shadow self [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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samsa, kafka, nika
august 26
slateport city
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
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TAG WITH @nikola
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 20:19:16 GMT
new mauville itself has an oppressive atmosphere, even outside their current location. the entire place is dreary, and the workers there barely acknowledged the group of three as they made their rounds. there'd been reports of something more going on in that area, but as to exactly where, nobody was sure. the whistleblower hadn't been much help; all they could say was that there had been lots of electric type pokemon brought in recently, but none of them had left.

finally, after much searching, they sniffed out the culprit. there was a lab on one of the lower levels, cut off from most of the power plant. nikola used their reuniclus's psychic to override the security and force the door open just enough so that they could enter, then withdrew the pokemon in the name of stealth. gathering information was nikola's priority, because if something strange was going down here, then they'd need to know who the culprit was. hiding in plain sight like this meant there was more to it than just a rogue actor; whoever was behind it likely had influence and, more importantly, funding.

(nikola frowns at that thought, a passing memory rising unbidden in their mind before it's whisked away too quickly for them to reach it.)

the place they've arrived at is only a small portion of the underground, and yet it's stacked with cages. many of them are empty. from within, nikola can hear the buzz of electricity, as well as what seems to be at least two humans discussing something. they look at josh and andrea and put a finger to their lips, indicating that they'd like them to remain silent... though whether they follow that recommendation is, of course, up to them.

[ ]

it doesn't take a rocket scientist... MISSION START!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 7:18:54 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
TO: (
CC: (; (
MISSION: "Shadow Self"
DANGER: ★★★★★

A whistleblower has exposed the location of a Rocket laboratory beneath the last-known location of the legendary bird Zapdos, at the power plant beneath New Mauville. A double agent is being held in a prison cell within the laboratory. We've put a Datathief in your supply bag. If you attach the Datathief to their mainframe, it should override their security and download the information we require.

We also need you to retrieve staff and subject ledgers to help us pin down who is responsible for this operation. Lastly, we need you to exfiltrate our double agent. It is critical that she escapes alive. You are authorized to destroy the base if necessary. Consider all military personnel expendable.

Your objectives are as follows:

A) Gain entry to lab area
B) Obtain personnel ledger
C) Obtain subject ledger
D) Download data from computer
E) Escape with double agent

Good luck! We're all counting on you.

Why in the world did the League keep assigning Josh these stealth missions? He wanted them to see his strengths and put him on operations where his speed shined. Not that he couldn't here; he had Pokémon that excelled at speed in tight quarters. He just didn't have as many.

The Gym Leader took a deep breath in front of and ; he would be heading the operation. Taking out the Datathief from his pocket, he handed it to them. "Nikola, you're best with tech. I think you should operate the Datathief once we find their mainframe. Leave the fighting to Andrea and I. We're experienced. Very experienced."

While his Sygna Suit would make him stand out, he needed the added power and protection it gave him. The Pokémon he brought with him to trigger the suit were two of his Pyroar deadliest in close-quarters combat: Kion and Vitani, a male and female. The female bucked and kicked as though she were trying to unseat someone, thrilled to see some action. He withdrew the two for the stealthiest Pokémon he had on his team: a Salazzle. Even with Josh seated on the poison-type's back, Fire Eyes moved in nearly total silence.

"Andrea, Nikola, need me to go over the briefing again before we head into action? The margin for error on this one is really slim, and our Pokémon's lives are at risk here. Not to mention our own."

{WC: 420}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Fire Eyes     Salazzle       Good
Kion          Pyroar         Good
Vitani        Pyroar         Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Braver        Arcanine       Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
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Andrea Vaneau
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 9:43:12 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Welp, Andrea would play the role of a secret agent today, even though she had no formal training. Apparently, her League Endorsement was all she needed to qualify for the job. If Josh thought he was bad at stealth, then Andrea’s full body Hydreigon costume was as far from stealthy as one could get.

