Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 7:26:57 GMT
Ettie Avatar
When one is on the mend, especially at the hospital of all places, day-to-day is likely to blend into a haze of boredom - limited to bed, with nothing to do. However, when one also has a very determined wildchild for a friend, sometimes those days become a lot less boring.

It would be in the afternoon that it happened - a flutter of dark wings, as a Honchkrow roosts in a window, one that had been opened to let in some fresh air. Perhaps this corvid would be familiar, as it tilted its head one way, then the other, to regard Josh, Mastema, and anyone - or anything - else in the room...

... Only to glance outside, and gesture with a wing and a raucous caw!

"Okay!" A faint yet familiar voice called, from somewhere outside. "Am coming!"

The next sight is a strange one, what almost looks to be a portal made of paint forming by the window... And from this portal, out popped none other than Yip, who Teleported here with Ettie in tow!

It's plain to see that Ettie was happy to see Josh. "Friend!" Her eyes light up as she sees him - but whereas any other greeting would be an exuberant hug... This time, it's clear she's mindful of his arm - because she is careful as she goes to his right side, and sits at the edge of the bed so that she can gently embrace him.

"Is okay?" She asks, as she nuzzles him. "Arm still hurt?" She remembered, amidst the chaos with the Megalopolans, the injuries that he had received. While she was happy that it seemed like the worst of it was being tended to, she also knew quite well that bone injuries took a lot longer to heal.

Though, she also didn't like thinking about that whole fiasco. It always made her feel at unease. She just wanted to focus on her friends and packmates.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 0:03:41 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh was getting more and more anxious by the day; with his arm healing well, he would be feeling well enough to be discharged within a week. He would still need months of rehab to regain full capacity with his reconstructed arm, but at the very least he could live his life outside the confines of a hospital room. Mastema showered Josh with another dose of LIFE DEW as the quiz show he became fond of watching returned from a commercial break.

His head tilted toward the window as the host read the categories, one of them being "Firsts in Science". That Honchkrow was flying awfully high up; it was impressive for the Pokémon to have reached the tenth floor!

Just as the portal of paint formed, the host read the round's first clue:

In 1937, this 43rd chemical element was discovered by Carlo Perrier in an Alto Maren laboratory; it was the first artificial element ever produced

"What is technetium?" Josh answered while the clue was still on screen, smiling that he got it right. Before he could follow along with the show more, Yip and Ettie had barged their way into the room, Mastema scowling at them. The yip of a Rockruff could also be heard, but no such Pokémon was in immediate sight.

"You could have used the door, you know," Josh huffed, "It's... healing, but it's not great. I just feel bad for Mastema. He has to sprinkle Life Dew over me every few hours to keep me from going into shock."

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
???           Rockruff       Good
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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 0:25:29 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Ettie was oblivious to Mastema's scowl; though Yip was less-so, the Smeargle glancing to the Togekiss and giving a cheeky little snicker.

(The Honchkrow - Astus - on the other hand, simply sighed and gave Mastema a sympathetic shake of the head, as if to say 'It couldn't be helped.')

The chiding was met with a pout from Ettie, though. "Ettie try, but everyone grumpy or busy." She huffed, though she perked back up quickly as she added "Easy to find, like this, anyways!" It was a lot faster to let Astus search, than for her to try and remember numbers and figure out elevators on her own.

The mention of Mastema, though, would make Ettie hum. "Can rest, if packmate use Life Dew?" She asked thoughtfully - already digging through her bag for her pokeballs. She had brought some healing packmates with her, figuring that they could help give Josh some relief - if it meant that Mastema could take a break, then all the better!

Meanwhile though, Yip's attention had shifted to the Rockruff's yip; the Smeargle would begin sniffing around, eager to greet whoever else was hanging out in here.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 3:06:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

The answers and questions turned to mere background noise, Mastema shrugging before going back to idly floating where the other hospital bed would have been if Josh didn't need the space for his Pokémon. "We really are different kinds of crazy, aren't we?" Josh laughed.

At Ettie's offer, the neutral-looking, sleep-deprived Togekiss flashed a slight smile. "I'm sure he would be thrilled to be able to sleep for more than three hours at a time. I have to have a dose of Life Dew every four hours or so. He's the only Pokémon I have that knows the move and is small enough to stay in the room. Plus, I don't think a Milotic would like being out of water for so long." They could survive out of water for longer than most aquatic Pokémon, but it would be nowhere close to enough to provide meaningful relief for the fairy-type.

As the Smeargle started sniffing on and under the bed, a Rockruff would likewise yip before stepping out from under the covers touching the freshly-mopped floor.

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
???           Rockruff       Good
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 5:08:09 GMT
Ettie Avatar
With that settled, Ettie nodded and pulled out a pokeball - and opened it up to bring out a certain shiny Primarina, Cassie!

Cassie knew well that she was gonna be visiting Josh in the hospital; but it was still a bit surprising, this vastly different environment she found herself in from the usual den, or waterways she sometimes explored alongside Ettie. But safe to say, it seemed she'd fit the bill for Mastema's substitute, given that she didn't take up much more space than a grown man.

