball with the other; if she was going to make an appearance during this event of obscurity, she was going to do it with style. Jumping down from gliding in the air onto small stepping stones outside of the building, the dragon-type would swoop by and would be hit with the thrown-upward poke-ball, causing him to retreat into his personal dimension of his needs. The ball of blue and red would fall down and land into the hands of the trainer, sparkling about as caused by the effects tied to the device of containment; the supermodel was now where she was supposed to be, her eyes flickering and widening once more as she would turn to get a complete view of the city. Mossdeep City looked just as the news said that it did or even worse, as the skyline of the island had been entirely engulfed in the lustrous fissures that had strangely appeared on their own. It was insane, so much so that the dragon and fire-type trainer could not believe her eyes- this was not some sort of graphic illusion created on the television in the form of a movie, this was entirely real. Adjusting her purse that hung from her side by a gold chain, the girl would turn and begin to walk toward the entrance of the space center. "This feels too much like a dream," she would softly say to herself under her breath, reaching her hand outward to grasp the glass of the entrance door for it to begin to open.

wc: 1,037
note(s): cordelia arrives on her salamence, barely missing the rifts of the strange phenomena before making a stylish entrance at the front of the space center and containing the salamence back in his pokeball. she finds herself awe-struck by the abundance of wormholes; it is crazy to her that this is truly a part of reality. she makes her way to the front entrance of the space center in order to provide assistance.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 13:40:33 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar







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[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:400px;height:120px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;position:absolute;z-index:0;}]

mission details

[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:400px;height:120px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;position:absolute;z-index:0;}]




“Stormy, Stormy, listen to me. Mossdeep needs you, but be careful. These things are not pokemon, they are dangerous. Just be carefu—”

The line cuts, and Stormy is left feeling an overwhelming wash of panic. Her and had been talking before he had gotten the signal to help. He was with Kim Cole somewhere deeper in Mossdeep. There were wormholes opening up everywhere, but something had come out of one near the forest. [break][break]

It didn't take her long to get dressed and get to work. The nerves only made her faster. She had immediately gotten on the phone with , explaining the situation. Fortunately, the woman had already been on the case. The two exchanged words about their past mission to oversee an experiment several months ago. The one they had been told to keep under their belts and to not say anything about.[break][break]

Maybe they should have.[break][break]

Stormy also briefly thinks about the recent mission her and Alex had been on, to protect the Space Center from being attacked while they went through yet another top secret experiment. Her jaw sets in a grim line, unease weighing heavy on her shoulders.[break][break]

But now is not the time to grow anxious. Mossdeep city needs her. She has to keep her eyes open.[break][break]

As Cait confirms she's already there and evacuating, Stormy flies from her apartment in Rustboro, slamming the door shut. She's not carrying much, maybe some energy bars and water. Her hands grab for Wadjet's ball, and in a flash the black Charizard stands docile, waiting for orders.[break][break]

The woman climbs up on her back, ordering her to take to the sky and fly to Mossdeep. [break][break]

When she arrives, she arrives just behind @rosario. She witnesses the woman slide off the side of her Salamence, exuding a proud air of confidence. But Stormy can't help but frown a little bit at the dramatic entrance. This wasn't a fashion run, this was life or death.[break][break]

She doesn't say anything as she herself settles Charizard down near the rest of them. She also can't help but stare up at the wormholes shimmering just out of reach. It's Cait who brings her out of her thoughts. The woman has already entered the building. Stormy releases Blissey, and the lovely pink Pokemon trills in delight.[break][break]

"I need you to help me evacuate these people and heal anyone who's been injured. I don't think anything has happened yet, but we need to be careful."[break][break]

Stormy has missed whatever redundant speech has professed earlier. She does take note of his attire, though, and finds it odd. Why is everyone wearing such strange clothing? She herself is in basic ranger uniform, nothing fancy or out of the ordinary.[break][break]

Upon entering the building, she jogs to catch up with Cait, passing . Unfortunately, the elevator door has just closed and she's forced to take the stairs. Which is fine, because she hates the elevator anyway.[break][break]

Breathless as she reaches the same place the pair had been during the first experiment, she glances around. [break][break]

"Are you getting deja vu?"[break][break]





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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,093 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 16:09:52 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? hydreigon


