Dirty Jean Rocker

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 10:03:08 GMT
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Dylan entered the lecture hall, the door slowly creaking open. The hall was a wide stairwell with seats like a theater, professor at the bottom. He was of average height and not an athlete, but rather the mean skinny guy at the gym. His eyes were ringed with insomnia, and he was decked out in studded boots, black jeans, and a t-shirt with a coffin on it.

The hall was half-full, but he found his seat well enough. His footsteps rung out, no matter how hard he tried to quiet them. Dylan's hand held the guardrail, and even that had a distinct squeak to it. He was mad at himself, a little bit, for being curious enough to barge in.

His messenger bag fell to the ground, and he had his notepad out. Front row, looking at Howard as he lectured, whiteboard behind him and projector infront. He looked like an interesting guy, atleast. This was outside of his major, but Dylan wanted to hear a history lecture. It'd be like one of his podcasts.

He was obsessed with the Blowback of wars and natural disasters. With things that lead to his sentimental Ghosts. Even an idea can haunt people, in a way.

He furiously wrote down, pen not leaving the page. His handwriting looked like cursive by way of pharmacist script, and he looked up with a little smirk. "...Which books are you working off of?"

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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Nov 24, 2023 2:35:18 GMT
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Man, what he wouldn't do to be a tenured professor.

Historians were good for a few things according to the common masses: podcasts, books, and easy elective credits. Being a historian didn't tend to get you many grand prospects, given the fluctuations in the field. Authors spent time writing books, paleontologists spent time getting bitten by snakes in Johto, and the rest snapped after unpaid internships.

Professors? You got to teach this stuff, and send your students out into the world.

It was like a little Ponzi Scheme.

"Which is why we often look at the war between Kalos and Galar with such bright eyes today." Howard lectured to the hall, hand on his hips as he tapped the board, where Kalos and Galar were drawn. "It's easy to view it as a romantic war with hundreds of books, shows, and movies written about it. It's unappealing to think about the slaughter of people and Pokemon on a scale rarely seen since..."

Howard trailed off. Today. People and Pokemon died in Hoenn on large scales nowadays. Lots of battles waged, and lots of people died. His eye flicked over to Dylan as he arrived.

"Well!" Howard clapped his hands together as he turned to Dylan. "We're using Tactics on the Field today, which is a bibliography of Galarian general Arthur Clarkwell. For a Kalosian view, I recommend Lafayette's Révolution et de l'Empire."

The words rolled off his tongue flawlessly.

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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2023 8:24:34 GMT
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Dylan had an American college, Cornell University Notes approach. He had main talking points of the lecture in the center of his notebook page. Citations in the left margin, terms to look up later in the right margin. So far he had: Kalos and Galar war. Romanticized. <-Tactics on the field. Révolution de l'Empire. -> General Clarkwell.

The overall tone and tenor held his wrapt attention. Dylan felt like he was listening to Inebriated History, a man relitigating centuries old wars from the perspectives of the armies, the peasantry of the respective countries, and the generation after playing with the spoils.

He sat there, the little apple-polisher, waiting in silence. His pencil worked with the rhythm and precision of a sewing machine, producing the least legible handwriting of all time.

Dylan looked up, swelling with pride. He was often one to fly off the handle, to wildly misinterpret things. And Navy's "look for experts in their field, seek out other mentors" turned into "go back to college."

He blinked, having a brief pause. "...Galar is an island-nation, while Kalos has thousands of meters more arable land and is land-locked. Was this a war over resources?"

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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 20:05:18 GMT
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"Succession." Howard corrected, nodding as he did so. "The houses that formed Galar and Kalos's royal families were always linked. Years of political marriages made it so the Galarian king actually had a say in Kalos's new ruler. He chose himself. Kalos disagreed."

Of course, the resources were a valuable asset. Galar had traveled the world, colonizing and trading in other regions. Howard wouldn't be surprised if many native Hoenn citizens were partially Galarian. He'd have to ask Tempest Quinn about that, given the man's Hoyeon heritage.

