Steppin' on the Beach [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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nicodemus unken
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 1:15:10 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar

Cleaning the beach was a surprisingly welcome detour for Nico's day. Perhaps his chipper attitude was a bit odd, but there was satisfaction to be had in cleaning up the beach. Perhaps not a righteous satisfaction that would one could brag about- certainly not something he'd be mentioning to his family back home unless directly asked, but there came a certain amount of pride in cleaning up the area. Mostly because Nico knew how many Pokemon would benefit from a mere simple cleaning.

The sun was harsh, practically blazing, yet the harsh winds tugging aggressively at his hair carried a very cool, crisp wind with it. Perfectly refreshing. Though the wind might make the clean-up job more annoying... "You hangin' tight, Juvon?" Draped over the back of his head was his little yellow mouse, clinging to his trainer's hair as if his life depended on it. "...No reason to be nervous, bud. Swear that I brought you to the beach before..."

Suddenly a new thought struck him, and before starting his work in helping to clean up the beach, Nico threw out a pokeball. A brilliant flash of light, and his Skiddo was free. "Hey Lilypad! Did you ever see a beach before?" The normally plains-bound goat blinked two times, immediately in awe of the new environment as she pointed her nose downwrad to cautiously sniff the sand. Instantly regretting the act as she sneezed loudly, bleating in disapproval. "Eheh... yeah the sand is a bit shifty here."

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November 10
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Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 1:33:48 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Matt, always said, he hated the beach. At last sand. Annoying. Got everywhere. It's already between his toes. The water would be a better place to be. In there with his boyfriend, seeing him soaked... that made him trail off in thought. A dopey smile came to his face, looking like he was enjoying his daydream- until Kazzy barked and got his attention. The canine bringing him back garbage that needed to be cleaned up.

"Oh, huh? Sorry, what?" He looked at Nico, thinking he had said something to him and not talking to his pokemon. Seeing Lilypad out, he snorted at the poor goat being disgruntled over the sand in her nose. "Eh, why not make it a party?" He asked Nico, soon letting loose Nana and Dagger. Nana barking happily, rolling right into the sand. While Dagger made a face, going to climb on top of Nana to get away from the sand now.

"Well... aight then you guys."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 5:27:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
A beach-cleaning assignment was not Josh's idea of an exciting Ranger duty. He wanted to go hunt poachers, do sea rescues, or even chase away some unruly wild Pokémon. Playing janitor was far from why he joined the Rangers. It was better than patrolling a rural road for hours on end, saying hello to a traveler maybe once an hour. At least he could see tangible progress in his work.

The green-uniformed Ranger sat astride Aslan, his king Pyroar. He had learned to leave the Electric-types in the Poké Balls this close to the sea. One discharge, intentional or not, could be lethal or seriously injuring to people and Pokémon in the shallows...particularly from Pokémon raised by what could be arguably considered an Electric-type specialist. He surveyed the beach at a brisk pace, smiling as the lion galloped across the sands and left big pawprints behind.

The Pyroar had some additional cargo, as well; a box containing several large, fine nets at the end of poles. These would let Josh easily scoop up trash along the beach without having to dismount his Pokémon. As he made his first pass, Josh recognized a familiar face and an unfamiliar face conversing with one another. "Matt! Hey!" Josh shouted and waved, starting to slow the Pyroar to a stop near them.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good

{WC: 220}
{PC: 1}
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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nicodemus unken
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 23:20:29 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar

Observing Lilypad's disagreement with the sand did wonders for Nico's already-cheery mood. Laugh almost sounding like a giggle, watching as the skiddo shook her head about and then proceeded to bleat in more disapproval, clearly whipping up a speech about how terrible this place was. "Gotta get used to all fields!" Nico cheerfully warned her, taking the time to carefully stab a wrapper and carefully shove it to the trash. Matthew decided to join in the fun, and Nico briefly cheered on the two Pokemon's appearance, welcoming them, "Hiii Nana! Dagger!"

But just then, Nico was caught off guard by the presence of another. Someone calling for Matthew's name with no hesitation or doubt; clearly the stranger must have known him.

And that fact... disturbed him... Just a little bit.

"Uhh... Matthew? Is that... Do you know that person?" Nico asked, trudging the sand to stand by his boyfriends' side, silver eyes wide with concern and a tiny bit of intrigue. "He's riding a Pyroar...!!" The latter sentence came in a fierce whisper.

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November 10
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Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 0:02:10 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Matt had lost sight of Kazzy in the sand. The only thing left of him was his tail, that was like a shark fin out of it. Running around blindly within the sandy depths of the beach. Only shaking his head, at least he wasn't chasing any pokemon, or Juvon.