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]dysha sylveon


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? lilligant


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina cutiefly


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]mishka altaria


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? bewear


They’d already agreed to meet at the top of the Mossdeep Space Center, that much was certain. But of course, he wasn’t going to tell her that his own two-headed dragon had finally evolved and was now one very large… semi-cinnamon roll.[break][break]

What was it with him and his Pokémon, on most counts they were either fierce as fuck or were complete and total, utter cinnamon rolls just like himself… there was no fucking in-between![break][break]

Either way, they’d planned on this—and instead of seeing the Fortree Gym Leader fly on over to the uppermost levels, there was a pink-coated, long-haired lady riding an Altaria that had appeared.[break][break]

He didn’t know, he liked getting into the ‘Irina’ guise quite a lot lately. Plus it also afforded him some semblance of anonymity—unless he ran across the same bunch of people he’d encountered around Fortree some time ago looking for his Gym, then the jig would most likely be up.[break][break]

But he was with Miss Isra tonight, so…[break][break]

No sooner had ‘he’ landed, he quickly recalled the fluff cloud Altaria, letting her rest before turning to face the greenette.[break][break]

“Honestly, leave a city alone and this shit happens,” he said in his normal voice—at least it was just the two of them up here. Having noted her choice of Pokémon mount, he gave a nod, before looking out over the rest of Mossdeep. “Kind of glad I chose Fortree instead of this place. Look at this mess, he continued, shaking his head before pulling out a compact and flipping it open, just to check if the makeup was on alright and straight.[break][break]

There was a bit of smudging around the undersides of his eyes, and a few quick dabs of concealer later fixed that.[break][break]

“Anyway, how’d you like the hair? I just went with it and got as many as I could. Close enough to my own color, but much longer, he continued, doing a little twirl around her. “Sorry I forgot to bring tea, I’ll make it up to you later,” he added a few moments later, before remembering something.[break][break]

“…I was here before, with an ex-Interpol Agent. We did something in the basement, but what it exactly was I don’t know. Just… giving a machine power. Of some sort. I don’t know, maybe we’ll find out, he mused a few moments later, checking and confirming he did have the team of six.[break][break]

As Isra made her way toward the rooftop entrance, he did a little spin, and then called out, “Wait for me!” before picking up the pace and following her down and out of sight.[break][break]

Who knew what was waiting for them inside.[break][break]

For now, he was Miss Irina, older sister of the Fortree Gym Leader.[break][break]


the disguise!, full visual. Yes, he’s here, but not as ‘himself’, he's here as ‘Irina’


word count: 459; ore, sanjou!



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777 height
777 height
5,185 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2019 2:54:36 GMT





helps during the initial evacuation alongside . most of the employees on the first floor leave without incident. [break][break]

makes it up to the second floor and finds himself surrounded by hallways. they're labeled after their purpose such as observatory, maintenance, meeting room, and several rooms named ____ lab. several scientist are moving to evacuate while some don't seem bothered.[break][break]

finishes off evacuating and makes her way toward the basement. she's so tired that she doesn't notice trying to follow her. the elevator closes and her trip to the basement is otherwise uneventful.[break][break]

@rosario enters the building. more scientist from the second floor walk past her to exit. one of them does a double take, amazed, before leaving.[break][break]

misses cait as the elevator closes several feet before she can make it. take the stairs chump. it's longer then she remembers and she's slightly winded from the walk down. [break][break]

and enter the top most floor. down the hallway they'll encounter a staircase downwards, an elevator panel (in use), and a room that leads to a large lab with a protective booth to observe inside the lab. multiple scientist are still inside and working on a variety of things. numerous televisions and computer screen display what is happening outside. it's the launch room for when they launch rockets. [break][break]

and both make it to the bottom floor but the machine is gone. the room is relatively empty with only a few instruments still there. two other people are also there, with their back's turned as they observe the room. they turn around when they hear the pair.[break][break]

"hey! what are you two doing down here? this is an off-limits area."[break][break]


  • is tired but arrives and helps during the initial evacuation. she remembers the prior mission and takes the elevator down to the basement.
  • arrives and shouts for everyone to leave. his riolu tells him that there are still some people on the floors above. he senses and on the roof. he makes for the first flight of stairs and sends a text message to all nearby league members to help assist. also free hugs.
  • and are on the roof. isra sends out a text before making her way inside the uppermost floor. is behind her, disguised as a woman.
  • @rosario makes a stylish entrance. plenty of people would recognize her if they weren't frantically leaving the building. she enters the building with a look that could slay the fiercest of ultra beasts.
  • gets a call from but the call drops. she lands behind @rosario and brings out her blissey. she walks in and ignores , barely catching sight of him as he travels upstairs. shes chases after , barely missing the elevator as it closes. she takes the stairs instead.
  • and encounter two people who are examining the now empty room.


