The Road to Hell [Interdream]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 18:46:33 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji couldn’t disagree more. ”Nah, you just don’t get it. When you’re stuck here, in a place where anything can kill ya…That’s when you really know who you are.” He said as he looked at the back of Meowscarada.
She had the idea of what to do after seeing Gallade, backing him up naturally, flower trick; a bouquet that exploded in a singular moment, right above the pokemon and returning her to a grass type. But that didn’t give her a moment to rest as she saw the electrical discharge.
The electric burst came just as fast as she swapped with Gallade.
She took the blow; the leaves on her body were singed by the sheer force of that blow, but she could take it as she hit a knock off; a darkness that covered her entire form, and finally erupted from her hand.







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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 18:58:46 GMT
Navy Avatar

Civilization just gives people the luxury of pretending that they’re good people.” Navy agrees with Kouji wholeheartedly. It is an assessment of human nature that only ones such as them, who were and still are forced to live in the dredges where the rules stop mattering, can possibly make. Most people’s lives are simply too comfortable. It is a fanciful fantasy. A first rate fairy tale.[break][break]
A beautiful lie.[break][break]
And there’s nothing wrong with make believe or wishing on a few stars.” Kouji has seen his heart, just as Navy has seen Kouji’s. Their wishes are fundamentally different. Two sides of the same coin. A past where character was promised further definition. A future where mankind can prosper, free of the mistakes of the past. A truth understood and defied versus an ideal of struggle.[break][break]
While two trainers muse about what once was and what may yet be, a chivalrous knight sways his cape in the wind. He dances again. A mere backup dancer to the magician, letting her put the pressure on their opponent. She is doing fine, and his swords grow sharper yet from the dance.




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played by


August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 1:17:59 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji couldn’t help himself as he looked at the sight in front of him. ”People give themselves the excuse that they’re good people.” That’s exactly why he went into being a dark type trainer, the species of pokemon that represented embracing one’s darker side…
But that wasn’t why he had fallen in love with that type, it was because they acknowledged themselves for exactly what they are.
”Wishing on a star is the dumbest thing you can do as a human. Want to be like that star instead, the thing others are wishing on.” Whether you were a star of destruction, or a star of hope; Kouji knew now there were two sides of that coin, and he would destroy the other side of it one day.
Just not tonight, for that other star was his ally.
The darkness receded as she felt the electric charge built up once more. But she was ready in that moment. She was covering for it, and met the electric build up with a bouquet of flowers that blew up, a clash that led into an explosion of force.
A single opening.







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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 1:32:44 GMT
Navy Avatar

A moment’s opening is all he needs. Roland seizes that moment for all it is worth. He advances forward, charging with a roar of triumph. The energy collects along the edge of his arm and he cuts. He tears apart this monster, sending viscera across the battlefield. His blades have grown sharp indeed. Sharp enough to flay. Sharp enough to kill. Roland is not, by nature, a killer, but today he must kill. There is no other recourse. He channels sound and fury into his blade and ends this.[break]
A lesser warrior would allow his strength to go to his head. Roland is no lesser warrior. A knight tempered in ideals. Vortigern is stronger. Tanwyn can soar the skies. Ironsides is a wall. But none have mastered themselves the way that Roland has. This form is one of his own choosing. His life is one informed by his own decisions.[break][break]
And the world breaks away. They are caught once more in a far-flung world of tomorrow. This time, it is Hoenn as a utopia. A perfect world. Orderly citizens pass them by, dressed in suits not dissimilar to those worn by the aliens that invaded the region some years before. They pay the warriors and their Pokemon no mind.[break][break]
Not everybody can be like us.” Navy says to his partner. “And there’s nothing wrong with that. It takes all kinds.”[break][break]
Outside of a department store stands a robotic version of Delibird. It waves at children passing by. A friendly, jolly robot. That is, until it notices the two talking. Waving at them, it tosses out a present at Roland and Meowscarada. It explodes in a shower of ice.[break][break]
What’s up with these things? They’re just getting weirder and weirder.