Nana did not seemed bothered by Dagger getting on her. Barking and going to lick the smaller canine. But all their attention was drawn to the fact at the charging Pyroar- and Nana stepped in front of the boys, protectively, at first. Until the scent of Josh hit her nose, snorting and then just flopping. No reason to watch if it was a friend!

"Vwh- Josh?" Matt was taken off guard too. Reaching a hand up to wave up at him. "Well, yeah, I know him. We met a few days ago... actually he was with me when I got Deemu. Did I not explain? oops."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 6:30:37 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As Josh approached a more populated area of the beach, he slowed the fire-type to a mere trot. He had to be careful with Aslan's speed; Pyroar were known for being fast, stealthy hunters, but this Pyroar was so fast that he had no need for stealth. "I knew you had volunteered to help out with cleanup at Splashfest, but I didn't know we would have a third! This one of your friends?" he asked Matt, who looked frightened of the glowing king of the jungle. "Aslan here is well-behaved, I promise." The moment he heard the Pyroar deeply inhaling, Josh tugged back on him sharply. He had caught it just in time, too; Aslan loved impressing new friends with his roar. "Not with this many people around! We can't go scaring the entire beach off!" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry if we scared you. If you're joining us, what's your name?" he asked the wide-eyed young man. "I'm Josh, a Pokémon racer looking to turn pro. In the off-season, I do work for the Rangers, as you can see." He scooped up an empty soda can with one of his nets and hopped off his mount just enough to throw the aluminum can in a nearby recycling bin and empty his net into a trash bin next to it. The two could clearly see the Pyroar decked in full riding gear, the lion's harnessing quite a bit more extensive than a more common mount like a Zebstrika. It was needed to keep the rider as stable as possible due to how much the fire-type's back flexed during a high speed run.

Josh pulled out an extra long-handled net not unlike the one he was using and gestured toward Matt. "How have you and Nana been doing? If you've become a lot more adept at controlling her since our race, you might find this useful. Should be able to get all the big stuff your small Pokémon can't get, and being on your Pokémon is a lot faster than covering the beach on foot." While the racer was merely offering a suggestion based on his personal preferences, he might have come off as a bit pushy to others.

{WC: 372}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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nicodemus unken
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 14:33:46 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar

“I-j-you- Josh?!” Nico’s sputters died down rather quickly when the stranger had soon approached, distracting them from the frantic tongue-lashing that Matthew was close to receiving. So much information was dropped in the span of a few seconds, it left Nico feeling absolutely blindsided! Matthew knew this fellow on a first-name basis?! This stranger-Josh-was apparently present for the capture of Deemu?! Nico got called a mere friend… He has a PYROAR- The blond looked like a wide-eyed child in that moment, looking from Josh to Matthew to ‘read the room’, as they say.

Yet for all the internal panic Nico’s mind suddenly went through, the arrival wasn’t entirely unpleasant. This Pyroar was an amazing sight to behold, and he loved it, seething with admiration and even a tiny bit of jealousy as his wide-eyed look soon softened into delight. Even if it was dampened a bit by confusion- Josh’s phrasing sounded funky to him. Maybe he was imagining it. As far as Nico was concerned, Josh was the one joining them.

But he wouldn’t argue semantics with a stranger right now. “Umm, hello, Josh! Good to meet you.” There was a pause as Nico waited for the other to throw more trash away, appreciating that they were all here to do the same thing. “I’m Nico, a pleasure to meet you and Aslan. I’ve never seen a Pyroar in person before!” He’d add a polite nod as well, briefly gesturing up toward the top of his head, “And this here is Juvon.” With how the sun shone off of their heads, the Pikachu on his head blended into his hair very well, especially when he kept his ears low and face hidden away. Something about the humidity in the air kept Juvon calm, even his tail was low as it dangled just above Nico’s back. “I have my Skiddo around too, but uh, she tends to ignore strangers.” True to word, Lilypad seemed to be making every effort to ignore the humans, instead pawing at the sand, and experimenting how it shifts beneath her hooves.

Josh’s follow-up questions caused Nico’s brows to raise in intrigue, arms crossing as he turned his head toward his boyfriend. The professional gear upon the Pyroar’s back hadn’t gone unnoticed; Nico was surprised to realize his boyfriend was seemingly inspired to try Pokemon racing! How interesting, a fact that hadn’t been brought up between the two just yet. “Huh! So, how HAVE you and Nana been doin’ with that?” Nico was smirking, and although he didn’t outright state anything, a tiny thread of sarcasm and dry humor could be detected in his tone. Is this yet ANOTHER thing you didn’t bother to tell me?