Yet Galar would not complain about swallowing Kalos into the fold. It had not been a glorious war.

"The Pokémon casualties were enormous." Howard coughed into his fist and tapped the board, eye on Dylan. "Mass ceremonial graves dot the Geosenge section of Kalos to this day. A horrible disconnect between people and Pokémon."

"That's why you all must be careful. Times are changing, and Pokemon, despite our companionship with them, are dangerous creatures. We can send them to fight our wars, but they have power far beyond our own."

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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 10:32:54 GMT
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Dylan's... materialist oversimplifying gave way to something much more disappointing: in-fighting between royals. People utterly sheltered from the consequences of their actions, save for being killed by someone gunning for a higher spot in their already lofty place in the world. He went quiet, writing down the key points.

He wrote with all the conviction of putting names in the Death Note. Mass ceremonial graves. War of succession. Disconnect between people and pokemon -> disconnect between people and nature (?).  He then flipped the page over, expanding on this train of thought, beyond lecture/citation/research later.

Mechanical Kingdom. Besieged castle. Dining hall, nobles all dead. Volcanion still lurking, killing god knows how many people. That was the ruins of another battlefield, sure. We are all capable of this, and capable of being their prey.

Dylan looked up, having spent a third of a page of notes, and a full page of organizing his own thoughts on the subject matter.

He blinked, having a brief pause. "...What have you noticed about their relationship to power and pokemon, versus ours?"

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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2023 9:16:15 GMT
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"There is no difference." Howard put his hands on his hips as he took off his cowboy hat. His eyepatch gleamed slightly as he scratched his chins. "People and Pokémon have always gotten along, but there are always dissenters."

Some people would always mistreat their Pokémon. Some people would treat them well. Some Pokémon would attack people. Some would choose to coexist.

That did not change the power dynamic between the two sides. Pokémon, especially Legendary Pokémon, had the power to warp reality. What could humanity do to fight such a force? Howard checked his watch, and sighed. Had the lecture gone on for that long? He had lost track of time.

Howard looked up to Dylan, and frowned slightly. Why would someone ask something like that? It reminded him of a certain Head Scientist within Team Rocket, and the archaeologist's interest was piqued. Howard put a pointer down on the desk, and stretched.

"Class dismissed." Howard's eye flicked to Dylan. "Come down here, Mister...?"

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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Dirty Jean Rocker
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 2:39:46 GMT
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There are always dissenters. What did that make Dylan. He glanced aside, having come into this conversation with a karmic debt. He had a fear of what "power" looked like following his foray into the Wilds, which led to fasttracking his Eevee's evolution and growth, and woe betide his Skeledirge.

The lecture ended, with students slowly peeling out of the room. They ascended the stairs, exiting the "pit" of the lecture hall.

Truth be told, Dylan had the brain to be a Rocket. The thing stopping it is he'd like to fight them too. He didn't know who could actually be trusted with enough power to kill a man, to level a city. In another life, Dylan could've been his assistant, to protect the world from devastation and unite the worlds within our nation.

Dylan perked up, stepping beside his desk and descending the steps. He approached Howard, stopping with five feet of space between them. He leaned on the professor's desk off an arm like a bike's kickstand. "...Dylan. Sayer. I didn't mean to disturb your lecture, Professor... Slayte?"

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 5:42:56 GMT
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"Professor?" Howard's eye widened, and he laughed loudly, shaking his head. His laugh echoed through the lecture hall, which had since vacated of students. "No, no. I'm just a speaker for the university sometimes. Never got a teaching credential."

As he spoke, Howard began closing his backpack and zipping up his briefcase. His backpack was monstrous, more akin to a hiker's rather than a student's.