Despite being in her Sygna Suit, she kept Chomper in his ball as a last resort. Messing with electronics sounded more like a job for Chomper’s robotic twin, the Iron Jugulis looking right at home in the abandoned power plant. “If there’s any Electric Pokémon down here, Mecha-Chomper will sniff them out. They can sense electricity!”

Like a dog tracking someone’s scent, Mecha-Chomper followed the trace of electricity left in the empty cages all the way to a sealed door located deeper within the facility, hovering towards it like a Venomoth drawn to a lamp. The futuristic Paradox Pokémon moved without making a lot of noise, save for the soft buzzing and whirring of its inner machinery.

“I think it’s found something already. Should we follow it?” Andrea whispered to the others in a questioning tone. The elite ranger’s suggestion of a debriefing had flown right over her dragon-hooded head.
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samsa, kafka, nika
august 26
slateport city
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
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TAG WITH @nikola
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 19:10:55 GMT
nikola feels rather underdressed, being the only one who doesn't have a sygna suit. they accept the datathief from josh, handling it gingerly before pocketing it. since their encounter with the swamp megalopolans, they've been a little more proactive in trying to help out with tasks like this around the region. one might call them foolish for it, and they'd probably be right. but sometimes it takes a fool to get things done. if nobody rushes in, then it might mean nobody will go at all.

for now, they're not rushing, though. they nod to josh and andrea. they tried to bring pokemon more useful for a stealth mission, and so as andrea speaks they're already fingering flammula's pokeball. "i'll use shadow sneak to ascertain where the scientists are," they say quietly. that way they can follow the iron juggernaut without fear of running into someone who will sound the alarm.

they release their typhlosion, who immediately melts away into the shadows. the lab itself isn't particularly large, so it's not long before he's returned from his scouting. for such a large pokemon, flammula still manages to move silently. is it because he's a ghost type now? the typhlosion blinks at the three of them, and then nods and points in the direction the voices are coming from. he shakes his head and crosses his front paws in the shape of an X, indicating that that route is blocked. the other path he gives a nod, indicating that he found nobody there.

"alright," nikola whispers. "looks like the coast is clear... let's go." they'll follow the iron juggernaut where it leads them, the voices dropping off in the distance.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 7:09:29 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Iron Jugulis blended in with the facility's machinery, the Hisuian Typhlosion could fade in and out of the material world, and the Salazzle could crawl in near silence even while bearing Josh's weight. While the trainers were far from stealthy, the Pokémon they used to scout were! Having a Ghost-type to look down the twists and turns for them was invaluable for the trio to remain undetected. Law Enforcement wouldn't allow all three of them on this mission if they didn't think a lone operator could do a better job. It seemed that they expected this one to turn violent at some point.

Turning a corner, Josh took a peek through a small window in the middle of a sliding double door. At rest between two computer stations was a clipboard, two Rockets facing away from the desk. As the Gym Leader and his Salazzle attempted to slide the doors open, a computerized voice faintly echoed around them: "Please swipe a Clearance B keycard." Nodding, he didn't say a word. It was clear what they would have to do, and he didn't like it.

Fire Eyes' mouth glowed with the tip of a FIRE LASH, ready to perform a takedown in an instant.

{WC: 205}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Fire Eyes     Salazzle       Good
Kion          Pyroar         Good
Vitani        Pyroar         Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Braver        Arcanine       Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 10:08:47 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
A locked door stood before the trainer trio and their coveted goal, and the only way to get through it was with a Clearance B keycard. Rockets sure loved their keycards! The Salazzle seemed ready to choose violence, but Andrea had a slightly different idea.

"Mecha-Chomper, use Electric Terrain."

The Iron Jugulis generated a yellow-tinted field of electricity that was harmless to humans, but short-circuited every device in the area, including the door's lock system--unlocking it.

Somewhere, a Rocket grunt was probably wondering why his phone stopped working just as he'd been watching funny Meowth videos on the internet.