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November 10
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Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 22:58:29 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Oh. Oh no. He knew he was in trouble. One could see the sweat drops going down his face. Rubbing the back of his neck, he leaned in to give him a little kiss to the cheek. "Sorry, thought I told you. Dinner on me?" An attempt tp soothe his almost mad boyfriend. But he was just being dragged more and more under the bus.

"We raced when we were heading back..." Ooooof Nico might kill him.

Grabbing the net from Josh, he looked at Nana. "You wanna give it a whirl, girl?" Nana looked up with a questioning glance, then at the net. A brow raised, before a snort as Dagger crawled on her face to stare. Glaring.. ha, daggers towards the net. Before going off to go climb on Lilypad now, how rude.

Nana walked up, lowering herself down so she could be hooked up. "Yeah? Alright. You wanna ride with me babe? Or do you want to do something else?" Looking to Josh, he smiled. "Thanks dude, appreciate it."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 0:37:20 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Perhaps Josh's entrance was a bit overwhelming for a flabbergasted-looking Nico. After all, Pyroar were not common mounts. Especially not big males that looked like they could lead an entire pride of their kind. In the wild, they were very aggressive; even experienced trainers were expected to give them a wide berth. When Nico expressed interest in Aslan, Josh slightly nudged the big cat's sides with his knees, the two approaching and letting him get a closer look if he wanted. "Pyroar are some of the most versatile Pokémon I've ever ridden. You wouldn't think a big cat would have good stamina, but Pyroar can run surprising distances before tiring. Their claws make them good at turning corners, and they're very fast." Aslan let out a deep purr of approval that might have startled the others if they hadn't seen or studied the Kalos species much.

Josh's eyes shifted about as Nico introduced the remainder of his team. "I couldn't even see your Pikachu! He's well camouflaged up there," he remarked, immediately recognizing the electric-type's gender by his tail shape. The Skiddo seemed like she didn't want to talk to humans too much. "That Skiddo will serve you well. After she evolves, you'll have some quick feet under you if you ever need to travel a long way. That reminds me, I should check on Nitro, my own Gogoat that's stuck in Hoennian customs. Not now, though. There's a job to be done."

If neither of the other two would lead the way, Josh would take the initiative and begin combing the beach. "You're welcome, Matt! I try to come prepared." He helped get Nana set up before turning back to Nico and his Pokémon squad. "I have more ride Pokémon and another net if you need to borrow one, Nico. I'm not trying to cut either of you off; I like getting to know you two better. I'd just like to stay on task. That's all." His eyes shifted to his left and right, looking for any loose aluminum cans, plastic bags, or anything else littering the beach. He made sure to keep the Pyroar to no faster than a trot, as to respect those still using the beach.

{WC: 373}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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nicodemus unken
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 14:49:26 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar

Matthew’s attempt to soothe the blonde was quickly overshadowed by more reveals that he hadn’t been made aware of previously. However, steelie silver eyes examined the professional-level saddles, contemplated Josh’s advice and ultimately decided to take a breath. A short sigh let the budding ball of annoyance dissipate in his chest. Besides, how could Nico get legitimately angry with a Pyroar standing right next to him? It was impossible! “Just throw in some chips at dinner.” He’d softly murmur toward his boyfriend, sounding soft enough to get swallowed up by the ocean’s constant waves.

As if to make up for his quiet first-impression, Nico would smile wider at Josh, this time looking more genuine. “Your Pyroar sounds interesting, then!” He gave the fire-type a warm smile, admiring the beast but seemingly content to keep his hands to himself. The lion had only purred but still, Nico could sense the power within the ‘mon. Riding it, though… Josh certainly gave off the impression of a professional, all the way just receiving slow, interested nods. He didn’t know a thing about professional riding- much less races (and it’d be a lie to say that Nico wanted to partake in professional races). Regardless of profession though, one fact was undeniable here. “Aslan is so calm!” Well-behaved. “Did you two train together a long time? My biggest Pokemon is barely half his size, and she can be tough to work with. But she’s never really been aggressive or destructive, just aloof, which I guess I can’t complain about.”

A similar appreciation was shown for his own Pokemon, earning an easy-going smile from Nico as he’d nod. “Yuuuup, he likes hiding up there… Lilypad might get more social later; this is probably the first time she walked on a beach.” The trainer laughed, humming in intrigue as Josh mentioned having his own Gogoat; a nice treat of a coincidence to hear.