[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2019 9:53:24 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
cait scowled at the sight of the mostly barren room. the elaborate machine that had formerly occupied its very center notably absent. she stepped forward despite this, beginning her search for evidence that would tell her the where and the why in relation to its relocation. 

'there could be a document or...' 

she hadn't expected the lavaridge gym leader presence but it was most definitely welcomed. 

"i am," she said, her gaze sliding toward stormy. "
it feels like its been ages since then.

her espeon sniffed at the air, an unfamiliar combination of scents soon flooding his flaring nostrils. 

everything's gone.

cait feared her journey down here had been a waste of time, but before she could suggest they leave they were approached by two individuals. she eyed them suspiciously, a small scowl soon tugging at the corners of her lips. the freckle-faced woman reached for her pocket and pulled out her identification, the information there listing her as both league and mauville's gym leader.

we're here on league business," she said. "and i've a few questions.

she replaced the issued piece of plastic and decided to present the pair with a simple inquiry.

there was a machine here sometime ago. we'd like to know where it went. is it still located in this building? and if so - where?


- keeps lookin' for information
- greets and comments on how its been ages since they were last there.
- shows the mysterious pair her identification 
- questions them on the status of the machine that had been removed. 


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
1,346 posts
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TAG WITH @isra
Isra Nightingale
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2019 4:09:50 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

He enters in exactly the manner she expects and the sheer frankness of his comments makes her laugh, more boisterous and genuine than usual. A lady doesn't laugh with attitude she laughs with poise and grace, this is normally true for Isra as well but not today. Today she likes his attitude.

”I would hope so, I quite enjoy that tea.” despite the circumstances the act of carrying out conversation feels natural and comfortable even. ”the hair looks perfect, you doll yourself up well darling.” she comments as she makes her way through the entrance and down the hall with her companion in tow.

”I’ve been here before on a protection detail. No other recent visits sadly.”

she made a mental note about the machine however, she was going to have to look into that later. Right now they needed to make sure the top floor was clear. Isra ignored the elevator and stairs, she assumed most everyone would go through the main entrance first leaving them free reign of the top floors and, hopefully, minimal evacuations to deal with.

The noise catches her attention, people shouldn't still be up here. She recalls her Hyrdreigon and swaps him for her banette who, with a twirl and a flourish vanishes into the in between. A precaution she's begun taking since her stalker incident. Isra glances back at her companion and holds up a hand for them to quiet as she cracks the door. How obnoxious.

Isra turns to Irina and motions for her to look through as well. Whatever they're working on they seem to think it more important than their lives. "I say we get a good look at what they're doing before we say anything. Just in case." she whispers before retrieving her phone and handing it over. She slips into the room and holds the door just open enough for Irina to follow her.

The woman is quiet as she tip toes into the room and looks around, trying to avoid catching the attention of the scientists too quickly as she gazes over the screen and the papers on the nearest desk. She's scanning for key words and images, things that hint at what they're doing up here despite the evacuation. Something tells her that what they find of their own accord before they are confronted will likely be of better use than anything they will be willing to tell them.

She retrieves her secondary phone, she's proficient enough with it to pull up the camera and take a picture or two of anything important at least.

@rest of the raid crew
>>isra and irena chat as they walk into the upper floor
>>ingores lower floors for now to explaore
>>recalls hydreigon and releases banette
>>banette uses phantom force to vanish and is on standby
>>enters the room with the scientists as quietly as possible and tries to get a good look at what's being worked on/is on the screens before they see her


[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #9ed480;[/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2019 6:26:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Up the stairs they went and when they got there, it was just another hallway with many doors and many more scientists just scrambling around the floor. Life did indeed have many doors ed-boy and now he was probably going to have to search each and every one of them. Well he didn't have to but he was here in a laboratory with a crisis happening overhead, clearly the movies always told him that there was probably something in one of these rooms that could help them. His Riolu was looking frantically between each side of the hall trying to focus his senses on finding out where they should go next, but all the people running about and coming in was making it a bit hard to focus.