The young PokéManiac turned to the others with a prideful smile. "That should do it! Now I guess we should... get in and say hi?" She meekly proposed.

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samsa, kafka, nika
august 26
slateport city
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
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TAG WITH @nikola
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 23:30:52 GMT
the door's systems fail; the lighting in the facility fails as well. inside the room, the two scientists are their computers jolt and let out a slew of curse words as the world falls dark around them. next it's all a matter of sliding the door open and creeping inside, as stealthily as they can. nikola's typhlosion remains in the shadows for this, since the wisps at his neck would give them away immediately.

the two other people in the room don't seem to notice them. in the dim room, nikola taps both josh and andrea on the shoulder. "pull them away from their computers," they whisper as quietly as they can. "i'll hack in in the meantime." they put a hand out, and flammula's paw reaches out of the shadows and pulls them in with him. the two of them move towards the computers, with the typhlosion guiding his trainer. one might notice an odd shadow moving, but only if they were looking for it.

the only thing left for them is to wait. nikola hopes the two senior trainers don't cause too much of a commotion... and also that the power comes back on soon, because without it they can't gather any intelligence!

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 1:10:28 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Mecha-Chomper's electromagnetic pulse draped the lab in darkness, the electronic locks no longer able to hold the door sealed. Flammula and their shadow would have been completely invisible during the maneuver Nikola ordered. It did not take more than a minute for the backup power generator to kick in, but that was all the time they needed.

With the Gym Leader's reaction time, quick tags of a FIRE LASH were all Fire Eyes needed to get the Rockets to back down. A third flaming whip toward an alarm caused the device to go up in flames. While it was only one station, it was going to make it all the more difficult for Rocket to alert the entire base of their presence. For all they knew, someone upstairs could have merely tripped a breaker!

With the coast clear, Josh and Fire Eyes watching for reinforcements and ready to take them down within a split second, Nikola would be free to make unauthorized access to the Rocket laboratory's systems. Some of the files she would be able to access were downright horrific, describing inhumane experiments upon Pokémon in great detail, including those who did not survive. It also included a list of the Pokémon involved in active experiments, the list several pages long. The scope of the operation was just as disturbing as the procedures themselves. Were they to copy the list to their own storage medium, it would handily fulfill one of the items the League sought.


Through intimidation, Josh had convinced those at the computer to flee the lab with all due haste. Too much, as it were; the clink of a small, metallic object caught his ear just as the door closed behind him. "You know, Andrea, I'm starting to learn... with the Pokémon we have, it doesn't take much convincing for those trapped in Rocket to wane to leave against their wills. And those loyal to Rocket... they are the ones that choose death."


Picking up and swiping the object in the nearby card reader, the sliding door opened. Not wanting to blow their cover just yet, he swiped it a second time to close the door. "Nikola, see if can find us a schematic," the Gym Leader suggested. "That will help us know where to go. This place is way bigger than I thought it would be."

{WC: 402}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Fire Eyes     Salazzle       Good
Kion          Pyroar         Good
Vitani        Pyroar         Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Braver        Arcanine       Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 14:43:18 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Oops, the lights had gone off as well. Fortunately, the Iron Jugulis had built-in night vision. Unfortunately, Andrea did not, so she just fumbled her way around until she managed to sneak inside the room with the others.

In order for Nikola to do their hacking unimpeded, they needed a distraction. A Charge Beam destroyed some nearby machinery, forcing the scientists to hurry towards it and frantically try to put out the fire. Speaking of fire, Josh’s approach was much more direct, bullying the Rockets into submission with his Salazzle.

“Uh… yeah… sure.” The young cosplayer reluctantly nodded at his unhinged remarks. She didn’t like the idea of using Pokémon as intimidation tools, even though she was unwittingly doing just that. Nor did she like how nonchalant the Mauville Gym leader sounded about the prospect of killing unrepentant Rockets.

