The Haunting (Gym)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 07
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Johanna Joy
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 17:32:36 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Johanna had made her way to Littleroot with one purpose. There was a badge here to win, and she intended to do so. She knew it wouldn’t be easy though, and so she had taken one of her heavy hitters with her.

But when she stood in front of the Ordeal Gym doubt began to worm its way into her mind, she had to do a double take of the address. Where she had expected a Gym, there seemed to be a Library. But the address was 100% correct, and so she went inside, quickly looking for the nearest person or Pokemon to ask.

“Hello there, Sorry to interrupt. I am here for the Gym challenge.”

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 17:19:32 GMT
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It would be a Joltik that encountered first, dangling from a thread attached to the ceiling. It seemed confused for a moment, looking around for someone else that might better be able to aid her.

It seemed to succeed, as it soon shone a Spotlight over Johanna - Illuminate-ing its body as it did so.

Considering Hideo emerged from a bookshelf, accompanied by a Beheeyem - the act worked. "Sorry 'bout that!" Hideo said, making his way over to her. "Got a bit preoccupied with his siblings!"

Four other Joltiks emerged from different parts of Hideo's outfit - and the Illumina Joltik soon joined them, hopping off its string onto Hideo's head.

"Johanna Joy, right? I'm Hideo! I'm the Gym Leader here, and I'll be handling your challenge today! If you can just follow me, I'll show you the way where we'll handle the battle."

Hideo turned around, beckoning Johanna to follow. It'd be a short walk towards the battle arena - but it wouldn't be a quiet one.

(Not just because of the Joltiks chattering on Hideo's body)

"So I like to ask all my challengers this: what got you interested in trying out my Gym Challenge today?"

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July 07
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Johanna Joy
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 9:35:43 GMT
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A Joltik greeted her. Luckily Johanna had no issues with such Pokemon. It quickly directed her attention to the one she sought.

She gave the young man a it's-alright hand wave gesture and when Hideo confirmed her identity she simply gave a nod, thoughtlessly forgetting certain disabilities were a thing.

But either way she followed and momentarily pondered Hideo’s question. For a moment she considered offering him a sweet lie, to tell him that there was something that called her to this gym. But there was no such thing, and in the end it would be cruel to do so.

“Honestly, I intend to do the whole circuit and yours were just the next on the list.”

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 23:08:34 GMT
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Hideo nodded, with no change to his demeanor. "That's fine! You don't gotta have a deep reason to do my challenge." It was inevitable that he'd get challengers that just considered his Gym another stepping stone on the way up. "Every Gym counts when you're on your way to the Champ Assessment!"

In short order, they'd reach a set of doors. The Joltiks on Hideo's body scattered, dispersing throughout the Gym. Here we are," Hideo said, his Beheeyem Psychically opening the doors for him.

Inside was a fairly featureless room, with a number of people sitting on the bleachers on each side. A number of psychic Pokemon were at each end of the arena, and on the opposing end of the arena, stood Hideo's chosen Pokemon: a Lurantis, who was preening her arms clean.

"Once you got your chosen Pokemon ready, we can begin." Hideo broke away from Joanna, walking over to his Lurantis as his Beheeyem joined the other Psychic Pokemon on the sidelines.

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July 07
Ever Grande City
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170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 7:18:02 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
The walk was short, but each step felt like an eternity on the path that Hideo led. But in the end they reached the arena.

Johanna noted the lack of features, as well as the people. This was far from the bombastic extravagance she had applied to her own Gym back in the day. But she liked it, it had its charm.

Johanna took her position as contestant, and with a quick throw of a Pokéball she sent her chosen Pokemon out.

The Flutter Mane cheerily greeted every with its ghostly voice. A quick few shakes of its fluttering mane prepared it for battle.

It wouldn’t take long before Johanna gave the first command.

“Shadow Ball.”

A black and purple ball of energy formed in front of Flutter Many for a moment before it was fired in the direction of Lurantis.

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2024 19:07:10 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
With the Flutter Mane out, they could begin. "Now that we got our Pokemon out, let's set up the stage!" A Psychic Terrain was spread by the Psychic Pokemon on the outer edges of the arena, the environment quickly transforming into something completely different.



[attr="class","puppycat"]Enjoy the Sunshower
Sunlit Shower
The building around them disappeared, the bleachers and the audience disappearing as well. It would be as if the building they were in had never existed, the battlers by what seemed to be an oversized underpass. Numerous umbrellas littered the area, most in various stages of disrepair, none of which could protect them from the elements.

The rain would be hard to miss, a constant shower around them all, with as many puddles as there were umbrellas. But even as the rain hit their bodies, or their feet stepped in puddles, they wouldn't actually feel the rain, let alone any wetness; it was just an illusion, after all.

Even if the rain and puddles reacted as if they were real.

At this point, Hideo would have offered the challenger the first move - as was tradition for Gyms. Yet the challenger acted first, a Shadow Ball flying straight into the Lurantis, who was pushed back by the attack.

But she was far from done.

"Starting off quick? Fair enough, but let's make things a bit brighter first."

A sphere of light emerged from the Lurantis, flying up into the illusory sky. A Sunny Day shone down, the battlers treated to a warm sunshower.

Lurantis was his by Shadow Ball
Lurantis used Sunny Day

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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Johanna Joy
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 16:45:40 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Johanna’s surprise was evident as the building disappeared, bleachers and audience alongside it. Rain began to hit her, and naturally she thought that she was about to be drenched, but upon closer inspection she did not feel wet.

Ah, an illusion. Johanna reminded herself.

“Indeed!” Johanna mused, a jesting smile beamed at the Gym Leader.

“Keep on the offensive.” Johanna instructed. And as Sunny Day brightened the skies she decided to take advantage of it.

“Mystical Fire”

The Flutter Mane was quick to let the almost forming ghost energies dissipate into the air as it changed move. A small spark flickered in front of the ghost before a roaring blaze empowered by the bright sun flew toward the Lurantis.

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 19:38:06 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar


[attr="class","puppycat"]Enjoy the Sunshower
Sunlit Shower
Drops of rain fell upon the Mystical Fire, sizzling and boiling into steam as the attack flew towards the Lurantis.

And that attack hit harder than the last; her grass-typing didn't fare well against the fire-type attack, both empowered by the Sunny Day itself and the Flutter Mane's Protosynthesis enhancing its power. A lesser Pokemon may have been taken down by that singular strike - or would have been debilitated by it.

But the Lurantis stood strong. Contrary to what one would believe, she was still raring to go. In fact, she even seemed emboldened by the attack.

"Well, you might take things quickly…but preparation can go a long way!"

Light from the Sunny Day seemed to focus on the Lurantis as its body glowed white, performing Synthesis and healing the damage dealt to it a moment ago.

"Hope you're ready!"

Lurantis was his by Mystical Fire
Lurantis was buffed by Mystical Fire, due to Contrary
Lurantis used Synthesis

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October 13
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The Haunting (Gym)
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 6:00:18 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!



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