i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 10:57:30 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

[attr="class","contestTitle"]闘魂 (toukon)



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
👺 One Piece - Moon Princess


produced a flute from his elegant robes, musically accompanying Toothless’ dance of rain, thunder and draconic pride. The symbolism was not lost on the audience. Even the mysterious Kabukihime was moved to tears, almost ruining her identity-obscuring makeup. “How touching! A storm is nothing for this Dratini! We humans could learn a lot from Pokémon!”
mounted her large Gyarados, a combination of Earthquake and Power Whipping demonstrating the true power of the leviathan’s namesake. The spectators were amazed by the maelstrom of dust and rocky debris, yet their reaction was lukewarm compared to last round. Had their sensories perchance overloaded with too many spectacular performances in a row?
continued to showcase why he was the best aviator in Hoenn, having his Salamence deftly dodge a downpour of Rock Slides. The azure dragon even Mega Evolved, anihilating one of the boulders with its Dragon Claw. “Indeed, Dragon-type Pokémon are among the TOUGHEST!” Kabukihime concurred.
made a very convincing case about parenthood being even tougher than carrying groceries or opening pickle jars. If ’s Kangaskhan were here, she would’ve nodded in agreement, but Kabukihime was a different person entirely and she definitely didn’t have a Kangaskhan to cheer for Papa Dragapult.
salvaged her lackluster introduction with an impressive main act, her pink little Mudkip smashing a boulder that was several times bigger than it was. Kabukihime briefly broke character to give a round of applause. “I (watashi) take everything I said back! That Mudkip over there must have Rock Head as its ability!”
The flamboyant performer thrust her open palm forward, her painted visage hardening. “Alright, I (boku) have seen enough! Our venerable actors have shown everything they are capable of, but they shall have one last chance to stun the audience with their swelling TOUGHNESS!” The woman announced, boisterously posing alongside her Aggron.

Appeal Phase

Use the roll command when you post for each round. The number that you roll will determine how many appeal points you get for the given round.
Players are prohibited from using salac berries, but each participant may have one free reroll in the thread.
Furthermore, entering this contest with a Pokemon that belongs in the monster and/or dragon egg group(s) will add 10 to all of your rolls (cannot go higher than 100).
The character with the highest total of appeal points at the end of the last round will be crowned the winner.
1-10: one appeal point[break]
11-20: two appeal points[break]
21-30: three appeal points[break]
31-40: four appeal points[break]
41-50: five appeal points[break]
51-60: six appeal points[break]
61-70: seven appeal points[break]
71-80: eight appeal points[break]
81-90: nine appeal points[break]
91-100: ten appeal points




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 14




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[break]TOTAL: 13




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 15




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 14




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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

[break]TOTAL: 16


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 1:30:57 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Now how was he going to top this last one?

Well, everyone was tough yes, but of course that also meant that they were also vulnerable, also themselves at their very core… how was he going to do that, though?

There were several more ideas that were spinning around in his head, but he then decided, at the end of it all, to make it as simple, yet as impactful as possible.

So the stage was dark once again, and this time he himself walked out alone, holding up a small little candle that barely illuminated the space where he stood. No spotlights, no nothing, just him on the stage holding the candle—thank goodness for the lapel mic he was wearing.

“To be tough is to—also be human, or in this case, be a Pokémon,” he began quietly.

A singular roaring noise from off-stage would then have him blow out the candle, engulfing the stage in darkness—before a swooping noise would come and literally take him off-stage, before a spotlight shone upon the two of them, him literally riding the Salamence like it was a hover board, nothing like the safe flying he’d been doing earlier.

“That’s why I’m thankful for my partner here.”

And it was here they would make their most daring flight—the Salamence suddenly banking straight upward, with him seemingly holding onto nothing while they made the ascent, seemingly into the heavens; relying on sheer flight power at this point—

Only for them to loop back down and around the crowd overhead like a magic carpet ride before coming to a graceful landing on the stage proper.

“And through everything, we face the tough world. Together!”

+10 for Dragon egg group!

Salamence is still mega-evolved!

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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2023 0:14:39 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar
Ashley Shepard Avatar

we tried, homies!
One last chance to woo the audience. One last chance to show the crowd what they are made of. If Ashley got better, and thought to exercise, maybe he could tattoo a dragon on his back, and then toss his haori off with reckless abandon, showing them how tough he was, with Toothless giving off another dragon dance. But no. Ashley wasn't buff enough for that. Next year, maybe.

What was toughness? What is it in the grand scheme of things? What does it mean to be the toughest person in the room? Ashley knows the answer.

So he speaks for the first time in the contest.

"To be tough is to allow vulnerability within oneself. To weather the storm we call life and come out a stronger person. To stare into the face of defeat, and accept it, even if we were to win in the end." Toothless would uncoil from Ashley's neck as the little dragon scarf that he was, as his trainer spoke his truth.

Toothless is too small to ride. But Ashley smiles, as the little Dratini begins to SHED SKIN, leaving behind what it once was. With a snap from Ashley's good hand, another THUNDER WAVE comes from the old skin of the Dratini, as the little blue snake emerges longer, stronger, more than they were before.

He just hopes the symbolism isn't too heavy-handed.

"Even something as small and cute as my Dratini is tough." The Dratini DRAGON RUSHes back to Ashley's side, and attaches back like a scarf. Ashley ruffles the little wing on its head, and remarks. "I hope my performance has shown that. Thank you all."

Ashley bows, with Toothless doing one himself from the trainer's neck, the skin shed from Toothless a reminder of that.