For the time being, Andrea chose not to speak up about it, and simply went with the flow.

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samsa, kafka, nika
august 26
slateport city
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
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TAG WITH @nikola
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 19:29:58 GMT
after the rockets leave the computers, nikola and flammula reappear. nikola immediately uses the datathief to hack into the terminals, downloading the information there so it can be used later. as they flick through the files, they start to feel something... odd. there's pictures of pokemon in cages and hooked up to contraptions, being tormented and having their power siphoned until there's nothing left. it's all so familiar... they stare at the monitor in front of them, trying to wrest away the knot being tied in their gut. the pokemon being tested on, the scientists testing them...

why do they see themself in both?

zoning out, nikola doesn't even hear what josh says. they're uncharacteristically quiet as the download finishes and they pocket the datathief again. then they return to reality, shaking their head to clear their thoughts. "...there's a map," they say, trying to focus. "uh... here." they bring it up on the monitor again. it looks like they're in the eastern wing, while most of the experiments go on in the central chamber. "if we go here, we can shut everything down, but... there's bound to be way more people there."

flammula is looking at nikola oddly, having noted their mood. being incapable of speech, he's unable to comment.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 6:12:37 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's remarks were harsh. Whether he wanted to or not, he had taken on parts of the opinions of many of the League's top officials. Though he didn't have the scorched-earth view of Rocket that did, he agreed that there were some within Rocket that were irrevocable. and were among them, and locking up psychopaths like those two would be too dangerous. In his mind, they deserved to have Hyper Beams put through their heads. He had learned to show the discrimination that , , and wanted him to. Before his training regiment to take on the Elite Four, Josh naively believed that everyone within Rocket, no matter how evil, could be saved.

His dealings with and beat into his head that some people within Rocket were beyond salvation. Those blighting Hoenn in such ways would be better off if they were wiped from existence. It may have come off as unhinged, but the look on the Gym Leader's face indicated he was serious. His time in the warzones of Meteno, Dewford, and Dewford Two had dulled his sensitivity to the finality of death. When his Pokémon died on the operating table, Josh was devastated. When his Braviary died in combat, he was over the loss within hours.

It was sickening what the reality of combat could do.


Not only was able to retrieve the experiments' data from the Rockets' network, but they were also able to locate a laboratory schematic. "Great work, Nikola," the Gym Leader gave them a pat on the back if they allowed it. "Let's make a beeline for the basement, find the staff list, and get our people out of here."

Josh took a photo of the map before leading the way to the lower level, Nikola's hacking needed a second time to get a remotely-operated security door opened. With them inside the lab area now, they had to be especially careful. Or they would have, if the alarm weren't blaring in the trio's ears.


"We're on borrowed time," Josh urgently noted aloud, the echoing sounds of Poké Balls popping audible down the hall. "We need to finish our work, and fast, or we'll be surrounded."

{WC: 375}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Fire Eyes     Salazzle       Good
Kion          Pyroar         Good
Vitani        Pyroar         Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Braver        Arcanine       Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 9:31:12 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea leaned over Nikola’s shoulder, covering her mouth in shock as pictures of abused Pokémon flashed on the screen in rapid succession, creating quite the gruesome slideshow. “That’s horrible… Why would anyone do such a thing?” She frowned, feeling for every single creature suffering in Team Rocket’s hands.

Their mission was simply to rescue one of the hostages, but that clearly wouldn’t be enough.

The trainer of dragons headed towards their next destination. Hearing the blaring alarm and the distant sounds of Pokéballs bursting open, she sent out her signature shiny Hydreigon to deal with what was ahead. “Go, Chomper! Mecha-Chomper, use Hurricane!”

With its Quark Drive fully charged thanks to the excess electricity in the area, the Iron Jugulis unleashed a powerful, forward-facing tornado. The real Chomper rode the turbulent winds, crashing into the enemies with a devastating, high-velocity Outrage. If the lab’s staff hadn’t been aware of their presence before, they certainly were now.