He could've become a professor, admittedly, but Howard couldn't bring new archaeologists into the world. Doing so would be like stoking the passions of those meant to fail. Archaeology degrees were hardly employable, outside 's museum. Doing so would be an act of cruelty. Instead, he taught on the side. It made him feel less... guilty.

"You didn't interrupt anything." Howard said, shaking his head. "I'm glad you asked those questions. You have problems with Pokémon, Dylan?"

Howard said this conversationally, but he had a suspicion. One didn't ask questions about the dynamics of Pokémon with people unless it bothered them in some way.

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 7:41:00 GMT
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They were speaking the same language here. There was a wry smile, matching his hearty laugh. "Coulda been me, too. I went to med school. I'm an... artist by trade now, so I just go to guest lectures for the love of the game."

The two of them stood there, each clutching their backpacks. Dylan's messenger bag hung off him just above the knee, and seemed to sway as he moved his neck.

He was a legacy admission, a would-be mortician, son of a surgeon. To liken himself to Howard here was a little... off. Furthermore: His hobby started making more money than his apprenticeship. He was too good at and had too much fun making... halloween music every year. If nobody clicked on his music videos he would've been consoling grieving families by now.

Dylan glanced aside for a second at his question. He thought to the thousands of mechanical Volcanion, some of whom nearly killed him. That and... the ownership of Paradox Pokemon. The human pursuit and abuse of their power. He chose his words very carefully. "...I don't have problems with pokemon. I had a Mightyena growing up. It's the way people seek out and misuse their power that gets me."

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
Dirty Jean Rocker
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 20:13:43 GMT
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Click. Click. The briefcase was clicked shut. There was a pause when Dylan mentioned Paradox Pokémon. Click. Click.

Abominations. Especially the ones that originated from the past. They spat on history, on archaeology, on Howard himself. He had spent years studying his field, and the Interdream Mist decided that it could just spit out fictitious creatures, with no right to exist? It reminded Howard of early archaeology, where individuals had simply made up fossils in order to propel themselves up the ladder of notoriety.


had asked him to look into the Paradox phenomenon. From Howard's viewpoint, there was no connecting strand, besides the ignorance of humanity. He could understand those Future Paradoxes, born of human's desire to look forward. Anything else was unacceptable.


Howard looked away from his briefcase towards Dylan, eyebrow raised. It was a very teacher-like request. He wanted Dylan to defend his point, lest Howard pollute the conversation with his own argument.

Not that the archaeologist disagreed with the other man.

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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Dirty Jean Rocker
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 23:28:14 GMT
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His concern was real, but his understanding of time travel was only undergirded by pop culture. "I’ve seen a few. Do they directly come forward from our past? They’re outliers, for now, and that’s fine. My biggest fear is that enough of them will be adopted, killed in service of people’s ambitions and conflict with others, or failing to adapt to modern ecosystems in the wild. Could we see an extinction of Phanpy, Foongus, or Bagon?"

Howard set aside his briefcase. All the while, Dylan held his bookbag in his hand, as it sat just above his knee. Like his clothes, it appeared to be one size too big, like he was hiding in it.

The wilds and the borders took him to the past shorn of any romanticization from the present. These experiences continued to haunt him. All the while, Dylan had slowly been amassing a cadre of experts, people who could train him until he could confront his fears. His dark-ringed eyes stood in for sleepless nights and anxieties he couldn’t fight yet.

Dylan felt as though he changed the tenor of the lecture and the room at large, and glanced aside, with a pang of guilt.. That and... the ownership of Paradox Pokemon. "...I’ve also seen machines that copy them. Volcanion, Thievul, and some… third thing. Divorced of feelings, sleeping, and eating. All they can do is kill for a kingdom that already fell. And I'm sure it's the future of war here."

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 1:22:54 GMT
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"The Mechanical Kingdom?" Howard had never been, but he had access to several of Team Rocket's reports regarding the location. If Dylan was just a bored study, then it extended far beyond visiting random lecturers and asking questions. Dylan had traveled dimensions.