Ettie smiled bright - and was quick to instruct. "Help Mastema-friend; Life Dew for Josh-friend so Mastema-friend can rest!" She spoke, gesturing accordingly.

To which, Cassie let out a little whistle of confirmation, her voice melodious. She could do that; healing was in her nature, after all!

With that settled though, Ettie was surprised when she glanced down to see a Rockruff coming out from under the bed. Moving to kneel on the floor, she'd giggle to the pup - holding out a hand for them to sniff. "Hello, little one," She greeted the Rockruff, her demeanor shifting into something more gentle, almost maternal. "Is packmate for Josh-friend?"

Yip would give a yap in greeting, as well - tail swishing. New friends was always good!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 21:33:54 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Though he didn't show it right away, Mastema was relieved to see the Shiny Primarina relieve him. With Cassie watching over Josh, the Togekiss yawned and closed his eye, gently landing on the floor and zonking out. As stern as he was, he sure looked cute while sleeping!

The small canine approached Yip cautiously before letting out another yip that made Josh coo. "Haven't come up with a name for the little one yet. I was going to, then... well, you were there, too. You know." It was a day that ruined his plans to be covert with Raikou until the invasion. Now, everyone in Rocket knew how dangerous the Gym Leader was. "And now you know about Swift, too." His eyes shifted toward the RAINBOW FEATHER on a nearby movable table...

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
???           Rockruff       Good
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 15:47:41 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The mention of the Prismatic Penitentiary makes Ettie's expression flicker. That loneliness, that stress, that fear... It had been a lot for her, even if she hadn't outwardly showed it at the time.

She still finds herself wondering whatever it was, that Anat had seen in Pecharunt, but not Cyllora. She still finds herself dreaming of that strange city - even if it's not the same shared dream - and wandering it alone, seeing her dormant packmates.

But, glancing to the Rainbow Feather much the same, she lets it hold her attention - lets it distract her from those less pleasant thoughts. "Swift is... Gray Raikou?" Ettie asked, tilting her head a little. She had seen the ashen beast, and recognized the fur pattern and shape to be that of Raikou, even if the colors weren't the same.

Josh dreamed about that sort of thing, didn't he?
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 22:02:00 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"He is," Josh answered, reaching for the table's pole and slowly swimging it around so he could touch the feather. "As a kid, it was what I dreamed of. And as soon as that dream became a reality, Kyle died. Then I got locked up in Ultra Space, like you did. And now I'm in another prison. It's just so Arceus-damned frustrating." If had medical knowledge, she may have noticed Josh's blood pressure rising.

The cloned Pokémon bothered Josh, too. Were they able to make a copy of the Rainbow Feather? Would he have to, effectively, fight himself? There wasn't much he could do, though, not without dimensional travel. The rifts could take him to the Ultra Wilds, yes, but there was no such rift to Ultra Megalopolis. There was little he could do until the Megalopolans came to Hoenn. And he had a sinking feeling it would be sooner than later.

"I just want out of this bed. I want to race Swift. Understand him. Figure out how he can get stronger," the injured Gym Leader moaned. "But I've waited fourteen years already. What's a few more months?"

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
???           Rockruff       Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 14:46:29 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Josh's laments are met with a sympathetic smile from Ettie. "Need rest, or will hurt self." She spoke knowingly, gently patting his good shoulder. "Can run lots, when better!" There was plenty of time in the world for that sort of thing, right?

And with how often Josh hyped up Raikou, she was sure he'd have a ton of fun with it. To run together is great, and running with Swift sounded like it'd be wonderful!

But, there was also another notion - the one of strength. And that posed a question in Ettie's head, that she couldn't help but ask. "How strong... Is enough?" She wondered out loud. Would things have gone differently, if Ettie was stronger?

As she tried to think it over, she'd glance back down to the Rockruff - gently petting the pup.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 8:57:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's frown started to disappear as Ettie gave him a pat on his good shoulder. "I know, Ettie, I know... it's just... frustrating not being able to do anything to help the League win this war. I'm a Champion, you know. I'm expected to contribute. It won't be on the front lines, but I still need to support the war effort somehow. When I'm better." The job of a supply runner wasn't glamorous, but it was important on the field of battle. And his legendary partner was perfect for it, fast as a lightning bolt. He didn't need to engage with enemy combatants. He just needed to get past them.

For he had what may have been the fastest Pokémon on land.

Ettie's words were few, but her wisdom was sublime, especially for her age. "Strong enough to end the war," Josh answered. "I spent... a month with AQUA trying to figure out why Swift can't defeat a single one of my other gym Pokémon." The rock-type whined affectionately upon being pet and given attention. "Ettie, do you have any idea how frustrating it is? Being passed down a legendary Pokémon, only that it's nothing like what you believed it to be?" His eyes shifted toward the wild child and Rockroff at play. "Sarulf here -- that's the name I'm giving him -- would be an even match for Swift as he is now."

