PFL Playoffs: Veilstone @ Heahea [PUB][C/Amor]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
PFL Playoffs: Veilstone @ Heahea [PUB][C/Amor]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2023 13:13:25 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Listening to the other man talk about that, he just smiled as he reminisced a little about people he had challenged who had stomped him into the dirt. Well there was only man like that, and Amor was frustrated he would never get a rematch with him. The Gold Standard for the League, and he was gone to parts unknown, probably keeping the entire world intact, if he had to guess. So he just chuckled a little.

"I don't think there is such a thing as being weak. According to you, our battle was very one sided correct? And to a degree perhaps you are right. However there was a man I faced once, in the Hoenn Star Tournament. He was someone I considered a good friend, and he beat me without breaking a sweat. I was nothing more than a child to him. Does that make me weak? Does that take away from my strength at all?" He posed the question to no one in particular as he let take a sniff of his Negroni before taking a sip of it himself. "I think there are just varying degree's of strength. To lose to someone doesn't discount your achievements." These were lessons Amor had to learn in order to grow.

Someone who was weak today could be strong tomorrow, and it was because of that he had decided there were no weak people. There couldn't be, still he wanted to take another shot at his friend just to see how far he had come. If he had even managed to catch up to him a little bit, but given how that man was an Avatar, Amor doubted it. Then there was that spectral horse. Amor hadn't even fought the legend that he was bonded with. He was a sore loser at the end of the day, and he wanted nothing more than to prove that he had gotten stronger since then.

"I will say this. No one can help you get strong, or better. Sure you can think that, people can teach you, and point out your shortcomings. But it is ultimately up to you to find that sort of thing on your own. Borrowed power is meaningless if it is ever taken from you." And then he was rambling, and he chuckled. "Ah forgive my musings, must be the alcohol, I don't drink often." He said taking another drink of the Negroni.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
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Josh Devlin
PFL Playoffs: Veilstone @ Heahea [PUB][C/Amor]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 15:58:23 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"It was," Josh reiterated as he listened to Amor's recounting of the battle. "Wow, great stuff. Sometimes I have thought to myself to try an adult beverage once, but I can't bring myself to do it. For some people, just one drink is enough to push them over the edge. I'd rather not find out." Amor's point was valid, too. Even among Gym Leaders, every single one of them had their strengths. in his adaptability. in his raw strength. and his agility in the skies. "No matter how strong a trainer is, though, every single one has chinks in their armor. And winning battles is all about finding the chinks in your opponent's armor. It's a constant information and self-improvement battle."

Amor's point was precisely why Josh wouldn't consider his dream completely fulfilled until he completely held the Beast's metaphorical reins in his own hands. The one ride he got on Raikou was unforgettable and showed just how many shortcomings he still had to patch up.

Josh's attention turned back to the game after Veilstone miraculously converted a huge kickoff return into a touchdown just as the two-minute warning sounded. While it wasn't enough to tie up the game thanks to Heahea ultimately getting within field goal range and kicking one through the uprights on their previous possession, they still had one more hope. "It's a long shot, but Veilstone can still turn this around. Their only way out of this is to attempt an onside kick. If they can recover an onside kick, they've got a chance."

4th QTR 2:00
VEI 21
HEA 24

{WC: 261}
{PC: 9}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Janus          Espeon          Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
PFL Playoffs: Veilstone @ Heahea [PUB][C/Amor]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2023 15:32:02 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor just smiled when he mentioned that everyone had chinks in their armor, that would be where their philosophies diverged because Amor didn't believe that everyone had chinks in their armor. As he downed his drink, and listened as the man continued to explain the sports game to him, he mulled over his response. Amor knew for certain that there were people in this world that just had unfair strength, and had really no chinks in their armor. He had met them, and even fought a few of them. Everyone liked to believe that humanity was created equally but the truth of it was that they weren't. It was a fact that everyone would have to accept at one point or another, and whether they broke from the knowledge or not would determine their own strength.

"I don't think that is the case. Sometimes there is a person that is near perfection, where everything you do is completely meaningless in the face of them. When faced with someone like that, and believe me they do exist, you have to get a bit more creative than just trying to exploit perceived weaknesses." He chuckled easily, and soon he noticed the time, it was getting a bit late, and there was a club nearby that he wanted to go to before it got to late. Perhaps he would find some female companionship for the night. Standing up he called the waiter over, and paid for both his meal, and Josh's.

"Just don't get into to much trouble before we get to have a rematch." He nodded to the man, and then without another word he left the diner before Josh could continue to explain the game to him. It had been an interesting conversation to have with the newest Gym Leader at the very least.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
PFL Playoffs: Veilstone @ Heahea [PUB][C/Amor]
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 4:38:31 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Before Josh could respond to Amor or thank him for picking up the tab, the older man was gone, leaving the Gym Leader alone to watch the end of the game. He had called the play correctly: Veilstone did indeed attempt the onside kick, but were unable to recover the kick. Heahea had excellent field position and clock management, running the play clock all the way down to one or two seconds on every single snap. They quickly ran the Sinnoh team out of their timeouts, running the ball downfield a few plays at a time before scoring one last touchdown.

Without enough time to score twice, Heahea would be advancing, and Veilstone would be eliminated. That would be a tough matchup for Goldenrod to overcome, but it wasn't impossible. The game over, Josh stood up, slid his chair in, and left for the evening, another great sports bar to add to his list.

VEI 14
HEA 28

{WC: 154}
{PC: 9}
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PFL Playoffs: Veilstone @ Heahea [PUB][C/Amor]
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 8:36:25 GMT
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