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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 1:44:43 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji hated what he saw next, a society that worked like a singular well oiled machine. It looked out at him, and he felt the rejection immediately. Everyone knew their place, everyone knew their role, and everyone’s lives had been decided in a moment. It was something he could see as someone who was rejected from the moment he was born…No forced outside of it the moment he was born.
It was disgusting.
”They’re fake. They’re like living dreams.” Kouji said, it was like he could smell their truth. ”I hate it. I saw two of the same one before…It’s like it was reflecting my heart, it looked like Hydreigon.”
Kouji looked at the iron bundle, the pokemon that waved to children. ”Destroy it Meowscarada.” Children didn’t need something coddling them, being soft to them, having things given to them…For nothing.
It was something that he hated more than anything else, and he couldn’t really understand why either. It was like it raised all of his hackles. He looked at the creature, and his pokemon began to move; it was something that represented both her strength and her weakness.
She charged forward, a Pollen Puff that she shot forward, and then raced through just as a beam of ice had hit her; healed, and hurt in the same instant which allowed her to fight even quicker.
But she followed it with a fists covered in pink; her knees, her feet, and then she charged; throwing attack after attack. Calling merely “playing” rough was wrong, she was being violently rough.







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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 1:51:46 GMT
Navy Avatar

This battle can be called anticlimactic. Meowscarada, independent of Roland, seems to finish the job. One decisive blow. Playing rough. The machine short circuits. That’s the end of its short existence.[break][break]
Only now do the citizens of this world notice them. They look at the two strangers like the people of Hoenn must have once looked at the invaders from a foreign star. They scream high pitched screams and start to run. Cogs have been thrown in their well-oiled world. Terror and fear rule the roost. Kouji has shown them his dream and their response is to flee.[break][break]
I’d rather live in a dream than a nightmare. Let people keep dreaming.” He says as he recalls the great mistake of his life. Navy allowed his little brother to prolong his childhood right up to the moment where he died. It’s tragic.[break][break]
Neither has time to recover. Spotlights rain down on them from high. Navy covers his eyes. A trio of flying moth-like Pokemon look down on him. They hum their strange message, not one of peace, and they sound the alarm. More are coming. More Delibirds advance on them, bearing their strange gifts.[break][break]
Looks like this one might get bad.” Navy says. Roland is already teleporting up. There is no time to heal. He tears at one of the floating Iron Moths with more of his furious close combat.




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played by


August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 3:52:14 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji looked at Meowscarada as the world changed; it wasn’t the world, but what was coming to take over. The birds above, the issues above; it was as if they were evil gods looking down on their machine world. Like the DELIBIRD overlord looked over each interaction, from the lesses atom, to the greatest maverick, and decided each interaction.
”I’d rather stay awake.” Kouji’s answer was simple. ”I can’t handle anything fake, I hate it more than anything else.” He could handle honestly regardless of whatever color it takes.
It was the truth of it, even as the bird, hung over them. He didn’t back down in the slightest. ”They’re strong, beyond strong. Get ready guys. Form a line, create trenches.” Meowscarada who knew his tactic knew what she needed to do.
Without Absol, it was a far more difficult task, but she did; dived into the earth, and threw her bouquets up into the air and then created holes into the earth that connected to each other; the humans which ran were turned into sprays of blood. There was no reaction from Kouji, but they were fake to begin with.







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[newclass=".gunstest6 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 4:47:11 GMT
Navy Avatar