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samsa, kafka, nika
august 26
slateport city
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
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TAG WITH @nikola
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 18:22:45 GMT
so much for stealth! with the alarm blaring around them, all attention has been turned to the three intruders. well... the staff there will likely think it's two intruders, as nikola and flammula have melted away into the shadows once more. they'll have to trust that josh and andrea can handle the focus of the scientists here. or so nikola assumed, but the two rushing towards them now look a lot scarier than regular scientists. security, maybe?

there isn't much they can do about that now. they head towards the computer terminal while everyone is distracted amidst the noise and chaos. there they can apply the datathief once more, though they'll have to wait until everyone has turned their gaze toward josh and andrea. there's one particularly stubborn, hurried looking scientist in a labcoat typing away frantically at the console. still stealthing, nikola peers over their shoulder... and realizes they're trying to contact the outside world for help!

there's nothing for it, then. nikola steps out of the shadows and tackles them without hesitation, both of them flying to the ground with an "oof".

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 20:02:16 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The narrow halls made Chomper's OUTRAGE almost impossible to stop. Bodies, both human and Pokémon, went splat against the underground research facility's confines. With the Pokémaniac's dragons clearing the way, Josh and Fire Eyes were free to search the newly-accessible lower level. "Andrea, it seems like you have them under control. Fire Eyes and I are going to search for our missing person. This place isn't that big. We should be able to find them in little time at all." The schematic discovered was a great help in his search, only having to go through two hallways to find the holding area.

The smell of dilapidated Pokémon remains made Josh wince and even sneeze, getting the attention of a patrolling warden that pointed a BULLET SEED automatic shotgun at him. The two stared one another down for several minutes before the Gym Leader made the first move. Rolling a Poké Ball between the warden's legs was enough for the Rocket to pull the trigger, pelting both Josh and Fire Eyes with sharp, high-speed Grass-type projectiles. There were too many of them for the lizard to block. Every muscle in his body thumped as Josh felt his strength start to leave him from how many seeds had struck him. None entered any critical parts of his body, but the sheer amount of ammunition stuck in his body would necessitate psychic surgery when they returned. At least psychic Pokémon could make the operating process much less invasive than it traditionally was.

Kion emerged in front of the assailant's Poké Ball, a HEADBUTT leaving them with quite the sizable black-and-blue mark, robbing them of their consciousness. The warden would survive, but they would not be getting back up for quite some time. Shaking from the pain of the Bullet Seed dischages tearing away at his insides, he searched the Rocket's effects for the cell key, found it, and unlocked the doors within. "Gym Leader Devlin. There's no time to explain. Let's get out of here."

In the meantime, 's efforts would yield some additional data beyond what the League required. They would certainly get paid handsomely for their welcome work. After tackling the security trying to stop them, a clipboard goes flying out of one of their hands. Were they to examine it, it would be the staff list that the League wanted.


{WC: 398}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Fire Eyes     Salazzle       Good
Kion          Pyroar         Good
Vitani        Pyroar         Good
Raikiri       Zeraora        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Braver        Arcanine       Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
shadow self [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 9:38:22 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Chaos. Bodies flew left and right, while bullet seeds were fired from automatic guns. Mecha-Chomper easily blocked the Grass-type projectiles with its metallic body, but Josh ended up taking the brunt of it, leaving him worse for wear.

“Josh, are you OK?” Andrea shouted in worry, while also hastily checking the knocked out grunts for a pulse. Meanwhile, Chomper kept Outraging, knocking down any of the enemy’s remaining Pokémon.

Getting the cell key from the passed out warden, they freed the human hostages. That was four objectives crossed out from the list for those keeping track at home. All that was left was for them to skedaddle.

“Wait!” Andrea grabbed Josh’s shoulder. “We need to rescue the Pokémon too! We can’t leave them here!”

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