However his concentration was suddenly broken as he was grabbed by the masked superhero and was carried into one of the many rooms. Which one? Well he knew that it had the words "lab" on it so there was bound to be something. It wasn't like he was familiar with this place at all anyway, he did hero work not science!


    -quick change of clothes
    -heads off into one of the rooms marked "LAB"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2019 22:19:38 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Grasping the glass of the entrance doors with her sharp acrylic nails of crimson color, the league affiliate's presence would force the doors to slide outward and allow her to come inside of the space center, the heel-ends of her boots making fierce clacking sounds with every step inward she would take among the tile. Upon entering the building, it was clear that the situation was being handled in a much more serious manner than she anticipated; the evacuation was frantic, with scientists running around grabbing as much physical data that they could carry before quickly escaping out of the same glass doors that the supermodel had entered. Cordelia had caught a glimpse of the infamous delve into the stairway going into the basement after missing a closing elevator going down, which looked to have housed another member of the league, meaning that the underground areas of the building were likely to be covered. As for the rest of the building, the girl of white and red was unsure as to what needed the most attention and what would not, as she did not see anyone else make their way up to the higher floors (unknowing of and his ascent to the second floor that had occurred before her entrance). Reaching into her purse and pulling out a silver and yellow pokeball that looked to have golden flakes embedded into its glossy surface, she would press the button to release an array of bright light and electricity, which would form into her companion, Togedemaru. Swooping him up into her arms, the dragon trainer would quickly jog toward the stairs that pointed up toward the second floor while the last of the employees would evacuate from the lower floor, making it appear as if it were cleared and taken care of prior.

The stairs that went up to the second floor were quite steep, though they weren't the hardest to run up in heeled-boots; if she were in platform runway shoes that would be a different story, but luckily the length of the crimson boots made her feet able to be moved about almost freely. Upon passing the final step, Cordelia would be nearly hit in the face by an eccentric scientist carrying a computer down to the first floor in an attempt to salvage his belongings, his face giving off a small look of terror before quickly running down the stairs. 'That was close,' she would think to herself in a startled manner, her destination being met by a split in the path divvying up into many different hallways, all labeled. Most of the floor appeared to be occupied by scientists and employees scrambling about doing the same as what others were doing on the lower floor, though a certain hallway stood out to the girl more than the others- it was labeled to lead to the observatory, and only lead to a single room on its end which looked to be quite large from the size of its sliding doors. In addition to this, it did not hold many people inside of its designated hallway, aside from a few scientists removing binders off of bookcases on the sides of the walls. The people in the corridor of hallways looked to be able to handle their own while making their evacuation; what was left was the task of investigating the scene, and the observatory sounded like quite the place to do so. Walking toward the sliding doors and past the scientists that began to run toward the stairs, the large sliding doors would silently open upon the motion of Cordelia and Helio's bodies, shutting behind them in a similar noiseless fashion.

Upon entering the room, the crimson optics of the supermodel would widen in awe; like the doors, the observatory was massive and exquisitely beautiful. Themed in blue and gold, the first half of the room was coated in magnificent statues of ancient Pokemon and people, along with telescopes priceless in demeanor looking out the golden stained-glass windows on both sides. In addition to this, they all circled around a giant depiction of the world with rings of gold around it, slowly moving about and whirling around each other and the many statues of golden meteor-formations that hung from the ceiling. Stars were painted on the surface of the roof like butterflies on a canvas, which stretched across the sky to form constellations- but nothing was grander than the giant telescope among the other half of the room. Peering into the sky above through an open slit in the roof that could be set to both open and closed, multiple wormholes were able to be seen once again coating the sky like before, still asserting their presence upon the horizon. Bookcases lined the exterior of this side of the room instead of statues, stretching upward until they hit the ceiling. They were filled with books to the point where they essentially formed walls, their multi-colored spines making an array of colors shine from the reflection against the outside light and stained glass. It was one of the most magnificent man-made areas of knowledge that Cordelia had ever truly been able to witness. Her footsteps slowly pushed against the decadent rugs that lined the path around the statues and telescopes, not making a sound- it was as if the room was entirely empty and noiseless, the sound of panic unable to be heard through the industrial sliding doors.