…Roland, can you believe this guy?” Navy asks. They’re in the midst of hell. Birds rain down presents upon them. Iron moths douse them in fire, only staved off by Roland throwing out a life-saving glob of life dew to douse the flames?[break][break]
Dreams are fake?! Where’s a guy get off saying stuff like that? Hell, if we weren’t in the middle of this mess, I’d give you a punch in the face right now, just for that!” There’s fire all around him. Chaos in every direction. A blizzard threatens them from one side of this futuristic street, hellfire from the other.[break][break]
What’s a human without dreams? What’s the point of living if you can’t think about a better tomorrow?” He punches the air, up at Roland. A signal to attack. A signal to advance.[break][break]
Something that doesn’t dream, well, you can’t exactly call it human, now can you? Something that just fights to survive, or fights because it has to, that’s not a human! That’s just an animal! Dreams are what separates humans and pokemon from animals! So to hell with being awake! I’d rather dream all day! I’m gonna dream myself a better world! I’m gonna dream my way to a world without Rocket, a world where I’m the Top Champion.”[break][break]
Roland teleports. He’s on the back of the Iron Moths. His psychic blade skirts along their frames as he jumps from monster to monster. His blade is like a streak of rainbow light. A rainbow road meant to be walked by dreamers.[break][break]
I’m gonna dream us up a future where we kick these guys’ asses! We just have one Pokemon each?! Nice, I like them odds! We’ll fight ‘til we’ve given out! I’m not about to lose out to this sea of dreams! Not when I’ve got my own dreams to fulfill! Roland, I order ya! As your trainer! Give. Them. Hell!”[break][break]
And so the Gallade does. He never stays in one place for too long. His flame burns twice as bright. Neither he nor his trainer consider the possibility that flames that burn this bright burn half as long. The Gallade puts every ounce of his own spirit into this battle. It’s a battle of truth versus ideals.[break][break]
The truth of humans is that we’re dirty creatures! But that’s why you make. Your. Own. Truth!




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played by


August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 6:45:11 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji found himself spitting at the floor; it was disgusting, so self serving, the words this Navy spoke; so starry eyed. It was the thing he couldn’t handle about this person’s past, it was dirty, it was unclean, it was tragic, it was similar to his own, and yet he sought for a bright, starry future, the future of Dreams
”Then I’d rather be an animal.” Kouji’s answer was simple, it was straight forward. ”You hear this guy Meowscarada?” He said with a smirk, his voice was filled with amusement, mirth, a bit of joy. He wanted to knock those silly thoughts out of this man’s head.
”You actually think we’re any different from animal, pokemon and humans aren’t any different. We just delude ourselves into thinking it, dreams are just delusions, they’re not a road…They’re a crutch. Only reality matters, and the things that your fists can strike. I’ll strike down any illusion that will get in my way.”
”You don’t make any truth, you just destroy everyone elses’s until your own is made, show him what that is.” He spoke with confidence, with certainty, he was aware of it, and he would make it come true.
Because that was the only thing the animal known as Matsubara Kouji would be able to do.
”You’re too silly, now, take them apart, bird or not.” He said as Meowscarada did her dance, she began to move; switching with Roland at his height as she failed to keep up; and yet, she took the first strike to her chest.
Because being a creature without dreams was to be a creature that lived and existed surrounded in wounds. She threw her first bouquet, it would always hurt far more than it should have, it always struck at a creature’s core, because as a Flower Trick…It was the thing that acted as a gift, as a ticket to one’s heart, as a false dream, before the final explosion showed it was a mere lie.
It was a move that showed only the harsh cold reality existed.







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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 15:45:16 GMT
Navy Avatar

They’re being overwhelmed. That’s the reality of this predicament. The creatures of this sterilized future are coming for them, line after line. Every monster destroyed is replaced by another living paradox. If these creatures are made by humanity, then Navy has to admit: mankind has gone too far. They’ve delved too deep. The people were all wrong, too, as he saw them scurrying away like rats. It was like, for the first time, the light of recognition had been forced into their eyes. In this false reality, a future that may be, he roused a sleeping desire to live within them.[break][break]
A shame he won’t be around to see what happens next. They’ll be gone. If not now, then later. Roland is back on the ground, surrounded by an army of false Delibirds. They blow icy cold breath on him. They toss presents. They blast him with water. Yet still, he stands. He screams out his defiance against fate.[break][break]
Guess that proves I’m not some illusion, ‘cause you’ve punched the hell out of me today and I’m still standing.” Navy reaches into his pockets. There’s still a trick left to play. Several, in fact. He pulls out a flashbang and throws it out. Roland sees it coming and teleports out of the circle. The birds are all stunned by this, reeling from the effects of the blast.[break][break]
Not far behind is a sticky glob. It expands and keeps them all in place. The birds protest. They whine. They cry.[break][break]
Give ‘em heeeeeeell!” Navy yells at his wounded Pokemon. Roland cuts once, twice, again, a hundred cuts. His fury cutter does not stop, tearing through the stunned army of robots. Gears, cogs, circuits, and wires fly like guts across the battlefield. Roland is sprayed in the face by their strange oil, closing his eyes and continuing to cut.[break][break]
Navy looks up, wondering how Meowscarada is handling their side of the battlefield.