+10! Ty Dragon-Type!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2023 7:12:23 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Dang. These performances were really good. Eva’s once comfortable lead had now faded back to make her neck and neck with the remaining competitors, “We need to REALLY sell it this round, Tempest!” she enthusiastically claimed, trying to pump up the Gyarados for the third and final round. Despite having pulled out all the stops the first two rounds, Eva was confident they could (maybe) take home the grand prize!


Time to wow them with the power of the Gyarados!


Eva mounted her pokemon, clinging to the serpent’s fin for stability. With a confident nod, she ushered Temperst forward towards the stage.


This round needed no introduction. After all, the power of a storm didn’t give you fair warning. The wind howled as a mighty HURRICANE kicked up across the stage. The pokemon curled through the gale force winds, adding a measure of AQUA TAIL to the powerful attack to make sure it looked like a real Hurricane. What was a good show without fireworks?


Settling in the center of the raging storm, Tempest arching her maw upward. Pillars of ICE BEAM shot towards the sky, quickly followed by the numbing force of HYPER BEAM. The crystalline structures exploded in the air, shattering into glittering dust that rained over the audience.




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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2023 15:31:51 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Now that's more like it![break][break]

Even though they hadn't been shaken before, the positive reception for this round has Luka and Taffy's spirits soaring. Fully invigorated, and with confidence completely restored, they approach the final round with their hearts burning and heads held high.[break][break]

Of course, this means that they have to continue to up their game for the last appeal! With a deep breath and a little nod towards her partner, Luka steps back onstage and prepares to wow the crowd once again.[break][break]

"You've seem all forms of toughness tonight," Luka begins, while Taffy stomps his little feet towards the center of the stage. "I think it's clear now that strength doesn't just come from raw power!" As she speaks, Taffy turns away from the crowd and begins to focus, her eyes shut tight as a rumbling begins behind the stage.[break][break]

"True strength," Luka continues, even as the floor of the stage begins to quake dangerously, "Comes from using your power in every form! The courage to face obstacles head on, the humility to allow yourself to be vulnerable, and most importantly, the compassion to use your strength for good. The toughness of my bond with Taffy is greater than any force out there, and we'll prove that tonight!"[break][break]

With this final declaration, Luka steps back and glances up at the ceiling, very careful to hit a specific mark on the stage.[break][break]

Suddenly, rock and ice crashes down onto the stage in a dangerous barrage, but Taffy leaps in front of her partner boldly, using her tiny body to protect Luka from the onslaught. However, the barrier that she erects is shrouded from the audience by all the falling debris, and the audience gasps as it appears that the pair have been buried under this avalanche.[break][break]

But just as suddenly, rock and ice is blasted away around the team and disintegrates into dust. Chunks of ice are reduced to naught but glittering snowflakes that float gently over the crowd. And there, at center stage, stands Luka— completely unharmed, while Taffy stands tall and proud (or at least, as tall as she can!) as her protector.[break][break]

"It's the strength in our bonds with each other that are the most enduring, and the toughest form of love that there is," Luka says with a grin. "Thank you Hoenn, and goodnight!"[break][break]

KF8|fdlU (+10)

notes: mudkip uses rock slide, avalanche, and barrier[break]
using reroll!


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2023 16:42:35 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

[attr="class","contestTitle"]闘魂 (toukon)



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
👺 One Piece - Moon Princess


wowed the audience with his most daring aerial display yet, quite literally surfing on air by riding his Mega Salamence like a hoverboard. “Do not try this at home, little ones! Only the TOUGHEST trainers can pull this maneuver off!” Kabukihime commented for the kids watching, who may have been thinking of replicating the Fortree Gym leader’s moves. Of course, the message they were trying to get across was important too. Him and his partner had only been able to pull this off because they trusted each other unconditionally.
, despite his very strong opening, was sadly lagging behind. He still gave the closing act his all, or rather Toothless did, shedding its old skin in order to grow slightly bigger and noodl-ier. “Behold! That Dratini has halfway completed its journey into becoming a Dragonair!” Kabukihime boomingly declared. “Just as Pokémon evolve and become stronger, so too can humans grow TOUGHER through hardship!”
told her Gyarados that they needed to sell it this round, and sell it they did! A roaring Hurricane engulfed the stage, followed by pillars of ice, and topped with a devastating Hyper Beam that violently tore through them, making diamond dust fall over the audience. Kabukihime extended an arm, catching one of the falling, glittering particles in her palm. “What a ferocious display of TOUGHNESS! And how beautifully it ends!”
wrapped up this round’s performances, and the contest as a whole, having Taffy’s Barrier shield her from a rain of icicles and rocky debris that laid waste to the stage… Or it would have, if it wasn’t made from such sturdy material. This contest hall was TOUGH in its own right. “Thank you, Luka-chan and Taffy-chan! What a way to conclude this contest!” Kabukihime remarked as even more diamond dust rained inside the theater.
The audience anticipated the results with bated breaths. This competition had truly come down to the wire. In the end, it was announced that was the winner of the TOUKON TOUGH CONTEST, him and his Salamence having shown a fighting spirit that burned slightly brighter than that of the other performers.
“Congratulations, , and everyone else that made it this far! With TOUGH warriors like these, Hoenn’s fate is in good hands!” The flamboyant performer mused, before vanishing in a cloud of smoke along with her Aggron, leaving the winner and the runner-ups to bask in the adoration of the crowd.




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 23




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 19




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 23




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[break]TOTAL: 26


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2023 3:47:56 GMT
shiv Avatar



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP