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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 17:49:47 GMT
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"I don't know how to get him to the next stage," Robin explained. "I know baby pokemon take a while to get going, but I feel like he's experienced enough in the last few months to evolve by now. What do you recommend?" The daycare worker hummed thoughtfully at the question, turning to grab a pamphlet. As she offered it to Robin, her coworker barged in from the backdoor, out of breath.

"I do not have anyone else who can take these eggs from us, Lea."

"Oh?" Robin's interest was far too piqued. The daycare worker explained quickly that they had more unclaimed eggs than ever from their clients. The daycare workers frequently took unclaimed eggs and raised them personally, but they were all at capacity at this time. "I could take one off your hands," Robin offered. "I could use more practice raising pokemon, but I'm familiar with the basics of it from my Ranger training. It might help me get closer to Toxel, too." The daycare worker sighed with relief, looking at her and the man who just walked in.

"How would you feel about adopting an egg, too?" She asked .

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 3:32:18 GMT
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Josh was a little more apprehensive than Robin was about taking random Pokémon eggs to hatch. His career required him to raise exclusively a specific subset of Pokémon. That subset was not large, encompassing less than one in five documented species. He would feel awful to care for a Pokémon egg, only to see the young within be heartbroken from his lack of willingness to raise a Pokémon whose fully-evolved form could not wear a saddle.

Such was being the Mauville Gym Leader.

"That's a lot harder for me, Robin," Josh admitted, "especially if the Pokémon can't be identified from the markings on the egg. Some Pokémon have distinct markings on their eggs so you can tell what's inside them. Most are too similar to tell apart, even for experts. They seem desperate to move them, though. I don't think I can say no."

Behind him shuffled the feet of quite the large Linoone, obviously bred for extreme size. On its back was a heavy-looking saddle that covered most of its sun-facing fur and raised a rider nearly a foot off the normal-type. He seemed more than able to handle it. Strength was not the issue with riding one; the problem Josh had to get creative to find a solution to was that the tan Pokémon was only about as tall as a kindergartener.

{WC: 231}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Screech       Linoone        Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 17:14:12 GMT
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"Very desperate," the daycare worker added after Josh's response. Robin bit back a laugh, admittedly amused at the situation.

"We're the ones for the job," Robin asserted confidently, jabbing a thumb to her chest. "The type of pokemon in the egg changes how you care for it a little bit, but the basic tenants of egg-raising apply to all of 'em. We gotcha." She confidently approved an egg for the two of them, feeling excited at the prospect. Her siblings had raised eggs before, and had won contests for guessing the eggs inside (damn psychics), but Robin had never had any interest in it before becoming a Ranger.

The initial daycare employee, Lea, went to the back and retrieved two eggs, gently handing one to each of the Leaguers. "Be cautious with these," she warned out of habit.

"They'll be fine," the desperate daycare worker insisted.

Robin grinned ear to ear as she turned to Josh fully with her egg safely cradled in her arms. Then, she finally took note of the large Linoone. "I literally didn't know those were rideable. Dude, you are so full of surprises." She held out a hand for the Linoone to sniff. She couldn't disguise her awe. "One day, I gotta see your whole collection of ride pokemon. I bet you've got some crazy ones." She was considering evolving her Golett to have a strange ride mon her own, but she had not had any luck in evolving her pokemon at all so far. As the daycare workers behind them returned to their duties, Robin let out the question she'd been dying to ask.

"Okay. What are you naming your egg?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 5:20:51 GMT
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Robin's sweet talk landed the two Pokémon eggs. While the younger Ranger seemed to be more excited to hatch said egg, Josh remained much less enthusiastic about it. Shrugging, he accepted the egg with reluctance, unable to tell by the markings on the outside what would hatch from it.

As Screech sniffed Robin's hand and bumped her if she allowed it, Josh gave the normal-type a gentle pat on the head. "Had to get a bit creative to make it possible, though; they're too short to ride bareback." Her remark about the Gym Leader's menagerie reminded him of the day he took to his Gym and they rode around on most of his Pokémon. That was when he had only fifty or so to pick from. By now, that number had doubles. There were simply too many to show in a single day. "Might need a whole weekend, but if you've got the time, we should make a little vacation out of it!" he sheepishly answered.

Josh froze when he was asked what the egg would be named. "I... I..." he continued to stutter. "I would have to know what's in the egg before I gave it a name. It's... the way I am."