Cordelia would scan the many depictions of space that surrounded her for any abnormalities, though none would explicitly be in sight; if there were anything worth investigating in this area, it would most likely be residential to the library-like area of the mega-telescope. However, upon nearing the side of books and stars, a faint yet abrupt clicking noise would slowly become audible from behind one of the bookcases in what looked to produce a small area of study. 'A scientist not bothered by the wormholes?' was the first thought of the supermodel, as it sounded similar to the clicking of a computer. But what if it wasn't a scientist? Inching her way closer while making sure to not make noise from her footsteps, she would begin to peer down the aisles of books that did not sound inhabited by life, but nothing stood out to her nor the electric type that sat among her shoulder. Would she be able to find a clue pertaining to the cause of the strange phenomena within the observatory of the Mossdeep Space Center?

wc: 1,168
note(s): Cordelia enters the building and releases her Togedemaru from his pokeball to accompany her on the inside. Making her way onto the second floor, she finds the doors to the giant observatory and enters; hearing a clicking sound coming from behind one of the bookcases that sits near what looks to be a study overlooking the ocean, she quietly looks for information and abnormalities, trying not to alert the mysterious entity in solitude of her presence.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2019 21:03:55 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar







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[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:400px;height:120px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;position:absolute;z-index:0;}]

mission details

[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:400px;height:120px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;position:absolute;z-index:0;}]




Stormy smiles, but it's a forced and pained one. Her mind is elsewhere, taking in the fact that although the basement looked as she remembered, nothing was the same either. [break][break]

The machine that they had helped power up all those months ago was gone. There seemed to be a film around the bottom, or at least perhaps some evidence that it had been there, and the two women weren't imagining things.[break][break]

Blissey would coo nervously as two individuals approached them, aggression plain in their tone as they addressed the two women as strangers. [break][break]

Like , Stormy would follow up with her own badge identifying her as League and the Lavaridge gym leader.[break][break]

"Yes. We have reason to believe whatever happened down here a couple months ago might be related to what's happening today. Do you know where the machine is?"[break][break]

Apart from them and the two strangers, it appeared that the Space Center had been effectively evacuated. The atmosphere seemed awfully eerie with how quiet everything was. It made her spine crawl with unease.[break][break]

Stormy would glance at Blissey briefly, almost as if asking without words if the medic Pokemon felt the same sense of urgency. [break][break]

> shows two strangers her league identification badge[break]
> asks the two a question about what happened to the machine in the basement[break]
> feels generally uneasy and shares her concerns nonverbally with blissey[break][break]





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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,093 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2019 6:39:36 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? hydreigon


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]dysha sylveon


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? lilligant


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina cutiefly


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]mishka altaria


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? bewear


She was following the greenette, spotting an elevator cabin—it was occupied at the moment so that was going to go on the ‘for later’ part of the observation. It wasn’t until Miss Isra spotted an open door and pointed it out to her did she understand what the other was planning.[break][break]

“I agree,” she nodded, quietly reaching for the offered phone—it was like there was an understanding between them.[break][break]

All too soon, they’d slipped inside the room—to be honest, she (well, technically he but we’re going on a tangent here) hadn’t been anywhere near this space center ever since her arrival to the region—but there was something niggling at her, that there was something definitely very wrong.[break][break]

Flipping the phone open quietly, she then figured out the camera and began to record as quietly as she could—hoping that they weren’t going to get spotted—because as it is, if she’d showed up as Alexei he’d immediately be asking like a million questions about why they weren’t moving out despite the orders to evacuate… were they really that self-absorbed in their work so much they didn’t care anymore about personal safety?[break][break]

And for that matter, the scenario looked a little too similar to one of those doomsday movies his ex-boyfriend loved watching so much…[break][break]

She then flashed a glance over to Miss Isra, wondering if they’d picked up on anything strange yet. The phone she held was recording quietly, and as a second, back-up option she’d set her own phone to record any and all audio conversations, cunningly hidden in one of the front pockets of her pink overcoat.[break][break]


the disguise, full visual.[break][break]