Not that it mattered. The League's security for traveling to alternate worlds was essentially just a chain-link fence, given how many holes in security there were. People were able to hop to Ultra Space and beyond with impunity. Explained why Team Rocket was able to invade the dimension from under the League's nose.

Then again, how did you prevent travel to other dimensions?

"They're abominations, admittedly. I agree. Yet they're mutants, incapable of breeding. They're completely sterile." Howard asked the other man. "Are they the threat, or is the mist that produces them the threat?"

A test?

"And machines cannot breed, either. They can't eat, sleep, or do anything at all. Are they even Pokémon if they can't feel? Why not treat anything stemming from the mist or another world as an assault by a foreign power?"

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2023 5:13:03 GMT
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Admittedly, Howard's line of questioning gave him more to think about here. Dylan came in feeling confident, but he was thinking just about comparing notes in this moment. "...Mm. --Mist? I was acting under the assumption that this is just what those pokemon were like, and that they were being poached directly from the past. Thanks."

Mist? Dylan glanced aside, mulling it over. He couldn't keep rerouting thoughts into his most recent fears and fixations. But this mist would put even the past pokemon into the same camp as the future and the automatons, to him. But, his mood and expression lightened when Howard said that to him, in either case.

He folded his arms, leaning to one side. He'd been given another thing to bat around, and was slowly veering out of his depth. While Dylan had a vague "who can be trusted with power, really" feeling, the wilds as a thing to point to were interesting.

Dylan's eyes lit up as Howard continued. "They aren't beings with identities at that point, they're their owners' weapons. Having heard your above point though, my concerns have shifted just to access to the technology and other worlds. Something coming out could be a threat, and so far as I can tell, there's nothing actually stopping someone like me from going in there."

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2023 5:09:52 GMT
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"They're not from the past. I've done a lot of archaeological study in my time, and I've read hundreds of historical accounts. Those things, whatever they are, are not from our time." Howard said grimly. Abominations were abominations. Howard didn't accept them as anything but dogs meant to be put down. "Don't worry. I hardly understand the theories myself."

Paradox Pokémon were not Pokémon. The ones from the future, maybe. The ones from the past? No. Absolutely not. They mocked Howard by virtue of their existence.

The Interdream Mist. Howard knew that there was more information on it than what he knew, but he hadn't bothered to use his position to study the phenomenon. He trusted that scientists like Head Scientist Sato and Lulu Flint would crack the code behind their existence.

Howard stared at his briefcase for a moment, before continuing.

"The only thing stopping you is yourself. Do not enter the mist. You become your own worst enemy. As for other worlds..." The chain-link fence that guarded Ultra Space had plenty of holes. Dylan could sneak in. "You'll find your answer there. I never did, but I've always been more of a Hoenn purist than an otherworldly spelunker."

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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Dirty Jean Rocker
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 2:17:02 GMT
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Howard was making some points. While at this point he was demoted to Soundcloud Rapper, Dylan still had a background in the medical sciences. The nepo-baby of Galar's Surgeon General. "...Mm. Well, if they aren't of this world... I want to collect samples. That green slime too."

Green slime. So unlike any pokemon he'd ever seen. Wriggled out of his hands like a worm and slipped down a drain-pipe. If it was otherworldly, he wanted to dissect it and present his findings to the world.

The dream mist. Dylan had a proustian reverie. All his dreams were there and they were so lucid he could taste the air. Grimmsnarl becoming a giant to protect him. That Beautiful Princess Disordered queen lighting a cigarette off of his. Giratina saving him from the burden of being known, whisking him away. He couldn't help but smile wide enough for Howard to see it, at the thought of it.

Dylan looked a little guilty, having gone off about security around the zones. But he had a duty to atleast know what he was talking about. "I suppose... I'm planning another trip through the mist, hypocrite I may be. I can't help but want to see it all. The skeletons there were... people who looked like they were more at peace than anyone here."

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