{WC: 207}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Screech       Linoone        Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 18:04:33 GMT
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Robin laughed as Josh proposed it'd take a weekend to see all his ride pokemon. He was likely not bluffing. She wished she had a collection of ghosts that was that expansive, but it would come in time. "Well, I can definitely make time to see all your favorite ride pokemon." She wasn't sure if he had the capacity to pick favorites. She always insisted she couldn't, though her first pokemon, Munchlax, would always have a very special place in her heart.

"No name, hm? Not even a Josh Jr.?" She looked at his egg, then at hers. "I'm calling this one Chance. It came to me by chance, after all." She beamed, beatific at her name choice. She wasn't in a habit of naming pokemon because they were their own entities, but if she raised one from an egg, it's identity would always be informed by her presence.

"I wanna see if it's translucent enough in the light to betray what's inside!" She stepped out of the entrance of the daycare and held the egg up into the sunlight, looking at it from different angles to see if she could catch the form inside, but the egg shell was thick. "Dang. I thought the shell would be thin by now. These eggs aren't fresh, so they shouldn't be far from hatching..." The egg design was too indistinct to betray what was inside.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 5:20:16 GMT
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Josh was indeed not bluffing. One of the hallmarks of his Gym's challenge was using a Pokémon of the same species the challenger brought, to give the illusion that their challenge would be on a level playing field. He laughed at Robin's correction. "I have a lot of favorites. Let's make a day out of it. Perhaps some weekend when we're not both busy." Between Josh's service hours with the Rangers and his Gym, he was one busy man. He could not wait to afford to take more time away from work. He needed time to himself more often; moments like this were precious to him anymore.

"When you meet more of my Pokémon like Screech, you'll understand why I'm waiting until it hatches," Josh reinforced. Bonding with a Pokémon regardless of its species, capabilities, or even knowing its identity took a different kind of heart than the one the Master of Faster had. As his title would spell out, Josh was loyal only to speed. Whether that be by making a traditionally slow Pokémon fast or a traditionally fast one even faster, that was what he liked of Pokémon. If he caught a Pokémon that couldn't keep up, he would donate it to a cause or release it back into the wild.

Rather than see how thin the shell was, Josh put his ears up to the shell and felt it for movement. As he tilted it to one side, he felt a thrust from within the egg, knocking him off balance for a split second. "Feisty little guy. That's a good trait for a really speedy Pokémon to have. Aggressive Pokémon usually make the fastest mounts. It's like riding a thunderstorm."

{WC: 291}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Screech       Linoone        Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 0:21:46 GMT
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Robin wasn't surprise Josh had so many favorite ride pokemon. He'd always struck her as someone who had a big heart. Robin liked her pokemon, but her greatest bond was with Munchlax, and it was no contest. "Riding a thunderstorm sounds fun, but how can you control a pokemon like that?" Her most difficult ride pokemon, Hydreigon, was easy to ride because of its agreeable disposition. The Hydreigon was unusually mellow for its species, and she had done nothing to tame it; it just allowed her to ride.

Talonflame and Decidueye were too standoffish for her to even try. She should fix that, but she'd barely broken in Drakloak. Thankfully, he'd evolved with their bonding, and he was much comfier to ride as a Dragapult, even with the Dreepy co-riders. "It feels like you have to adjust so much for pokemon personality," Robin mused. "I've had Gengar forever, but his trickster nature makes it hard to get him involved in anything serious. I can only bring him in when I need him to cause a scene or trick a pokemon to buy me some time."

She held the egg to her chest, hoping to get an inkling of its personality like Josh had assessed his to be feisty. She was no psychic like her family members, but she was pretty lucky so far in relying on her intuition. She felt like the egg was... whimsical? "I bet this thing is a pokemon I've not encountered before." She wished she had a list of recent visitors to the daycare to see what possible species hers could be. "You might not know what to name yours, but.... What if I name mine JD?" Perhaps inspired by him, but he'd given her a lot of guidance in her brief time as a Ranger, and it would be a fun reminder of how she came across this pokemon.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 7:59:23 GMT
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Josh grinned at Robin's first response. If she really thought riding a thunderstorm was fun, he could oblige. "So one of the Pokémon at my Gym is Raikiri. He's a Zeraora that moves more like a traditional cat... for instance, how a Persian would. That's as close to riding a thunderstorm as I'll ever get." While he didn't explicitly offer Robin a ride on the mythical thundercat, she may have been able to put two and two together on the day they met up.

