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Sweating in the morning. Sweating in the afternoon. And, you guessed it, sweating in the evening. Only during the night did Derek find himself catching a break from the heat, though he did his best not to complain too much.
The excavation of Hoenn's desert was nothing new. However this time word of mouth allowed a bit of information to garner Derek's interest. Something about murals that seemed to resemble ancient times depicted in history books.
But Site 01 was small, and the excavation had already completed some weeks ago. But the going theory was that they only found the tip of the metaphorical iceberg. More was buried in the sand, perhaps closer than they thought.
Derek had been out here for seven days now. Just him, his pokemon and the occasional visit from his employer's liaison or a rogue ranger. It was peaceful. Well, save for when the wild pokemon were disturbed by his efforts.
Having gotten nowhere so far, though, Derek was being pressed for results. Site 02 had found some broken vases and the like amongst the sand, suggesting they were close. Petalburg's gym leader had found absolutely nothing. But rather than give up, he decided to call for some help...
tags annalise henderson[break]
excavation site 03
the desert (route 111)
template by
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