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played by


August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 17:42:54 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji couldn’t help but release a chuckle at that; it was true. He was indeed real, he had been hit, had hit, and here they stood; battling against an impossible future with impossible odds. But that was perfectly fine, he had seen impossible things throughout that day.
This was just another moment.
Taking four poison barbs Kouji threw them forward; and Meowscarada seemed to know just what to do with it as she caught in her quickly forming Bouquet, a true flower trick, concealing horrible things; through the rush of water; she threw it up and forward as a Hydro Pump hit her.
Then it exploded into a purple mist within a moment, sharp petals cut across the air, and barbed thorns coated in poison.
Then order broke as she managed to crawl her way out of the ribbon of water.
It wasn’t over just yet.







[newclass=".gunstest6"]--accent:#ACDD70;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]

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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:41:38 GMT
Navy Avatar

Roland is bloody. He is battered. Not beaten. Not broken. While no boxer, he has not heard a bell. He will keep fighting until the evening bell tolls his name. He’ll fight until he dies.[break][break]
He’ll fight even after he dies. He resolves to go on, no matter what, for his trainer, as the mist rolls over them again. It’s the four of them for a few moments. Just the four. Two trainers, two Pokemon. Their violent time in this world has ended.[break][break]
And then, they are in a violet world. A primordial place, without the rules of civilization. An open, honest battlefield. People dying for their beliefs, and for their lack thereof.[break][break]
It is not just Roland that has resolved to fight, even after his death. Black smoke rises off of the bodies. Navy and Roland look on as the black mist forms into several specimens of Misdraevus. No, that’s wrong. Their manes are long and fluttering behind them. Like spectral fairies of death.[break][break]
They turn upon Navy and Kouji…[break][break]
They open their mouths…[break][break]
And they fire off massive blasts of moonlight.[break][break]
Navy and Kouji should be dead to rights. It’s the primordial power of nature, coming for them. Taking them to ask. If they want to talk about dreams of a better world, they have to fight to bring that world into reality. If they want to shatter dreams, they have to have the strength to slap them awake.[break][break]
It is Roland who saves them. He jumps in front of them. It’s meant for them, all the fury of that blast. He looks back at Navy as moonlight blasts his body apart. He screams in his own language. He urges his trainer to not forget his way.[break][break]
FIIIIIIIII-” He is consumed. The blasts fall short of Kouji and Navy, but he is consumed.[break][break]
Roland!” Navy screams. Once more, he has last something. His heart catches in his throat. Where there were four, now there are three. There is no trace left of his Pokemon. The Fluttermanes are closing in around them. They look upon the two humans and the remaining Pokemon. Soon they, too, will join the dead.[break][break]
In this world, it’s kill or be killed.




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played by


August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:51:07 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji hadn’t believed the sight in front of him, for the dead of the ancient past to rise up; to come up to be so many, and to take down the breathing. His eyes were squinted by the light, by the power of the blow, of everything.
There was one less soul, but.
”Get up.” He said to Navy; there was no kindness in his heart, they were warriors on the battlefield. The time for tears wasn’t now, not right now, it didn’t matter what was lost. ”If they cook us, then your buddies’ death will have been in vain. He was a real warrior, don’t disgrace it by losing heart now.” He said as he clenched his fists, he could think of those he had lost this day.
The cute, innocent eyes of his Eevee was the first, it had made his heart churn, that had been his first, his very first pokemon, there while he slept, while he cried, and he had seen her be turned to paste, he understood that pain more than he wanted to admit.
But now, that filled him with even greater determination, the loss of something gave rise to something new, something unique, something that was one of a kind. ”Meowscarada, buy us time.” He asked of his pokemon who changed her typing once more.
Charging forward with a knockoff before the leading Flutter Mane could fire another one of those Moonblasts, sending it flying over their heads harmlessly. They’d have to fight themselves, so Kouji raised his tired, exhausted fists.
One last blow, that was all he had in him. That was what he was going to throw, even if it were a simple ghost, his rage, his anger, all of his sorrow…
He would put into a singular blow.