The Gym Leader didn't answer the first question, sensing a follow-up one. He was right. "You hit the nail on the head," he nodded with a smile. "It's all about learning how you and your Pokémon connect, and what you can get out of each other. When I was breaking in Kokusho, my Hydreigon, he had three sets of halters on him, one for each head. That's how traditional Hydreigon riding tack works. Eventually I figured out he only wanted to be controlled by his main head. Ever since then he's been... I wouldn't exactly say tame, but I don't get sore riding him anymore." Every now and again, though, that Hydreigon would buck Josh. Hard. The cocoon he wore amplified that force, too, often times having to take a day off afterward. He felt bad for his pen pushers at the Gym - those poor people who had to call everyone and reschedule their appointments.

Josh shrugged at Robin's proposed name. "What you name yours is up to you. I won't judge you for it. It's not that I don't want to give mine a name; I just want to know what's inside the--" he cut himself off as he felt another kick from inside the egg. "Wow. I've hatched a lot of eggs before, and it's pretty rare to get one this energetic. I think whatever is inside this egg is going to be a real challenge to raise." While they were waiting, the Gym Leader headed to the back, checking on a Litleo he had left there a while ago. The cute lion cub was ferrying a Scorbunny around the playground, playing rodeo with the excited, long-eared fire-type.

{WC: 366}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Screech       Linoone        Good
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January 5
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 19:11:34 GMT
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"Zeraora? And you don't take him everywhere?" Mythical pokemon were so rare and such a testament to a trainer's will and experience if captured. She was surprised he didn't keep Raikiri with him all the time. She made a note to herself to harass Josh about it later; she absolutely wanted to see Raikiri in action. Maybe getting a better look at his team would help her get more comfortable with the idea of challenging gyms, though she still wasn't sure it was in the cards for her.

She hadn't tried to ride most of her pokemon, but her own Hydreigon's uncharacteristically mellow demeanor had made him an easy ride despite the species' reputation. She was rather lucky her most difficult wrangling had been from Drakloak, and it was primarily caused by how awkward it was to ride him while he crawled through terrains. Larger now, Dragapult was easier to sit on, and he was more agreeable to it since she often let him go as fast as he wanted. "With all the trial and error you go through with ride pokemon, I'm surprised I don't see you in a cast more often."

She laughed good-naturedly, following him as he checked on the Litleo. She loved watching daycare pokemon play together, though she often did not leave hers here unless they clearly needed attention when she was completing a difficult chain of missions and couldn't spare the time. She opened her mouth to comment on the nature of his egg when hers jolted in her hands, creating a crack at the top. "Oh snap -" She held the egg far from her instinctively, like one might hold a pot that's boiling over suddenly. "Oh no, I didn't think this would happen so quickly." She hadn't prepared herself emotionally.

She took a breath, then brought the egg closer to her. She stared at the crack but resisted the instinct to push or prod at the pieces to speed up its process. That could damage the pokemon inside; she knew that much, at least, about egg hatching. "I guess these had really been left behind for a while. No wonder the workers didn't want to hold onto them any longer."
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 5:42:46 GMT
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Josh chuckled at Robin's remarks about Raikiri. "As it turns out, it's very challenging to raise as many Pokémon as I do. As much as I'd love to have him with me all the time, I have to give them all the time they deserve. I do carry him with me more than any other Pokémon I have, though. There was a day I used to believe he really was Raikou." It had been so long since he had to keep his passion for the Johto Beast a secret. Since he ascended to be a Gym Leader, nearly everyone in Hoenn knew that he revered the god of speed.

The chuckle grew into laughter at the Ranger's second remark. "Some of them can be pretty feisty; Kokusho, my Hydreigon, bucked me off on more than one occasion. Especially with flying Pokémon, you gotta have a second one backing you up. A fall when you're at altitude is not going to be pleasant." Neither was the buck-off itself from a Pokémon as strong as a Hydreigon. They had some serious muscle behind them.

Seconds after the crack formed in Robin's egg, a piece of eggshell flew toward Josh's nose as his own egg jumped in his hands. "They must have been," Josh remarked, setting the egg on Screech's back so he could more easily brace. Another piece of eggshell flew toward a Clefairy at high speed, causing the fairy-type to let out a yelp. It was only a matter of time before the Pokémon within were born.

"Just what's inside them?" the Gym Leader asked with bated breath.

{WC: 272}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Screech       Linoone        Good
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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 19:08:02 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A FINIZEN HATCHES FROM YOUR EGG!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE OR FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] WATER VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]HYDRO PUMP
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DRAINING KISS


[attr="class","wildnote"] CONGRATULATIONS!



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A SINISTEA HATCHES FROM YOUR EGG!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE OR FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] CURSED BODY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]AROMATIC MIST
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]GIGA DRAIN
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHADOW BALL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ALLY SWITCH


[attr="class","wildnote"] CONGRATULATIONS!

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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 19:08:19 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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