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Sarulf        Rockruff       Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 8:26:29 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Now this made Ettie blink a bit - "... War?"

She knew what the word meant, distantly, even if it was something difficult for the child to fathom. She wasn't sure where she learned it - but it nonetheless lingered almost the same way that the familiarity she felt towards those from that distant 20-year dream did. But given that she didn't stick her head into Rocket and League business much, it wasn't something she considered until now.

Was that why there had been so much fighting, even if only briefly, in that window between their escape and actually heading home...?

Nonetheless, as Josh answers her questions, she listens. But amidst all of it all, there's something that rubs her a bit wrong. "Why... Need strong Swift?" She asks, speaking a bit more slowly as she tries to figure out how to articulate herself. "Swift... Good at fast. Is not enough?"

Josh liked fast pokemon, didn't he? And even if Swift wasn't good in a fight... Did he really need to force Swift into something they weren't suited to? It wouldn't be right for her to force one of her Flock to swim when they weren't at home in the water, right?
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 23:47:19 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Yes, the war against Rocket," Josh explained. "As a Champion, I have the League's trust. Being a Champion is the highest honor that just anyone in Hoenn can receive. I can influence what goes on beyond closed doors. My opinion is valued. And the price of that trust is loyalty to them." The Gym Leader sighed. "Ettie, I know I'm no fighter. I figured that out at Dewford last year."

Not every Champion needed to be a fighter. Josh did, however, need to contribute to the war effort in his own way. And it was all that had convinced him to find the role he was currently in.

"When I was a kid, I dreamed of riding on a Raikou, wielding an electric sword, and cleaving Rocket in two. But I don't belong on the front lines. Where I can take advantage of Swift's speed the most is as a medicine runner. A supply runner."

Even Sarulf froze, sensing the melancholy in the room as he ceased being playful. "Ettie, it's never so simple. He needs to be able to defend himself against Rockets trying to cut supply routes off. And to do that, he needs to be stronger than he is."

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Sarulf        Rockruff       Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 4:36:12 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The more Josh spoke, the more Ettie seemed to frown. Sure, it made sense - even if Swift's main goal was to get stuff around rather than fight, there'd still be danger afoot... But at the same time, was the solution really to put pressure on the Raikou?

Granted, she did not realize that it was a construct; but even then, it'd have rubbed her the wrong way either way. It didn't feel right, even if she couldn't articulate it - and the fact she couldn't always find the words she wanted to put to it frustrated her. "Why... Only Swift? Not have others?" Did Swift really have to be the only one fighting?

Sarulf's change in demeanor, however, soon grabbed Ettie's attention. Seeing the Rockruff's unease, her instincts demanded that she change focus. So, she would reach out to gently scritch behind his ear. "Is okay, Sarulf." She cooed soothingly - wanting to distract and reassure the little one. "Want play? Treats? Cuddles?"

Looking after the younger ones always did come naturally to her.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 22:05:32 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Ettie had a point; Josh had other Pokémon. Rare and powerful ones at that. After all, they had worked together to take down Entei as part of his Champion Assessment. Even so, he needed to be sure Swift was as strong as the legend that gave him his reputation before getting too deep into the war. "I have the trust of the Great One. The patron deity of Johto," Josh added, among the last words he heard from the missing Rainbow Pokémon or their Avatar before both of them vanished from the face of the earth. "And it's not just Swift that will be out there. He's just the fastest and most effective Pokémon I have."

The Rockruff leaped into Ettie's arms, letting the wild child cuddle him. He looked happy as could be with her scratches tickling him behind the ears. "It's just... it's hard when all eyes are on you, you know?" Josh asked rhetorically. "When a god places you on the cosmic chess board stretching across Hoenn and beyond, your life changes overnight. And not always for the better."

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Mastema       Togekiss       Good
Sarulf        Rockruff       Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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15 (Estimated)
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TAG WITH @ettie
Emotional Support Wildchild [Mission w/ Josh]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 21:51:44 GMT
Ettie Avatar
As Sarulf snuggled into her arms, Ettie giggled - happily making cooing sounds and continuing to give him scritches. "Good Sarulf. No worries, is okay." She spoke encouragingly, getting out a treat for the Rockruff. Pups didn't need to worry about conflict and hurt; not when they were still learning how to be wolves! So, she was happy to keep him occupied.

But, she still listened to Josh speaking - and glancing up to him, she frowned softly, visibly thoughtful. She didn't understand what a cosmic chess board might mean, or even of the world beyond Hoenn all that well, but... Nonetheless, it did sound like there was a lot on Josh's shoulders. "Caring for pack... Is not easy. More hard, when pack is big. But... Big pack means... Not alone, right?" She mused out loud - glancing up to him.

Even if there were a lot of people looking to him... He had just as many people to back him up, surely. He didn't need to face this alone. "Ettie here, Ettie help friends." She added with a gentle smile. Whatever he needed, she was happy to lend a hand.
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