True to his words, Lilypad remained uninterested in the extra human and large fire-pokemon in the near-distance. Instead leaping in the air in alarm when Dagger had gone and buried himself inside her leaves. She spun and loudly bleated in annoyance toward the smaller Pokemon, until the shifting sands caused a stumble and the 'mon went back to ignoring everyone to paw at the earth.

Their pleasant exchange was slightly interrupted as Josh reminded the group to stay on-task. How amusing; even in volunteer work there was always some sort of over-achiever… Or rather, simply someone wanting to finish the job and go home. Can’t really argue with the good work ethic, even if Nico held an amused smirk. Until it disappeared quickly, and he looked somewhat startled with the offer. Another ride Pokemon? “Oh- that’s okay, I…” A bit caught off guard at how this task suddenly turned into a ride task, he’d default toward his safety net, “I’ll ride with Matt. Frankly, I’ll probably get too distracted.” The admission came with a sheepish chuckle to keep his own tone light. Nodding gratefully to Matthew’s offer, Nico would climb carefully upon Nana’s back after his boyfriend was settled. Cautious and a tad awkward, as he was out of practice, but certainly knowing the basics of how thanks to his upbringing. So glad the Kumori farm had ride ‘mons…

“How many times did you and Josh meet? Was it once, or twice?” There seemed to be no spite or malice in the question; merely pure curiosity as Nico peered over Matt’s shoulders.

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November 10
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Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 19:59:30 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

The dreaded chips. Oh no, he really made him upset to be demanding such a salty treat! Batting his red eyes at him with a puppy face, he just pouted. "Alright." He would never tell Nico no, so there would be so many chips at dinner that night. So. Many. Chips.

Letting the two converse, Matt turned to stare at Dagger. Giving them a look as they disgruntled the goat. "You know not everyone wants you climbin' on them." He huffed towards the canine, who only turned to stare at Matt with a bland face. Waving their paw at him dismissively. Matt clenched the imaginary pearls at his neck. "How rude!" The fake exclamation finally though, caught the attention of the puppy that had buried himself within the sands.

Kazzy perked his head up, blinking towards the sudden abundance of people and pokemon. Eyes going wide at the giant cat.... before his eyes went on the tail.


But he looked to see Matt and Nico getting up on top of Nana, whining as he ran over to them. Dancing around Nana's paws and doing his little dance to try and get up there with them. "Aww, there you are. Will you get him, Nico?" Kazzy kept whimpering, he wanted up high!

At Nico's question, Matt only huffed. "It was one race." The little pout could have been cute.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 3:13:01 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Nico seemed to be overly interested in Aslan's riding gear. It wasn't that Josh couldn't ride his Pokémon "raw"; he was more than capable of controlling his Pokémon with the bridle of trust alone. He just preferred the tactile control that riding tack offered. "We've known each other for a long time, Nico," Josh answered. "I had him for a couple years before he would let himself be fitted. While there are plenty of Pokémon where riding without it is okay, you have to have tack to be on a cat." He guided Aslan to the closest trash can, dumping the contents of his again-filled net in there before setting the net, and his backups, on top of the two bins.

Josh and Aslan had worked hard enough to take a quick break to demonstrate what they were all about. Behind them, the area they had already cleaned up had a wide open path; there were a few sunbathers close to the grass, and a few more close to the waves, but there was a wide open stretch of beach where the Pyroar could let loose. "Let's go for a little run, Aslan!" He turned the fire-type around and squeezed his sides. The lion entered a swift gallop - not quite racing speed, but enough to show he could really zoom.

Once Josh felt he was far enough away from them, he yanked on the Pyroar's reins to command a 180. The obedient predator kicked up quite the cloud of sand reversing direction, Josh grunting from the force of the turn. The two charged toward their original position, Aslan's back flexing harshly yet Josh was fairly stable. He was still bouncing around a fair bit, but his saddle, optimized for felines, played a big role in keeping the rider stable enough to control the speed. "Whew!" Josh whooped. "That never gets old!" He coaxed the fire-type back toward the recycling and trash bins he had left his nets at, restocking them.

"I've had to deal with an aloof Pokémon myself," Josh related Nico's story back to him. "I didn't bring her here, but one of my first racing Pokémon was an Absol. She keeps all her thoughts bottled up. Is this Pokémon of yours also an Absol, by chance, Nico?" he asked. "Even after being caught, Absol tend to be introverted."