-Interdream 2




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[newclass=".gunstest6 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 19:17:17 GMT
Navy Avatar

What is it with you and fighting?” Navy remembers Gabe asking him. They were younger, then. Life was good. Summer was going to last forever. He’d gotten into another scrap, another back-alley fight to raise some money.[break][break]
I guess it’s just what I’m good at.” He admits with a shrug. “We all got our strengths, kid.”[break][break]
Use your brain some, Navy! Train that muscle!” And so he did. He trained his brain. Learned to see with his eyes instead of fight with his heart. And where did that get him? What grand prize did his deductions earn Michael Navidson?[break][break]
They placed him here. At the drain leaking out the underside of reality. A place man is not meant to tread. Surrounded on all sides by Pokemon, no, monsters that should not exist. They are surrounded. Just like Gabe was surrounded. Navy has fallen to a knee. Kouji speaks to him. Urges him up…[break][break]
Navy is faced with a choice. Does he stay down? He spends every day telling people about the dreams he has. About how he’s going to make Gabe’s dream come true. How he’s going to defend Hoenn. Yet he drinks. He poisons his body. He cries. He mourns. He stands still. He stagnates. The world passes him by. He’s faced with a simple decision.[break][break]
If he stays down, he dies. There’s no real shame in that. It’s a simple fact. If he can’t take the pressure, he can crumple. That will be the end of Michael Navidson’s story. Someone else will take his place. Lopez will stay champion, or someone else will replace him. Navidson Solutions will be forgotten. He’ll be forgotten. Gabe will be forgotten.[break][break]
Or he can stand. He can blaze. He can be the creature he has been pretending for years that he is not. He can burn the candle of his life down to the wick, until he is spent.[break][break]
Navy digs his shoes into the ground beneath him. He rushes up. He throws out his fist into the air, rushing to hit this creature. A futile effort, he has no Pokemon. Ghosts can not be harmed by a conventional attack. Navy cries a cry from the bottom of his soul.[break][break]
Navy’s hand glows blue. A second hand punches behind his. Faster. Stronger. A second voice cries out. Navy looks behind him and there is something standing there. A tall warior.[break][break]
Proud. Willing to face this horde. Willing to fight until it dies, just as Navy is. This great beast jumps past Navy and unleashes a flowing flurry of rapid strikes upon the Fluttermanes.[break][break]


+ 150 MP



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played by


August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
The Road to Hell [Interdream]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 19:31:27 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji understood; that he couldn’t look back, a warrior would rise, and he knew that Navy would, he didn’t doubt it. He saw the pain the man had gone through as easily as he had felt the fists hit his skin. His only objective was those enemies in front of him, after seeing those memories, after all the fights of that day.
He felt exhausted, he was in pain, blood had been spilled from every part of his body. Even now he could barely see through the swelling of his own eye, he could barely make out a single thing in front of him, he could barely even step forward. He couldn’t breath, his lungs felt heavy, his throat hoarse. His mind was addling, his thoughts were swimming, and his eyes seemed almost empty. But he wanted to punch something.
Really Hard
It was a rage that controlled his fists, even when he himself was of a sound mind; he felt it in his fists, as if they were guided towards being swung, as if they existed in order to be swung, as if that was the one and only thing they existed in order to do. It was that rage that eminated from it now, a black, a deep black and purple flow started to disperse from it in that moment, and he stepped forward.
A man’s fist couldn’t reach them, as Meowscarada was blasted back and sailed over his head, Kouji understood that fact full well.
But he still stepped forward, his front foot slid forward, his back foot propelled him in a singular step, his leading arm was braced sidewards, his shoulders were tightly knit together, his chest squared, his shoulders wide, and his hips tensed.
Then he stepped down, and all of that tension, all of that momentum, was instantly converted to a singular blow. A blow…
That sailed before the Flutter Mane, he was just a half step out of reach. It was natural, with his left eye so swollen, his depth perception was gone, and yet; there was a great explosion of force regardless as a fist reached over his shoulder, as it crushed the face of a Flutter Mane and sent it reeling backwards.
It was a singular, Wicked Blow, and the creature to which it belonged to, a cruel warrior that never offered mercy.
And together they fought.



-Interdream 2




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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