- is handed one of Isra's two phones[break]
- follows the greenette inside the command control center[break]
- starts to quietly record video with the phone given to her[break]
- also quietly records audio conversations with ‘her’ phone[break][break]


word count: 273; sneaky, sneaky



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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777 height
777 height
5,185 posts
part of
TAG WITH @spiral
iii.i mossdeep space center raid
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2019 2:51:58 GMT





wait, what? two whole gym leaders? the pair can't believe it and lean forward, squinting as they double check the badges for authenticity. after giving them a dubious look, they take a step back. the individual on the left crosses her arms while the male gives his partner a side-eye.[break][break][break]

"h-hey, they look legit."[break][break][break]

"so what? mossdeep space center is under the jurisdiction of ."[break][break][break]

"well it doesn't matter anyway. we don't know where this machine thing is—" the male turns toward them. "—we were just told to make sure nothing got left behind. a lot of the material here is precious and the data is priceless. losing a lot of this means losing years of progress and many people's life's work."[break][break][break]

"wait—if you guys are gym leaders then shouldn't you be outside helping fight those things back?"[break][break][break]


and sneak in successfully. the scientist are busy at work and they can overhear bits of their conversation as they work among each other.[break][break][break]

"what the hell are those things? pokemon?"[break][break][break]

"who cares?! all that matters is that shiv 13 is okay."[break][break][break]

"diagnostic reports say that something external has ruptured the main engine. the ship landed on the moon successfully but something is interfering with it. it shouldn't be space debris. landing mechanisms look good on our end."[break][break][break]

"fucking @leonardo said they're wormholes. what an idiot! that goes against physics as we know it. this is why—hey! who are you two?" they're discovered! a man glares at and , surprised and obviously disgruntled. "bah! who cares. just don't get in the way! we worked too hard to get this thing on the moon and now everything's gone to shit! goddamn monsters!"[break][break][break]

he turns back to his work, typing away at a computer. the screen is scribbled in mathematical algorithms. the raw text is understandable but none of it makes sense. it doesn't follow any type of math that either investigators are privy to.[break][break][break]

most of the screens detail what's going on outside. one shows being knocked onto the street before cutting into static. [break][break][break]

several show still images of the moon. a single rocket sits in a crater with the words shiv 13 painted across its body. on the closest of inspections, one that would require someone putting their face right up to the monitor, the shadow of what appears to be tendrils peeks out from behind the rocket. a small orange object is seen jutting out from the same corner. it doesn't seem to be a part of the rocket. [break][break][break]



the pokenger, the world's greatest detective, finds himself in the biology lab. along with his riolu, he'll come across a bunch of exhibits that hold various pokemon fossils. many are decorative and it's hard to tell which ones are real and which ones are replicas. a variety of cadavers sit in each lab, some being worked on to display a pokemon's anatomy, others being used to explore how certain specie's organs function. only one station seems empty. a lone microscope sits on the desk with multiple slides strewn across the platform. 's riolu will sense an aura the size of its palm but there's nothing there. the aura comes from a particular microscope slide.[break][break][break]

upon close inspection @rosario will be able to figure out that one of the books is not like the others. one of the books is painted to appear as so, more of a solid lever then anything else. pulling it will cause the bookshelf to shift just enough for her to weasel her way inside. what lies behind is a small path that leads to an empty computer room with a single individual typing away. there's what seems to be an elevator as well but sealed. there's no obvious way in. the only thing obvious is her presence should she choose to proceed. [break][break][break]


  • looks around and finds nothing of substance. finds some residue the insinuates that the machine used to be here. they question the two unknown individuals using their league credentials. they're told that the two unknown individuals are only there to make sure everything is gone. they ask the gym leaders why they're not out on the front lines fighting off the unknown pokemon.
  • swaps her hydreigon for her banette who vanishes with PHANTOM FORCE. she and sneak into the laboratory and go unnoticed. there is not much to hide them and eventually they're spotted. the scientist ignore them though, too busy dealing with their work. they catch a glimpse of some interesting bits of conversation and video.
  • is in his super hero costume and explores the biology lab with his riolu. the riolu senses an aura from one of the microscope slides in an empty station. the riolu can sense the aura but sees nothing.
  • @rosario makes it up the second floor with her togedemaru in her arms. she enters the observatory and makes her way to a set of bookcases. she hears a faint clicking and investigates. on closer inspection she can tell that one of the books is a lever and not a book. behind it is a secret room with multiple computers and a lone individual typing away. an elevator with no entrance is at the end of the room.


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