{WC: 396}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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nicodemus unken
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 20:56:45 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar

Matthew’s little exchange with Dagger hadn’t gone unnoticed by Nico, and it honestly made him giggle. A small, short little laugh, but still a laugh, nonetheless. The man could have his secret silly moments at times, especially with their Pokemon.

Sitting atop Nana was always a treat, honestly, once he got past the initial awkward step of clamoring aboard. One could easily forget how big the Pokemon was. They loomed over the earth now, easily doubling their height if not more. Nana hadn’t even begun moving and Nico was already excited, which meant he could certainly relate to the excitable puppy down below. Smiling brightly down at the puppy-pokemon, Nico held onto Matthew’s shoulder as he leaned down, his other arm outstretched for the puppy to reach for. “C’mon bud!” Kazzy would get pulled up by the front paws or the scruff of his neck, although he was cautious around those sharp edges.

“Mmm…” Nico hummed in intrigue as Josh went into more detail. Before today, he hadn’t even considered that there would be different, specialized saddles, yet he was not the least bit surprised as Josh shared this knowledge. It made sense. “I never thought about how stable certain ride Pokemon would or wouldn’t be.” He said, raising his voice in order to be heard over the crash of the ocean, and thankfully having the self-awareness to not yell into Matthew’s ear. Josh and Aslan abruptly seemed to go for a short run, and Nico took the time to resume their half-neglected job. Snatching a grabber tool for himself, he’d pluck up a wrapper out of the sand, briefly observing the duo go on their high-speed run. He’d seen his Pikachu run at high speeds before, but nothing like this! ”Damn.” Was all he’d say to Matt.

Nico flashed a welcoming smile as the racer returned, even seeming to share in their experience with aloof Pokemon, “An Absol! No, mine happens to be an Umbreon, but kinda crazy coincidence that they’re both dark-types, huh?” His smile was wider, looking fond, ”I’ve read a lot about Absol’s in the past before; definitely heard a lotta things… They look like gorgeous ‘mons with a lot of personality.”

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November 10
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Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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Matt Vice
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 21:47:01 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar

Matt was busy adjusting the net ties to Nana while Nico busied himself with tugging up Kazzy onto the back of Nana. The pup came easily with his paw, barking and licking Nico's face in pure excitement. Tail wagging rapidly behind him as he went to wiggle himself into Matt's lap in the front. He sat at the head of Nana!

It caused Matt to get scooted back right into Nico. Turning to him a little flushed face, to steal a quick kiss to his cheek, and his focus going back to Josh. "Once I get better handling on Nana, we can go so fast it's like we're flying, but better!" He said, seeming very excited over this, an emotion he didn't show much.

"I can't wait to show you."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Steppin' on the Beach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:59:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Though that little distraction was fun, Josh did need to get back on task. He led the way through a more populated section of the beach, several children staring at the Pyroar-mounted Ranger in awe. The lion was for sure an unusual mount, but it was not unheard of. They were fairly popular with intermediate level racers, and pros would occasionally take them to courses that tested an extremely wide variety of skills. It was rare to see them at the highest levels of competition, though; the species was a jack of all trades, but only an expert at raw speed.

"That's actually the precise reason why you see Rapidash, Gogoat, and Zebstrika so commonly used as mount Pokémon," Josh explained to Nico as he snatched two more aluminum cans buried just far enough in the sand to prevent them from being blown away. "Compared to a feline like Aslan, their backs move hardly at all. I didn't bring him here, but I have a Zebstrika. Once we get off work, I can show him to you. Or stop by my Gym north of Mauville City sometime. You'll definitely see him there!" Sure, it wasn't a Major League Gym, but Nico didn't need to know that...yet!

Josh couldn't help but laugh when he heard Nico's remarks about Absol typically having a lot of personality. "Sorry if I offended you," he apologized. "I just find that viewpoint ironic. My Absol is the most introverted Pokémon imaginable. I can never tell what she's thinking. But that's what makes every Pokémon unique - just like us!"

Josh took note of Nana being loaded up with most of the duo's Pokémon. He remembered the horrible riding accident Matt and his Arcanine had near Fortree City. "Remember what I told you, Matt. With great speed comes great responsibility," Josh chided with a fatherly tone. "Until you're used to the speed, have you thought about investing in a cocoon saddle for Nana? They're normally for flying Pokémon like dragons, but you can get them made for Arcanine too. They wrap all the way around your waist and prevent you from falling, but they restrict your movement a lot more. It takes a lot longer to get out of it, too. Just a suggestion." Josh used to have one for his Dragonair, but grew out of it as his skill improved. He wished he had still had it on Resheph for that fateful Extreme Speed ride with ...

{WC: 412}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good